The Valhalla Murders (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

Never Before Seen

Two Black Russians.
Wait, he's my son too. I'll
see him whenever I want.
I didn't do anything to him.
Are you out of your mind?
Thor, don't let this ruin our night, man.
Oh, I'm sorry, babe!
That fucking woman.
I never should have
answered my phone.
That was Halla Olafsdottir speaking.
The Weather Service is predicting
winds from the east,
18-28 meters per second.
The most extreme winds will be in
the South, and they will
not be as severe in
the North and East.
Some sleet or rain in the Southeast,
but otherwise mainly dry weather.
The predicted temperature will
be between zero and five degrees
and it will warm up in the North.
- Can we talk for a minute?
- What? Yes.
- Maybe inside? It's rather cold.
- Sure.
- Were you at the gym?
- I was at the pool.
Isn't the pool full of old
people at this time of day?
Is there any room to swim?
[phone rings]
Kata, your phone.
Kata, are you there?
- What, have you missed me?
- No, listen, this is about Kari.
- Oh, what's wrong?
I'm just worried about him.
I think he started drinking.
Why do you think that?
I had a dinner party this weekend.
After dinner, I was going
to offer people cognac.
My cognac bottle was half empty.
Someone drank half the bottle.
Okay, strange.
Are you sure you didn't
just drink it and forget?
No, that wasn't the case.
Plus, he's out every night with
these new friends I don't know.
- All he does is hang out. He never reads.
- He's 16 years old.
He's a freshman. He's
meeting a bunch of new people.
What were you like at his age?
Hey, don't change the subject.
This isn't about
me, it's about Kari.
- Don't be such a square!
- Square? What do you mean, square?
You may not have noticed,
but I see the changes in him.
- Sorry, what are you implying?
- Nothing at all.
- Are you saying I'm not doing a good job?
- No, I didn't say that.
- Of course not.
- Kata, don't take this so
[blender whirs.]
- Why do you have to be like this?
- Sorry, what?
- Seriously? Is this
- Were you saying something?
[phone rings]
Work call!
- Can we talk to him?
- Sure, I'll talk to him tonight.
No, can we talk to him?
Yes. Let's meet here tonight.
I'll lock the door behind me.
Hey! What do you
think you're doing?
Can't you see this
area is closed off?
- Yeah, I just didn't know
- You can't see the tape?
What's going on here?
You need to keep a
better eye on your people,
so they don't just wander
into a restricted area.
I could charge you for
contaminating a crime scene.
I was just getting
She's just messing with you, Kiddi.
Can you comment on
this? Was it a murder?
- You know I can't, Selma.
- Just one comment, Kata!
Toti, can you go stand
over there by the tape?
Do we have a positive ID?
No wallet, no ID.
Ten stab wounds, at least.
Time of death?
Twenty-four hours ago, maybe. Hard
to say exactly due to the frost.
- Is Miro in the country?
- Yeah, his plane leaves tonight.
Good. I'm not waiting
two weeks for an autopsy.
Blood spatter indicates the killer
held him close when he stabbed him.
- Good God, what's with the eyes?
- Yeah, pretty disturbing.
- Was he a transient?
- Probably.
There are needle marks on both his arms.
Oh? We should
know the guy, then.
Have you prepared your speech?
You know the entire department
is invited to a meeting later today.
Can we just focus on the task at hand?
[Kata] I know who this is.
Open up! Police! Open the door!
Open the door, or
we'll break it down!
- Are you alone? Is anyone else here?
- No! No! Stop!
- Give me your hands!
- Ow, ow! No! You're hurting me!
- Calm down!
- You're hurting me. I didn't do anything!
- Is she armed?
- No, she's clean.
Calm down!
You're hurting me! Help! Help!
Iris, Iris! Listen to me!
- Help me!
- Okay, wait!
What happened to Thor?
- Iris, what happened to Thor?
- Help me!
Listen to me. What happened to Thor?
This is pointless. You have
to take her to the station.
We're going to turn you over.
Ow, ow!
Come on, let's go.
Ow, ow!
Yes, yes, ow, ow!
Can I do anything to help you?
No, just take her down to the
station and get some samples.
Then put her in a cell. She needs to
sleep it off before I can talk to her.
Hi Kata.
Did you get a statement from the girl?
- Iris?
- Yes.
No, she was in no
condition to be interrogated.
- You think she did it?
- I don't know.
- Could it be tied to a drug debt?
- Maybe, I'll find out later today.
But, Magnus, I need more people.
We need to review all
of the CCTV footage
- Yes, Helga and Erlingur will be on hand.
- Okay, great!
I'm working on my own case. I don't
have time for anything else.
A 30-year-old skeleton can wait!
This matter takes precedence.
What about the photos that
we released to the press?
Someone out there is bound to
recognize the necklace or the lighter.
Magnus, we need
to follow this up.
If there are any
developments, we'll investigate.
In the meantime,
you'll help Kata.
[Magnús] Helga, can I have
a word with you?
Hey, can you get me everything
we have on Thor Ingimarsson?
Is that the deceased?
- Yes, he has a criminal record.
- I'm on it
Hold on, there's more!
After that, go through all
the CCTV footage from the harbor
and surrounding area.
Ugh, Kata.
[phone rings]
- [man's voice] Hello.
- [Kata] Hi. Are you free?
- Now?
- Have you heard about the murder?
- Yes, fuck.
- Meet me at the Bullan burger joint.
Hey, champ.
Alright, nice.
- New jacket?
- This thing? It's vintage.
You have to look
the part, you know?
What can you tell
me about Thor? Huh?
Where'd he get all that
cash? Was he importing?
Thor is a dumbass. Or,
know you, he was a dumbass.
It depends on
how you look at it.
Is it true he was stabbed 50 times?
- Did he owe anyone money?
- Nah. He's just some nobody.
That's why it's
so fucking weird.
You know, he was a strange guy.
He never worked shit.
He did a bit of drug
dealing back in the day.
Tough guy.
But, you know,
nothing to speak of.
But recently, all
of a sudden, bang!
He's living like a fucking king.
That money stank, big time.
- Was he dealing again?
- No He was far too lazy.
He was a total dumbass.
His ex-wife can tell you
what a dirtbag this guy was.
Okay, I see.
- I can't say this comes as a surprise.
- Oh? Were you in touch with Thor?
I spoke to him yesterday and told him
not to come near our son ever again.
The last time he went to see him,
he came home drugged out of his mind.
What's wrong with you?!
He used some of that horrible
shit Thor had lying around.
That fucking shithead.
- Did Thor have any enemies?
- He had nothing but enemies.
Where were you last night?
If I had wanted to kill him, I
would have done it a long time ago.
Who knows, maybe I would have done
it if it hadn't been for my boy Fannar.
When's the funeral?
There has to be an autopsy
first. Why do you ask?
I'll probably get saddled with it.
[heavy metal music plays loudly]
- So, how are you?
- I'm good.
Anything new about the skeleton?
Yeah, we know it was
a 12-to 16-year-old boy.
- Oh.
- Yep.
What can you tell me
about our new friend here?
Him? Well, he's dead.
Okay, so he tested positive for
alcohol, amphetamines and cocaine.
Ten stab wounds, seven on
the front and three on his back.
These ones went
straight through the artery.
- And the knife?
- Long and narrow, about 15 centimeters.
- Crime of passion?
- Yes, it looks that way.
Could a woman have done it?
No, I don't think so. You'd need a lot
of force to inflict such deep wounds.
What about the adrenaline
rush in a fit of rage?
Maybe But, you know what, I'm 100%
sure the perpetrator is a man.
Take a look at this. Help me,
take him and help me.
- What?
- Just give me a hand, will you?
This wound is high on his torso,
meaning the knife was held like this.
This is a vertical stab wound, so
the killer was his height or taller.
- Can we let him go now?
- Of course.
These wounds over here are
deeper, so maybe they came first.
- What about the eyes?
- Ah yes, the eyes.
This is something I don't see
often. This is very, very unusual.
- Were they cut before or after he died?
- After, a straight cut across the eyes.
Why take that risk instead
of fleeing the scene?
You know, I haven't
the slightest idea.
Hey, I heard they're going
to promote you tonight
as head of Criminal Investigations.
Miro, I'm not going
to discuss that now.
I'm just happy for you, that's all.
Mom, I'm at work.
You have a key.
Well, I assumed there'd be
someone here to greet me.
I can't get ahold of Kari.
- Kata.
- Kari is out
We have the CCTV footage!
Okay, mom, I have to go. Bye.
[Erlingur] We see them walking right here.
And then we have this
angle. There they are.
And here's the third.
But this is quite a bit farther east
from where Thor was found murdered.
Aren't there any cameras
with better views of the harbor?
- [female voice] Kata.
- Yes?
- Iris is ready for interrogation.
- Okay, thanks.
There must be more cameras.
Maybe one of these businesses has one.
- Check it out.
- Will do.
Give me your hands.
Give me your hands.
You know, you usually get
wounds on the palms of your hands
when you stab another
person with such force.
Iris, I know you didn't do it.
But I don't know whether
you were an accessory.
- An accessory?
- Like we discussed.
That would be six years.
Oh, and add two years to that
sentence for tampering with the body.
Did I tamper with the body?
Why did you take the wallet?
- What wallet?
- Don't lie to me. Why did you take it?
Um, well
I can't do this.
There was this man following us.
I told Thor, but he
He didn't listen to me.
He shoved me, and I ran home.
I came back, and he was dead.
What did he look like, the
man who was following you?
- I don't know.
- You don't know?
He just kept disappearing
and appearing.
He was wearing dark clothing.
Sorry, I feel sick.
Can you give me some Diazepam?
Seriously, I'm about to
[Iris cries]
- What's that smell?
- She threw up on me, goddamn it.
- Stop whining, take your damn shirt off.
- What, here?
- Yes, take the damn thing off.
- You have to pull on it then.
There we go.
It's okay, you can come on out.
Hey, did you see anyone else
on the tapes, with Iris and Thor?
- No What's that smell?
- It doesn't matter.
Iris said someone was following
them. Can we look again?
We've looked at all of this.
There's nothing new here.
Actually, this angle here,
right by the harbor?
Here we see Iris looking over
her shoulder before she leaves him.
- And it might even be possible
- But still.
that I can enhance the
reverse angle here.
I swear she looks back.
Watch this. Here they
come, Iris and Thor.
Here, if we pause it right
here, look
She's looking
back, into that alley.
- [Erlingur] Let me see.
- [Kata] You're right, she looks back.
[Erlingur] Right. Then she leaves,
like we saw on the other tape.
Look, here comes somebody.
- [Kata] Blow it up.
- [Erlingur] Sure, hold on
[Erlingur] This here is probably the man
Iris said was following them.
- Yes, but this photo is useless, isn't it?
- No, it proves Iris is telling the truth.
Someone was following them.
[Male voice] Ladies and gentlemen
Good evening, everybody!
I know it's unusual for the
National Police Commissioner
to come all the way down
to Criminal Investigations.
I actually worked here back in the day,
when the department was still called RLR.
But never mind about that
Criminal Investigations has been without
a chief superintendent for some time now.
The Police Commissioner, Magnus, has
run the department.
Very well.
But we've reached a turning point and
Well, I won't make this any
longer. Without further ado, Magnus.
Thank you, Vilhjalmur.
Well, I'm not one for long speeches, as
you know, so I'll get right to the point.
Allow me to introduce the new chief
superintendent of Criminal Investigations.
Helga, would you
come up here, please?
Helga began her career at the
Keflavik Airport Commissioner's Office.
For the last decade she has done
phenomenal work as head of Narcotics.
Congratulations, Helga.
Can I have a word with you?
What are you thinking?!
- What do you mean?
- What do I mean?!
She's only been here a few weeks.
She doesn't know how this place works.
She's a more convenient choice at present.
Convenient choice?
- How do you think this looks?
- How do I think it looks?
Yes, I'm being snubbed.
Plain as day, Magnus.
I've been here for
more than ten years.
I have a lot more
experience and knowledge.
- Okay, was it a political decision?
- Come on, Kata. Don't be like that.
- This has nothing to do with politics.
- Bullshit!
This is Vilhjalmur
promoting his own people,
just like when he was promoted to
National Commissioner, and you know it!
It's over and done with.
You're next.
Are you okay?
- Couldn't you get a better image?
- I'm still working on it.
So Egill called.
- He sounded pissed.
- Oh, shit.
- Hello, dear.
- Hi.
- Look what I brought!
- Thank you, dear.
- How are you feeling?
- I've been better.
Yes, I know.
I'm sorry I'm so late. I thought
I'd never get out of there.
- Are they still changing their minds?
- Yes, now it's supposed to be a hotel.
That's a new one.
- What are we watching?
- Don't change it! I'm watching this.
Alright, then I'm going to eat.
[Kata] Hi. I'm sorry.
- They've been here for ages!
- They?
Yes, Berglind came with him,
and I couldn't lock her outside.
- I tried calling. I was stuck with them.
- Mom, relax.
Okay, but promise me
you won't get worked up.
- Hi. Sorry I'm so late.
- It's fine.
We were just enjoying
Svava's delicious cake.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
- Weren't we going to talk to Kari?
- Yes, we. We're all in this together.
- Is something wrong?
- Where's Kari?
- He's in his room.
- Okay, I'll go get him then.
Okay, wait. Fuck,
fuck. Okay, hold on
Okay, hold on On
your right! Shoot, shoot!
There he is! There, there! Fuck!
- Can I talk to you?
- Can I finish? Give me one minute.
Just one minute.
Okay, hold on. Shoot,
shoot. Get your ass over there!
Yes, yes. Good job!
Fuck. Shoot, shoot!
Yep, yep, I died.
Okay, hold on. I have
to talk to my mom.
- Is everything okay?
- Huh?
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah.
Are you sure?
- Dude.
- What?
- You own a closet!
- Oh, it's a work in progress, you know?
- Your dad's here.
- I know.
- And his lady friend.
- Oh, I see.
- We wanted to have a little talk with you.
- Is there a problem?
- We just want to talk to you.
- What's the problem
Come on.
[loud thud]
What was that?
Go check it out.
Go check!
[sounds of struggle]
My dear Omar.
Kari, my boy.
When I was younger, at your age, I
liked to go out and have a good time.
You know, party with my buddies.
But I tried not to let them rope me
into anything that I might later regret.
- You see, peer pressure
- Your dad thinks you've started drinking.
- Uh, no.
- You can tell us. We just want the truth.
No, I haven't started drinking.
Why do you think that?
Because half a bottle of cognac
disappeared from the house.
Why would I want
some disgusting cognac?
It was not "disgusting cognac,"
it was very good cognac.
Okay, still no.
What about that party
you went to the other day?
I didn't go to any party, I
just went to the dance.
- Weren't you drinking at the dance?
- No, they had a breathalyzer at the door.
What about your friends?
Could they have maybe
[phone rings]
Are you getting called out?
Yeah, I have to go.
Grandma will be here.
- Sorry. Bye.
- Can I also go, then?
- Yes, but we have to discuss this later.
- Okay.
Do you live here as well?
No, it's just temporary.
There's mold in my house.
- Can you tell us anything?
- Do you know what's happening inside?
I can't comment at this time.
- Katrin, can I have a word with you?
- I'll talk to you later.
I want to go to him. Don't
take me anywhere. Omar!
What's with the sheet?
Oh, his wife.
She just had an operation. She
was stuck in bed when it happened.
- No.
- Yep.
- Who's the deceased?
- Omar Karlsson.
The investment banker?
- Forced entry?
- No, or at least no signs of it.
The killer must have come in
through the front door.
Here, check this out.
Katrin, Magnus wants to speak to you.
- Is it the same killer?
- Yes, it looks that way.
- Magnus?
- Sorry.
We have to keep this out of the media.
Two identical murders in 24 hours.
We have to release something.
The media knows about it already.
Helga will draft a statement.
We'll tell them it was a robbery
that got out of hand.
- Wait, since when do we lie to the media?
- Just do as I say, Kata.
Not a word about a connection
between the murders.
We must have control
over what becomes public.
But, Magnus
If we don't, the situation
could escalate into anarchy.
We need to hurry
down to the station.
The National Police Commissioner
has called a press conference.
We've decided to seek
assistance from abroad.
- From abroad?
- Yes, Oslo.
- Isn't that a little drastic?
- As you know, we are understaffed.
It's never hurt to have help.
Kata, it has nothing to do with you.
We have full confidence in
your ability to handle this case.
I will supervise the case until
the investigation is concluded.
Was there anything else?
No, not for now.
[Magnús] Good evening, and thank you all
for coming on such short notice.
The police is
investigating two murders.
Two murders that were committed
one shortly after the other.
Detective Katrin Gunnarsdottir
is in charge of the investigation
and she will now answer
your questions. Thank you.
- Do you have any suspects?
- We are unable to answer that at present.
Are the victims connected in any way?
Unfortunately, I am unable to
give out that information at this time.
Is it true that foreign
assistance has been requested?
Yes, a detective from the
Norwegian Police Service is on his way
to assist us with the investigation.
Why are you seeking assistance
at this stage of the investigation?
Are the Icelandic police not properly
equipped to handle such a case?
I wouldn't say that
As you know, the Icelandic police has a
long history of fruitful cooperation with
the Norwegian Police Service on a
number of cases, both here and in Norway.
Are the murders being
investigated as serial killings?
Is that the reason for the
Norwegian Police's involvement?
- As I was trying to say a moment ago
- So you're denying it's a serial killer?
- Selma, it's not possible for us to
- What about the victims' eyes?
Do you know why they were cut
like that? Is the killer signing his work?
Are you afraid there
will be more murders?
That concludes our press conference.
I want to thank you all for coming.
Do you want to say
anything to the public?
It's all in the
statement we just read.
That's it for now.
Thank you.
Are you protecting the
interests of your investigation?
- Who are you protecting?
- Are the victims connected in any way?
Why is the media talking
about a serial killer? Helga?
I talked to Selma and to
Helgi, the news director at RUV,
and they refused to
give up their sources.
[Vilhjalmur] Goddamn idiots!
Do these people not understand they're
interfering with a police investigation?!
Subtitle translation by Sindri Eldon
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