The Victims' Game (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


The Victims' Game is a work of fiction
that includes scenes
of violence and suicide.
The scenes might cause
uneasiness or discomfort
and can be offensive to some people.
Viewer discretion and
professional assistance are advised.
[professor] Forensic science
is designed to understand
the pattern of human behavior.
Through evidence, we can understand
how and why people do things.
Ironically, nobody cares about who
the deceased were when they were alive.
- [indistinct murmurs]
- [professor] After they pass away,
we try so hard to understand
what they were like
by studying their remains.
Be prepared.
Studying forensic science
is a long journey.
- What you're looking at is
- [paper rustles]
- [fire crackles]
- [gasps]
Fang Yi-jen, what are you doing?
- [slow breathing]
- [professor] Fang Yi-jen!
Fang Yi-jen!
[clock ticking]
[n soft voice]
Hydrogen peroxide.
- Hey. Fang Yi-jen!
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- [paper rustles]
- Hydrogen peroxide.
- [paper crumples]
- What are you doing? Fuck you!
You did it.
If you'd put less hydrogen peroxide in it,
you could've burned me.
Also, you wrote my name wrong.
- [paper rustles]
- [chair creaks]
[slow breathing]
[students mumble]
- [student] Freak. [humphs]
- [Yi-jen thuds]
[gloomy music]
[professor] This is
the experiment group list.
And you're by yourself again.
You did a good job
on the analysis earlier.
But do you know why they did that to you?
[chair creaks]
Forensic science
isn't just about finding clues
and coming up with perfect logic.
It is about using the clues you have
to find the stories hidden within.
It's true that you do great
on logical thinking and analyzing.
But you must understand
why they're doing this to you.
Got it?
[foreboding music]
[rapid static]
[theme music]
[tense music]
[reporter 1] Hello everybody,
welcome to Light Media News.
[reporter 2] Hello everyone,
welcome to our five o'clock hourly news.
[reporter 3] Focus, bringing you
the latest news.
[reporter 4] This morning, a horrendous
murder in Chengdong District was reported.
- Murder in Pinglin, Chengbei District.
- [reporter 5] A body of a 20-year-old
was found on a beach, without limbs.
[reporter 6] The suspect, Chen,
held a knife against the victim's neck
[reporter 7] They didn't know they'd get
a call from the murderer asking for money.
[reporter 8] The two parties argued.
The suspect strangled his girlfriend.
[reporter 9] According
to the witness statement,
the police are currently targeting
the same suspect.
[reporter 10] He hid the body
in the trunk.
The prosecutor brought the suspect in
by accusing him of murder.
[phone buzzing]
- [Cheng-kuan] Hello?
- [Liao] Hello, Kuan.
There is a bunch of reporters at the site.
- We couldn't stop them.
- [Cheng-kuan] Fuck!
Even the reporters got there ahead of me?
What the hell are you doing?
You even gave me the wrong address!
I can't tell east from west right now.
- [horns honking]
- [indistinct speaking on radio]
[siren wailing]
[phone buzzes]
- Hello?
- [Fang-ning] Hello, dear.
- Hey.
- [Fang-ning] The psychiatrist came by.
Our son is very stable now.
Okay, I got it.
[Fang-ning] Will you pick us up
at the hospital?
- [Cheng-kuan] Tomorrow?
- [Fang-ning] Uh-huh.
I can't go until the things in the office
are taken care of.
[Fang-ning] Okay.
Okay, I'm busy right now.
- [Fang-ning] Okay.
- Okay.
[clicks tongue]
[sighs heavily]
[reporter 11] Police officers,
what is going on right now?
- Why are you using a bucket?
- [reporter 12] What's with the bucket?
- Can you explain what's happening?
- Can you give us some info?
- [police] Please go away.
- There's nothing to see. Stop filming!
[journalist 1] Sir!
You can't come in! Stop taking pictures.
- [journalist 1] Can you talk to us?
- Okay. That's all. Bye.
[Liao] Get him out of here!
If you keep doing this,
we'll bring you in, okay?
- Bring him in!
- Can you explain this to us?
[Liao] I can't!
Stop messing with us!
- The situation
- Can't you see we're working?
- What's the situation?
- Is it an overdose?
They called us because
she didn't answer the door.
What's the deceased's name?
- Eh, Su Ko-yun.
- [police] Miss!
- [Cheng-kuan] Su Ko-yun?
- [Liao] Yes.
- Is it suicide?
- Arrest her!
Arrest her and put handcuffs on her!
- [Cheng-kuan] Su Ko-yun, the singer?
- [elevator dings]
[Liao] This way.
- Did she live alone?
- [button clicks]
- Yes.
- [elevator closes]
- Did anyone visit her?
- No.
- [sighs]
- Hmm
- By the way.
- Huh?
How's the case of Nanshi Bay?
[in soft voice]
I can't change the location,
but I've got the rest covered.
Handle it well.
We can never let him out.
Even if it's not a life sentence,
he'll still be in prison for 40 years.
Don't worry.
By the way, how are you going
to celebrate your promotion?
- Captain, man!
- [elevator dings]
What the fuck?
This way, turn right.
[foreboding music]
- [Liao] Uh.
- [plastic rustles]
[exhales, spits]
[foreboding music]
[tense music]
[flesh squelching]
[low eerie music]
[adhesive squishes]
[microscope clicks]
[microscope creaks]
[paper rustles]
[door slams]
[Yung-chen] The prosecutor is satisfied
with Wang Chung-hsiung's case.
This time, you got it.
Thank you, sir.
[Liao] Captain.
- Huh?
- [door closes]
Su Ko-yun's case.
[Yung-chen] Su Ko-yun?
- Sir, there were no signs of fighting.
- Hmm?
Aside from the bathtub,
we didn't find any blood elsewhere.
[Yung-chen] What about her family?
Ah, her mom is the only one
who didn't pick up the phone.
There were six glass bottles
beside the bathtub.
I believe they contained
the chemicals to dissolve the body.
- Mm-hm.
- They are being analyzed.
When will the result come out?
[Liao] I'll have to ask
the forensic department.
The forensic department.
[Fatso] Congratulations, Kuan!
You're now our captain!
- Congrats!
- Congratulations, Kuan!
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
[Liao] Open the bottle, Kuan.
- Captain! Captain!
- Open the bottle!
- Captain Sun Yung-chen.
- [Fatso] Here he comes again.
[Yi-jen] There's a problem
with the underwater murder at Nanshi Bay.
Fang Yi-jen.
How many times do I have
to repeat this to you?
Don't barge in
when we're having a meeting, okay?
- There's a problem with the key evidence.
- There's no problem with this case!
Yes, there is.
[Yi-jen] Wang Chung-hsiung was ruled
to have built a tank with increased
partial pressures of oxygen,
causing oxygen toxicity
to the deceased while diving.
The report shows that the key evidence
is Wang Chung-hsiung's fingerprints
on the cylinder base of the tank.
But when I pieced
the cylinder base together,
- I found that it's not the right one.
- [sighs]
It has a 0.3 centimeter difference
from the actual tank.
The average difference
should only be within 0.1 centimeter.
- Which means
- [folder thuds]
- our key evidence is invalid.
- [sighs]
It doesn't add up. That's not all.
During the autopsy,
I found traces of falsification
on item 23,
which means the autopsy was tampered with.
Captain Sun Yung-chen.
You should ask
Deputy Captain Chao Cheng-kuan
to reinvestigate, right now.
[Cheng-kuan] Fang Yi-jen!
You said all that just to tell everyone
that Wang Chung-hsiung
didn't do it, right?
The tank was in the ocean for so long.
Fingerprints would've been washed away.
So are you accusing me?
I don't need to accuse you
of anything, it's
- It's okay! Go do it!
- Stop!
[Yung-chen] Stop!
We're having a meeting.
Shouldn't you go and take care
of Su Ko-yun's report?
Can you do that?
[Liao] Get out.
[door opens]
[door closes]
Let's continue.
- [rumbling]
- [Yi-jen mumbling]
- [shoes squeak]
- [metal clanks]
[clicks tongue]
Don't be nervous.
All investigators want the same thing.
We don't want the same thing.
- This is the wrong way to do things.
- I know. Calm down.
Will you listen to me?
- Your evidence is invalid.
- [sighs]
- I know! Listen to me!
- You can't convict a person like this.
I'm begging you to stay out
of Wang Chung-hsiung's case.
Remember, this won't benefit any of us.
- I don't want any benefit.
- All right! I know!
[Yi-jen] This is the wrong way
to do things!
- [Liao] He's a bit crazy, you know?
- This is wrong!
[Liao] In the future, we can't have
someone like him in the team.
[Fatso] He just doesn't get it.
[Liao] Right, I think he has
a disorder called
- [Fatso] Asperger syndrome.
- [Liao] That's the one!
You won't ever get promoted
if you're on his team.
[Fatso chuckles]
[trolley rumbling]
[trolley clanks]
[plastic rustles]
Have you found out what solution
was used to dissolve the body?
I have. It's piranha solution.
Hello, sir. I'm the new girl, Hsiao-ching.
[plastic rustles]
[metal clanks]
[paper rustles]
[blows air]
[watch beeps]
[plastic rustles]
[foreboding music]
[liquid sloshing]
[paper rustles]
[shutter clicking]
- [mouse clicks]
[shutter clicking]
[mouse clicking]
[keyboard clacks]
[foreboding music]
- [forensics] Yi-jen.
- [laptop thuds]
I found something weird.
The rubber plug should've been dissolved
because it was soaked
in the piranha solution for so long.
But this one wasn't.
I should keep checking.
[train alarm wailing]
[vehicle revs]
[tires screech]
[train rumbling]
[baby wailing]
- [wailing continues]
- [waves crashing]
[paper rustles]
[pen clicks]
- [Liao] Can I put these here?
- [man] Sure.
Are you leaving?
- [Liao] I'm heading out for a while.
- [man] Okay.
[door clanks]
[car door closes]
What's with the face?
Are you in a bad mood?
I bet some money
with the dealer to earn more.
Is your team working on Su Ko-yun's case?
I only have two questions.
[Hai-yin] Why did you lock down the site
and forbid us from taking photos?
Why wasn't the body put in a bag?
Why was it in a bucket?
Can you stop asking me questions?
[Liao] I just got transferred here.
Eh! I'll do it myself!
If someone takes a picture, I'm screwed.
[lighter clicks]
[Liao mumbling]
[Liao] I must be crazy.
Why would I be here?
"A police officer
who not only appears in casinos,
but also covers and invests
in illegal business."
I didn't release those stories.
Am I not good enough for you?
- You can't do this every time
- An out-of-date celebrity died of suicide.
Why don't you just announce
that the case is closed?
You're hiding something.
Miss, may I ask if you're done?
- I recorded everything.
- [groans]
I don't want to talk to you.
Crazy bitch. Fuck.
[Liao] Ugh.
The body was dissolved.
[car door closes]
[foreboding music]
- [metal clatters]
- [pen clicks]
[thrilling music]
[thrilling music continues]
A professor who studied in the US
and now teaches at a top university
abused his power for sex.
- I think this top-notch professor
- [door opens]
- This top-notch professor is going down.
- [sighs]
[Yu-hsuan] No other media
is onto this lead
because he paid the people around him
to keep their mouth shut.
Even the female victim is planning
to withdraw from the case
because of stress.
But thankfully,
these photos are in my hands.
We can expose him.
Okay. I'll talk to the chief editor
and fight for the headline.
Thank you, Ta-tse.
I'm going to work on Su Ko-yun's case.
Su Ko-yun who died of suicide?
[Ta-tse] Hmm.
Reserve me a column
when you talk to the editor.
[Ta-tse] Hai-yin, stay there.
Uh, is there anything else?
If there's nothing else,
the meeting is over.
Please close the door when you leave.
Chairman Liu of Light Media
wants to recruit me.
- So are we competitors now?
- No!
We're allies.
I'm taking you with me.
The salary? The position?
Three times better
than New Times News, of course.
[Hai-yin] That's a promise!
[door opens, closes]
[keys clank]
[door creaks]
[door closes]
[wood clatters]
[paper rustles]
[somber music]
[metal clanks]
[fingers rasp]
[heavy knocks on door]
[doorknob clanking]
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad!
One second!
[door squeaks]
[foreboding music]
[shutter clicks]
[switch clicks]
[loud muffled clatter]
[muffled yelling]
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad! Help me!
- [Yi-jen] Oh! Hsiao-meng! Don't exhale!
- [gas hisses]
- [Hsiao-meng] Dad, it hurts!
- [bottles clatter]
[young Hsiao-meng] Dad, it hurts.
Dad, it hurts.
- [low ringing]
- [screaming]
[young Hsiao-meng crying]
[elevator dings]
[Hai-yin] Hello.
May I help you?
[Hai-yin] Do you drink coffee?
- No, thank you.
- Hmm.
How about a latte?
- No.
- I already bought it.
- Oh.
- You've worked hard.
- Thank you.
- I'm Hsu Hai-yin from New Times News.
[in soft voice]
Can I go in and take a photo?
Maybe you can tell me about the case.
I really can't.
- It's a crime scene. We can't joke around.
- Relax. I won't let anything happen you.
- Ten minutes!
- But
[policeman] One second.
- Shouldn't you be in the office?
- I need to confirm a few things.
Yi-jen, you can't go in there!
Sir, I'm Hsu Hai-yin from New Times News.
Isn't he the investigator
- who solved many cases?
- Yes.
[police] Yi-jen is here.
- Yes, Yi-jen.
- [suitcase clacks]
[watch beeps]
Fang Yi-jen.
He just barged in.
I don't know what to do either.
Okay, I got it.
[lock clicks]
[flashlight clicks]
[ominous music]
[ominous music continues]
[metal clanks]
- [metal thuds]
- [flashlight clicks]
[foreboding music]
[phone buzzing]
[buzzing continues]
[plastic rustles]
- Hello?
- Is Su Ko-yun's autopsy report out yet?
[Hui] The autopsy hasn't been scheduled.
- When can it be scheduled?
- Tomorrow morning, I suppose.
- Fuck, I had a rough day
- I found a needle at the site.
- I can send it for a toxicology test.
- [Hui] Okay.
He's still the same
- [phone ringing]
- [breathes heavily]
[woman] Hello? This is
Pinglin Youth Detention Center.
This is
Fang Yi-jen of the
Third Investigation Corps of Pinglin City.
I'm looking for a girl under protection
control, Chiang Hsiao-meng.
- [woman] Do you know her birth date?
- She's 17 years old,
born on January 9, 2002.
I remember her.
Hsiao-meng ran away
the day she was sent here.
Now she's identified as missing.
Officer Fang, according to
Child Protection Law,
to request data on an underage person,
you need authorization.
Have you contacted her mom?
Huh? Didn't you know?
Hsiao-meng's mom passed away
before she was sent here.
Officer Fang, can you tell me
your authorization number?
Hello? Officer Fang?
Hello? Can you hear me?
[breathes heavily]
[Liao munching]
[Liao] I don't get it.
What is the reason
behind Su Ko-yun's suicide?
[Fatso] She was not famous
and she had no money to buy drugs.
- [Liao] Mm-hm.
- [Fatso] Uh-huh.
- [Liao] That's possible.
- Why did she choose that hotel?
She had a plan!
[Liao] She picked a hotel
which only has broken cameras.
However, I saw
surveillance cameras outside.
I think there were two of them.
We checked the footage,
but they were blacked out.
Excuse me.
If you were to commit suicide,
would you care whether the cameras work?
No shit.
- Right.
- So could it be murder?
- [Fatso] How about her lover?
- [Liao] Fucking hell.
We've ruled out relationship factors.
Seriously though,
during the years when she wasn't famous,
she never went out to see anyone.
[Liao] She didn't contact anyone.
That was incredible.
How about her mom?
Did you try to find her?
Speaking of whom,
I found a bunch of bank documents
that are all debts.
[Liao] She can't wait to run away.
It's impossible to find her.
So you just stopped looking?
[Cheng-kuan] Will her mom
come to you instead?
How long has it been?
Is that all the progress we've made?
How about the camera footage?
The cameras in Guidu Hotel are all broken.
[Fatso] We could only rely
on surveillance cameras outside.
We only found two of them
that have images.
[Cheng-kuan] So what did
you find from them?
[Fatso] A woman passed by
two hours before Su Ko-yun's death.
But she wasn't Su Ko-yun.
Why the fuck are you
only telling me this now, huh?
[Cheng-kuan] Bullshit!
[paper crinkles]
- [Liao] I will hit you.
- [Fatso] Don't do this.
- [Liao] Fatso.
- Why are you all sitting down?
- Do you want to go home or not?
- [Liao] Yes.
- Then move your ass!
- [Liao] Okay!
Give me a minute.
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[door opens]
[paper rustles]
[door opens]
[door closes]
What are you doing here?
The fingerprint identification is out.
[paper rustles]
- [Cheng-kuan] There are only Su Ko-yun's?
- Yes.
Have they identified the body?
Is it Su Ko-yun?
You will know when the report is out.
Can you please hurry up? Huh?
[Yi-jen] Okay.
- [sighs]
- Wait!
[tense music]
What were you doing at the crime scene?
Do you want to be at the front line?
If you want to go to my scene,
will you please let me know beforehand?
[Cheng-kuan sighs]
[keyboard clacking]
[gloomy music]
[Hai-yin] Hello? Miss Ling?
I'm fine!
Well, I just want to ask you something.
Weren't you working on Su Ko-yun's case?
I wonder if I can have her mom's number.
Oh! Sure.
I'll wait for you. Uh.
[Hai-yin] Mrs. Su.
Mrs. Su, I'm a fan of Ko-yun.
- [lock clicks]
- [Hai-yin] Mrs. Su.
[Hai-yin] Hello, Mrs. Su.
I'm so sad about Ko-yun's death.
I know you guys relied on each other.
So I wanted to come by to see you.
[Hai-yin] This is a gift from me.
[door creaks]
[Mrs. Su] Come in.
Thank you, Mrs. Su.
[phone chimes]
[Mrs. Su chuckles]
- Mrs. Su.
- [Mrs. Su] Have some water.
Is this Ko-yun's latest album?
Yes, sit down.
[Mrs. Su sighs]
She finally quit using drugs
and focused on making this album.
Do you know how hard she worked?
She wrote every single song herself.
What a shame.
We won't be able to hear her anymore.
Mrs. Su, you have
to take care of yourself.
[Mrs. Su] Ever since she was little,
I had been getting loans
to help her nurture her talents.
Why did she do this to me?
- Why did she do this to me?
- [Hai-yin] Mrs. Su.
- Why? Why?
- Mrs. Su.
Why did she do this to me?
[phone buzzes]
[Yi-jen] Is this Hsu Hai-yin?
I'm Fang Yi-jen of the Third
Investigation Corps of Pinglin City.
[tires screeching]
[car engine revs]
[handbrake clicks]
Come in.
[car door opens]
- [car door closes]
- [groans]
Hello, Mr. Fang.
Just tell me which hostess club it was.
I would like to know
why you're asking me this first.
[Yi-jen] Just tell me which club it was.
[Hai-yin] I honestly want to help you,
- but I still need
- Just tell me which club it was.
What's in it for me?
It doesn't hurt to help each other
and exchange information, right?
Besides, you need someone
who knows the place to go into the club.
- I can lead the way for you.
- [car door opens]
[car horn honks]
[Hai-yin] Where are you going?
I have a car.
- [groans]
- [car engine starts]
[lounge music playing]
[Hai-yin] Keep it together.
Don't drool at the girls.
[Kuang-yung] Hai-yin!
It's been a long time.
- [Kuang-yung] Oh!
- Thank you for helping.
[Hai-yin] This is my friend, Mr. Fang.
[Kuang-yung] Why don't I get
you two a VIP room?
- Okay.
- [Yi-jen] I'll go alone.
You can leave.
This way, please.
[paper rustling]
[door opens, closes]
[approaching footsteps]
[hostess] Hi there.
- Chiang Hsiao-meng.
- [wine sloshes]
Have you heard of her?
[hostess] I don't know her.
Your wine.
What should I call you?
Get out. I want someone else.
Wait here.
[door opens]
[car door clanking]
[man] Oh, it's open.
Thank you, sir.
[man] Be careful.
Don't lose it again, huh.
[bag rustles]
[paper crumples]
[foreboding music]
[foreboding music continues]
[shutter clicks]
[phone ringing]
[Hai-yin] Ta-tse.
Congratulate me.
I found Su Ko-yun's mom today.
I have proof that when she was alive,
she had plans to release a new album.
She didn't die of suicide.
Someone killed her.
The murderer even decorated the crime
scene to imitate the cover of her album.
No wonder the police
haven't announced its closure.
[Ta-tse] Good. Can you write it in time?
I can meet the deadline.
- [door opens]
- [Kuang-yung] Come on.
Mr. Fang, see if you like them.
They're all our new ladies.
Her. The rest of you, get out.
- Like this one
- I said, get out.
- [clears throat]
- Go.
[Man-man] Hi, sir.
- Hello, my name is Man-man.
- [door closes]
Have you seen her?
Chiang Hsiao-meng?
[Yi-jen] Does the name
sound familiar to you?
She worked here once.
I've never seen her.
Get out. I want someone else.
Sir, don't you like cute girls?
- [Man-man] I'm pretty cute as well!
- Get out!
[Yi-jen] I want someone else!
[retreating footsteps]
[door opens, closes]
- [sighs]
- [Kuang-yung] Man-man?
What's wrong with you?
- [Man-man] The customer yelled at me.
- I'll handle it.
What's wrong?
[Man-man] I think he's a cop.
He's here looking for someone.
Who is he looking for?
[Hsiao-shuang] Ching-ching?
[door clanks open]
- [plastic rustles]
- [thuds]
[bouncer] You're welcome
to mess with us again!
Fuck you!
[door clanks]
[metal clanks]
[door clanks open]
[Hsiao-shuang] Sir!
Are you looking for Ching-ching?
Aren't you looking for Hsiao-meng?
Ching-ching is her stage name.
Do you know Hsiao-meng?
Do you know where she is?
I don't know!
[Hsiao-shuang] I haven't
been able to find her
- since she got fired.
- Why was she fired?
[Hsiao-shuang] She was seeing
a young gentleman here.
- I think she hit a customer
- What is that man's name?
[Hsiao-shuang] It's Hao,
but I don't know his real name.
It has been a while since he quit.
- [Kuang-yung] Hsiao-shuang!
- I have to go.
[Hsiao-shuang] If you find her, please
tell her I appreciate her encouragement.
[door closes]
[sighs heavily]
According to New Times News,
the once-famous singer, Su Ko-yun,
is confirmed to have been murdered,
and her body was dissolved in acid.
There is a bizarre connection
between her death
and her unreleased album.
Let us show you.
[broadcaster] The cover of the album
is similar to the crime scene.
A New Times News reporter also
has footage of Su Ko-yun's mom.
Let's have a look.
- [Hai-yin] Mrs. Su.
- Have some water.
[Hai-yin] Is this Ko-yun's latest album?
[Mrs. Su] Yes.
She finally quit using drugs
- and focused on making this album.
- [clicks tongue]
- Do you know how hard she worked?
- Fuck it!
[Cheng-kuan] Who's in charge
of finding her mom?
- Huh?
- [Mrs. Su] Ever since she was little
You not only lost to a reporter,
but also had the info leaked!
to help her nurture her talents.
- [Mrs. Su] She learned this and that
- [Cheng-kuan] If I ever find out
- who leaked it for their benefits,
- Why?
- don't blame me for what I do, huh?
- Why did she do this to me?
[tense music]
[Yi-jen] Is the toxicology
test result out yet?
[Hui] Acid-base neutralization
is going to take some time.
Can't your team send a backup?
- [Yi-jen] I'm the backup.
- [Hui] Ah.
[Fatso] So should we wait for Mr. Chang?
[Hui] Yes.
[Fatso] Hey, Hui.
Is there anyone else
in the forensic center?
[Hui] Are you stupid?
He can do ten guys' jobs.
But Kuan doesn't really like
[Hui] I'm telling you, you can't knock
any senses into two kinds of people.
One is dead people,
the other is Fang Yi-jen.
You can't stop him
from doing what he loves.
Mr. Chang.
[Mr. Chang] Please begin.
[Yi-jen] Chen Yao-hui, the skull.
- [Hui] The appearance of the body
- [Yi-jen] Stop.
Su Ko-yun has had plastic surgery
based on the photo we have of her.
Her nose became higher.
Her cheekbones and jaw were sculpted.
Look at this skull.
[Hui] The skull
is actually quite complete.
- The angle of the jaw
- [Yi-jen] Look at the pubic symphysis
and the shape of the obturator.
[Hui] This body could be male.
- [Mr. Chang] Call your captain.
- Yes, sir.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Cheng-kuan] The prosecutor
will declare the body's identity
at the press conference.
Listen to me carefully.
From now on, no information
regarding the case can be leaked.
- [all] Yes, sir!
- One more thing.
Make adjustments accordingly.
- Find Su Ko-yun.
- [all] Yes, sir!
- [Cheng-kuan] Liao.
- [Liao] Yes.
Identifying the body will take a while,
but the result
of the toxicology test is out.
There is a high dose of anesthetic
in the body.
- Go and track down this lead.
- [Liao] Yes, sir!
[Cheng-kuan] This is a suspect
of this dissolved body case.
[Cheng-kuan] I want her name
as soon as possible!
- [all] Yes, sir!
- Let's move!
[broadcaster] Today, the singer,
Su Ko-yun, passed away.
We have prepared a video in memory of her.
Let's go down the memory lane
with the young Su Ko-yun.
Su Ko-yun loved performing
since she was a kid.
In college, she joined
the Chengxi District singing competition.
She emerged as a new star,
discovered by the producer,
and then started her singing career.
Her first album, Say You Love Me
made her famous with a fresh image.
She was also awarded the Best New Artist
of the Year in major music awards.
Rumor has it that she was preparing
to make a comeback
with a new album, Wonderful Time.
It is very devastating and regretful
that she passed away unexpectedly.
[closing theme music]
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Afraid to reach out ♪
Pretending not to care ♪
It's okay
I'm persuading myself everyday ♪
Still rooted in place ♪
Waiting for you and for myself ♪
And walk into my heart ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
Do you truly ♪
Accept me for all that I am ♪
I'm willing to bet all my love on it ♪
Who can find me? ♪
Wandering in the crowd
Waiting for love ♪
To outline my features ♪
Who wishes to find me? ♪
How I wish to have you ♪
To make my existence worthwhile ♪
[Cheng-kuan] Make adjustments accordingly.
Find Su Ko-yun.
Su Ko-yun was spotted at Linjiang Road.
[Liao] Keep looking.
See where she's going.
[Fatso] The security
at Yu Ping Apartments just reported
that an area near the top floor
suddenly caught fire.
[Cheng-kuan] Why are you
still standing here?
Get something to put out the fire! Hurry!
The fire was ignited on the body.
[Yung-chen] It's a serial murder case.
Third Corps, put a halt to all your cases.
Come and assist with this case.
- Have you found Su Ko-yun?
- [Cheng-kuan] Not yet.
[Ta-tse] The victim wasn't Su Ko-yun.
Has the dissolved body been identified?
[man] We found evidence.
- It seems to belong to the victim.
- "Chang Tsung-chien"?
- [Cheng-kuan] What is that?
- [Yi-jen] It's a memory card.
[Yi-jen] The murderer
is trying to mislead us.
[Hsiao-meng] He didn't care about me and
my mom. All he cared about was his job.
"The investigator and the murderer in the
acid bath case are father and daughter."
How would you like that?
[Cheng-kuan] Fuck! Even the reporters
got ahead of me?
What the hell are you doing?
- Why are you using a bucket?
- [reporter 12] What's with the bucket?
Can you explain what's happening?
[police] Hey.
Relax. I won't let anything happen to you.
- Ten minutes!
- But
Sir, I'm Hsu Hai-yin from New Times News.
[foreboding music]
[Sheng-jung] During the research,
we spent some time asking for help
from experts and consultants.
That includes asking social news reporters
what they are like
to provide character background
for Hsu Hai-yin.
It's so that we have
a clearer image of reporters.
Look diagonally
[Sheng-jung] We sought help
from psychiatrists
to discuss and analyze
Asperger syndrome for this series.
We also invited forensic pathologists
and many forensic experts
to help us develop this series.
I think, in some ways,
we really want
to show professionalism in the storyline.
Many things about forensic science
are extremely professional.
Before the shoot began,
the crew scheduled a meeting
with the Forensic Center for us.
[Hsiao-chuan] It's not just that,
we also met the forensic doctors.
The forensic doctors, yes.
On the same day,
a lot of things from the script
I didn't understand
and the things I wanted to know
were answered and explained to me.
Thankfully, when we were
filming important scenes,
some professionals
like forensic personnel or doctors
were there to guide us.
[indistinct chatter]
[crew] That's amazing.
A teacher who has high authority
came and explained to us
what forensic doctors do.
[Nien-Hsieh] The teacher also explained
the methods they use to analyze.
She let us in on an elementary level.
For someone who had no clue
on what he was doing,
she explained what I should be expecting
and how to handle it.
[Yi-jen]traces of falsification
which means the autopsy
a meeting.
Can you wait until the meeting is over?
[Hsiao-jou] People probably imagine
the Third Investigation Corps to be
Taiwanese police drinking tea
dealing with both gangsters
and civilians or other local stuff.
But we're giving them
a more stylish look, so that they're not
just normal Taiwanese police
as people imagine.
Fang Yi-jen!
You said all that just to
[Shih-hsien] When the police are on duty
and carrying out investigations,
the actions and prejudice
of reporters and forensic personnel
will affect the police's instincts
and their investigations.
Uh, the audience can witness
this aspect, especially in this series.
The police and the reporters
have a curious relationship.
You can't offend them.
You can only ask, "How are they
making so much progress,"
and what are the different methods
they are using.
In fact, they are competing
with each other.
The police's progress
versus the reporters' progress.
The time that reporters take
to come up with an article
I think the competition still exists.
Then are we
[Sheng-jung] As for the police station
in Pinglin City,
we made sure to be very detailed.
From the signs, the documents,
each of the desks, to the offices,
everything was deliberately
made to imitate a real police station.
From A to Z.
We wanted to emphasize
the authenticity of the police station.
It also helped our actors
get into character more easily.
- Do you know
- Listen to me. Calm down.
I'm begging you to stay out
of Wang Chung-hsiung's case.
- You can't convict a person like this.
- [Liao] I know.
- Your evidence is invalid.
- Fine!
- Use this way to convict
- [Liao] Think about it. Let's go.
The character
of a senior manager of news reporters
honestly has to be performed
with a distinct mindset.
For example, people would normally
feel sympathy when we hear
that someone was harmed
or had passed away, right?
[Wei-ming] But in this series,
when you hear someone is involved
with a strange murder case,
our characters would be gloating instead.
At that moment, you don't
feel sympathy towards them.
Rather, you become cold-blooded.
Staying true to your occupation,
you would be like,
"Hey! That's another news!"
[indistinct chatter]
[Wei-ning] When I'm watching the news,
I always wonder,
"Why would this be reported?"
I think there are things
behind the operation
that we just don't know about.
While I was acting in this series,
I had come to realize how they do things
and why they do what they do.
Perhaps sometimes
the characters reveal things
in order to make a fake move.
When we reveal something,
we may have other goals in mind.
We have tons of ways to do things.
You can either say
they control or help each other.
I think that in the end,
they just want to solve the case.
She didn't commit suicide.
Someone killed her.
The murderer even decorated the crime
scene to imitate the cover of her album.
[Ta-tse] Good. Can you write it in time?
[Hai-yin] I can meet the deadline.
Subtitle translation by Alex Ju
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