The Trust: A Game of Greed (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

House of Lies

[serene music playing]
[host] What if a group of strangers
was offered a quarter of a million dollars
to share equally?
Will they just accept it,
or will they vote each other out
to keep more for themselves?
[woman] Money is a motivator to me.
Like, I want something
that says, "I'm better than you."
[host] In this competition,
no one has to be eliminated.
We can make a go at this and truly share
this life-changing amount of money.
[host] They'll be tested…
Put them in the order
from most loyal to least loyal.
You think she's more loyal than me?
[tense music swelling]
…and tempted.
"You each get $10,000
if someone goes home."
It is hard to pass up an offer like this.
[host] Will they cut each other out?
I'm gonna not vote
and continue sharing the money.
It screams red flags, so he has to go.
Cutting him out means
that the rest of us get a better share.
[music continues]
It's a kill or be killed situation.
I'm more stressed out in paradise
than I would have been teaching 150 kids.
[host] They all start as winners,
and they can all leave as winners.
[indistinct chatter]
If they choose to share.
I think everyone is inherently good,
and you have to choose to be bad.
Where is this ego from?
I have a lot of information,
and I have protected all of you.
There is no team
in my head anymore. It's me.
My integrity is not for sale.
Maybe I am becoming a better man.
[woman] This whole experience
is about choosing yourself
or choosing to share with others.
Babe, is this not a no-brainer?
[music crescendos, ends]
[waves crashing]
[upbeat music playing]
I am feeling excited, nervous,
still not having any idea what's to come.
I don't know. Only from what I've heard,
there's a chance to compete
for life-changing sums of money,
and I'm like, "I'm listening." [chuckles]
[man] Of course,
the money motivates everybody.
Most things in this world
are motivated by money.
[woman] Money can take care of me.
Money makes me feel safe.
It can bring you joy and happiness,
or it can bring you a lot of stress.
Money is power.
Everyone wants to be richer,
a buck happier. You know what I mean?
But money doesn't make a person
who they are.
[man] When people don't have money,
desperation kicks in.
And it's not good.
I feel that's just part of
what makes us human is to want more.
Like, and I want as much
as I could possibly get.
Welcome everyone.
It is so nice to meet you all.
[Tolú] The first thing I noticed was
there's individuals
from all walks of life here.
The guy's got one button, just one.
He had a whole shirt to button,
but he just chose to button
the bottom one. That's a power move.
[Julie] I have Grandma next to me.
I'm like,
"Are you okay? The sun is hot.
Like, do you need to sit down?"
[woman] I'm looking at
how everybody's dressed,
and I'm going,
"Oh, am I going to fit in with them?"
But I'm not gonna spend all day
obsessing about it.
I'm on this ocean, and I hope
there are some fucking whales. [chuckles]
I have in my hand here, this document.
This is a trust.
It promises each of you an equal share…
wait for it…
of a quarter of a million dollars.
-[Julie] Wow!
-[Jake] It's all right.
I'm pretty sure some of us could use that.
Money, money, money, money, everywhere.
Like, that could change my life.
Am I where I wanna be
in life right now? No.
Could I be making a lot more money? Yes.
What's the catch?
[Brooke] There is no catch.
That's right. You're here.
You're already winners.
But the question is,
will you keep it that way?
[suspenseful music playing]
Throughout your time here, you'll each,
individually, come to this spot,
here, on the edge of the cliff,
and make a choice.
Do you want to share the money equally
or vote to cut someone out of the trust
to keep more for yourself?
Gotcha. Okay.
-I see you.
-Just being honest.
[Brooke] Y'all see this?
We're slicing and dicing
over here already.
Think about it. It's simple math.
Choosing to cut people out
will increase your share.
A quarter of a million dollars
is a lot of money to me, yes.
However, when you divide that by 11,
that is not a lot of money to me.
It's the ultimate test of trust.
Because even if just one of you votes,
and the rest of you choose not to,
whoever got that one vote
goes home with nothing.
[tense music playing]
You're telling me,
all it takes is one vote
to send somebody's ass out this house.
I don't know these people.
I gotta trust them?
Baby, I only trust people
as far as I can throw 'em. Mmm.
Keep in mind, it's majority rules.
Now, if there's a tie,
then there's no majority,
and everyone's safe.
But you don't need to eliminate anyone.
You don't have to vote.
[Brian] This is interesting.
If we don't have to cut anyone out,
m… m… maybe we just don't.
The first time you'll make that decision
is right now.
-Oh man.
-[Tolú] Sheesh.
[Jake] What? [gasps]
So, if anyone would like
to cut someone out of the trust,
please step forward.
[tense music playing]
[Lindsey] Am I going to vote someone out
before they can vote me out?
Hopefully, nobody's that cruel,
but you know what?
If they do, they're gonna put
a huge target on their back
'cause we're all gonna see it.
So, go ahead.
Step on out
if you want to, playa. [chuckles]
At the end of the day,
I'm here for number one.
Number one is Tolú.
She's making little snipping motions
like she's about to cut people out,
and I'm like, "You're not gonna
cut me out, day one."
[music ends]
Okay. No one has stepped forward,
so no one today
will be cut out of the trust.
-[indistinct chatter]
Safe for now.
But the next time you face this choice,
you'll make it alone,
just you and me, tomorrow night,
at the first Trust Ceremony.
For now, welcome. I'll see you
at sundown for your first test.
[Lindsey] Wow!
-[Julie] Holy shit.
-[Lindsey] Wow.
I call first dibs
getting naked in the pool.
[Jay] I love it. I love it!
[Bryce] I can get used to this, for sure.
[Tolú] This is beautiful!
[Tolú screams]
[Juelz] They gonna
have to evict me. [chuckles]
-[Winnie] This is so beautiful.
-[Jay] Wow, look at that view.
[Juelz] Where the food at?
-I haven't got to meet you. Gaspare.
-Like Casper the Ghost with a G.
-Love it.
-Nice to meet you.
You're from Texas, obviously.
-Yes, sir.
-[Gaspare] I'm from New York.
I am a full-time rancher,
and unfortunately, it's a…
We have not grown to the point just yet
that I can hire a cowboy.
So I am the cattleman. I am the cowboy.
I am the cattle hauler. I'm the farmer.
-[Jake] Yeah, I was. Airman.
-[Jake] Hell yeah, bro.
I got a Marines shirt too, man, so…
Oh, awesome! [chuckles]
I'm good to go.
I'm excited to be off ranch.
I think that it's gonna be
a true test of character,
and if I say I'm gonna do something,
I'm gonna do it.
And you can count on me.
[Tolú] I saw the S on the tattoo!
Oh my God!
Your necklace!
I knew that this was gonna be my girl.
Then I peeped that Africa tattoo.
I don't know if you've noticed…
My culture and my background
is a strong, strong, strong
part of my identity.
They brought my sister.
They brought my sis… They brought my sis…
Moving from Nigeria at such a young age
and being the first in my family to do so,
my parents came to this country
with nothing.
I'm gonna do everything in my power
to leave this place
with as much money as possible,
so that I can be able to give back
to my parents and,
and pay them back tenfold
for the sacrifices
that they've made for me.
[Lindsey] Amazing!
-Thank you. And you are?
-Can I be with the girls?
-Yes, you're with the girls!
-She is.
-Oh my God!
-I'm Julie.
-Julie, I'm Winnie.
-This is the little girls' group here.
Nice to meet you.
[Winnie] Girl. I mean, come on. Come on!
Right away, Winnie has alpha energy.
Tolú has alpha energy.
I have alpha energy.
We're either gonna tear each other apart,
or we're gonna become best friends.
So I'm like, "This is a better opportunity
to become best friends."
And I know if I can do that,
I'm going to last a long time.
Oh, we're picking out rooms?
Shall we pick?
[chill out music playing]
Us picking the three-room
is a great strategy.
-[Julie] Great strategy.
-Duh! What do you mean?
-We're girls. Girls have to… Mm-hmm.
-We're the majority now.
But how do I mark my territory first?
-We can take off our shoes.
-Oh, the shoes!
If my shoes are on the bed,
ain't nobody touching this.
-I like you.
-You are so smart!
You're smart. We've been trying
to look cute knowing our feet are hurting.
I'm an only child.
I'm not a big fan of sharing.
But at the same time,
this is a numbers game.
This is not real life!
Me, Winnie, and Julie,
we have, like,
a good little rapport going.
If we start knocking people down,
our bank account start knocking up,
you know what I mean?
[Bryce] Have you toured the house yet?
This is so gorgeous. I literally…
-[Lindsey] Oh my gosh. It's so nice.
-[Bryce] It's insane.
Like, this travertine on the floors
and on the walls…
-Oh man.
-I cannot.
Oh yeah, I bet you're dying
'cause you're a realtor.
I'm literally freaking out.
You're like, "Gosh, my mouth is watering!"
-"I would show this house."
-Oh, the stairs! What? I cannot.
My mom is a veteran in real estate,
and I am a third-generation realtor.
I love what I do,
and I love telling my clients
that they're millionaires.
This is insane.
I'm loving all the architectural designs.
I'm really loving
the elongated iron railings.
Oh my gosh, this is beautiful.
-It's the crystal chandelier for me.
-[Jay] Are you married?
-[Simone] Nope.
-Divorced? For a long time?
-[Simone] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
-I'm on my third marriage, so… [laughs]
-Oh, okay.
-So I know about that. [chuckles]
-So, did you tell me what you do?
-I do nothing.
-You do… Are you a wealthy divorcee?
-[Simone laughing] And I'm quite…
I am not a wealthy divorcee by any means.
Currently, I'm not…
I don't have a day job.
Yeah, I'm unemployed currently.
That's why I'm here.
Because I realized I was home, by myself,
and the only living things around me
were my plants. So, I named my plants.
I'm really just waiting
to see what happens
because I figure
the right thing will happen.
The right thing will come
and it'll present itself,
and then I'll be like, "Hey, there it is."
I have a non-binary plant.
Their name is Chris.
And I have another little spider plant.
His name's Harry.
And Harry's always coming on to Chris,
and Chris won't have any of it.
Chris is a ponytail palm.
See, you really think I'm crazy now,
but I've met crazier than me. I have.
-What do you guys do?
-[Tolú] I'm in marketing.
-I'm in digital marketing.
Social media marketing,
all that fun stuff we all do.
Yeah. Um, I'm a fitness coach
and a stripper.
-Uh, wait, really?
-You're not a stripper.
-Were you just saying that?
-No, serious.
-[Tolú] No. Look at his face. So serious.
-Because, I mean, it is what it is.
Baby, I'm from Houston.
Houston is home of the fuck boys.
-Good for you.
-When you have so many buttons unbuttoned…
Well, yeah.
There are so many men like Juelz
where I come from.
So immediately, my red flags go up.
He was trying to use his sex appeal
to, you know, build rapport,
but, baby, you can't
charm a charmer like me.
I like to think that my charm
is on a different level,
but I'm a lot more low-key with mine.
You start at the bottom button,
and you're like, "I'm done."
Yeah, my fingers got tired.
I'm a police officer,
but I tell people I'm a stripper.
The reason I tell people I'm a stripper
is because it's the ultimate icebreaker.
If I was to tell you right now
I'm a police officer, um,
your mind is gonna go
in a certain direction.
You're either gonna say,
"Oh, fuck the police. I hate cops."
Or you're gonna be, you know,
maybe a badge bunny
and jump all over me.
You know what I mean?
So it's like, your perspective
is not about me, it's about what I do,
which is not who I am.
You like what you do now, man?
I do, I do.
I mean, it's not the endgame, but it's…
Where do you wanna go?
What's the next thing?
Well, as I said,
I do a lot of different things, not just…
Like, I'm a personal trainer.
I am a stripper, but I also am--
-Yes, grand time.
-No kidding.
-At all times. So, um…
-[Brian laughing]
-He makes no bones about it.
-He said it.
Is he Magic Mike, huh?
[Julie] I do not trust Juelz.
Hustlers will usually end up
putting themselves first.
He's been a hustler all of his life.
He says he'll do anything for money.
The second someone breaks the trust
between us, and they send someone home,
because if they're the only one who votes,
and one person leaves,
someone just voted them out.
And that'll change everything.
-So, I mean, it's--
So don't break the trust.
Yeah. Nah, it's gonna make it tricky,
but, honestly, I'm gonna put it out there.
I don't plan on voting at all.
He said, "I'm not gonna vote anyone out."
Which made me feel like he knew
that was the smart thing to say,
like, "I wouldn't ever vote anyone out."
Because who's gonna say that?
If you say you're gonna vote,
you're stupid.
-As of right now--
-If someone would've stepped out--
That would've been a bull's-eye.
Like, "I know who we're getting rid of."
-I would've voted them out.
-At least, I mean, day one.
-Like, "Let me see the house, goddamn it!"
Imagine, "See you later.
You can't even go up the steps."
I'd have been mad as shit!
[jazz music playing]
-Girl, they made a bonfire for us.
-I know, wow.
I need to roast some weenies
and some marshmallows.
-[Lindsey] Roast some weenies.
-[Jay] Look out, boys!
Winnie, I just gotta say,
you are representing
the Texas tuxedo very well.
-And so are you.
-[Gaspare] The Canadian tuxedo.
-Texas tuxedo.
-[Gaspare] Denim dad.
[Winnie] It really is.
I think tonight you guys should switch.
-[Lindsey] Oh, that's a good idea.
-[Jake] Aw, dude.
-You wanna try these?
[indistinct chatter]
-Y'all, we got a visitor.
-[Simone] Uh-oh. Uh-oh.
-Don't let me interrupt your fun.
-[Brooke] How are you guys doing?
You're here with boxes in your hand.
That's kinda ominous.
Throughout your time
staying here at the house,
you're going to go
through a series of revealing tests
in order to get to know each other.
Which will help you decide
who you'd like to share the money with.
[Lindsey] I look forward to
every single test
because we're here for a reason,
and it's to play the game.
You see these boxes?
They're filled with secrets
about the people sitting across from you.
[suspenseful music playing]
Each group will alternate
reading a secret,
and then you need to name the person
you think that particular secret is about.
Now, key piece of information here.
That person doesn't have to reveal
if that's his or her secret.
It's up to all of you to decide
how truthful you really wanna be.
you get this one.
-Things get real interesting real quick.
…you get this one.
I'm gonna learn real quick
what other people think about each other.
And if somebody does admit to,
"Yeah, that's my secret,"
then they're probably the person
who's the most trustworthy.
[music ends]
-Good luck.
-[Lindsey] Okay, thank you.
[Jay] Okay. Miss Lindsey?
[suspenseful music continues, fades]
"I regularly lie about my occupation."
[ominous music playing]
-I have some input.
Because I think Simone
doesn't have a lot going on right now,
she doesn't truly have an occupation.
For some reason, Simone came to me also.
I think I'm gonna say Simone.
Okay, yeah. I can see Simone now.
I'm gonna go Simone, then.
We think it's Simone.
-[Jay] Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.
-[Tolú] Mm. Mm.
I think that because I'm unemployed
and a single mom
still supporting myself and my two kids,
people will probably assume
that I'm desperate for that money
that's in that trust,
and that might make me a target.
So there's some motivation there
for them to get rid of me.
[serene music playing]
"I believe money is a poison."
-[Winnie] Poison?
-That could be a lot of people.
-I think I know who.
-[Winnie] You do?
I think… I'm gonna say Brian.
'Cause I feel like you're all about,
like, meat, and like, cattle.
Like, and money is just like poison
in your, like, community of farm men.
-Boy, you killed it.
-I don't know what Lindsey does for work.
-Same. That's… Same!
But word "poison"?
That's, like, something Brian would say.
We gonna go with Big Texas over there.
That is correct.
Ultimately, I think you need to find
that peace, that happiness first.
The money can help you get there.
But ultimately,
it'll try and poison you along the way.
My biological father,
he had a thing with money.
He used to steal.
That is why I try to be truthful,
try to be honest,
and I try to be exceedingly loyal.
Because if I'm not,
I'm more just like my father.
Let's go, Jay.
[Gaspare] Don't start like that!
"After being cheated on,
I slept with over 150 people
as retaliation."
They… Oh, I'm looking at all of ya.
I feel like I know who I think it is.
-[Brian] I think I know.
-You think, you know? Really?
I think that gentleman right there,
Mr. Sexy.
-[Tolú] Yeah.
-[Jay] Mr. Sexy?
-Could it be a woman? For sure.
-It could be a woman.
Don't be making this
just about "It's a guy."
I had a few. I may be close to that.
I didn't think about that.
I'm sorry. Let me regroup.
You have too many buttons down
for me to just… you know?
Yeah. You think?
-[Bryce] I'm fine with him.
-Right, So, we as a group…
We as a group think it's you, Juelz.
Yeah, no. You guys are wrong.
-[Jay] Oh.
-[Tolú] Hm.
-Okay. All right.
Juelz could still be lying. I don't know.
Who looks like they got enough sauce
to even convince 150 people
to lay down and do what they gotta do?
He got five buttons off his shirt.
Titties is glistening.
I know you're the one.
I know you're Mr. One Hundred and Fifty.
I just know it.
If I don't trust you fully,
how can I trust you with my money?
Someone over there says,
"I cheated on an ex-spouse
with my current spouse."
-I have information that might be helpful.
-[Julie] Okay. Let's hear it.
Drop it. Let's hear it.
Jay is on her third spouse.
Jay's married and Brian's married.
[Simone] Lindsey's married.
Married with kids.
-It's not Brian.
-Lindsey or Jay? I think it's Jay.
-Yeah. It's more realistic.
Hear me out. When you look at Lindsey,
she's stoic, man.
So I think there's some, maybe
some seriousness and pain behind there.
I think it might be Lindsey.
[Juelz] I don't know enough about Lindsey.
Why don't any of us
know anything about Lindsey?
I'm nervous, and rocking back and forth
brings me a lot of comfort,
just like when you
rock a baby back and forth.
It… I don't know why.
I'd have to look into the science of it,
but it is very, very soothing to me.
I'm locking Jay in for me,
just 'cause I… The, like,
the three spouses is more realistic.
Just probability-wise.
If the majority wants Jay, I'll go
with Jay. But I personally want Lindsey.
-[Gaspare] I'm gonna go Jay.
-[Gaspare] Sorry, Jay.
-Jay, we think it's you.
[suspenseful music playing]
[music fades]
I never would have done that.
-[Winnie] I knew it.
-I don't believe her.
-I knew it.
-[Simone] I don't believe her.
I'm not your typical Grandma.
You know, I had a Harley
and did the drugs and the drinking, but…
it wasn't me.
"I go to parties where women are weighed
on a scale outside
before they are allowed in."
-[Simone] What the… Okay.
-[Brian] Oh! What in the frat party…
Okay, so I feel like
we can rule out all the women.
I don't see Julie, Winnie, or Simone
going to any party,
where they're weighing women
before they go inside.
"There's no way it could be a girl."
I was like, "That's right."
"There's no way."
And I'm going to rule out Gaspare.
You're such a swee--
-He's such a sweetheart.
I guess we're jerks.
Yeah, so we're gonna do
the two jerks on the end.
-I say Juelz.
-Every secret's gonna be Juelz.
-[Brian] Agreed.
-[Jay] Juelz?
-Agree. Juelz.
Juelz, we believe it's you.
All right. Um…
I feel attacked, by the way.
I'm just messing with ya. No, it's not me.
-This is so confusing.
By the way, you guys are welcome,
because it's like…
All your secrets have just been,
like, brushed under the rug.
[Julie] No one accused me.
So guess what? Withholding the truth
doesn't make you a liar.
"At 21 years old, I became a millionaire."
Whoever's a millionaire,
why are they here?
Yeah, but that's irrelevant.
-No, it's not!
-But it's not.
Because now you're opening
a whole different can of worms.
We're making a decision on if we wanna
split the money with this person.
Do they deserve to be here
if they already have money?
[tense music playing]
Actually, that changes everything.
If there's people over there
that definitely don't deserve it,
I'm not sharing the money with them.
I think it might be Bryce
because I know Bryce is 22.
He does real estate and interior design.
-Exactly, and that's money.
-And he's dressed really nice.
Some people don't make
that much in real estate.
Some people don't close a damn deal.
-And you give millionaire energy.
-[Gaspare] Whoa.
-Are we kinda leaning on Bryce?
[Winnie] I'm gonna say Bryce.
Bryce, we believe it is you.
[suspenseful music playing]
I'm a millionaire. What is the best way
to dodge this question?
I think it's funny you think it's me,
but it's not. I'm sorry.
Good for you.
Or not good for you, actually.
I definitely can't fess up.
Like, everyone's gonna wanna
get me out of this house.
You're rich, rich at heart, man.
Rich at heart.
[Brian] Whoa.
That wasn't my secret,
but I'm starting to freak out a lot.
Everybody on the other bench was like,
"Nobody knows anything about Lindsey."
When people don't know anything about you,
they'll vote you out.
Or I'm not trustworthy,
or "What's she hiding?"
or "Why isn't she talking to anybody?"
Or "Why doesn't anybody know
anything about Lindsey?"
I don't wanna be nailed with
that millionaire secret.
I have something to say.
My secret was, I did cheat on my spouse.
In my defense, when I was 21,
I had just left being a devout Mormon,
and my spouse at the time,
I found out he was a serial cheater,
but I was having a very difficult time
leaving the marriage
because I didn't have, like,
anywhere else to go
'cause my family was not big fans
of me leaving the sect.
I fell in love with my husband.
I did have an affair with him,
and now we're happily married
with three children.
-Good for you.
-Thank you.
-You found your love.
-You're welcome.
-That's it.
-[Julie] Are we still friends?
-It's okay.
-You got some heat here.
-It's all right. I can handle it.
You're perspirating
on your forehead. You okay?
That's natural.
I'm disappointed because…
See you later.
…yes, I did have a secret,
but as we'd identified,
everybody had secrets.
People aren't being honest.
-Good night.
[upbeat music playing]
Baby, we got a house
full of liars. [laughs]
And I'm about to put my detective hat on
and figure out who the fuck is lying.
I still think Bryce lied.
About the millionaire.
-[Simone] I agreed--
-[Winnie] Facts.
'Cause I watch the way he eats.
The way he walks.
Oh, yeah. He's got taste.
-Yeah, exactly.
I'm gonna observe who you are,
what you say, how you walk,
how you talk, how you eat,
how you pick your nose,
how you cough, how you brush your teeth.
If you fart, I'mma observe that.
Secret farts are deadly,
so secret people are deadly as well too.
It's going to be interesting to see
how tomorrow plays out.
One little wrong snake move,
I'm probably gonna be the one to…
vote you out. I'mma be honest.
We don't know Juelz's secret.
We don't know your secret.
We don't know mine.
We don't know his either. He didn't admit.
The only thing that makes me curious
is if there is, like, someone
who's wealthy who's here.
And I'm… just makes me curious,
that's all.
This is really hard to keep up.
I hope no one actually understands
what brand of shoe I'm wearing
or the watch I'm wearing.
Actually, this watch
is a gift from my aunt,
and I was told that it might be
a couple hundred thousand dollars.
-I didn't say that--
-Did anyone choose you at all?
-No, everyone trusts me.
-Oh yeah.
I can definitely tell
Jake likes me. [chuckles]
It's like the looks.
You can just… I have a good sense for it.
Because usually,
if there's a hot guy somewhere,
I can manipulate them
to do whatever I want.
I can't tell mine
because Jake also hasn't told his,
and there's a couple bad ones so…
We'll talk later,
and we'll figure it out then.
I already have them figured out.
I had an ex who sent me a Gucci purse
'cause he thought that would get me
to talk to him, and it didn't. [giggles]
Will you walk with me for a second?
-I'll be right back.
-[Julie] Saved me. Up top.
-Just kidding.
But people are like,
"You should send the purses back."
And I'm like, "Why? Those are mine."
I grilled Bryce. I was like,
"Are you the millionaire? Tell me."
And he was like,
"I have too much student debt."
He seems to know.
He's talking about the marble,
talking about the…
I know. That's some rich kid shit.
And I don't think he's a good liar.
He seems pure.
I want everyone to end up,
like, leaving with the money,
who are, like,
the genuine people who deserve it.
You find out someone's
independently wealthy, and you're like…
-Like you don't need it.
Give up your spot to someone who needs it.
-[Jake] Should I even do this?
-[Winnie] Try to stand in them at least.
-[Jake] You've been doing this all day?
-Yeah. Stand on the balls of your feet.
-You gotta walk.
-[Jake] It's not that bad.
[Winnie] It's not that… [laughs]
[Jake] Yeah.
-[Winnie] It's not that bad.
-Dude, I'm telling you what.
This is something else.
And you get a… Whoa. Hey-ho.
You get a good calf workout.
I come from a background
where it's all team oriented.
So, you have to rely
on your brothers and sisters
in tons of different situations.
If anyone else saw this,
this is like, this is you, okay? I'm not--
-Everyone's gonna see this.
-How do you say…
Oh yeah, that's true. Suckers.
I absolutely feel like, with this group,
I could be a leader of this group.
I just found that having to be in control
of more situations, often than not,
that's where I'm pretty good.
So, how do you feel about the game?
There's so many good souls here, man.
I don't think anyone has bad intentions.
-But again, it is day one.
-It's day one.
I can unequivocally tell you that,
if we all left with splitting the money
between each other,
I'd have no problem doing that.
Me neither.
You know, and I think as time goes on,
if there's someone that's like
a piece of shit, we're gonna find them.
-[Winnie] We're gonna find them.
-And get them out.
I love everybody's energy.
I love everybody's vibe.
But I got eyes in the back of this
big ol' forehead. And I'm watching.
People have secrets.
It doesn't necessarily mean
that they can't be trusted.
It could just mean you're ashamed
about something.
-You know what I mean?
What are you hiding?
It's not adding up to me.
When people vote from this point on,
it's gonna be one-on-one in secrecy.
So, no one will vote. And then when one
person gets scared, they'll vote.
-And everybody scrambles.
-And that creates a chain reaction.
-Like a domino effect.
-"I don't wanna be the one."
But I really don't wanna vote.
I'd be… I'd be really happy
leaving with $20,000.
[dramatic music playing]
I wonder if people will wake up
like me and be like, "Uh-oh,
if we're all friends, and we all want
to be in the trust together,
then why aren't we telling
each other the truth?"
[Gaspare] I can.
You think I can't do ten push-ups?
I'm just trying to get to you.
-Right. I'll do 'em just for you.
-Hey, Jake.
-[Winnie] Look what he's doing!
I can do push-ups too.
-[Jake] Are you doing me?
-There you go, Gaspare.
Eighty-eight, eighty-nine.
-[Winnie] You're so full of shit.
-Come on.
-[Winnie] 21.
I'm gonna stop at 90
'cause I don't wanna embarrass Bryce.
-Thank you.
-[Gaspare] That was 90.
[pop music playing]
-[Jay] Oh. Oh no!
-[indistinct chatter]
[music fades]
Oh, hi!
How was your first sleep?
It was so peaceful.
-You sleep well?
[Brooke] Okay, good.
-I'm nervous now.
-Very nice, baby, all day.
I think it's now clear
that this experience has a lot going on
beneath the surface.
In more ways than you can imagine.
[slow-tempo music playing]
Below this house is a vault.
[music fades]
What did she say?
-[Gaspare] What?
-[Jake] What?
There's a vault?
Full of what?
In just a moment,
two of you will get access to this vault
using these key cards.
Once inside, you'll be presented
with two offers.
One that benefits you,
and one that benefits the entire group.
-[Gaspare] Ooh
-[Lindsey] Ay, ay, ay.
You will have to accept one of the offers.
[Brian] We know where the group stands.
-We're good.
-[Simone] We do.
[Brooke] One more thing to keep in mind.
What happens in the vault,
stays in the vault.
It's totally your call
if you want to tell everyone else
what you've decided
or keep it to yourselves.
One-by-one, each of you
is going to pull a card out of this block.
Two people who pull a card
with the silver stripe on the bottom,
will go into the vault together.
It's torture.
Gaspare, you're first. Come on down.
-[Jake] Let's go.
-Yeah, get 'em, tiger.
Let's go in there.
In honor of my son,
'cause he does it every day.
Eeny, meeny, miny, mo, catch a tiger
by the toe, if he hollers let him go…
-Scientific method, I love it.
-Nope. Nah.
-All right.
-You failed me, son.
[Tolú] I have to be
the first to go in the vault.
I don't like to give control.
I don't like to miss the opportunity
to gain more control.
[Brooke] Oops. Black card.
Oh, dang, Tolú.
[Brooke] Brian.
Being able to go into the vault
might actually help me
with the lie that I told.
Bryce, you're next.
If you have power, you can really change
the narrative to what you want.
-Black card.
-Let's go, Juelz.
-Roll on up here with me.
No one's got one yet.
Go right in between where they went.
Yes! Told ya.
[laughing, clapping]
[Brooke] One silver card remains.
[Julie] Like, of course, it's Juelz.
I can just tell Juelz can't be trusted.
Something in my gut says,
"Do not trust him."
-Got a black card.
-[Brooke] Sorry, Winnie.
No vault for you.
Anyone who has the card
with the silver lining
is automatically going to have
a sense of control.
Boom. She's like right to it.
[Simone] Oh.
Oh. Oh!
Jake. Come on, up.
-[Jay] Oh, Jake.
-All the best.
All right. Let's go.
[suspenseful music playing]
Fifty-fifty, right?
[music fades]
Oh my gosh, dude.
-[Jay] Oh, Simone.
-[Brooke] Right, Simone.
Roomies. [laughs]
You got it. Silver's all you.
Juelz. There you go.
-I'm nervous. I don't know why.
-Seems like a big deal.
-I got you, girl.
[Simone] I know you do. Thank God.
[tense music playing]
Shall we go to the vault? Let's go down.
-Let's do it.
[Brooke] I'll see the rest of you tonight
at our first Trust Ceremony.
Follow me.
I just don't trust them
with that much power.
And Simone, she's a sweetheart,
but please remember, she has two kids,
and I just feel like Juelz can
really easily influence Simone.
[Juelz] This is my shot.
Getting in the vault, whatever decision
I have to make, I can benefit the group.
With that, I can gain their trust,
and with their trust, I can advance
towards potentially telling them my truth.
[music ends]
[dramatic music playing]
[laughs] Oh, shit!
-[Juelz] Gold bars.
-[Simone] Look at this place. [gasps]
-[Simone] There we are.
-[both chuckling]
-[Juelz] Are these real? [laughs]
-Oh man.
-Maybe that's the 250,000.
[Simone] Okay, are we ready?
-Let's see what this offer is about.
-See what it is.
Okay. "Offer one."
[Juelz] Okay.
"You can each take home 2,500 dollars
from the trust for yourself
if someone is cut at the next vote."
Okay. So, that means…
-Money in our pockets.
That's if someone's cut at the next vote.
-Well, we're… The thing is…
-Will we… Are we gonna do that?
Uh, I mean, it's a good amount of money.
Don't get me wrong.
It… 2,500 dollars. But I mean…
I just… I don't…
Let's read offer two. "Offer two."
"5,000 dollars will be added to the trust,
but you must block two people's votes
from being counted at the Cliff's Edge."
So, in order to add the money
for everybody,
which would be for the greater good,
we have to choose two people to say,
"Your vote doesn't count now."
-Well, then we have to choose wisely.
If we're taking something
away from someone,
I'd rather it be that than money.
Do you think
they're gonna make good choices?
-I think so.
-I have no doubt.
-I think so.
I think there might be
retribution for their actions.
-For sure, there's gonna be retribution.
-They also said we wouldn't know.
-Unless they choose to reveal it.
-They could lie.
-I don't think she would.
I don't think Juelz would either.
I don't think Juelz would either, man.
He seems very up-front.
Hey, listen. He came into this game
saying he's not gonna eliminate anybody.
That was his word, so…
Guys, I hope he stands on it, right?
-But do you think words are that…
-Words are words.
People can say whatever.
I've heard people say whatever.
And I'm the guy on the other side like,
"You know what? I believe him."
They've given me no reason
not to just wholeheartedly trust them.
I'm a little opposite.
I don't trust people until I'm like,
I feel like
they have a connection with me.
-[Tolú] I can recognize that.
-Trust has to be earned?
Trust has to be earned with me.
-For me, I'll trust you till you lose it.
-Yeah. I agree with you.
So, y'all are saying y'all trust Juelz.
Y'all trust Simone, ten toes down.
They're gonna do something to benefit
the group. Let's see if they do.
[ominous music playing]
Let's call it. The facts are facts.
5,000 dollars on the line.
Either we split it
or we add it to that pot.
I would be more willing
to put the 5,000 in the pot…
-Me too. Absolutely.
-…than take 2,500 for myself.
I feel like as long as we're 1000% honest
with the decision that we make,
people won't really take it the wrong way.
And if they do, that shows who they are.
-All right?
And then we have to name two people.
Yes, which is difficult as well.
But I think the only fair way to do it
is pick the first two names listed there.
And we can explain that to the people
about why we picked that.
'Cause otherwise I think
people will feel targeted.
That's true. And if there's one person
who probably won't get upset, it's Bryce.
[Juelz] Oh no. Absolutely not.
-[Simone] Our sweetheart of the group.
-[Juelz] Yes.
-But Tolú? I don't know.
-[Juelz] That's all about the delivery.
It's all about the delivery.
What if we don't tell them anything
so we don't piss anybody off?
Only we can see this list right now.
We don't have to tell them.
We can pick the names
and not tell them who we pick.
We all, I feel, are on the same page
as a group up to this point.
None of us wanna send anybody home.
So if we're on that mindset,
and we continue that mindset,
then this doesn't really matter anyway.
We have to trust
that this will be the right decision,
and that they will understand.
-I got this. [chuckles]
I got us. We're gonna give it to 'em.
We're gonna make it work.
All right.
[music fades]
-Glad we got that done. [laughs]
-[serene music playing]
-[indistinct chatter]
-What's happening?
Welcome. Hey!
[Juelz] You miss us or what?
So, come over here.
[Simone] We wanna tell you what happened.
-[Juelz] Air it all out.
-Come on down.
All right, everyone here? Right.
So, all right? Lay it on us.
So, I'mma just get right into it.
So, the first one was
we would get 2,500 dollars each.
[Simone] Yeah.
If someone is cut at the next vote.
[tense music playing]
Option two was to put
5,000 dollars into the trust,
bringing it up to 255,000 dollars.
The flip side of that was
that we had to choose two people
whose vote would not count
at the next vote.
So, basically, we're revoking
their privilege to vote…
-Their privilege to vote is taken away.
We chose option two.
Let's just air that out.
We would rather add money
and grow together than separate.
Make it better for everybody.
We had to pick two people,
and hopefully, these two people
don't take it offensively.
We tried to pick in the fairest way
because it's a lot of pressure.
-So, there were names on a board.
-[Brian] Right.
There was no rhyme or reason
to why or how the names were listed.
So, we wound up just picking
the first two names.
And the two names that we picked are…
Bryce, you're first on the list,
and Tolú, you're second on the list.
Nothing in this world is a random.
Everything is a choice.
Y'all made that choice.
[music ends]
I am a first-generation
African female immigrant.
I've had to basically claw
my way out of poverty,
claw my way out of alienation.
It's deeper than just
"taking away your right to vote" for me.
I just feel as though I've constantly
had things stripped away from me.
It's like the same old shit
just keeps happening,
and I cannot seem to escape it.
[dramatic music playing]
So, I don't believe it was randomized
that my vote was taken away.
I do not believe it all.
I think he suspects
I'm not 100% buying in on his bullshit.
[Winnie] Yeah.
And I think he used that opportunity
to just go ahead and take my vote away.
[Juelz] I hope she doesn't think
I'm targeting her
'cause it's not the case.
For me, how I build trust
is with communication.
As far as Brian is concerned,
he really thinks the 11 of us
are, are making it to the end.
I'm just trying to… I'm…
-[Winnie] Ain't no way. Ain't no way.
-Come on, guy.
He needs the money.
And here, this is the trust.
What happens…
-This is the trust.
-This is literally the trust.
What happens in here, stays in here.
[energetic music playing]
I'm not worried anybody will vote tonight,
and I firmly believe that
if anybody's going home, it's not me.
Leading in tonight's vote,
I am hopeful that 11 people
can share this wealth equally.
[Julie] If it was just up to me,
I would wait to vote
because once someone makes a vote,
everyone is going to start to ask
who voted them out.
The whole dynamic is going to change.
[music fades]
-Hi, everyone.
Welcome to your very first trust ceremony.
In just a bit, one by one,
you'll join me down at the Cliff's Edge,
where each of you will decide
whether you want to vote someone
out of the trust or not vote
and continue to share your money equally.
I'm gonna step away,
give you all some time.
Talk it out. Right?
Amongst yourselves here.
And I will see each and every one of you
at the Cliff's Edge.
[breathes sharply]
So, let me start off with saying
I deeply appreciate every single one you.
In the past short time we've been here,
I feel, and I feel like everyone else
can relate to this,
like we all really connect.
I mean, think about it, right?
Who we sitting here with?
I got my two African queen sisters, right?
I got two supermoms sitting here.
I got a guy who's multifaceted.
I have a cowboy for a brother, right?
I have a Staten Island super dad.
I have a future multimillionaire
real estate agent,
and I have a reincarnate grandma
with a heart of gold, okay?
-These are the people I'm sitting here--
-You left me out.
No, I didn't. No, I didn't.
I got best for the last. No.
And yeah. Right? Who do I have here?
I have a sexy, sweet, gorgeous,
self-independent, self-starting
Texas gal, right?
Don't go into this situation
using fear or some kind of insecurity
when you're going down there.
-You know where we all stand. Yeah.
-[Brian] Hear, hear.
We're all here for each other.
So let's start this as a family,
and let's leave this as a family.
But at the same time,
if someone ends up doing something
in this group, do not think for a second
that if I smell
there's blood in the water here,
and someone does something to
someone else,
then I would cast a vote.
-Anyone else wanna say anything? Tolú?
-Yes. I do wanna say something.
So, I feel like a lot of this
has been very surface level.
Like, "We love each other. We're friends."
But if we continue to say
everything is rainbows and sunshine,
baby, rain happens.
Rain happens before the rainbows.
We're a trust. We're different people
from different walks of life.
Therefore, we have different mindsets,
different ways of thinking,
and I feel like all of those
need to be heard equally.
Can we all agree with that?
So, I'm gonna start it off a bit.
I did feel some type of way
about my power being taken away.
I know y'all said it was random,
but it just makes me feel on the outs.
It makes me feel like,
"Okay, these people didn't trust me."
And now I feel like
if y'all don't trust me,
then why should I 100% trust y'all
going onto that cliff?
Who the hell knows
who you're gonna vote for?
-I don't have a voting power.
-[Simone] I told him that would happen.
I did not wanna take anything from you.
And the reason is I could see you've had
things taken from you in your life.
I know this just by your presence.
You deserve to have your power every day.
I don't want you to feel
a certain type of way.
I care about you. I really do.
And I hope you understand that.
It was the decision
that we believed would have caused
the least amount of turmoil.
And we believe that it was…
In our eyes, it was fair.
So, I hope and pray
that you guys can understand and forgive
the decision that we made
because it was the best that we could do.
[suspenseful music playing]
To be completely honest,
I live in a little bubble on the ranch,
and being with you people,
it's just been absolutely incredible.
-I do know that people are hurt.
-[Brian] They feel vulnerable.
But here right now with y'all,
we have a chance to start anew.
As long as we can keep open communication,
we can be a family,
we can be a team,
and we can walk through this together.
And that's what I'm hoping
happens every single time.
All right, I guess I'll start it up.
See you when I get back.
Go get 'em, man.
[music continues]
I feel like I understand
why Tolú felt the way she did.
I think the conversation at the table,
we were all on the same page.
I thought we got even more
on the same page
because we discussed everything.
So, when it comes to the vote tonight,
I'm… I'm sticking to my word.
[music crescendos, ends abruptly]
-[Brooke] Juelz.
-Hello. Hi there.
-Talk to me. It's just us.
How you feeling?
What's going through your mind?
Uh, it's mixed emotions, you know?
Things got a little heavy in there, so…
Um, I don't want people to think
I'm out to get them
or making decisions maliciously,
'cause it's not who I am.
I think that we advanced towards
what I think all of our goals are
is getting the money together
as 11 people.
Do you think
people will stick to the plan?
I think they will. For now.
Hopefully, it continues to be that way,
but I don't think anybody's going home.
-Okay, Juelz…
Would you like to vote someone
out of the trust?
Or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
I'm gonna continue to share the money.
I'm a man of my word. I say what I mean,
and I mean what I say.
My plan is to get to the end
with every single person in that room.
-Totally fair.
-[Juelz] Yeah.
Juelz, thank you.
-Thank you. All right.
-Head on up.
[suspenseful music continues]
[Jake] I think it's a pretty clear
decision for me.
I know what I'm gonna do.
I knew since we started this.
I'm not gonna vote.
[Bryce] I feel really comfortable
leaving that room.
Just hearing everyone's position
makes me feel just really secure,
even though my vote does not count.
I will never be voting
to vote anyone out of this house.
Ever ever?
Not vote. Continue sharing the money.
Not vote and continue sharing the money.
Not vote.
We've gotta stand tall.
We've gotta totally trust each other.
We can't be pussies.
My goodness.
[laughs] I'm sorry. It's the truth!
[Brian] Together, we are a team.
Everybody that showed up on day one,
and nobody elected to vote anyone off
at that moment of time.
I'm hoping that's because they believed
everyone deserves to be here.
And not only that,
everyone deserves the money.
We do have a point of contention,
but I am still remaining very hopeful
we do not have a vote tonight.
How are you doing?
Walked into today feeling a little unsure.
Tell me why.
Eleven strangers.
Different races,
different religions, different ages,
and we have to trust each other.
Just after the meeting
that we just had there at that table,
I firmly believe in every single one.
Every single person there,
from the bottom of my heart.
All right, Brian.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the trust?
Or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
-[music ends]
-Not vote.
Hands down. No vote.
-Right. Something--
-[Juelz] Number one, family.
You trust your family.
Even if they make mistakes,
you trust your family.
As long as we're able to keep a clean air,
and be able to discuss it as a team,
everything will be fine because at the end
of the day, you're still family.
-And that's how I look at you guys.
[Julie] I'm hearing the boys say,
"No one has to go home.
We're gonna be a family."
And I start to feel really bad.
What if we're wrong about
who Juelz really is?
But there's no time to go back
to the girls and talk about this and say,
"Are we buying what he's saying?"
At this point, I don't know what to do.
Hey, Julie.
-Hi, Brooke.
-It's the first big night.
Are you feeling nerves?
Are you feeling calm?
Part of me feels calm
because of the friendship and bond
that I have with Winnie and Tolú
and Lindsey going into this
and our discussion.
But the other part of me right now
feels really bad
because I just sat at a table
for the last however long
talking about trust,
and we all have to have it,
and if someone messes it up,
shit's going down, and hearing,
"Once there's blood in the water,
I'm going to attack,"
from someone right next to me.
So, I know that my decision
can change everything.
Okay. All right.
So, Julie, it's time to decide.
Would you like to vote someone
out of the trust?
Or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
[tense music playing]
[music ends]
I'm gonna vote for Juelz
to be out of the trust.
Julie, thank you.
-Thank you.
-Head on back up to the house.
[Julie] In this game,
even if there's one rogue vote,
you could be going home.
Even if Juelz doesn't vote this time,
I don't trust him staying in the house
for when it's coming.
So, I feel like someone has to fire first,
so the girls decided it's gonna be us.
[suspenseful music swelling]
How Tolú feels about her power taken away,
it resonates with things
she's gone through in her life.
For the guys to be like, "Oh, no,
I trust everybody. We're a family."
Are y'all not observing this?
Are y'all not feeling no kind of way?
I stand by my ladies.
Point-blank, period. And that's it.
I wanna vote Juelz out of the trust.
I call bullshit in everything he says,
so he has to go.
I believe in team. I believe in unity.
On the other hand, I also know
the world doesn't work that way.
There's gonna be blood.
There's gonna be hard decisions.
Everyone's gonna hurt.
Everyone's gonna cry. Period.
I would like to vote someone
out of the trust.
To see everybody
wear these happy masks like,
"Oh yeah, we're a big happy family."
Eh, like, we can't all make it to the end,
and y'all sitting there believing that?
I don't know if y'all are gullible,
or if y'all are playing a game.
I just cannot shake the feeling
that the decision
to remove my voting power
was a calculated one.
-Feels personal to you.
-It does feel personal to me.
But the whole conversation
around that table is,
"We're all gonna share. I trust you."
You see through that.
I feel like that conversation is bullshit.
They're trying to tell each other
what they want to hear.
"I'm not gonna vote."
"I'm not gonna vote." Are you sure?
If y'all's trust is just so easily given,
that scares me.
I relate more so to people
being just, just raw and honest
because then I can trust that you are
the person that you say you are.
Right now, I see a lot of masks.
I would rather go on the offensive
than sit around
and wait for somebody to strike first,
and now, I'm playing defense.
Okay, Tolú, would you like to vote
someone out of the trust?
Or not vote
and continue sharing the money?
Do I have voting power?
Depends on if you believe
what they're telling you.
-I would like to vote for Juelz.
My gut has never lied to me.
I will always trust her.
I will always believe her.
And if she is telling me
this man is not 100% who he says he is…
And so, I'm gonna believe her.
Head on back up.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
[suspenseful music playing]
All right.
It's time to reveal the decision.
No one needed to vote.
But at least one of you did.
The trust has been broken.
And someone is going home.
[music fades]
The person who has been
voted out of the trust
and will be leaving with nothing…
Oh God.
I'm disappointed.
I didn't vote. Was true to my word.
I'm scared to see what's gonna happen
after I leave. I felt like
I was one of the honest people here
that could have helped
keep us together, but…
I couldn't even do that. Honestly,
I kinda feel like I failed you guys.
Didn't have to be like this.
It really didn't.
We all deserve to go home with something.
We really do.
Juelz, thank you so much…
-Thank you.
-…for being part of this experience.
I mean, if they don't think I'm honest,
and that's the reason why they chose me,
then it would've been interesting to see
how it would've played out
if I told everybody
I was a cop from the beginning, but…
my reasoning
for not doing so still stands.
As I see it, trust can only be earned,
and apparently,
I didn't earn someone's trust.
It's not fair, but that's life.
Life is not fair,
and I knew that coming into this.
Okay. [chuckles]
That's all you get from me.
So, is anyone gonna just come clean?
Like, anyone?
[tense music playing]
This is bullshit.
It's bullshit.
He was nothing but kind.
I'm embarrassed.
I'm pissed off, but immediately,
I moved to revenge for sending him home.
I wanna identify who did this,
and I wanna send them home.
Because that needs to be dealt with.
They need to be culled from the herd.
Whoever did this, you're a liar, man.
You're a straight-up liar. You're a liar.
We looked at each other.
We said, "We're not gonna do that."
Like, why did you have to do that to us?
I don't know who you are.
Now it's started.
We've been fired upon now.
-I'm pissed because--
-I know.
-'Cause he's a good guy.
-[Brian] Yep.
Here's where it gets sticky.
People were under the impression
there wasn't gonna be a voting done
because we're good guys.
That is now in the trash.
[music crescendos]
As bad as that did feel shitty to do,
it had to be done.
[Tolú] He added a lot of personality
to the house.
However, do I feel like in the future,
he would have switched?
-Yeah. I know.
-[Tolú] My gut says yes.
I was an optimist. I was hopeful
people were gonna do the right thing.
So, now who gets in that vault,
it matters who you pick.
I think it's smarter
that we went on the offense
than sit around waiting to be shot at.
We shook up the pot and made them realize
shit ain't fucking hunky-dory.
-It's not.
-[Winnie] It's not.
Shots fired.
Now you're gonna see something
that you didn't wanna see.
[music fades]
["Devil in Me" by Iora playing]
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil ♪
I told you to take my soul ♪
Know there ain't nothing like it ♪
Know there ain't nothing like it ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil in me ♪
All the devil ♪
[song ends]
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