The Wedding Planners (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

One Funeral, Two Weddings

(MARGUERITE) Yeah, absolutely.
3:30 sounds great.
Okay. We'll see you then.
Show time!
(JANET) The morning posts haven't gotten
the number of hits
they did last Thursday.
- Did you tweak the key words yet?
- Uh-huh.
Maybe the champagne dress was
too champagne for the A.M.?
Janet, Charles welcome!
Only a few weeks until the big day!
My parents are flying in
from Seattle next week.
They're super excited.
My brother, bought a tux.
Ah. It's not one of those T-shirts
with a tux printed on it, right?
Of course not.
I made sure to note on the invitations
the Old Hollywood Glamour theme.
Is this the flatware we ordered?
- Oh!
Oh! It's Bev, about the banner ads.
I really got to take
this last one. I promise!
She'll be back in a minute.
Why don't you make a
decision on glassware
while we wait?
Uh. We should wait for Janet.
Really? You don't have a preference?
Glassware doesn't really matter to me.
But it will matter to
the "Bridal Brigade".
Ah, brigade. It's only 150 guests.
Yes, sorry. Janet's blog.
It's got fifteen thousand
followers and counting.
Oh my.
Yeah. Apparently they
can't wait to see how
"The Forever Bridesmaid" ends
up planning her own wedding.
Bev found us a buyer for the
banner ads on the website!
Our wedding's posts are
going to be sponsored by
Drum roll
Double-sided tape!
Being a bridesmaid finally pays off!
But my dear, you are the bride!
I never dreamed this day would come.
The blog is bringing in revenue!
I'm so happy for you.
Oh! Actually, do you want
some ad space on the site?
Thousands of single women
flock to my site everyday
for expert bridesmaid tricks and hacks.
And as we know, nobody
stays single forever.
I prefer to do my business face to face.
Old school.
Babe, let's get back to our wedding.
Right. Um, as I expand
my brand into bridal,
Wedding Essentials is bound
to get lots of traffic.
Janet, why don't you put that on silent.
Last one. For really real reals. Okay.
She's obviously working very hard.
Yeah. I don't think she ever dreamed
that the blog would get this big.
All those people
watching your every move,
it must be a tremendous
amount of pressure.
If it makes her happy,
I'm happy to support her.
But it has become a lot.
A wedding only lasts a day.
But a marriage, that
can last a life time.
And it takes two people to
make a relationship work.
I'm here to help.
You know what?
I like the glass with the long stem.
Excellent. All right.
Let's see if I can help a
lift a little of that stress.
If you don't understand
the branding of the wedding
then you'll have to be out.
Relatives. What're you going to do?
Good luck with the De-stressing part.
Ah, so. Where were we?
All right. Let's see if we can get
as close as possible to
making your dreams come true.
I like the sound of that.
All for love all for us ♪
We'll get through this ♪
You always knew
that the way would be ♪
All for love and love for all ♪
So have you made any further
decisions about the dress?
Ah, just in time! My daughter Paige.
This is Charles, Janet.
- Hi.
- Yes. Hi.
I have the dress, but
at the last fitting
it felt a little too off the rack.
And, well, we couldn't
afford haute couture,
but I still really
need it to be special.
I'm actually still pinning
alteration inspirations
just to really make it pop.
All right.
Well, I've got several
calls into my son, James.
I'm really hoping he
can help us with this.
James Clarkson is your son?
From that show? 'America's
Next Fashionista'?
I loved his kimono challenge.
I so have to follow him.
Babe, imagine the
anticipation we can build
if I start posting
about a celebrity guest!
You know I just realized
that I haven't heard
the story about how the two of you met.
Ah, through friends. We were camping.
I was with a group of college friends.
I had just gotten dumped,
so I got a pity invite
from one of my friends.
It was dark. You were
sitting over by the campfire.
You smoothly asked me
if I had seen any good
marshmallow sticks.
He said he was a master roaster!
You were so beautiful, I
couldn't take my eyes off you.
Totally burnt my marshmallow.
See I'm a much better roaster than you.
Yeah. At least I found a
way to come talk to you.
And I always thought it
was me who caught you.
Remember, how the two of you started
is what will ground you as a
couple in the years to come.
Life is short.
You only get so many big days and firsts
that you'll be able to share together.
You need to guard them.
See that's exactly why we went
with you as our wedding planner.
You get us.
Good morning, Paige.
- Mom, what in the world?
Oh, I had a few hours
before my first appointment,
so I thought I would do a
little bit of organizing.
Your office is already
more organized than
Than an organization store.
Well I certainly know
where every little thing is
in this place, but I can't
expect you or your sister to.
Why would Hannah need to
know where the tea lights are?
I thought she was only helping out with
taking photos and
updating our social media.
She would be great at events.
And she could use a
little bit of guidance,
but she could really help you.
Help me?
Why would she need to help me?
Because I think it's time
that you stepped out
from behind your laptop.
(LAUGHS) What? Me leave my laptop?
I would like you to be the onsite lead
for the wedding on Saturday.
Why? Where are you going?
I'll probably still be here,
labeling these boxes.
Mom, seriously, what's going on?
Your dear old Mom's
not getting any younger.
And you know, I've been
battling this crazy flu,
we have been so busy here.
I think it's time for you to step up.
Sure, but, I'm the nine to five-er here.
I do vendor calls.
I manage returns, the books.
I'm not the one on the weekends
stressing over the couple's big day.
When you first started to work for me,
you said that you
wanted to be a planner.
Yeah, and you said
that I needed to learn
the company from the inside out first.
Now you know the company
better than anyone.
Managing books is completely different
than actually running an event.
You placed the rental orders.
You booked the vendors.
All the rest of the details
are right there in that playbook.
The finesse of planning
happens on the day.
Follow the recipe. It's
like cooking a fine meal.
The success is in landing the details.
And you can only learn that by doing.
So. Saturday.
The Josh and Danielle
wedding is an intimate affair.
It's only thirty-two guests.
(SCOFFS) Only thirty-two guests?
You make it sound so simple.
What if something goes wrong?
You and I both know
that no wedding goes
off without a hitch.
Of course something
is going to go wrong.
You problem solve.
Okay. I'm still waiting
for the "make me feel better"
part of this.
You just
You take what comes at you.
You dance through it like
it was all part of the show!
You can do this.
What about the girls?
- Oh the girls will be fine.
I can help Dan, if he needs it.
He grew up with a Mom
who was a wedding planner.
Oh I remember.
Family spaghetti dinners,
surrounded by your work.
Seating charts, confetti
and cases of champagne.
And you turned out just fine.
Come on, dance with me.
Thank you, but I will
stick to the playbook.
Suit yourself.
Whoa, Mom, easy on the dancing.
Still got the moves. (LAUGHS)
Well, I've got a lot of studying to do.
Well you won't be alone.
You'll have Hannah.
I'm going to try calling
your brother again.
I'm hoping that James
will come for a visit
and he can to help you out too.
I'd like to have the three of you home.
Together. All of us.
I better go get prepared
for the wedding on Saturday.
Don't look so worried.
We have the best job in the world!
Every day of our lives we help to create
the best day of someone else's life.
All for love
(TOGETHER) And love for all!
You left your coffee at my desk.
Thanks Mom.
- Love you.
- Love you.
Heard the bad news
nothing we can't get through ♪
The big unknown
who knows where we will go ♪
You're all I need
in this uncertainty ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
I'll always be by your side ♪
(PAIGE) James, I am
going with the pearls.
I hear you, but the pearls
are just a little dull
and I think the sparkle
of the diamonds will just
bring out your engagement ring.
I think the pearls look really good.
(PAIGE) The pearls
are my 'something old'.
They sure are. Something old lady.
I'm wearing the pearls. They're classic.
You can wear the diamonds
on your wedding day.
Oh, no. I am never getting married.
Instead, it'll be diamonds everyday.
Can you hold still, sweets.
I'm dealing with a thread here.
Mom, it's fine.
- I'm fine. I'm fine with the thread.
- I'm not.
(HANNAH) Look at her everyone.
She's like a doctor
operating on her own child.
I'm like a crazy Mother-of-the-Bride.
(JAMES) It is what you
do. I mean the crazy part.
Hey, that's what family's
for. Right everybody.
Mom, do you think this
is the right thing?
Yes, you loved this
veil from the new line.
No, I mean
Marrying Dan. Now.
Without his family here.
Sweets, listen.
Dan's problems with his family started
long before the two of you even met.
I've reached out so
many times to help them
mend their differences.
Especially for today.
Not coming to your own son's wedding?
Who does that?
Well, you'd be surprised.
But it reminds us of how lucky
we are to have each other.
Dan could have chosen the
easy, comfortable life,
but he chose his
freedom and he chose you.
Look at you.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
(HANNAH) Just a few more.
Okay, cheek to cheek.
Yes, yes. Perfect.
You guys! I love it.
I think we got it!
There's so many. Look.
I love this one.
Oh! Hannah, those look amazing!
Thanks. You two make it so easy.
You practically radiate love.
You know, I couldn't believe
it when Marguerite told us
that you would be taking
our engagement photos.
You know, because of you and Zach.
But your postings are crazy good.
I couldn't believe it
when my Mom told me that
the two were engaged!
I mean, you weren't even dating
a couple of years ago
when I left. Right?
It's just crazy.
Uh. This isn't going to
be weird for you, is it?
I thought we left on good terms.
No! Are you kidding? Yes!
Yes, we did leave on good terms.
No, it just made me realize
how long I was away, I think.
Oh, come over to the condo
on Saturday and we can have
a glass of wine and a catch up.
That's so sweet. Thanks.
No, Paige is doing
her first solo wedding.
And I'm there for moral support.
Are you going to work at our wedding?
I don't know. I don't know.
I'm just sort of helping
my Mom for the time being.
She wants me to modernize the business.
Yeah, it's so funny.
I've been looking at all the
old wedding photos and videos,
and there are so many
Ross and Rachel hairdos!
And like these weird tacky themes.
But I love your theme, though.
Well. Um.
Rule number six:
Don't insult the bride and the groom.
(JAMES) No, this isn't it.
Ew! No! Just just
Ah Go untucked.
James, we can't do that!
Stephen just sent us to oversee.
I am witnessing a crime here.
How can I not do something.
Hair, make up.
Can you guys come in here for a moment?
Just, extend the eyes
and take the hair out.
It's so drab under these
lights. So pedestrian.
Maybe that's what Stephen wanted.
Who would want pedestrian?
We're not selling sidewalks.
Stunning! Okay. She is good.
Let's get her back on camera.
Stephen is not going to like this!
Stephen Hawson still has a landline.
And his last collection
was fifty shades of beige.
And I'm being conservative
with that number.
He's going to love this.
There will be praise.
I am living for this fantasy. Hmm?
Hey lady!
Look at you!
Come, sit.
Oh, can we meet in your office?
We're not having an affair,
it's a business meeting.
Yes, I know.
I just don't want my Mother to know.
Or Hannah for that matter.
Why? We're friends.
We're old co-workers who
get together all the time.
They know that.
This is different.
We're not talking about James's
page six fashion misadventure.
We're talking business.
My Mom's business.
Suit yourself. Come on.
- Thank you.
- All right.
Premium Bridal is such
a different business
than what your Mother runs.
I mean, we are poised
for growth. To franchise.
Marguerite taught me
everything I need to know
about the wedding business.
But my business degree
taught me that a company
cannot thrive if it's
all coming from one brain.
And one heart in Mom's case.
See! That's exactly why
I want you to join me.
You get it. And you get me.
Look Sally, the timing isn't right.
Mom is really urging me to step up.
And she's been fighting off this flu.
She wants me on site to
coordinate this weekend.
Well that's great.
You are going to be such
a boss wedding planner.
The question is, how
boss do you want to be?
(HANNAH) Paigey!
You're beautiful, darling.
(MARGUERITE) Okay Paige.
They're ready for you upstairs.
Now? I need a few more minutes.
You take as long as you need.
We'll only go when you are ready.
You need your jacket.
Thank you so much for
taking the lead on this.
Everything looks just perfectly perfect.
Oh, well. Marguerite,
I learned from the best!
And you are looking divine, Ms. M.O.B.
I do make a pretty okay
Mother-of-the-Bride, don't I?
You know, that kind of flattery
might just get you a raise.
Oh! Well we need to talk.
I'm sorry, I'm not in the
head space for this right now.
I should probably head
back to the office.
Of course. Of course Paige. I get it.
This is not the most ideal
time to be talking about this.
But let's keep communicating.
I mean, because I know that
Marguerite would want you
to have a big future ahead of you.
Bigger than any you could
ever have in her shop.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
Have a good day.
one saved message.
Press one to listen.
this is Ruth calling
from Mount Rose Oncology Center.
Doctor Olivier is concerned
that you haven't rescheduled
your canceled appointments.
If you could please call us back.
Okay, come on, we got to go.
I can't be late for my first event.
Danielle is nervous enough as it is.
Yeah, I'm just emailing
the lovebirds their edited
selects from their engagement shoot.
Oh! Ella and Zach. How did that go?
Oh you know.
So much fun shooting your
ex's engagement photos.
Anything for the family business, huh?
He wasn't the one, Hannah.
You'll know when you know.
Don't you worry Mom.
You won't be planning
my wedding anytime soon.
My girls!
I am so happy when we're together.
I just I wish your brother was here.
He's too busy being famous in New York
to return any of our phone calls.
James has been a
little too quiet lately.
A Mother knows when
something isn't right.
He needs us too.
When I left your Dad
And drove across the
country, I had nothing
but a few suitcases, my three
little angels, and a dream.
I was excited.
But I was scared.
Whether I had made the right
decision for all of you.
And for me.
You still love him, don't you?
I don't think I ever stopped.
I don't know. We were so young.
And Hollywood was pulling us apart.
And it was no place to raise a family.
Oh now, here we are
all these years later.
And look at this.
And look at the two of you.
And I am so grateful.
And I just want you
to know how proud I am
that you will be working for
Clarkson Wedding Essentials.
Well, until we get fired
for being late for our first solo event.
- Come on, come on, come on.
- Okay. Wish us luck.
You don't need luck where there's love.
All for love and love for all!
Ah. Here come the nerves.
Anyone would be lucky to have
you two guiding their day.
Why didn't I inherit
your undying optimism?
You remember, I'll always be with you.
Because you'll have my notes.
Hannah, any luck with those programs?
(HANNAH) You were right. I
forgot them in the trunk.
Sorry! On my way back now!
Ah Paige.
Everything okay?
Yes. No.
Oh I don't know, Pastor Miller.
It's my first wedding
without Mom by my side.
(CHUCKLES) Your Mom told me
this was a big day for you.
Please, let me know if there's
anything I can do to help.
Well let's just hope we don't
need divine intervention.
Christopher! Just the man I need.
How are you?
Well the guests are arriving any minute.
So I'm pretty much ready
to throw up or cry. Or both.
Well, everything looks great.
And if there's anything I can
take off your plate it's food.
So, I promise you the food service
will go off without a hitch.
Thank you. There's a table
set up downstairs
for desserts and the cake.
Everything else is upstairs.
Hannah, where are you?
We need the guest book
and the photo board
by the welcome table.
(HANNAH) I'm on it!
It's doesn't fit!
sweet boy, it's your Mom.
I was hoping to hear from you.
I know the time passes
differently in New York but
I miss you. We all miss you.
Thirty two dollars.
(PAIGE MESSAGE) Message 27.
Please come and help with this wedding.
I keep having nightmares that there is
a tulle emergency and
you aren't here to help.
And call Mom, she's missing
all of us being together.
Which is weird 'cause it feels like
we just saw each other
at Christmas but
Oh. Right.
Actually, I thought I'd lost
this at the Met Gala last week,
so I canceled it.
Hey! Aren't you that guy from
'America's Next Fashionista'?
Oh. Not the Fashionista. You didn't win.
Look at you all up on your shows.
My wife loves that show. The drama!
Yeah, well, fashion
isn't about popularity.
It's about talent.
I should have won.
Cash still works in my world.
Who uses cash anymore? Right?
If you give me one second
I will be right back.
Hey hey hey.
You came! You got our messages!
All gazillion of them!
How was your flight? How much
time did you get off work?
Bring it down Hannah Banana.
It's not like Beyonce's in the room.
Yeah, I think I've outgrown
the banana nickname.
I survived so in the Congo. Thanks.
Strange. I thought you'd
find it more ap-peal-ing.
Are you serious? Stop.
Don't worry. I got a bunch.
Do you have forty bucks
because the taxi's outside
and needs cash.
I have the petty cash for the event.
Our poor bride is having
a fashion emergency.
Wedding dress meltdown.
Can you please come to the chapel
and bring the bridal emergency kit?
Emergency kit?
Oh! You mean me?
Guess who's here. James!
Yes! Chapel immediately!
Bridal emergency kit. Here.
Oh, and the meter's still running.
And my bag would be great.
You look gorgeous.
Go get him!
Please be seated.
You have reached Pastor Evan Miller
Evan. Evan, I need you.
You tell Paige to call me.
I can't get through to her.
Tell the kids to call
as soon as they can.
Hopefully it's not too late. Please.
(MALE SINGING) Look back on
all our silver linings ♪
From a cloud of rain
that's pouring down ♪
But this sky of emptiness reminds me ♪
How could we have not of known?
(SOBS) How could she not have told us?
I never called her back. (SOBS)
There are few occasions
in our lives that bring us
close together with
those we hold most dear.
We are gathered here
today for a celebration.
A celebration of life. Of love.
Marguerite would have
loved to see you all here
gleaming in white to mark the day.
This turnout is truly a testament
to the number of lives
touched by Marguerite Clarkson.
The world is a sadder
place but she touches
each and every one of us
with memories that we
will cherish forever.
You will always be around ♪
But don't leave me alone ♪
I'm lost my dear ♪
And I feel unknown ♪
In your perfect atmosphere ♪
You're floating away ♪
You're floating away ♪
Thank you so much for your
lovely words, Pastor Evan.
Honestly, I could have
said so much more.
She was so full of joy,
and so keen to spread it.
She'd be happy to know
that you are all together.
You meant the world to her.
Would you excuse me please?
Of course.
Shouldn't he be
consoling us in our grief?
He and Mom have been friends for years.
He's allowed to be upset.
I just feel numb.
Are you seriously texting right now?
You're worse than my kids.
I have a life!
You haven't been here for what, a week?
Who could possibly be
missing you that much?
Well, at least I'm here.
Dad didn't even bother.
Probably stuck in a
tanning booth somewhere.
He couldn't get out of L.A.
His show was scheduled
months in advance.
Dad said Mom was his one true love.
Yeah, she was his favorite ex-wife.
Well, he wanted to be here. Okay.
I still feel like she's here.
Like she's going to dance
in here any minute.
How is everyone?
I am so sorry. What a shock!
Marguerite was such a mentor to me.
Well Sally, she was a Mother to us.
Of course. It's just that
She was more than a boss to
me when we worked together.
I mean, she helped me through
all those years as a single Mom.
She didn't do all that so you
could become the competition.
She did that because that's who she was.
What happened between
Marguerite and I back then
was just business.
If there's anything I can do for you
on the business front,
let me know. Okay.
It would be an honor for me
to know that I was helping
Marguerite and her legacy.
Stop circling, Sally.
It's too soon.
We're doing just fine.
But today, we are
celebrating Mom's life.
Of course.
If you'll excuse me, I need to find Dan.
It's time for the girls to head home.
Your feelings about me aside,
Clarkson Wedding Essentials
has contracts that need to be honored.
You can't mess around with the most
important day of people's lives.
Paige is an excellent member
of the team, sure,
but she can't possibly run the company
up to Marguerite's standards.
I think I'm getting a phone call.
Hannah listen.
It's not just Marguerite's legacy.
It's Paige's livelihood.
Lord knows. I know how hard it is
to make a profit in
this planning business.
I'm just trying to help.
Call me, if you need anything.
Oh, does the dessert
table need any more
It's good.
You have a bit of
Perfect! Yeah.
I wanted this to get a
little more embarrassing.
Good cupcake?
I like to eat the icing first too.
Um, thank you for the quick
turnaround. And all of this.
We didn't know how sick our Mom was.
That sounds really stupid.
No. I've been catering
for her for months.
No one knew.
We're her kids though.
Your Mother was an incredible lady.
I'm sorry. I'm just
not ready for "was" yet.
Excuse me.
Okay well if you need more cupcakes,
you come and see me.
Stephen! Hi, it's James.
I just wanted to let you know
I will be back in New
York in a few days.
And I can't wait for you to see
my designs for fashion week.
You're going to flip. So. Yeah.
I'll be back in New
York in a couple days.
I just said that.
Okay. Bye.
(JAMES ON MESSAGE) Hi. It's James.
I just wanted to let you know
I will be back in New York
in a few days.
And I can't wait for you to see
Okay, he sounds
I was going to say quieter than usual.
Really? Because I heard the sound
of someone trying to
move on and I'm not.
What he did was potentially forgivable
but I don't hear him asking
for that here. Do you?
I took him under my
wing. I mentored him.
And he repaid me by
going behind my back.
His own collection. Really?
He had a lapse in judgement.
He messed with my brand.
Not to mention my financiers.
I never said it wasn't stupid.
What's that saying?
"Stupid is as stupid does".
I'm so done.
(PAIGE) All right.
Here we go.
Now make sure Dad
doesn't eat all the pizza.
He will.
You just try and stop me.
There you go.
I don't know how long I'll be.
Just text me when you're leaving
and I will reheat
your pizza in the oven.
You don't like cold pizza. I get it.
I love you. (SMOOCH)
Girls, come here.
Mommy loves you so much.
Go wait in the car.
I'm out of my element here. I'm sorry.
It's fine.
I'm okay.
See you later.
Babe! Wait! Wait! Wait!
Sorry to interrupt.
We are so sorry for your loss
and we came to pay our respects.
We realize that this
is not the right time.
Marguerite was a wonderful woman.
But it's our wedding day in two weeks!
And we've been planning
it for over a year.
Your Mother's vision for
our wedding was beautiful.
We can't cancel.
We've put down so much
money for deposits,
we have guests flying in from overseas,
and thousands of my
followers need to see
what an amazing day we have planned.
And it's also important to us, right?
Obviously honey!
Your Mother promised us
a perfect wedding day.
How is that going to happen now?
She was our rock.
Janet, our Mom would have wanted you
to have the perfect day, no matter what.
It will absolutely still happen.
Right, Paige?
Yes! Yes.
Our Mother was very
diligent about taking notes.
And everything is booked
up and ready to go.
I'll personally be there
to make sure that
everything runs smoothly.
And you'll be there too?
Thank you.
You have no idea how
much this means to us.
I will text you the schedule!
I'm pretty sure we have it.
Oh, I've changed it.
Great! I guess my
apprenticeship is over.
Come on little sister.
Time to step up to the plate.
We better take a look at those notes.
We'll be alright we'll be alright ♪
Wait up!
There is no way you're
leaving me here alone.
We'll be okay we'll be okay ♪
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh ♪
(HANNAH) It's quiet.
Twenty years of weddings in this place.
And one funeral changes everything.
So quiet.
Oh. Some things never change.
Hey, you used to love
any piece of fabric
you could get your hands on.
Yeah but now I am a designer with taste.
Whatever. I know my polyester
pajama loving brother
is still in there.
Look, I know it's been years
but I still can't believe
that this was my bedroom.
There's so much fabric.
For the purpose of business.
Yeah, well I only got to keep my room
because it was up so many stairs.
I'm hanging onto it, by the way!
Mom was planning a new
phase of the office.
How could she be planning
to expand when she was sick?
I don't think she was planning on dying.
But you could check her notes.
Too dark?
Here it is.
The playbook.
It's all here.
Timelines, seating
charts, list of vendors.
She's already organized and divided
the petty cash and tip money.
And the bookings are here.
Wait a second.
She's planned everything.
Every wedding for the next year.
Isn't that what she did?
Not this far in advance.
She wanted us to take over.
What about the Janet
and Charles wedding?
Right. Umm.
Okay. Here are the notes.
150 guests. Black tie.
Old Hollywood glamour feel.
"Make it a day they'll never forget".
(JAMES) A day they'll never forget?
I mean, if anything goes wrong,
they'll definitely never forget that.
I've witnessed Janet in
full bridal tiger mode.
And she is truly terrifying.
Maybe we should call Sally.
We are not calling Sally!
Sally does not want to help us,
she just wants to get her
hands on Mom's bookings.
I hear you.
Once we get through this wedding,
we'll just figure this all out.
Maybe in the end it might make sense
to talk to Sally about this.
Sally offered to take over our bookings.
Is there cash in the discussion?
We're not giving up
Mom's business to Sally.
I have a family to take care of.
I can't do this.
What about this family, Paige?
This should be a family decision.
Oh, now you want to talk about family?
The guy who's so famous he
can't answer any of our calls
even though he's always on his phone.
Hey, don't get mad at me
because I followed my dreams,
and you ran away to chase gorillas.
Okay stop!
Pull yourselves together guys.
We need to focus on making
this wedding the perfect day
for Janet and Charles.
It's what Mom wanted.
Well, as fun as this party sounds,
I have a flight to catch tomorrow.
You just got here.
Yeah, and I have a career
in New York, and an apartment
with soul crushing rent
that needs to be paid.
Well, I have nothing, James.
I don't have anything else right now.
Mom was the one who convinced
me to travel. You know.
She was so sure that I would grow
and that I would find myself.
And I don't think I did.
Now I'm back, and
everything's different.
Mom is gone.
Mom wanted me to step up.
At the very least, I will
see this wedding through.
Hannah, I can't promise
you that I can keep this
business running forever.
Hey. But I'm going to try okay?
All right.
I will help just this once.
For Janet and Charles.
And for Mom.
We've got a lot of planning to do.
Remind me to digitize that playbook.
Thank you.
I just love the trimming on this one.
Oh, that's really pretty.
Yeah, I love the V-neck on it.
Um Charles tell me a
little about the bow tie?
So for the second set, you
were thinking more this vibe?
- No.
- No? Okay.
I know you're watching me ♪
A little crazy a little wild ♪
I know you're watching me ♪
I can be naughty I'm unpredictable ♪
No. Absolutely not.
No? Okay.
I'll take that .
I know you're watching me ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
Hope you're seeing 20/20 ♪
Oh-oh-oh-oh ♪
'Cause you know I'm getting ready ♪
Something, you know, maybe
has some colors in it.
Not too much though.
Yeah. Not too much,
though. Like gray scale.
Gimme more, gimme gimme more more ♪
Gimme your attention ♪
(CHARLES) Shake it up!
Gimme more, gimme gimme more more ♪
Gimme your attention ♪
Gimme more, gimme gimme more more ♪
Gimme more gimme your attention ♪
Let me take the lead this time. Okay?
Do you trust me?
(JUNE) Great. Let's adjust the hold.
Arm a little bit higher.
And chin up.
Sorry June, us tech nerds
don't dance very well.
Little known fact.
Actually, it's common knowledge.
How'd it go?
Pretty great, actually.
We really brought the love.
No wonder Mom loved this so much.
You don't think everything
is a bit too much?
Too much, as I won't be
here for you and the kids?
I was never really close to my family.
And I know how close
you were to your Mom.
Keeps her close.
Come upstairs.
How am I supposed to
replace his entire family?
- Why don't they want to be here?
Okay honey. Just take a deep
breath, take a deep breath.
It's just
I was really hoping they'd
change their minds and come.
I know. I know.
We're his family now.
You have always had enough
love to see him through.
Ever since you were singing
your heart out for him
in high school.
I don't know if I can go out there.
You know, everybody thinks
that your wedding day
is the happiest day of your life,
but it is also stressful
and overwhelming.
So forget about everyone else.
All that matters is you and Dan.
Do you love him?
Do you want to wake up
next to him every day
for the rest of your life?
So then let's go and get
the two of you married.
Let's go.
Don't you two look sharp.
Well you know what they say.
The family that plans
together, dresses together.
Kailyn, do you have the new playlist?
Hannah! This is this is beautiful.
Just following the playbook.
Mom marked where every
single piece should go.
Well! Looks like you guys
have everything under control.
If you'll excuse me, I
have a flight to catch.
James, you're leaving?
Just like that?
"Always leave them wanting more!"
You know I hate goodbyes.
But I do love a dramatic exit.
Kailyn, can you play me some exit music?
Just promise me you'll
text us when you land.
I will implant a microchip under my skin
and send you the password.
Now you're just being sassy.
Thank you.
Okay. Give this to Janet.
And make sure everything is okay.
It won't be, but just distract her
from the most immediate annoyance.
What do I say?
You'll be fine.
Just tell her everything looks gorgeous
and is under control.
- Paige, but she's
- Hannah, you're good with people.
Just be your bubbly self.
When in doubt, channel Mom.
Go! Guests are arriving any minute.
Ah! Don't say that to Janet!
No, no, no.
Those are the wrong
glasses for Cabernet.
Okay. You look absolutely stunning.
What you can do about the wifi?
I need to post now to keep interest up
before the guests arrive.
Yeah, the guests are going
to be here any minute!
What do you mean they're
going to be here any minute?
I mean, I thought we still
have at least 45 minutes.
Everything's gorgeous and under control.
No no no no no no. No. No.
Don't give me that line. Okay?
Sorry. I can't stop sweating,
and I kind of feel like
I'm going to throw up!
Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Marguerite promised picture perfect.
It needs to be picture perfect.
I'd feel a lot better
if my Mom was here too.
But I'm here, Janet.
I know how important this day is to you.
I promise you, Paige and I
are going to do everything
we can to make this
day absolutely flawless.
Do you think everyone's
going to like it?
But your guests did not
travel for miles and miles
to see how expensive the
floral arrangements are.
Or to see how many likes you're
going to get on your posts.
Your guests have traveled
for miles and miles because
they want to be here to
support you and Charles.
It's just that the "Bridal Brigaders",
they're waiting to see if
"The Forever Bridesmaid"
can pull off the perfect wedding.
Maybe there's a reason I've
always been a bridesmaid?
Maybe I'm just not
cut out to be a bride.
You know, growing up, I
remember watching my Mom
work with literally hundreds of brides.
And every single bride was so different.
So different.
There's no 'right' way to be a bride.
Now that's an interesting perspective.
Thanks Hannah.
Aren't you're looking awesome.
Not really feeling my awesomeness.
Who do you think this
is? Janet or maybe Janet?
Isn't there a rule that
you shouldn't get 73 texts
from your wife-to-be
on your wedding day.
Well, at least she's
trying to communicate.
I know who Janet is and this isn't it.
This is nuts!
I mean, she's so completely
consumed with being
picture perfect so that
her followers are happy
that we barely even talk anymore.
How's a relationship supposed
to last on emojis alone?
I need to see her.
Charles, you both agreed
to not see each other
- before the ceremony.
- I need to have a conversation.
To talk to her!
Paige, please.
Okay. Stop.
Charles, just take a deep breath.
Everyone thinks that a wedding day
should be the happiest
day of their lives,
but it's stressful,
overwhelming and over
before you know it.
Janet needs support today.
Help her focus on what's
actually important.
You and her.
You're right.
Charles wait! That's not what I meant.
We have a groom on the loose!
Hey. Do you mind?
Yeah. Sure.
I just need to run to the freezer
and clear up some space.
Hey. I'm sorry by the way.
The other day when I left so abruptly.
I was just feeling a little overwhelmed.
When I was a kid, I used to
hate going to the dentist.
After the appointment, my
Mom and I would drive home
and we'd make cupcakes together.
By the time we baked
them and iced them,
then the fluoride would set in,
and we'd eat them together.
Just the two of us.
Probably not the best
idea, after the dentist.
Your Mom was a very smart woman.
Yeah, she knew how to
turn any bad situation
into a good one.
But she's not here anymore.
Hey, I'd be more than happy
to make you cupcakes,
whenever you need them. Okay?
Thank you.
Groom on the loose!
Sorry. Can you just hold on one sec?
(PAIGE) No no no.
Charles! Stop!
No no. Charles! Stop!
Charles, you're not supposed to see me.
Babe, I had to.
(JANET) Couldn't you just text?
No! I'm done with texting!
We need to talk.
I'm so sorry Janet.
It's okay.
Fine. We can just talk
through the screen.
Did you see our numbers online?
No. I didn't see our numbers
Our highest ever. At first
I was feeling really nervous,
but I'm just going to run with it.
I'm going to post
about pre-aisle jitters.
We never agreed to live
posting our wedding.
Well, I never thought about it,
but I mean, this is
really good material!
I mean, there is no
'right' way to be a bride.
Janet, this is way too much. I mean
Oh. Okay, but how, I mean. Be specific.
Followers relate to specifics.
Wait. Are you on your phone right now?
Yeah, I'm live blogging. I told you.
I don't want to marry your phone!
Is that specific enough?
I now pronounce you "man
and wifi". (CHUCKLES)
I'm serious.
You are always distracted,
half a world away when
you're on your phone.
I don't even remember the last time
you actually told me that you love me.
Not with little heart emojis over texts,
but actually said the words.
I know how important the
wedding planning is to your blog,
but, it's our wedding day, and
I miss you.
Babe, I'm right here.
I love you.
I love you too.
Once the ceremony starts, the
planning part is done. Right?
We're paying photographers
to take pictures.
So, please, no phones today?
Okay. Deal. No phones.
I will be the one in the
tux with the biggest smile.
I can't wait.
The model they sent us
over for the charity gala
- has a really bad reputation.
That's a shame.
Well then we're walking away
Stephen isn't available at the moment.
Oh. Interesting.
You know, every time I've
called this past week,
he is surprisingly unavailable.
Could you tell me when
he might be available?
I can't tell you that, James.
Then why don't you ask him Kendall,
because I know he's there,
and I will call every hour if I have to!
James, for the love of
What a pleasure to hear your voice.
Stop calling! We're done.
We're not done.
Let me be clear. You're done!
(STEPHEN) How dare you
go behind my back?
Those were my designs!
You're just a washed up reality
star with a lazy slipstitch!
Your career in New York is over.
Okay. Let's not be dramatic.
I'm on my way back to
New York as we speak.
We can work all of this out in person!
Wow! Janet, you look stunning.
Whoo. It's happening.
It's really happening!
- You ready?
- Uh-huh.
Kailyn, cue music.
Take your time walking down the aisle.
Enjoy every step.
You're the bride today!
- We did it.
- Uh huh.
(SCREAMING) You have
got to be kidding me!
This was not in Mom's notes.
Everybody please stay calm!
It's just a blown fuse, or something.
I'm sure the power will be
back up in just a few minutes.
You promised. No phones.
Extenuating circumstance.
Are you serious?
You know how important this is to me.
Maybe you should just marry your phone.
Viral for sure.
What? What now?
So, it's actually not just here.
It's a city-wide blackout.
Maybe it's, it's I don't know.
Good luck?
Oh! Good luck?
It could take hours for
the power to come back.
This is not good luck.
Janet, we still have a couple
hours before the sun sets.
Oh! And then what? We
just sit in the dark?
No food? No music?
I'm sure that Paige and Hannah
will be able to whip a plan in no time.
Please, follow me.
Okay. What do we do?
What would Mom do?
She'd make cupcakes!
Hannah, I'm pretty
sure the ovens aren't
Wait a minute! You're right!
I mean, we already
have all the ingredients
we need for a great wedding.
We have Mom's notes,
the vendors, the guests.
We can still make this special.
I'm really pleased you
got that from "cupcakes".
Let's take this party outside.
There's a beautiful
canopy of trees out there.
I think it's the old Scout Camp.
Let's just do it there.
Okay. Okay. Done.
Great. You tell Janet.
But the plane still has power.
I can see its lights.
I'm sorry sir.
But no planes will be
leaving this airport
during a power outage.
I need to get to New York immediately.
I understand. And I would suggest
It sounds like you are going
to tell me to take the bus.
I'm certainly not going to take the bus.
Actually, I was going to say
that you're not even going
to be able to get a cab
unless you have cash.
Banking's down too sir.
Hey, aren't you that guy?
(SCOFFS) He's definitely that guy.
We need to set up the
chairs for the ceremony.
Uh. Right over here, facing
the archway. Thank you.
Christopher! Hi.
These Scout's barbecues are located
on the east end of the parking lot.
Nope, nope. Sorry, west end. Thank you.
You can set them up right over there.
Any excuse to grill!
It's a beautiful day for an
outdoor wedding. Remember that.
Dan, hi. Are the girls okay?
Yeah, we're fine. We're just squirming.
We're trying to figure out how to
I know this isn't exactly
what you had planned.
But you've got to trust me on this one.
And I promise you, this is already a day
that your guests won't soon forget.
But now we have the opportunity
to make it truly memorable.
Oh! I have service!
Hashtag Blackout is trending.
Hon, quick, let's take a selfie.
You still don't get it!
Enough with the phone!
Okay. I wasn't carrying
it down the aisle.
Having it holstered,
was that much better?
Charlie, with the blackout,
the traffic on my site is
just skyrocketing. Okay?
The Bridal Brigaders,
they want to know
what's going to happen.
And this wedding could go viral!
Okay. Is today just about
getting more followers?
You want to be a bride so badly that
Did you even care who the groom was?
The one thing that I asked
was for you to put
away your phone today.
I want you to look at me.
Really be here for our commitment.
What I do on my phone is who I am.
It's not a hobby, it's my life.
It's your job. This is your life!
And you're missing it!
My followers, they have supported me
through all those years of
being the bridesmaid, okay.
They gave me a purpose.
I owe it to them to be
a part of this wedding.
I guess that's the difference
between me and your followers.
I don't care about the wedding!
I just want to marry you.
Do you even love me?
Or do you just want to be a bride?
Charlie, wait.
Janet, I
Every time I breathe out I lose it ♪
Little more of myself ♪
Every time I wake up I lose it ♪
Little more of myself ♪
And it comes and goes in waves ♪
Every time I see your face ♪
These are just walls
these are just faces ♪
I am so cold these are just places ♪
I am made of glass
all my glass is breaking ♪
I was made of moments ♪
Memories are covered in bruises ♪
I've got those in spades now ♪
Everything I knew in the ruin ♪
Coming down like rain now ♪
Hannah. What?
James! Thank goodness.
Are you still here?
Could you do me a huge favor
and go to the house and grab
a few things in the area Mom
has marked 'Outdoor Weddings'?
We have to move everything outside
because of the blackout.
We need some lights.
I've got a bus to catch,
in like twenty minutes.
James, we really need you.
I can't.
Okay. All right. We'll
figure something out.
Hey! Thanks for answering
your phone this time!
Bye. Love you.
have one saved message.
Press one to listen.
(MARGUERITE) Hi honey,
it's your Mom again.
Um, I know how busy you
are following your dreams
in the big city, but maybe you
could find some time for a visit?
I would really love to see you.
Who knows, being home
might be good for you?
Or maybe your sisters
would drive you crazy.
Either way, I love you.
Please call me.
These are just walls
these are just faces ♪
I am so cold these are just faces ♪
Paige. Hey lady!
Sally, I'm at the Baylon estate
with the Janet/Charles Wedding.
Oh! It must be getting dark over there.
Yeah. We're trying to look
on the bright side, but
We could really use some help.
Oh, well. I can spare
a few of our generators.
Thank you!
I wish power was our
only hitch right now.
But I'm more concerned
with the actual wedding.
Oh no. Trouble with the bride and groom?
At Premium Bridal we offer
a 'marriage boot camp'
to couples so that we can
screen them and prep them
for the stress of the big day.
I tried to pitch it to Marguerite, but
she was always so resistant to
the future of wedding planning.
You're right.
Mom was all about remembering the past.
Listen Paige.
I am more than happy to
help you with generators
for tonight but why are you
putting yourself through this?
I mean, trying to run a business
with Hannah and James? (SALLY SNICKERS)
Even you must admit it's a little naive.
You know what Sally?
I don't think we need your
back up power in the end.
We don't need all the bells and
whistles from Premium Bridal.
Sorry, I got to go. I
have a sunset to catch.
What do you think about
us lighting a bonfire
to help keep things bright?
A bonfire.
Charles would have loved that.
We first met by a campfire.
I remember. It's a beautiful story.
Hey. We'll create some
lovely new memories today.
I don't think a million
bonfires is going to make
Charles forgive me.
Are you kidding?
Do you know how that man looks at you?
If that isn't love,
I don't know what is.
I know.
But he's right.
I mean, I've been so
consumed with my followers
that I totally left him out.
I left us out.
I've completely ruined
my own wedding day.
Janet, you did not ruin anything.
Do you remember your very first post?
My Mom said going back
to where it all began
actually helps people move forward.
Thank you so much for helping out.
If you don't mind
lighting some lanterns,
that would be awesome. Thank you.
Looks like it getting
pretty dark out here.
You do not want to know what
I did to get a generator.
- No you didn't.
- We have power.
Thank you!
Let's make it sparkle out here.
James and I got this covered.
I think you need to ask Christopher
if he needs lights for his table.
Well, okay then.
Who's Christopher?
He's really cute.
Paige is lighting a bonfire
when the sun sets
to keep the party glowing.
Cool. I'm sure you'll get
a nice picture out of that.
Charlie, I, uh
I was looking at my first post,
"The One and Only Look".
Really? You want to talk
about social media right now?
It was at Matt and Ashley's wedding.
I wrote: "An ugly dress
doesn't change the person
inside it. Always bring a
shawl so you won't be cold.
Speeches run long because
love and gratitude
can't be kept to a
three minute time cap.
Ultimately, if I am ever
lucky enough to find a man
who looks at me the way
Matt looks at Ashley,
I will hold onto him
and never let him go".
When you look at me, I
feel so completely loved.
And supported. Accepted. Worthy.
I never meant to obsess
over the event instead of us.
And I never meant to lose sight
of what was right in front of me.
So here.
I'm really proud of what you've
built with your followers.
The last thing I want is for
you to resent me in a few years.
I just needed you to
be here with me today.
I don't want you to
stop doing what you love.
I love you. I love you so much.
But today, it's about us, not posting.
I can get back to my social next week.
And hopefully one day,
we can post together
about raising a family
with the love of your life.
But I can't post about life
if I don't live it first.
I don't need this.
So, Charlie. Will you sit
around campfires with me
until we are old and gray
and don't even know
how technology works anymore?
Until we forget how to set
the clock on the microwave?
Yeah, absolutely.
I love you.
I love you too.
You may be seated.
Do you Janet Marcia, take
this man, Charles Alfred
to be your wedded husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better, or for worse:
for richer, or for poorer;
in sickness and in health;
to love and cherish,
and forsaking all others, so
long as you both shall live?
I do.
And Charles Alfred, do you
take this woman, Janet Marcia,
to be your wedded wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better, or for worse:
for richer, or for poorer;
in sickness and in health;
to love and cherish,
and, forsaking all others,
so long as you both shall live?
I do.
Then I pronounce you husband and wife.
Kiss the bride!
Yoo Hoo!
Hey, good job on the reconnecting part.
Thanks. Our magic seems to be working.
Okay. Let's keep this party going.
Let's go.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Everyone is loving the barbecue.
Oh, it smells amazing!
Thanks for being so flexible.
Anything for Marguerite.
And your family.
Honestly, I'm just so
excited to be cooking over
an open flame again.
Come check this out.
So my ice cream cake
wouldn't have made it
without refrigeration.
So I went back to the
shop and I iced these.
I love it. It really
works. It's perfect.
Well you know. Cupcakes
always come in handy.
No, I'm good.
Icing first, the best part.
Christopher. This is, this is amazing.
Very unique.
Oh my goodness! Have you
tried the barbecue chicken?
It's delicious!
I love the band.
My cousins are dancing
barefoot on the grass!
Do you think we can
maybe start the bonfire?
You know, keep the party going?
Just what I was thinking.
We're gathering wood by
the Scouts' old fire pit.
Perfect. Just like when we met.
Yes! I love it!
Can we do that?
Yeah. Yes!
I'm going to teach you a
thing or two, Master Roaster.
Paige, where are we going to
get marshmallows at this hour?
I ah
My shop? Just a thought.
No no no no. You've
done so much already.
Please. You can't have a
bonfire without marshmallows.
Come on.
Wow, I had no idea you had
a full commercial kitchen back there.
I run a bakery and I do catering.
I need a lot of ovens.
I can't help it. It's in my blood.
My Grandmother taught me
everything I know about cooking.
She went to the Cordon Bleu in Paris.
And my Grandfather
had a bakery in Italy.
Their love of food
brought them together.
That's so romantic.
That, or they were hungry.
- Marshmallows!
- Yup, yup. Marshmallows.
Where are those? Did you say?
We should probably get
you back to the wedding.
Before they eat all the cupcakes.
I'm so full, though. (SNORTS)
Did you just snort?
Uh no, no I didn't.
I think that was somebody
else in this kitchen.
Thank you all for joining
us for such an incredible,
unforgettable evening.
Please put your phones
away for a few minutes
and just be present with us.
Could you just Yeah, turn it off.
A shout out and a very special thank you
to everyone who made
tonight so incredible:
Paige, Hannah, and James.
And especially Marguerite.
This wouldn't have been
possible without you.
Let's just all take a moment and
remember the ones we love
and mean the most to us.
This has been the best day of my life.
The day I got to marry my best friend.
I love you.
I love you.
For those guests who weren't
able to make it here tonight,
may your light, and the love
that we will always have for you,
shine bright.
You know, no one is
ever going to love us
the way that she did.
(HANNAH) The power's back on!
(PAIGE) The power's back on!
I daresay Mom would be quite proud.
Yeah. She should be.
Yeah. We were great.
We made a campfire.
Charles burnt every single
one of his marshmallows, right?
He could not take his
eyes off his new wife.
It's true!
I'm going to do this. All of this.
I want to step up.
I want to keep Mom's legacy alive.
She knew we could do it.
That we could make it work.
That's why she left us the playbook.
Yes. We could actually do this. I'm in!
James, you could help with
the brides, designing gowns,
sourcing accessories.
Tell me you don't love
the shoes. Tell me.
It's the Jordan/Jordan
wedding next week.
Who doesn't love a bride and
groom with matching first names?
And I love that you guys
think that I have nothing
in my world outside of the two of you.
But I do have to get back to New York.
Take a little break?
Pretty please?
I can maybe take off a couple weeks.
I have some unused vacation time.
But I am very expensive.
All for love
(TOGETHER) And love for all!
It will be nice to spend
some time with the two of you.
I just, I don't know about bridal wear!
Oh! Lace.
All right my loves,
let's go get some sleep.
Paige, it's your Mom.
Today is the first day
of the rest of your life.
Your future is so bright.
And I can't wait to see you and Dan
- bloom in your lives together.
When you wake up in the morning ♪
And you know that there's a
matter with your heartbeat ♪
I love you so much.
And I love weddings because
they bring people together
and they remind us of
what's really important.
Family, connection, love.
That's what it's all about.
And it's already too late
when your heart says no ♪
And we're already too far
down the road this time ♪
I'm already too late
when your heart says stop ♪
And we're already
too far down the line ♪
Can't we just stay? ♪
(MARGUERITE ON VIDEO) Cherish each other
Dance like fools.
We could all use a little bit
more of that in our lives.
Life is so short.
But love, it lasts a very long time.
A lifetime.
Congratulations my darling.
(PAIGE ON VIDEO) Mom, come on.
(SONG CONTINUES) Can't we just stay ♪
(VO) Next time on
The Wedding Planners
We have this huge Italian Wedding.
I actually have a bunch of sewing to do.
That's too bad because
it's at our family's winery.
I'll be there.
Clarksons are coming over.
I'm okay. We're taking
care of everything else.
Please just let them do their jobs.
I don't know I'm doing.
- Want to dance?
- Sure.
I don't even know half the
people that Papa's invited.
I can't do this.
We have 438 guests due to
arrive at the winery in 48 hours,
and we might not have a bride and groom.
Next Episode