The World of the Married (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Everything was perfect.
Everything around me was perfect.
Hey, you're here.
I missed you.
I'm so late.
Come here.
My gosh, don't you need
to drive our son to school?
Wake up. I'll make you some coffee.
I bought one because it gets
really dry inside the cabin.
But still, why did you get
a cherry-flavored one?
I don't know how to speak Chinese.
I'm going to shower.
Dad, Mom wants to get me a math tutor.
But you're already
learning English and piano.
Do you have time for math?
It's really annoying.
Why don't you talk her out of it?
You need to master math
before you enter middle school.
If you don't,
you'll end up falling behind.
She says you'll end up falling behind.
Does he need to follow everyone else?
He might not be good at math,
but he's very creative like me.
Yes, being creative is nice.
But without a strong foundation,
he won't ever get a chance
to show off his creativity.
I guess you're right. People still care
most about your educational background.
My gosh.
My goodness.
Don't bother asking your dad for help.
Just focus on getting better grades
for math.
I'll see you guys.
Don't I look too old?
No, they photoshopped you nicely.
I guess you're right.
You look more beautiful as you age.
My gosh, you're unbelievable.
Wear this.
It's going to rain tonight,
so it'll be a little chilly.
What about you?
It's okay for me to get sick,
but I can't let my wife catch a cold.
Seon-u, how is the preparation going
for your husband's birthday party?
Tae-oh doesn't want a banner,
so we're going to leave that out.
But there will be some flowers.
As for the alcohol,
we bought wine and homemade ale.
Who did you invite?
We invited everyone
from Je-hyuk's birthday party.
There's also the head of the shopping
district association, Councilman Cha,
and the employees from Tae-oh's company.
That's great.
You always do things perfectly.
How was Jeju Island?
I bet the weather was great.
Did you and Je-hyuk spend
some romantic time together?
Yes, it was nice.
It felt like we were newlyweds again.
Why is there a police car
in front of the hospital?
There was an accident.
"An accident"?
Dr. Ma strangled someone at a bar.
Isn't he a doctor?
I heard it was Dr. Ma.
-Hello, Director. Ji.
-Hello, Director. Ji.
Dr. Ji, you're finally here.
The associate director is in charge
of our hospital's external matters.
I'd like to hear what happened first.
A patient who collapsed
at a bar last night
is currently unconscious.
And according to a few witnesses,
Mr. Ma Gang-seok got into the ambulance
and strangled that person.
Did Dr. Ma give that person first aid?
That's what he keeps saying.
But the patient's family think
he only made things worse
since he was drunk,
and they wish to hold him responsible.
And if it turns out you hired him
even though he was mentally unstable,
they're going to hold
the hospital responsible as well.
That's nonsense.
They can't hold the hospital accountable
for his mistake.
Can I take a look at the first aid record
that was written by the paramedics?
He did CPR on the patient,
but his pulse didn't come back to normal,
so he did intubation.
Did you press on his cricoid cartilage
so you could do intubation?
What? What's a cricoid cartilage?
Before intubation,
we press on the cricoid cartilage
to make sure the airway is open.
If you're not a doctor,
it might seem like I'm strangling him.
So that's what it was.
I guess he was
compressing the cricoid cartilage.
Check what happened that day
with the paramedic who was there.
And if the family still has an issue,
send him an official summons.
He gave the best kind of first aid
to a patient who had
a sudden cardiac arrest.
But if they still wish
to hold him responsible,
we'll have to respond
by taking legal action as well.
Everyone, get back to work.
It's time to treat patients.
-Let's go.
-Come on.
-Get back to work.
-Go on.
My gosh, the hospital can't
last a second without me.
Dr. Ma.
My gosh, how much did you drink?
You still reek of alcohol.
You should go home for today.
Director Gong is unbelievable.
Thank goodness you showed up.
Seriously. He's not fit to be a director.
I feel like we need to do something
about Dr. Ma.
I'm worried he might get involved
in something worse.
You look very vibrant.
I guess your husband is back.
How did you know?
Seeing that you have a lot of oxytocin,
you must be still sexually active.
Dr. Seol.
I haven't gotten any in a while,
so cut me some slack.
I feel like I might go crazy soon.
I really want to sleep.
Are you listening to me?
How long has it been
since you had trouble sleeping?
It's been about three months.
It looks like young women these days
take this drug
as an anorectic agent.
I'm not interested in losing weight.
I just need some sleeping pills.
Then you should go
to the neuropsychiatry department.
Do you think I don't know that?
I came here because I don't want
to leave a record there.
I already checked that I can get the pills
prescribed by a family doctor.
Yes, it's possible.
But I'm very careful when it comes
to prescribing tranquilizers.
Plus, it goes against my conscience
as a doctor to prescribe it to someone
who wants those pills but doesn't wish
to leave a psychiatric record.
You must come, Dr. Ji.
Thank you for the invitation.
But I don't know if I'll be free.
You told me to overcome menopause
by regaining my self-esteem
and advised me to find something
to be passionate about.
That's why I started painting.
So you must come to my exhibition.
I noticed that you have
a different hairstyle.
Being loved by a man is the best way
to stay young.
I think I did the right thing
by changing my hairstyle
because I'm getting a lot of love
these days.
You've really improved.
I don't think you need to come anymore.
Then I guess
I'll see you at my exhibition.
-Wait up.
Did you have fun?
-Look at this.
-What's that?
Mom, I heard this year for camp
instead of sleeping indoors,
we'll be sleeping in tents.
Can Dad really make it this time?
It's all set, right?
Yes, of course. He told me
he'll make sure he's free that day.
He said the same thing last year
but suddenly canceled last minute.
What if that happens again?
Gosh, I can't trust him.
He'll be going this year no matter what.
So don't worry.
Ms. Ji.
Have you been well?
Don't you recognize me?
It's me, Jang Mi-yeon. I used to be
your husband's assistant director.
Oh, right.
I remember.
We met at the opening ceremony
of his firm.
Yes, I remember now.
Didn't you have short hair back then?
Oh, I got hair extensions.
You can't tell, can you?
What brings you to this neighborhood?
I guess your husband didn't tell you.
I've been working as his secretary
for over a year now.
"His secretary"?
It was hard to continue
working in the movie industry
as a single mother.
I got a divorce, you see.
Director Lee found out
and let me work as his secretary.
And you have no idea how grateful I am.
We get off work at 5 p.m.,
so I even have time to pick up my kid.
Did you say 5 p.m.?
He always leaves work at 5 p.m.
Are you done drawing?
Take a look. Which one do you like best?
Are they all not good?
I think this one will do.
We really do think alike.
I also like that one the best.
Your dad will be really happy
once he finds out that you drew this.
Dad's here.
I heard some nice wine came in,
so I got one on my way home.
It's a limited edition.
You're late.
I'm not that late.
I always come home at this hour.
Did I do something wrong?
Jun-yeong, go upstairs
and do your homework.
Why? He needs to eat dinner.
The short ribs need to cook a bit longer.
I'll call you once it's done.
My goodness,
are you making braised short ribs?
I ran into Mi-yeon on my way home.
Why didn't you tell me?
-Didn't I tell you?
I thought I told you. Gosh, it's hot.
Did she also go on that business trip?
Of course.
She used to work as an assistant director,
and she's very good at her job.
The investors were really fussy
about all sorts of things.
We spent hours holding a briefing
in the hotel room.
This tastes amazing.
Did you guys drink?
I had a hard time
trying to brighten up the mood.
Did Mi-yeon drink as well?
Yes, a little.
-Should I open the wine?
-My gosh, will you please…
Just wash your hands first.
I made braised short ribs.
I figured you might not want to cook
since you just came back from a trip.
You really are the best.
-Come inside.
You seasoned it just right.
What is it that you can't do?
-Where is Je-hyuk?
-Oh, him?
He has a lot of overdue work,
so he's going to be late.
Do you want some tea?
No, I should get going.
I guess that hair color
is a big trend these days.
I see it everywhere.
You know Um Hyo-jung, right?
Everyone in town knows her
because she used to be Miss Korea.
After she dyed her hair this color,
it's become a trend
among the women in our neighborhood.
It looked nice, so I dyed my hair too.
Imagine how fun it would be
to live your entire life as a celebrity
just for winning Miss Korea.
This is why it's important for women
to be pretty. Don't you agree?
Is everything okay with Tae-oh these days?
Is everything okay?
What do you mean all of a sudden?
He seems to have a lot on his mind lately.
Especially after meeting the investors
on his recent business trip.
Have you heard anything from Je-hyuk?
No, he hasn't told me anything.
My goodness.
You came earlier than expected, honey.
-Honey, Seon-u is here.
Hey, Seon-u.
You're late. You must be tired.
I need to work hard.
Unlike someone I know, I don't have
a wife who makes a lot of money.
Seon-u made braised short ribs.
My gosh, I bet it tastes amazing.
You're not only an associate director,
but you're even a great cook.
Tae-oh is extremely lucky to have you.
He's very kind to women.
Isn't that right, Seon-u?
By the way, didn't you get
your wedding photos?
I'll drop by to take a look.
Gosh, I'm so sick of that stuff.
I can't believe you did it again.
Why would you say that?
They did it to celebrate.
Plus, she never even got to wear a proper
wedding dress because of Jun-yeong.
And Tae-oh was kind enough
to plan this for her.
It was so sweet of him.
I guess you're right.
He's very good at pleasing women.
I'll leave you guys to rest. I should go.
You're leaving?
Don't see me out.
Bye, Seon-u.
I'm done doing the dishes.
Thank you for the nice dinner.
You're welcome.
Did Je-hyuk come home?
I'll go ahead and wash first.
So you actually went there at dawn?
And you went through his clothes
and cell phone?
Just because of that hair?
Why did he hide the fact that
he got a new secretary for an entire year?
Isn't it weird?
I don't think he meant to hide it.
He probably just didn't tell you.
Or maybe he told you, but you just forgot.
I'm bothered by the fact
that she's a divorcee.
Not all divorcees have affairs
with married men.
I heard he always gets off work at 5 p.m.
But he told me he gets off work at 7 p.m.
He lied to me, so that must mean he's
doing something during those two hours.
Then that means the secretary is innocent.
You told me she goes straight to school
to pick up her kid.
I'm bothered by Ye-rim as well.
My goodness.
I can't believe you're even suspicious
of Je-hyuk's wife.
Isn't it also weird that he doesn't
keep his cell phone locked?
It's as if he wanted me to take a look.
Do you think he noticed
that I'm suspicious of him?
Oh, my gosh. What you're doing right now
isn't normal.
You know that, right?
-Is that how it seems?
-Did you get some sleep?
I think you're being oversensitive.
I really hope you're right.
You should get some sleep.
Don't work too hard.
I'm seriously worried.
I guess it's also hard to live
with a handsome husband.
But then again, we're all in our 40s,
but Tae-oh's the only one
who still looks like he's in his 30s.
I lost one kilogram.
My hair keeps falling out.
And my skin is getting drier.
Have you been taking the drugs
I prescribed for your psoriasis?
How do you expect me to take drugs
when I can't even eat properly?
Why can't you eat?
My goodness.
Who knows what might be in my food?
Don't skip your meals,
and take the medicine I prescribed.
You can come back again
if that still doesn't help.
He always leaves work at 5 p.m.
Are you refusing to treat me?
No, that's not it.
I don't feel so well today.
Does it itch?
Dr. Ji, is your heart
suddenly starting to race,
and do you feel bloated?
You have the same symptoms as me.
I should get some rest.
I don't have any more patients, do I?
You're done for the day,
but you need to sign a few documents.
I'll get them done at home.
Tell the director that I went home
because something urgent came up.
-Bye, Dr. Ji.
Where are you going?
Ye-rim, I'm sorry.
I still have some work left.
Can you look after Jun-yeong
after he's done with his piano lesson?
Yes, feel free to take your time.
Don't worry and do what you need to do.
Thank you. I'll see you later.
I'm serious.
I don't have any.
Just give me what you have.
I really don't have any!
Damn it.
Shut up.
-What's with you?
-Let me go!
-Gosh, come on.
-Let go of me!
Let's go.
Help. Please.
Please help me!
I'm sorry. She's drunk.
Why did you drink so much?
We need to go right now!
Gosh, stop it.
Just give me what you have.
Come on.
I said I don't have any.
I swear this is going to be the last time!
Please. I'm serious. Please cooperate.
Just this once.
We really don't have time.
-I don't have any.
-You're driving me crazy.
The day after tomorrow will do.
He didn't tell me you were coming.
-What brings you here?
I haven't visited for a long time.
I know you're very busy.
I guess you had some free time.
How do you feel?
It's always the same.
I wouldn't be surprised
even if I died tomorrow.
Gosh, don't say that.
Did you buy these flowers?
-Why did you buy flowers?
They're such a waste of money.
I'll put them in a vase.
Thank you.
My mom's really happy that you're here.
I haven't been able to take care of her
for a long time.
You should've asked me to come with you.
I know you're busy.
I didn't want to pressure you.
I've been coming here for a while now.
She's not doing well,
so I come here almost every day.
What's wrong?
I doubted you for a second.
Mi-yeon told me you leave work at 5 p.m.
But you told me you get off work at 7 p.m.
So what? Did you think I'd be
doing something behind your back?
No way. Seon-u, is that why you came here?
I'm sorry.
I must've lost my mind.
-Pretend you didn't hear anything.
I feel so embarrassed.
Why would you be foolish enough
to worry about something like that?
I'm okay now.
I'm really okay now.
Are you sure?
You should go talk to your mother.
Thank you for the vase.
Don't mention it. Thank you for the cake.
Does she sleep well?
She's been having a hard time at night,
so we started giving her more painkillers.
She really missed her son.
The last time he visited
was on Lunar New Year's Day.
He only called from time to time.
I've been coming here for a while now.
She's not doing well,
so I come here almost every day.
Are you guys
going through something?
No, we're fine.
-Good night, Jun-yeong.
No-eul told me
that her mom has a boyfriend.
Who's that?
You saw her last time.
Her mom works as Dad's secretary.
Her mom has a boyfriend?
What kind of person is he?
I don't know that much.
I just heard that she started seeing him
after she got a divorce.
But No-eul is apparently okay with it.
If I were in her shoes,
I'd feel angry and betrayed.
I think she's just pretending to be fine.
Don't you agree?
You should go to bed.
Where is Jun-yeong? Is he sleeping?
Yes, he's sleeping.
Are you going somewhere?
The chairman of my high school
alumni association is holding an event,
and I thought I'd drop by.
He's a big shot in our community,
and I heard his wife
used to be Miss Korea.
They're holding an exhibition,
and I thought it'd be nice to say hello.
By any chance,
is it Um Hyo-jung?
Do you know her?
I got invited as well.
She used to be my patient.
I see.
I didn't know.
This is great.
I'll go with you.
I just need to get changed.
Don't make any mistakes when we're with
the alumni association chairman.
I mean…
He holds power when it comes to money
in this neighborhood.
You know how desperately I want
my current project to succeed.
I might end up needing his help.
Why are you so nervous?
I just feel bad
for everything I put you through.
I feel bad that I made you
worry about my mother.
You provided financial support
so I could start my own company.
But because my income is still unstable,
I never even got to give you money
to support our living.
I just feel bad about everything.
You felt that way?
I'll do what I can to make sure
this project succeeds
so I can finally pay you back
for everything I put you through.
-You came even though you're busy.
-Your work
is so full of passion this time.
I can feel your passion.
Do you think so?
Well, I'm a very passionate woman.
Your paintings are a lot better
than your previous works of art.
-Do you think so?
The main theme of the exhibition today
is "passion."
-After you.
Go ahead.
It's really great.
It's not a landscape.
There's no beauty of emptiness.
-They are still life paintings.
We should make a toast.
-He needs to learn more.
-Let's drink.
Hello, sir.
Excuse me. Sir.
I'm Lee Tae-oh, one of the 28th graduates
of Gosan High School.
Congratulations on your exhibition, ma'am.
Oh, thank you.
-Chairman Choi.
It's time you buy me dinner
for that hole-in-one.
Yes, sounds great.
There's a sushi restaurant
I frequently go to in Wakayama.
The chef called and told me
they received a really nice piece of tuna.
What do you say?
Should we all go to Japan
to see a tuna cutting show?
No, let's not do that.
Let's just eat in Gosan
for the development of our city.
-No, when it comes to tuna…
-No, just drop it.
-Hey, by any chance…
-Yes, sir?
Are you Lee Sang-deok's son?
Yes, I am.
Who's that?
He's that man
who used to own a tailor shop.
Anyway, I get what you mean.
I can't do a proper backswing these days.
There must be something wrong
with my shoulder.
-And my back…
-Oh, gosh.
-Ms. Um!
-What do you mean?
-That's not a problem.
-Your back must be…
You should have been here
from the beginning.
You punk.
-My gosh. Honey, excuse me.
My goodness, Dr. Ji.
Everyone, this is Dr. Ji Seon-u,
a doctor at Family Love Hospital.
I told you about her, didn't I?
I really owe her a lot.
She's told me a lot about you.
My wife complimented you so much
saying you're an incredible doctor.
He's my husband.
-My goodness.
You're her husband?
He runs a business called TO Pictures.
They plan events for people
within our district.
They also make movies.
Oh, I see.
You should show some interest
in his business
for the sake of encouraging
the development of our district, sir.
When did you say you graduated again?
Was it…
I'm one of the 28th graduates, sir.
Then you must know
the city councilman, Cha…
Yes, Do-cheol and I
went to school together.
Oh, I see.
-Did you say you make movies?
Chairman Choi might invest
if you have anything nice.
-He's really rich.
No, I want to play a role in it.
-My goodness.
-Come on.
And everyone…
This kind of stuff requires support.
My husband knows how to give
proper advice.
-I see.
-Working hard…
-But to be honest…
-My goodness, sir.
-I can't believe you just said that.
-I'm just saying.
Congratulations, Ms. Um.
-Thank you.
Dr. Ji, I see you're more
than just a successful doctor.
You even have a handsome husband
who's younger than you.
My gosh, you really have everything.
He's the same age as me.
Oh, really?
A lot of people must comment that
he looks younger than his age.
-Did a lot of your friends come?
Oh, right. Dr. Ji.
She's Da-kyung, my daughter.
-Thank you.
-I've always wanted
to be friends with you.
What do you say we maintain
this relationship, Dr. Ji?
If you and your husband are free tomorrow,
would you like to come to Badanggol?
It's my husband's birthday tomorrow.
The alumni is going to gather
and have a fun time.
And I'm sure everyone will be thrilled
to have you and your husband there.
I'd be more than happy to attend.
I wonder what Director Lee likes.
I should get him a nice gift.
Are you okay?
I'm sorry about last time.
I had to go somewhere urgent.
What could you have done?
It wasn't any of your business anyway.
You wouldn't have been able to help me
even if you got involved.
Who was that guy?
My boyfriend.
He was like that
because he was short on money.
He's usually not like that.
Do you really want to defend him
even though I saw everything?
I envy you.
You have solutions to all your problems.
Life must be easy for you.
What do you mean?
Normally, people just ignore
the fact that they're miserable
because they're not brave enough.
That's nothing but an excuse.
You know that, right?
You need to have what it takes
just to take a single step
away from the place you're stuck in.
But I bet you don't understand
since you have it all.
I'm no different.
Does your husband beat you?
Then what?
Does he steal money from you?
I think he's cheating on me.
And I'm scared it might be true.
Why are you scared of that?
You just need to find evidence
and kick him out.
I thought that kind of stuff
would be easy to handle
for successful women.
Marriage isn't that simple.
It's not a card game
where you can stop playing
just because you're out of money.
It's something a lot more crucial
that involves both my life
and my child's.
I'm disappointed.
I can't believe
a successful woman like you
is living a life
that's no different from mine.
I'm disappointed.
I can't believe
a successful woman like you
is living a life
that's no different from mine.
What brings you all the way to my place
so early in the morning?
Before I give you this,
I want to know why you're going around
seeing family doctors to collect pills.
It's not to lose weight
or to commit suicide.
So don't worry.
To be honest,
I have a favor to ask.
Take good care of yourself.
Okay. Thank you.
I'll see you in two weeks.
I'm at the Starlight Townhouse complex.
He just went inside.
He still hasn't come out
after he went inside three hours ago.
Bye, Dr. Ji.
He really is seeing a woman.
Can you see her face?
Describe her to me.
Try taking a photo or a video.
Is that not possible?
I can't see her from here.
Ma'am, you're here.
Just a moment.
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I couldn't take a photo of them together.
Did you see her face?
I only saw her from the back.
She had long brown hair.
And she was as tall as you.
Ma'am, take a look at this.
My goodness, you must not like it.
It looks great.
It's beautiful.
My son
designed this cake.
How adorable.
I'd love to have a son like yours.
He spent days working on this
for his father's birthday.
What's with your mom? She's overreacting.
Did you have fun at school?
Get in.
No-eul's coming, too. Do you know that?
You're driving too fast.
I thought we were going to see Dad.
Wait in the car.
What do you plan to do?
I need to find more conclusive evidence.
You should check out
your husband's car trunk.
I think he's hiding something in there.
Thank you.
-Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, Tae-oh!
Hey, you're here.
-Happy birthday.
-Thank you.
-Happy birthday.
-This is great.
Tae-oh, happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
-Hey, you're here.
-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.
Hey, Tae-oh.
I guess Seon-u's running late.
I'll be right there.
Hey. Where's your mom?
She's in the car.
Oh, let me help.
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Why did you come so late?
I was worried you might've
gotten into an accident.
Can you give me your car keys?
I can't seem to find the camera.
I think it's in your car.
I'm sure it's somewhere.
Look for it later.
Let's go inside first. People are waiting.
It's a special day.
I want to take nice photos.
Why not just use your cell phone?
They come out much better with a camera.
I'll be right there.
-Did a lot of your friends come?
Oh, right. Dr. Ji.
She's Da-kyung, my daughter.
Seon-u urgently left during office hours.
I think she's on your way to see you.
Be careful.
You should be careful for a while.
I think Seon-u knows.
Keep your cell phone clean.
And make sure no one sees you guys.
Everything was perfect.
Everyone surrounding me
was doing a perfect job
of deceiving me.
Meeting you was the best thing
that happened to me.
Seon-u, I love you.
Da-kyung teaches Pilates
at the Pilates center I go to.
You should come by when you have time.
As women get older,
they need to exercise and stay fit.
Are you in a relationship?
We don't do it daily,
but about two or three times a week.
He's married, you see.
Did I do anything wrong last night?
Be honest with me.
Are you…
having an affair?
Subtitle translation by Ja-won Lee
Next Episode