The Powerpuff Girls (2016) s01e01 Episode Script

Escape from Monster Island & Pricess Buttercup

1 - - - Sensitive Thugz is the best band of all time.
All time.
And my main man Dax is like the baddest boy the world's ever seen.
He takes guff from no one.
Except the people he lets in.
And their manager, Kevonne, has such an eye for organization.
He'll keep their profiles growing long after they become obsolete.
That was "I want to listen to your problems, girl" by the Sensitive Thugz.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for.
It's your last Chance to win tickets for their sold-out show tonight.
Get those phones out because the tickets will go to the listener who can answer this question if Chance, the lead singer of the Sensitive Thugz, could have any animal as a pet, what would it be? Hello, what's your name? This is Bubbles from Central Townsville.
Chance would have a wallaby because they're sweet, but also tough, just like the Sensitive Thugz.
True dat, girl.
Congratulations, Bubbles! Because you and one guest of your choice are seeing Sensitive Thugz tonight! I did it, I did it, I did it! You won, you won, you won! I can't believe I won! Now you just have to decide who to take! Yeah, 'cause you can Only take One of us.
Oh, yeah! 'Cause there's only Two tickets.
So Bubbles.
Who are you, uh, thinking of taking, huh? Um I guess Um I'll take that phone call.
Hello, this is Bubbles from Central Townsville.
Mayday! Mayday! Mayor? What's the matter? There's something wrong with my plane.
It doesn't seem to have A pilot.
Don't worry, mayor! We're on our way.
Let's go! The mayor's distress signal was coming from somewhere near monster island.
That's a dangerous place! Look! There it is! Hey, it's the mayor's plane! But where's the mayor? This place is creepy.
What's that? Oh, my gosh! He's so cute! But not as cute as you, girl.
Be careful! He might be dangerous! His name is Frederick, and he's not dangerous.
Fight, fight, fight, fight! Come on.
We have to find the mayor.
Aw, man! That fight was just getting started! That spiky monster was gonna do something big! You see?! Good thing you found the mayor's tracks, Frederick.
Hey, Bubbles! Did you know that Chance's middle name is also Frederick? Oh.
No, I did not.
Well, there's a lot more Sensitive Thugz knowledge where that came from that I'd be happy to share with you later tonight.
She'll just yammer on about that dorky nonsense forever.
Hey! At least I'm a fan.
A fan of your own voice.
Oh, is that right? Well, let me tell you something.
Girls! We're never gonna find the mayor if you keep fighting like that.
Now, be nice to each other.
Now hug.
Say "I love you.
" - I love you.
- I love you.
Now say "I'm a Buttzilla.
" I'm a Buttzilla.
You're a Buttzilla.
Hey! What? Wait! Blossom! Say you're a buttzilla.
That was Um Unexpected.
I think he smells something.
Um Where are we? It looks like we're inside a - Volcano! - Volcano! Jinx! You can't talk till someone says your full name, dude! That's for calling me a buttzilla.
Are you two getting along now? Sure are.
Isn't that right, Bloss? That is just so very great! The mayor's hat! He must have been down here.
She seems Nice.
Bubbles, we really got to work on your definition of "Nice.
" Don't you think using your ice breath is kind of like talking? Bloss-sister? Oh, snap, girl.
You best recognize the rules of Jinx.
Don't worry, Bubbles.
I got this.
Hey! Lava lady! You're not so hot.
Dax would be proud.
Yeah, girl.
You know I am.
- That was awesome, Buttercup! Yeah, well.
What's wrong? Are you okay? Ohh, it's about the Sensitive Thugz tickets, isn't it? Well, if you're gonna be like that, then I'm just gonna give my other ticket to Buttercup.
Yes! Sorry, Blossom.
I just think that She said your full name, girl.
Jinx Broken Now you can unbottle those feelings and spill out your heart, girl.
Buttercup jinxed me as payback because she called herself a buttzilla alone! She doesn't deserve the ticket! Whatever, dude! You're just jealous! I totally deserve that ticket.
You do not! Oh, and the volcano is about to erupt.
So you guys never stopped fighting? She never stopped first! That doesn't even make sense! Buttercup, I am not taking you anymore.
- What? - Yes! It seems like the only person I can count on is Frede Rick.
Frederick! Come on, Bubbs! You Gotta Decide! Pick One Of Us! Eeeeee-nough! Frederick! All right.
There's only one way to settle this.
Rap battle.
Bubbs is the judge.
Wait, what? Well, my name is Blossom, and I'm here to say No! No rapping! You two have gotten so greedy that you forgot why we're here! We need to find the may Frederick! Help! Wow, super helpful.
Glad to have you part of the team, pal.
Aw, man! Being devoured by monsters is really low on my list of ways to die.
Bubbles We I was being selfish, and I completely lost focus.
And we've been really lame with the fighting and the jinxing and and we we're sorry that we got you into this mess.
Hey, girls! - H how did you even - When did you How did you not get eaten by those monsters? Oh, these monsters are darling! They go nuts for my pickles! So all you had to do to keep the monsters tame is feed them pickles? Yep! Ooh, and that was the last one.
Time to go.
Sorry we were being such Buttzillas.
It's all right, girls.
But I do think I know who I'm gonna take to the concert.
Please be me, please be me.
Please be me, please be me.
Is it me? It is me, right? Tell me it's me.
You can tell me it's me.
This song goes out to our number-one fan, Bubbles.
Oh, my gosh! It's called "I'm a crazy dangerous monster" when it comes to holding your hand, girl.
" I'm a crazy monster, girl.
- Ah, lunchtime at the school cafeteria.
Cute ribbons.
Ooh, glitter! Scrapbooking is so awesome! Yay! Dudes! It's Sloppy Joe Tuesday! They should make this a holiday.
Um, what happened to your forehead? Oh, that? Funny story.
Check it.
So there's this guy at the construction yard, Mac.
So he says his forklift can crush anything anything! And I'm all like, "I'm stronger than that.
" And anyway, I arm-wrestled a forklift.
Uh, hey, Buttercup.
Do you want to, uh, sit with us and, you know, chew? We're talking about scrapbooking! Uh, yeah.
That's not really my thing.
I'll just grab a seat over there.
You're Buttercup, right? Who's asking? I'm Maylyn, head of the Derbytantes.
Dig your head scrape.
You get that from fighting a monster or something? Forklift.
Dig your skates.
We never take them off.
We grind on skates.
We skateboard on skates.
We even do pottery on skates.
Best work yet.
Thanks! We also play Deathball on skates.
Back up.
What's Deathball? You should find out.
Hey, Buttercup.
Who are your friends? Do they want to come scrapbooking, too? Deathball.
Hey, girls.
Princess Morbucks? Morbucks I see Butterbutt has left you for new friends.
No, she's just off Playing deathball With some people.
Well, if you need a replacement, I know a stunningly gorgeous redhead with loads of sass and gobs of cash.
Mic drop! We don't need a replacement.
Come on, Bubbles.
We'll see Buttercup later.
Sure you will.
" Later Where's Buttercup? - Deathball! Where's Buttercup? Where's Buttercup? I miss Buttercup.
Deathball! Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup! Buttercup, Buttercup, Buttercup! Hey, guys.
You see that butt-whupping I just gave? Oh, yeah.
You did great.
So What's up? Well, we noticed that you've been hanging out with your new friends a lot, and we thought that we would come by and bring you some lunch and stuff.
We brought leftover lasagna.
Everything chill over here, Buttlyn? Uh, Buttlyn? That's my new nickname.
Everyone in the gang has names that rhyme with "Lyn.
" - This is Maylyn.
- ‘Sup? - Jaylyn.
- Yo.
And bobbysuzerae Lyn.
Hi, guys.
Come on, Buttlyn, let's bolt.
See you cats on the flip side.
Buttercup, wait! I should have called it death-lasagna.
We've lost our sister, haven't we? Don't be silly, Bubbles! Buttercup is just being, well, Buttercup.
I guess.
Hey, super gal pals! Looks like there's an opening now that your sister ditched you.
She didn't ditch us.
Yes, she did.
And I want to be a powerpuff girl.
There is an opening, after all.
She does have a point.
No, she doesn't.
Bubbles, she can't even fly.
Powerboots! Big deal.
You don't have any superpowers.
Powergloves! Well, you don't even have a costume.
Power-threads! So am I in or what? Just no.
Look, Buttercup is our sister.
And we're a team.
She'll always be there for us, no matter what.
Oh, really? Well, then, let's find out.
Initiate monster attack.
Monster needed 2.
3 Miles.
Fear me for I am an evil monster! Feel my wrath, oh, citizens of Townsville! Trouble! Let's go, Bubbles! But what about Buttercup? She'll be there! We'll just see about that.
Man, this is the most fun I think I've ever had.
I know, right? No thanks to you losers.
Awesome! Oh! Scoundrels.
Whoa, no! My sisters need me! What's your hurry, Buttlyn? We're about to order some pizzas and huck 'em on the rooves! I'll hang later.
Duty calls.
But the pizzas will get cold.
We'll order more.
I got to go.
Sorry, Buttlyn.
Can't let you do that.
Maylyn, what do you mean? Princess Moneyface or whatever is paying us to keep you away from your sisters.
Moneyface? Moneyface.
Morbucks?! Yeah.
She paid us to hang out with you.
So you're not really my friends.
No, we are.
You're cool and all, but we need monies for skates and junk.
You understand, right? The only thing I understand is that my sisters need me.
Now get out of my way.
Where's Buttercup? She'll be here any sec.
Need someone to lend a hand? My offer's still on the very expensive table! Fine.
Whatever You Want! I want to be a Powerpuff girl! Okay! You're a power Puff Girl! Yes! And soon I'll be the only Powerpuff girl.
Excuse me.
I think we're done here.
Monstering complete.
That was a four-star performance if I ever saw one.
You better give me a good rating.
Oh, the folly of my ways! This is for Blossom! This is for Bubbles! This is for me! This is also for me! Skates.
That kid's all right.
Buttercup didn't come.
Maybe she Thanks for making me part of the team, girls.
I got you a little something as a token of my appreciation.
Hey! It's an necronium diamond indestructible.
Ah, because a true superstar me knows when it's time to go solo.
After all, I'm pretty much the most beautiful, most talented, most powerful, most Most annoying.
Buttercup! Buttercup! Stand back! Hey, girls.
Look what I got for my half un-birthday.
This is going to be too easy.
Aw, man.
Check this out.
It came with the suit.
You'll never save your sisters now.
You like that? 'Cause it's true.
Yeah, not really true, like, at all.
You see, the Derbytantes, we protect our sisters, and that includes sisters of sisters.
I thought you were working for Moneypants.
Why should I trust you? Yeah, you're supposed to be working for me.
Buttercup earned our respect.
You just paid for it.
Come on.
If there's one thing we're good at, it's thrashing stuff.
Rock and roll, ladies! Blades up, girls! Anyone for a game of Deathball? Deathball! Okay, we'll call it a draw.
Buttercup! I thought you were gone forever and ever and ever and ever and ever! Sorry I got so carried away hanging out with the Derbytantes.
I guess I forgot who my real friends are.
We're not just friends, we're sisters.
Yeah! And we're sorry we replaced you with Morbucks! Wait, what? And so, once again, the day is saved by the Powerpuff girls! And Deathball!
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