The Pact (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


[Anna panting]
[intense music playing]
[distinct siren wailing]
[theme music playing]
-[ominous music playing]
-[birds chirping]
[water burbling]
-[indistinct chatter]
-[heels clicking]
Awe, good luck, love.
-Knock him dead.
-[Anna] Thanks!
Anna, Anna, just come here.
Turn around.
Wardrobe malfunction.
See, I'm not meant
to wear nice things.
Of course, you are.
Let's have a look at you.
You look really smart.
Go, get him.
[glass clinking indistinctly]
-Mr. Evans
-I'm busy.
Only my interview's at 9:00.
The supervisor job is something
I'm really passionate about.
Production line
not good enough for you?
It is not that, it's just
we've all had a lot of time
to think this past year
and I know I can do more.
I've raised two kids,
I've helped my husband
through a career change.
Now I want
I want something for myself.
I can help you make this
a happier,
more productive workplace.
What's that supposed to mean?
Well, a lot's changed
since you took over.
Arwel used to
spend time on the floor,
chatting to everyone, but
you work differently.
Well, I'm not my father.
You all think he's God's gift.
[man] Here you go mate.
She's all yours.
[Jack] Cheers.
All I'm saying
I think there's a divide
between you and the workers.
But I can help fix that.
I can be that person.
Someone the workers can turn
to when they need to talk.
Is that a new suit?
Never pretend to be
someone you're not, Anna.
People can smell it a mile off.
-He can't talk to you like that,
it's workplace bullying.
I spent three hours
rehearsing for that interview.
All out the window
because he's coked off his head
buying bloody sports cars.
He only bought it so he can
show off to his clients tonight.
Well, he can shove his party,
I'm not going.
You know, I bet he sees sense.
You're the best
person for the job.
I told him I was bored
that he was a shit boss
and everyone wished
his dad hadn't retired.
I would've decked
the little shit.
-Can't you say something?
He doesn't listen to me.
You're his auntie
for God's sake.
Yeah, exactly.
Oh, it'd be so nice
to see Arwel tonight.
Is he back yet?
He's flying in this afternoon.
Well, maybe you could
have a quiet word?
Oh, it's fine, just leave it.
Oh, my God
Tish, what what you wearing?
The party's not till tonight.
I've got an interview.
The supervisor job.
You never said.
Sorry, Anna.
It's fine.
You look nice. Good luck.
-She's so two-faced.
-Oh, don't be like that.
Why keep it a secret?
She's such a princess.
[Max] All right, babe?
How did the interview go?
Ay, keep an eye on that.
Oh babe, I'm sorry.
Jack Evans is an idiot.
I'll be 40 in a few days.
-What have I achieved?
-Absolutely nothing.
It's shameful.
Shall I open a window
so you can hurl yourself out?
If Tamsin or Ryan had messed up
an interview, what would you do?
Send them to bed without dinner.
You'd tell them
there'll be other interviews,
-other opportunities.
Half the country's
gone bankrupt.
It won't always be like this.
You've got a great family,
nice house, brilliant friends.
Can we be enough?
Just for a little while?
Now, Get your party gear on,
hold your head up
and go have some fun.
["Sometimes" by Erasure playing]
[indistinct chatter]
He's charging employees
can you believe it?
Stingy bastard.
-[Anna] Let me give some money.
-[Cat] No don't worry.
It's not about us, is it?
He's impressing his clients,
getting his orders again.
-We're just decoration.
-Can't see Arwel.
-What time's he getting in?
-[Louie] Not sure.
Oh, here she is.
I don't know
what she was thinking,
dressing like
a Love Island reject.
She thinks she's better than us.
She's allowed to be ambitious,
there's nothing wrong with that.
You're always snapping at her,
do you fancy her or something?
-She looks lonely.
Oh, shut up.
Do you watch Love Island?
Don't tell Richard.
-How did your interview go?
-Okay, I think.
I was a bit nervous.
Sorry for not saying anything.
It's fine.
He'll probably give it
to you anyway.
You've been here way
longer than me.
Can I get you a drink?
You can get a round in.
Two G&Ts, a cider for Cat
and an OJ for Nancy.
How many members
in Take That now?
-Are they like a duo?
-No there's four of them.
Well, Robbie Williams left,
didn't he?
But then he came back.
-Trust me, it's three.
-[Jack] Ladies!
Auntie Louie.
Enjoying the party?
-That's a strong word.
-She's joking.
Oh, well, I just
wanted to introduce you
to your new supervisor.
-You all know Mandy?
-Hey, girls.
I'm looking forward
to bossing you around.
[indistinct laughter]
Meet me on the dance floor.
Covid Mandy?
The only thing she's
ever been good at
is infecting people.
Yeah, well, she's young and
keen, you know.
It's our centenary
get rid of the dead wood.
[ominous music playing]
[metal clinking indistinctly]
[keys jingling]
You can't stay in there forever.
[Tish] Just leave me alone.
Come on princess.
I'll buy you a drink.
[sighs] I feel like an idiot.
You are an idiot.
Everyone makes mistakes.
That DJ's playing Westlife.
[both chuckle]
[music playing]
[cell phone rings]
I told you to stay away.
Don't be like this son.
People are expecting me.
You really want to make a scene?
-What do I tell Louie?
-I don't give a shit.
Just tell this
is my business now.
That's the least you owe me.
[call ends]
Back to the house.
[dance music playing]
There's cocaine on your tie.
It's sherbet.
I can't stand back and watch
you self-destructing like this.
Splashing family money
around on toys!
That car's not a toy,
-it's prestige.
-Arwel would be mortified.
Yeah, well,
he's retired, isn't he?
When will you lot understand?
He fucked off to France.
This is my business now!
With you in charge, it won't be
a business much longer.
Where is your father?
He's supposed to be here.
You gonna tell tales?
I've covered
for you once already.
I'm not doing it again.
You ever wondered
why Grandad left
the business to Dad and not you?
You're a train wreck.
I know
why he left it to Arwel.
Jack, you know
you can talk to me--
[voice breaking]
You know nothing,
And I don't want to
hear another word
and I don't want you
in my brewery anymore.
You're fired.
["Take On Me" by A-ha playing]
What happened to your necklace?
Oh, the string broke.
Oh, I liked that one.
-[woman cheering]
-Anyone seen Jack?
You tell me.
You've been stuck
to him like a leech.
[both laugh]
Oh, Sharon Osbourne rang,
she wants her hair back.
-Say that again!
forget about her.
-Are you all right?
-I'm always all right.
Family dramas.
-I think he fired me.
Why? He can't do that,
you're family.
Your dad owned this place.
You've got to tell Arwel.
Arwel's not in charge anymore.
Can I have another round please?
Double everything.
[phone ringing]
Hello, hello.
-Well. That did not spark joy.
-Hands down! Worst party ever.
I bet Gareth's
still looking for you.
You should never have
promised him that dance.
Oh, I was just
trying to be nice.
[Cat] Aw, bless him.
Still, I bet he's a really
good cuddler, you know.
[Tish] Get off me!
-Stay away!
[Cat] Hey get the hell off her!
-What the fuck are you doing?
-Cat, don't.
[Jack] We're having some fun.
You all right, sweetheart?
-I told him I didn't want to--
-Did he hurt you?
Come on, let's get you inside.
Don't ever touch
a woman like that.
Not ever!
-[Jack chuckles]
-Are you okay?
-[Louie] Come on, leave him.
[metal container clangs]
-He's helpless right now.
-[Jack continues laughing]
Anything could happen.
[Louie and Anna laughing]
[Jack] Let me walk, I'm fine.
-[Cat] Open the boot, Nance!
-What are you doing?
[Anna laughing]
It was Cat's idea.
I'm thinking,
we take him somewhere,
get his gear off, few photos,
Jack Evans goes viral,
-and Arwel comes back.
Oh, Cat, that's a terrible idea.
I love it.
Girls, I really don't think
this is a good idea.
Look at the state of him,
he won't remember.
Are we going back to the party?
-I could do another drink.
-We'll all be fired,
you do realize that?
-I've already been fired.
-Since when?
Since tonight.
[Louie chuckles]
[Nancy] Where are we going?
[Louie] Just drive, Nance.
[Nancy] For goodness’ sake!
[music playing]
[women laughing]
[indistinct chatter]
[Jack] This doesn't
look like the party.
[Louie chuckles] Oh my god.
Why is he so heavy?
[Cat] Must be the ego.
[Nancy] Come on.
This is ridiculous.
[Louie laughing]
[Anna and Cat laughing]
Ooh! Oh! Oh!
[Jack] Oh.
Take me back to the party.
[Cat chuckles]
Party's right here.
[Jack] Oh, kinky!
[Cat] In your dreams.
[Anna] What are you
[Cat] Right.
[laughs] I'm sorry!
Oh my god! [laughs]
Help me take his boxers off.
[Louie] Oh, no, no!
-Cat, I'm drawing a line. No.
I'm don't feel comfortable
with any of this.
-Oh, all right, all right.
It's great.
[Anna] Hurry up, it's freezing.
-Oh, yes.
-[Anna laughing]
-Yeah. That's the one.
[chuckling] Yes.
[Anna] Right, let's get him
back in the car.
-Let him walk home it's not far.
Well, we can't leave him
-in this state.
-I can.
Take me back or you're dead
[Cat] Well, I'm going.
Oh, I don’t know about this.
Oh, come on. I need a wee.
[Anna chuckles]
[Jack mumbling]
-I thought you got lost.
-Where's Nance?
It's her bladder again.
Oh, God!
She is like a sieve.
Come on, Nance!
[gasps slightly]
-We shouldn't leave him.
-I'm not going back down there,
there might be, like, wolves.
-[Anna laughing]
Wolves? [laughs]
-[Anna] There she is.
-[Louie] Ah, there she is.
Sorry. [sighs] Sorry.
Too much orange juice.
[Cat] Oh.
[Louie] Let me get in first.
Don't hog the whole seat.
[Nancy] Just put your
seatbelts on, please.
-[engine starts]
-[Nancy] Please!
[Louie laughing]
[music playing]
[Louie] Ooh!
[Cat] Oh, brilliant.
[Louie] Yeah. Thanks, Nance.
-[Cat] I can walk from here.
-[Louie] Cheers, Nance.
[Louie] All right.
This is me.
How come Arwel has, like,
a mansion and a house in
France and you live here?
Oh, I like it here.
If I were you
I'd want to even things up.
Well, you're not me. So
Drink some water.
-[Louie] Good night.
[ominous music playing]
[door unlocks, creaks]
[rain pattering]
[sighs, chuckles slightly]
It's freezing out there.
We can't just leave him.
[Anna] I'm pretty sure
it was the other way.
He was definitely over here.
Says the woman
who gets lost on roundabouts.
Oh god, he's asleep,
we're going to
have to carry him.
Jack, wake up.
-Oh my God.
-What are you doing?
-Calling an ambulance.
-Anna, he's dead.
-No signal.
-Have you got signal?
-Anna, he's dead.
-We have to call someone.
-It's too late!
How long did we leave him?
I don't know.
Half an hour, 40 minutes?
He was fine, he was talking.
Shit. [gasps]
There's no signal?
Why is there no phone signal?
[Anna] We'll call the police,
we'll explain
that it was an accident.
[Nancy] Well, what if
they don't believe us?
[chuckling nervously] Of course,
they're gonna believe us,
we're not murderers!
There's no signal,
we have to drive.
-Anna, wait.
-Please, open the car.
-Open the car!
Listen to me!
-We need to think about this.
-Think about what?
He's dead because of us.
-I know!
-Then take a breath.
Can you open the car please?
Let's get the others and then
we'll decide what to do.
We know what to do!
We drive until we get a signal.
Cat's still on parole,
if she gets in trouble,
she'll go straight back inside.
It was an accident.
We brought him here,
we left him!
It's manslaughter.
[ominous music playing]
-What's going on?
-Get in.
Didn't you go home?
Louie's not read the WhatsApp.
Where've you been?
Anna, what's happened?
It's going to voice mail.
Can someone tell me
what the fuck is going on?
-We need to wait for Louie.
[Nancy sighs]
Is this about Jack?
[Nancy] Anna, wait!
[knocking on door]
-It's 2:00 in the morning.
-Can we come in?
-What's happened?
-Don't ask me.
-Well, say something.
-Oh, just let us in.
Um, place is a mess.
Louie, this is serious.
-So, tell me.
-Not out here.
I'll get my coat.
It's Jack, huh?
What's he said?
Oh shit, has he
called the police?
What? What's the matter?
Jack's dead.
What do you mean?
-Did you say "dead"?
-[Nancy] Jack died.
-What do you mean "died"?
I'm so sorry, Louie.
Come on. He's not dead,
we've just seen him.
We went back
we found him
I don't know what happened.
-You both saw him?
God, this isn't funny.
Was this your idea?
I'm so sorry.
-We need to decide what to do.
-I want to see him.
I don't think
that's a good idea.
-Take me to the woods.
-Anna's right.
-It's not gonna--
-I want to see my nephew!
-[music playing]
-[rain pattering]
-[Cat] No, don't touch him.
-[melancholy music playing]
Must have been a heart attack.
Maybe he OD'ed.
He was on the gear all night.
We have to call the police.
If we explain it was a prank
-that got out of hand.
If we tell they'll believe us.
[Cat] What if they don't?
Even if they do
it's still manslaughter.
No, it's
it's accidental death.
We dragged him here,
we put him in the boot!
What are you doing?
It'll look like
he just sat here.
We're in the middle
of the woods!
Cat, stop. Stop touching him.
It's fine. He's been at a party,
there's DNA all over him.
Stop it! Get away from him.
[whimpers, breathes shakily]
[sniffles] Oh, my God!
I'm so sorry.
-I'm calling Max.
-Anna, stop!
This affects all of us.
We need to decide, as a group.
If we go to the police,
our lives are over.
Even if they don't charge us,
everyone will know what we did.
So, this is about
protecting your reputation?
Not just me! All of us.
I can't go back to prison.
Max would lose his job.
Think about the kids.
What do you want to do?
We can't leave him on his own.
He's gone, love.
Let's just go.
[water burbles]
[music playing]
Some water for you, love.
Try and get some sleep.
I'll see you
in the morning, yeah?
Louie's had a bit to drink,
she didn't want
to be on her own.
[door closing]
[breathes shakily]
[music playing]
[music intensifying]
You okay?
Bad dream?
Go back to sleep.
[breathes shakily]
I think we all need
to go to work.
Just keep things normal.
When do you think
they'll find him?
I don't know, love.
I keep seeing his face.
[breathes shakily]
You not working today?
Starting late.
It's all right for some.
Right. I'm going
to jump in the shower
and then drive you home.
[music playing]
[dog barking]
Joe reckons his Mum got
some cracking photos last night.
What photos?
You, dancing like a sea lion.
I thought you were
staying at Lee's?
Yeah. Changed my mind
[sighs] I think he
might be a rebound.
And his favorite Star Wars
is The Phantom Menace. So
[chuckles nervously]
What were you dreaming
about this morning?
Your mum was having nightmares.
-You okay?
-Oh, Dad, your phone rang.
-Probably the station.
I gotta go.
Take some breakfast.
Wake your sister
or she'll be late for school.
-You sure, you're okay?
-Just really hungover.
Do you want me
to call the brewery?
You never take sick days.
No. I can't let the girls down.
[music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
You okay?
Me either.
I don't think
I can deal with this.
You've got us.
We'll do it together.
If we stand here too long,
it'll look strange, come on.
-I feel sick.
[indistinct chatter]
[Cat] You all right?
What about you guys?
Where did you lot
disappear to last night?
Nancy had a headache,
she was our lift.
We never had that dance.
Orders are rolling in.
The boss must've charmed
a few clients last night.
His phone won't stop ringing.
[phone ringing]
[police tape rustling]
You know the family?
Uh, my wife works
at the brewery.
They had a party last night
for its centenary.
Was he a drug user?
Not sure.
Are they thinking
it's an overdose?
Jury's out.
Why would he leave his own party
and come here
in the middle of the night?
Sex, maybe.
Either that or he's into owls.
Do you like owls?
I don't really--
They freak me out.
Beady fuckers.
How'd you fancy stepping up?
Now Lawson's gone North,
I'll be looking for a new D.S.
-You want me?
Takes balls to make
a career change
like you did, plus, you're good.
Well, thanks, that means a lot.
I won't let you down.
I mean it might have
happened anyway.
If Jack did have
a heart condition,
he could have keeled over
-right here, or on the way home.
It's not too late
to go to the police.
-Max will believe us.
-It's not up to him.
There's nothing on social media.
[cell phone ringing]
Something's happened--
[cell phone continues ringing]
Okay, I'll be down now.
I think I'm gonna throw up.
[Anna] Oh, shit.
Is Cat okay?
Everyone's just a bit fragile.
If they arrest us, I'm fucked.
Don't think like that.
It was an overdose
or a heart attack,
it wasn't our fault.
We shoved him
in a car boot then left him
in the middle of nowhere.
-Big night?
-You're not helping, Mandy.
Did anyone see
my purse last night?
-Is that a euphemism?
-[Mandy] Huh?
No, we didn't.
[Mandy] I left it on a table,
it must be here somewhere.
You okay?
[Mandy] Hey,
there's no loo roll,
can you chuck some over?
-[door closing]
[music playing]
Where were you last night?
My My flight was delayed.
[sighs] I need
to speak to my sister.
I'll organize the others,
we'll be in the canteen.
Everything all right?
[indistinct chatter]
Hello everyone.
I, uh
I'm I'm sorry, I couldn't
be with you last night.
I would I would like to say
it's nice to be back but
I had a call this morning.
from the police.
A body was found
in the woods.
And I'm afraid to say that
I'm so sorry.
that, it's my son.
It's Jack.
[music playing]
We're closing the brewery
for the rest of the day,
out of respect.
Would you help me
run an early shutdown?
-[indistinct chatter]
Sorry. Just a question?
What's happening
with my promotion?
Are you serious?
Only Jack told me I had the job.
[Cat] Piss off, Mandy.
Don't pretend you're sad.
You're all hypocrites.
Have you told anyone
what happened in the carpark?
Why would I?
Just don't. Okay?
[indistinct chatter]
Poor Arwel. I'm so sorry.
This is a nightmare.
Have you deleted those photos?
Of course, I have.
What about backups,
the cloud or whatever?
They're gone.
Well, from now on, we only ever
talk about this in person,
we don't never text or email.
Not Not ever.
We stick to our normal routines
and we keep our heads down.
Anna, you can tell us
what the police is saying.
I can't ask too many questions,
it'll look suspicious.
It'd be suspicious
if you didn't ask questions.
It's like you're enjoying this.
Of course, I'm not!
I'm trying to think ahead
unless you want to
end up back inside?
Have you thought about the DNA
all over your car boot?
No, because you're too busy
playing Agatha fucking Christie.
Police investigations are
all about forensics and tech.
Oh, God, what if we're on
CCTV putting him in the car?
No, the the camera
only covers the main entrance.
[phone rings]
Tamsin's school.
I've had two missed calls
I have to take this.
-I need to go.
-Sort that car out.
[indistinct chatter]
[music playing]
-It wasn't my fault.
Stacey Hughes started it.
The school has a zero
tolerance policy for violence!
I've got zero tolerance
for bitches.
You're lucky
you were only suspended.
Miss Pope only
took Stacey's side
because her dad's
on the school board.
You swore to me, Tamsin.
You promised me
this stupid feud was over.
Great, now you're taking
her side as well.
-I'm not on anyone's side!
-You should be on mine!
You girls should be
supporting each other.
Life's tough enough
without turning on your friends.
I really don't need
this today Tam.
Everyone's talking
about your boss.
He's a hashtag.
You okay?
Not really.
Are you hungover?
No! It's been a really
shit day, Tamsin,
and you are not helping!
[seatbelt buckles]
And there it is. [chuckles]
[car engine whirrs]
[fire crackling]
-Hi, Dad.
Hey, babe.
Sorry I didn't call,
it's been kinda crazy.
-Arwel closed the brewery.
-Poor guy had to ID the body.
-He was howling.
Do they know
what happened?
I mean, I know you're not
supposed to talk about it
but what are they thinking?
Well we'll know more once
the postmortem’s been done.
Was it a heart attack
or drugs maybe?
Was he doing
drugs last night?
I think so.
Did you see him
leave with anyone?
Thing is, we don't think
he went to the woods alone.
-The guy was a dick anyway.
Don't talk like that.
Name one person who liked him.
Can we talk about
something else?
Yes, we can as it goes.
You can explain why you're
scrapping with Stacey Hughes.
She's a whiny bitch.
And you taught us to defend
ourselves so that's what I did.
Chopped as instructed.
-How long's her suspension?
-A week.
As long as she gives the school
and Stacey a written apology.
-You can write it.
You're her wordsmith.
Do your sister a favor.
[music playing]
[Max] There's a theory he
was meeting someone for
sex or drugs maybe.
Why did he have to
be meeting someone?
Why else would
he be in the woods
in the middle of the night?
The SIO wants me on the case.
She's making me Acting Sergeant.
-That's brilliant.
Just wish it was under
better circumstances.
You deserve it.
Oh, one thing we noticed
his new car's been keyed.
Don't suppose anyone
talked about that or
know when it was done?
No. Sorry.
I'll sort dinner.
[music playing]
[Arwel] I was going to sell up
but Jack wanted to stay.
Rattling around here on his own.
He always liked
the finer things.
I need to know
before the police find out.
Was he doing drugs again?
He started resenting me
when I packed him off to rehab.
Christ, this wine
isn't cutting it.
[ominous music playing]
I used to be scared of churches.
My foster parents said that
God could see who you were
deep down, in here
no matter how well you hid it.
You're a good person.
You don't need to be afraid.
[police radio chatter]
[man] Sir?
There's a credit card.
[music playing]
[Gareth] Arwel wants the brewery
back in operation today.
So the least
we can do is band together
and get things back on track.
He's asked me to take charge,
till things are sorted.
So, if you've got any worries
just come to me.
Thank you everyone.
Collecting for the Evans family,
any donations?
-They own the brewery.
-It's the thought that counts.
Especially when you're
angling for a promotion, eh?
Get lost, Mandy.
The frother's broken
so they can't do cappuccinos.
[music playing]
[muffled footsteps]
Mandy Thomas?
I'm Detective
Superintendent Holland,
do you want to
come with us please?
-We'll explain on the way
if you come on. Please.
[indistinct chatter]
This is a mistake,
I don't know anything.
[Holland] Let's just head down
to the station, yeah?
-Why are you arresting her?
-It's a voluntary interview.
Doesn't look voluntary.
Forensics found
her credit card in the woods.
[music playing]
She must have followed us.
She would've said,
she can't keep her mouth shut.
And we would've seen a car.
She might have dropped
that credit card days ago.
What in the exact same area?
We'll get through this
if we don't panic.
Let's all just stick
to the story.
The last time we saw him
it was in the canteen.
We have no idea what happened.
If we hold our nerve
and stick together,
this will pass.
[phone buzzing]
[phone chimes]
[theme music plays]
[theme music concludes]
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