The Perfect Couple (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

One, two ♪
One, two, three and ♪
Swim in the ocean ♪
Sharks in the sea ♪
Nantucket Island way for me ♪
Rent a bike in the morning ♪
What a way to spend the day ♪
In the evening when the sun go down ♪
There's always places
To wine and dine ♪
Mrs. Winbury,
any advice for your three sons?
-Why do we all have
are the loves of my life.
And I'm losing you.
And I've lost one.
But this one, never.
Never getting married, ever.
-Don't worry.
-Staying at home.
It's a hard market for whiny bedwetters.
Dude, come on. Cut it out.
-I was joking, Thomas.
-Come on. He is a bedwetter.
-Be nice. Pretend to be nice.
-I was four years old.
-Come on.
-Okay. Good enough.
What's the sense in sharing ♪
This one and only life? ♪
Endin' up just another
Lost and lonely wife ♪
You'll count up the years ♪
And they will be filled with tears ♪
Hi, Amelia!
-You're Merritt, right?
Maid of honor at your service.
So today was the first day
of the rest of your life with Benji,
and this is how much I love you.
-Hi, future us!
We're probably watching this together.
-You mean, between us on the couch.
Well, duh, I'm moving into the guest room.
-And where am I in this scenario?
-Watching our seven kids.
- Whoa. Is that a best man duty?
- Ten!
Six. Six, and a dog?
Six and a dog? Deal.
I hope you're ready
to get fucking lit tonight, bro,
'cause tomorrow
you are officially off the market.
- True.
- Yeah.
Well, so is she.
She has a higher price-to-earnings ratio.
You know
what the fuck you're talking about?
Married to you I should, right?
To the future.
-To the future.
-Hey, Gosia, you wanna mind your charge?
-Mr. Will, you're not old enough.
But I am.
-Cheers, Gosia.
-Cheers, Gosia.
Isabel, you have arrived.
-How was your journey?
Well, uh, my hotel is dégoûtant.
Oh! I told you,
you should've stayed with us.
Oh. You know I like my privacy.
But you're practically family,
and it's more comfortable here.
Ignore me, I'm grumpy.
It's good to be here.
Thomas, take care of Isabel.
Greer? Greer, I need your help.
Ah! He's obsessing.
And how is the champagne?
Oh, a little warm.
Hmm. Would we prefer something
maybe a little stronger?
Yes, we would. Something a little spicy.
-Hmm. With pleasure.
Don't need to hear about this,
-you really don't.
-The next morning, the telegraphs are
We are so, so thrilled for both of you.
To Benji and his beautiful bride.
Mr. and Mrs. Winbury,
any words of wisdom
for the bride and groom?
Oh, come on. Yes.
If you are half as lucky
as your mother and I have been,
you will have a very long
and a very, very happy marriage.
-Cheers, B. We love you.
-We do.
We love you. We love you!
To the bride and groom.
Happy wedding eve!
Hi! Happy wedding eve!
Happy wedding eve!
I love this woman to death.
You get that? To death.
Help me!
Nantucket Police. This is Deputy Carl.
-Hey, Chief. It's Carl.
-What's up, Carl?
-We got a floater.
Well, happy Fourth of July weekend
to you too, Deputy.
Hey. I think your catering job's
gonna be canceled.
Canceled? Why?
No one's getting married today.
Somebody died.
What? Who?
I gotta go.
I got here just after 6:00.
I always check my venues,
you know, first thing,
to make sure
that the rentals were delivered,
and she was just there,
over the body, just numb.
Chief Carter.
Officer Henry. Dan Carter.
This is Roger Pelton, the wedding planner.
Detective Henry, but you knew that.
So, Roger,
this is the babysitter the DA sent over.
First time in a helicopter?
No, just need some coffee.
There was no in-flight meal service.
So did you get to know Miss Sacks well,
planning her wedding?
To tell you the truth,
I mostly dealt with Greer.
Uh, Greer
Garrison Winbury.
-And this is her home?
The property's been in
her husband's family for five generations.
There used to, uh,
used to be a lot more land with it.
- What happened?
- Classic American tragedy.
Boozy black sheep gambled it all away.
Yeah, well, clearly not all of it.
Thank you, Mr. Pelton.
-Mr. Pelton, please sit down.
-The detective will be right with you.
-All right.
The detective will be with you shortly.
Thank you.
The Winburys' home, Summerland,
just a cozy $40-million cottage
by the sea.
Mrs. Greer has a gift-wrapping room.
But I wrap all the gifts in my room.
Oh, they're rich.
"Child sex ring on a private island" rich.
"I'm bored. Let's go buy a monkey" rich.
"Kill someone and get away with it" rich.
Lock me up 'cause I've been bad ♪
And I know I'll do it again ♪
Through lies, real lies ♪
-We're gonna get real wild tonight ♪
-Come on ♪
Anything that feels this good ♪
Well, it must be illegal ♪
Must be illegal ♪
Call us criminals, criminals, baby ♪
Call us criminals, criminals ♪
Oh ♪
Miss Sacks?
I'm Detective Nikki Henry.
This is Chief Dan Carter.
We just have a few questions for you.
Why are you wearing your wedding dress?
The wedding wasn't supposed to start
until later today.
Can you tell me how you got
that cut on your foot? Miss Sacks?
-Do you remember how you got that
She's in shock.
I have some hot tea for you.
We'd like to know what happened yesterday.
"Good morning, wife to be! I love you."
Can we make sure
all of the chairs are brought through?
Not just those, all of them,
I need them by the house.
-And the wine is at the gate.
That's what they say.
Didn't I give you a family robe to wear?
Yeah, you did.
There was a ladybug.
A what?
A ladybug.
I see.
She's, like
She has a, how would you say,
comment est-ce qu'on dit ça
A broom?
Uh, no, a stick.
A stick in her asshole.
Are the boys afraid of Mrs. Greer?
Of course.
All three of them.
But without fear, there can be no control.
We'll need to call Katja at the nursery
and switch out the peonies for the roses
in this heat.
Yes, Mrs. Greer.
If it comes down to it,
I saw some decent carnations
at the Stop and Shop on Salem.
-I'm kidding.
-Oh. Funny.
Good morning, funny girl.
You look great in this.
I'm sure whatever we end up with
will be great.
Don't sweat the small stuff, GG Dubs.
Yeah, Amelia never sweats
the small stuff.
Which is why she's marrying you,
pencil dick.
-Okay. Childish.
-Don't waste good carbs.
Hmm. Wedding dress be damned, huh?
Gosia, could I have
my chia pudding, please?
It's in the
There you go. Ask, and you shall receive.
Thank you.
-Party mix.
You realize
half of those are vitamins, right?
But which half? That's the fun.
Will, prescription roulette?
You want to throw some Addies in the mix?
I sold all mine.
What a gorgeous gaggle
of wayward children.
Thank you.
-And your juice, Mr. Tag.
-Thank you, Gosia. Thank you.
You all right?
Pretty frazzled,
there's a lot to do.
Look at this.
-You work so beautifully.
-Come on.
-Tag, you're wet.
-I know.
No, you're gonna Please!
Listen to me,
it's all going to be perfect.
Because you have made it so.
And then they're all
gonna be in awe of you.
I see. Okay.
Guys, please.
A little consideration for young Will.
Daphne just broke up with him.
- She did?
- What?!
Oh, come on.
She dropped you like a wet shit, my buddy.
It was mutual, and it's not a big deal!
Thank God.
Uh, Will?
- It's true.
- What?
- Oh, my God.
- Stop it!
It's true. You said she was a bitch.
She is a bitch.
Will, I did not say she was a bitch.
Merritt again?
Maid of honor. Mmm-hmm.
Mmm, separation anxiety.
I'm just going to take this.
Which one was Daphne?
-Big nose, small tits.
Freakishly tall.
-The volleyball player?
-That's the one.
That's a shame, I liked her.
In Mr. Tag's green juice,
I put kale for fiber,
almond milk for protein,
apple for sweetness,
and vodka for fun.
Gosia wants to fuck Tag so bad.
I bet she rubs one out
to that little, baby picture of his
she keeps next to her bed.
He is a lot of things,
but I'll tell you
one thing he definitely is,
and that is fuckable.
I'd fuck him.
Well, I
I probably have.
Tag Winbury, DILF.
So sorry to keep you waiting.
-No, no. Don't you mention it.
-Hectic morning.
I understand.
- I come ring-bearing.
- Thank you.
-Simple, understated.
-Love it.
-You didn't like it?
-Didn't like what?
The bracelet.
Tag spent so much time
picking it out for you.
The gold, little bangle
with the dainty, little, pavé diamonds.
-Oh! The bracelet! Yes, of course.
-No, I love it. I love it.
-The tiny, little, gold bangle. Oh, good.
-Good, good, good.
-I have a million things to take care of.
-Of course.
-So, uh But let me
-No problem.
-Anyway, I have to rush.
-Absolutely, darling.
Gosia will see you out,
and I'll call you next week.
Okay, good luck tomorrow.
Oh, God.
-Uh, hi.
You okay?
Uh, yes, yes, I'm fine.
Just taking care of some things
for your father.
-Do you have a minute?
Of course, darling.
Um, okay, so, this morning,
I I don't think
you were very nice to Amelia,
and I would like you
to try harder, please.
Me? Try harder? Come on.
Come on, Ben. She's the one running around
in her bra and her underwear
and I'm talking about
just, like, presenting your
Showing an interest in your in-laws.
Okay, look,
yes, she is, she is different
from you guys, right?
But she cares what you think.
She just doesn't place value
on the same things that you do.
What same things?
I I don't know,
like, uh, who you went to school with,
or what color the front door is,
or whether you're on the guest list
for Malia's wedding on Martha's Vineyard.
Oh, so, Malia Obama's getting married?
Fantastic, huh?
-As I said, she's different.
But her parents did a great job.
And And it was them against the world.
And And I think that's
What, as opposed to your parents?
As opposed to us?
You don't think we've done a good job?
Come on.
Occasionally, sure, yes.
But that is not my point.
Oh, Benj.
It is clear that you adore her.
I want some reassurance
that she's equally adoring of you.
It is literally
the rehearsal dinner today.
-What more
-Do I have to say this?
When I came here,
when I came to Nantucket
to meet your father's family,
you want to know what I did?
I went out, I bought a whole new wardrobe.
I I learned to crack a lobster.
I I studied Tom Wolfe.
I mean, I I can
I can tell her to To try harder.
No, I'll get her
to dress fully in the morning.
-I'm sorry. Benj, listen to me.
-Make her read Bonfire of the Vanities.
I don't care. I don't care.
I don't care if she went to Harvard
or the University of Miami.
It's the Miami University of Ohio, Mom!
It has the best zoology program
in the country,
and she went there
on a full fucking scholarship!
I didn't know that. You want to know why?
Because she never chose
any sort of interest in participating,
in being a part of your family.
I care that she loves you.
Wow. Uh
You chose today. Sure. Uh
Well, silly girl. I guess she thought
that marrying me would be enough.
Well, let me tell you, it isn't.
It really isn't.
Not in the long-term.
God damn it, Greer. Shut the fuck up.
Hello, Enid.
Greer, darling.
I don't want to keep you.
You have the wedding tomorrow.
But I wanted to check, you're all set
for your book launch next week?
You and Tag are prepped
for the interview with People Magazine?
I believe the headline will be
"The Perfect Couple."
I've been thinking
about all of this, Enid, and I just
I actually would like
to distance ourselves
from all the "perfect couple" obsession.
It's ridiculous.
We all need something impossible
to aspire to, that's why we read fiction.
I don't know why
they're even interested anymore.
We've been married for a hundred years.
They're interested
because you've been married for 29 years.
You're their real-life Dash and Dolly.
It's part of your mythology.
I see.
Greer, are you all right?
- All right. Have to go.
- Thanks, Enid.
I can't say if Greer knew,
or if she didn't know,
but if she did, she never would've let on.
She keeps her cards
very close to the vest.
You never know
quite where you stand with Greer.
I mean,
I would do anything for her.
Well, not anything.
But a lot.
She's amazing.
Thanks for coming with me
to pick up my parents.
No, I'm happy to.
I want them to feel welcome,
it's important.
I hope they made it on.
With her cancer,
my mom doesn't really have
a mind for details these days,
like departure times or anything.
My dad's just too busy taking care of her.
I'm sure he would've called.
They'll be here.
Um, about my mom
She's really self-conscious
about everything.
Um, she never really takes her wig off.
I think she feels like if she does,
then everyone will notice that she's sick.
I promise I won't mention the wig.
Let me ask you something.
Does your mom smoke?
What, like pot?
Has she ever tried CBD?
-I don't think so.
-Oh, my God. No one's told her about that?
You know, it's a natural painkiller.
Yeah. When my dad had prostate cancer,
we used to grind it up in his cereal.
Oh! There they are! Mom! Dad!
-Mom! Dad! Hi!
- Hey, bug!
- The bride! Here comes the bride!
-Hi, honey.
-Hi, sweetheart.
- You're here!
- We made it.
-Yeah, we made it.
-Mom, Dad, you remember Tag?
- Hi.
- Oh! So good to see you again.
Nice to see you too.
-Shall we?
-Let me grab that.
-Oh! Leave it.
I'll take it.
- How was your trip?
- Good, good.
- Was there a big lineup at the ferry?
- Oh, there was. Yeah.
Oh, look at this. Is this it?
- This is the house?
- Yeah.
Summerland, huh?
- Hey, there he is!
- Hi!
How's it going?
-Good, we're okay.
-Hi, Benji.
Welcome! Hello, Bruce.
-So glad you're here.
-Hi, Greer.
-Good to see you.
-Karen, I hope the trip wasn't difficult.
-Hi, I'm Abby.
- No, it was wonderful.
- Pleasure.
- Oh, thank you.
- Hi.
Um, I I wanted to bring this for you.
I mean, well, for all of you.
- How nice. For all of us.
- You're welcome.
- I'm Abby.
- Oh, hi.
I'm so happy we could rearrange our plans
for the Fourth to be here.
And if the weather holds up, maybe we can
take a little trip into town later?
Absolutely. Are you a golfer, Bruce?
No, I'm not a golfer.
Well, you could probably pick it up, hon.
I mean, he's really athletic.
I don't think it's something you pick up,
but come on, Will.
We have a light refreshment.
- We have drinks for you.
- Wow, it's like a hotel.
We made, uh, blackberry martinis.
- It's a mojito.
- Mojito?
It's kind of like a wine cooler,
but better.
-It's nothing like a wine cooler.
-Shut up, Tom.
-You'll like it, Mom, try it.
Um, the folks back at the Y,
they're gonna want a picture.
Do you think maybe
-Yeah! Come on!
Thank you.
Would you like to do it
in front of the house?
-Yeah, that'd be great.
-Hey, everybody get in. Everybody get in.
- Make it a group shot.
- Yeah.
Will. Okay, say cheese!
- Got it.
- Thank you, sweetheart.
Maid of honor in the house!
I miss you so much
and I haven't even left yet.
Hey. Best man in the house.
-How you doing, dude?
-I'm good.
-You good?
-I'm fucking great.
-You all right?
Uh, yeah.
Psyched to be the best man?
I know I would be, if I'd been asked.
It's not like you were my best man.
Oh, well, you were, but, hey, it's fine.
It's all good. It's okay.
You're You're the worst man, so
-It's funny. Good one.
-Don't be sore.
Shooter, I didn't know
you guys were traveling together.
Oh, well, he was on the taxi stand
and, uh, mooched a ride off me.
Hard labor for the groom.
Shoot, do I get a hug?
Hey, there's the Moose!
-Thank you.
-Elaine? Take it away.
-Yes, ma'am.
We moved up the wedding to accommodate
Mrs. Sacks' dying schedule,
and she brings
grocery-store bananas.
It's the day
of the rehearsal dinner, y'all!
Can you believe it?
I'm here at this sick pool,
so stay tuned because I'm coming back
with some really exciting updates.
Hey, um, Shooter.
Take a picture with me.
-Don't answer that.
It's just this guy
I was low-key hooking up with.
A code name, not his real name.
Nobody uses real names.
-Yeah, everybody knows that.
-Are you okay?
Yeah. What, do I
His girlfriend just broke up with him.
Dude, come on, it clearly wasn't working
and so we made a mutual, like
What? No, that doesn't make sense.
I'm gonna kill her.
She sounds like an idiot.
-Will you take a photo with me?
-Yeah, yeah.
Do you mind?
Girls your age are just my demo.
Okay, I'm gonna laugh really hard
like you said something really funny,
- 'cause girls like funny boys.
- Okay.
-Let's see, is it cute?
-That's cute. Here.
Aw, this is so cute!
Can I tag you?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on.
Your shoes are really cool.
-All right, I'll see you later.
-See you later, Will.
Uh, Merritt, she was a, how do you say,
I don't wanna say a salope.
I wouldn't say a slut, but she
I think she's She loves
having a good time, right?
I met Merritt once
at a dinner party in New York,
way before Amelia and Benji.
She was dating my friend's boss
from Sotheby's.
He was loaded, and 5'6".
I'm sure they were very much in love.
I can tell you one thing for certain:
I never fucked her.
I don't know
why you two don't go public.
That fucking toothpick
gets more attention than I ever did.
She's a well-kept woman.
Thank you.
-Big day for Benji, huh?
Tomorrow our blue-eyed boy becomes a man.
Not that marriage is some kind of baptism
of manhood or anything.
I mean, not mine anyway.
Abby's got my fucking nuts in a vise.
I promised her we'd get a new apartment.
Hey. I need a loan.
Just a Band-Aid.
Got in a little over my head
on an options play.
Ah, Jesus.
You know,
I'll never forget the look on Nick's face
when I went up to Groton
to pick this thing up.
I could tell I could tell
he'd put his heart and soul into it.
I mean, look at the inlay on that.
He was beaming with pride to have
this thing go out with his name on it.
Well, it sounds like
he really put in the time.
Because he knew it would pay off.
He launched his baby into the world
and he knew it would perform.
Not, uh
drop to the bottom like a fucking stone.
You know?
Oh, God.
It's like Greer wants me to back out.
Honestly Fuck her.
She's a snob-and-a-half.
You know, I bet she married Tag
for his old money name,
just to make her book jackets look cooler.
I called her GG Dubs this morning.
I swear she would have shit a brick
if one would fit
through her tight, little butthole.
No! No!
Ugh. I don't want to think about
Greer's butthole.
But now I am,
and it's definitely bleached and waxed.
I see you, bitch.
All right, talk to me.
What's really going on?
Have you ever loved someone so much
you'd, like, kill to be with them?
I don't know
if I feel that way about Benji.
But this isn't just because
his mom sucks, right?
-Because you're not marrying his mom.
-No, I know how lucky I am. I do.
I mean, it's Benji. He's
-so kind and
So handsome.
-So rich. Oh, my God. Sorry.
-Stop it!
Don't do that.
-I love him, and you know I do.
-Sorry. I know you do.
shouldn't I be like
when I'm with him, I need to touch him.
And when I'm not with him, I'm fantasizing
about the next time I get to be.
I think I know what's going on here.
-You do?
-Yeah, it's just cold feet.
It's normal.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah. You're right.
Anyway, even if I wanted to back out,
there's no way I could now.
Bitch, you can do whatever you want to do.
And I will back you up all the way. Okay?
You don't really
want to call it off, do you?
You're not only doing this
because of your mom, right?
I don't.
Here you go. Oh!
-You okay?
-The dismount!
All right. Who wants this?
-You okay?
Hey, um
Happy wedding eve.
Oh, my God.
-Do you like it?
I love it!
And I look so, like, regal or something.
It's not totally dry yet, so
And you are regal.
-Yeah, right.
-You are.
Right here.
I'm the luckiest guy on earth
to be marrying you.
I love it when you smell like paint.
Right here.
-What did I do?
You're perfect,
and I don't deserve you.
Okay. Uh
What is this about?
It's fine.
Oh, fuck it.
I know Greer thought
the engagement was a little fast.
Amelia and Benji only met last year.
Some donor event at the zoo.
Mrs. Amelia washes her own dishes.
It's rude.
I don't come into her job at the zoo
and pet the animals.
Miss Sacks is lovely.
But she's from Easton, Pennsylvania.
Okay, uh, how do I put this? Um
Monomoy's not her natural habitat.
I said it!
She jumped feet first
into a wasp's nest.
Someone was going to get stung.
He's like, "Not on my wedding day."
Ah! Happy wedding eve!
Happy wedding eve!
I love this woman to death. You get that?
Okay, so, apparently
this knife was found near the scene.
Forensics are running tests.
Enlighten me, what kind of knife is that?
Oyster shucker.
That's what you shuck an oyster with?
You really never seen an oyster shucker?
You know what, Carl?
I just met you, and I
I already don't like you.
Like, at all.
I mean, even my daughter
knows how to shuck an oyster.
Chief, she seems a little grumpy.
You got a candy bar on you?
Oh, my God.
You know, I'm a grown-ass woman, Carl.
I don't need anybody
helping me with what I eat.
Maybe a donut.
Okay, you know,
I actually will have this. Thank you.
-That's That's very nice of you.
-I don't need a donut.
Oh, my God!
-Fuck the fucking oysters.
This is the best donut
I've ever had in my life!
I love this woman to death. You get that?
Oh, get a room!
Hello. Hi.
Um, hi, everybody.
Uh, yeah, speech.
Wow, thanks.
Uh I'm Merritt Monaco,
and I'm Amelia's maid of honor.
Welcome to Amelia and Benji's
rehearsal dinner!
It's very exciting to be here today
celebrating true love.
Um, I don't think that I knew
what that was until I met Amelia.
I don't think
there's anyone else in the world
who would stay on the phone with me
all night,
reading me gossip columns
until I fall asleep.
So, to my perfect Amelia and her Benji,
I love you guys.
Hear! Hear! Cheers! Well done.
Some of you know this already,
but, um, Amelia and I met at the zoo.
- Aw!
- She was working there, handling snakes.
And I was helping a friend
by looking after their kid one Saturday,
and we decide to go to the zoo.
And then suddenly there's Amelia,
feeding a live rat to a giant python.
And she continues
talking about it passionately,
and I'm transfixed.
I go back every Saturday for five weeks.
So I'm going to have to say something
to her.
So I go over and I say,
"So, you You You like snakes?"
And she says, "No, not really,
but I I'll tell you what I do like."
And so she lets me buy her a
A coffee in the cafeteria.
And she turns to me and she says,
"Did you know that, uh, penguins
"that penguins mate for life?"
And I said, "No, I didn't, but
But I do now."
And I realized,
"Wait, over the last five weeks,
I have been becoming a penguin."
And Amelia, my mate for life.
I love you,
and I can't wait to marry you tomorrow.
I love you all!
-Have you talked to your dad?
-Yeah, yeah, I asked him. It's fine.
The Beresford's will only hold
the apartment until the end of the month.
-I know. It's fine.
-I need to get into that building.
-Do I need to remind you that I'm
Oh! Are you pregnant?
Yeah, it's fine. It's fine.
By the end of the month.
So, he goes outside and his mom's
there rifling through the trash.
He's like, "Mom, what are you doing?
Are you smoking meth again?"
She goes, "No, I'm looking for my teeth."
Hey, dude, what's with the,
uh, scissor sisters over there?
Have they ever rubbed nubs?
I mean, it doesn't mean
she doesn't love you, you know.
We all know she loves your money.
Hey, Tom. Shut up.
What? They're all in it for the money.
But at least my wife
matches the fucking wallpaper.
That's funny. Yeah, it's a total mystery
why Benji didn't make you the best man.
Funny. Good one.
Go for a swim.
Cool off for a while.
-Yeah, maybe I'll do that.
-Yeah, do that.
Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you ♪
I love the way you kiss me, darling ♪
-Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you ♪
-Oh, yeah ♪
Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you ♪
-Love the way you hold me ♪
-Sexy thing, you sexy thing, you ♪
Help me!
Help me!
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