The Phantom (2009) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Mommy! Kit, sweetie! Get down! Get down! Mommy, who is it? Get your head down! Now! Now! I'm right here, sweetie.
Mommy, I'm scared! Kit! Get down! Mommy! I love you! It's done, sir.
No survivors.
We'll meet you at the airport.
You look like a tourist, Grandma! Hurry up! - This is Chris Cross, tick-tock! You can't touch me with this! We are live! From Lower Manhattan to Hoboken in 12! He'll never make it.
No way.
- $5 will get you $10, he does.
- It's on.
We're doing this in real time, uncut! I'm ready.
You ready? - You know it! - Here we go! We better go incognito! Whoo-hoo! Sorry, man! Sorry! Hey, watch it! - Hey! - Whoo! Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo! Oh yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whoo! Yo, Tommy, can I get some service! Maybe a latte? - Hold on.
- What are you watching? These Come here.
These guys, OK? They're some of our regulars.
- Yeah! - Whoo-hoo-hoo! Love is a rhyme Oh! ♪ You need that one perfect line ♪ - This is nuts! - No kidding! I understand you're doing everything you can To see a format or a plan But you get lost in your own pretence And hours seem like days When inhibitions Is this live? Yeah.
It's crazy! Too much information And no hesitation You get it off your chest Here I am And there's all this Whoo! Here I am And there's always you Come on! Yeah, yeah, I'm coming! I'm coming! Oh! You OK? Yeah, yeah! Go, go, go, go! You're a victim and a rebel No matter what you wear Whoo! Yeah! To have your soliloquy And now you feel Ahh! - That was nice! - That was beautiful! And there's always you Oh! Here I am And there's always you Here I am And there's always you Here I am Watch! Watch! - You got that? - And we're set! - Ohh! - No! That was tight! - He lands it! - Yeah! - Get out! - What! Yeah Dude! Tell me you got that! Yeah, I got that! We're coming up on 9 minutes! Whoo! Yeah! Ohh! I got you, buddy! Come on! Come on! You can do it! Ahh! - Dude, that was bad-ass! Get up! Get up! Get up! What? What? What? What? - It hurts? - Do you need me to call 911? No, don't call anyone.
Just go, man.
I'll be OK.
- You've gotta call 911! - Yeah, that's it.
I'm calling.
You good? How many fingers? Stop fooling around, man! Yeah, I'd like to report an injury.
We gotta go! We can't sit here! I gotta get you to the hospital.
No, ma'am, I was watching this person on my laptop, and I saw them fall.
No, no, I gotta call 911! No, no, no, they didn't fall on my laptop.
You know what? I know where this place is.
I'm just gonna go.
Ma'am, hold on a second.
- I'm gonna talk to her.
- How are you? Are you good? - Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
- You had quite a fall, sir.
You remember your name? - Out of the way, please.
- What's your name? - Jordie.
- Do you remember what happened? - I fell.
- Yeah! All right.
I need you to not move your neck.
Renny Davidson, right? That is correct, sir.
I'm Chris Moore.
Yeah - Sixth grade.
- Ms.
Sheenan's class, right? Yeah.
Yeah! You remember me? Yeah, of course I do! The only boy who didn't laugh when I said I wanted to be a paramed! Yeah, well, look at you now! Saving my buddy's life here! How cool is that? Yeah, making the big bucks.
How does that feel? Good? What did you want to be again? A dolphin trainer.
What? How is that working out for you? Well, let me tell you something about dolphins.
They are very rude! And cheap.
You know, I shared a cab with a dolphin once.
Don't tell me.
He stiffed you for his end of the fare? How did you guess? They're notorious for that.
OK, friend.
You're under arrest.
For what? Trespassing, mischief.
And that's just the first of it.
Come on! What? - Tell me if this hurts.
- Come on! Hey, Renny! Can I call you? Hey, Jordie! Give her my number! Please! If you can remember! Come on, man! - Hey! - Interesting guy.
Yeah Christopher Moore? Yeah.
This is Detective Clark Ellis, and I'm Sean Davidson.
You're coming with us.
Where? You'll see.
Criminal trespass, fleeing an officer, resisting arrest.
You're a real hard case, Moore.
You run around on rooftops like some kind of maniac? I don't get that.
What's that for? - Ask him.
- So what is it, Moore? You get some kind of rush doing that? Running around Like a maniac? Yeah.
It's called Parkour.
- Par-what? - Parkour.
It's French for "running around like a maniac.
" Oh yes! Let's go! Curb-side service, Moore.
Young lady awaits.
- Thanks, Dad.
- You're welcome.
Moore Behave yourself.
- Dad? - Ha-ha! Well I thought they were gonna throw me in the East River! I guess I convinced them not to.
I don't I don't know what to say.
"Thanks" would be good.
Dinner would be better.
Do you like Italian? Sounds good.
It's him.
Feet! Where you been? Dad, I met this really great girl! We were so worried.
We tried to call.
But your phone wasn't My cell phone is dead.
What? What's the matter? Something wrong? I can't believe you'd do something this stupid.
Your last year of Columbia Law.
You get arrested? What were you thinking? I was just blowing off a little steam.
Your father went to the precinct.
To bail you out.
And they said you were gone.
They couldn't tell us where you were.
Mom I'm so sorry.
No! No, don't! No, I'm really mad at you! Mom, Mom Chris, you know how important school is.
The sacrifices we've all had to make.
Even with your scholarship.
If you don't get your grades up, they're not gonna renew it.
And then we are well and royally screwed.
So I want you to promise me that you'll buckle down over the next few weeks.
No going out - Dad, I'm 24.
- So what? So it sounds like you're grounding me.
You know what I'm saying.
No hanging out, no distractions.
None of this "parquet" stuff.
- Parkour.
- Whatever All you gotta do is nail these midterms, go another semester, and then you can write your own ticket.
And you can take care of your mother and me in our golden years.
Yeah, right.
So do I have your word? Yeah.
All right.
Then get to it.
Chris, what was it you were telling your dad about that girl you met? Hmm? - Ready for field test 9-alpha-niner.
Gardner, Bethany Ann.
- Preparing for field test 9-alpha-niner.
Gardner, Bethany Ann.
She totally flakes on me.
Yeah, and so now I'm stuck doing everything.
- OK, start her up.
- Yeah, no.
I know.
You told me she was unreliable, but what am I gonna do? She volunteered.
Target defined.
Subject is in position.
Green for go.
Green for go.
All right, I'll see you at the meeting.
OK, bye.
Wave form being received in the household.
Initiate the sequence.
And Mark.
Initiating indoctrination code.
Sequence beta 3.
Decreasing temporal dithering to zero.
Initiating indoctrination code.
Sequence beta 3.
And terminate broadcast.
Mom, I have some intuition.
That's what you said the last time.
- So by providing a supply- and-distribution chain that enhances our macro-global matrix, we increase influence, control and, of course Profits.
What about conflict of interest? I am so glad you asked that question, Pete.
You see, under this new paradigm, there is no interest.
And ergo, there can be no conflict.
The situation doesn't even have to get hot for us to profit.
- What about the Ben-David situation? I'm so sorry, Mr.
Could you be a little more unclear? I need a little more context on that one.
- Jalil Ben-David, 33.
Son of Israeli war hero Ayou Ben-David and his Palestinian mistress, Yanakoi Dumi.
Educated at Oxford.
Top of his class.
Now promoting tolerance in the territories.
"Peace at Last?" Hmm? Never seen this on the cover of World magazine before, have we? I don't know, Stef.
This is all seeming a little bit too "inside the box" for me.
What's your point? My sources say he commands the respect of both the Israelis and Palestinians and is very close to establishing stability without providing a solution.
Take him out.
I'm sorry? You heard me.
I'm assuming you're saying we should assassinate him.
Worked before with Kennedy, Sadat I see your point.
But Those things can get messy.
OK, Raatib.
What do you suggest? What I always do.
Simplification plus automization equals profitization.
Janet, send her in.
Ladies and gentlemen, may I please present to you the esteemed head of the neurological research-and-development team, Dr.
Bella Lithia.
This is an executive summary.
I expect few of you to read it And fewer of you to even understand it.
So let me put it in simple terms.
As we all know, power, real power, is simply the ability to make people do what we want them to do.
So far, there has been Manipulation, coercion Or force.
With Flicker Tech, all this is obsolete.
In other words, gentlemen, a totally new paradigm.
Our Flicker Tech field trials have been successfully completed, and we are ready to start operation 6 months ahead of schedule.
Why the delay? Excuse me? We have been told it's fully operational right now.
Is that correct? Yes.
So he goes to Columbia Law, and.
He's from the neighbourhood.
Like, 2 blocks away his entire life! My, my, my Are you even listening to me? This whack job in Connecticut, some soccer mom, no previous record, poisons a bunch of parents at a school meeting! Nine people dead! I'm telling you, this world is turning into pure crap.
Good morning! You know I'm breaking every rule in the book right now by calling you? Oh yeah? What book is that? The Guy's Unwritten Playbook for Dating.
Never, ever call a girl the morning after the first date.
She will think you're pathetic, desperate and a potential stalker.
Funny, that's what the Girl's Playbook says, too! So are you? What? A stalker! Funny! Funny.
Uh, look, so the point is, I had a really good time with you last night.
So I'm calling because I don't want you to get the wrong idea.
Wait, what? Well, I told my parents last night, I'd really buckle down and study for midterms hard over the next few weeks.
So I'm probably really not gonna have much time to go out.
Go out.
No, I totally get it.
Chris, that's not a big deal.
I mean, whatever.
We just had dinner, right? No, it's not OK.
It wasn't just a dinner.
So when are your midterms? Ugh A week from Friday.
All right.
Until then, you can always call me.
What? No, it's just that if I call you, I'm gonna wanna see you.
And if I see you, we'll say it's gonna be for 5 minutes, and it'll end up being for, like, 5 hours.
- Or you could just use some self-discipline.
If I had any, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I see your point.
All right, so radio silence until a week from tomorrow.
And then we pick up where we left off.
All right.
And, uh, Chris Yeah? Bet you wished you kissed me when you dropped me off last night.
Ooh, that is cold! Ice! You're the Ice Queen! Bye! Talk to you later.
Calling you the day after your first date.
Friggin' stalker Why did you lie to them? Do you have any idea how much work we have left to do before Before it's perfect? Perfection doesn't interest me.
Practical results do.
We still need to tackle a number of significant problems before we can attempt an operation of any magnitude! Oh really? Such as? Override strong personal feelings between perspective subject and target, for one.
Oh, details! Excuses.
I have spent my entire adult life in this technology, and I'm not going to see it compromised by half measures! You're right.
We must be responsible, Bella.
We rise together We fall together But if we fall You fall first.
Oh - Chris? - Mmm You OK? Yeah.
Lady with the gun? Been a while.
Hmm? Don't make too much of it.
It's just a dream.
No, you know Like, sometimes there's a word.
And it's right on the tip of your tongue, but you can't think of it.
This lady is It's like she's Right on the tip of my brain.
It's like I know her.
But how? Whoa, whoa, whoa! What did I tell you? I don't want this thing in here.
Yeah right, like I'm gonna leave it outside in this neighbourhood.
It's dirty! Dude, just give me a tall Americano to go, all right? - What's up? - What's up? At the break of day You say it, too Boo! Ah! Didn't you break your pelvis or something? I chipped it.
Hurt like hell.
No biggie.
Not like the ribs.
But, man, though Every time I go over a pothole, I think I'm gonna black out.
Oh, and thanks for not popping by to check on me.
Yeah, thanks for telling my dad I got busted by the cops.
Sort of slipped past the painkillers.
Yeah, how'd that work out, anyway? Well, I'm under house arrest and I got midterms.
You tell me.
I mean, with the cops.
Oh Remember that paramed? Yeah! The one you was hitting on while I was dying on the sidewalk? Turns out, her dad's a detective.
Got the charges dropped.
You gotta be the luckiest guy on the planet.
So then we go to dinner.
Oh, look at you! Player! All 007 and stuff, eh? Yeah.
Well, turns out, she's great.
Really? We talked for, like, 3 hours.
Well, then I'm glad I had the opportunity to introduce you guys.
Yeah, me too.
Thanks, buddy.
What's her name? Renny.
Oh man - What? - You're in love! - Shut up! - Because the way you said it "Renny" I mean, it sounded like you were in love.
- Well, that's her name.
- No, no, no.
No, no, no! I'm not saying I'm not talking about the name.
I'm saying about the way you said it.
The way you said "Renny" sounded like you were in love.
I don't know.
Say it again.
Let's see.
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Where are you guys going? Manhattan.
Your dad's taking me out to dinner.
Ha! On a Wednesday night? What, it's against the law for us to go out on a Wednesday night? Your dinner's on the stove.
We'll bring you back some dessert.
OK then! Have fun! What are you doing here? It was you mom's idea.
She figured you gotta eat, so Why not eat with a friend? Huh I can't believe she did this.
I can go if you need to study or No No.
Oh no, you don't.
No, did Did you make this? No.
Your mom did.
But I helped her with the salad.
Lots my bags flying over the ocean But I'm all right I got everything I need here You got your wings on I got my headband Turn up the music Let's paint our faces When you lift me up Oh, oh, oh Wow Yeah When you lift me up Oh, oh, oh When you lift me up Oh, oh, oh When I am with You It don't matter what will ever come of anything 'Cause you're here You're gonna work hard Do awesome on your exams.
And I'll see you Friday.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What do you want? Ah! Ah! No! No! What? What? Stop! Where are you guys taking me? huh? What do you want? What do you want? Just tell me what you want! I don't have any money! I don't have anything! Christopher Moore.
Age 24.
Born October 15, 1986.
No! No! No, you got the wrong guy! I was born in July! July 2! My ID's in my wallet.
Don't! You guys are making a huge mistake! You're studying Law at Columbia.
You reside at 20 East 25th Street.
Frank Edward and Pam Elizabeth Moore.
Legal guardians? What do you mean? What are you talking about? Who are you people? Please.
Please, come with me.
I'll explain.
I want you to see something.
Twenty years ago, a boy was found scavenging food from a dumpster in Chinatown.
He was placed in the custody of Child Services.
It was later determined, he had suffered a concussion.
He had no memory of his parents, where he came from.
Even his name was a mystery.
That child was subsequently adopted by Frank and Pam Moore.
So you're saying this kid Was you.
No, you know what? This is ridiculous.
Ten days ago, when you were arrested, the police collected a routine DNA swab.
They entered it into CODIS.
This generated a match to your biological parents.
I assure you, the results were checked and rechecked.
They're irrefutable.
Your birth name Is Kit Walker.
Kit Walker.
You were born in Gstaad, Switzerland, and named after your father Who was a very important man.
- Was? - Yes.
He died 22 years ago.
OK OK! So what you're saying is, I'm not me.
My parents aren't my parents.
And my real father is dead.
I know this is difficult.
No, no, no, this is not difficult.
This is insane.
I don't even know who you people are! Fair enough.
We represent an agency known as Bpaa-Thap.
- Ba-what? In 1664, one of your ancestors, and a former pirate, named Barbrouge Wait, I'm sorry.
A pirate? A former pirate.
Established a small paramilitary group whose mandate was to protect the innocent against violence and oppression.
Since then, it has grown into an international covert intelligence and law-enforcement agency, located in Bengalla.
- Ah! Bengalla? - Mm-hmm.
A small island nation in the Indonesian archipelago.
Oh, I know where it is.
My name is Abel Vandermaark.
Director of Field Operations.
Well Abel I'd really love to hear about this sometime.
But I got things to do.
Wait! Would you like to see your real mother? Diana Walker.
You remember her.
She's Dead.
You were with her in the car when it was forced off the road.
You recognize this place? No.
I know who I am.
I'm Chris-- - You are Kit Walker.
Your mother was murdered.
Her assassins are still alive.
Still at-large.
What do you want? The world needs you To assume the mantle of your forefathers and take up their struggle against Against what? Evil.
It's so pervasive We don't even see it anymore.
My family Has been in the service of yours for 5 generations.
If you want to know more about your real family, you can reach me at that number 24 hours a day.
I'll be staying at the Ritz Central Park until Friday.
I already have a real Family.
Do you think it was wise to let him go before convincing him to join us? He'll call.
He's a Walker.
Mom! Dad! Mom? Dad? Mom? Dad! Guys! Oh! Oh God! No.
Ah! Ah! Walker! Where are you going to go, huh? OK.
Ah! It's too bad I have to kill you! You are pretty good, my friend! Jeannot! Jeannot! Walker! Tu es Mort! You hear me? You're dead! Dead! Show yourself or I'll shoot.
Why'd you kill them? You psycho! What are you talking about? - My parents are dead! - The Moores? Two men were waiting for me when I got home.
They tried to kill me.
Listen to me.
Listen to me! Listen to me! Now, you think.
If we wanted you dead, then we could easily have killed you after we picked you up, right? RIGHT? What happened? I went straight home.
I wanted to hear it from them.
What we talked about earlier? Two men Were waiting f me.
Parkour traceurs.
Good ones.
French, I think.
Twins? Yeah.
They might've been.
The Roux brothers.
Singh Assassins.
Top shelf.
Guran, we've been made.
Send our bodyguard down for the car.
Meet us outside the lobby.
Yes, he's here with me.
Did you call the police? No, I lost my phone.
Then it's good you came here.
The police are not equipped to protect you from the Singhs.
The who? The Singh Brotherhood.
They're an international crime syndicate.
How come I've never heard of them? Because they're very good at what they do.
Time to check out.
Why, you think he'll come here? They know about you.
There's an excellent chance they know about us.
I thought you said there were two of them.
One of them is dead.
It was an accident.
I just Made it happen.
It's clear.
One o'clock.
That's him.
Which one? I can't even tell them apart.
Shouldn't be a problem anymore.
Kit took one of them out.
Really? Where are we going? That's entirely up to you.
I'm sorry it has to be like this.
I'm sorry about the Moores.
But my offer still stands.
You can come with us to Bengalla-- - Fantasy Island.
I don't think so.
You listen to me! These people want you dead.
They're relentless.
They'll kill anyone who stands in the way.
The Moores were just the first.
- This can't be happening.
- It is happening! What about witness protection? The Singhs have infiltrated every intelligence and law-enforcement agency on the planet.
It may take them time, but they will find you.
So what? You're telling me that my only chance is with you? It would appear so.
But before you make your decision, Once you chose, there'll be no going back.
You'll have to walk away from everyone and everything you've ever known.
For all intents and purposes, Chris Moore will simply cease to exist.
No farewells, no apologies, no explanations.
Now you're on the Singhs' radar.
To contact anyone would be tantamount to giving them a death sentence.
- But if I just disappear, wh-- - I know, they'll be worried and hurt.
Better that than dead.
How far out are we? The jets are warming up.
We've got 5 minutes.
I need a decision.
You're just asking me to give up everything.
My life, my name My whole world.
Just like-- Just like that.
Look inside yourself, boy.
You know this was never your world.
You've always known it.
Let's go.
You've arrived safely with our young friend.
Kit, this is Dr.
Deepak Baboor, the director of Bpaa-Thap.
It's a great honour to finally meet the 22nd Phantom.
- It's, um-- - We've prepared a reception at my lab.
You may meet me and my sub-directors for tea and cakes, followed by a most excellent tour of our facilities.
It won't be necessary.
Walker has had a long flight.
There'll be plenty of time later to meet your people.
- B-b-but we've gone through-- - Whoa, that was kind of harsh! Trust me.
You'll thank me later.
Baboor's a scientist.
Electronics, surveillance, intelligence gathering, cooperation with local law-enforcement.
So? So since your father died, that's where he's directed most of our operations.
And that's a bad thing? If it's at the expense of Field Division, yes.
And that's your thing.
Your father's thing.
And your grandfather's thing.
And so on and so on.
There's something you guys aren't telling me.
Over the last few years, there've been a number of Irregularities.
Security breaches.
It's possible the Brotherhood was tipped off to your location.
By someone here.
Keep your eyes open.
Be very careful about what you say, especially around Baboor's people.
What was that he called me? The Phantom? It's a title of sorts.
One that must be earned.
End of the road.
Hop out.
Where to? Wherever they decide to take you.
Who? What are they saying? Lukaisa means "The ghost who walks.
" It's a holy name by which my people have known your family for generations.
Where are they gonna take me? Home.
The Phantom has been the protector of my people for generations.
Trust them, As with your father before you, they will guide you to fulfill your destiny.
Winston Churchill.
Your great-great-grandfather and he were thick as thieves.
The Rat Pack.
- Mm-hmm.
Your father helped Mr.
Sinatra recover his son after he was abducted for ransom.
Is that my dad right there? - Mm-hmm.
The one in the mask? The Phantom.
But he's in all these pictures, going back, what, at least 100 years? Oh, much more than that.
1536, to be exact.
- But how could he possibly be-- - In every case, the man behind the mask is named Kit Walker.
And so it is passed from father to son for 21 generations.
Preserving the illusion of immortality.
The ghost who walks.
It took over 4 centuries for the Singh Brotherhood That the only way to kill the Phantom was to destroy the Walker family line.
What's that? One of Baboor's recent additions.
Bpaa-Thap's network links with every major law-enforcement, mass-media and intelligence agency in the world.
Instructions and passwords are in the drawer.
Lab, medical facilities, gym, motor pool are below us.
Guran will show you how to get there.
Meals are served in the cafeteria, but if you prefer to eat in, you just call the kitchen.
Room service.
- Mm-hmm.
Wow! So, wait.
So all this is just-- - Yours.
It's your ancestral home.
My ancestral home.
Once you take the oath of your forefathers and complete your training, you will be rewarded the privilege of wearing this.
You're kidding, right? I know.
It's a daunting challenge.
We'll do everything we can to help you assume your legacy as the 22nd Phantom.
But I didn't agree to take any sacred oaths or go through any training programs.
The only reason I came here with you people was to protect my friends.
I see.
I don't know what you expected.
The journals of your 21 predecessors are collected in the library.
If you're at all interested.
Uh I'm sorry.
I told him not to make any assumptions.
I'm not wearing that.
Ah! With Flicker, the sky is the limit, gentlemen.
The sky is the limit.
True, the results are impressive.
But the subject's behaviour, so unnatural.
Let's be fair there.
Doug, come on.
This is just a beta, right? Once Lithia has worked out and shaken loose all the bugs, I assure you we will literally be able to program anyone we want to do whatever we want.
As crude as it is, even the Contract killings, assassinations, suicide bombings.
Still, it's expensive.
Oh really? And the old way isn't? Is that what you're saying? this bloody Morpheus goes 7 figures for overhead expenses, contract services, evidence clean-up.
And all because McDowell had a little bug up his butt about Flicker's reliability.
And how reliable is B.
U? One dead operative, and the target's still alive.
Just let me do my job, I will vaporize this Kit Walker.
It's just a matter of time.
Phantom number 22 will have very, very short lifespan.
Such p And you realize this headache could've all been avoided if we had simply deployed Flicker.
Oh! Peter, what's that word again? - Fore.
- Right.
Fore! Hello.
All right, then.
Gentlemen, why don't you play through? I'll catch up.
So you had some problems in New York.
- That's usually my favourite word, but-- - I will find him.
No, I don't think so, my friend.
- But Mr.
McDowell-- - He's a bloody troglodyte that still believes in ghost stories.
No, I'm sorry.
We're cutting our losses, Jacquot.
I can't see blowing anymore dough on yesterday's game.
But this bastard killed my brother! I am your brother! You understand? Seeking out of personal vendettas Clean yourself up.
Are you gonna eat that last shrimp? No, go ahead.
How'd you know I liked Chinese food? I am Guran.
Guran knows all that the Phantom requires at all times.
Truth is, we surveyed your place for about a week and found the containers in the trash.
Everything I had, everything I thought I had, was a lie.
Everything? Maybe not everything.
Renny Davidson? I'm sorry.
It's none of my business.
No, you're right.
It's not.
And she wasn't.
Wasn't Wasn't a lie.
She was real.
Unlike Chris Moore.
I feel like such an idiot.
There's no way you could've known.
No, but that's just it.
I did know.
At least a part of me did.
I used to have dreams for years about this lady.
My real mom.
And I had dreams about places I've never been.
This place.
Did you tell your parents? Yeah! About a million times they had a chance to tell me the truth, and they didn't.
Maybe they loved you too much to see you get hurt.
You're probably right.
But I just wished that I had a chance to To talk to them.
I'm sorry.
They were good people.
I don't know.
It--it just shouldn't have happened.
But it did.
And somewhere it's happening to someone else right now.
How do you stop it? You can't.
But if I were you, I'd read your father's journals.
Thanks for dinner.
I was born in the year 1516 in the city of Portsmouth of a seafaring family.
My father was the captain of a mercantile vessel, The Mary Elwyn, upon which I was employed as a cabin boy on a voyage to the South China Sea.
On the 17th day of February, the year of our Lord 1536, we were set upon by pirates of the Singh Brotherhood.
All hands were slaughtered.
Not a single life spared, except for my own.
In the thick of battle, I was thrown overboard.
When I awoke, it was broad day and the weather clear.
I was on the sandy shore of an island where I saw another seaman, still not 30 paces from me.
As I approached, I saw that he did not stir, and he was likely dead.
It was only when I finally beheld his face that the true horror was revealed.
I recognized the terrible countenance of my own dear father.
I built a funeral pyre and laid my father's remains upon it.
I watched as he was consumed by the flames.
Later I encountered a native tribe who initiated me into their ways.
They would help me fulfill my destiny.
For it was then that I swore to devote my life to the destruction of piracy, greed, cruelty and injustice in all their forms.
And my sons and their sons shall follow me.
Despite security concerns, Israeli peace activist Jalil Ben-David will be visiting the United States.
I know, I know! A spokesman confirmed that Ben-David will play a key role at the Mideast Peace Summit to be held on the 20th of September at midnight.
The date is significant for both Jews and Muslims as it falls between the last day of Rosh Hashanah and the first day of the Muslim celebration of Ramadan.
You OK? People don't just fall off the face of the universe.
Yeah, baby, they do.
Every day.
Whole families? Stuff happens, huh? Opportunities come up.
Maybe he got a job offer.
No, he was half a semester from graduating! Even if his parents got a job, he's not just gonna leave.
Maybe he wasn't doing so good in school.
He might've lost his scholarship.
No! Ren, I told you time and again.
It's not police business.
And Jersey's not in my jurisdiction, all right? Yeah, but can't you just make an exception? No! He'll call.
Or he'll turn up.
And when he does, I'm gonna kick his sorry ass till Monday for putting you through this.
Call? Dad, I found his cell phone on the sidewalk! Don't you think that's kind of weird? He was walking along, head in the clouds Dreaming about you and And then he dropped his phone.
And nobody called his cell phone.
He never wanted to figure out where it was.
He's just gone.
You're not gonna let this go, are you? All right.
I'll see what I can do.
Really? Yeah, really.
Oh! Here we go.
Thanks, Dad.
I changed my mind.
What do you know about firearms? These belonged to your father.
Colt 1911s.
Custom modified to chamber a .
451 magnum rather than the standard .
45 ACP.
The only downside is reduced capacity.
Six in the magazine and one in the chamber.
Which is why the Phantom always carries 2.
I've always liked your father's guns.
But we had to upgrade our arsenal.
I guess I'm a nostalgic.
Wow, that's heavy.
Your turn.
My father died in August, right? August 7.
His last journal entry ends in June.
Well, he was pretty sick by then.
He must've stopped writing.
No, I don't think so.
I mean, he filled it up to the last page.
If he just stopped, you'd think he'd would've stopped in the middle.
If your father had one flaw, it was vanity.
Towards the end it wasn't pretty.
He couldn't even take care of his basic needs.
He was angry.
There was fear, rage, humiliation, self-loathing.
Things he probably felt ashamed of.
You think he destroyed it.
Wouldn't you? Ready? The Phantom never shoots to kill.
The bulls eyes mark target areas to disarm or incapacitate.
Now, assuming your adversary is wearing a ballistic vest, the shaded portion at centre mass is also nonlethal.
Knees and elbows bent.
Weight slightly forward, Two hands on the grip.
Eyes level with the target and Safety off.
Relax, weight forward.
Can I just shoot? I don't know.
Can you? Again, but this time don't shut your eyes! I didn't shut my eyes.
Yes, you did.
Don't worry about it.
It's just gonna take time.
This isn't working.
- The gun's fine.
I just inspect-- - No, no.
Not the gun.
This whole stance thing, you know? Let me deal with this - One good way-- - No, just-- Please.
No more talking.
Think you can do that again? Did I break it? No, that just means it's out of ammunition.
So? Get some more.
They're strong in you The drums of your fathers.
Take it down another 3 degrees.
Temperature is now minus-5°F.
All right, he's had enough.
Let's warm him up.
What the hell did you guys do when I wasn't here? In what year did the the Phantom strike in the following countries or cities? Cairo.
I don't know.
- Corsica.
- 1960.
- Madagascar.
- I don't know! Come on! Go! Move it! Across the stream! Describe its current infrastructure.
The Brotherhood is an international crime syndicate engaging in drug distribution, money laundering and extortion.
Kidnapping and prostitution.
I'm sorry.
I'm a little distracted here.
They're catching up.
Trail! Trail the trail! - I still got a 100-yard lead.
Sure you do.
Come on! Release the dogs.
Come on! Let's go! Let's go! Legitimate operations.
Mostly arms trading.
Private and paramilitary security.
Uh, what's your timeframe to add the night vision? Soon.
Within the week.
Their main corporate front is Singh Tactical Research.
You're toast.
Their main sphere of influence is Southeast Asia, the Middle East and the Mediterranean.
You forgot Eastern Europe.
Well, sorry, Vandy, but it's a little tough to multitask when there's dogs chasing after you.
The point of this exercise: You need to maintain clear tactical thinking under stress.
And don't call me Vandy.
They got him! They go him! Go! Go! How's your head functioning, Kit? Still a little tough to focus.
- I don't want him over-reliant on technology.
It's not wrong to rely on something that's reliable.
- It needs to be tested.
- That's what we're doing.
Come here.
Come here, boy.
Damn it! Ah, good boy! Good boy.
Come here! This is a waste of time.
Get him back to Bengalla.
You live it! Food! You hungry? The things we do for love, huh? Aw, would you put a sock in it? So, what else has Renny got you up to? Running numbers? Bad checks? Bet you do her laundry, too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
If you had kids, you'd understand.
- Uh-huh.
Besides, we got probable cause.
Citizen called in a burglary in progress.
That citizen was you.
All right.
Look around down here.
I'll take the upstairs.
All right.
Clark, you got anything? Clark! Idiot.
- Think you're right.
- Jesus! It's not a barn, Clark! You just about gave me a "thrombo"! You should cut down on the donuts.
What you got? Not even dust bunnies.
I want the number of their cleaning lady.
I bet if we powdered, we wouldn't find one print.
Something went down here all right.
There's new glass in this window.
Ah, yeah.
Fresh putty.
Give me a hand here.
Yeah, sure.
Yeah, I got it.
Wait a minute.
What have we here? Oh, yeah.
Nice catch.
All right, now.
What do we got here? Bingo.
Homo sapiens.
So, climbed up Then he ran across Jumped over the side.
I'll talk to the local precinct, see if anything happened here in the last couple of nights.
OK, Kit, just don't move an inch.
You know, Vandy knows you've been slipping treats to his dog pack.
So, why would that upset him? Well, because it's cheating.
Now, hold still.
Uh, what? Cheating? No, I call that advanced situational prep.
Sorry I'm late, but I got strangled in red tape.
Does it work? Yeah, no problems.
Jase here is a genius! Yeah, why your father appointed me as director, I will never know.
Maybe he thought you were the best man for the job.
That's silly.
There are many others who could've been better suited.
Vandermaark, for instance.
Hey, so what's up with this ring? Ah, the good mark, my most prized possession.
Vandermaark has one like it, yeah? It's given by the Phantom to friends he's placed under his personal protection.
So do I get one? Come! I have a surprise for you that will make you very happy I think.
So do I get a ring? I started working on it for your father before he passed away.
He didn't like the old suit either? Are you kidding? He loathed the old suit.
He felt it was too, uh, theatrical.
Ballistic vest and Cal helmet, reinforced with contoured carbon-Armour plates and wired for cellular and radio communication.
What is this? - Ah, a layered micro-weave of Kevlar, Twaron and Heracron fibres skinned in a titanium-ceramic alloy neuro-symbiotic mesh, resistant to heat and small-arms fire.
Wait, neuro what? You know, kind of like modern bio-electronic prosthetics.
In English.
When you tense, say in anticipation of being struck, well, your brain sends signals to your muscles and they, you know, they contract.
- Well, the neuro-symbiotic mesh works in much the same way.
Its density is determined by the signals from your brain and will protect you from bladed weapons, falls and impacts.
Oh wow! That is so cool! Yes, and what is even more cool is that, like an insect's exoskeleton, the mesh effectively amplifies your innate speed and strength by a factor of 2.
5 times your normal output! Can I try it? Are you comfortable? Yeah, feels nice.
Kim, are we ready? Yeah.
We're hot.
If you please, punch the dummy with all of your might.
Go ahead.
No, no, no, no! Not like that.
Not with a closed fist.
You'll break every bone in your hand.
OK, on the count of 3.
One, two, three! Oh my! Look, you've broken its neck.
- Baboor, Baboor.
- Yes.
What? You've just struck that object with a force of over 2,600 pounds per square inch! Yeah, yeah! Is that good? It's excellent! A homeless guy called it in almost a month ago.
Found in the area you guys are talking about.
Injury's consistent with a fall.
ID? John Doe.
Guy was stripped to his skivvies.
No wallet, nothing.
Ran DNA, prints.
No hits.
There you go.
It ain't him.
You sure this is the guy from the warehouse? That's him.
Ran him through AFIS and CODIS.
No hits.
What about Interpol? Hello, Jeannot Roux.
This guy's one hard ass.
What's that? "Vio a- - This guy's one hard ass.
You know, that one right there.
Aggravated rape.
"conduit obscene.
" Lewd conduct.
French sure is the language of love.
No arrests after 2004.
Hmm! Maybe he rehabbed.
Guys like this don't go straight.
They get proficient.
Any K.
's? Whoa, look at that! There's 2 of them.
Man, this one's worse.
That's "murder," right? Yeah.
I saw that on the other guy's sheet.
2 counts.
4 counts, one conviction.
Nothing after 2004.
These guys aren't just proficient, huh? They're professionals.
You'll notice to the left of the Senator Mr.
Grant Rogers.
He's been a friend for many years, a lawyer as well as an advisor.
Rogers is figuring prominently in the news today, having received an acquittal for Dr.
Raymond Oliver.
Having a winning lawyer at his side is And terminate broadcast.
Indoctrination of subject, Clark Ellis.
Completed successfully.
Senator Sinclair seems to have a lot of support from the local community.
And this November's election looks to be shaping up as an easy win for the Senator.
As the incumbent Senator, he doesn't seem to have To talk.
You're right.
I'm glad you came down.
Your attitude lately makes me doubt the sincerity of your commitment.
What? It's been 2 months and you've failed to demonstrate the maturity and devotion to duty necessary to step into the Phantom's shoes.
I have done everything you've asked! And as far as I know, I've been kicking ass.
Physically, yes.
But mentally This whole process is designed to be transformative.
In order to become the Phantom, you must let go of your old life.
I can't! The detective who broke this case is my friend's father.
According to this article, they've initiated a major investigation.
They think I've been murdered.
Good! It'll take you off the radar.
And put him on it, dead centre! He's a police officer.
He can take care of the situation.
That's not good enough.
I need to tell him I'm OK.
Out of the question.
If he doesn't call off this investigation, the Singhs will kill him.
You know that! I will not permit you to risk everything we are doing here.
There is too much at stake.
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