The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Dragged into Another World!

They were so cool today!
I wonder if they're going out
I hate to admit it, but they
make a perfect couple.
Come! It is finally time for
the student council to shine.
(Student Council President Inukami Suzune)
Let's live up to everyone's expectations
(Student Council President Inukami Suzune)
and get those school rules amended.
(Student Council Vice President
Ryusen Kazuki)
(Student Council Vice President
Ryusen Kazuki) Indeed, Inukami-senpai.
I've already gathered all the
materials to make our case.
In this world, there are people who
constantly bask in the limelight.
See ya later, Usato.
See you!
Till tomorrow!
(Average Student Usato Ken)
I'm the total opposite.
I'm your average high school student
who doesn't stand out at all.
The only out-of-the-ordinary
things that happen to me
are things like this.
Do you best and get big and strong!
Come pay me back when you feel like it.
Like that'll happen.
But deep down, I envy those people.
I want a life that's
out of the ordinary, too.
(#1 Dragged Into Another World!)
It's gone.
Someone must have taken it.
It's not my lucky day.
No, no! I can't just take it!
I'd feel bad for the owner, and I don't
want to deal with the consequences.
If only I could use magic.
Guess I'll wait it out.
It's not stopping!
What's going on here?
By any chance, do you
not have an umbrella?
T-that's right.
I see
But it's almost school closing time.
I-I guess you're right.
Then I'll be heading home now.
Wait, hold on.
A member of the student council will
not let you get drenched by the rain.
In that case, I'll just have
to lend Usato my spare.
Is he a friend of yours, Kazuki-kun?
He's a classmate.
He knows my name even
though we've never spoken?
Please use this, Usato-kun.
Guess he's a pretty nice guy after all
this Ryusen Kazuki.
T-thank you, Ryusen-kun.
We're classmates. You
don't need to be so stiff.
I'll call you
Usato? No, Ken?
Usato's fine.
I like being called that.
Got it, Usato.
I'll call you Usato, too.
Is that all right with you, Usato-kun?
T-that's fine with me.
Well then, Usato. Shall we
walk home together?
Good idea. It must be fate
that brought us together.
Getting to walk home
with the popular kids?
Everyone's going to get jealous!
Oh, er, that was nothing.
Honestly, Kazuki, I thought
you were far more aloof.
Where'd that come from?
I mean, you're only ever
talking to the girls in class.
They talk to me. I just respond.
In other words, no guys
ever come talking to you.
Am I right, Kazuki-kun?
Kidding, kidding!
Well, I thought you were
even worse, Inukami-senpai.
You were like a goddess, after all.
That's mean! I'm just your
average 12th grader, you know?
There's no way you're "just average."
You top every subject
and are great at sports.
On top of that, you're
both kind and pretty.
You should look at yourself
a little bit more objectively.
That was unusually mean, Kazuki-kun.
Now, we're even.
Just out of curiosity,
are you two dating?
N-no! That's just the rumor
that's been going around.
Come on. That rumor's ridiculous.
Indeed. We're around each other a lot
because we're both on the student council.
You're joking!
Why would we be?
I know there are many
who think we're dating,
but you're the first to say it
to our faces, Usato-kun.
I'm sorry.
I meant that as a compliment.
It's way better than
talking behind our backs.
Might I ask you something, too?
Usato-kun, do you have
any plans for the future?
M-me? Nothing yet.
I see. None yet, huh?
You asked me that, too, didn't you?
I can't help but wonder, you see
That's because I have none myself.
Huh? You don't have any plans
for the future, Inukami-senpai?
Aren't you about to graduate?
I suppose.
But I don't have anything to strive for.
When I set my mind on something,
I manage to achieve it in no time.
I-I see
I'm just the opposite. That's
a problem only for the gifted.
I don't know
This isn't where I belong.
That's what I end up feeling sometimes.
Even though I'm just the opposite
I know that feeling all too well.
What was that sound?
Is something wrong?
Usato, did you hear something
just now? It sounded like a bell.
No, I don't think I did
I hear it.
It's getting louder!
Where is it coming from?
I can't hear anything
Are you guys all right?
A magic circle?
W-what's this? Is this for television?
Don't tell me a gate to another world?
Huh? What are you talking about?
Do you think there'll be
magic and monsters and
e-even heroes in this new world?
Does Inukami-senpai have a thing for them?
Wait, this is no time for!
Hey, Usato!
You okay, Usato?
Kazuki, just what on Earth is this place?
W-who are those guys?
I have no idea.
I was just woken up by senpai.
That's right! Where's senpai?
It's just as you said, Usato-kun!
This is probably
She's super hyped!
I see that all of you have awakened.
It is only natural that you are
confused after being brought here
Who are you! What have you done to us!
Impertinence! That is no way
to speak to Lloyd-sama!
It is quite all right.
My apologies. I empathize
with your situation.
However, I implore you
to listen to my words.
My name is Lloyd Vulgast Llinger.
The king of Llinger Kingdom.
A king!
In the flesh!
Er Senpai?
To get straight to the point, you were
summoned to the Llinger Kingdom
as heroes.
What? Heroes?
There it is!
Please! Stop ruining my
image of you already!
Two years ago, we came under siege
by this world's king of demons.
King of demons?
A-a Demon Lord?
They're being serious!
Could you please settle down?
Indeed. The Demon Lord led an army
and launched an attack on our kingdom.
After an intense battle, we
barely managed to repel them.
Since then, the Demon Lord has
been strengthening his forces.
We might not be so lucky the next time.
As a last resort, we turned to
a forbidden magic that allows us
to summon those from another world with
the potential to oppose the Demon Lord
the Hero Summon!
A forbidden summon!
Don't give me that crap!
Heroes Demon Lord
You dragged us here to
serve your own selfish ends!
Send us back to our own world at once!
I'm sorry, but that is not possible.
At this moment, the Hero Summon
only works in one direction.
We can bring you here,
but we can't send you back.
Then, what's going to happen to us?
I have family back there!
So does senpai and Usato.
I empathize, but we are desperate.
You think that's going to cut
Wait! Hold on for a second, Kazuki.
I'm flattered that you're
getting angry for our sakes,
but making a scene
here will get us nowhere.
I swear that we will find a way to
send you home in the near future.
In the meantime, I implore
you to lend us your powers
our heroes.
King Lloyd?
Might I ask a question?
Of course.
Why do you call us heroes?
I don't think you know
anything about us
For that question
The Hero Summon magic
circle contains a spell
that seeks out those with hero potential.
You should have heard the sound
of a bell upon your summoning.
That is proof of your hero potential.
I see. So that's what that sound was.
Usato, didn't you say
I didn't hear anything
Does that mean
I was just caught up in it?
Now then, Kazuki-sama,
Suzune-sama, Usato-sama.
I'll be seeing what your magical
aptitude is with this crystal ball.
You can do that with this crystal ball?
Yes. I'll begin the preparations at once.
You sure you don't mind, Usato?
Welcie said that I might be able to
use magic even though I'm not a hero.
I'm glad that I can be
tested along with you guys.
No, not that.
I'm talking about being dragged
here against your will.
And in your case, by accident.
Aren't you upset?
Well, there's no point in getting angry.
It's better to focus on doing what I can.
You're far more level-headed
than I thought.
You think so?
I think Inukami-senpai's
taking it far better than I am
I mean, just look at her.
I guess you have a point.
Welcie-san, can we start yet? Can we?
We need to learn from her optimism.
I don't think that's just optimism
but I'll keep that to myself.
All right. Please place your
hand on the ball, Suzune-sama.
Here I go!
It changed color!
This color means that you have
an aptitude for thunder magic!
You also have ample
mana reserves. Amazing!
She looks happy.
I mean thunder is the perfect
attribute for a fantasy nut like her.
Kazuki-sama, you're next.
Wow, this is the color of light!
Light? What can I do?
Blind people with it?
You can fire off a laser, Kazuki-kun!
Or perhaps slash 'em with a lightsaber
Senpai he won't get those references
That was rather cutting.
I don't hate that in a man.
Please stop! My image of you has
already been shattered into ruins!
Light magic is amazing!
Only a few can wield it!
Extinguish evil with light!
Against demons, light's
power is unparalleled!
I see.
Next is Usato-sama. Your hand, please.
Oh, right away!
I wonder if I have any magical powers.
If I do, I hope it's something
that can aid senpai and Kazuki.
It's a pretty green like an emerald.
Yeah it's a calming color.
Welcie-san, what attribute does he have?
I-I have to tell them.
I have to tell them!
- Welcie-san?
- I have to tell them!
The two of you, please
just stay where you are!
Oh! Welcie.
Have you determined Suzune and
Kazuki's magical aptitudes yet?
They have great magical potential and all,
but more importantly Usato-sama!
What about him? Don't tell me
he can control dark magic?
The crystal turned green.
What? Are you certain?
Yes. This would mean that his
attribute is the extremely rare
Silence! Don't say it!
Is my attribute that bad?
We need to get him as far away
from the castle as possible!
Is there anywhere safe?
W-what about we get him
into town for the time being?
G-good idea.
Make preparations at once
I don't understand.
Am I dangerous or something?
Is there anyone else with my attribute?
There is. There is, but
She's bad news! Really bad news!
Oh, dear
S-speak of the devil!
Lloyd-sama. How did
the summoning ritual go?
Are the heroes here already?
R-Rose! Weren't you on leave today?
You jest. A servant of the king on leave?
You the hero?
N-no, he isn't!
He was summoned here by mistake!
He's average! Just an average,
normal, run-of-the-mill boy!
Oh? Is that so?
Hey, kid?
Yes ma'am?!
What do they call you?
Usato, huh?
I'm Rose. I'm the captain of
the kingdom's Rescue Squad.
Pleasure to meet you.
Rescue Squad?
She looks like someone who
should be killing, not rescuing!
R-Rose-sama. The heroes are
waiting by the crystal ball.
I'll take you there at once.
Very well. If you'd
excuse me, Lloyd-sama.
Usato, we'll figure out
what to do with you later.
I'll have a room prepared for you,
so just sit back and relax.
Right but I haven't
heard about my magic yet.
What attribute does green signify?
Green you say?
Lloyd-sama, I'll be borrowing this boy.
Welcie! Get Usato away from here!
R-right away!
Wait, Rose!
I'll turn this boy into a
proper healer. You'll see!
Wait, Rose, please!
I know you want to recruit more healers,
but Usato really was
summoned by accident!
What? He was taken?!
What do you mean? Is Usato in danger?
Oh, not at all!
It's not like he's going
to get killed or anything.
He was taken away to a location
a little away from the castle
beyond the castle town
by the Rescue Squad.
The Rescue Squad?
The attribute that was revealed
by the crystal was healing.
Healers are pretty rare,
and Rose is one such healer.
She plans to take Usato-sama
under her wing as her subordinate.
In that case, there doesn't
seem to be a problem.
The thing is how should I put this?
Her training methods are
a little bit unorthodox.
Those who undergo her
training become a little
A healer?
You have the potential to become one.
That is why I brought you here.
From today, this will be your home.
Come here, you guys!
You called, Big Sis Rose?!
These guys are freaking scary!
This here is Usato. We're gonna
be taking care of him. Be nice.
Roger that!
The name's Tong. Nice to meet'cha, newbie.
I'm Mill. Nice to meet'cha, newbie.
I'm Alec. Nice to meet'cha, newbie.
I'm Gomul. Nice to meet'cha, newbie.
I'm Gurd. Nice to meet'cha, newbie.
I-I'm sorry!
Am I the offering?
Am I going to be sacrificed?
Don't scare the newbie, you assholes!
Come on! This is our
way of an introduction!
We were being super nice!
Nice?! Do these guys even
know what that word means?
They are my subordinates,
but they're not healers.
The Rescue Squad has two more healers,
but they're stationed somewhere else.
And that is why
And that is why?
I will drill into you how to
use healing magic myself.
N-no, not this person!
That's what my instincts are
screaming at the top of their lungs!
Might I request a change of instructor?
Training begins tomorrow.
Prepare yourself.
Does my opinion mean nothing to you?!
As for your quarters
Tong, you still have space in
your room? Show him the ropes.
R-roger that.
Have your dinner and rest well.
Yer screwed.
Big Sis gonna train ya personally, huh?
Yer in for one hell of a time.
Hell's nothin' in comparison.
What's going to happen to me?
Guess there's no point worrying.
Sleep it is.
A healer from another world, huh?
Let's see where this goes, shall we?
(The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic)
The walls that tower over you
are just so tall and thick.
They're not there to overwhelm you.
They're there for you to overcome.
That's what I believe.
For thousands of nights
and tens of thousands of mornings,
I can keep trying
without losing my way.
As long as I can arrive
at the final chapter,
it's okay even if
I'm scarred.
Stand! Up! Again!
Over and over!
Don't! Look! Back!
Only towards the future.
Only towards the future.
Next Episode