The Unlikely Murderer (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

28TH FEBRUARY, 1986 - 11:21 P.M.
[breathes heavily]
- He shot him.
- [woman] Olof!
- Did you see?
- He's running off over there, see.
Somebody help me!
- Can you help me? He's dying!
- What's happening?
Yes, you need to phone the police.
A guy's been shot
in the town centre at Sveavägen.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [gurgling]
- [woman] Be careful!
- Stop it! Please. You're killing him!
- [man] Wait, wait, wait. Hold on.
- They're trying to help.
- Stop!
- Let go!
- They're trying to help him.
Calm down.
They're going to help him.
- [sobbing] Let go!
- Calm down!
[radio beeps]
[dispatcher] Switchboard. There's been
a shooting at Sveavägen/Tunnelgatan.
There's been a shooting at Sveavägen.
Came through on the radio.
[man on radio]
All units, shots fired at Sveavägen.
[woman breathing heavily]
[police sirens wailing]
[siren continues]
[brakes squeal]
He's dying! He's dying!
You have to help him!
- [officer] What happened?
- Help! He's been shot!
Did anyone see the gunman?
[dogs barking]
[police sirens wailing]
[on radio] Yes, roger that.
- Under control?
- Yes. Looking for a lone perpetrator.
He's got a few minutes
head start that way.
- Okay. Do we have a description?
- I saw him. He fled up the stairs there.
I need a description of the man!
Come on. You need to go after him!
Not just stand around!
- Okay, come on, boys. Come on. Follow me.
- Come on!
[siren blaring]
You both come with me. You, that way.
[siren blares]
[breathing heavily]
[man on radio]
We are looking for a single perpetrator.
[medic] Hold on.
[indistinct chattering]
God, no. He can't die!
- You have to help my husband.
- Do you want to wait in the car?
What's your name?
What are you saying? Don't you know me?
I'm Lisbeth Palme.
And that's Olof lying there.
[woman 2] Palme? The Prime Minister?
[medic] One, two, up!
[officer] Yes,
about the shooting on Sveavägen.
The victim is
identical to the Prime Minister.
The Prime Minister.
The injured party
is identical to the Prime Minister.
[ambulance siren wails]
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[door buzzes]
- [door buzzes]
- [grunts]
Stig, are you okay?
Stig, what happened?
- I think
- He's had a skin-full.
Out there.
I think he's
He's dead.
[dramatic theme music playing]
[woman 3 on police radio]
Is it actually Olof Palme who's been shot?
[woman 4] Yes, it is.
[woman 3] Oh my God.
- [woman 4] I can't believe it.
- [woman 3] I know. And he's dead?
- He hasn't been pronounced dead, but
- [woman 4] No, but you can assume as much.
[woman 3] Okay, and it?
[woman 4] His wife's
in the room with the nurse now.
[nurse] Does this hurt?
[Lisbeth] I don't know. I don't know.
- [nurse] I'm going to examine you now.
- Mm.
Ow. Ow.
Yes, you have two wounds.
It looks like you were also shot,
but the bullet seems
to have just grazed you.
You must save Olof. You must save Olof.
Okay, I'm going to dress the wound now.
[Lisbeth sobs softly]
[police siren wails in distance]
Call home, Stig.
[detective] Do you remember
what the man looked like?
I've blanked it.
Can you recall his clothes?
He was dark.
- He had a dark jacket.
- A jacket? What sort?
What kind of jacket was it?
- A quilted jacket.
- Mm-hmm.
But long.
Um, it was about here or here.
And he's dark?
Yes, he was big and dark.
I mean, his hair was.
And his face?
I don't think I saw his face.
I saw him running.
He turned, but I don't think I saw it
[footsteps approaching]
I'm so sorry.
No. [sobs]
[continues sobbing]
It happened. What we said.
The thing we were so afraid of happening.
What I said would happen happened. [sobs]
[door opens]
Are you okay?
What happened?
- Did you see what happened?
- Yes.
You sounded so distressed when you rang.
- Hey
- I I have to sleep.
[door slams]
I think Mama's finally gone to sleep.
[clears throat]
You were at the cinema, the Grand. Yeah?
Papa, Mama, me, and my girlfriend.
This was before the murder?
We left each other moments before.
Did you see anything
that might be relevent?
I think I did.
I saw a man.
He was just standing there,
He wore a blue quilted jacket
that was a little longer than his thighs.
- His hands were in his pockets.
- Mm.
He wore a cap with like a
kind of buttons.
Is there anything else?
He wore round, wide-rimmed glasses.
[man 2-] Yes, I'm sorry.
- [telephones ringing]
I understand it's important,
but I can only do
Why the hell did I have to read in here
that Palme was shot?
Why didn't you ring me?
You were asleep.
And it was Gösta's decision.
We thought you should be well rested.
Rested? You clown.
We've wasted so much time on this.
- What reinforcements have you called in?
- We wanted to wait as long as we could.
Hi, this is Arne Irvell,
head of the National Homicide Unit.
I'm at Central Command,
and I need you to call in
all available personnel, immediately.
That's fine. Call them in as well.
I need everybody
to come straight here. Thanks.
So, who's leading
the crime scene investigation?
For now, no one's leading it.
No one? What the hell do you mean?
It was aborted last night.
Aborted? When?
Oh, it must have been half one.
Ring and get me a car.
- I don't know if I can do that.
- Ring and fucking get me a car!
[shovel scraping]
[gentle sweeping]
- Have you found traces?
- No. Nothing significant.
What a fucking mess this is. Huh?
Have the public been
trampling all over the crime scene?
[officer] Hey
- I think we've found the bullet.
- I found it over there.
[clicks on radio]
[reporter 1] That fact that Olof Palme
didn't have bodyguards with him
at the time of the murder,
has gained a lot of attention.
It may be some time, however,
before accurate details
of the events become available.
[reporter 2] Olof Palme
had many friends in London,
both in the Labour Party
and in the social democratic party, FTP.
[reporter 3] Palme has always been
well-respected in France.
[man 3] Stig.
- Have you heard what's happened?
- Yes.
I mean
I just can't believe it's true, you know?
Yeah, but I can. Yeah.
Well, I was down there.
You were there?
- Yeah.
- When it happened?
Not as it happened, but just after.
I was on my way home after work
and I heard the shooting and I
- So, you were the first one there?
- Yeah, one of the first.
Oh, that's awful.
But how
[announcer on radio]
Now over to the press conference
with Sweden's acting Prime Minister,
Ingvar Carlsson.
[Carlsson] Olof Palme's
commitment and genuine feeling
for the oppressed people in our country
[woman 5] What does it say?
inspired a sense of pride.
Have they caught anyone?
It's a great tragedy that this man
who fought and worked harder than anyone
has been so brutally murdered.
[reporter] What will his passing mean
for the party and the country?
That sounds like a description of you.
[Carlsson] It's a terrible loss
Yeah. Hi, this is Stig Engström.
I have information for the chief editor.
It's urgent.
Thank you.
Yes, my name is Stig Engström.
I have some information regarding
the Prime Ministers murder last night.
I was there, directly after the shooting.
Uh, yeah, one, one of the first. Yeah.
I'd like to add details
to today's article
64 Lahällsvägen.
Uh, in Täby.
Yes, of course. You're very welcome.
Yes. No, no problem.
Thanks. Bye.
So I'm guessing we're not
going to the mountains today.
[doorbell ringing]
- Hi.
- Hi, Klas, Svenska Dagbladet.
- Margareta. Come in.
- [Klas] Thank you.
- Hi, Karin.
- Margareta, hi.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Stig, welcome.
- Thanks. Great you agreed to talk to us.
- Thanks. Please have a seat.
- Hi, Karin.
- Hi, Stig. Come in.
Well, please sit.
[clears throat]
Yeah, great.
Can you hold the paper up slightly?
[shutter clicks]
One more.
[Klas] So you're saying
that the description is describing you,
not the murderer?
[Stig] Yes, well, there obviously
must have been some kind of mix-up.
[Klas] Start from the beginning.
How close to the crime scene were you?
Well, I had just left work
and was on my way to the underground.
I must have been 20 meters away, at least.
And how much
of the murder did you witness?
I actually didn't see the shooting. Uh
It's a noisy street, so I didn't realize.
But when I, when looked up,
I saw a man lying in the pavement.
And what did you do?
I I rushed over there to help him.
It was me and a young girl.
We turned him over and
placed him in the recovery position.
He was
He was lying there with his eyes closed.
And he was bleeding
from his nose and mouth.
Stig, what
What were you thinking right then?
I Well, mainly I was being
You just do what has to be done.
But of course
it was very shocked.
It was really upsetting.
- [Klas sighs]
- [recorder clicks]
Thank you for taking
the time to talk to us.
You're very welcome.
Okay, as you already know,
we're several hours behind.
Which means we have had thousands
of public tip-offs come in already.
Your assignment is to
go through each one and sort them.
Also, taking in any
new and urgent leads or tips.
So, have fun with all of that!
[all laugh]
Okay, now back to work.
Let's get on with it.
Thank you.
Okay, you heard it.
Those without a phone, come and get one.
Well, to cut a long story short, we're not
gonna make it up to Idre today as planned.
It'll be Monday or Tuesday now.
No, that's not It's because of the
the murder of Palme.
I happened
to be passing shortly afterwards.
Yeah, so I need to talk to the police now.
You see
Yes, so we'll be in touch.
Yeah. Thanks. Thank you. Bye. Yup.
Why did you say that?
That you need to talk to the police?
Hi, Roland. It's Stig Engström.
I have a bit of an odd request.
Could you get me the records
for the exact time
I signed out from work yesterday evening?
So? Yes.
And how soon can that be?
Yes, it's very important.
You see, I was working late yesterday
and happened to
stumble upon that murder drama
Yes, it was frightful. Dreadful.
So, now the police and all the papers
are on to me all the time for the details.
Yeah, and
So you'll ring me after?
Fine, Roland. Thanks so much.
Okay, bye. Yeah.
[upbeat jazz music playing]
[tires squealing]
[music stops]
- Thought you were competing in Vasaloppet.
- My office! Now!
A cap? What kind of cap?
Well, apparently the kind with ear flaps
that you fasten with buttons at the top.
Anything else?
No, that's all we have on the description.
Escape route?
He would have gone down
David Bagares gata, but
after that, we have no clue.
He must have disappeared
somewhere along the side streets.
Who's leading the investigation?
I guess it's me,
as your second in command,
I've been in contact with the government.
I called to make sure
that the investigation efforts
Yeah. And?
Well, as of this morning,
the investigation itself is being run
by Irvell from the National Homicide Unit.
I'm taking over.
- Eh, what?
- I'm taking charge of the investigation.
But will that be acceptable
with you being police chef commissioner?
I'm the highest-ranking officer.
Of course it should be me
leading the hunt
for the Prime Minister's murderer.
- Eh, wouldn't it be better if Hans
- I have connections in government.
They know they can trust me.
As ex-head of the Security Police,
I have high security clearance.
And the journalists
are eating out of my hand.
We just can't let
some over-promoted detective handle this.
They'll eat him alive. It's huge.
When's the press conference?
In 15.
It'll be live on TV.
Welcome to this press conference.
I don't have many details to tell you,
but it's important that I do tell you
as much or as little
as we know at every stage.
Just now, we have
about 150 police in Stockholm
working on the investigation.
We have a description
of the perpetrator
that I'd like to share with you,
the public, so you can be aware.
The description is as follows:
He is male,
between 30 to 45 years old.
He has dark hair.
He's between 5'5 and 5'9.
And was most likely
wearing dark clothes that night.
Which were a medium length
blue quilted jacket
and trousers that were also dark
He was probably wearing a cap,
the kind with ear flaps
that can be folded up
and fastened on top of the head.
As for the motive
for the moment,
we can't rule anything out.
We're not sure whether the murder
was politically motivated
or whether there was a different motive.
there's no evidence to indicate
that there was more
than one perpetrator involved.
[breathing heavily]
[mysterious music playing]
Yes, hi there. Can please
speak with the police officer
in charge of the investigation
into the Palme murder
I have some information.
but we obviously
can't rule out the possibility
When I reached the crime scene,
there were already
a few people gathered there.
You see?
I was looking about, and
when I was looking towards Tunnelgatan,
you see, I saw a
A young man who
was wearing a blue quilted jacket.
It was very chaotic at the time, really.
A lot of policemen arrived at the scene
and ran up the stairway.
I walked up to Mrs. Palme
and spoke to her.
She told me that she saw the perpetrator
was wearing a dark blue quilted jacket,
but that she hadn't had time
to inform the pursuing police officer.
So I then ran straight after them
to tell them about the jacket.
But the police officers
were so far ahead, I lost them.
I had to give up then.
So I went straight back to the scene.
And at the press conference,
I heard the description
and thought, "Well, that's me."
And so there must have been
some kind of mix-up.
Someone must have
confused the murderer with me.
Hans, I'm very happy to see you.
I can't imagine
what you must be going through.
Uh, leading the country
Well, see, that's not
what I've actually wanted.
And not under these awful circumstances.
But we're so lucky that
you're the one leading this manhunt, Hans.
Someone we know. We trust you.
Well, it was a tough decision.
Yes, I'm sure.
But the government's resources
will all be at your disposal, of course.
I've already spoken with Sverker
at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
and he's willing to share everything
he knows about international terrorism.
Um, I understand you'll have
to work on an international scale.
- Certainly.
- Yeah.
After you.
No, nothing comes to
to mind. Um
Of course,
he is always under some kind of threat,
but nothing specific,
not that he never mentioned.
Ulf, as Olof's Secretary of State,
did you notice anything?
No, not a thing.
- No.
- [Hans] And then there's Lisbeth.
She's in a terrible state of shock.
We would be grateful if she could be
treated with
the utmost respect and consideration.
She's made it clear
she doesn't want to be recorded.
She knows that she has to be questioned
and she'll certainly comply
but she does not want you to record it.
Also, she wants you
to question her personally.
But only you.
Of course.
[church bell tolls]
[Hans] Okay, chaps. This is your new home.
Until we catch whoever did this,
it will stay that way.
In ten years,
you'll be proud of what we're doing here.
And you'll say then, "I was there
when we caught Olof Palme's killer."
Over there, down the halls,
sit thee investigation heads.
Eleven appointed men.
- That you?
- [Hans] Our most skilled police officers.
- Come on. Surely?
- No.
That's where
the operational moves are decided.
More of these flowers.
That just shows how much
the public out there support you.
And we are not going to disappoint them.
So, back to work!
[indistinct chattering]
What the fuck was that?
Hans Holmér is not even a cop!
Sure he is.
You know he was a county court judge.
Was he? When?
In the late '50s.
This is crap!
The bastard gives himself the top job.
Did you that he's never even done
a murder investigation. You know that?
Well, there's a first time for everything.
He set up a team
for this without you, Arne.
Is he serious?
For fuck's sake. Come on now!
Maybe it's a blessing.
It gives me the chance to
do something useful instead.
- Even I would be a better choice
- Stop, Lennart. Just drop it.
Here we have, uh
Adolf Fredrik's Church,
and this is the cinema, the Grand.
At approximately 11:09.,
the Palme's leave the cinema
and head south along Sveavägen.
Exactly 12 minutes later, at 11:21 p.m.,
Palme is shot here
[gunshot echoes]
at the corner
of Tunnelgatan and Sveavägen.
What we're going to do
is map out this whole bloody area.
We're going to find out
who was there, when, how and why.
We're going to interrogate
every bloody one of them.
For the moment, we know that Olof Palme
was certainly shot with a revolver,
Smith & Wesson, calibre .357.
It was one of these two types.
- [reporters murmuring]
- [cameras clicking]
[somber music playing]
[man on TV] The Prime Minister of Sweden
was murdered when he, like any Swede,
wanted to walk freely and safely
on our streets and in our squares.
["The Internationale" playing on TV]
[telephone ringing]
Stig Engström.
Hey, Roland. That's great.
Yes, thanks.
Hang on a sec.
What does it say? Nineteen
Past 11:00?
Are you sure there's no way
I didn't clock out any later?
Oh, I see.
So I left the building at 11:19 p.m.
No, don't call the police.
They have to hear it from me directly.
Yeah, but thanks.
Thanks for your help, Roland.
Thank you. Yup, yup.
We'll be in touch. Bye.
[hangs up]
[ominous music playing]
[women sobbing]
[bell tolls]
- [man 4] What were you thinking?
- Well, I'm not sure.
I don't think I thought,
I just ran after him.
- [man 4] After the murder?
- Yeah.
[man 4] Wasn't that dangerous?
Yes, it was.
It was, yeah.
I was lucky not to catch up with him.
And that's how
some people got you mixed up?
Yeah, I think so.
So now I can't wear
my favourite cap anywhere.
- [chuckling]
- Stig?
- Norway's Aftenposten is on the phone.
- Uh-huh.
- Shall I say you're busy?
- Yeah, no, no. I'll take it in my office.
It was those final moments
I'll probably never forget
When we did
everything we could to try and
I could feel his fading pulse
weak against my fingers.
Uh that's something
I'll always have to carry with me.
[Lisbeth] His cheeks were very, um
[breathing shakily]
It was white
above his lip.
His upper lip was white?
[Lisbeth sniffles]
[Hans] Um, you said
he had an intense stare.
And thin, small lips.
The upper lip
so pale and flat.
His forehead was straight.
"Straight"? What
What part was straight?
[Lisbeth] Straight eyebrows.
And his face, it was rectangular.
His chin protruding slightly.
[Lisbeth] And prominent cheeks.
- [telephones ringing]
- Hello, how can I help?
Yes. Did you see anything?
What time was that?
- [telephone ringing]
- Okay, put me through.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Yes, for sure, I understand that.
We can call you back,
but I can't say exactly when.
What makes you think
this man was involved in the murder?
What made him threatening?
The men with walkie-talkies,
what did they look like?
Your name, please?
How do you spell that?
[woman 6] A woman
spoke to me about a blue Opel.
She's extremely credible.
Yeah, okay, but my desk is full
so I can't handle it right now.
Then where should I put this?
Leave it there.
[telephone ringing]
Uh-huh. And at what time?
[man 5] This is what
big investigations are like.
Eventually a pattern will emerge
from all the tip-offs we get.
[man 6] Have you been
down to the switchboard?
They're on the verge of collapse there.
There's a mountain of information
that just keeps growing.
It's going to take weeks to find anything.
[Hans] Someone has to step up.
We're the bloody brain trust.
We have to trust each other.
- Get creative, ask the right questions.
- Like what exactly?
Who had a motive,
the resources to kill Palme?
Was it a professional
who was hired or an amateur?
[man 6] It was clearly a professional.
Why is that so clear then?
He knew there was no protection at all
and that Palme was at the cinema. Hmm?
We have plenty of witnesses
saying they saw people there
with walkie-talkies around Sveavägen.
All of this was very well-planned.
They've been watching Palme for ages.
- Months!
- "They"?
Why can't it be some nutjob
who just happened to see Palme?
Yes, someone who happened
to have a Magnum in his pocket?
[both chuckle]
We're looking for a group.
So which ones do we have to consider?
Well, everyone from
the Palestinians to the Germans
The Red Army Faction, the Red Brigades
- The Croats, Ustaša
- Yes.
The Nazis, South Africa
They hated Palme.
What about Kurds?
- No.
- No, for God's sake.
Excuse me.
My friend got called in at 11:00
and has been waiting three hours.
I don't know how longer
this will be for you.
As you can see, reception is very full.
She has seen the murderer.
All I can say is
to sit and wait to be called,
someone will come down eventually.
Oh, okay. But I'm a journalist
for Swedish Radio. You know that, right?
All right.
Hello, this is Anette at reception.
[male officer] And where did you see him?
Uh, on Smala gränd,
it's one of the side streets
off David Bagares gata.
That's where he ran, right?
- What time was it?
- Uh, about half eleven.
Just after the murder.
I was coming from Alexandra's backdoor,
a night club that's there.
He ran right past me.
He looked panicked, I think.
Can you describe him?
Of course.
I work as an illustrator mostly.
So I could actually draw
a picture of him, if it would help.
[dramatic music playing]
[Hans] Good afternoon, friends.
I understand that there
have been some rumours circulating
for the last few days.
Rumours that we have
a picture of the presumed murderer.
I hereby confirm those rumours.
A young woman
who is a skilled illustrator,
drew a picture of the man
she bumped into just after the murder.
What the fuck is he doing?
[Hans] help of experts
from the German police force,
we have produced
a so-called "composite sketch".
We have decided
to release this sketch to the newspapers.
We've also have the clearance
to put up the reward
from 200,000 to 500,000 kronor.
This means the hunt
for Olof Palme's killer intensifies.
I have a question.
Go on then.
What if the drawing is wrong?
The young woman
was very sure about what she saw.
But, I mean,
what if it's not the murderer?
We could be looking
for the wrong person, don't you think?
It could also be
the breakthrough we've been waiting for.
[indistinct chattering]
[door shuts]
- [Margareta] Hey.
- [Stig] Hey.
[Margareta] Have you seen The Express?
The Express?
They've published
a picture of the murderer.
Where, uh Where is it?
It's over on the table.
[children laughing outside]
[chuckles softly]
[man 7] So, the man Mårten Palme saw
[Lennart] Who bears absolutely
no resemblance to the composite sketch.
That is correct.
- Can you explain that?
- [Arne] Explain what?
Why Holmér
and his goddamn brain trust over there
publish a composite sketch
that is different from every single
other account of the murderer.
[sarcasticly] Yeah, Holmér's a visionary.
He stands for visionary leadership.
Our switchboard's fucking fucked up.
There isn't a Swede who hasn't seen this.
Okay, shut up, Lennart.
- Carry on.
- Yes.
So, let's see Yeah. Um
We have three other witnesses
who also saw this man
outside the movie theatre,
who was stressed and visibly upset.
Lisbeth and Palme
walk along the high street
until they reach this point.
There they cross the square
because Lisbeth wanted
to look at a dress in this shop.
There is no indication
that anyone follows them.
Then they continue on,
where they met witness Fauzzi,
who says that he observed
someone walking a few meters behind them.
The witness, Anders Björkman,
who was drunk, stands here.
He claims that they were speaking
with the man who shot Palme.
We have two more witnesses,
the taxi drivers Hans and Lars Jeppsson
They say that the shooter
ran towards Tunnelgatan,
up the stairs and disappeared.
Here we have witnesses Yvonne and Ahmed,
who run into him on David Bagares gata.
They observed in his hand a wrist bag.
And meanwhile,
what was happening at the crime scene?
Eh, so
Two youngsters,
Anna and Stefan, try to save Palme,
but have to keep a distraught
Lisbeth from getting in the way.
The first officer on the scene
was Gösta Söderström.
It's difficult to get Lisbeth
to give him any information.
A few minutes later,
the armed police arrive
[siren blares faintly]
and start the hunt for the perpetrator.
- And every witness has been interviewed?
- Yes they have.
We haven't left anyone out?
Stig Engström.
- Who's that?
- The guy at, uh
At Skandia.
Oh, that's right.
He's been talking with press a lot
and ringing us.
He's very eager. Media attention hot.
What's he saying?
See, that's the problem.
His story changes.
At first he said he was just there.
Then he said that he and Anna
tried to save Palme.
Then he said that Lisbeth
talked to him and gave him a description,
and then he says
he chases after the policemen
and that when he got back
someone confused him with the murderer.
[Arne] Is he a compulsive liar?
I mean, was he even
at the scene of the murder?
He says.
Who was it that took his statement?
That's the thing
No one's questioned him.
No one?
Not that I can tell.
Oh, fucking hell. What the
It has not been proved
that Stig Engström murdered Olof Palme,
but the Swedish police
and Prosecution Authority suspect him.
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