The Penthouse: War in Life (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

(2 months ago)
(Episode 1)
Isn't it amazing?
The voice of paradise.
You know her too, right?
Soprano Cheon Seo Jin.
I only listen to trot music.
Old school is the trend lately.
So, how do you like this place, sir?
Well, it's not bad.
With all the built-in appliances.
It's pretty secluded here, right?
You don't have to worry about
Please come this way.
In case of an emergency,
you can use
this door right here.
You can see it's directly connected
to the outside.
Not bad.
I meant to ask you this.
Why do you always wear a scarf
in this weather?
Aren't you hot?
I'm fine. Being in style beats
the weather, you know.
Being too rigid can make you seem
less attractive.
Who knows? I may be able
to help you later.
What are you doing?
I saidI was okay.
What was that attitude?
I should get going then.
- The brokerage fee is
- "Brokerage fee"?
How could you be so barefaced?
Do you think I didn't know
you were doing this illegally
without even a license?
With one phone call,
I can totally ruin your career.
If you understood, get out.
But, sir.
I showed you dozens of houses
after doing legwork
for three months.
You know how hard I tried.
You should pay me at least
for the trouble.
Stop bothering me and get lost.
But sir, this is
Yes, Honey. Where are you?
I can't wait for you to get here.
You'll love this place
when you see it.
Yes. Okay.
Darn him.
That crazy jerk. I thought he was
a famous congressman.
He's just a scumbag.
I should just go back there
and break all his bones.
What kind of woman would have
an affair with a jerk like him?
That woman is
(Donated from Kang Ma Ri,
Mother of Yoo Jenny)
Focus on the diaphragm
and project your voice forward.
Resonate the maschera. The maschera.
- Is that so hard to do?
- If it was easy,
why would I take lessons from you?
Oh my gosh.
Be honest. You went
for karaoke yesterday, didn't you?
Of course,
I just finished my mid-terms.
You can't harm your voice.
The competition is coming up.
I told you not to sing K-pop.
Where are you going, Jenny?
What a rat.
I'll kill her if I catch her.
(Be wise, beautiful, and diligent.)
"Focus on the diaphragm
and project your voice forward."
"Resonate the maschera."
I knew it!
Bae Ro Na, it was you, wasn't it?
Who told you to use
my practice room?
Why is the school's
practice room yours?
Didn't you know?
My mom and dad
made it for me to use.
They bought the piano for me too.
Regardless of who made it,
it belongs to the school.
This isn't your house.
I don't see why I can't come in.
Of course, you can't!
This room was made
specially for me to practice
to get into Cheong Ah
Arts High School
instead of wasting time going home.
Don't you get what I mean?
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
I'll go there too.
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
How would you get in there?
Can you afford it?
Can your mom support you
like my parents can?
There's no way they'd even accept
two students
from an ordinary middle school.
I'll be very clear.
That's my spot.
Don't even dream of it!
I think my voice is
more than enough.
I'll beat you in the upcoming
music competition
and get the principal's
recommendation letter.
Without my mom or dad's help,
unlike you.
Wait and see.
How dare she
What did she just say?
Hey. Stop right there!
Bae Ro Na!
Mommy's girl.
Did practice go well?
Are you hungry?
Why is your neck so bare?
Your voice is your instrument.
You must keep something
around your neck.
There. Let's go.
I'm so annoyed, Mom!
What is it? Tell me.
Tell me everything.
Are you crying, princess?
There's a girl called Bae Ro Na
who is awfully ugly.
She dared to challenge me and say
she'll beat me in the competition.
She even practiced in secret
at my practice room.
Should I put up with that?
What a crazy Why should
my princess put up with that?
Don't you put up with anything.
You have me.
I'll show that brat my true skills.
First, we'll intimidate her
with your dress.
What do her parents do?
She has no dad. He's dead.
He's dead?
Her mom, then. What does she do?
Come this way. Follow me.
Isn't the garden just beautiful?
I mean, the entrance is so far away.
Isn't the interior amazing?
- Shall we look upstairs?
- My goodness
My battery of love must be out
You get so much sunlight.
That's right.
Save me!
- My gosh.
- Eat this.
Don't you have any nice properties?
They're all useless.
Aren't the houses
from the other agency much nicer?
I'm sorry, ma'am.
If you give me just one more day
Forget it!
Thanks for the refreshments.
Give me a call, ma'am.
Math class?
Yes, hello.
Pardon? Ro Na did what?
I'm home.
Your math teacher called.
You haven't been there in months.
You bought this with what I make
talking until I cough up blood?
When did you start lying to me?
- Mom, I
- I told you!
You can't sing.
I will sing. I want to be
a classical singer!
Why can't I?
Why won't you let me? Why?
You're smart. Just study.
If you hate cram school,
I'll find you a tutor.
Why do you want to sing when
you can be a lawyer or a judge?
Can't you tell by looking at me?
You need licenses to make a living!
You can't sing!
You never heard me sing.
Singing isn't for just anyone!
I'm good at it! I'm confident.
Why are you so against this?
Your daughter wants this more
than death. She's mad about singing!
Why are you going to such lengths
to stop her?
Come on. Don't do this. Don't!
Let go!
Whatever. I memorized it all anyway.
Mozart's "The Magic Flute",
"Queen of the Night aria."
(25th Cheong Ah Art Festival)
If you say once more
that you want to sing,
then I'll die right in front of you.
You can sing over my dead body.
Not until then.
Do you understand?
Whatever you say, I will sing.
As you can see,
it's quite a handful.
Of all the multipurpose
apartment complexes,
Samseong-dong's Hera Palace is
most expensive per square foot
and its popularity is rising.
It's called a castle
for the richest top one percent,
and after just one year
since its opening,
its appraised value
went up by nine percent.
- That kind of increase
- How amazing.
Will I ever get to live in
a place like that before I die?
Lee Min Hyuk. Do you really
want to sing classical music?
- Yes.
- Aren't you just copying
what everyone else is doing?
If this is all you do,
you can't even
get into Cheong Ah Arts High School,
let alone Seoul National University.
If you show up
without practicing once more,
then you're out.
My principle is to not teach those
who lack talent and don't practice.
- Do you understand?
- Yes.
Take him to the practice room.
I think he hit puberty
and just can't seem to concentrate.
I'll put him right in his place.
Just because my family
and yours are close
doesn't mean I should automatically
teach your son.
If Min Hyuk isn't good enough,
I will cut him loose.
You know that I have
a long list of students
who wish to learn from me, right?
Of course, I do.
I know it's harder to hire you
than it is to pluck a star.
I promise.
I will make Min Hyuk practice.
You know my senior announcer
Jang Yoon Kyung, right?
She married the heir of
Mipung Corporation.
I asked her and got permission
to rent Mipung Art Hall.
How about hosting this year's
Cheong Ah Foundation Concert there?
Well, I'll ask my father about it.
My gosh, that place
isn't the right scale at all.
Cheong Ah Foundation is
quite prestigious.
But Mipung Art Hall is rundown.
Don't you think, Ms. Cheon?
Is there a reason
you're being so confident, Ms. Kang?
Hyeyeon Hall of Art.
No way.
How did you manage
to book that place?
It's not usually possible, but
I befriended the president's wife.
She put in a good word.
If you drop my name,
they'll book you the hall.
Call them.
I'm so grateful for your favor.
I heard you can take in
another student.
That opening is
for my Jenny, isn't it?
(Lesson Application)
You'll get a call.
If you teach her,
she'll get into Seoul National
University no problem.
I'll put you in charge of
my Jenny's academic
and music grades.
To me, you might as well
be the heavens.
What's that trophy?
I haven't seen it before.
My goodness.
Isn't this Cheong Ah Art Festival's
Grand Prize trophy?
I can't believe I finally
get to see the legendary trophy.
Why is it legendary?
Don't you know?
A student in Ms. Cheon's year
got so jealous of her talent
and slit her own throat.
All classical singers
know of that incident.
My gosh That's so horrible.
She hurt herself out of jealousy?
That's so crazy.
Anyone at the top of their field is
bound to receive jealousy and envy.
Think Salieri
who was jealous of Mozart.
What happened to that student?
She touched something
she shouldn't have yearned for,
so I'm sure she quit music forever
to punish herself.
Since then,
this prize was terminated too.
If it's a trophy that legendary,
may I touch it?
This got me into Seoul
National University for free.
Only one student in the classical
music department got it.
By the way, you know
Hera Club is meeting
at my place today, right?
- Yes.
- Yes.
You're only welcome
if you come empty-handed.
Of course.
The door is open.
What? "How did you manage to
book that place?"
What does she think of me?
Ko Sang Ah, so what
if your husband's in law?
I can't stand her name, even.
Darn you.
(Filial Daughter-in-law Award)
Where were you all day?
You're never at home.
Why are you busier than me?
You're home already?
Didn't you have a trial?
You're home?
When did you arrive?
You never called to say you'd come.
Why are you so surprised?
Must I call to visit my son?
Serve me some fruit.
Do you have shine muscat grapes?
Yes. Excuse me, then.
It now reveals its true colors.
You're here as well?
You look like
you can't stand seeing me.
Why would you say that?
I'll bring out some fruit.
Thank you.
Both of you sisters are here, I see.
You've been a housewife
for over 15 years
and you still can't cook
to our taste?
I know you were an announcer
before you married,
but cooking is a basic skill.
Is the food not seasoned properly?
This is why I can't let you
take over the family business.
Why are you not good
at a single thing?
I have no idea. Could you
teach me how to cook?
I don't seem to get any better.
I teach strangers all day every day.
Must I teach you at home too?
With all my cooking classes,
TV appearances, and book-writing,
my head aches already.
- Look at my poor hands.
- Mom.
Hera Club's meeting today.
What should I wear?
How about this?
My dear son,
you have lovely pale skin.
Blue would suit you.
Right, blue.
Then what about the tie?
It's not a serious gathering,
so you can skip the tie.
- Mom will help you. Come along.
- Hurry, hurry.
I've had enough.
Bring me some fruit too.
I wish I could speak up
freely and loudly too. Seriously!
Wear something else.
How many times must I tell you
that's too drab?
The host should look classy.
I have enough taste
to pick out an outfit.
Don't you think
you went too over the top?
It's just dinner with people
we see every day.
You make such a huge fuss of things.
Are you criticizing my style too?
Are you that displeased
about your wife looking pretty?
I don't like how it's just too much.
How could you still expect
to look pretty?
You practically showered in perfume.
She said she loved me.
- Everyone heard her.
- My goodness.
Goodness. That's so beautiful.
Come and join us.
I just love the Peking duck.
Ms. Cheon.
When it's just us,
you can call me Seo Jin.
We're not at school.
Still, we can't address
a teacher like you by your name.
If they did actually
call you by name,
you'd get upset that
they didn't respect you.
No, I wouldn't.
Treat me casually.
Dr. Ha, your face
is practically shiny.
You're glowing.
That can't be. I operate every day
and I'm utterly exhausted.
Don't you complain.
I heard you only accept VIP clients.
Even people
with perfectly fine backs
get theirs broken at his hospital.
Did you hear that rumor?
Honey. Are you drunk?
Did you hear that?
It was just a joke.
You're a man who does great wonders.
No need to get all serious
over a joke.
My goodness.
What are you staring at, you punk?
You're enjoying all this
thanks to your wife's rich family.
It's just that I find it so hard
to laugh at your jokes.
You cocky jerk.
You'd be out on streets if
it weren't for your dad's law firm.
What's taking the couple
from the penthouse so long?
They probably think
they own this place.
They bought the land and managed
the construction and distribution.
I'd say they are the owners.
I wonder if Su Ryeon
will come today.
I doubt that.
She's such a busy woman.
Sorry for being late.
- My goodness.
- Hey.
- Su Ryeon
- My gosh.
- It's been a long time.
- Nice to see you.
- It's good to see you, Su Ryeon.
- It's been a long time.
Thank you for inviting us.
We already started eating.
Is that okay?
We're sorry for coming late.
How have you been?
We should see each other
more often.
It's so hard to see you
when we live in the same building.
You know how special
this Hera Club is.
We've known each other
since our kids started vocal music,
and it's already been five years.
I know.
You should come to our art study
and work out with us
so we can grow closer.
- Well
- She always wants to go,
but I'm the one who makes her stay.
I want to keep her for myself.
- My gosh, how sweet.
- You're so romantic.
My goodness.
What about me
who's living all alone?
How is Mr. Yoo doing in Dubai?
He's doing good.
The construction industry over there
is thriving,
so he has no time to come back
even briefly.
Gosh, this looks delicious.
It must've been hard to prepare
all of this.
I couldn't serve just anything.
I put in some extra care.
Actually, there wasn't much to do.
You know how delivery food is.
My goodness.
It's not easy for a working woman
to prepare this type of feast.
You're the best music teacher
responsible for our children.
That's why I offered you a place
at Hera Palace first.
Thank you, Seo Jin.
I appreciate the kind words.
Oh, by the way,
we didn't want to come empty-handed.
It's pecan pie.
- Let's share it for dessert.
- Thank you.
But today's party concept
was to come empty-handed.
Look at Ms. Cheon's face.
I heard she prepared pecan pie too.
Wait a minute.
Gosh. I think my mom made this.
Can we try it now?
Oh, sure.
Me too. Give me a piece.
Amazing. It's delicious.
Wow, she's so talented.
You can sell this right away.
It's incomparable to the products
they sell these days.
I have something
that goes well with dessert.
Can you go get some Bordeaux wine?
We should share it with them.
Oh, excuse me.
What are you doing? Move.
Are you having fun humiliating
your wife in front of others?
- Do you feel better now?
- Why don't you take it easy?
Why are you acting so pretentious?
Isn't it tiring?
Do you wish for your wife
to be belittled?
I'm doing this for your sake
Can you please be honest?
All you think of is yourself.
I'm just a mere accessory you use
to decorate yourself.
Su Ryeon is the type
that truly cares for her husband.
Look how well Chairman Joo's
business is going.
What are you doing?
Do you think complimenting
other women makes you any better?
I couldn't find the restroom
Men are all like that.
No way!
Open wide!
I'm jealous!
- My gosh.
- Us?
- I'm off to the toilet.
- Listen carefully.
My Sang Ah is
- so sweet.
- Stop it.
- Gosh. Why is this here?
- Are you all right?
Mr. Eagle?
Announcer Ko Sang Ah!
She was the hottest announcer
in all of Korea.
- That's right.
- Everyone liked her.
That's so true.
She doesn't say "jjajangmyeon".
She says "jajangmyeon".
Hang on.
- Are you a fan?
- I was.
- Really?
- Yes.
We should shake hands.
- That's not a problem.
- What's going on here?
- It's an honor.
- Come on, do it.
I'll pour you a glass, Chairman Joo.
Let me do the same.
I think I'm very blessed.
Dr. Ha, you married well yourself.
- Not at all.
- Why not?
What are you saying?
Everyone envies you.
My gosh. Are you
all right, Ms. Cheon?
Yes, I'm fine. I should get changed.
It's fine, don't bother.
Could you assist me?
- I'm fine.
- Leave her alone.
- I'm okay.
- Just let her be.
Ms. Kang, you drank too much.
- Ms. Kang.
- You drank too much.
Are you okay?
Honey, where were you?
I think we should go now.
Everyone's drunk.
- We'll be off now.
- Come on.
- Go home safely.
- Let's drink a bit more.
Gosh, come on.
- Goodbye.
- Let's go.
- We're off now.
- Come on.
- Let's go already.
- Bye, everyone.
Let's go.
- Hello.
- Hey, you came early.
(Hwayoung Middle School)
(End recording)
Give me 10 more minutes.
You can practice once I'm done.
My name is Bae Ro Na.
I just sent you my vocal sample
via text message.
I'd love to receive
singing lessons from you.
Please listen to my sample. Please.
Hey! Watch it!
(Be wise, beautiful, and diligent.)
I want you to apologize.
Hurry up and apologize.
Do you not know how to talk?
It won't do you any good
to stay quiet, you know.
Hurry up and say you're sorry!
What do you think you're doing?
I can't believe this.
Are you her mother?
How brazen of you.
You did a horrible job
educating your kid.
How could she be evil enough
to drug her friend's drink?
My kid can't even speak right now!
She has a bright future
ahead of her.
How will you
take responsibility for this?
Her dream is to become
a famous soprano!
Mom, it wasn't me.
I swear I didn't do it.
Are you serious?
Stop acting like you're innocent.
We already have everything on CCTV.
You can't keep denying it like this.
You and Jenny were the only ones
in the practice room.
Jenny drank from the tumbler
and started coughing up blood.
We already saw it all.
You're still very young,
but you're already full of lies!
- I really didn't do it!
- Unbelievable.
I bet Jenny did it to herself.
She did it to frame me
because she didn't think she'd be
good enough for the competition.
She is unbelievable.
Sir, don't you remember
what you told me?
You told me Jenny came back
with a sore throat
after doing karaoke.
Will you please say something?
You clearly told me that!
Have you lost your mind?
How dare you frame my daughter!
You deserve
to get locked up in jail.
I'm going to report you
to the Office of Education!
- Do you understand?
- What is the matter with you?
My daughter says she didn't do it.
You don't even have
any clear evidence.
Why do you all believe her
but not my daughter?
We have proof.
- The CCTV
- Does it show my daughter
drugging her drink?
No, right?
Stop treating my daughter like
she's an assailant
until you find out
what really happened, Mr. Principal.
What did you just say?
I can't believe
If something happens
to my daughter's voice,
I'll make sure
your daughter pays for it.
You'd better brace yourselves.
I'll gather
a school violence committee
and have them transfer your daughter
to another school.
What? You'll have her transferred?
- Jenny, tell everyone the truth!
- Let her go.
I know you're lying!
- I know you can talk!
- My goodness.
- What are you doing?
- Hurry up and talk!
- Hey! Hey, get out of the way!
- How dare you!
You're dead meat today.
I'll have you on your death bed!
- How dare you!
- Ms. Kang.
How dare you treat
my princess that way!
I heard she locked Seo Jin up
in the waiting room and beat her up.
She ended up hurting her neck
while trying to take
Seo Jin's trophy from her.
I feel so bad for her.
She won't be able to sing anymore.
She was the top student
for three years straight.
But now, she's hit rock bottom.
Does that mean she won't be
able to go to college?
(Oh Yoon Hee, Class 3-5, Suspended,
Cheong Ah Arts High School)
- Thank you.
- No problem, sir.
Thank you, Dad.
- Get up! You're lying!
- My goodness!
- Get up!
- Stop!
- I know you're lying! Let me go!
- What is the matter with her?
- Get up! Stop lying!
- My goodness!
- Stand up!
- Stop her!
Stop lying to everyone!
- Are you okay?
- Hey!
Why can't you just leave her alone?
What's wrong with her?
How dare you covet
my daughter's place!
Did she not learn any better?
She should get expelled
instead of getting suspended!
Do you understand?
- Come here! You're dead!
- Please calm down.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't able to educate
my child properly
because I was too busy
making a living.
I'll make sure I scold her.
So please don't gather
the school violence committee.
What are you doing? Get up!
Get down on your knees
and apologize to your friend.
Apologize for what?
I didn't do anything wrong!
I won't get on my knees
for that coward!
That darn brat!
- Ro Na! Ro Na!
- Where do you think you're going?
I'll teach both of you
a big lesson today!
You just wait! I'll make sure
you'll never be able to sing again!
Do you understand?
Ro Na, you can't just leave.
We need to settle what happened.
If they gather
a school violence committee,
we won't be able
to beat those people.
It doesn't matter
whether you're guilty or not.
It'll ruin your life!
Why do I need to apologize
for something I didn't even do?
How could you
make your daughter do that?
So why did you have to join
the classical singing club?
I told you not to sing!
Promise me
that you won't sing again.
Then they won't raise an issue
about what happened.
Dad may be dead,
but you're no better than him.
- What?
- He at least liked hearing me sing.
If he were still alive,
he would've taken my side.
I hate you, Mom!
Ro Na!
Ro Na!
Ro Na
Ro Na.
Have a drink.
Here you go, Jenny.
Do I have to go through this
even after everything I've done
for you and all the other teachers?
Do you know how much I spent
to buy that piano
for the classical singing club?
I understand what you mean.
As the school principal,
I'll gather
a school violence committee
and have her severely punished.
Hurry up and fix a date for that.
Okay, ma'am.
Don't ever settle.
Make sure she gets transferred
to another school.
I want her out of my life.
Just talk.
I know you can talk,
so just say it out loud.
Gosh, how did you know?
You need to practice
on your acting skills.
When Ro Na started
nitpicking at your teacher,
I heard you say "that crazy brat".
Do you think she heard it too?
You would've gotten caught
if I didn't yell so loudly.
By the way, did you really
cough up blood earlier?
It was red paint.
So what?
Are you going to forgive her?
I will never forgive her.
She yelled at my daughter.
Don't worry. I'll make sure
she can never sing again.
The principal went to gather
the school violence committee.
Do you promise?
If I don't get into
Cheong Ah Arts High School,
I'll just kill myself.
I'll have all the best teachers
in our country
give you private singing lessons.
You know your dad makes
a lot of money in Dubai, right?
He called and told me to do
everything for you.
He always says that,
but he never even visits.
Anyway, I really want to go
to the same school as Min Hyuk.
Stop caring so much about him.
Just try to get along
with the others.
Ms. Cheon is going to create
a small group
and start focusing on each student.
But they all go
to Cheong Ah Arts Middle School.
Eun Byeol keeps making me
feel left out.
Don't mind her.
Just make sure you become friends
with Seok Hoon Seok Kyung.
Those twins are the ones
that will bring you benefit.
(Cheong Ah Arts Middle School)
(Cheong Ah Arts Middle School,
Year, Class, Student Number)
- Sir.
- Yes?
I made a mistake.
Can I get a new OMR sheet?
(Joo Seok Kyung)
(Resume, Name: Anna Lee)
(School: UCLA, Major: Mathematics)
Hello, I'm here to interview
for the math tutor job.
"Anna Lee". Is that your name?
Yes, that's right.
You can call me Anna.
You major in mathematics at UCLA.
But you took a leave of absence?
Something came up at home,
so I took a leave of absence
after I finished my freshman year.
Here's my proof of enrollment.
I have a degree
from that graduate school.
The school is especially beautiful
especially in autumn.
Well, I guess all four seasons
at my school are beautiful.
I especially like the front
of the law school
because of all the fallen leaves.
What was the name of the famous
bakery right across from school?
I really loved
the funnel cake there.
Oh, right. Fullsweets.
I'm guessing you enjoyed
the caramel apple cakes.
The line there is always crazy,
so they get sold out before 10 a.m.
They sell this apple necklace there.
Do you remember?
Yes, I do.
I'm starting to crave it again.
It's been so long.
Okay, then. Let's hear
what kind of math curriculum
you've prepared for the kids.
My name is Anna Lee,
and I'll be your math tutor.
It's nice to meet you guys.
Why did you gather all of us here?
We normally don't have lessons
during exam periods.
I had some time today,
so I wanted to do a level test.
You're unbelievable.
Did you seriously
gather everyone here today
just because it was
the right time for you?
It will only take 10 minutes.
You can spare that much time, right?
Sit down.
No, I can't even spare a minute.
You just need to teach
as much as you're paid.
Who do you think you are
to make us take a test?
We're not interested,
so I'd appreciate it
if you didn't waste our time.
You're wearing a fake, aren't you?
What is this supposed to be? A fly?
You're here to teach.
Be a good teacher
and try living an authentic life.
Seok Hoon, aren't you coming?
That cardigan was a limited edition.
Only three of them
were sold in our country.
I feel bad for you.
I think you lost your job
on your first day.
I'm really not interested
in taking this class.
Bye, Ms. Lee.
Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung are
the top students in our school.
Whatever they say here is the law.
Aren't you going to follow them?
I like you, Ms. Lee.
- What?
- Did you see Seok Kyung's face?
When you told her to sit down,
she got intimidated for a moment.
I'll take the level test.
My name is Ha Eun Byeol.
Are you going to attend
tonight's gathering?
I wonder what Chairman Joo
is going to brag about this time
seeing that he even invited
all the women.
Everything about him annoys me.
I've taken care of this building too
without any problems
thanks to you two.
For the prosperity of Hera Club.
You really love money
for an only son of a rich family.
Not as much as you.
You know that people
who grew up so poor
are much greedier for money.
- Are you trying to pick a fight?
- What?
What are you doing
on such a happy day?
Well, it's
So, when is the next deal,
Chairman Joo?
Let's get started right away.
What is that?
Within a 150m radius
from that building,
a subway station will be built
within three years.
If we tear that building down
and build a new one
with a floor area ratio
of 800 percent,
I guarantee
a return on investment
of 250 percent.
My gosh.
- Deal!
- Cheers.
Oh, my gosh!
The view from the penthouse
is spectacular.
You can see the whole Han River
from here.
And the interior is
so artistic as well.
I guess it's because
you're from an art university.
Gosh, do you still draw?
Oh, sometimes.
- This place is like a gallery.
- I know.
It's so beautiful.
Where are your kids?
They're studying
in the community room.
How did Seok Hoon and Seok Kyung do
in today's exam?
I bet the twins
came in first place again.
We'll have to wait for the results.
Gosh, Ms. Cheon.
You look like a different person.
Did she always have
such a beautiful neckline?
I dressed up for the occasion.
- What do you think?
- You look stunning.
The dress is beautiful too.
It's been such a long time since
I came to the penthouse.
Only the guys used to come here.
I hope you invite us girls often
from now on.
Sure. You should come often.
Here. Why don't we drink
for the penthouse then?
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Oh, my gosh. What is this?
Isn't this caviar?
I can't believe it!
Su Ryeon has such
a sophisticated taste.
- Do you want some?
- Let's try it.
- It's so delicious.
- My gosh.
I want some too.
It's so delicious.
I'm having the time of my life.
It's probably just
a temporary shock.
Mr. Yoon is waiting,
so don't worry about us and go.
Thank you, honey. I'll call you.
Su Ryeon, where are you going?
Chairman Joo,
you know I love you, right?
Let's go have a drink.
- Shall I carry you on my shoulders?
- It's okay.
It's an emergency.
The patient's vitals are dropping.
Get the pump ready.
Increase her oxygen.
Hye In, I'm here.
Please hang in there.
(Intensive Care Unit)
(Message from Mr. Yoon)
(Intensive Care Unit)
- Raise your weapon.
- Come here.
- Come!
- There!
Are you insane?
What do you intend to do here?
Is there a reason
we shouldn't be doing this?
They can't see us anyway.
I thought you'd like something
like this.
Joo Dan Tae.
I didn't know you were such
a bad man.
I don't think I can stop now.
Oh, dear.
I shouldn't have drunk
that last glass.
- I'm so drunk.
- Hey, look at me!
- Come on.
- You're doing it wrong.
It's my turn.
- Let me show you.
- Wait. I want to try again.
Oh, my gosh!
- I'm bleeding!
- Come over here.
Blood! I'm bleeding!
- Why? What is it? Are you hurt?
- Blood!
- Goodness.
- He might need surgery.
Please help him.
- Oh, dear.
- Mom. It hurts.
It hurts. It's bleeding! It hurts!
Ro Na.
Ro Na. Ro Na!
Oh, gosh. Ro Na.
You know today's the
school violence committee, right?
Tell Jenny's parents
that you'll give up
classical singing, okay?
Or you'll be forced to transfer.
I know. Are you going to say it
a hundred times?
You'd better answer correctly!
I'll call you later at 3 p.m.
at the school gate!
- The person you have reached
- Why isn't she answering?
This is driving me crazy.
Come on, pick up.
Where's Ro Na?
Is she still in the classroom?
Ro Na said she had
a singing lesson today
- and left early?
- She left early?
What lesson?
Do you know where she went?
Hello, ma'am. I'm Bae Ro Na,
the one who called you.
Bae Ro Na?
I'm your fan.
I've watched all your performances.
I heard your songs
more than a hundred times.
I really want to take your lessons.
Shine Hotel. 6 p.m.
I really want to be your student.
Too bad.
I'm fully booked now,
so I can't receive
any more students.
So many students requested
for a lesson,
and I just wanted to meet you
and tell you in person.
I'm a good singer.
If you teach me,
I'm sure I can improve.
I'll become the best.
Classical singing is not just
about passion.
You need a natural-born voice
and your own color.
I can never give up.
I bet my life on this.
Please, can you reconsider? Please.
Why did you come alone?
Where are your parents?
The thing is,
my mom is against me singing.
She's against it?
Then it's impossible to teach you.
Your parent's support is pivotal
for classical singing.
If you really want to sing,
I advise you to persuade them first.
You should go.
I told you to leave.
I'm getting excited already.
Bae Ro Na.
Is that your name?
Who is your mom?
Bae Ro Na! Where are you?
- Bae Ro Na! You little
- Mom.
Do you want to see me
lose my mind?
What are you doing here?
Why do you never listen to me?
Your life is over if they punish you
at the school violence committee.
- Come with me now.
- Oh Yoon Hee?
Is that really you?
Oh Yoon Hee?
- Let's go.
- Mom. Do you know Ms. Cheon?
- How do you know her?
- I don't. Let's go.
I thought something was strange
about her.
Her voice sounded very familiar.
My goodness. She's the daughter
of the famous Oh Yoon Hee?
I don't know you.
No, I forgot. So let's never
cross paths like this again.
- Let's go. Come on.
- Do you know my mom?
Of course, I do. We're from
Cheong Ah Arts High School.
"Cheong Ah Arts High School"?
You went to
Cheong Ah Arts High School?
Why didn't you tell me?
Why won't you let me sing?
I'll explain at home. Come on!
Well, it is a shameful past,
so I guess it would be better
for your daughter not to know.
How could people be so greedy?
You were punished for coveting
what you didn't deserve.
Seeing you like this, I guess
you're still being punished.
Am I wrong?
Shut your mouth.
How dare you say that?
Who do you think
made my life like this?
Are you saying it's me?
You haven't changed a bit.
Blaming others.
How can you blame me when
you lacked talent and ran away?
I said, let's go.
- Come out.
- No, let go!
I want to sing.
I'm going to receive lessons
from Ms. Cheon.
Who are you to object?
Yes, take your daughter with you.
She shouldn't even start if
she doesn't want to end up like you.
Don't you think?
The highlight of the 25th
Cheong Ah Art Festival.
It's time to announce
the grand prize winner
for the best classical singer.
The Bella Voce Award goes to
the senior of
Cheong Ah Arts High School,
Cheon Seo Jin!
- Great job.
- Thank you.
Hey, what are you doing?
Let go!
What's wrong with you?
(Waiting Room)
What? The grand prize?
How could you win when you were
unstable and your voice cracked?
Don't you even have a conscience?
Give me that trophy now.
Did you think you'd always win
first place?
This is mine. The grand prize of
Cheong Ah Art Festival.
All I need is this. A free pass
to Seoul University of Music.
Do you think people won't know
this is your dad's doing?
He used his position as a director
to let her incompetent daughter win.
I'm going to tell everyone!
Tell them. Do you think anyone
will believe you?
The world only listens
to powerful people.
Who will care about
a poor girl like you?
Go on and try if you want.
- Give it to me.
- Let go!
Let go!
That trophy is mine!
Give it to me!
Give it back!
Give it to me.
Give it.
I will never let you take this.
I had to go through all those
humiliations because of you!
But I got my revenge now with this.
Do you get it? I'm the best
at Cheong Ah Arts High School.
You should know your place
and stop singing.
You pitiful brat.
I pity you.
How long are you going to rely on
your dad for your singing career?
How dare you say that?
How dare you?
During the past full three years,
you were never better than me.
You must be frustrated.
That's why you used your dad
to fabricate the scores!
Are you happy?
If you wanted to win so dearly,
I'll let you.
If you're that desperate to win,
I'll just let you have
that grand prize.
Seo Jin, are you okay?
It's me. Seo Jin! Open the door!
Let's break it down.
Open this door now!
But you
will never beat me.
The fake winner, Cheon Seo Jin.
You're just a darned thief.
Oh Yoon Hee.
I'll kill you if you say
one more word.
Why? Is it embarrassing?
Then give me that trophy now!
If you still have
an ounce of pride left!
Seo Jin! Are you okay?
Open it.
Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
Seo Jin!
- What happened?
- Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
- Seo Jin!
- Call an ambulance.
- Lift her up.
- Hurry up.
- Carry her.
- Carry her.
- Hurry!
- Get going!
- Let's go.
My goodness.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
She just pushed herself in here.
Lady, you can't stay here.
Please hurry.
I have a lesson scheduled.
Let go of her!
Let go of her!
What's wrong with you?
Oh Yoon Hee.
She was your daughter?
How could your voices be so alike?
(Proper Behavior, Healthy Mind)
(School Violence Committee)
As the victim's mother,
I cannot forgive
this terrible act of terrorism
that occurred
at this sacred school.
How could you raise a criminal
at a school
that should cultivate talent?
Does this make sense?
(School Violence Committee)
I ask that shameless student
who keeps denying it
to be punished strictly!
Hey. Kids like you grow up
to become social evils
that ruin this society.
How could you think of mixing
a drug in a drink?
You have no future!
My kid has nightmares every night.
We must have her transferred
no matter what.
I can't let my daughter
go to school with the assailant!
How do you expect to go
to Cheong Ah Arts High School
even after ruining
someone else's life?
I'll make sure
you learn your lesson.
You're a piece of trash!
How did you educate your kid?
If she doesn't have any talent,
she should at least be nice.
- She deserves to get expelled!
- What did the mom do?
- Just kick her out!
- Yes, I agree.
- Just have her expelled!
- She doesn't even belong here!
- What was she thinking?
- She's unbelievable.
- You should know better!
- Let's just have her transferred.
- She shouldn't be here.
- We don't want her to stay.
- She really is a brazen one.
- My goodness.
- Has she not learned her lesson?
- This is absurd.
- She should know better!
- Let's teach her a lesson!
- Let's have her expelled!
- Kick her out!
Just be honest!
Why can't you just leave her alone?
Did she not learn any better?
She should get expelled
instead of getting suspended!
Shut it!
- My goodness!
- Oh, my gosh!
My goodness.
You're the ones
who are being violent right now.
You're trying to destroy
my daughter's life
with all your irresponsible
and nasty comments.
My daughter, Ro Na,
will not transfer schools.
I won't let her!
I'll make sure
she graduates this school!
You darn pieces of trash!
- She's unbelievable.
- My goodness.
What's wrong with her?
How dare she!
Apologize right now!
What is she thinking?
Has she lost her mind?
She's out of her mind.
Let's go, Ro Na.
What are you doing here?
Ro Na, you can go ahead and sing.
You can sing classical music.
Go to Cheong Ah Arts High School.
I'll make sure you get
accepted there no matter what.
Cheon Seo Jin, I'm done
running away.
Get out of my office right now.
You will never beat me.
The fake winner, Cheon Seo Jin.
You're just a darned thief.
(The Penthouse)
Who got into Cheong Ah Arts
High School with the highest score?
I did everything I could
to make sure you become the best.
Why don't you let me teach Ro Na?
I hope you achieve the dream
I never got to achieve.
The law works in favor of those
who have power.
I'm worried it might influence
our innocent kids.
I want to keep things simple.
It looks like we've just settled
on our own set of rules.
I'm ready to do anything
for my daughter now.
Next Episode