The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Cheese Wranglers

Where is he?
My prized herd is waiting
to be delivered to town.
I can't believe we're going to meet
the greatest wrangler of all time.
He's a man that lives by his own code.
Anyone worth their britches
wants to be just like him.
(singing) Yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-oo
-MICKEY: Yee-haw!
-BOTH: Whoa!
-MICKEY: Whoa!
-(horse neighing)
(spurs jingle)
(spurs jingling)
Ooh! (giggles)
You need some wrangling done, ma'am?
Yes, sir, I do.
I tried and I tried,
but my herd never reaches town.
They always get stolen by bandits.
And that's why I called you,
the greatest wrangler in all the West.
You can count on me, ma'am.
Why, I haven't lost a herd yet.
It's all part of my
(deep voice) wrangler's code.
(wind whistling)
It's the respect between
a wrangler and his herd.
That's what keeps the wheel rolling
in harmony.
My two trusty ranch hands
will be helping you on your journey.
Let's get rolling.
(plays tune)
See you in town, ma'am.
(yodeling) Yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Oh, he really is the greatest wrangler
that ever lived.
MICKEY: (singing) What keeps a man
On the straight and narrow road?
It's the code
-The code
-The code
ALL: (singing) The wrangler's code
And what will ensure
That justice is bestowed?
GOOFY: It's the code
-DONALD: The code
-MICKEY: The code
The wrangler's code
(yodeling) Yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-ay-ee
Yodel-ay-ee, yodel-oo
I got me no mansion
I got no true abode
But the code
-The code
-The code
The wrangler's code
But I got the privilege
To bear that heavy load
Oh, the code
-The code
-The code
-ALL: The wrangler's code
-(song ends)
Well, well, well.
If it isn't the little cheese wrangler
with all that delicious cheese.
(all cackling)
Sharpen your graters, boys.
We'll be eating that cheese
come nightfall.
(guitar strumming)
Just like the code says,
nothing beats cheese wrangling.
(giggles) Tell us more about
(deep voice) the code.
(deep voice) The code?
(deep voice) The code.
Well, I reckon it all started
with my first cheese drive
Wrangler's code.
What a load of whiz.
Well, I got a code of my own;
stuffing my face hole with cheese.
(smacks lips) Watch this.
(mooing continues)
That sounds like a Parmesan in peril.
GOOFY: (gasps) It's coming from the river.
Well, lookie here, the wrangler's guitar.
Don't mind if I do.
Now, let's get cheesy.
Well, it must be the chili
playing tricks on me.
(all shouting)
The cheese, it's been rustled.
I ain't never lost no cheese before.
Footprints? (growls)
There's only one hombre
with these footprints.
-Good job, boys.
-(all cackling)
Whoa, mama. (sniffs)
You can almost taste the nutty finish.
How's that skillet coming, boys?
Greasing it up now, boss.
And the cheese grater?
We are fixing to make the biggest
quesadilla in the West.
-Oh, no.
-What are we gonna do?
Look there. That pin.
We pull that out
and we set them cheeses free.
But how are we gonna past
all them henchmen?
-What we need is a disguise.
-Like what?
If only we had some materials.
(cash register dinging)
PETE: Where that's other tortilla?
PETE: Well, how'd you get out?
A kick?
Must be spicy Jack. (laughs)
(glass shattering)
(all straining)
Why can't I cut the cheese?
-(all gasp)
Forgot something, wrangler?
(all gasp)
So much for
Oh, yeah?
Justice has been served.
(yodeling) Yodel-ay-ee
Oh, the wrangler.
Howdy, ma'am.
Oh, I knew you'd keep my herd
safe and sound.
I just can't thank you enough.
Aw, shucks. No thanks needed, ma'am.
It's all part of the code.
The respect between a wrangler and his
Yeah, well, y you get it.
Bye, now.
-GOOFY: Adios.
GOOFY: Wait! You got my car keys!
(whistling tune)
Series brought to you by Sailor420
!!! Hope you enjoy the Show !!!
(tune ends)
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