The Unusual Suspects (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Help. Fire!
I'm here. I'm here.
Where are the children?
Ah, here.
Not some random other
people's children, our children.
Oh. Ah.
Quick, what's happening?
Your wardrobe is on fire.
Jordan! Jordan!
What was that?
An alarm?
No, worse. It's my mother.
Give me that. And wait here.
What the hell.
Take a seat, take a seat. Very
Oh. Look. Wow, fireys.
Who can count the fireys?
Come on, let's give them
a clap first. Clap.
(WHISTLES) The fire's out.
And no one is going anywhere
until the police arrive.
We've been robbed!
Who'd be stupid enough
to steal from Roxanne Waters?
Alright, it's -
it's a dating app
Saturated market.
Keep your back flat.
Like Uber.
No good idea starts like that.
And 30.
Rochford wins again.
I just wish you would focus, Garth.
I am focused.
On the meeting in Melbourne.
You need to secure funding
for your current project
before you start on new ideas.
I am ready for Melbourne, alright?
You know what I'm like.
I'm an enthusiast.
You have to choose to be a success.
You're being a bit harsh,
aren't you, babe?
I mean, it's not like you run
the only women's website around.
Curated wellness experience.
And I got there first.
That's the whole point.
Star jumps. First to 20.
One, two, three
Biology's against you, babe,
but I love that you never give up.
Come on, shoulders back.
Keep talking,
I'll be over here kicking your
Don't stop breathing. And20.
Kids, breakfast is almost ready.
Maxi. Maxi.
Morning, my little Beastleys.
Charlie, can you get your sister,
Ollie, don't need me to tell you.
No iPad at the table.
Yaya Evie, I dreamed a furry
hid in my bag and came out
at school.
Well, poor monster.
He doesn't know that your nanny is
the best monster catcher.
You would make a great mum, Evie.
Maxi, stay away from the stove
when Evie's cooking.
I got her, ma'am.
Coffee, babe?
Gotta run.
Ah, no breakfast for me, Evie.
Come here, monkey.
You wanna give Mummy a kiss
for her big day, huh? Come on.
Ooh. Ah, sticky mouth.
Maybe not a kiss-kiss.
Maybe an air kiss?
Let's move fast, Beastleys.
We've gotta go, and I really want
to get a special photo.
Ooh, Evie, sit down.
Garth, slide your eggs
in front of Evie.
Smile, my little Beastleys.
Great. Mummy's gone.
I'm feeling it, Paloma.
Today's the day.
Have you smudged
the conference room?
I have. Sage and Palo Santo.
Very good.
"Love your nanny."
Those skilled in war bring
the enemy to the field of battle.
Oh, what does that mean?
I'm not here to do
your emotional labour, Paloma.
Ask Sun Tzu.
Energy of this magnitude
is felt near and far.
Sun Tzu?
No, me.
Look at that.
Well, it's her famous friend.
Ah, you have over a million likes.
Haven't you seen your boss's photo?
I'm too busy for social media.
You don't follow Melanie?
Oh, she's too young, uh?
No, she's not.
I've got ten fake profiles.
Only way to see what my kids
are really doing.
Online isn't real. It's all fake,
you know, like that photo.
You really think she let me
eat those eggs?
The only thing she let me do
was wash the plates.
Ah, morning.
Sorry I'm late. My boss was all,
"You can go, you can't go."
Now when she forgets an agreement,
remind her.
And never give anything up,
unless you get something back.
She wanted to know
where I was going.
Mm. Does she tell you where
she's going or who she's meeting?
Exactly. So you don't need
to tell her.
Bosses are on a need-to-know basis.
They don't need to know anything.
Gosh, I wish I knew a little less
about my boss.
She's still cheating with
the personal trainer.
People here never take their vows
Like your husband.
Sorry to keep you waiting, Martha.
I had one of those mornings where
no one wants you to leave the house.
My five-year-old was practically
wrapped around my ankle.
"Let Mummy go to work.
I'm coming back soon, I promise."
I might not be back
for quite some time. Shall we?
Well, I've always wanted to know,
how did you come up with that
Beautiful Beastlies handle?
Pet name, from an old flame.
Oh, I love it.
It's so unexpected.
I must say, we do have some
questions about your projections
Oh. But you don't want to talk to me
about that.
I I don't?
We both know TVM is interested
in acquiring my website
and it's not because of
my KPIs or RPMs.
And how do we know that?
Because you're here.
You flew 14 hours for this meeting.
If you weren't serious,
we'd be speaking on Zoom.
So let's not waste
any more of your time.
I like your style, Sara.
You're interested because
I have something money can't buy.
You're not buying a website,
you're buying a brand,
you're buying me.
I'm goopier than Gwyneth
and cooler than Kim.
TVM wants to crack a corner off
my blue chip
and scatter gold dust
across its entire network.
Well, that may be so, but what
I want to know is what's in it
for you?
I'm tired of being a big fish
in a small pond, Martha.
I want to feel like a minnow
swimming in the vast oceans
of TVM's global reach.
Your expertise in contextual commerce
is the fiery crucible
in which my devoted followers
are transformed into rivers of gold.
Beautiful Beastlies becomes
a shopfront
that looks nothing like a shopfront
and all my eyeballs line both
our pockets with cold, hard cash.
We both know that I have enormous
market impact,
that we drive and shape trends
on a global scale.
Now it's time to come in
for the kill.
I caught them.
Now you're going to gut them,
skin them and mount their heads on
our wall.
ALL: Bye. See you!
I don't know, Evie.
He'll take the house for sure.
Oh. What did I do to deserve this?
An audience with Roxanne Waters
Oh, I like to keep an eye
on my VIPs.
Paula will take care of you today.
Oh, any new tricks or treats?
I saw something exciting on
the Skin Clinic feed this morning.
Mm, same day varicose vein removal?
Oh, good Lord, no. I don't need that.
Not yet anyway.
But, no, I meant the new laser.
So not a treatment
covered by your contra deal.
You know how much my many followers
love previews.
(SIGHS) Sara, if I do it for you,
I'll have to do it for all
our influencers.
I'm not everyone, Roxanne.
I've backed you from
the very beginning
because I believe self-made women
like us need to stick together.
(CHUCKLES) Self-made? Sure.
You grew up in Vaucluse
with your doting Dad
and everything money can buy.
Exactly. Two self-made women.
Oh, did Maxi love the zoo
as much as my boys?
Well, last week.
Our nannies took them.
Oh, yes. Of course.
She loved it.
All thoseanimals.
(CHUCKLES SOFTLY) Thanks, Paula.
Paula, Roxanne wants me to try
that new laser.
No, mate, it's safe as houses.
The reason they're talking about us
is 23% ROI in under
six months.
Yeah, right. So I can take that and
roll it over, or you can cash out.
It's up to you.
Just don't come whining to me when
you realise you could have stayed
and really cleaned up.
I got you the good chocolates.
Eight blocks.
Thank you, thank you.
Have a look at this.
Haha. Decorations.
Amy, these are brand-new.
Jordan has only worn them once.
Oh, same size as Romeo.
These are the perfect graduation gift
for my son.
And Jordan is a very successful man.
This is absolutely ridiculous.
I'll talk to you later, huh?
Thank you.
Bye. Bye. (CHUCKLES)
Evie, what's going on?
Have the kids been fed?
Ah, dinner's on the stove, ma'am.
Oh, please don't go.
I had such a big day
with the Americans.
Just help me get dinner on the table?
(CHILDISH VOICE) If we do it
together, it'll only take a minute.
If I stay late,
can I take the car home?
I need to pick up a new worker
from the airport.
Yeah, yeah that's fine.
Another nanny?
Ah, a new cleaner for Roxanne.
I didn't know you went
to the zoo, monkey.
Yes, you did. Evie took her.
She sent us all that picture of
with the giraffe.
I don't think I got that.
Yeah, you did. You replied.
It's all good. The uptake on this one
is insane, that's all I'm going
to say.
Yeah. See ya.
Fuckin' dumb-dumb.
(CHUCKLES) Sara Beasley came in
this afternoon.
Oh, yeah?
Wanting something for nothing
as usual. Oh, I'm so sick of her.
I'll tell you a story about
Sara Beasley.
I knew her at uni. She was always
trying to get me to fuck her.
And you never did, I know.
What's your point?
You landed the big dog. Woof! Woof!
My husband would never step out
of me with that woman.
He has standards.
I'm not going to renew
her contra deal.
She can pay for her botox
like everyone else.
Big dog hungry.
Big dog is not a thing.
What's really bugging you, babe?
Come on, tell me.
I'm worried about Amy.
Missing another milestone.
Romeo's graduation.
See, you don't like me talking
about it.
She overstayed her visa, Rox.
You didn't force her.
Look, Amy put me first and now
because of it
she never gets to see her own kids.
If the roles were reversed, I
You'd never end up
in the same situation. Come here.
Come here.
Now, I get that you feel responsible,
but you're not.
Tonight's about us.
Don't let her ruin it. Yeah?
# When will I see that all I need
# Is right here?
# When will I see that all I need
# Is right here?
# Right here
# Right here #
Hey. Are you alright?
Yeah, I'm good. Why?
Well, I saw your post.
Oh, it's trying something new.
Being a bit vulnerable.
Yeah, it doesn't seem very
Beautiful Beastlies.
Why would you say that?
Well, you know, you're always
worried about being off-brand,
But it's no good telling me now.
I can't delete it.
It'll seem like I'm worried
what people think.
You ARE worried about
what people think.
No, I'm not.
Is that what people think?
No. Babe, what's going on?
Nothing. Nothing.
How was your meeting?
How's Melbourne?
Oh, yeah, ah, really strong.
You know, I think they think my app
has a lot of potential.
Yeah. Yeah, they are definitely
to invest next stage.
So they said no.
It kind of makes sense.
I mean, it's just another 15,000
to get there, so
Well, where are you gonna
get that from, Garth?
Are you going to ask me? Again?
What's that? You're breaking up.
I can't hear
I'm'osing you
call you tomorrow.
Fuck it.
Always, always, always.
God, you're beautiful.
But I feel like I don't know,
your outfit's missing something.
Aww, you didn't have to get me
a gift.
I should always get you gifts.
What's this?
It's my way of telling you
I will always look after you.
Is everything OK?
Yeah, course it is.
Why wouldn't it be?
"Love your nanny."
No pay, no play.
More corn flakes.
You want corn flakes?
Give me cornflakes.
OK, it's coming.
I need more.
Will you two just stop it?
You already had a bowl.
You had a full bowl.
Where's Yaya Evie?
What are you doing?
Where's Yaya Evie?
I don't know, she's running late.
SARA: Fuck.
But you've gotta get ready,
so you're ready when she gets here.
But I am ready.
I want Coco Pops. Coco Pops.
I want Coco Pops.
Yeah, Coco Pops!
Actually, Gigi from now on, please.
That's where you'll be working.
How cute.
I have to take the kids to school
but I can drive you to her place
Go ahead. I'll wait right here.
And you can just patch her through,
Evie's here. Everyone out.
Sorry I'm later than I said
You made your point.
I was not making a point, ma'am.
Ma'am, I need to talk to you.
Evie, I'm late.
My pay. It's not in my account.
Course it is.
It transfers automatically.
I'm sorry, but no money arrived
yesterday or today.
Really? How strange.
It must be a bank holiday
in Queensland.
Has daylight saving started?
Maybe it's something to do with that.
If you don't mind, ma'am,
I need my pay today.
Just give it a chance to go through.
OK, fine.
I'll look into it
when I get to the office.
Thank you.
I'll follow up later,
if I don't hear from you.
I wasn't expecting you
until tomorrow.
Doors only open
when the time is right.
I like your outfit.
You made a special effort
for your first day, huh?
OK, I'll show you around.
No, it's mine.
I want it.
It's mine.
No, I want it.
Evie, come on, we're late.
(SHOUTS) Gigi's here.
Ah, OK.
What have we told you about vaping
in the car, Mum?
Your grandfather,
and his father before him,
didn't fight and die
in two world wars
so I couldn't vape in the car,
Welcome to our home, Jeannie.
I'm happy to have you as our guest.
Well, you say that now.
Who's this one, then?
They're multiplying.
Mum, that's not very nice.
I think I'll do the school drop-off
myself today.
You can help your mum settle in.
Come on, boys.
Don't let her take the children,
I just got here.
Come on, Mum.
Let's get you settled in. (COUGHS)
Women's wellness is
a multi-trillion-dollar industry.
We are done looking to you
for legitimacy.
We have given it to ourselves.
Yes, just up there.
Oh, thank you.
Oh, fuck! It's my nanny.
Get rid of her.
I'll explain later. Just go on.
Hi. Sorry, Sara's not in right now.
Hashtag love your nanny.
Oh, hi, Evie.
What are you doing?
I do all my best work down here.
It's my inspiration corner.
What's up?
Ummy pay.
I'm following up, like I said.
Weird. It didn't go through?
I thought maybe you could
give me cash?
Oh, I see.
We'll walk down to the ATM
in the middle of my incredibly busy
work day, shall we?
Yes, if that's OK.
Why wouldn't it be?
It's not like I have any real work
to do.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean
to upset you, ma'am.
I'm not upset.
I'm just
I'm surprised, and disappointed.
Actually, I am upset.
You've worked for me for years
and you've always been paid
and I thought I would have earned
a little trust.
Yes, of course, ma'am.
I I trust you.
So you're not unhappy in your job?
'Cause I would hate to have
to look for someone new.
Although it is a good time
to be looking.
Lots of good, qualified,
grateful people out there.
No, I'm I'm sorry.
I didn't think this would be
a big problem.
Oh, it's not.
I was worried it was
a big problem for you
and that would become
a big problem for me.
No, there's no problem.
Oh, good. Glad we got that sorted.
I'll see you at home.
Yes, ma'am.
Oh, Evie, before you go.
I might have to work late tonight.
The deal, the Americans.
So much to do.
I can stay late, ma'am.
No, no, worries.
Hi, Rose. I noticed you cancelled
your appointment this morning.
I assume you mustn't be
feeling well and I
You've got a lot of nerve
showing your face here, Roxanne.
What do you mean?
I mean, we will own your clinics
before we're through.
Rose, I
Your husband ripped us off with
his fucking Ponzi scheme.
And you better believe
we're coming after you.
Just trying a few things on.
What do you think?
I'm Roxanne Waters.
If I see you again,
I'm gonna call the police.
We know you coveted her bling,
You posted pictures on Instagram.
Hello, darling.
You're new to the neighbourhood.
Yes, I am. Gigi.
Pleasure to meet you.
Oh. Ah, Birdie.
You're the new girl Evie's been
telling everyone about.
Don't take this the wrong way,
darling, but you don't look like
a cleaner.
(GIGGLES) That's because I'm not,
I'm actually a magnet for miracles.
Well, that's a pity.
I could do with a cleaner.
Oh, well, think of me as
a life cleaner.
I'm a life coach,
and I can definitely help you.
And what makes you think I need help?
We all need help, Birdie,
whether we know it or not.
I'm on the way out. You good?
How's everything going at work?
Yeah, on the up and up.
Why do you ask?
The gift was too much, Jordan.
Oh, come on.
A man can show his wife
a little love.
It's hardly little, love.
A 16-million-dollar chunk of rock?
We'll have to get a safe.
16 million dollars.
Who told you that?
I had it valued this afternoon.
Nothing gets past you.
I love that.
What does it mean?
(CLEARS THROAT) Think of it as
an insurance policy.
I want you to be safe, always.
That necklace is yours
and it always will be.
But you have to trust me, Roxanne.
Do you trust me?
I do.
Ah, I'm gonna be late to meet up
with the boys.
Amy, help me pack.
Essentials only.
You do the kids' stuff, huh?
What's going on?
We've gotta walk.
Jordan's a fraud.
His whole business is
a Ponzi scheme.
A what?
A pyramid scheme. A scam.
And they're onto him.
He's going down.
He's going to take me with him.
He's not going to do that to you.
Well, he's done it, alright?
So we've gotta go.
Go where?
I don't know. A hotel?
I want to be gone by the time
he gets home.
I guess you'll be giving Jeannie
her special pills early tonight, huh?
Come on.
What are the greatest challenges
you face in life, Birdie?
Oh, erageing.
Um, invisibility.
And financial pressure.
I mean, the land tax on this place
alone will get me in the end.
Land tax. OK.
What is the belief that is keeping
you from living your very best life?
Maybe you think your best days
are behind you?
Oh, mine definitely are, yes.
(LAUGHS) Oh, no, I don't believe that
for a second.
You just need to ask the universe
to provide you with a new way
to use your unique set of skills.
No, I know you can do this, Birdie.
You wanna know how?
Because here I am.
You invited me in.
And I'm going to show you how
to manifest your highest destiny
through pure will
and the power of intention.
Well, how do you feel about
manifesting some dinner?
I thought I might order in
and I feel like ribs.
Shut up.
Are you serious?
That is my favourite food.
OMG, how can I not believe
in manifest destiny
when on my first day
in a new country,
my new friend invites me in for ribs?
(LAUGHS) You're a crack up.
It works.
We meet again.
About time, Sara Beasley.
Oh, gosh.
So, New York, eh?
Very cool.
Oh, come on, we don't have
to do that.
Do what?
Which galleries, what parties,
stupid amount of cash, huh?
It's boring.
That's for people who don't know
each other as well as what we know
each other.
I want to hear about New York.
The big, beautiful career
you left me for.
You want to talk about
the tennis coach, too?
The one that you married five
minutes after I got on the plane?
It was three months after you left.
His name is Garth Rochford
I don't care about the ball boy.
What do you care about?
The state of your soul.
How are you, Sara?
I'm good. Everything's good.
You happy?
I'm very happy.
I don't believe you.
What, for that, you're going?
You're right, Nick.
I know you, better than you think
and I'm not going to sit here
while you neg me
I'm not negging you, I am just
asking you how you are, Sara.
I mean, I'll bet that since
your dad died,
nobody tells you the truth.
Well, I will.
If that's what you think,
then why are you even here?
Because I know you, Sara.
And I know that beneath that
beautifully-manicured facade
there is a big, bloody
beating heart.
You are a ferocious,
filthy animal, Sara.
And it's killing me to see the pain
that you're in.
What's the world done
to my Beautiful fucking Beastlie?
I can't do it.
Are you sure?
You know divorce is legal here.
He's the only home I've ever had
in this world.
I don't want to leave him.
Time to sleep, huh?
We say, "Goodnight, Mummy.
"Goodnight, Daddy. Goodnight, Maxi.
Goodnight, Charlie.
"Sending them lots of love."
Goodnight, Evie. Lots of love.
(CHUCKLES) Goodnight, Ollie.
Lots of love.
Delivery for Sara Beasley.
You know, in all this time,
I've never, ever stopped thinking
about you.
Oh, as if, Nick!
God, what a line. I mean, and from
Mr Fearless Truth Speaker himself.
It's not a line. It's the truth.
I've never forgotten you.
You're the greatest fuck I ever
I might have to fuck you soon
just to shut you up.
Mm, that's it.
That's the fucking spirit.
That's my girl.
What are you doing? Don't
I'm coming in.
Don't you dare step
one fucking foot closer.
Not in public.
I am in the middle of a huge deal
and I can't afford even
the slightest whiff of scandal.
You know, that's what I've always
loved about you,
is your fucking fire.
No one loves that about me.
I've spent my whole life
pretending to be nice.
Not with me.
Let's go next door.
Let's get a room.
Stop pretending, come on.
I gotta get close to you.
If we can't do that here
..then we gotta get a room.
No, no, no.
Go, Nick!
I knew you wanted to fuck me.
You haven't changed a bit.
I'm guilty only of being
an opportunist, detectives.
We're listening.
You can go now, thank you.
How's the big sale going?
Oh, still a ways to go.
What is that?
It's a gift basket
from the Americans.
What happened to it?
I sampled it.
Are you quite alright?
No. I'm not.
You'll get your money, Evie.
Why do you think it's OK
to treat me this way,
like I'm a person without a life?
I don't think that's fair.
Fair? What's fair?
Are you fair?
I'm the one who's here.
I'm the one who stays,
says thank you, smooths over.
You, you're just,
you're just ungrateful.
You're mean to everyone.
You act like I need to explain
why I want the money I earned.
I don't need to explain.
You need to explain
why won't you pay me?
Tell me.
Because I'm broke, Evie.
I don't have any money.
Every dollar my Dad left me is gone.
Blew it all on that stupid
fucking website.
But it's so popular.
Yeah, so I thought it would
make money eventually Uber.
But it never did.
But you have all this.
I don't even own this house.
I re-mortgaged it years ago.
I am up to my eyeballs in debt.
But why didn't you just tell me?
Tell you?
I can't tell anyone.
If anyone finds out
the situation that I'm in,
then that is the end of everything.
No, I have to keep it together,
until I make this deal,
which will fix everything, and I am.
Does Garth know?
No one knows.
No one can ever know.
You can't know, Evie.
Who is that?
You know she's going to fire you.
Then you'll never get the money
she owes you.
You can't speak like that
to a woman like that. Trust me.
You've got to use what you've got.
Take charge of your destiny.
Please be kind, huh?
Just like home, huh?
Oh. Actually, I've already eaten.
But it looks yummy.
Gigi has just flown in from Manila.
Please give her another chance.
Is that right, miss?
OK. You know where the vacuum is.
Sure, but we're not at home.
But here she's just a girl
cleaning houses
while she studies
at business college.
I can't find my shoe.
Morning, Evie.
Good morning.
I feel like things got a bit
out of hand last night.
Maybe we both said a few things
we didn't really mean,
that weren't even entirely true.
So I just wanted to check in,
make sure we're on the same page.
I think we understand each other.
The sale's coming?
The Americans are making an offer.
I'll make the best deal I can.
'Cause I like this job,
and I really care about your
And I want all of you to be happy.
Oh. I appreciate that, Evie.
I've updated the settings,
so your messages don't accidentally
show up on the kids' iPads anymore.
You need someone to make sure no
finds out anything they shouldn't,
I'll help you.
Oh, good morning, little Beastlies.
Who wants pancakes?
Where are those little Beastlies?
Here. Hi, Daddy!
Hey, Daddy.
Hi, Daddy.
I've missed you.
Oh, really? I missed you too.
I'll make coffee. We need to talk.
I think we're going to have
to get rid of Evie.
I'm gone 48 hours
and you want to fire
the one person
who's holding it together? Why?
She was awfully insubordinate
while you were away.
I mean, she destroyed this beautiful
hamper the Americans sent me.
I mean, she, she really
took it apart.
Hold on, killer.
This is one of those moments
where you really want me
to talk you off the ledge,
believe me.
We need her.
Very lucky boys, right?
OK, how about
Good morning.
KIDS: Good morning, Grandma.
Alright, what have you got for A,
Ah, avocado.
Very good.
Wow. Ah, this could be a tough one,
right, fellas?
I see something.
Raspberry jam.
Raspberry jam. Nice one. What's next?
I'm going to go for C, croissant,
and we're going to put
one of those on your plate
and one of those on your plate.
What do you think of it?
Alright, yes.
B, what do you see?
Blueberries, nice one.
(LAUGHS) I'll allow it.
Which brings us to
(WHISPERS) You'll have to move out
of the bungalow.
I can't have her in the house.
I don't know nothing except I want
to escape these awful people.
KID: Very, very
good-looking waffles.
OK, looks amazing.
Thank you, Evie.
You're welcome.
Thank you, darling.
I don't know what I'd do
without you.
Oh, that might be the offer.
Come on kids, dig in.
Ooh, where's the syrup?
Is it good?
Yeah. Very good.
Thank you.
Captions by Red Bee Media
(c) SBS Australia 2021
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