The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

1 [tense music playing.]
[birds chirping.]
Rain, rain, go away Come again another day All the family wants to play Rain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away Come again another day [sizzling.]
[gasps, screaming.]
[breathing heavily.]
[melancholy music playing.]
[woman in British accent.]
My husband told me I have an overactive imagination.
That I drink too much.
That I can't let go of the past.
That I make plans and cancel them.
That I never wear a jacket but then complain that I'm cold.
That sometimes I speak with a British accent even though I'm not British.
[in American accent.]
He's right, about all of it.
That's why he left me.
[theme music playing.]
[birds chirping.]
[dramatic music playing.]
- [car alarm beeps.]
- [kids chattering.]
Elizabeth? Honey, we're gonna be late for school! [indistinct chatter.]
We tell children so many lies.
Not to worry, not to be afraid, not to believe in monsters.
But why don't we tell them the truth? There are monsters.
They're just not under the bed.
[indistinct whispering.]
Hi, Carol.
How are you? Good.
Yeah? Morning got away from me.
Mark said you never called him back to confirm.
For the date tonight.
I don't I don't know if tonight is gonna work.
Oh, Anna.
You can't cancel the day of.
He's a big client of Scott's.
Plus, it's been three years.
At some point, you gotta move on.
Right? I know I have to.
I just I don't know how.
You put on a dress, you do your makeup.
You're too cute to be sad forever.
So you're good to go? [car door opens, closes.]
- Yeah, Carol.
Good to go.
- Great.
I'll tell Scott to let him know.
Tell Mark Anna's in.
Also, your shirts are in my car.
Should I take them to the cleaners or what? Question mark.
[melancholy music playing.]
[indistinct chatter.]
How's the mailbox coming, Buell? It's coming, Miss Anna.
She's a tricky one, but we're getting there.
Don't worry.
Same four photos.
Well, at least I'm not the only one that hasn't moved on.
We were so happy once.
[crowd cheering.]
[melancholy music playing.]
[crowd whooping.]
Guys, do you have a, um a box with "Emma"? Yeah.
Here we go.
No wife? [phone ringing.]
[girl on recording.]
You've reached the Whitaker residence.
[phone beeps.]
Anna Banana, it's Sloane.
I don't know if you even listen to this anymore, but your mailbox is full.
I haven't heard from you in a few days.
I'm a little worried.
I know you told me not to worry, and so I'm not gonna worry.
But call me back, or I will definitely worry.
Now for the annoying part of the message.
I know you told me a million times that you stopped painting [inhales.]
and you can totally say no.
But I have a show coming up, and I need one of your pieces.
Not need but want.
But also need.
But also no pressure.
But also, please? Okay, I hate myself.
I love you.
Call me back.
[phone beeps.]
[melancholy music playing.]
[Anna sighs.]
I was so talented once.
How do I look? You think Carol would approve? [sighs.]
I know.
I wish I was in my pajamas staying home with you tonight too.
I love you.
Can you at least give me a kiss before I go? I can't.
Why not? Because I'm dead.
[tense music playing.]
How do I keep forgetting that? [water trickling.]
When your past is so present, how can there be a future? There can't.
You're just stuck in the present with your past.
[cell phone chimes.]
Oh my God.
I cannot believe you just stood Mark up.
This is really bad for Scott, Anna.
You don't even [Anna.]
You gotta be kidding me.
- [thudding.]
- [creaking.]
Hello? [suspenseful music playing.]
[floor creaking.]
I need a fucking drink.
Not tagged.
[knocking on door.]
[birds chirping.]
Oh shit.
These are for you.
Oh my God.
They're gorgeous.
Thank you.
So sorry.
They're not, um [chuckles.]
They're not from me.
They were delivered a while ago.
They were just sitting out in the sun, so Right.
I know.
I That's why I was saying thank you for letting me know they're out here.
That's why I said, "Thank you.
" I'm Neil.
Um, we just moved in across the street.
Did you? Huh.
Um, I'm Anna.
Uh uh Well, uh, enjoy your flowers.
Very pretty.
[serene music playing.]
What else can I tell you? Hmm.
Oh, we have new neighbors.
A dad and a little girl.
She's about your age.
Or the age you were when [birds chirping.]
All right.
I gotta go.
I'll see you tomorrow.
I love you.
[brakes screeching.]
You must be my new neighbor.
I'm Anna.
My name's Emma.
What you got there? I'm selling chocolate bars for my new school.
I'm trying to sell as many as I can so that the other kids will like me.
How about five boxes? Wow.
That's $50.
Fifty dollars.
[breathes deeply.]
Stay right here.
I'm gonna go upstairs and get my checkbook.
You know, you must have read my mind, 'cause I was just craving chocolate.
Okay [sighs.]
So how are you liking your new house? My dad says the kitchen's too small.
Is that so? Is, um, your dad a a good cook? Not as good as my mom was.
She died.
I'm sorry.
I'll tell you what I'm gonna do.
I am going to bring you a yummy chicken casserole for dinner tonight.
Really? Mm-hmm.
- Do I make the check out to your school? - [Emma.]
Madison Elementary.
That was Elizabeth's school.
Who's Elizabeth? Uh Someone very special.
[check tears.]
Just like you.
What kind do you want? Do you have anything with almonds? Oh, the lady next door to us bought all the almond ones.
Is she not nice? Oh, no.
She's n nice.
She didn't really seem nice.
I like you.
- [sizzles.]
- [gasps.]
How do I keep forgetting that? [rain lightly pattering.]
[tense music playing.]
[shuddering, whimpers.]
[thunder rumbles.]
[tense music intensifies.]
[breathing heavily.]
[lid rattles.]
Hey, you okay? [grunting.]
[both panting.]
You all right? Yeah.
I'm okay.
Oh God.
I'm so sorry.
- Do you want me to call someone? - No.
I'm fine.
Uh, I'm just embarrassed.
What? It's my stupid ombrophobia.
Fear of the rain.
I was trying to bring you a casserole.
You didn't need to do that.
Although actually, I bet Emma would've loved it.
Don't think she likes my cooking anywhere near as much as her mom's.
She told me that your wife passed.
Did she? Yeah.
[melancholy music playing.]
Yeah, um It was a tragic accident.
We were, um, up at our lake house, and she drowned.
[rain pattering.]
Emma saw the whole thing.
That's awful.
My daughter died [thunder rumbles.]
three years ago.
Those are beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
Sorry Wait, you painted those? Mm-hmm.
My wife was really into art.
She took pottery classes forever, but I mean, she wasn't like a professional, like you.
Haven't painted in a long time.
Well, grief can really derail things.
- Do you want a cup of coffee? - Yeah, no.
- I should probably get back to Emma.
- Right.
But I'd love to take you up on the offer some other time.
Uh, I can't thank you enough.
- Are you sure you're gonna be okay? - Yes.
- Great.
- Yeah.
And I am gonna bring you another casserole.
Only if you insist.
[Neil chuckles.]
And listen, we're literally right across the street, so if there's anything you need [sighs.]
This is totally unsolicited advice.
I think you should paint again.
You're too good.
[serene music playing.]
[door closes.]
[ladder creaking.]
[floor creaking.]
[electricity whirring.]
- [squeaking loudly.]
- [screaming.]
[tense music playing.]
[drawer closes.]
[water sloshing in glass.]
[crickets chirping.]
[serene music playing.]
[dramatic music playing.]
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
Oh my God.
[both breathing heavily.]
[Anna panting.]
[Anna breathing heavily.]
[Neil moans.]
[Anna moaning.]
[breathing heavily.]
[door closes.]
[birds chirping.]
There's so many layers to casseroles, just like there are so many layers to a person.
But to connect with someone, you have to be willing to peel back those layers and show them what's really inside.
I told you I'd make it.
- You look pretty.
- I do? - Hi, Anna.
- Hi.
You really you brought us another casserole? No.
I saw that this one had been delivered, and it was just sitting out in the sun.
So Oh.
Yeah, I'm kidding.
I made it.
Um, I hope you guys enjoy it.
Do you, um Do you wanna stay and join us? Oh, uh I mean, I've opened a bottle of wine.
Don't know if you like wine.
I like wine.
Come in.
[all laughing.]
[crickets chirping.]
Oh, Dad? My class is going on a field trip.
Can you be the chaperone? Hmm.
What do you think? [laughs.]
Emma, I forgot to tell you.
Anna is an artist.
- Can I show you a drawing I did? - Yes, please.
[Emma chuckles.]
- Can you grab that permission slip? - Yep.
I'll get it.
Her mom used to chaperone all the field trips, so now I try and make sure I do it.
You're obviously doing a really great job with her.
I'm trying.
[door opens.]
One permission slip and my duck.
Emma, this is fabulous.
Ducks are my favorite animal.
- I wanted this to be more light green.
- [Anna.]
But my marker set doesn't have light green.
Now, I think it is somebody's bedtime.
It's all right.
I should probably be going as well.
- Can you read to me? - [Neil.]
Let me do the dishes.
I'll meet you upstairs.
That'll take forever.
Emma I can read to you.
I I mean, if that's okay.
You sure you don't mind? I'd love to.
- You've got a good one up there.
- Yeah.
I'm pretty lucky.
I, um, cleaned your casserole dish.
Oh, you didn't have to do that.
Well, I didn't do that good a job, to be honest.
Couldn't get rid of that part.
You know, I think that was already there.
[romantic music playing.]
[Neil clears throat.]
Well [dish clattering.]
it's a gorgeous dish.
- Oh my God.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
It's okay.
I have more.
It's fine.
It's totally ok I should probably get going.
Well, thank you.
For everything.
[serene music playing.]
I've gotten so used to nightmares I almost forgot what it's like to dream.
To dream of a future where I'm no longer alone.
A future where I can trust someone again.
[suspenseful music playing.]
A future where monsters don't exist.
- [floor creaking.]
- [sinister music playing.]
[dramatic music playing.]
[cat meows.]

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