The Winchesters (2022) s01e01 Episode Script


March 23, 1972.
The day Dad came home from the war,
and the day he met Mom.
Now I know this story
might sound familiar,
but I'm gonna put the pieces together
in a way that just might surprise you.
And in order to do that,
I have to start
all the way at the beginning.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
- No. No, no, no.
It's totally my fault.
Girl's gotta have her hobbies.
Got you good, didn't I?
I can take a hit.
I'm sorry. I should have been
watching where I was going.
Me too.
Well, how is the movie?
Oh, I didn't see it.
I just came for the snacks.
But I'm pretty sure the book was better.
Licorice Drops. Nice choice.
I haven't seen these in
two years.
They're on the house.
I'll see you around, soldier boy.
Love what you've done with the place.
My husband and son walked out on me,
so this is the best I could do.
Damn it.
Welcome home, kiddo.
I'm legal now.
Far as I'm concerned,
you're the same age
as when you illegally
joined the Marines.
I had a waiver.
By forging your dad's signature.
Two years gone, and look at you.
I'm fine, Mom.
The hell you are.
You've been chasing your dad
since he walked out our door.
I know that's why you enlisted.
But it is time
to let the past go, kiddo.
So what are you gonna do next?
Hand over the key, slick.
And I'll kill you quick.
What the hell?
I'm so sorry.
Stop helping.
Where is my father?
Daddy's missing?
He's gonna end up in hell
with the rest of your kin.
Maggie's down there now.
Burning so bright.
Exorcizamus Te, omnis immundus spiritus,
omnis satanica potestas.
Hey, what was that?
No, no, no. His eyes were black
and then smoke smoke just
came out of his mouth.
Take a deep breath. Just breathe.
That was a Demon. From hell.
And the water inside that tank,
I had it blessed.
Holy water hurts them.
- And the Latin
- Is for an exorcism.
Wait, what about him?
He's gone.
Some can be saved after possession,
but Demons don't tend
to treat their hosts very well.
Is that what happened to Maggie?
Demons try to get in your head,
they say things to mess with you.
Okay, I know this has been a lot,
but I need you to tell me
what the hell you were
doing here tonight.
Me? What about you?
When I got back from 'Nam,
a man I'd never met gave me this.
And then he just disappeared,
like vanished.
This is a letter from my dad.
It's the first that I'd heard
from him in 15 years.
And it said that if I got this, then
it said that if I got this,
then he's gone,
and if I want answers about it,
then I had to come to this address.
And based on what you asked
the, um demon,
you're looking for your dad too, right?
Come with me.
Well, you're not exactly
who I thought you were.
Neither are you.
Is it too late to ask
for my licorice back?
I ate it all in one sitting.
Man after my own stomach.
- So the snacks were for
- A stakeout.
Not a lot of great
food options in this place.
So what did bring you here.
My dad called me from the road.
Said he was being followed by demons
and that he'd meet me at home,
but he never showed.
He wanted the schematic
from inside this place.
- Schematic, what for?
- Some kind of box.
I tried getting inside, but the
lock is magically sealed.
Whoa, wait. Magic is real too?
It's all real.
Judging by the color,
guessing that's your artwork.
It's a devil's trap.
Would have stopped the demon
right in its tracks
if he made it this far.
Okay, listen. I need to find my dad.
And the only lead I have on him
is inside this place.
So I'm gonna need you to use
that key that you're hiding
in your back pocket.
Okay, look, there's answers
in there for the both of us.
Though, to be honest,
I have a lot more questions now.
That's why the demon didn't possess you.
It's an anti-possession charm.
Right. Of course it is.
This a normal night for you?
- Since I was a kid, yeah.
- All right.
And you were raised to be
- A hunter.
- Of demons.
And all kinds of monsters.
Was my dad a Hunter?
Did you ever hear of Henry Winchester?
No. Sorry.
Maybe he was one of these
paranormal Freemasons.
There's no such thing.
Are you sure about that?
I mean, look at this symbol
on the envelope.
Big Freemason vibes.
I'm telling you, there's no such thing.
You're a lot of fun, you know that?
What is this place?
A clubhouse?
We've lived in Lawrence for years.
No idea it even existed.
Hey. Who are The Men of Letters?
I don't know.
But judging by the amount
of dust covering everything,
they're out of business.
Henry Eric Winchester.
This is my dad's locker.
Do you need to borrow my picks?
We had a lock just like it on our shed.
Combination's my birthday.
When I was a kid, I, uh
thought there was a monster
under my bed.
You know, my dad used to say
he said "Don't worry, son.
I know how to trap it".
I went halfway across the world
trying to figure him out,
why he left, what he did.
Turns out
the truth was right here.
This is it.
What did you find?
What my dad was looking for.
But no sign of him.
What did he say when he called?
That he'd tracked down
someone named Ada Monroe.
She gave him this address,
said to grab this file.
I don't know what this box is for.
I just know Dad didn't sound
like himself when he called.
How did he sound?
Can you just wait a minute?
Okay, I still have, like,
a million questions.
Most importantly, what's your name?
You don't want any part of this life.
I promise you.
Let the past stay in the past.
It's John, by the way.
John Winchester.
Go home, soldier boy.
How did you find me?
That's what I do, or,
what I did in the Marines.
Anyway, you are not
the only person that I found.
"Witnesses saw black smoke,
but there were no signs of
fire on the premises.
Ada Monroe, owner of a rare
bookstore in Lubbock, Texas,
has been missing since last evening".
Come on. That's gotta be the Ada
- you're looking for, right?
- Dad said he was in Lubbock.
Great. Let's get down there.
You're like a dog with a bone.
And coffee.
Come on. Texas awaits.
I told you, I'm trying to protect you.
Okay. Ada knew where
that clubhouse was, right?
I don't know, maybe maybe
she knew my father, too.
She is the only lead either one
of us has on our dads, right?
So looking into Ada
is a win-win for both of us.
Your dad kept all of this
from you for a reason.
Yeah. And I hate him for that.
But I love him. You know?
I figured you liked your coffee
like your world view.
Black as night.
I'm Mary.
It's nice to officially meet you, Mary.
Library? What are we doing here?
Knowledge is power.
I need some iron and buckshot.
Good morning to you too, Mary.
Who's your friend?
John, Latika. Latika, John.
My friends call me Lata.
I don't have a lot of friends.
Not sure why I just volunteered that.
Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lata.
You ever hear of The Men
of Letters or Ada Monroe?
No and nope.
- What is this?
- Some ancient box.
It's all I have to go on to find my dad.
You're great at puzzles.
You think you can you figure it out?
Mary, what's going on?
My dad went hunting demons without us.
And now he's missing.
Since when does Samuel
hunt without family?
He was in contact with
this Ada Monroe in Texas,
and now she's missing, too.
So John and I are gonna head down there
and see what we can learn.
Dig in how to open that, okay?
I'm coming with you. Samuel is
Latika, you nearly fainted
when you saw Willard.
Rats are scary.
You don't think rats are
involved in this, do you?
I'll call you from the road.
Let me at least reach out
to another hunter who's free.
Carlos is playing a gig nearby.
After what happened in Tupelo,
he is the last person I need helping me.
- What happened in Tupelo?
- A misunderstanding.
Listen, Mary
She does that. A lot.
Murph, get down!
Let's make a break for it.
No, no. We gotta wait for backup.
- We'll never make it in time.
- No, Murph
No, hey, listen to me.
Listen, easy, easy.
Stick with me.
I'm gonna get you through this.
Murph, no!
Ground Control to Major Tom?
Where were you just now?
- You're gonna think I'm crazy.
- I already think you're crazy.
I think I'm being haunted.
Grab my bag, front pocket.
It's a EMF reader.
Ghost detector. Turn it on.
There's no flashing lights.
So there's no ghosts here.
You are not being haunted.
Why is that not comforting?
Tell me what you're seeing.
I keep seeing my friend Murph.
I still have pieces
of his necklace in here.
Silver cross.
It's all that was left of him.
I see the face of everyone
I couldn't save.
So how do you cope with it all?
I'll let you know when I find out.
So is breaking and entering,
like, a big part of hunting?
Who's breaking?
What's that smell?
Sulfur. Demon BO.
Dad was here.
This is how his mind works.
And that's definitely his handwriting.
Mary Campbell.
Nice to see you again, slick.
I thought you killed that demon.
You can't kill demons.
Our buddy from the alley
found a fresh host.
Still has that new car smell, too.
When you gonna let Tupelo go, Mare?
Carlos, John. John, Carlos.
Don't trust him with anything.
Don't listen to that bruja.
Come on, rookie.
Learn something.
Ahh, nothing more hydrating
than holy water.
You want some?
I'm good, actually. Thank you.
They can't cross salt.
Cool, right?
Read this. Word for word.
- Um, okay. Are are you sure?
- Come on, man,
- before she gets up.
- Right.
Uh, "The Triple Threat is
a mouthwatering grilled cheese
on your choice of bread with two"
No. My bad. Though
that sandwich is divine.
Here. This part. Quick.
Quick, quick, quick.
Exorcizamus Te, omnis immundus spiritus,
omnis satanica, omnis potestas.
Jimi, Janis, Jim Morrison. Amen.
- Is she okay
- That host was new.
She'll probably wake up with a hangover.
Maybe a broken leg or two.
Let's just focus on what's important.
Congrats on your first
exorcism, Johnathan.
Let's celebrate by getting you
some clothes from this decade.
Hey, stop talking.
Let's get back inside.
According to my dad's notes, he and Ada
have been looking into Men of
Letters' locations everywhere.
What? I don't understand.
We always hunt together.
There's no secrets in our family.
Why would he go to Ada instead of us?
Maybe he was just trying
to protect you from something.
Given what we faced before,
whatever he's trying
to protect me from
must be pretty damn bad.
Don't listen to Mary. You're ready.
- You really think so?
- I mean, probably.
Just don't listen to Mary.
She gets so hung up.
I can't believe I ever
had a crush on her.
"Had". You're such a liar.
I mean, why can't she
just let Tupelo go?
You flaked on her. Like always.
But that time, it almost got her killed.
I didn't flake. I was busy.
Busy making out with her ex-boyfriend.
Weren't you with someone at the time?
Beth and I were off-again.
- I think.
- Mm-hmm.
This is the box Samuel was looking into.
There are runes embedded in its lid.
He needed the schematic
from the clubhouse
in order to know which
runes unlock the box.
See, you trace the runes and
Okay. Runes, prunes, what
is this damn box already?
This box is a monster trap,
powered by dark magic.
It pulls monsters inside and kills them.
It was built by The Men of Letters.
I can't believe I've never
heard of them before.
According to this, they've
been around for centuries.
Operating in the shadows.
- Like paranormal Freemasons.
- You're the worst.
Your dad was looking for
a very powerful weapon.
But why?
Why do the demons want it, too?
I don't know. I just wanna find my dad.
What is this? A phone number?
That's twelve numbers, Carlos.
An international phone number.
Let me see that.
That's my dad's handwriting, too.
New Orleans.
Gimme your keys. I'm driving.
Not loving your aggression
getting behind the wheel of my beloved.
Keys or I knock another tooth
out of your head.
She's really a lot meaner
when you get to know her.
Do you know how to open the box?
If we can actually find this thing, yes.
Each line here is a clue.
Once deciphered, they reveal
the proper order of runes
to trace on the lid.
It's actually really quite clever.
One, two, three, four, and presto,
the box does its thing.
Are you still mad at me?
I had to come help.
Samuel saved my life.
And brought you into all of this.
I owe him.
No. You can walk away. And you should.
What happened to Maggie
it wasn't your fault.
Definitely not.
So, you're you're a musician?
I'm a one-man band, amigo.
How'd you get into hunting?
I killed a ghoul.
Unfortunately, it got to my family
before I could get to it, so
I'm I'm sorry. I didn't
Easy, man. It was a long time ago.
Do, uh
do all hunters have
such tough beginnings?
The only thing worse than
how it starts for a hunter
is how it ends.
Sure this is the right spot?
Are you nervous?
It's okay to be nervous.
This is your first hunt,
so it's fine to have second thoughts.
You know, I am kinda nervous.
Maybe we could
maybe we could be
nervous together. Yeah?
Hey, you okay?
This is the second cemetery
I've been to this week.
I spent the day with Murph's
Mom on my way back.
Can I ask you something?
Who's Maggie?
My cousin.
She was a hunter like me.
She was killed last year.
Maggie was like a sister to me.
And I couldn't
Eighteen years old and gone.
Same age as Murph.
I want out of this life.
My mom and dad put a knife in my hand
before I was able to carry one.
I didn't sign up for any of this.
So when we find your dad, you're just
I'm walking away.
Well, what do you wanna do
with the rest of your life, then?
I don't know.
I just wanna live
long enough to find out.
This is my dad's.
That's the same sigil from Ada's.
He used it to unlock the door.
Is no one else weirded out by the fact
that there's a giant hole in the ground
of an above-the-ground cemetery?
Weird or not, my dad
might be down there.
John, you're coming with me.
Lata, you're staying
topside with Carlos.
This a normal night for you?
Since yesterday, yeah.
Please tell me that was you.
These walls are heavily warded.
No demons are getting down there.
- This is so
- Awesome, right?
So awesome.
That's it.
We're gonna find your dad.
I promise.
Time to go.
Go, go, go, go, go!
- What the hell was that?
- It's a loup-garou.
Men of Letters left a
watchdog down here.
Silver blade can hurt it,
but decapitation kills it.
- Do we have a silver blade?
- We sure do.
In Carlos's van.
I have an idea.
I don't think it's gonna be
enough to stop this thing.
Yeah. But it'll piss it off
and buy you enough time
to get out of here alive.
John, no.
You know, you really are
a lot of fun, Mary.
Hand it over and you die quick.
I thought you left me.
I saw a symbol here that I recognized.
There's a loup-garou down below.
Carlos! Carlos, wake up.
Quick, you have to open the box.
Oh, no! Come on!
One, two.
Three, four.
Any sign of Samuel?
But Ada's still alive. So maybe
she knows where he is.
Am I hallucinating or did
that box just eat that demon?
I mean, either answer is fine,
to be honest.
You will not believe what just happened.
What'd I miss?
How could you keep this from me?
You're mad at me?
I'm the one who stayed.
You wanna know everything? Fine.
When I was your age,
all I wanted was this.
My own garage, like my old man had.
And then your dad and I met
and we fell in love,
and it was just us.
But then you were born,
and they put you on my chest.
And in that moment,
I knew I would do anything
anything to keep you safe.
Maybe one day when you have
kids you'll understand.
That's what dad was trying to do too.
Keep us safe.
If you're reading this, then I'm gone.
I'm sorry I've kept the truth
from you, John.
There's a dangerous world out there,
and our family has fought
that danger for centuries.
The answers to all your questions
are at the address below.
I love you and your mother. Always.
I should have shown you sooner.
That's why he never came home.
I thought that maybe I could
find something out about him.
Don't go down this road, John.
Mom, my entire life,
I've been searching for something.
And this this is good versus evil.
Saving people, hunting things.
I was born to do this.
You sound just like your daddy.
Just come home.
I promise.
So you're all in, huh?
I am.
And I'm gonna do everything I
can to get your dad back safe.
You know that's not gonna
bring Murph back, right?
Well, when we find your dad,
you're really gonna leave
all this behind?
Figured you like your coffee
like your world view.
Too sweet.
And I thought you were a pacifist.
The box did the killing part.
Clearly, I can't talk you
out of this, but you did good.
My dad would have been
proud of you, Lata.
And you
weren't terrible.
That is the nicest thing
you've ever said to me.
Don't get used to it.
Come on. Ada should be awake by now.
You look like him, you know?
Came into the store
when I first opened it.
Needed a book about wraiths,
if I remember correctly.
He was kind.
And he had a great smile.
Do you know what happened to him?
All The Men of Letters I knew
disappeared 15 years ago.
So why was my dad looking for this?
Because it's the only thing
that can kill the Akrida.
The what?
The Akrida are a malevolent force.
A monster not of this world.
For centuries, they've tried to invade.
The Men of Letters
stopped them every time.
But they're gone now.
What do The Akrida want?
They want to wipe out everyone here,
including demons
and all manner of monster,
and take over our world.
Samuel found evidence
of a Men of Letters office in Savannah.
It contained records of how the Akrida
have crossed over in the past.
Find where they're coming in,
use this box to stop them.
Well, looks like I have
to get to Savannah, then.
We have to get to Savannah.
What they didn't know
is that the Akrida weren't
just a threat to Earth,
but to all of existence.
Now, like I told you, there's
gonna be some surprises.
Hell, I'm still trying to find
all the puzzle pieces myself.
But I'll explain everything.
And until then, I'll keep
picking the music.
Next Episode