The Traitors (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

The Game Is Afoot

Which one of y'all
are lying to me?
- I wouldn't lie to your face.
You're never far away
from a murder.
20 of the most devious
game players.
Some famous faces.
- Get ready for this bumpy ride.
- It's gonna get real aggressive.
I feel like
I'm in a Wes Craven movie.
What is going on?
The participants here
don't stand a chance.
- Others, everyday Americans.
I work in PR.
I talk for a living.
They're on their way to
my Scottish Highland castle
Nothing bad ever happened
in a castle in Scotland.
To enter
the ultimate murder mystery
and win up to a quarter
of a million dollars.
- Oh, yes. Let's talk about that.
But hidden amongst them
are the traitors
I have selected the traitors.
Who will secretly murder
their fellow players at night
Which is a fun way to live.
You know?
Eliminating them from the game.
The others must work out
who the traitors are
I think you're a traitor,
I think you're a traitor.
At this point,
they're all traitors.
- and banish them
- I trusted you.
- Oh, my God.
Before they become
their next victim.
- Go, go, go, go!
- Whoo!
This is the hardest game
I have ever played.
- This is the ultimate game
of deception.
I'm telling you,
either banish me or murder me.
I'm done.
Come morning, one of you
will have been murdered.
I'd pop on an eye mask.
This is "The Traitors."
Fergus, please prepare.
Our guests are on their way.
- I'm a huge fan of reality TV,
so I can't believe
I am with freakin' Cirie.
I'm, like, the biggest
"Survivor" fan.
I wish I had my phone so
I could take a selfie with her
and just, like,
post it on Instagram
and be like,
"Look who I met."
- Oh! I'm getting goosebumps!
In "Beverly Hills," you either
like me or you don't like me,
and I don't care.
I'm definitely outspoken.
I can be manipulative.
And I know liars
when I see them.
- Oh!
Oh, there's Alan! There's Alan!
There's Alan!
Welcome to
the Highlands of Scotland,
and welcome to "The Traitor."
Stunning, right?
- Yeah.
- Yes!
And what about the castle?
My most esteemed guests.
You're about to enter a world
of backstabbing and treachery.
And you thought
"The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills" was bad.
For this game, you will need
the strength of a lion,
the stealth of a fox.
Everyone here is capable
of manipulation and deceit.
Do not let preconceived
notions fool or mislead you.
Very soon, I will select
some of you to be the traitors.
The traitors have the power
to murder a fellow contestant
each night
under the cover of darkness.
The rest of you
will be the faithful.
The faithful's job is to
find out who the traitors are
and vote to banish them
from the game
before they become
their next victims.
One by one, the players fall,
either by banishment
or by murder.
If you're lucky enough to stay
till the end of the game,
you will have the chance
to share a prize pot
of a quarter of
a million dollars.
It's like do a little dance
for that! Whoo, whoo!
- But beware,
if any of the traitors
remain at the end of the game,
they will take it all.
- Oh!
- Oh, my gosh.
From this point forth,
every conversation counts.
So trust no one.
Except me, of course.
So, shall we get started?
- Yeah!
- Yes!
Make yourselves at home.
Get to know each other.
For in a few hours,
we will meet at the round table,
where I will select
the traitors.
But don't worry.
Nothing bad ever happened
in a castle in Scotland.
We're playing this game
with newbies.
Like, there's 10 people
that have never played
reality TV before,
so, like, I can manipulate them
however I want.
Yeah, I'm not fazed
by the celebrities.
I mean, they're people, too.
But that's exactly why people
won't see me coming.
- Oh, my God.
- No!
- I just feel like a lord!
- This is epic.
Are you kidding me?!
- This is unreal.
- Man, check it out.
Brother, like,
I'm not even kidding you,
my house would fit
in this thing 742 times.
Like, this thing is massive.
The ceilings
Those are original, you think?
- No.
- No?
- No. Definitely not.
I walked into the castle
and I was like, "Oh, my God,
I feel at home here."
These floors are not
the original floors.
- Yeah, no.
I participated in a hit
reality show
where people were coming
for me left and right.
So I think that I definitely
was born for this game.
I do think my "Big Brother"
background will help me in here.
I can manipulate everyone.
This is, like, my chance
to use their fandom of me
to my advantage.
So I'm kind of an icon.
- Is this a dictionary?
Yeah. Let's look up
the definition of a traitor.
If any of these people
has watched "Below Deck"
and seen me on there,
I'm sure that they're gonna
have ideas about what
I'm gonna be like.
I'm direct.
I'm honest to a fault.
And fun fact
Sherlock Holmes was my great-
great-grandfather's cousin.
- There's a bar over here?!
- Yes. Back here.
A real one?
Okay, there's soda.
I'm telling you,
I'm finding champagne for us.
It's gonna happen.
I feel like Brandi
and I are so similar.
We're both strong personalities.
And I think we're gonna
get along pretty well.
It's like Thelma and Louise
meets Romy and Michelle.
I mean, iconic.
So, what skills do you think
will help you last in this game?
- People skills.
On "Summer House,"
I might come off as this
super bro-ey, fratty D-bag,
but at the end of the day,
I'm very calculated.
I can sell anything to anybody.
I mean, like right now.
You have to kind of,
like, be able to assess
and, like, judge character,
There's 20 people just sizing
each other up right now.
And then I'll let you think
I'm incapable
of sniffing something out,
and then I'll stab you
in the back
'cause I outsmarted you
and outmaneuvered you.
I think it's harder
for a traitor
because not only do
they have to live a lie,
but they also have to
Oh, it's way harder
for a traitor.
- Harder for a traitor?
- Yes. See?
it's gonna be exhausting.
Cody's been training for this
his whole life.
Okay? I'm just gonna
throw that out there.
The problem with this game
is that I'm not coming on
as just a stranger
because I've already played
a game where lying
and manipulation
and backstabbing
go hand-in-hand with winning.
He's won "Big Brother,"
all based on one strategy
I'm gonna lie to that person,
I'm gonna lie to that person.
I'm gonna do my best
to make sure I dial
that down on everybody
and almost make it seem
like winning "Big Brother"
was pot luck.
Do you think it will be
more mentally, like, a toll
if you're a traitor
or a faithful?
- I would think traitor.
- I would think traitor.
I mean, you're just you know,
you're deceiving
the entire time.
People know that I have made
unpopular decisions in the past.
Think about how exhausting
it is to, like, live a lie.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- If you have three families,
you're probably gonna
win this game.
I mean, or if you were dating
like 20 women at the same time.
Yeah, and they're not on to you.
- Oh, that was good.
- That was good.
- I couldn't help it.
- That was good.
I don't know what to expect.
And anything can happen.
Like every good story,
there are two sides.
And here we call them
the faithful and the traitors.
But who are the traitors?
Well, we're going to
select them right now.
And by "we," I mean me.
- I can definitely be a traitor.
We know that social media
is not always real life.
People pretend to be
something they're not.
I can read a lot of people
just by the way they sit down,
the way they move, the way
they're looking at people,
just a little bit of everything.
For me, traitor is
the way to go.
I am hiding that
I was in the military.
I did four and a half years
active duty.
I think I will
have an advantage.
And as of now,
no one even has an idea.
I ain't never seen gold coins
before in my life.
They don't have gold coins
where I'm from.
We got, like, quarters and
nickels and, like, paper money,
but we ain't got
those big gold coins.
- Here we are.
- This is where it happens.
I have played "Survivor" so
many times and fell just short.
However, this was made for me,
but I want to be a traitor
so desperately.
I would much rather be
a faithful
because I don't feel like
I'm the greatest liar.
And now we're in this game
of deception.
It's gonna be difficult
for me to navigate those waters.
- Game faces are on.
Hello, my pretties.
Welcome to the round table.
There's no King Arthur here,
And the only knights
you'll be dealing with
are long and restless.
I wonder how far
all of you would go
for a quarter
of a million dollars.
Everyone here was hand-picked,
as you all have the potential
to be a traitor.
But only some of you
will take that course.
Take a look into the eyes
of the people around you.
Some of them will betray you.
Some won't.
Some may murder you.
You may murder them.
Exciting, isn't it?
The time has come
for me to select the traitors.
- Put on your blindfolds.
Players, if you feel my
touch on your shoulder,
then you are a traitor.
I'm so excited.
I know I can do this.
I can be the final player
in this game.
And that is the goal.
- This is all I wanted.
I'm going to stab and murder
and destroy so many people.
I'm going to make
everyone question
every single thing
coming out of their mouth.
It's so exciting.
I am so excited
that I'm a traitor,
but it is gonna become
much more difficult
to stay under the radar
and not do something
that can tip off a faithful.
- I have selected the traitors.
And the course of the game
is now set.
You may remove your blindfolds.
My job now is to go
and the only way that I can do
that is to persuade people,
I could never be anything
A traitor?
You think I could be a traitor?
See, that was good, right?
- I'm a faithful, so one
I'm going to be looking
for inconsistencies in stories,
but I'm also going to be
looking at who is throwing
everything at the wall
to get the scent off of them.
I'm looking for those
small cracks,
and that'll help me
pinpoint the traitors.
The next time we meet here
at the round table, faithful,
you will have the chance
to try and banish a traitor
from the game.
Remember, faithful,
if you can oust
all of the traitors,
those of you who are left
will share up to
a quarter of a million dollars.
Oh. One teeny-weeny,
final little thing.
Tonight, traitors,
you will discover
each other's identities,
and faithful,
one of you will be murdered.
I'll see you shortly
for our first mission.
Geraldine just looked
so nervous.
Every time I looked at her,
she couldn't make eye contact
with me.
She'd look down,
she looked away.
I think I'm gonna be
very good at this game
'cause I love judging people.
There's not much else to do here
but judge people,
and I can't really turn it off.
Do I trust these people?
I don't trust anyone.
- So, what are you thinking?
I have no idea.
Like, it's up in the air.
I was just trying to look
at everybody and see.
- So was I.
We finna have some
conversations around this castle
and figure out
what is going down.
Oh, my God.
Now the game has started.
- Are you? Nervous, yeah.
I did notice a couple people
that completely changed.
Like, they were fidgeting.
- Who?
- Stephenie.
- She's the worst liar ever.
- She was just the whole time.
Ryan is really fun
and really goofy,
and I don't even think
he could pull it off.
Also, I think there's a lot
more to Ryan than meets the eye.
And so, like, we could easily
kind of fall into that trap.
I'm just saying, I think I could
maybe pull off the same thing.
But I don't hear
When you're walking around,
in my head, I hear that.
If I would have got touched
to be a traitor,
I definitely would have
gave it away.
But now we have the traitors,
it's time to find them out.
There's got to be a hidden door
somewhere around here.
But I want to find
a hidden door.
Like, that is my goal.
Hidden door, where are you?
When you guys took off
your blindfolds,
did anything jump out at you?
Certain people, like,
took over things.
They started fidgeting and,
like, uncomfortably talking.
I think it's hard to not try to
pick up on every little thing.
I do think being very perceptive
will help me in this game.
So I'm observing 24/7.
I come off as a creative,
but deep down I'm analytical.
I think that's why I'm great
for this game.
Trust no one.
Were you guys, like, listening
to see if you could hear
- Anything.
- I was.
Yeah, I was just staring
at people and, like, I mean
Cody and I
We were both on "Big Brother."
Not only that, Cody and I know
each other outside of this game.
Like, I've drank with Cody.
I know his family.
So I can already tell
that Cody is a traitor.
It's very obvious to me.
Hey, Cody, I see you.
- Let's go, Alan!
- Whoo!
Now, I told you earlier that
you had the chance to win
up to a quarter of
a million dollars.
But currently,
the prize pot is empty.
You have to earn that money
by completing missions.
These missions not only
add money to the prize,
but they're also a chance
to see what you might reveal
when put under pressure.
And don't forget,
you want to perform well.
With a murder on the horizon,
you don't want the traitors
to view you as a weak link.
The one burning question
that remains
is what is the first mission?
- Yes!
- Yeah!
- Well, why don't you hop
into these sweet rides
and find out?
- In the mission,
I'm gonna be focusing on
adding money to the pot.
If I happen to notice someone
that's not pulling their weight,
I may take note of it,
and maybe they can be
looked at as a weak link
and potentially have targets
on their back.
Prior to the mission
actually starting,
I was wondering,
"Who are my fellow traitors?"
and how many there are.
I don't want to be banished,
so I have to stay in character.
I have to play super,
super dumb all the time.
I want to go undetected.
Oh, my gosh, guys.
- Look at that!
- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
- Oh, my God.
I'm so nervous.
I'm so nervous.
- Welcome, all.
Now, us Scots love
to set things ablaze.
And today's task will
involve you setting fire
to these two great
Scottish monsters.
Look at them.
The aim of this first mission
is to ignite these two beasts.
I'm going to make things
a little interesting
and split you into two groups.
This could expose weak links.
There's nowhere to hide here.
The first group to set fire
to their beast
within the allocated time
will add $20,000
to the prize pot.
If the second team
also ignites their beast
within the allocated time,
they will add
a more modest $10,000.
So, how does it work?
Four members of the group will
row into the center of the loch
to retrieve the precious flame
from my faithful retainer,
But row quickly, as the torches
won't stay lit for long.
Meanwhile, the others on lane
will locate flame
and build the fuse
to ignite the beasts.
But success is not assured
because you've only got
30 minutes.
So split yourselves
into two groups.
Two teams of 10
Six builders, four rowers.
Super simple.
Christian is a really,
really big personality.
- All right.
Four rowers, six builders,
and primers. This is it.
That's somebody
that, in "Big Brother,"
I would be on
the opposite side of.
- Okay. Awesome.
- Good?
- Just want to reiterate,
you are all working together,
but you are also in two teams.
Nobody wants to be
on the losing side,
and nobody wants to be seen
as a weak player.
I can't wait to accomplish
a mission.
- Three, two, one.
Get in the boat!
Go! Go!
- This is the mission.
Everyone is looking
at everyone, wondering
who is and who isn't a traitor.
You don't know if you can trust
the person next to you.
You don't know if you can trust
the person in front of you,
because the game has started.
The green boat is ahead.
Blue's already behind.
- Let's go, Blue!
- Look high, look low.
- Anything behind here?
We are out there
running around like crazy
trying to find all of this rope.
Any more blue?
Any more blue?
- I don't see any more.
It was just, like,
a frantic frenzy.
- Three, two, one.
To the right, guys,
to the right.
All right, Ryan, go.
Ryan, Ryan.
- Aah!
- No, Arie, not yet.
So keep going straight.
You guys are good.
Keep going straight.
The fuse isn't ready
until it's primed
with a flammable liquid,
Ben, let me take all your rope.
We're tying them.
- We got to find the primer.
- This says "flammable," y'all.
- That's it, then.
- You can't break that open.
You have to find the key.
- Holy crap.
There's a little, teeny key
amid all this, like, rubble.
Hey, guys, keep an eye
out for a key.
It's one thing to find a green
rope that's like 2 feet long.
How do you find a little key?
- I don't see anything.
- Without the key, we're screwed.
- One, two, three, row.
- Row! Row!
You're great at it.
- Go, go, go, go, go, go.
Okay, to the right,
more to the right, guys.
Stay in the motion of it.
Bring it back,
bring it back, bring it back.
- Christian is driving me nuts.
I'm turning around, so you row.
Okay, here we go.
We're supposed
to be working together.
But he just talks a lot.
He never stops talking.
You guys might want to move
a little bit to the right.
Go, Cody, your side, go.
Keep going, Cody, keep going.
Now I'm gonna come with you.
Come on! Go!
- Go.
Oh, my gosh.
This is a physical challenge.
My arms are so sore.
My shoulders are on fire.
- Now both of you go.
The boat wasn't as big
as the ones I'm used to,
but I didn't have to do
too much work on this one,
so it's kind of my favorite.
I'm really glad I volunteered
to be row crew.
How about you guys?
Kate is not working hard at all.
She's not contributing one bit.
I think she's trying
to throw people off.
I don't know if she's a traitor,
but right now, it's raising
some suspicion, for sure.
- I found the key!
Boom. Your boy,
a.k.a. Hawkeyes McCoy,
finds the very medieval,
dodgy keychain.
Come over here and see
if it works first.
I'm here to slay.
That's what I'm here to do.
I don't know about
the rest of the people.
Some are here to take
in the scenery.
I'm here to slay these missions
and take home the gold.
- It open yet?
- Yes!
- Let's go. Let's go.
- We need more rope.
- Just 19 minutes remaining.
I think we might need more work.
- Here's one piece.
I was really focused
on the blue team.
Put it in all the way.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But I could hear Reza
in the distance.
- You guys, undoing it
and doing those weird knots
is not working.
- Reza was, like, freaking out.
- Keep it together.
- He needs to remain calm.
Some people are not doing
good knots, you guys.
Reza he's very
high-maintenance, very loud.
You guys, hurry, please, please.
Listen, we speak positive,
brother. Hush.
Shut up. Like, shut up, Reza.
- You guys! Hello? Hello?
Time is passing.
Will the beast be lit?
- Row!
- Awesome.
Oh, parallel park.
I love it.
- Go, guys.
Hey. Our team's
on the way back, y'all.
- Okay. More to the right, guys.
You guys are literally
straight on to the fire.
Okay, she's about
to get the fire.
All right, guys, let's go.
- Turn around the boat.
Blue team, row,
row for your lives.
There we go.
A little bit more to the right.
- Aim for five. Aim for five.
- You, Cody. You, Cody.
You have to prime it!
Don't connect it!
- Guys, dip it, dip it, dip it.
The green group is approaching
shore with a lit torch.
You guys, we're almost there!
I'm expecting to get back
to land
and for them to be like,
"We're ready.
We've been waiting. Here it is.
Light it up."
- You guys, step back!
What have you guys been doing
all this time
while I've been rowing to China
and back, you know?
All you had to do
was tie some rope.
Oh, come on.
- We got this. We're good.
- Here comes the blue torch.
- We need more blue!
- Come on!
- I come back from the boat,
and then I realize that there's
a piece of our rope
missing up towards the beast,
and we need to get
that filled up very quickly.
Come on, y'all!
We need a little more blue!
Come on, team,
you need to hurry.
These torches won't last
Come on, guys.
My flame's gonna go out soon.
- I don't think we have enough.
- We need rope.
- Hurry up. Hurry.
- Come on, guys!
- We've got to get cracking here.
Her flame is gonna go out
really soon, guys.
There isn't long.
The torches are failing.
- All right.
- We're good.
- Guys, light the torch.
- Brandi!
Brandi, put it down,
put it down!
There isn't long.
The torches are failing.
Her flame is gonna go out
really soon, guys.
- Brandi!
- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Hurry! Please, Please.
- We don't run in Beverly Hills.
- Come on, come on, Brandi.
Come on. Lay it on it.
- Come on, Brandi.
Just lay it down.
- The beast is lit!
I was like, "He's not gonna go,
he's not gonna go!"
And we just banked $20,000.
Blue group,
30 seconds remaining.
Rachel, I just need,
like, one more.
Find blue rope.
We got to find blue rope.
Go. Is that it?
- Yeah, we got plenty.
Are we in? Get to the end.
Are we good? Go!
Hey, you got it,
you got it, you got it.
- Light it, light it, light it.
-10, 9, 8, 7
- Light it!
- 6, 5, 4, 3, 2
- We banked 10 grand!
Oh, my God. I'm so excited.
- Blue group, not bad,
although it would have been nice
to come first, would it not?
That's all right.
We don't mind.
It's a team effort.
We don't mind.
That's true.
Congratulations, teams.
You've both successfully
burnt your beast
and collectively banked $30,000.
I hope you learned something
about your fellow players
during this activity.
- Oh, yeah.
You need to keep your eyes
peeled in this game
because the traitors meet
for the first time tonight,
and they'll be looking
for someone to murder.
I mean, the blue team
was kind of a mess.
So if anybody's
gonna be murdered,
I think it should be somebody
on the blue team.
I have a list.
If anybody cares.
Stephenie was getting
a little frustrated with Reza
because he was just, like,
super stressed out
and, like, yelling a little bit.
Right. That type of stuff
is going to cause, like,
a mission to just go wrong.
- Right.
I think as the competitions
get more intense,
I can see that being
a ticking time bomb.
- Right.
Christian he's just been
a little too extra.
That may just be
his way of, like,
also overcompensating
for, like, his nervousness.
That's exactly what
a traitor would do.
- That is true.
I feel like I gained
trust with Cody
and our boat crew grew
a little bit.
I feel like this first one
is, like, the worst.
This one's gonna set the tone.
It's gonna set the tone.
Who are the traitors gonna
decide to send home?
I don't know.
This is the worst.
- Back home, baby,
Check the Last Supper tonight.
- I'm exhausted.
- Me, too. I'm done.
But you got to suss
these people out.
- I know, right?
- Uh-huh, and then report back.
- Gonna put on my happy face.
- Exactly.
I got to be good!
- We're all starving.
- Thanks for waiting.
- Absolutely.
- No faithful left behind.
- None, ever. 30K?
- I know.
- For the team?
Now it gets feisty.
The clock is ticking,
and one of us
is getting murdered tonight.
You guys, Alan needs
the traders in the the
Uh, they need the
I love Reza.
He's so enthusiastic.
And who doesn't like that?
Bravo fam stick together.
Do you guys think the traitors,
whoever they are,
should be taking the outcome of
our mission into consideration?
I don't know if they will,
but I think they have to.
Like, they have to vote
- Ask one of the traitors.
I've already, like, gravitated
towards Kate and Reza.
Like, that's my little crew.
And I mean, I love it.
If I can make a request of
the traitors in the room,
please take the outcome
into consideration.
Reza he was strategically
trying to suss out the traitors.
Well, yeah, I mean,
but that's what we're all doing.
- Yeah.
- Right?
- I'll say one if you say one.
I'm not sure. I think everyone.
I really do.
Really? So, bitch,
you think I'm a traitor?
No. I'm still, like,
sussing it out.
- Time to go to bed.
- I'm gonna turn over, brother.
I am tuckered out.
I don't know about y'all.
- Well, you're safe tonight.
- Maybe tonight.
- It's literally the six
- That doesn't matter.
- The next day's coming.
- Day by day.
- So big deal.
- Live to survive another day.
It feels so unfair
that there's a murder tonight
because the game just started.
And so nobody wants to be
the first person.
I don't want to be
the first person out.
I definitely don't want
So don't don't
Don't murder me.
I am going to sleep
with one eye open.
I don't want to get
murdered tonight.
As darkness falls, the faithful
are tucked up in bed
awaiting their fate.
To sleep.
To sleep, perchance to die.
Little do they know
that mere meters away,
the traitors are slinking
under the cover of darkness
towards a secret meeting place
where the identities
of their fellow traitors
will be revealed.
All the good things happen
in the dark, don't they?
Their destination?
High up in my castle.
The Traitors' Turret,
where they will plot, scheme,
and ultimately decide who
will be murdered this very eve.
You're about to enter
The Traitors' Turret.
Before I hand you your cloak
and the identity of your
fellow traitors are revealed,
I must ask you some questions.
Do you commit to lying
and deceiving your way
through the game?
- Yes.
Are you willing to murder
one of your fellow players
every night?
- I am.
Do you vow to keep your identity
and those of your fellow
traitors a secret?
- I do.
My adrenaline
is, like, on fleek.
It's so surreal.
This is the first murder, and
it's really, really stressful
because you don't want
to do the wrong thing.
I have no idea
who the other traitors are.
I'm nervous, I'm excited,
but I just want to know
who's gonna be doing
all the murdering with me.
- Man, it's Christian.
Christian is just like
a Labradoodle.
"I just love you to death."
That's how Christian is.
Like, wait a minute.
That is not traitor behavior.
Did you think it was me?
- I didn't.
- Did you?
- A little bit
- Little bit? Really?
- Little bit. Yeah.
- That's not good.
I'm so glad she's a traitor
because she's so undetected.
I didn't even suspect her
as being a traitor.
And I can't wait
to get to work with her.
I don't know
who the other traitors are.
Who could it possibly be?
Tell you what.
Can't wait to find out.
Immediately, the first person
I see is Cirie,
and I cannot tell you
how happy I am.
I look over to my left,
and I have Christian.
Christian is a traitor?
This is a nightmare.
Immediately, the first person
I see is Cirie,
and I cannot tell you
how happy I am
that she is a traitor with me.
I look over to my left,
and I have Christian.
He talks way too much.
I absolutely think
this is a dream team.
I couldn't ask
for two better partners.
The people that were selected
are absolutely perfect.
We have to be aware
of who says what to us
'cause if it's
a limited number
That's exactly right.
It would be a red flag.
I didn't want to be seen
talking to a ton of people
'cause I didn't
want to raise flags
'cause I knew I was already
gonna have a target
just based off of "Big Brother."
Being in this turret and knowing
that we have to murder somebody
is extremely stressful.
But as traitors, we need to be
very calculated with our moves.
I needed to be logical.
I needed to be like,
"What are our steps
and why are we doing this?"
I say, we got
to keep Michael around.
- Absolutely.
He is harmless
to so many people,
and they probably feed him
so much information.
We want people
that we feel are easy
to kind of, like, nudge
in our direction.
- Manipulate.
And I'll tell you what,
the people who I don't feel
are that right away are Kate,
Kate, Brandi, and Reza.
Those little
- Yeah, those four.
We got to split those people up.
One of those three
are, like, huge.
Like, those would be big
Like, a big shot to everybody.
I just think Reza is such
a ringleader in that group.
We're talking amongst ourselves,
and we start to come
to the realization
that we want to create
as much chaos as possible.
We split that three-headed
monster up. All right?
And chaos is gonna ensue.
My game plan is, unless I have
somebody that I'm aiming for,
then I'll just go
with the group.
I'm not gonna go and impress
my views onto the traitors
unless I know for a fact
that somebody is
really coming after me.
- Kate I think she's toxic
and she puts a target
on her own back.
Cody's been training for this
his whole life.
Okay? I'm just gonna
throw that out there.
He's won "Big Brother,"
all based on one strategy
I'm gonna lie to that person,
I'm gonna lie to that person.
- She's not afraid to speak up.
So if she gets pushed
one way or another,
she might call
one of us out one day.
- Brandi?
We want people that are, like,
easier to read and, like,
easier to understand
than the sneaky ones.
- I think everyone. I really do.
- Really?
So, bitch, you think
I'm a traitor?
No. But I'm still,
like, sussing it out.
- Reza I think he's somebody
that's gonna make people
how they act in the missions.
You guys, doing those
weird knots is not working.
You guys. Hello?
Go, go, go, go, go!
Back up!
So, are we sure
this is the right choice?
- It's the right decision.
- So we're good?
This is good.
This is gonna cause
- Create chaos.
This is gonna cause
so much paranoia.
Let's get it done.
- All right.
I am so pumped
to murder someone.
I finally get to just, you know,
chop someone's head off
right from the get-go.
And that's all I ever wanted.
- So it is written.
- Ruthless.
Someone is getting
murdered tonight.
I don't ever want
to let the dust settle.
I want the dust constantly
clogging up people's lungs
and making them cough
so that they can't see
what's right in front of them.
And that's us.
The first murder is gonna
create a lot of paranoia.
So I got to stay
under the radar.
Who we murder is
going to create chaos.
That's what we want
because, as traitors,
we can feed off that.
We're not here to take part.
We're here to take over.
It's not personal.
It's all business.
Next Episode