The On1y One (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Beginning: You're Not My Brother

Jiang Tian!
The current global population
is about seven billion people.
If everyone's average lifespan
is 80 years,
and you meet a thousand people
in a day on average,
you'll meet about 292 million people
in your lifetime.
I'm going to school.
The chance of two people meeting
in this world is 0.00417%.
And for it to turn out that you like him,
and he likes you back,
the chances of you becoming
each other's other half
is only 0.0000173%.
In each person's life,
there will be a certain moment
which makes a deep and profound memory.
This will become a very special moment.
It will become the most important memory
of your life in the future.
Our family's old house is in Tamsui.
But I only lived there until I was
7 years old, then we moved out.
Then my mom passed away.
And I've never been back.
It's been a long time
since I've been there.
I feel like I don't remember anything.
I just remember it was warm.
Mom would always make mint honey lemonade.
I don't know if summer in Tamsui
is still as hot.
Xiaowang, you really don't need me
to go with you for the registration?
I can do it myself.
Thanks, Uncle Xiao Chen.
I'll get going.
Big news, big news!
Sorry, excuse me.
Big news, big news!
-What's up?
-Our class is getting a new student.
New student?
Who is it?
I just heard it
in the Disciplinary Office.
No way.
Year Two is such a critical period.
-Who would transfer now?
Is it real? A guy or a girl?
And they managed to get
into the gifted class.
He or she is not just anybody.
He probably has good grades.
-Is it real?
-It's true. I saw him. It's a guy.
He is
fair skinned and clean looking.
He is quite good looking.
Is he tall?
-Looks about 185 centimeters.
-That's 30 centimeters taller than you.
-Hey, Tian!
-Morning, Tian!
Where was his previous school?
I heard that it was
an international school in Shanghai.
International school?
International school?!
The tuition fee is super expensive,
and it's bilingual.
He must be very good at English.
You need to watch out.
Hey, Tian.
I heard that someone transferred
to our class from Shanghai.
His grades look good.
Gao Tianyang is really bad.
Be careful with your number one title.
None of my business.
He's harsh.
-So 185 should be about the same as me.
-No, no.
-Take a closer look at your own height.
-185 is
Two Little Chilli.
Around the height of two Little Chilli.
-Two Li Yu.
Pretty much.
-Pretty much.
-Probably around Qi Jiahao's height.
-That's right.
-Xiaowang, have you lost your mind?
Why don't you let Uncle Chen
take you inside?
I didn't lose my mind. I'm fine.
-It's the first day at your new school.
It's better to have someone with you.
-Okay, forget about it.
How's the new school?
-Oh right, have you met Xu?
I asked if you had met Xu.
Xiaowang? Hello?
What do you want me to say?
You won't even give me a chance to speak.
-No, I mean
-Who is this Xu?
Xu is your head of discipline.
He's a bit chubby.
He has good features,
just a little serious-looking.
Wait, Xu said he was going to pick you up.
Didn't you see him?
The teacher who sent me here
is quite friendly.
He kept smiling at me.
Just that he talked a lot,
like a big-mouthed monkey.
That's him.
You call this a serious face
and good features?
All right.
You just arrived.
You should call your family.
It's fine.
I've finished talking anyway and
we are not allowed
-to use mobile phones in school.
What have I just told you?
This student has an attractive face.
But at first glance, you can tell that
he is a good student.
These are for this semester.
Your textbooks, theoretically.
Take them home and have a look at them.
My textbooks, theoretically?
Are there other materials?
I have seen your information.
Do you often change schools?
Yes, due to my dad's work.
I go wherever he goes.
Then you've lived in Shanghai?
I attended an international school
in Shanghai before.
No wonder your have a special accent.
Your English should be pretty good then.
You know, in this school,
the teaching pedagogy
and the syllabus arrangements
The progress is just slightly off.
Our school has a long history.
The rate for getting into higher education
is particularly high.
You are going into Class A, Grade 2.
That's the math and sciences gifted class.
The gifted class. You know, right?
-Gifted class.
-Yes, I know.
It's particularly superb.
This class is the best in Year Two
at math, physics and chemistry.
Look at this honor board.
These are all your classmates.
-Who drew hearts on the honor board?
And they're all on this Jiang guy
Why is the surname Jiang coming up again?
Lately, I've really had a grudge
against people with the surname Jiang.
Oh, I mean
People with the surname Jiang are great
They are excellent.
Look at this Jiang Tian.
He's always showing up on the honor board.
The first places are all him.
He's really extraordinary.
Okay. And then
In Year One,
there are eight classes.
-Three, two, one, yay.
There's a seat for you to sit over there.
Good morning, sir.
Come here. This is your seat.
I know it's going to be hard
to catch up now.
The only way
if you have a problem
is to ask the other classmates
sitting next to you.
Do you have any idea why
this special place is reserved for you?
Among everyone in this grade,
he is the most suitable and the best.
Many students come to ask him
about their homework after class.
-Ah, this kid
-You have a meeting soon.
-Okay, all right.
I'll be there soon. Thank you.
How soundly he
Oh, right.
Since it's only your first day, forget it.
Things like earphones and mobile phones,
from tomorrow onwards,
they should not appear in the classroom.
-Yes, sir.
-Don't let me see them.
Gao Tianyang.
Did you think you could hide it?
It's already the second time.
Real example in front of your eyes.
Confiscated. Class Monitor.
Deduct three points from Gao Tianyang
for using his mobile phone.
One more point for vulgar language.
Roger that.
Hmph. All the best.
You've been caught again.
Sorry, it seems like your phone
was confiscated because of me.
My condolences.
Forget it. I don't blame you.
It's not the first time.
They check for phones
every once in a while.
Ask them.
Who hasn't had theirs confiscated before?
Not me.
You're still young.
What are you thinking?
Transferring at Year Two?
To our class?
It's because of my dad.
It's time for class.
New student, hurry up and sit down.
-Get back to your seats.
Time for class.
The sound of your breathing disturbs me.
The sound of my breathing disturbs you?
Tian, he just got here today.
Big Mouth Xu wants you
to take care of his studies.
What are you doing?
Changing seats. You sit in the front.
Why should I sit in the front?
Why do you think?
Come here, new classmate.
Jiang Tian wakes up in a bad mood.
-Don't argue with him.
-So he's Jiang Tian?
Lately, I've really had a grudge
against people with the surname Jiang.
Yes, yes.
I don't know why.
I feel like I've had a grudge against
people with the surname Jiang lately.
I don't know, it's
Come on, come on.
Hurry, hurry, hurry.
Let me introduce you.
Hurry, come on.
Come on.
Xiaowang, this is Auntie Jiang.
I've always wanted to introduce you.
But you didn't come
when I invited you for meals.
Finally, you're meeting each other today.
Auntie Jiang and I were classmates
in elementary school.
We had lost touch for ages
until a few years ago,
when we connected again through the web.
Thank you.
I'll eat first.
Don't you steal it.
I'm hungry.
Is it good?
I don't know
if Sheng Wang likes the food I made,
if it suits him.
Of course it suits him.
I've tasted it. It's fantastic.
He's not you.
I don't know
I just feel anxious.
I don't know how he'll react
when he sees me.
My dear.
Everything will be fine.
Take it easy.
Let me call him
and ask him where he is now.
It's all right.
This is Auntie Jiang's son, Jiang Tian.
Jiang Tian's birthday is
a few months ahead of yours.
-So you're going to call him big brother.
-Big brother?
-Good boy.
You must have met at school today.
I slept all day and didn't notice.
-What's wrong with you?
Let me tell you.
It's normal that you haven't remembered
this face on the first day.
You'll get familiar after a while.
I'll go first if there's nothing else.
I have something.
My stomach hurts. I'll go first.
Hey, Xiaowang! Xiaowang!
Xiaotian, what are you doing?
Where are you going?
I'll go to Old Ding's place.
This kid
Xiaowang, are you okay?
Drink this when you feel sick.
Why do you keep hanging up on me?
Ah, I see.
Now that you have new friends,
you forget your old friend.
Let me tell you.
I, Peng Xie, am a person who
Excuse me, why do you keep hanging up
All right, all right.
I'll stop asking, okay?
I'm sorry, okay?
Then you go and help me
get some final exam papers
for Year Two math, physics and chemistry.
Year Two final exam papers?
What do you want them for?
You can't be serious.
It's just the beginning of school,
and you're preparing for classes?
But that's not right. Why do you need
exam papers if you're just preparing?
Hey, say something.
Sheng Wang!
Mr. Sheng.
Okay, so if I'm not going to help you,
you're going to ignore me, right?
All right, all right, you win.
You're handsome, you're great,
everything as you said.
Math, physics and chemistry, right?
Okay, I'll get them for you.
Hold on.
How about Mandarin and English?
Are you discriminating against subjects?
That's you.
How can I finish so much within a night?
-We need to pick and choose, got it?
All because I transferred
to this insane school.
We have an exam tomorrow
on every topic covered last semester.
It's been a long time since class started.
Why hasn't the teacher come?
It's Saturday.
And it's also during
the extra summer classes.
We'll study on our own the whole day.
You didn't bring the exam papers
or assessments to do?
I just arrived today.
Oh, right.
So what are you going to use
to do your studying?
Why do I have to do my studying?
Because there is a weekly exam next week.
What did you say?
What are they testing?
The Year One syllabus?
That was already done
before the previous exam.
Year One?
We are being tested on this.
I thought the teacher said these are
what we need to study for this semester?
Theoretically, yes.
But they have finished
teaching everything.
Finished teaching two days ago.
Do your studying today. Exam tomorrow.
After that, we'll start the classes
for the next semester.
So how many subjects
have you all completed?
Both. Everything.
I thought that should be all?
No, you mean
I am getting tested on five subjects
that I have not learned before?
Looks like it.
Can I take a leave of absence?
Probably not.
All I can say is, bro,
it's a lot of work to finish.
All the best.
Or after graduating,
you can find someone
to beat up Big Mouth Xu.
-Any other questions?
Say it.
I want to drop out.
If I don't do some last minute studying
now, I am getting five zeros tomorrow.
As for Mandarin and English,
it's too late now.
I'll leave that to my luck.
Math, physics and chemistry
can still be rescued.
Hold on.
Then what's the use of the exam papers?
They won't take everything
from the papers.
Who told you that
I was going to do these questions?
I'm going to take a look
at the grade distributions
of the exam papers.
All in all,
although the exam questions are
different from school to school,
the point is pretty much the same.
I am going to look at the
grade distributions of the exam papers
and figure out the main points
to be tested.
I'll focus on these points tonight.
A last-minute push.
This way, the CP value can be higher.
Damn, there's a method like this?
What else can I do?
I have to do whatever I can.
Oh, right.
Do you still remember the trick
to guess exam questions?
I wouldn't have guessed Sheng Wang
would be using that trick one day!
I can't help it.
My name was also
all over the honor board before.
What do you think?
I can't let people make fun of me
just as I've arrived here, can I?
I can't disgrace our school either.
That's right, well said.
Let me think. I remember it very well.
And you still need to think?
Be quiet.
Ah, I got it.
Three long and one short,
choose the shortest.
Three short and one long,
choose the longest.
A if all are long, B if all are short.
C if all are different.
Two long and two short, you are D.
What D? You are D.
I am helping you here.
Why are you scolding me?
All right, let's stop here.
I'm hanging up.
The math exams will now be distributed.
Please don't start
until you hear the bell.
Everyone must have a sense of honor.
The exam is for yourselves.
Cheating, peeking
and copying other people's answers
are all wrong.
You should be ready at all times.
Good luck. At least you already have your
new classmate here at the bottom for you.
What are you planning to do?
What can I do? Just do it.
I'll just pick C for every question.
Why are you laughing?
You don't have multiple-choice questions
on your math exams?
-What's the matter?
-You should try it.
Write C for the questions.
I'll write whatever I want.
Why should you care?
You poked me just to tell me that?
Are you crazy?
What's the matter?
How long are you going
to hold my exam papers?
You can start now.
Time's up.
Stop writing.
Pass your papers forward.
Hey, where are you going?
My bottle is empty.
I'm going to refill it
to prepare for the next subject.
Don't you know there's another exam?
Yes, ma'am.
I forgot to tell you that our school
has two math exams.
One main exam
and an additional question paper.
What other rules does your school have?
Except for mathematics,
there are no other rules.
Give me my papers.
Has everyone gotten their second paper?
You can start now.
I heard that the handsome guy in Class A
is going to get a zero for the exam today.
I heard that he hasn't learned
any of the textbook.
He's so handsome.
Okay, it's decided then.
Please help with updating
the school webpage again.
-Your dad
-My dad has nothing to do with me.
If there's nothing else, I'll be going.
Oh, I was not eavesdropping.
It just happened that Old He no
our class teacher asked me
to go to the office.
Our class teacher
is only in his early thirties.
It's not likely he would be called Old He.
Isn't the class teacher looking for you?
-Hurry up and go inside.
-Yes, sir.
Oh Old no Teacher, you asked for me?
-Yeah, Sheng Wang, you're here.
Actually, it's nothing.
It just so happened that
I attended a forum recently,
so I wasn't in school
to introduce you to the class.
Sorry about that.
Then there's the issue of your progress.
I've heard from Mr. Xu.
You're now a whole textbook behind.
I wasn't here, or I'd have said something.
You didn't need to take
the weekly exam today.
Huh? I already took it.
Those hours you spent on the exam just now
must have been torturous.
It's okay, we all know your situation.
This time, the results won't count.
Five or ten points, whatever, it's normal.
Don't be stressed.
However, the big gap in your progress
is really an issue.
Class A is very fast.
Although we are only in the second year,
we will finish all the Year Three topics.
There's no way to stop
and wait for just you.
So you'll have to figure it out
for yourself.
Keep up with the class's progress
while making up for the missing parts.
Got it.
And although this time
the results don't count,
there will be another exam next week.
This can't continue,
so I talked to the other teachers.
Let's set small goals,
then reach them week by week.
Try to improve your grades, okay?
-Very good.
So for physics and chemistry,
I hope you can score 50 points next week.
For math,
excluding the additional question,
I hope you can get at least 60.
For Mandarin and English,
we'll adjust as appropriate.
What's wrong? Is it hard?
No. Let's do that for now.
Okay, that's all.
-All the best.
Are you serious?
We've just started school.
There are already two to three papers
for each subject.
And for language classes,
there are text and essay questions,
even a whole set of grammar questions
for English.
It's no longer your first day in Tamying.
You'll get used to it.
I'm dropping out.
It's too late.
I always wanted to ask what was wrong
with you for transferring to Tamying
and to our class.
The scores for the weekly exam yesterday
have come out.
I think everyone
should be curious to know their results.
I'm sorry to tell you that
this time, the overall average score
of our class is lower than last time.
did a great job in pulling down
the average score of this class.
Hey, why are you looking at him?
I was about to talk about that.
Sheng Wang.
Please stand up.
He just transferred into our class
the day before yesterday.
He has not studied any of the subjects
on the exam.
for math, physics and chemistry,
although he didn't pass,
his grades were higher than
the average score of our class.
His grades for Mandarin and English are
much higher than the average score.
That's about 10 to 20 points higher
than those of you gifted students
who had learned the whole textbook.
To do this, he spent a total of
one day.
Sheng Wang, thank you very much
for inspiring everyone.
Please sit down.
Next, we will return the exam papers
for this weekly exam.
Make your corrections.
Return the papers after you finish.
Then we'll start on today's exam.
Don't waste time even though
it's only the summer break of Year Two.
Time is limited.
If you don't understand,
ask your classmate next to you.
If you still don't get it,
come and ask the teachers.
Hurry up and do your corrections.
Thank you.
In case you drop it again.
Hey, do you want your papers?
Pay with one hand
and deliver with the other.
No money to pay.
Didn't you listen to the teacher?
We need to return the papers immediately
after we make the corrections.
There's no need.
Do you have a lot of time?
I'll give you a quick rundown.
Assuming that you complete
a practice paper in 30 minutes,
with two to three papers per subject,
you'll have ten papers for five subjects.
That will take you five hours,
minus an hour for you to eat and shower.
That will be at least
six hours.
What time do you think
you can go to bed tonight?
Furthermore, you might not finish
a paper within 30 minutes.
There are also
some particularly difficult questions.
A single question
could take you 30 minutes.
Or 30 minutes multiplied by 30.
-Lend me a red pen.
-I need it.
I'll let you copy mine later.
Come on, have a taste.
-Has the flavor infused into it?
It's quite good.
Hey, Xiaowang, you're back.
Xiaowang, wait a minute.
I'm talking to you, Xiaowang.
Today, I called Xu,
your head of discipline.
He said you did well
on your exam yesterday.
Then you're very strict with me.
I failed three subjects.
It's hard to communicate.
I told you I shouldn't move in
for the time being.
It's okay.
There's always a process of adaptation.
When dinner is ready,
you take it to him, okay?
No need. He will come down to eat
when he's hungry.
This kid.
He's soft-hearted but doesn't say it.
But he knows who is good and who is bad.
He's not against you.
-He just
-Just needs time.
Yes, yes.
Stop looking.
As long as he doesn't cry,
it's a small matter.
Xiaowang is back. Where is Xiaotian?
That's right.
I told Xiaotian to move in today.
Let's eat.
-Hello, Peng Xie.
Have you asked the question
I wanted you to ask?
I've asked.
I asked the group of top students in
Year Two, but they couldn't figure it out.
They were upset, so they asked
the seniors in Year Three.
What kind of school are you in?
They think that kind of question
is for some international competition.
But seriously, you're amazing.
That's the only question
you couldn't answer on the entire exam.
Didn't you just get there?
How come you know all the answers?
It's simple.
Just take a look at what kind of questions
are on the exam
and then consider
the scope of these questions.
Find that section in the book
and read it carefully.
Then go to the practice book
and do the questions
that are of a similar style.
Finally, come back to the exam
and fill in the missing parts. That's it.
Wow, that's amazing.
Enough nonsense.
So how's the answer for my question?
The group of seniors in Year Three
are preparing to burn the midnight oil
for that.
"What did you say?"
"What kind of question is that?"
They scolded me as they calculated,
said I was going to give them insomnia.
They said if they couldn't sleep tonight,
it would be all my fault.
Are all good students like you
having problems with their heads?
You can't sleep if you don't solve
these tough questions.
I don't know about others,
but if I lose to the guy surnamed Jiang,
I won't be able to sleep.
You're a strange person too.
Why do you have to beat him?
Just because his surname is Jiang?
Do you have a grudge
against everyone surnamed Jiang?
I'll stop here. I'm hungry.
Let me find something to eat.
Microwave it before eating. Auntie Jiang.
You're strange.
Why do you have to beat him?
Just because his surname is Jiang?
Do you have a grudge
against everyone surnamed Jiang?
I am not trying to win.
I just
don't want to lose.
I don't want to give up my territory.
Trying to run away?
Jiang Tian!
Why should I hide?
The chance of two people meeting
in this world is 0.00417%.
And for it to turn out that you like him
and he likes you back,
the chances of you becoming
each other's other half
is only 0.0000173%.
In each person's life,
there will be a certain moment.
which makes a deep and profound memory.
This will become a very special moment.
It will become the most important memory
of your life in the future.
Every time you think about it after that,
you'll feel something special
in your heart.
Have you got used to living there now?
I haven't moved in yet.
You know me.
I'm so hard to get along with.
We'll just live our own lives,
without interfering with each other.
Isn't that Xiaotian?
-Why did you come back so late?
-Come on, come on.
-It's okay, come on.
-So late
-As long as he came.
-That's right.
-Go inside.
-Come in, come in.
-Let me help with this.
-Let's go.
Come on, go inside.
Let's go.
Come inside.
Come in, quickly.
Go. Watch your head.
Let's go.
Have you eaten?
Are you hungry?
Why didn't you come inside?
What were you doing outside?
Hold on.
Now what's happening?
Come here, Xiaotian.
Come up here.
Come here, let me introduce you.
Let me tell you,
Uncle Sheng is really attentive.
He already took care of everything here.
Come on, Xiaotian, look.
Come on, Xiaotian, let me show you.
This is the bathroom.
You can brush your teeth, wash your face
and shower here,
so you don't have to go downstairs.
On the opposite side is Xiaowang's room.
Come and take a look at your own room.
-Come on.
Come and see your room.
Go inside.
-Come in.
-Go inside.
You see, your mother set it up for you.
Let me tell you,
this room is very well lit.
You don't even need to turn on the lights
during the day.
And then you see
there's a big balcony outside.
You can go outside
when you're bored reading.
Yes, you can go outside
and take a breather.
You can put your books here.
I'll put your suitcase here first.
All right.
You can stay here. Don't worry.
If you need anything,
we'll talk again tomorrow.
Have a good rest.
Is everything still okay?
I think so.
Xiaowang, are you asleep?
It's already 11:00 p.m.
He should be asleep.
Don't disturb him.
Okay, let's not bother him.
Let's go.
Hold up.
So now we're staying under one roof?!
The crickets that summer
were noisier than in previous years.
Tree branches were growing wild
outside the classroom
but still couldn't block the sun.
The wind blew across the top of the trees.
It was the best time of youth.
And back then, they were young.
Subtitle translation by: J. Ong
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