The Orchestra (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Toi toi

Hi, Bo.
What are you doing here?
What's keeping the rest of you?
Rehearsal started half an hour ago.
Simon brought cake.
Didn't you get the invite?
- Why did Simon bring cake?
- He's quitting.
He got a position in Prague.
- You're quitting.
- Yes.
Perhaps you'll finally get the chance
to play first clarinet.
I should've had that chance long ago.
Envy's been a bitter pill for you
to swallow, eh, Bo? Every day.
When you aren't offered cake,
you have to swallow something else!
Jeppe Nygren.
Jeppe Nygren.
Jeppe Nygren.
Hi, baby. I'm off.
Have a nice day.
- See you there.
- Good luck.
Remember to wake Alma. She going
on a field trip today, so no sleeping in.
- Great to have you on board.
- Thanks. Great to be here.
You're entering the lion's den.
The world's best musicians -
but also 100 neurotic narcissists
with swollen egos and low self-esteem.
100 egoists in whom you have
to instil a sense of community.
- I'll do my best.
- Good.
I bet Regitze would wish I hadn't applied.
She sees enough of me at home.
Tell her to relax. They only come here
from Legal when an employee screws up.
- I'll tell her.
- You won't, right?
- Tell her?
- Screw up.
No, that's not on my to-do.
Great. Come along.
Good morning.
Good to see you all.
You can all see the man next to me.
Mr. Aaron Friedman, our guest conductor
for the "Pastoral" on Thursday.
On my other side is Jeppe Nygren,
our new deputy chief.
Welcome, Jeppe.
You'll all get a chance to meet Jeppe
later. Now, on a more sombre note
Simon, you're leaving us.
Our treasured first clarinet and employee
representative for over 10 years.
Tomorrow will be his last day
before he and his family leave for
Yes, Bo?
When is the competition for his seat?
Hold your horses, Bo.
He's still sitting right next to you.
Good luck in Prague, Simon.
My, you were good.
Jeppe Nygren.
The new deputy chief.
From the morning meeting.
Nice tuba.
You were great.
Wow, awesome. Fantastic.
What was that? Wow?
- Yes, it was terrific.
- It was shit.
Thank God Beethoven's been dead
for 200 years or he'd have died again.
Well, I meant you were great on the
Bloody good.
I play second clarinet.
You can't hear me.
You only hear the second clarinet
if he messes up.
- Or if she screws up. If it's a woman.
- Jesus Christ!
Jeppe Nygren, by the way.
He had no respect for me at all.
I was being polite
and greeting everyone.
The least he could do is say hello.
In my opinion, anyway.
Unfortunately, I have to make him first
clarinet because the other guy quit.
- And his substitute is sick.
- His assistant.
- What's that?
- It's called an assistant.
You have to promote him. It's the rules.
Don't worry, honey.
You'll get the hang of it.
- You're off?
- I have the finance committee dinner.
Oh, dinner, okay.
Careful. Mind the makeup.
- See you.
- Bye, pumpkin.
Alma, you haven't downloaded a new game?
Thank you.
What does it say there?
- Solo.
- Okay, your solo.
The piano there is a solo piano.
From the top.
The Aalborg Symphonics have announced
a second-clarinet competition.
I know. Are you going to apply?
Well, yes.
I guess you have to start somewhere.
Aalborg is an okay little orchestra,
so why not, Ella?
Then pretend you're facing a jury.
At a competition, okay?
Thank you, candidate no. 3.
You just lost the job.
When playing Rachmaninoff, imagine you
represent the entire human experience.
Grief, triumphs, losses, destruction,
love, infatuation.
Life and death.
Right. That's a whole lot.
You have two minutes to show a jury
you have all that. From the top, Ella.
- Elin.
- What?
- My name's Elin.
- So play, for God's sake, Elin.
Why am I able to do that?
Because I practice.
Go home and do the same.
See you next week.
- Hi, Bo.
- What? Nothing. What?
- Is this a bad time?
- Yes.
It's just that we're playing
"Beethoven's 6th" on Thursday.
- What are you playing?
- I'm not playing, Bo.
It is still the orchestra that plays?
That's a relief.
But Simon quit and his assistant's sick,
so I wanted to hear -
if you'd like to play
first clarinet in the "Pastoral".
Are you offering me to play first?
If you can. It's only on Thursday.
Sure I can.
No problem at all. I've got thousands
of ideas. Revolutionary ideas.
Not antiquated old crap ideas
like Simon's.
I'm much better technically than Simon.
He messes every other note up.
- Well
- Bo Høxenhaven, second clarinet.
I mean first clarinet, on Thursday.
My pleasure.
- My pleasure.
- Jeppe Nygren?
This decision? You won't regret it.
I promise you.
Great thinking!
Bo? What's going on, darling?
Joy is Earth's guest today.
I'm playing first
in the "Pastoral" on Thursday.
Oh, congratulations, darling!
It's just one concert.
You're the best.
You'll get a standing ovation on Thursday.
I can't wait!
I'm off to the wine shop.
Hi, Simon.
You're all packed and ready to go?
Did you offer Bo Høxenhaven to play
first in the "Pastoral" on Thursday?
No or yes.
Your substitute is sick.
My assistant.
Yes, your assistant's sick.
The orchestra won't accept it.
They can't stand him.
You risk a mutiny.
Good luck with the job.
You're off to a great start.
And good luck in Prague.
You offered him to play first?
I'm the deputy.
And you told me to.
Not without sounding out
the situation first, Jeppe.
If Simon says you risk a mutiny,
you probably do.
I have to follow the rules
and they say he's promoted.
There are rules and unwritten rules.
The unwritten ones overrule
the written ones. I know, I'm in Legal.
You ought to know, too.
It's a crazy house to navigate in.
Dad, can I buy a game?
One, and then it's off to bed.
No, goddammit.
It's way past your bedtime.
Brush your teeth.
- Dad will tuck you in.
- Shit!
Excuse me, Miss?
- She learnt that from you.
- Honey, your need to be liked is sick.
Here as well as at work.
It has to stop.
This is your chance to assert yourself.
Being tough makes men cower.
And it kinda makes women horny.
Really? Women like you, perhaps?
- No, I
- I only need seven minutes.
I know, but I have an early meeting
with Finance.
- Seriously?
- You're sweet.
- I like you, too.
- But I need my sleep.
- Sleep tight.
- And tomorrow
Take the solo away from him
and spare yourself the orchestra's wrath.
Tell him like it is.
Hi, Bo.
Hi, Jeppe.
I'm going to tell it like it is.
- I'm afraid
- I can promise you absolute perfection.
I've practiced all night
and used a whole rubber
to rub out Simon's bosh.
- What can I do for you?
- Well, I just came to
To say
Have a great practice.
We rehearse.
We're not a garage band.
- Just helping you there.
- Well, break a leg.
Toi toi. We say toi toi.
- Toi toi, right.
- See you later.
- Jeppe Nygren.
- This is Simon Elliot.
I'm back home. The conditions there
were way below my standards.
My family was unhappy, too
- Hi, Anastacia.
- Hey, Bo. How are you?
Okay, okay.
If you tear up my resignation,
I'll be there at afternoon rehearsal.
- Simon, that's the best news all day.
- Fine.
- See you soon, then. Bye.
- Bye.
Okay. Toi toi.
Prague wasn't for me. I missed you.
Hi, Simon.
Can I have my seat, Bo?
Sorry, Bo.
They'll have to carry me out.
Jeppe Nygren!
Hi, Bo. I was looking for my phone
You've humiliated me. You know?!
I owe you an apology.
It's out of place.
- Are these papers important?
- What now, Bo?
I'll show you what happens
to stuff that matters to you.
Fair enough.
- Perfectly understandable.
- You can take your apology
Lube it up
and stick it up your empty soul!
Temper, temper.
- Hi, Mom.
- Hi, darling. Ready for the concert?
Yes. I just called to say
- Don't come after all.
- Did they cancel the concert?
No. I tried to get tickets for you,
but they sold out like hotcakes.
- They all want to hear you play first.
- Maybe it is because I'm playing first.
- Of course, darling.
- See you at home.
You're going to blow them away.
I'm sure of it.
- Sure. Bye, Mom.
- Toi toi.
I think it was really good.
Beautiful in many ways,
You had to pee three times?
I peed once.
- You left three times.
- You keep track of how much I pee?
I left to check my phone.
No. You don't do that.
You don't check your phone in the hall
either. Or so you told me last time.
I'll be right back.
I just wondered if you'd let me
buy you a drink at the bar?
How big of you.
Drinks are free, you know.
Sure. So, would you like to have
a drink with me?
I saw you hanging out by yourself.
I wasn't hanging out by myself.
I can't stand this social-democratic crap
with cheap Chilean wine and lousy snacks.
I've got better plans.
I'm going to jam with some
musicians from New York City.
Black dudes.
So I haven't got time.
Have a drink with your wife.
She seems to be fond of the sauce.
I'm sorry, Bo.
- What's that?
- I just said
- Toi toi.
- Thanks.
- Hi, Bo.
- Hi.
Here you go.
You were
so good.
Absolutely fantastic.
Nice of you to say.
Thanks, Ella.
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