The Walking Dead: Origins (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Daryl's Story

Ohh. Jesus.
DARYL: Son of a bitch.
That's my deer!
Look at it. All gnawed on by this
- filthy, disease-bearing,
motherless poxy bastard!
Calm down, son. That's not helping.
What do you know about it, old man?
Why don't you take that stupid hat
and go back to "On Golden Pond"?
There's two things you need
to know about Daryl Dixon.

He speaks his mind and
he knows what he's doing.
It's gotta be the brain.
Don't y'all know nothing?
Daryl was most equipped to stay
alive when the world fell apart.
While he could survive on his own,
the apocalypse showed him
how becoming part of a
family would help him.
So how did he go from
a loner to protector
and guardian of his chosen family?
You're about to find out.
This is Daryl's story.

From the moment we meet
Daryl, he's a searcher.
He's always hunting or
tracking something
friends, redemption, a place to belong.

Sometimes, he's just looking for dinner.
Merle! Get your ugly ass out here!
I got us some squirrel!
When the world went to hell,
he and his older brother,
Merle, set out to do
what they'd always done survive.
This asshole ever met my brother?
They found a camp by a quarry
and planned on robbing them,
but they joined them instead.
And when the group comes back
from Atlanta without Merle
Daryl wants some answers.
You got something you want to tell me?
Your brother was a danger to us all,
so I handcuffed him on a roof,
hooked him to a piece of metal.
He's still there.

Hell with all y'all!
They head back to Atlanta to get Merle,
and things don't exactly go as planned.
No! No!


He must have used a
tourniquet maybe his belt.
Be much more blood if he didn't.
So Daryl starts his first
big search for his brother,
and he's got Rick, T-Dog,
and a kid who seems to really
know his way around the city.
What'd you do before all this?
Delivered pizzas.
Daryl has his doubts.
Take it! Take it!
But when another group grabs Glenn,
he does whatever it
takes to get him back.
- Oh, my God.
When they arrive back at camp
in the middle of a walker attack,
Daryl jumps into action.
Baby! Carl!

After the walker attack,
the group runs into
their first walker herd,
and while they're all hiding,
Carol's daughter, Sophia, runs off.
But Sophia's disappearance
isn't their only problem.

They set up camp at Hershel's farm.
Daryl remains the loner of the group,
continuing to search for Sophia.
'Cause we're gonna
locate that little girl.
She's gonna be just fine.
Am I the only one Zen around here?
Daryl's search gives Carol hope,
and we begin to see
a change in him, too.
He's never had a family
like this before,
and the people and the farm
are starting to feel like home.
I'm not fool enough to
think there's any flowers
blooming for my brother.

But I believe this one
it bloomed for your little girl.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
While searching for Sophia,
Daryl has an accident.
He slips in and out of
consciousness and hallucinates,
seeing his brother, Merle.
They ain't your kin.
Ain't nobody ever gonna care about
you except me, little brother.
Daryl fights his way back,
taking some souvenirs along the way,
and when he returns to
the farm covered in blood,
he looks like a walker.
So Andrea shoots him.
Don't be too hard on yourself.
We've all wanted to shoot Daryl.

No idea we would be going
through antibiotics so quickly.
Hershel stitches Daryl back up,
and while he recovers,
Carol and Daryl really start to bond

whether he likes it or not.
Watch it. I got stitches.
And he begins to have
kind of a softer touch
with the rest of the group now.
ANDREA: I don't expect
you to forgive me,
but if there's anything I can do
You were trying to protect the group.
We're good.
Shoot me again?
You best pray I'm dead.
Well, the Daryl version
of a softer touch.
He won't let his injury stop
him searching for Sophia,
but he doesn't know how to
accept Carol's affection.
So he rejects it.
- You alright?
- Just leave me be!
But soon, Daryl is the one
who's comforting Carol.

Daryl doesn't hold
people. He finds them.
He couldn't find Sophia in time

and he feels like
maybe he failed Carol.

After losing Sophia, Daryl
detaches from the group.
I'm not gonna let you pull away.
You've earned your place.
If you spent half your time minding
your daughter's business
instead of sticking your nose
in everybody else's,
she'd still be alive!
But when the group is
threatened by some strangers,
he takes matters into his own hands.
Boy there's got a gang.
30 men and heavy artillery,
and they ain't looking to make friends.
What did you do?
Had a little chat.
REEDUS: With that, Daryl's role
in the group begins to change.
You want to take Daryl as your wing man,
be my guest.
He becomes Rick's second
and when a walker gets Dale

Daryl steps in.
Sorry, brother.

That thing you did last night
Ain't no reason you should
do all the heavy lifting.

When walkers overrun the
farm, the group has to flee.
Come on, I ain't got all day!

With the farm gone, the
group needs a new home.

They find a prison.
Walkers! Look out!
When the prison is attacked by walkers,
the group fights for their lives.

MAGGIE: Lori, let's lay you down.
No, baby's coming now.
REEDUS: During the fight,
Rick's wife, Lori, dies

giving birth to
their daughter, Judith.

Where Where is she? Where is she?

No. Rick, no!
Daryl sees Rick's pain
and does whatever he
can to help the group,
especially its newest member.
She got a name yet?
Not yet.
Little ass-kicker.
Right? That's a good name, right?
Little ass-kicker. You like that, huh?
You like that, sweetheart?
And then there's another new arrival

- They were taken.
- Taken by who?
The same son of a bitch who shot me.
Hey, these are our people.
You tell us what happened now.
Don't you ever touch me again.
Better start talking.
Gonna have a much bigger problem
than a gunshot wound.
There's a town Woodbury.
About 75 survivors.
I think they were taken there.
A whole town?
It's run by this guy calls
himself The Governor.
Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type.
He got muscle?
Para-military wannabes.
They have armed sentries on every wall.
You know a way in?
When they rescue Glenn
and Maggie from Woodbury,
Daryl gets some news.
This was Merle.
If Merle's around, I-I need to see him.
Not now. We're in hostile territory.
- He's my brother. I ain't gonna
- Look what he did!
Look, we got to we got
to get out of here now.
If we get overrun by walkers
or this Governor catches
up to us, I need you.
- Daryl!
Daryl is taken prisoner
as the group escapes.
Merle's own brother!

- What the hell is he doing here?
- Hey, hey, hey.
- Hang on! Wait, stop!
- He tried to kill me!
They may have rescued Merle,
but the group doesn't
want him at the prison
not after what he did to Glenn.
Merle Merle's blood.
No him, no me.
There's got to be another way.

Don't ask me to leave him.
I did that once.
But Daryl's changed.
He's done taking orders,
and he's done being selfish.
All their old scars opened back up.
When we were kids, huh?
Who left who then?
What, huh?! Is that why I lost my hand?!
You lost your hand because you're
a simple-minded piece of shit.

I-I didn't know he was
Yeah, you did.
He did the same to you.
That's why you left first.
Daryl's done being pushed around.
Were you going?
Back where I belong.
I can't go with you.
Damn near killed the Chinese kid.
He's Korean.
Doesn't matter, man, I
just can't go with you.
You know, I may be the one walking away.
You're the one that's leaving.
Merle follows him back to the prison.
They try to make it work,
but it just doesn't.
Can't do things without
people anymore, man.

I want Michonne.
Then The Governor offers
the group a deal
turn over Michonne, and
he won't attack the prison.

So Merle decides to take
care of it for Daryl.
I want to be with my brother.

My brother he wants
to be in the prison.

This little trip?

Maybe it'll keep that place standing.

But Michonne helps Merle see that Daryl
has finally found a place
where he belongs.
Things are different for your brother.
Yeah, they are.
Rick says jump, and he
wants to know how high.
Mm, Rick needs him.
Respects him.
He's got a new family.
Merle lets Michonne go
You go back with him,
get ready for what's next.
and returns to The Governor's camp
to make one final stand.
I ain't gonna beg.
Daryl goes searching for
his brother once more,
but it's too late.

Seeing his brother like
this tears him apart.


With Merle gone, Daryl
doubles down on the people
who have become his new family.
He protects them.
When The Governor
attacks, the prison falls.
The group gets split up.
Daryl escapes with
Maggie's sister, Beth.
We got to go.

On the road, Daryl and Beth
get to know each other better.
Alright, here you go.

It gets pretty intense.
- Everyone we know is dead!
- You don't know that!
Might as well be, 'cause you
ain't never gonna see 'em again.
You ain't never gonna see Maggie again.
- Daryl, just stop.
- No!

The Governor rolled
right up to our gates.

Maybe if I wouldn't
have stopped looking.
Maybe 'cause I gave up. That's on me.
- Daryl.
- No

And your dad.

Maybe Maybe I could
have done something.

This is the first girl who's
ever been nice to Daryl,
so he he misreads the situation.
BETH: So you do think there
are still good people around.
What changed your mind?

Don't "mm-mm".
What changed your mind?

- Beth!

Beth, the window!
When they get separated
during a walker fight

he finds himself alone again.

You pull that trigger,
boy's gonna drop you several times over.
Why hurt yourself when
you can hurt other people?
He meets a gang of assholes
and considers joining them
until they capture Rick.

You want blood.
I get it.

Take it from me, man.
These guys are no match for Rick.


I didn't know what they could do.
It's not on you, Daryl.

It's not on you.

You're my brother.

Soon, they're reunited
with the rest of the group at Terminus.
which is an awesome place

if you like cannibals.
Daryl is about to become dinner
when a good friend helps him escape.

During all of this, Daryl hasn't
given up looking for Beth.
He finds out that
she's being held captive
in a hospital in Atlanta.
You have two of my people,
I have two of yours.
We want to make an exchange,
and we'll be on our way.
No one gets hurt.

But Beth is killed.
She's just one more person
that he couldn't save.

The group finds their way to Alexandria.
It's a nice settlement
with good people
who don't eat each other.
Daryl, you want to be here?

The boy and the baby
deserve a roof.

I guess.
In Alexandria, Daryl's friends
seem to fit in right away
Thank you.
but he doesn't.

I came out here to
I feel all closed up back there.

Now still feels more like me.

When a walker herd threatens the town
Daryl teams up with Abraham
and Sasha to lead it away.

Look at that.

Everything is aces again.
They're ambushed by a
group called The Saviors.

He escapes,
and he meets two ex-Saviors,
Dwight and Sherry.
They take his crossbow and his bike
You gonna be.
because apparently, Daryl
can never have nice things.
Pissed-off Daryl eventually
returns to Alexandria,
but he's stopped by more
Saviors along the way.

I'm not gonna kill you.

Wait, wait.

You know what?
Yes, I am.
What a bunch of assholes.
When they get back to Alexandria,
they find it swarming with walkers,
so Daryl being Daryl, you
know, he blows shit up.

They're low on food, so he
and Rick go on a supply run.
And they meet a guy named Jesus.
This is done.

[SIGHS] You don't have any ammo.
Jesus brings the group
to a settlement, Hilltop.

How do people find out about this place?
That's called Barrington House.
Every elementary school for 50 miles
used to come here for field trips.
Place was running a long time
before the modern world
built up around it.
Now, Hilltop has a deal
with The Saviors.
Our supplies, our
crops, our livestock
it goes to the Saviors.
They won't attack if Hilltop
gives them food and supplies.
He hates that The Saviors
are hoarding supplies
when his people need them,
so he volunteers to take
out one of their outposts.
These dicks just got a good story.
Boogyman, he ain't shit.
But they retaliate by killing
one of Alexandria's doctors, Denise
DENISE: You're strong and you're smart
and you're both really good people.
And if you don't wake
with Daryl's crossbow.
I should have killed you.
Yeah, you probably should have.
Daryl blames himself and
wants to make it right.
ROSITA: Where are you going?
They're captured.

Hi, Daryl.
And the real nightmare begins
as they wait for their
fate to be decided
by the head of the Saviors, Negan.

Pissing our pants yet?
I got an idea.

a tiger
his toe.

REEDUS: Negan brutally kills Abraham.
Oh, my goodness!
When he taunts Rosita
Lay your eyes on this.
Daryl can't hold back any longer.
Take a damn look!
Negan punishes him for his outburst
is a no-no.
Back to it.
by killing Glenn.
NEGAN: I am sorry.
But I did say it.
No exceptions! [GRUNTS]
Once again, Daryl feels
like it's his fault.
Glen's his family,
and Negan just murdered
him in front of them all.
And Negan isn't done yet.
load him up.

REEDUS: After that nightmare,
The Saviors bring Daryl to The Sanctuary
and try to break him.
Screw it.

You don't scare easy.
I love that.

But Lucille
Well, it kind of pisses her off.
She finds it to be disrespectful.
Lucky for you,
she's not feeling too thirsty today.

Negan brings Daryl along to Alexandria
to humiliate him in
front of his friends.
NEGAN: Maybe Daryl can plead his case.
Maybe Daryl can sway me.


Well, you try.
While there, Daryl overhears
that Maggie died after Glenn's murder,
and that's as much as he can take.
She didn't make it?

Damn tragedy.
That's what this is.
This must really suck for you guys.
REEDUS: But soon, back at The Sanctuary,
he manages to escape with
some unexpected help

and he reunites
with Rick and Hilltop.

They have the numbers.
But can they fight?
Oh, they can fight.
REEDUS: Rick and Daryl find
their way to The Kingdom,
a friendly settlement run
by a guy named King Ezekiel,
and his highness has a tiger.

Rick asks Daryl to recruit Ezekiel
to join the fight against The Saviors.
I ain't staying here.
You have to.
It's the smartest play. You know it is.
Try to talk to Ezekiel.
Or stare him into submission,
whatever it takes.

Daryl learns of a plot
to trick Ezekiel into
fighting The Saviors,
but there's one problem
it means killing Carol.


She gets hurt, she dies,
she catches a fever,
if she's taken out by a walker,
she gets hit by lightning, anything
anything happens to her, I'll kill you.
Daryl goes to see her,
and he doesn't tell her
about Abraham and Glenn.
They came.
We got 'em all.
He lies to protect her.
We made a deal with the rest of them
and Ezekiel.
Everyone's alright.

Daryl heads to Hilltop,
where to his shock,
he finds Maggie very much alive.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.
It wasn't your fault.

[SNIFFLES] It was.
No, it wasn't.

You're one of the good
things in this world.
That's what Glenn thought.
And he would know.
Because he was one of
the good things, too.

He returns to Alexandria,
where he finds another surprise
What I did
I was doing for someone else.
He just got away.
So now I'm here.
Dwight says he wants to
help him take down Negan.
Negan's coming soon.
Three trucks, probably,
20 Saviors and him.
If you kill them,
I'll radio back to The Sanctuary.
I can radio back to them
and say everything's okay.
You drive the trucks back,
and I can lead you right inside.
And with the right plan,
we can wipe out the rest.
Daryl may hate Dwight,
but this is the best option
they got to take down The Saviors.
So he spares Dwight
for now.
DARYL: When this is done
I don't give a damn if he's sorry.
I will kill that son of bitch.
And then shit goes down.
The Kingdom and Hilltop show up in time
to help defeat The Saviors.

Alexandria will not
fall! Not on this day!
God damn tiger!
REEDUS: This war is
just getting started.
The Saviors are threatening to take away
everything Daryl cares about.

So he does whatever it takes
to keep his people safe



even if it means killing an
old group member, Morales.
That That was
I know who it was. Don't matter.
Not one little bit.

Daryl's starting to question
Rick's leadership.
He hates that Rick wants
to spare The Saviors,
so he pushes back.
There's a plan, and
everyone's sticking to it.
Not everyone.
There's a lot of our people
that are dead, Rick.
Things change, man.
Negan and that other
group, this is on them.
If people die, it's their fault.
Daryl's made up his mind.
He's doing this

even if it means
attacking The Sanctuary
behind Rick's back.
And then Negan comes knocking
on Alexandria's front door.
Brought this on yourself, Rick.
You have three count 'em, three
minutes to open this gate
or we start bombing the shit out of you.

The group escapes into the sewers.
Not everyone makes it out alive.

These people you saved them all.

It's all you, man.

Daryl leads the group
to safety at Hilltop.
When Rick joins them,
they go to Glenn's grave
and they reconnect.
Look, about what I did at Sanctuary,
trying to end it real quick.

I just wanted it done.
I didn't want to give
them another chance.
Not again.

I didn't care who was there.
I don't know if that makes it right.
It does.

Thank you.
For getting them here.
It finally seems like
Rick and Daryl are on
the same page again.
And the big battle against
the Saviors takes place.
The good guys win.
We're the good guys.

It looks like it's
lights-out for Negan

and then Rick spares him.

Save him.

- No!
- Maggie, Maggie.
No, he can't! No!
For Daryl, there's no
coming back from that,
not after what happened to Glenn.

Daryl thinks Rick is so
blinded by Carl's death
that he's putting the group in jeopardy.
Rick was wrong to do what he did.

Michonne, too.

So we're gonna bide our time,
wait for our moment,
and then we're gonna show him.
Yeah we will.

The war is over, but Daryl
has another score to settle.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
He's seen Dwight's heartbreak

so he decides to give
him another chance.
If I ever see your face
around here again,
I'll kill you.
I didn't say he was nice about it.
Go out there and you make it right.

About a year after the war,
Rick's got Daryl running The Sanctuary,
and he hates it because Daryl
doesn't want to be a leader.
He doesn't want to be Rick.
What's up?
When Rick comes to check in,
Daryl lays it out for him.
I know being here
behind these walls again,
it just don't feel right, man.
I'm better out there.
- I always have been.
You kept this place together,
kept people in line here.
It's on us to figure out
how to make it work.
But it's not that simple for Daryl.
They've taken in the surviving Saviors,
which means there's more mouths to feed.
That small group we had
back in the beginning
we could do anything.
We're not together because
things have changed.
Thing is, you changed them, right?
He's torn between his own
code and loyalty to Rick,
so he searches for a middle ground.
He finds it at Hilltop,
where he can keep an eye
on Maggie and her new baby, Hershel.
[CHUCKLES] He's just perfect.
He really is.
I think I'll keep him.
Daryl's still gonna help the group
even if that means working
with The Saviors.
CAROL: These people have
never had to live together.
we can't expect them to just
forget what's happened.
No, it hasn't been easy, I know.
It won't be, not for a while,
but it's not about forgetting.
It's about moving ahead,
all of us together.
We keep doing that,
they'll see we're all on the same side.
Are we, though?

For Daryl, it comes down
to one simple thing
The Saviors don't deserve a future
when people like Glenn don't get one.
Daryl, I know you don't agree
with everything we're doing here.
All I ask is that you try.
Do it.
Let people see it.
Maybe everyone moves
past what's happened.
Thing is, Daryl just
can't live with that.
Neither can Maggie.
We gave Rick's way a chance.

It's time to see Negan.
Daryl understands her need for revenge,
so he helps her by distracting Rick.
Pull over!
What is this?
You know exactly what this is.

I came to kill Negan.

And you're already worse than dead.
It's gonna go the way
it was supposed to.
And that's where everything
comes to a head.

You're chasin' somethin'
ain't meant to be, man.
I never asked anyone to follow me.
I know.

But maybe you should've.

Rick and Daryl find the peace
they need to move forward.
Now they just need to
find a way out of this pit.


RICK: Heads up!
There's no time for hugs
not when a herd's coming.
- DARYL: Come on.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
I'm gonna stay back, lead
'em away from the camp.
- What?
- I'm staying.
No, man!
I'm not giving up on it, not yet.
The river. Take 'em to the bridge.
It ain't ever gonna hold,
- and they'll get washed out to sea.
- No, man, I'm not sacrificing the bridge.
I'll find another way.

Be safe.
You too.

Things don't work out for Rick
and he gets injured.
He winds up on the bridge with the herd.
Daryl realizes
Rick's not gonna make it.

Daryl got his brother back
just in time to watch him die.

I found them.

REEDUS: Rick was more
than a brother to Daryl.
He was a big part of Daryl
finding his new family
and letting them in.
Without Rick, he's lost his
sense of where he belongs.

When Rick's body doesn't wash ashore,
Daryl holds on to the possibility
that he's still alive, and
he goes searching for him.
Just like after Sophia died,
he detaches from the group,
moves out to the woods, and he
spends years looking for Rick.
It's been two years.
How long do you plan to stay out here?
I don't know.
As long as it takes, I guess.
Daryl's not the only
one looking for Rick.
I followed this to the ocean and back.
Ain't nothing out there, either.

You good?
This one's been kicking
the shit out of me
every morning at 4:00.
Can't sleep anyway, so

Judith's been asking about you.
It's been a while
since we've seen you back at Alexandria.
I'll be back when I find something.
What is it, boy?
REEDUS: During this time, he meets Leah.
Well, he meets her dog, named Dog.
Who the hell are you?!

I asked you a question.
I'm leaving.

No, you're not.
They clash at first but end up
spending a lot of time together.
Still, he just can't give
up searching for Rick.
Where do you belong, Daryl?
Out there in the river,
looking for your dead brother
day after day after day?
Or do you belong with
the family you left
because it was too hard
to face what happened?
Or do you belong here with me?

I don't know.
Daryl thinks if he lets another
person in, he'll lose them
so he leaves.
DARYL: Leah?

He ends up going back
for Leah, but she's gone.
Dog's not though, so Daryl and
Dog they head off together.

While he's been away, Carol
has married King Ezekiel,
and they've adopted a son, Henry.
Whoa, whoa.
REEDUS: When she and Henry visit,
Carol asks Daryl for a favor.
I want you to come with us.
You want me to babysit your boy?
It's not like that.
How is it?
Henry's an idealist, just like Ezekiel.
I love that about him, I do.
It's important, but it
can be dangerous, too.
He's gonna have to learn,
just like everybody else.
Just like you and I did.
Daryl can't say no to Carol,
and they all go to Hilltop.

A lot has changed at Hilltop
since Daryl's last visit.
Maggie and her son have left.

Soon, a new threat emerges
The Whisperers
You are where you do not belong.
a group who wears
skinned walker faces
to walk among the dead unnoticed.
Drop it!
They capture a Whisperer named Lydia.
He throws her in a cell next to Henry,
who got busted for sneaking out.
How many in your group?
I already told you.
Get up!
How many?!
10! 10! There were 10 of us.
I think.
We wore skins to blend in.
We didn't have names.
His protective instincts kick in

when he realizes that Lydia
has been abused by her mother

just like his father abused him.

Then her mother arrives.

I am Alpha,
and we only want one thing from you

my daughter.
Daryl doesn't want to hand Lydia over,
but when Alpha tells him she's
taken two of Hilltop's people

He's got no choice.

And then Henry goes after Lydia.
So now Daryl has to go find Henry.
Connie insists on joining him.
They track Henry to
The Whisperers' camp.

Come on.
You guys go back, and we keep running.
They can't blame Hilltop
if we just disappear.
No. There's no way in hell
I'm letting you run away with this one.

They hide out in an office building,
waiting for a herd to pass.

Then some Whisperers find
them, and Daryl meets Beta.

The girl where is she?
Daryl knows protecting Lydia
could jeopardize the group,
but he's not about to hand her over.

They go head-to-head
and knife-to-knife

Your world is already dead.
and Daryl kicks his dumb,
tall ass down an elevator shaft.

They take refuge at Alexandria.
JUDITH: Is Hilltop in danger?

DARYL: I don't know.
Might be.
But you helped Lydia anyways.
I went to get Henry.
Lydia just kind of tagged along.
You brought her here.
That means you want to help.

When Henry's healed, he brings
them back to The Kingdom.
Daryl knows that Hilltop
could be Alpha's next target,
so he leads a group back to defend it.
You think you could, uh, feed my dog?


His group gets captured by Whisperers,
and he finds himself
face-to-face with Alpha once more.
You ain't getting her back.

You think this is about my daughter?
Alpha leads him out to a cliff's edge
overlooking a massive horde of walkers.

My people are among them
steering them.

The only reason you and
your friends are alive
is because I let you live.

Daryl reunites with the group.
They make a horrible discovery.

Alpha has marked her border

with the heads of their friends.

As they scan the line,
they see the final head.

Just look at me. Just look at me.
It's Carol's son, Henry.

This is literally his worst nightmare.
He was entrusted with
protecting Carol's child,
and he failed her again.
Just like when Sophia
walked out of the barn,
he holds Carol up as her world
comes crashing down.

After, Daryl becomes even
more protective of Lydia.
She's a good kid.
Every time I look at
her, all I see is him.

What do you see when you look at me?

I see you.
After losing Henry, Carol
leaves for a few months.

The group establishes an uneasy truce
with The Whisperers,
but Daryl knows he can't trust them.
So he gets the group ready
in case they come back.
As they train for battle,
Daryl is showing off some
new skills of his own.
No, he just likes you better.
Did you miss me?
Carol returns.

It's one of her borders.
They're walkers. We
can still get the deer.
No, it's too late.
Why are we still respecting
borders we never agreed to
when Alpha isn't even here?
He respects Alpha's borders
because he doesn't want to start a war.
That deer could have fed 200 people.
She thinks it's bullshit.
You get off my ass
before I put you on yours.
Sorry if I didn't want my best friend
to spend her whole life on a boat.
Best friend.
What are you, ten?
We have matching bracelets now?

Carol's ready to leave again,
but he's not ready
to say goodbye to her.
Look, I need you to stay.

Just think about it.
Otherwise, I'm gonna have to
punch holes in all the boats.
And then Carol sees Alpha.

With Carol hell-bent on finding Alpha,
he realizes he needs to
keep an eye on his friend.
Alright, we do this,
we're gonna be smart about it.
None of this running off
in the middle of the night,
"no backup, just us", stuff, alright?

Since when are we not enough?
But when they catch up with the herd

there's no stopping her.
She runs off and takes
a Whisperer hostage.

You plan this?

What's this?

Why's it in your pack?
Guess you missed it.
Come on, we don't have time to argue.
It's done.
Carol is losing control

Hey, wait.
Lost a foot.
Laying traps means we're getting closer.
and Daryl doesn't know
how to protect her
if he can't trust her.
Will you stop this shit?
You want her so bad,
you don't even care what happens to you.
That's not true.
You never came off that boat.
It's been like talking
to a goddamn ghost.

I-I don't know how.

She's not worth it.

She's a dead woman, anyway.

We have a future.
Don't let her take that, too.
She ignores his advice

Go, get her ass out of there!
and leads the group right
into a cave with Alpha's horde.
They fight their way across the cave

Daryl tries to talk some
sense into his friend.
People you care about
are starting to get hurt.
I got to know we're on the same team.
We fight for our future.
We don't fight for revenge.
Come on, go.
They find a way out
Just a little more!
but Carol's run off again.

Daryl finds her just as she's
about to blow up the horde
and probably herself.

He pulls her to safety,
but the whole place starts caving in.

They make it out just in time


but Connie and Magna don't.
And then Daryl starts
his search for Connie

but he finds Alpha.
Things get bloody.

When Lydia finds them, she
doesn't save her mother.
She saves Daryl.
Did you kill her?

If it was your father, could you have?

As a result, Alpha is on the warpath.
The Whisperers are coming for Hilltop,
so everyone starts preparing
for what may be the last
night of their lives.
Please don't hate me.
I'm never gonna hate you.
Judith wants to join the fight,
but that ain't happening
not on Daryl's watch.
I made you something.
It's for luck.
Boy, I love it.

- How do I look?
- [CHUCKLES] It looks good.
If during the fight,
Ezekiel comes looking for you and RJ,
you go with him,
whether you know where I am or not.
I promise.

The battle for Hilltop is insane.

MAN: Gasoline!
Beta brings the herd,
and Alpha brings Negan.
Daryl has no choice but
to call for a retreat.

The battle takes its toll on everyone.

It turns out Negan joining
The Whisperers isn't all bad
because he kills Alpha.

Daryl isn't buying it.
Oh, God.
Where's Alpha?!
She is dead.
She is dead. I killed her.
- You liar.
And when some Whisperers declare
that Negan is the new Alpha
Daryl, kneel to the alpha.
Daryl thinks he's a dead man.
You should probably shoot me.
Don't threaten me with a good time.

When it all goes down

he and Negan end up teaming up.
Untie me, asshole.

Alpha may be dead, but
Beta's steering the herd
right towards the group's hideout.
Everyone's ready for
battle except Negan.
You want to be a part of this?
You got to put your ass on the line
just like everybody else.
Negan joins the fight and finds himself
face-to-face with Beta
For Alpha.
and then Daryl kills
Beta and saves Negan.


The Whisperers have been silenced,
and the group reunites.
So Daryl checks in on Carol.
DARYL: You get what you wanted?
And I won't.

Not really.
Well, you still got me.

What's next for Daryl Dixon?
You're gonna be the last man standing.
Hopefully, proving Beth right.
You are.
The apocalypse has taken
so much from so many people.
Everyone's lost something or someone,
but for Daryl, it's also
given him things
he's been searching
for his whole life
a family, a purpose, a
reason to keep fighting.
We don't know what's next for Daryl.
Whatever it is
he'll find a way to protect the
people he loves at all costs.

Because that's what he does.



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