The Wedding Coach (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Ms. Behaving

I'm Jamie Lee, comedian,
actress, author, and former bride.
A few years ago, I got married.
Was it magical? Kinda!
Was planning it a bit of a nightmare?
[dramatic music intensifying]
In fact,
I found wedding planning so ridiculous
that I wrote a book about it!
Here's the thing.
The wedding industry wants you to believe
that everything should be perfect,
but that's some bullshit.
There's no need for a wedding expert.
You just need someone who's lived
through it to do your dirty work.
I'll be there to help couples
get to the finish line,
and I'll be bringing along
some of my friends to help.
Consider me the wedding coach!
Do I have pit stains?
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
Ooh, la, la, la, la
Do, do, do, do, do, do it ♪
[upbeat music playing]
Meet Erin and Travis.
These adorable LA cool kids
are planning a wedding
in their hometown of Rochester, New York.
But Erin and Travis
have their heads buried
so deep in planning and other problems,
they have no energy
to connect with each other anymore.
In fact, they're so focused
on the minutiae of the wedding,
they've stopped having sex altogether.
[Lee] So I'm stepping in
to give Erin and Travis
a crash course in wedding survival
when everything is falling apart
just days before.
To help Tattoo Barbie and Bearded Ken
get this wedding back on track,
I'm enlisting a dear friend.
She is a modern-day Martha Stewart
with a little less jail time,
comedian Mamrie Hart.
[both laughing]
[Lee] So it's time to jump into it.
[upbeat piano music playing]
- And did you order this?
- Yeah, two of them.
- Was that stupid?
- OK, that's stupid. I hate that.
Erin and I have a lot of history together.
We both grew up
in Rochester, New York.
[Erin] We went to the same high school,
went to the same college.
[Travis] And our wedding day
is actually our 10th year anniversary.
Travis has always been very romantic.
When we first started dating,
he used to write "I love you"
every time he wanted to say it
on a Post-it note,
and he's been continuing
to do that ever since,
and I have a huge collection
of "I love you" Post-it notes.
[Travis] We got engaged
at Yosemite National Park.
We were going for a hike
with our dog Jane,
and I told her to look
at Jane's new dog collar.
And it said, "Marry Dad?" on it
and it was so sweet.
And I said yes, and then I cried
for days and days and days. [chuckles]
[Travis] We're getting married
in Rochester, New York,
at my mom's house.
It's really difficult
as it's on the other side of the country.
[Erin] We're planning
an elegant outdoor wedding.
There's a stream running through.
We're gonna canoe down the aisle.
[Travis] We're looking to have games
and fortune-tellers, an absinthe bar.
Do you wanna go out
and get something to eat?
At this point, probably not.
We gotta finish this.
Normally, we're a pretty romantic couple.
Wedding planning has kind of made it
so our relationship is taking a backseat.
The romance seems to be fizzling.
Wedding planning is becoming so stressful
that Erin and I have talked about
even just saying, "screw it all,"
and just go elope.
- Yeah, sounds great. [chuckles]
- [chuckles]
Hi! [laughs]
- Hi!
- Oh, look how cute you are!
Another problem I'm having is that
I feel a little bit lonely as a bride.
With my sisters so far away in New York,
I'm not really getting to do the things
that a bride typically gets to do
with her family.
We need Jamie's help
with a number of things.
We're so concerned with keeping
our guests entertained at the wedding
that we're just purchasing
a lot of activities for them to do.
It's just kind of making it
so everything is too much at once.
With only a few days to go,
this is kind of a critical moment,
and we really could use Jamie's help.
[upbeat music playing]
- [Lee] Hey, guys!
- [Travis] Hello.
[Lee] Ooh!
I see fresh drinks.
Oh, my God, you are fully giving
the middle finger to the wedding diet,
and it makes me thrilled.
I have been and I need to stop,
because this is making it
so I really can't work out.
But I didn't work out at all
leading up to my wedding,
and I think it's because
you're experiencing so much stress
that it's almost like the anxiety
is your cardio.
- Yeah.
- The world is your gym.
- [Erin laughs]
- Um
OK, guys, how are you doing?
- I'm good. Um
- [Lee] I don't believe you.
[all chuckle]
- [Travis] We're bickering a little more.
- Sometimes we hate each other. [laughing]
Yeah. Let's talk about that.
If shit hits the fan on one thing,
the next word said, no matter what,
is gonna cause some sort of argument.
Right. Sounds like what's been going on
is the wedding is truly tearing you apart.
[Erin] Yeah.
It is totally normal
for the romance to fizzle,
because wedding planning
is not sexy.
So, we need to remember,
prioritize keeping the love alive.
Between spreadsheets,
try to get between bed sheets.
Otherwise, you'll just feel
like two platonic pals going broke
to feed your friends brick chicken
and harissa carrots for one night.
Will you guys play
a drinking game with me?
- Oh, yeah. OK.
- Sure.
Never have I ever thought about
or taken actual steps towards eloping.
- Hell yeah. That's That sounds
- [Lee] Aw!
[Erin giggling]
- Cute! Having a little elope-alada.
- [Erin laughs] Yeah.
Never have I ever thought that I'd feel
disconnected from my partner
because we're fighting
about napkin holders.
- Do napkins count?
- [Lee] Yeah!
- OK.
- You're mad at me about napkins?
- You didn't want
- Oh, yeah.
You guys should drink so you don't fight.
I'm just gonna drink every time
because why not?
Never have I ever wanted
to strangle my partner in their sleep.
Your ring is so gorgeous.
Never have I ever thought that I wanted
to fuck someone's engagement ring.
- [Travis chuckles]
- [Erin] Ooh, I like that.
[Lee] I'm here to support you guys.
I feel like when I was going through all
of the craziness with my wedding planning,
there was no one who was objective
and willing to shoulder the stress
with me in the way that I needed.
- [Erin] Yeah.
- That's what I wanna do for you guys.
That sounds nice to me.
Mamrie Hart, my dear friend,
hilarious comedian,
I have enlisted you
as my official helper for Erin and Travis
because you know how to throw a party.
I live for parties. I'm so excited.
You're very organized,
but you're also really fun.
No, I'm stoked. I love weddings.
I love flirting with old men.
I love open bars.
I love dancing. This is for me.
We're gonna get in there.
We're gonna help Erin and Travis.
[upbeat music playing]
[knocking on door]
- [Erin gasps]
- Hello.
[Lee] Hey! Look who I brought!
- [Erin] Hi! It's you!
- Hi!
- How are you?
- [Hart] Oh, my gosh.
- I'm Travis.
- Nice to meet you. Who is this?
- [Travis] This is Jane.
- Is Jane like a Shibu Ibu?
- Shiba Inu.
- [Erin giggles]
[in silly voice] Hi, little Japanese fox.
Hello, honey.
- [Hart] Very cute. You're coming with me.
- Oh, my God, guys.
OK, so I know that you guys
have ordered a bunch of stuff
and it's kind of getting confusing.
So, what's this? Is this just a yoga mat?
- Is there gonna be yoga happening?
- No, that's like the KanJam.
- What the hell is KanJam?
- [Travis chuckles] Another bro game.
[Lee] So, what's this?
We also have absinthe?
Yeah. We wanted to do an absinthe bar.
- It's like the original Four Loko.
- [Erin] Yeah!
And there's a fortune teller.
What is this?
- Tarot?
- [Erin] Yeah.
- So there's gonna be a fortune teller.
- [Hart] OK.
And we thought, maybe,
if you wanna be a fortune teller,
that might be kind of fun!
OK, that does sound really fun,
I'm not gonna lie, but
What if your great-aunt gets
her tarots read and it's, like, "Knives!"
- Yeah. Death card!
- [they chuckle]
Is it Coco Chanel who said,
"Before you leave take off one accessory"?
- I believe it was!
- We need to take off an accessory.
- Or like seven accessories.
- [all laugh]
[Lee] I think you bring up a good point.
I feel like we have been told
that we're supposed to,
kind of, entertain everyone,
and so you feel all this pressure
to give them stuff to do,
but you don't want them to be cornholing
and frisking and frolfing.
I feel like a lot of this stuff,
while potentially fun,
doesn't fully represent you guys.
Wedding planning
is an exercise in self-trust.
If you make decisions that have
an emotional tie to you as a couple,
your wedding is gonna feel
way more authentic and cohesive.
I believe in a process
called "the decision dump."
I think we need to maybe
get rid of some of this stuff.
Once you make a choice,
you feel so relieved.
Like you've just,
sort of, shit out a choice.
So that's what we're doing today,
we're gonna poop out a choice.
- So, how do we feel about
- [Travis] KanJam.
- I don't even like it.
- [Lee] Oh!
- So I could shit it out all day long.
- [Travis] Toss it.
[Hart] Jam that into this can.
- Oh, baby!
- [they chuckle]
- [Lee] Jammin' it! Oh, my God. OK.
- [Erin laughs]
I'm just curious
what the Frisbee means to you guys.
- [Travis] Definitely doesn't speak to us.
- I hate Frisbee. [laughs]
- [Hart] Wow.
- [Erin laughs]
How do you feel about the fortune teller,
the tarot, the palm reading?
Is that something
that speaks to you as a couple?
I've always loved all of that kind of,
like, witchy, magical
- [Lee] Cool.
- Harry Potter is my favorite.
- [Lee] There's a connection.
- Stuff like that.
- Yeah, so I like that kind of stuff.
- So, we keep it.
- Cool.
- Lastly, we have the absinthe.
- I definitely wanna keep it.
- [Lee] What does this mean to you guys?
We were in France, remember?
There's a little absinthe cocktail bar.
[clicks tongue] Yeah, it's like
the oldest absinthe cocktail bar
in all of the entire world.
- That's perfect! Yes!
- I love this.
OK, this stays!
- [Erin] Yeah.
- For sure.
[Lee] Hurrah!
Well, I think this
was a very successful decision dump.
- I feel so relieved.
- It's nice, right?
[Erin] It is.
I feel like a lot of this is sort of
symptomatic of Instagram pressure,
feeling like you have to live up
to this insane standard,
like you're not doing it right,
but all these other people,
they have it figured out.
So, guys, there's one more thing
that I want to hit in terms of decision,
and it does pertain to you
and your dress,
which means, Travis, you gotta go.
- OK. [chuckles]
- [Lee] You gotta. It was great seeing you.
[Erin laughs]
- Wait. What's the deal with the dress?
- I don't know if I can sit down in it.
- OK.
- OK.
So [laughs]
And we're coming in on a canoe.
[cymbals clang]
- Wait a minute.
- How did we
- Didn't I tell you that already?
- [Hart] How did we not
How were we not told this?
[Erin laughing]
- [Hart] Are you for real?
- [Erin] Yeah.
- OK, so you're prepared to maybe
- Get wet.
- Fall into the water in your dress?
- [Erin] I could a little bit.
I could, maybe, a little bit.
- Yeah. OK.
- Alright.
[Lee] I get it, you have the opportunity
to do something original.
Why walk down the aisle
when you can float?
But in reality, we're looking
at an expensive white dress
on a dirty brown creek,
in the type of boat known for tipping.
I will be seeing you later.
I am gonna take
some of these games with me, though.
- [they laugh]
- I think they could be fun at my house.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lee] We gotta help Erin.
Erin is clearly suffering
from something I call "bridesolation,"
which is isolation brought on
from lots of wedding planning,
lots of stress.
And she's doing it all alone
without her family
and friends supporting her,
because they live 3,000 miles away.
Erin's not having a bachelorette party.
And it's like, there are few
[laughs] I know!
There are few joys
in the lead-up to the wedding,
and she's missing out
on one of the fundamental ones.
Literally, the only reason
why I'd get married.
You look great.
- Thank you.
- [Lee] Ready to rock.
If we don't step in and help plan
a special event, it just won't happen.
[ringing tone]
[Erin] Hello?
Hey, Erin, we are going to text you
an undisclosed location,
and you have to get in your car
and come meet us.
- Are you game?
- [Erin] OK. Yeah.
- Alright, cool. We'll see you soon.
- [Lee] OK, cool.
- [Erin chuckles] OK. See you.
- Bye!
That bitch is clueless ♪
She's gonna drink out of a penis ♪
Erin is someone
who really has her shit together,
so I think that means she needs
to have a bachelorette even more.
- She's already hot. She needs to be
- A hot mess. Yes.
- [Lee] Hi!
- Hi!
- [Hart] Hey!
- Hi. How are you?
- Good, how are you?
- [Lee] Hi!
- OK, Er-Bear.
- [Erin] Yes? [sighs]
We are throwing you a bachelorette party.
- You are?
- Yes!
- So put on your crown.
- [chuckles] Oh, boy.
- [Lee] Here, I'm gonna help you.
- Here we go. OK.
And we are crowning you
"Queen of the Peen."
- [Hart laughing]
- Cheers!
[Erin giggles]
[Hart] Oh, my God.
[Lee] A bachelorette party
is like a sendoff
to all the penises of your past.
It's closure, or foreclosure
if they were uncircumcised.
[they laugh]
So I invited two other bachelorettes.
- Round us out.
- Really? OK!
Oh, here are our bachelorettes.
Oh, my God! My sisters!
[Anna and Emily giggling]
- [Hart] Love it.
- [Lee] It's a hot trio.
Do you know how good I am
at convincing people to party?
- [laughs] It's a top skill.
- Truly.
No, it should be on your résumé.
She's having a bachelorette
and she might not remember it,
but she's gonna have it.
- [giggling]
- [Lee] Aw! Cheers!
So you had no idea?
No, I had no idea.
I'm so excited. This is the best.
Her and I got here at 12 something,
and we went to the bar.
[laughs] Wait. I love that your sisters
are already drunk.
- It's my favorite thing in the world.
- Shh, I'm not.
I know that you're drunk,
because you always go, "Shh!"
- Let's get fucked up!
- [Erin] Great!
[dance music playing]
- [audience laughing]
- [indistinct chatter]
- [audience applauding]
- Cheers, guys! Shots!
[music continues]
[Erin splutters]
- Oh, it's Jamie Lee. Hello.
- [Lee] Hi, friend.
It's weird when your friend
is in the front row.
- I agree.
- I've never seen you this drunk.
We have a bride in a veil.
[glasses clinking]
- [Lederman] You guys are so wasted.
- [audience laughing]
- Are you feeling OK?
- She's a little out of control, though.
Erin's sister is what I'd call
"suitably sauced," which I think is great.
I mean, every bride needs someone
drunker than them at the bachelorette
so they aren't "the drunk one."
She's taking one for the team.
I think we need to get security
to get these ladies the hell out of here.
What do you think? Get them out!
Get them out! Get them out!
- Oh, no!
- [Hart laughing]
- [Lee screams]
- Yes, they've been very bad, officer.
- [cheering]
- [Erin] He's not real!
- [Hart] Get up there!
- [Erin] No! [laughs]
- You're not a real cop!
- [cheering]
Are you a real cop?
- [Lee] Oh, my God!
- [laughing]
- [dance music playing]
- [women screaming]
[Hart laughing]
[women continue screaming]
[Lee] Oh, no, no, no, no!
Oh, my God!
[all laughing]
[Lee screams]
- [screams]
- [Hart] Oh, my God.
[Lee] Oh, no!
[crowd cheers]
[Lee screams]
- [Hart] That was so fun!
- That was the best!
- [Erin] That was so fun.
- Did you have fun? It's about you.
[Erin] I did. I had so much fun!
Thank you so much!
You guys, before we,
like, truly get on the road,
I just want a moment of silence.
- Yes.
- For our fallen sister. [chuckles]
It's truly not a bachelorette
until one person goes home early.
- [classical music playing]
- Shh!
[glasses clinking]
[classical music fades out]
Oh, my God, these are so good.
Oh, they taste so good when you're drunk.
- It's not good, but it's so good.
- [Erin laughs]
Erin, you get up there and you "Whoo."
You whoo for all of Los Angeles.
- I'll go with you.
- [Erin grunts]
[both screaming]
[Lee] Whoo! Erin!
- Whoo!
- Whoo!
[Erin giggling]
[Lee] Are my tits out?
- Look at my boobs!
- [Hart laughing]
[upbeat music playing]
- [Lee] Hey, guys. How are you?
- [Travis] Hello.
- [Erin] Good. How are you?
- Welcome to the Bitter Root.
- Cool.
- Very cool.
It's a pottery studio, and I figured maybe
you can create some centerpieces
for your actual wedding.
I feel like you guys
just need to come back together
and get back to the Post-it place.
Wedding planning can be a mood killer.
- If the couple wants to sit here.
- Yes.
- Jamie, you can sit next to me.
- I'll sit here. Literally third-wheelin'.
- [Erin] OK.
- [Lee laughs]
Prioritize date nights,
keep schtupping on the weekly,
find the time,
because if there's no relationship,
there's no wedding.
So with this ball of clay in our hands,
we're gonna first slap it around a bit.
[Erin chuckling]
Next thing we're going to do
is dunk our hands in our water,
get 'em all wet
and then rest them on top of your clay,
and it should feel slippery and slimy.
This is the Swayze element.
This one-handed pot's gonna be good.
- Or not.
- [Travis] I'm gonna get this all over you.
We're finally touching.
- Aw! You guys!
- [Erin giggling]
- Are your arms long enough for this?
- [Travis] I got long arms.
[pleasant music playing]
[Erin giggles]
This pot symbolizes
the gorgeous tantric experience
you'll have at home tonight.
- Is that good?
- That's great!
[Erin] I wish we could do this
for every wedding activity. I love it.
I definitely didn't think pottery
would make us feel how we did afterwards.
When we went home we were literally more
touchy-feely, and it made us just happier.
Honestly, it just made us
feel really good at the end of it.
I wanna come up behind you
and get in on this.
- [they chuckle]
- I'll just get clay all over you.
[upbeat music playing]
[birds chirping]
This is so pretty.
I mean, we don't have that much time
before the wedding.
- We're in good shape.
- Will it get done?
- We are?
- Yep.
- [Lee] What's this, though?
- [Ford] Well, this will be taken care of.
- [Hart giggling]
- My plus one!
[Hart] I stole your look!
- [Lee] Can I say something?
- Yeah.
There's a lot to still be done.
Erin is doing everything.
- They have a few people helping out.
- Oh, shit.
Well, where are the buff cousins
with shirts off? It's why I came early.
There's none of that.
There's no shirtless help.
- [Hart] OK.
- [Lee] I'm like, "Where is Travis?"
Because look how much work she's doing.
I'm gonna ask Travis.
I'll just do it alone
so he doesn't feel attacked.
- OK.
- OK, wait. I'll just ask.
- Hey, Travis!
- [Travis] Hello!
- How are you?
- [Travis] Good. How are you?
- [Lee] Hi!
- I'm really gross right now.
- Is this what you're wearing?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I'm gross.
- [laughs] You're like, "I'm disgusting."
Well, here's pottery. Yeah.
- [Travis] That's awesome.
- Look at your bowl.
- Look what Erin made with one hand.
- [Travis] Better than mine.
- [Lee] It's amazing.
- [Travis] Great.
- [Lee] Is that Erin?
- [Travis] Yeah.
OK, she's busy. Hey, Erin! [chuckles]
For someone like Erin, she has difficulty
giving up control, which I get.
But Travis just really needs to help Erin
conquering the final touches together.
You have a lot to do.
No, you have so much to do
before the wedding.
Yeah, I guess we're going to
- [Erin] Hey, Travis?
- [Travis] What's up?
[Erin] Are you working on anything
this very moment?
[Travis] No.
Would you hang this absinthe sign hook?
I think we need more wire up there
or something to be wrapped around
- We need to do a twist tie.
- Oh, do you have a twist tie?
[Travis] What do you need help with?
Ooh, you know,
I would like it if, um, we could hang
wherever those stars went.
- [Hart] It needs to be hanging.
- I'm making sure they're all puffed.
- Are fully erect.
- [Lee] Yeah. [laughs]
Oh, there we go Love it!
- Ooh, I love it.
- [Lee] Nice, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
This is exactly what I was thinking.
[Lee] A tray of bug spray.
- It's function paired with elegance.
- [Hart] This is smart.
[laughs] Go like Do this.
- Signature scent.
- [Lee laughing]
It would be my straight-up pleas'
to decorate the bathroom.
Oh, it's cute!
This is nicer than my bathroom.
[Lee] Is it tacky
if I put the tampons in Travis' mug?
- [Hart] Absolutely not.
- I'm loving this Mug-o-tamps.
- Uh!
- It looks great.
I've never wanted to menstruate more.
Honestly, I'm angry I'm not on my period.
- Bye.
- [Lee] Bye!
I see cornhole and croquet.
I feel like you guys
listened to my directive
about like
making the wedding more creative,
but then you also were like,
"And the games are back."
Real talk, do you know people
who, like, love croquet?
- My grandma. [laughs]
- So this is for your grandma?
No, I mean, she just plays it sometimes.
- [Lee] If I had it my way, we scrap this.
- Yeah.
- I'm down for that.
- [Lee] You know why?
- People are gonna be stepping over these.
- Yeah, tripping. I agree.
- How would you feel about that?
- I'm down to take them away.
Yeah, now that I look around
and see everything
- [Lee] It's a lot.
- We got a lot of shit going on.
I'll do it. You have a lot to do.
- You sure you got this? You got it?
- I got it. Yeah.
- [Travis] Cool, thank you!
- No problem, Travis. I'm on it.
[quirky music playing]
[Lee grunts]
[birds chirping]
What time is it right now?
[Ford] Two o'clock.
- [Erin] Uh-oh.
- So I would start getting ready.
- OK, I'm gonna go get ready then.
- [Lee] OK, Erin!
- [Hart] Have fun!
- [Lee] You got this!
[Erin chuckles]
[upbeat music playing]
[Lee] How are you and Travis doing?
I felt bad because he was like,
"OK, now I take the reins."
And I was like,
"I can't give up control."
No, it's harder for someone like you
who, like, prides themselves
on, like, having a design eye.
- [Erin] Yeah.
- And seeing things a certain way.
- It's hard.
- It's ego. I know.
It is, but it's creativity
meshed with ego,
and that's the hardest thing
to break away from.
Where are your nerves?
I feel like I'm more nervous.
- You're cool, calm, and collected.
- No, I'm nervous right now.
- [chuckles]
- Are you a crier?
No, no Maybe. I don't know.
[laughs] We'll see.
I think you're gonna cry.
[upbeat rock music playing]
You look like a groom!
[Lee] This is very intimate.
This is intimate.
- [Erin laughs]
- These are positive yanks.
- [Erin] Good.
- There we go.
- [Erin] Perfect. Thank you.
- Yes! Fixed it!
[indistinct overlapping voices]
- [Erin] Hey.
- [Travis] Oh.
- Aw!
- [Erin laughs] Hi.
Oh, my, look at your tie!
- You're the prettiest woman in the world.
- Thank you.
You look so pretty.
- You look so pretty. [giggles]
- Jeepers creepers, man!
- You like it?
- Yeah.
- You like the white?
- [Travis] Yeah.
Wow, your toes look so nice.
- Oh, sorry. [laughs]
- Thanks. [laughs]
- We like each other still! [laughs]
- Oh, look, they're being so affectionate.
Let's not leave each other's side
the rest of the night.
[exhaling sharply]
[birds chirping]
Guys, how are you feeling
about getting in a canoe right now?
- I'm not feeling great about it, honestly.
- A little weird. Yeah.
This feels like The Green Mile.
I feel like we're
- Walking down death row.
- Yeah. This is
I didn't even get my last meal.
I haven't eaten anything.
How do you get in?
How do you get out?
Is she gonna fall in the water?
Will she look like Swamp Bride?
[Erin] Oh, my God.
- Everyone's fucking looking.
- [Lee] No, you're fine.
I got you.
I am not letting this dress get dirty.
- OK, you good?
- [man] Well done.
- [Lee] Yes!
- I could still tip over.
- No, you're not gonna tip over.
- [Erin] Thanks!
- It's gonna break.
- [Lee groans] No!
- [softly] Shit, shit.
- [Lee] And we're off.
[Bridal Chorus playing]
[water splashing]
We're on the bank. We're stuck. [laughs]
[music continues]
- [water splashing]
- You OK?
[music continues]
[Erin] Travis
[dramatic music plays]
[Erin squeals]
Oh, we're gonna crash!
[whispers] I'm gonna help her get out.
- We have to help her get out of the boat.
- [guests cheering]
- Well, that was dumb.
- [Travis chuckles]
Can you get out? You got it?
[Erin] Yeah. Yeah.
[guests continue cheering]
[Erin giggling]
[guests applauding]
- It was worth it.
- No broken bones?
Yeah, it was worth it.
Definitely worth it.
[officiate] Welcome everyone.
Erin and Travis,
we're joined here to celebrate
an important moment in their lives.
You can tell there's a real connection,
and anyone that meets you along the way
will find it's easy to see
that you really are best friends.
At this moment, would you guys
like to exchange your vows?
So, Travis, being with you feels like
when you've packed a very solid suitcase
and you know that you have everything
you need in there, no matter where you go.
I love you so much,
and I want to spend every day with you.
I want to watch you become a mother,
grandmother, and grow old with you.
You're the best thing
that's ever happened to me.
I could not imagine a world
without you by my side.
[Erin sniffles, laughs]
- I love you so much.
- I love you. [chuckles]
With the power vested in me,
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
- Erin, you may kiss the groom.
- [Erin laughs]
[guests laugh and cheer]
- [woman] Congratulations!
- [Erin] Oh, my gosh.
Hey, we just wanted
to say congratulations. You did it.
- Thank you for your help with the canoe.
- [Travis] Yeah, that was scary.
- [laughs] You'll never forget it!
- [Lee] I mean
I am so deeply horny for white tea lights.
It's like, I just want to rub them
all over my body.
- OK.
- I love them!
- Well, we'll talk to somebody about that.
- [laughing]
[lively music playing]
- [Lee] I wanna drink more and dance.
- [Hart] Yeah, let's get a drink.
[Lee] Can we do a shot of absinthe?
- Ugh!
- Oh!
Full body high.
I feel like it makes me see sound.
- But I also feel so alive.
- Right?
- [in French] Oui, oui, je t'aime.
- [in English] I do have to wee wee.
[dance music playing]
[Lee] Welcome to the Yurt of the Future!
Is your name Haley?
- Mm-mm.
- Sarah?
- No.
- Sherri?
He has an aunt Sherri.
- Oh! I was sensing a Sherri!
- That's what we were getting.
- [Lee] Hi!
- [Hart] Hi!
Wait, so this is a joke, right?
Oh, my God, it's not a joke.
We'll do the crystal ball together.
OK, I'm seeing you kind of drunk
at a bachelorette party.
[Emily] I
Oh, wait, I'm looking into the past.
Sorry. The future.
[dance music continues]
[Hart] Cut the deck in half.
Scoo, scoo!
- Who knows? Maybe it will speak to you.
- [gasps] Oh, my God, that popped out.
When a card pops out of the deck,
it means something.
- Real significant?
- Real significant.
- Really?
- And you guys have the World.
- [Erin] Whoa!
- On your wedding day!
- That literally flew out of the deck!
- I'm cross-eyed.
That's a happy accident.
Well, thanks for coming
into our Yurt of the Future.
- Bye, guys.
- Bye!
[Lee] Bye!
[upbeat music playing]
[Erin] It was such a great night.
We couldn't be more thankful to Jamie
for helping us reconnect
before the wedding.
We cut out some of the games
thanks to her.
Nobody missed any of that.
Everybody was entertained.
We were able to relax.
[Travis] I think our guests
loved our wedding.
It seemed like they were having
like the time of their lives.
Any time I looked around,
everyone was smiling and dancing.
We're so thankful.
We're always gonna remember this.
- And now, uh, you're my wife.
- [Erin giggles]
I love you.
Is there anything you think
that they will wish they hadn't done?
No, here's the thing.
I don't believe in wedding regret.
Once you get to the wedding,
it has flaws, it has quirks,
but, ultimately,
it's beautiful and it's alive.
[Hart] Love that.
- I can't get my shoe out of the ground.
- You should take your heels off.
- OK.
- [Lee] Yeah.
- [Hart] It's over for that one.
- [Lee] Just
- No, we've hit the point
- I'm Cinderella.
- This one is actually like Oh, my God.
- I'm out.
- I know! Right?
- I had to pull it out of the ground!
[guests applauding]
[upbeat music playing]
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