The Village (2023) s01e01 Episode Script


What happened?
A tree has fallen
and is blocking the road.
What do you mean?
Mala, let me just go and check.
Guys, let's go and check.
Come on. Let's move it.
- Uncle, make it fast.
- Quick!
- Come on.
- Let's all push it at once. Come on!
Come on, quick.
Push it.
It's so heavy!
- Hold it underneath and push it.
- Let's do it.
My hands are slipping and
it's not moving an inch!
- Dear, what happened?
- God!
- Mom!
- Sethu!
- Nothing to worry.
- God!
- What's going on?
- Kindly bear for some time.
- What do we do now?
- What happened?
We should've taken her to the
hospital in our village.
Now look, we are stuck here!
Mom, stop scaring them.
Don't worry, Mother-in-law.
Nothing to worry, I'm here.
Mala, stay strong. I'll be back.
- Stay with her. Mom, take care of Mala.
- Make it fast.
I'll be back in no time.
My wife's in pain.
What do we do now?
Please bear the pain for sometime, dear.
Please tell me.
If we go through the old factory route,
take the Uppalam road
and get to the bypass road,
we can reach quickly.
- Then let's do that. Come on!
- Come on! Get in the van!
Nothing to worry, Mala.
Please, let's go at once.
- Sure.
- Mala, hold on.
Drive faster!
Please go fast!
why don't we just return to our village?
I don't have a good feeling about this.
That's not advisable, Mala.
This is not a normal delivery.
There are complications.
Don't be naive, like my mom.
Mom, we don't have facilities
in the hospitals back in Navamalai.
Please understand.
Mala, we already discussed this.
Look here, Mala
Between you and our child,
your safety matters to me.
More than me
my son matters to me.
Doesn't feel right, Sethu.
Which route are we taking?
The one by that old factory.
You mean we are going
through Kattiyal?
But that's an abandoned village.
Please, Sethu.
Let's not take that route.
Please! Come on now.
Look here.
You'll be fine.
Don't worry.
Rest your head on my shoulder and sleep.
You will be fine.
Watch out!
You could've been careful.
I am confused.
He came out of nowhere.
Let me go and check.
Please, no! Let's just leave.
I have a family. Let's not risk it.
Please understand.
Where is your humanity?
How can we leave someone to die?
Wait, I'll be back.
- Sethu, what do you think you're doing?
- Hey.
- I'll be fine.
- Please don't go.
Wait. I'll be back.
- Sethu Sethu!
- I'll be back in no time, dear.
Leave him!
Get that medical kit--
Sethu! Sethu!
- Brother!
- Sethu!
Oh God!
Shut the van door!
Mom! Mom!
Oh God!
Don't leave me, Sethu
Sir, shall I tell him to come?
Farhan, please.
Mr. Farhan Hameed.
So, you're the guy we hired?
The mercenary.
we don't go by that.
You can call us the Clean-up crew.
I'm Prakash.
You've obviously met Jagan.
A jet will be waiting for you
at the Exogenyx airstrip, this evening.
You'll be flying to Kattiyal,
a coastal village in Tamil Nadu,
without further ado or questions.
Am I clear?
Carry the required safety
equipments and weapons.
Hope you've got a team.
Yes, three of them,
apart from me.
An experienced Clean-up crew.
So, don't worry.
If you say so.
The scientists accompanying you
and the samples they collect,
must reach here safe.
The safety of the samples
is your responsibility.
Also, I hope it's implied
but this is super-confidential, Farhan.
And I want you to keep it that way.
Like you said, it's implied.
This is confidential
and under the radar.
Which is why you approached us.
Here are your sample collection
and drop off co-ordinates.
You will land by the coast.
I want samples from the forest,
coast and the factory.
Am I clear?
I want the samples as soon as possible.
Wait sir, I need more--
Like I said earlier, Farhan.
Without further ado or questions.
By the way
Mr. Jagan will be going with you.
- Sir, me?
- Good luck!
Mr. Jagan, I don't understand.
There are safety and
weapons protocols to be followed.
Just give me a minute. I'll be back.
Prakash sir, what do you mean?
How can I go? That too
without any prior information!
How can I go on such short notice?
Sir, please!
Sir, I don't understand!
Me neither, Jagan.
The only person alive, who
knows that place very well.
How can I not send you?
Answer me.
Aren't you that
only person
I know all your secrets, Jagan.
I've known it for a while.
- Should your wife and kids know it too?
- Sir.
Be ready.
This evening.
And don't fuck it up!
You performed so well in the festival!
So, let me fix you a drink myself.
Thank you, boss.
Have it. Go ahead.
You too have a drink.
To the brave heart who fixed us drinks!
Yes, enough. Don't make him wait.
- Serve him quickly.
- Okay, Brother.
- Told you! Leave your vehicles outside!
- What?
But you're ramming it inside!
Park it outside, you doofus!
And he still parks it inside!
My bad fate!
Brother, carry on. Eat.
- Your wife
- Forget her. Take good care of yours.
Sister, long time!
Where have you been?
- My husband went fishing finally!
- Okay. Drink carefully.
Four three one Selvam!
Four omelets, three chilli chicken
and a water bottle!
Send them to table number three.
Hello, brother! Excuse me!
Drink some of this.
Not the booze! I meant water.
- Drink it.
- What do you suggest we drink?
Who's that?
Your daddy!
Bring few more chairs.
Ask him to make it fast.
Sakthi, still worried about
what that Oracle told us?
I've no interest in these religious
rituals and superstitious beliefs.
Sakthi, on one hand
you preach communism
and on the other hand,
you host a temple festival.
- You're one hard nut to crack.
- Well
I like communism,
as well as our village.
If a two day temple festival makes
people happy, then why not host it?
Peter, you know me very well.
I gave up my family for this village.
Won't I compromise on my principles?
No matter what,
the unity of our village matters
to me the most.
Oh shit!
Traffic jam.
Wait, let me go and check.
How long will it take?
No idea. The cops are investigating.
What happened there?
An accident has taken place.
We can't go there.
Move! Don't crowd here!
He'll die if we don't take him
to the hospital on time.
Brother what happened?
An accident.
A vehicle has toppled.
The cops are investigating.
It'll be long before they clear it up.
Take out the snacks.
Let's eat them at least.
We are stuck.
An accident.
Oh, no!
This is why I suggested
Suggested what?
To travel by flight.
Didn't I tell you?
Yeah, right! You did.
If we had taken
tomorrow morning's flight,
we'd have reached at the same time.
Now, look!
What a waste of time.
Wait, let me check the GPS.
Look here.
Looks like a service road.
It connects to the highway.
Can you turn the car around?
You're doing a great
job as a co-pilot, baby.
You're awesome!
Obviously! I've got years of experience.
can you go a little forward,
so that I can make a U-turn?
- Okay.
- Thank you.
Okay! Ready?
It shows this way.
Adventure begins. Ready, gang?
Where are we going?
- To Jurassic park.
- Wow! To Jurassic park?
Doesn't look like
anyone's taking this route.
Are we on the right path?
You showed me this route.
Let's see where it leads to.
Shall we go back?
Let's find a hotel nearby to stay.
We'll continue tomorrow morning.
We are just a little away
from the highway. Look.
We'll be there soon.
Don't worry.
- Mom!
- Maya!
- It's okay.
- Mom
Don't be scared. It's okay.
Let me check what happened.
Oh, no!
What happened?
There were rusted nails on the road.
We've got a flat tyre.
We've got a spare, right?
both the front tyres are flat.
Oh, no!
What do we do now?
I have got no signal.
Check if your phone has it.
Fine, let me see if I
can find help nearby.
You guys stay inside the car.
At this hour? How will you go?
I'll have to walk.
How else do you think?
- Take Hectic along with you then.
- Don't worry about me.
I'll be back in a jiffy.
You guys stay inside the car
and Hectic will be with you.
What do you say, Hectic?
You'll guard them, right?
How can he guard us, Dad?
We have to guard him.
Oh! Yes, ma'am! The strongest!
So, will you take care of everybody?
That's my girl.
Lock the door and stay put.
Come on, up! Up!
I can't control it.
Hold it together. Calm down.
For God's sake.
- Arul!
- Kid!
This is not your home.
There's no toilet here.
Dude, I can't control it.
Oh, no!
Control yourself till we land.
Looks like the lemon rice
you had for lunch will pop out!
you better move away.
I can't control it!
This is the place, right?
- Why is he meditating at this hour?
- Mr. Jagan.
This is the place, right?
I guess.
have we arrived at Kattiyal coast?
Just breathe.
Alright, here we go.
You quit drinking first.
- You'll be fine.
- On last new year's day
I decided to quit this filth!
I sold off all old empty bottles
to scrap.
Cleaned my house
and slept early with plans to go
to the church in the morning.
Guess who showed up in my dreams?
It started weeping and
throwing tantrums at me.
"When your parents left you
I stayed by your side! In fact
when your wife left you, it was me,
who still stayed by your side!
But now? After all
just because you're diagnosed
with cancer, you want to leave me?
How can you betray me like this?"
That's what it told me.
- It was like a tight slap on my face!
- Oh, God!
That's why, I promised to it that I won't
quit drinking, till death do us apart!
I made that promise!
- Just drink.
- If you say so.
I need some help, please!
Who is he?
Who are you?
Where are you coming from,
that too at this unearthly hour?
Sir, I was on my way from Chennai
to Thoothukudi, along with my family.
We took a service road to avoid
the traffic jam on the highway.
We got stranded midway
due to flat tyres.
I had to walk for an hour and
half before I found this place.
Please help me.
This generation, I tell you!
They focus on their phone
while driving and lose track!
It'll only take 45 minutes to
reach here from the highway.
That's because my phone had
no signal until I reached here.
- That's how I ended up here.
- Fine, drink this.
Have it. I'm a doctor here.
Well, a doctor more or less.
- Drink it.
- No, thanks, sir.
I am a doctor too
but for real.
We both know what's in your flask
and that you're not a doctor either.
Kids these days are quite smart.
Peter, stop it.
Brother, what's your name?
Sir, I am Gautham.
My wife and daughter are
back there, all by themselves.
Please help me, sir.
Money is not a big deal.
Quote the price and I'll transfer it.
Okay, how about five crores?
Not possible, right?
Be precise. Where did
your car break down?
Well, where was it?
I remember seeing a milestone there
The name on the milestone was
Yes! Kattiyal!
You've made a grave mistake, kid.
What's going on, sir?
You people are freaking me out.
Any wild animals out there?
My family is there, all alone!
Please, just help me, sir!
Wait. Have patience.
Where did you park the car?
On the west, by the fields?
There were fields, but I'm
not sure about the direction.
Do you really have to ask
so many questions to help?
This might sound crazy but
it's been ages since people from here
or the neighboring villages went there.
But why?
Wait a minute.
That place is believed to be haunted.
Have you seen anything?
None of us have seen any ghosts
or anybody return after entering it.
Is this some kind of prank?
Are you trying to scare
me, that too at this hour?
Brother, look
even I don't believe these stories
but we can't rule out
what they are saying too.
You look educated and yet
you believe in ghost and spirits?
Do you really have to drag
our education into this?
Sir, please! I beg you. Please help me.
I'm talking out of experience.
We'll go tomorrow morning.
Everything will be fine.
I'll come with you.
I am a mechanic.
But let's wait till sunrise.
Until then, how can I leave
my family stranded there?
Please, come with me. Once you fix
the tyres, I'll drop you back.
Somebody help me, please!
Try to understand!
Utter the name Kattiyal and nobody
will come forward to help you.
So stop repeating yourself.
What's wrong with you people?
Those ghosts are better
than you all, I guess!
Ghosts and spirits, my foot!
- Brother! Wait
- Brother
- Hey!
- Hey!
Now what?
You haven't answered my question yet.
Well, I don't know. Horses?
No, Mom. They are called Thestrals!
Have you even read Harry Potter?
I have, my darling.
Okay, you ask me a question now.
Close your eyes.
Let me think.
- Hey.
- Mom, don't cheat.
I read this book some 20 years ago.
Even Harry Potter would've
forgotten his stories!
Fine, you read.
Hectic, stop!
Calm down. It's just thunder.
Don't get scared.
- Hectic
- Hectic, stop!
Hectic! Calm down!
Hectic, stop!
I guess Hectic wants to pee.
You stay put.
- I'll take him out to pee.
- Okay.
Hey! Hectic!
- Hectic!
- You stay inside, Maya.
Hectic Hectic!
Mom! Hectic!
Where are you, Hectic?
It's not the time to play around!
Come out!
Maya, why did you come here?
Back to the car, Maya. Now!
Where's Hectic, Mom?
Maya, I won't repeat. Back to the car!
- Maya!
- Mom!
- Maya!
- Mom!
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