The Young Montalbano (2012) s01e01 Episode Script

The First Case

Dr. Montalbano!
- Doctor, excuse me so much!
- Come in, come in! I'm fumigating.
I have a cold! Has something happened?
A corpse on Pizzo Carbonara.
A shepherd found it this morning.
- The Commissioner went on ahead
with Lo Cascio. -To Pizzo Carbonara?
- It's 2,000 metres altitude?
- No, doctor!
- Maybe 1,950! -You can get there
with the Jeep? -I think so.
- Perhaps not to the top.
- Go get one. -Right away!
- You said it was closer.
- They aren't my mountains!
I'm not so familiar with this area yet.
Up ahead there is a comfortable trail.
It seems strange
that there is no road.
- Commissioner!
- Montalbano.
- You should have worn
- Boots.
Boots, gloves, scarves
You came by car?
- Yes, there is a small road. -You said
we couldn't get up here with the car!
- Where did you find the corpse?
- Come, I'll show you.
The shepherd recognised it
right away. It's called Casio Alletto.
He had previous
for cattle theft.
Acquaintance of Stefano Botta
and other louts.
- I can take a look? -Sure.
After the hike you took!
He was clubbed to death.
I think it happened last night.
Track down his pal Stefano Botta.
- Wait for the coroner.
- I'll see you at the station?
- Stefano Botta is usually at
Alfio's bar. -Thanks, Lo Cascio.
- Thank You, Stefano.
- But I've drunk too much.
- Shut up and drink!
- Good Morning!
- Good Morning.
Are you Stefano Botta?
Who's asking? Wait, I'll guess.
- Cop, right?
- Bravo. Correct answer.
- I'm Deputy Commissioner
Montalbano. -"Fuck"!
Not just a Commissioner,
it's the Deputy Commissioner!
- Come on, I want to talk to you.
- Now? -Now!
It's not nice to make me leave my
It's not nice to send the flying
squad out to take you but whichever
you prefer!
You have to drink this glass.
What do you want from me?
Your friend Casio Alletto is dead.
- He's been beaten to death at Pizzo
Carbonara. -May he rest in peace.
What compassion you have for your friends!
Alletto had no friends.
This news will please many people in town.
- Where were you last night?
- Here.
- Alone? -No, with my friends.
- What were you doing?
We ate and watched the game.
- We stayed here until midnight.
-Good. -That's right
- Do you want to ask them?
- No.
Deputy Commissioner, if you want
to discover who killed Alletto
you'd have to ask half the town.
Let it go.
Stefano Botta and his cronies have
a perfect alibi for yesterday evening.
For this crime
half the town is suspect
and the other half is prepared
to provide an alibi for the murderer.
We won't solve this case easily.
For better or worse it may no longer be my problem.
It arrived this morning.
I've been promoted to Deputy,
I'll be transferring to Palermo.
- Congratulations.
- Thank You.
You won't be replacing me,
a colleague is being given my position.
I've made a request that you be
If accepted,
You will be transferred elsewhere.
- Thank you. -You ought to. Taking into
consideration your weariness with the mountain
I specified a change of environment,
something more compatible.
- I know.
- Are you alone, Miss?
- Salvo!
Did your boyfriend not come to
pick you up?
- You hungry? -Famished. -Let's go
eat? -Yes. -Let's Go.
Pasta with capretto sauce,
minestrone with farro and vegetables.
For seconds we have roast lamb
and polenta with roast capretto.
Then we have arrosticini di pecora.
- Is there no fish?
- I can make baked trout.
I prefer a plate of
pasta with tomato sauce.
- Pasta with tomato sauce and a few
Basil leaves. -Yes.
All right!
- I could eat a plate of sardines.
- Come and see me more often then.
Sanfilippo has forwarded
my transfer application.
- Really? Where will they send you?
- I don't know. -Maybe Catania!
With my luck it will be
another small mountain town!
- Can't sleep?
- No. It's too cold.
This thing doesn't heat,
it just produces gas!
- It would be a romantic death!
- Agreed.
- I spoke to my Uncle John
who works in Rome. Remember? -Yes.
I spoke to him about your transfer.
- He said he'd tell me when he has the information.
- Mary, I don't like you to do these things.
- It's just a piece of information!
- You should have asked me first.
I thought that nevermind,
it's better. You're nervous today.
Alletto died from multiple blows,
kicks as well as fists.
One of these blows broke through
the skull.
He also had wounds on his face.
I was going to talk about that.
That is the strangest thing.
The unique shape of the holes
leads me to believe
that one of the attackers was
wearing studded boots.
- Studded Boots? -Yes.
- Like a mountaineers. -Exactly.
- Such as those that climbers
wear. -And not only them.
The shepherd, Gaetano Borruso
In 1943 when Americans landed
in Sicily he was 8 years old.
He found two abandoned crates
filled with studded boots.
He took them home and was sorted
for shoes for the rest of his life.
If Borruso's the only one who wears
them then he's our lead suspect.
- Don't you agree? -We all know
what Borruso is like.
- What is he like? -He wouldn't
even cut down a nettle Bush!
He would never kill a man.
Maybe this time he wasn't so good
and has avenged the theft of his
the sheep. -Everything is possible.
- Can I ask you a question?
- Sure, doctor.
- Why do you want to interrogate
Borruso at his home? -Fair enough.
I prefer to watch how people
act in the comfort of their own home.
Maybe it helps me understand them better, or perhaps
I only imagine it helps me to understand them better.
If I'd known that we had to
walk this far
Good morning, Mr Borruso.
This is Deputy Commissioner Montalbano.
- Good morning, doctor Sanfilippo.
Good morning. -Good Morning.
You have come about the murder
of Casio, yes?
- I found him on my way into
town. -Where were you before?
At home.
I have been here two weeks.
Noone can confirm it,
I am alone here.
I never saw Casio, but
everyone knows him.
- He had stolen your animals.
- I wouldn't kill a man
just because he stole something of mine.
Can I see
the soles of your shoes?
We found traces of metal in
Casio Alletto's wounds.
They may have been caused
by boots like these. The other.
- We know you have many.
- Yes.
- Do you know anyone who has
similar boots? -No, just me.
I treat them like Holy objects,
each month I grease them.
- But-But? -I gave
two pairs of these boots
to two friends who were in need.
- To whom? -One to Pippo Mezzapesa.
- The other to Ciccio Distilo. -Good.
- They are both good people.
- They would not hurt anyone.
- Your word is not enough.
What else does a gentlemen
have but his word?
I didn't kill Casio Alletto.
If I did, I wouldn't be here,
I would have handed myself over to the police.
- Vigata. -What? -I called
My uncle, they're sending you there.
He's sure, just waiting on the
official notification.
- Aren't you glad?
- Yes, but I wasn't expecting it.
It's the place where you lived
as a child and it's on the sea.
I haven't been back there for over 10 years.
- Let's go there Sunday. -Sunday
the next? -Yes, we have no commitments.
- So?
- Yes.
- What a wonderful smell!
- I only smell fish.
Peppino used to sell bread and panelle here.
When we played truant, we used
to hide behind his counter.
- And what did your parents say?
- My mother was gone by then.
My father was away on business,
I was living with my aunt.
I lived here until I was 10, then
we moved to Palermo.
We can put this one here.
And this one above.
- Good Morning!
- Good Morning!
- This is the new station?
- What do you think, youngster?
I'm Salvo Montalbano,
the new Commissioner.
Pleasure, Inspector Carmine Fazio.
- She is just
- I'm just me.
- Excuse me, I would have introduced myself
before. -I was expecting someone
Sit back, take a look.
I came just to browse.
I grew up here.
Are you related to Mr. Montalbano who lives
in San Biagio?
- Yes, that's my father.
How goes the work? -Slow.
- Sit down. -No, thank you. I start
service next week.
- We hope to be a good match.
- It's been a pleasure.
- My Pleasure.
- Pleasure. -Pleasure. -Fazio!
Is there a good restaurant nearby?
Here you eat well everywhere, but the
best is Calogero, on the square.
- Very well. Good bye.
- Goodbye.
See you soon!
You didn't tell me
that your father still lives here.
Has a vineyard outside the town.
- Shall we go find it?
- Not today.
Maybe another time.
Here's Calogero!
Good morning! Can we eat?
Come in.
We have seafood starters,
spaghetti alle vongole
spaghetti with seafood
and pulp of sea urchin.
- The sea urchin requires a good
cook. -I took the master's degree!
- Second? -Fish. -That
fish? -What do you want.
- How will you prepare it? -On the basis of
the type of fish you choose.
- Bring whatever you want.
- Leave it to me.
- Fazio was right, here we can
eat well. -We Hope.
- But what are you doing? -Hey!
What the fuck are you doing? -Let's Go!
Wait here a minute.
Are you hurt?
Here, let me help.
Get up. Come. Sit inside.
Did you get the number plate
of that asshole?
Not 58 it was 63!
- Aren't you going to take my statement?
- If it is important!
- Tell me. -Salvo Montalbano,
the new Commissioner of Vigata.
How are you?
Come in.
- You wanted me, doctor?
- Yes. Please sit.
- Please, Spagnolo. -I spoke
with Mezzapesa and Distilo
the two recipients of Borruso's
They didn't say anything
of interest. They were decent people.
They never had anything to
do with Alletto. If they saw him
- They walked the other way. -Yes.
- Anything else?
- No.
- You can go, thanks. -Right away.
My request was met.
You will be promoted to Commissioner.
Your pay rise
will not match
the increase in your problems. -Sure.
Take comfort in your destination.
- Vigata.
- Vigata? Damn!
What's this. I thought you'd
be jumping with joy.
- I didn't expect it.
- Are you happy or not?
- Delighted.
- Is this how you react when delighted?
Whoever understands you is blessed!
Let's move on to the next news.
- This is my last day here,
tomorrow I leave for Palermo. -Already?
Yes. That's a nice expression
of surprise!
- In a few days my substitute
will arrive. -Doctor, I
I wanted to thank you.
I'll miss you.
- You've taught me a lot. -With you
It was easy, fast learner.
Yes, maybe Yes.
I am a little concerned.
A station of my own, I have to
gain the confidence of the men.
I don't know if I'm capable of it.
If you'd seen me
in this place at the beginning
Often I wanted to escape,
I wanted to open a tobacconists!
You'll be fine, I'm certain.
Doctor, are you happy to be going to
Vigata tomorrow?
Spagnolo, I am very pleased.
But I'm sorry to leave in the middle
of investigating the murder of Alletto.
- Doctor, are you throwing these away? -What?
- Shoes! They are still good.
Due to the climate they are ruined.
With a little bit of fat I can make them new again.
I have some seal grease at home,
I can rub them down with.
Good as new!
- Who is it?
- Dr. Sciacca, it's Montalbano.
- Have you finished the autopsy on the body
of Casio Alletto? -Yes.
Did you find traces of grease
on the face?
- Are you kidding? -Do you think
I woke you to joke around?
Yes, there was pork fat.
I wrote it in the report
I presented at police headquarters.
If you'd waited until tomorrow morning
you could have read it
and avoided harrassing me at this hour.
Have patience!
Excuse me. Good night.
Good night.
Besides Mezzapesa and Distilo have
you given shoes to anyone else?
Two pairs I gave to my father,
a couple I donated to my brother
and another to my father-in-law.
- How many pairs have you used?
- One. -Only one?
- These shoes are
indestructible. -Are you certain? -Yes.
- How many pairs were there 45 years ago?
- There were precisely 50.
If we eliminate those that you gave away
and those that you wear
in total there should be 43 left.
- Yes. I counted them last month
when I gave him the fat.
- Now let's recount. -Sit down.
12, 16, 20, 24, 27, 30.
33, 36, 39. These are 42.
I understood
you were a man of justice.
- Just like me. -Now we must
find these shoes.
Why did you count the shoes?
Because Borruso greases them regularly.
I went to see Dr. Sciacca
and he confirmed
that on Alletto's face
there were traces of fat.
- So What?
- Whoever killed Alletto
wore a pair of those shoes
that Borruso keeps in his basement.
Those he always wears
have no more traces of fat.
- So someone has stolen them recently?
- Bravo.
- Doctor-not now.
Has Sanfilippo already left?
- You are Montalbano? -Yes.
- Pleasure, I am Oriali.
- I am the new Commissioner.
- Pleasure. -Come.
I arrived a few hours ago.
It seems to me that here things
do not follow an orthodox practice!
Please sit.
Let's talk about the murder
of this Casio Alletto.
- Actually I came to tell you
- Sure, sure.
Why haven't you
arrested the culprit?
- The culprit? It takes time.
- It's difficult, I understand.
Let me summarize.
OK in summary.
Alletto was a lout
addicted to theft of livestock.
He was beaten to death,
kicked and punched. I say good?
- Yes. -The doctor's autopsy
found wounds on his face had traces
of animal fat transferred from
a certain type of shoe.
- Yes. -These type of shoes are
owned by only one person in town.
- His name is.
- Gaetano Borruso.
However Borruso-
- Be polite. I was talking.
- You never stop.
Let me finish. -Continue.
This Borruso had suffered
theft by Alletto.
You wrote this in your report.
Creating the motive
and then not considering it?
- Gaetano Borruso is innocent.
- Who is the murderer?
- I still don't know.
- I'm evaluating the evidence. -While
you do that, I'll question Borruso.
- Commissioner, don't do that.
- I wll do what I want.
I'll interrogate him then arrest him.
So this town understands how I work.
- Borruso is a good man.
- It's futile to argue.
It's already done, see.
This guy's a cretin!
- Doctor, good evening.
- Fazio. -Welcome.
Excuse me for making you wait,
but I had a slight delay.
- That's fine.
- No leave it. -Please let me help.
Come. I'll show you around.
- The guestroom is there.
- It's fine I'll find my way.
- I guess I'm ready for dinner.
- Yes. It's a special night.
My son Joseph is home
on leave from Rome.
- He's a cop too?
- He's just started.
- Then go.
The apartment is over there? -Yes.
Tomorrow morning at 7 am I'll be here
and also the others will arrive.
I will go into police headquarters
to meet them.
- The Chief, Alabiso, is he any good.
- What's the name? -Alabiso.
- Do you know him?
- No, I don't know him.
- Thank you. See you tomorrow.
- Goodnight. -Goodnight.
I'm curious, Montalbano.
Have we met before?
- Yes.
- I seemed to remember.
- When was it?
- About 13 years ago.
- Back then you were a kid!
- I was 20 years old.
In '77 I was Commissioner in Palermo.
I was a university student.
Behold! What did I do?
At A rally during a charge
you gave me a kick in the ass hard!
- And you? -I tried to punch you,
but I missed otherwise
you might remember better!
- I arrested you? -No.
I managed to escape.
They were good times!
They were good times.
- Good Morning.
- Good Morning.
- These are officers Salvatore
You have preferences
for assignments?
I did the driving course.
So if you need a driver
- Do you drive fast?
- Not in front of anyone!
Bravo. You go to switchboard
and you drive the car.
Now excuse me.
- This came for you.
- I forgot.
- What is it?
Last week
I witnessed an incident
and now I'm called to testify.
It's a nuisance.
You're a good citizen and
thats what happens to good citizens.
The incident is trivial, but
a bully has punched a man.
I know the story.
The traffic policeman told me everything.
- That asshole that got the license number wrong?
- He got the wrong number
and you made him correct it, he told me.
He also tells me
you got the wrong number
and he wrote down the right one.
- I don't understand what you're trying to say.
- Can we go into your Office?
Show me where it is.
Cusumano Giuseppe di Salvatore
and Maria Cuffaro. Born in Vigata.
- Who is that?
- The bully.
- Why are you telling me these generalities?
- Maria Cuffaro is the younger sister
of Don Lellino and his son Giuseppe
is the beloved grandson of Sisino Cuffaro.
- He's the grandfather. See what I mean?
- Yes.
- Come in. -Doctor.
The lawyer Torrisi would like to
speak with you. He arrived today from Rome.
Let him enter.
- What's wrong with your face?
- Nothing.
- Back to the switchboard and let
Mr Torrisi in. -Right away.
- Sir, please. -Thankyou.
- Mr Torrisi, it's a pleasure.
- How can I be of assistance?
- I've come to meet
and to talk with you.
I am occupied with the problems and
hardships faced by the young these days.
Unfortunately even here in
Vigata things don't go well.
Know what's missing?
- Excuse me, I don't understand.
- The ears, my friend.
We are no longer willing
to listen to young people.
We are always ready to criticize them,
them when they perform
some impulsive gesture.
- This is an error.
- A serious mistake.
Commissioner, you are young,
you understand.
- This makes things
easier. -What things?
It is because you are young
I know that can understand
the hardships of youth
in today's world.
Even when they are rich
and belong to a powerful family
Excuse me, Sir.
I still don't understand.
I came to speak
for Giuseppe Cusumano.
He's a good boy though sometimes
he is foolish.
He broke a man's nose.
It is true. He was wrong,
but he is sorry.
You will be called to testify.
I would like to ask you not to overdo it.
Reflect on the disorientation,
on the difficulty
- the hardships.
- Exactly!
The hardships that test
a young man like him.
Dear Commissioner, thank you.
If you need me, call me.
- I will, Sir.
- Goodbye. -Goodbye.
- Where is Dr. Montagnano?
- There is no Dr. Montagnano here.
But the Chief in person
told me to report to Commissioner Montagnano.
- I am the Commissioner, but I am called
Montalbano. -Officer Catarella.
- The Chief told me
to introduce myself to you. -Yes.
- What do you do?
- I can do many things.
- Can you answer the phone?
- That's easy!
Yes. I present to you Officer Catarella.
From today you will work
on the switchboard.
It's a good responsible position.
- This is your post.
- Thank you, doctor.
- It's too good for me. -Stand Up.
Go to your post. -Thank You.
- Can I drive then?
- No!
From this moment you are
assistant to Inspector Fazio.
It's pretty, but there is no number.
They are all large sizes.
- Do you like? -Huh?
- Do you like? -Yes.
Excuse me a minute. I'll be right back.
Those are from World War II.
You can't find them anymore.
Yours for 50,000 lire.
- Where did you find them? -A town where
I work on Saturday. -In Mascalippa?
- Who sold them to you?
- Young man, if you want them, buy them.
- Otherwise
- Since we are so intimate
here's what we'll do.
I won't inspect your stall
where I'm sure I'll find irregularities.
- But tell me who has sold you these boots.
- Don't know his name. He was young. He looked retarded.
- He was short, arabic,
dark complexion? -Yes.
I'm coming. Just a moment.
- Police station of Mascalippa.
Who's talking? -Montalbano.
I found the shoes
stolen from Borruso.
I'll be there in a couple of hours.
Do me a favor.
and follow him. See you in the square.
- Do you understand?
- Yes, doctor. -Okay.
- Doctor. -You found
Let's go. I want to talk to him.
Commissioner, you made me
lose the ball.
Don't worry about the ball.
Recognize these?
I have never seen them.
Why are you asking me?
You've never seen them? That's strange.
A witness says
that he bought them from you.
If it is true, you're in trouble.
- These are the shoes worn
by whoever killed Alletto. -No.
- Nothing to do with me. Please.
- Who was it? -I don't know.
- Let's drag him inside.
- Don't arrest me. I'm innocent.
Sit Down, Coco. I want to believe you.
But now tell me who it was
or I can do nothing for you.
It was
- It was Stefano.
- Stefano Botta?
It was him.
Alletto had stolen some money
and did not want to share.
He was murdered with Borruso's
shoes so he would get the blame.
Then he gave them to me and I
sold them to earn something.
I did nothing, Commissioner.
Now he'll kill me.
I'll deal with Stefano Botta.
Montalbano, I've just arrived
to find
three officers sent out
at your request.
Now explain whats going on.
- We have arrested Stefano Botta.
He killed Alletto.
- An officer will explains it all to you.
- This is insubordination!
I will report this to the Chief.
You will be in trouble.
If you want to be the laughing stock
of the Police, you've begun well.
You should have done this yourself,
but if you want you can take the credit.
Good bye.
Take these to forensics and
we're done.
If it wasn't for you, doctor
- Fortunately it ended well.
- Borruso was right.
You are a man of justice.
When you see him,
apologise on my behalf.
- Good bye, doctor.
- Goodbye.
Come and visit me at Vigata.
I'll expect you.
- In my opinion it is not cold.
- What? You are crazy.
- We don't even have towels.
- It's hot.
I don't need a bath.
If you want to, go ahead.
- I do feel like it.
- I don't. -But I'll bring you with me!
- You're dumb! -Look
what a beautiful house. -Yes.
The blinds are closed.
Maybe nobody lives there.
Perhaps only in the summer.
A House so close to the sea
is humid in winter.
Really. You never know.
You know how much a House like that costs?
- Good Morning.
- Good Morning.
3rd floor, Room 5.
No, wait a moment.
Here it is
Room 6
Then I saw the man
fall to the ground.
Did you hear Melluso call
Cusumano an asshole?
- I heard the word, but I don't know who said it.
- Has this been going on long? -No.
It's been about 10 minutes.
Are you involved or just watching?
I am a witness.
I am the new Commissioner
Salvo Montalbano.
I'm a journalist, Nico Lo Zito.
Calling the next witness
Commissioner Salvo Montalbano.
Go on.
Commissioner, you were present? Did you hear
Melluso call Cusumano an asshole?
It is curious. The traffic guard
heard that Word.
Maybe he has weak hearing?
I hear very well
and I see very well.
I saw Cusumano get
out of the car and attack Melluso
without Melluso having said
or done anything to provoke it.
All right. Can go.
Thank you, Commissioner.
Your honour, gentlemen of the court,
three years ago Cusumano married
his beloved girlfriend Chillemi Marianna.
As he exited the church he found two
policemen waiting to handcuff him.
He was taken away to serve a lengthy sentence.
The fatal day of
the dispute with Melluso
Cusumano had just been
released from prison.
Flying into the arms
of his beloved bride!
He wanted to finally "consumate" the marriage.
The battery needs changing.
You'll have to leave it with me.
How am I to return to Vigata?
Miss, are you OK?
- Let me go!
- Stop.
- No!
- Stop!
I'm police.
What's wrong? Stand still!
- Stop!
- Commissioner!
- Come here.
- Stop.
- Stop!
- No!
Wait here.
Is there anyone here?
- Who's asking?
- I'm commissioner Montalbano.
- Looking for Concetta Marullo mother of
Viola? -Yes, I have this misfortune.
- We stopped your daughter.
- I do not care.
- I don't understand.
- Repeat. I don't care.
You can incarcerate her, execute her.
I threw her out of the House
because she is a brazen slut.
- What did she do?
- What she did, she did.
- Can you tell me where she lives?
- There.
My husband who has a good heart
gave her that pigsty to live in.
She likes it in the pigsty.
It's the best place for her.
- Does your daughter have reason to fight
with someone? -I don't know.
- Does your husband own a gun?
- Are you joking?
He has only a knife
to cut bread.
Can I see?
- I am Violet's father. You
arrested her? -She had a gun.
This daughter is the ruin of my
house. Who gave her the gun?
We would like to know that as well.
Why do you let your daughter
sleep in a pigsty?
- My wife doesn't want her in the house.
- Why?
She got pregnant.
- By whom?
- I don't know.
Even my wife does not know. She
beat her, but she never spoke.
- You have a suspicion?
I work all day.
My wife minds the smaller children.
From when she was little I always
took her with me to tend the animals.
- Then she went to work as a maid.
- Did she go to school? -No, never.
She can't read or write.
- Which families did she work for
as a maid? -There are many.
Where's the baby? Who's looking after it?
My wife took her to a midwife.
She was bleeding.
It seemed that she was going to die.
If she had died perhaps
It would have been better.
Why did you make her have an abortion?
Not just a whore for a daughter,
but also a bastard for grandson?
Excuse us. We were trying to convince
the girl to eat something.
- Has she not eaten anything?
- Not even a glass of water.
- Not even gone to the bathroom.
- Never gone to the bathroom? -No.
She is throwing a tantrum.
- A tantrum? -She has the body
of a woman, but is still a child.
The weapon is a Beretta 84 FS
nickel plated with the serial number abraded.
- It's a gangsers gun from.
Someone has given it to Viola. -Yes.
- You go to the switchboard, go!
- Yes, doctor.
You not eating this? I'll eat it then.
Go to the bathroom. Now!
- Dad.
- Salvo.
I thought
I'd come and pay you a quick greeting.
The Commissioner told me
you were here. Are you hurt?
- No, sit down.
Eat something together. -Yes.
You're just fine.
- How are you? -I can't
complain. Health is good.
- I only have some minor ailments.
- I am pleased.
Do you not ask about the business?
It is also yours.
- Yes. How is it going? -Very well.
We already have twelve employees.
It's all in good order.
You have to come see us. Come
get some good cases of wine.
As soon as I can.
It seems like only yesterday
you entered the service
and already you are Commissioner.
Congratulations. Congratulations, Salvo.
There are others my age too.
Would you mind if I start to eat?
I am hungry. Order something for yourself too.
Salvo, I know almost nothing about you.
I am not accustomed to eating
and talking at the same time.
All right.
Then I will be ordering something too.
So we have a valid reason
for both of us to shut up.
- Excuse me.
- Please. -What do you have that's good?
We have linguine with squid.
- I brought a bit of linen.
- Thank You.
- I'll take it to her.
- I'll open the cell.
We brought
a little spare linen.
I'll put it here.
Please, eat.
Now Violet that's a good daughter
eat all this nice mullet
that however is squid.
To get rid of the hunger
We eat a bit of bread.
Will you eat alone?
- Doctor, maybe it's a good
time-No, let her eat.
- "I'd like to ask you a favor."
- Tell Me.
"I regretted not buying that dress."
- "Could you get it for me?"
- Where? -"Tomorrow there's the market."
- I have to go? -"Yes,
is the dress blue and purple flowers."
"Get the size 42. The seller
will remember for sure."
- "I already tried it on.
Salvo, are you listening? "-Yes.
Okay, I'll remember the purple dress.
This is yours.
- Viola is a nice name.
- I like it too.
- I like it because it's a color.
- You like the colors. -Yes.
I like them because they
make me remember things.
Listen. Now you tell me
where did you find the gun?
All right. Good night.
"Who is it that annoys me at this hour?
Fazio, excuse me for calling
at this hour. It's Montalbano.
Listen. Were you sleeping?
No, don't worry.
What is happening?
You know the Court in Montelusa?
- Yes.
- Good.
I need a list of all
the judges and the prosecutors
both civil and criminal.
Just the first names and surnames
to begin with.
Yes. Let's see.
Bruni, I would say no.
- "Rosato, Red."
- Wait. There is a Rosato?
Emanuele Rosato,
the civil court.
Come with me.
Do the colors help you remember
to kill judge Rosato?
Pink reminds you to do something?
Why don't you say anything?
What are you doing?
Stop it.
- Stay still.
- Stay still.
- If I can.
- Sit.
Judge, listen.
I came to look for you
because we stopped a girl
who wanted to kill you.
- Wanted to kill me? -Yes, how
long have you worked in this Court?
- Always.
- Do you know Viola Monaco?
No. Did this girl say why
No. Someone asked her to kill you.
Who? I've never had
a crossed word with anyone.
I have always worked on
small civil cases.
Can you do me a favor?
Look over your cases for
the last five years?
- If you find something, call me.
Can I leave the number? -Yes.
- How much is it? -20,000 lire.
- How Much? -20,000 lire. -That seems like a lot.
A lot? Are you joking?
- It's like robbery.
- You do not recognize quality.
- Doctor.
- Fazio.
I got it for my fiancee Mary.
I thought as much. I have news.
Viola has calmed down.
I asked her why she hated
Judge Rosato so much.
She said he sent someone to jail.
Rosato has never sent anyone to prison.
- Someone made her believe it.
- The one who gave her the gun.
The police ballistic expert
states with certainty that the weapon
won't shoot, it may seem
deadly, but it is too old.
I do not understand.
Why would someone convince her
to kill with a gun that won't fire?
It's a joke but a bit dangerous.
To whose benefit would it be?
You need to find
who has hired the woman.
Speak with her. If you've won her
confidence, maybe she'll confide in you.
- Tell me.
- I think I've found something.
- The girl is called Monaco?
- Yes.
A man named Filippo Tamburello
is a neighbor of the Monaco family.
He moved his wall
a few inches.
The Monaco's sued and I solved
the whole thing in their favor.
Why would the daughter want to kill me?
"Make checks in our territory."
"Join us again for another appointment
on the news tomorrow. Thank you."
She's beautiful. I hope
to put her in the noon edition.
- Thank You. -Please.
Rather, do me a favor.
- What.
- Let's be friends.
- Agreed?
- Agreed. Good bye.
Don't worry.
I have a Chair in the Office.
The thing is very complicated.
Sit down please.
This morning after
having chatted all night
Viola has had
a sort of nervous breakdown.
She said who gave her the gun
and ordered her to kill Rosato.
- Who is it?
- Her lover Giuseppe Cusumano.
- Cusumano, the grandson of
- Don Cuffaro.
This is for you.
I didn't wrap it because
I didn't have time.
- Do you like it?
- Yes.
If you want to try it on, I'll wait outside.
I am ready.
Thank you. Nobody ever gave
me such a nice dress.
- You look beautiful.
- I look beautiful?
- Can I ask you some questions now?
- Ask me.
When did Pino Cusumano
tell you to kill Judge Rosato?
- When?
- Yes.
He wrote me 15 days ago
before leaving prison.
Did you go visit him in prison sometimes?
Yes, one time only, because
before I was a minor and I couldn't.
Pino sent me the bus tickets.
- You couldn't read.
- The one who brought me the letters read them to me.
- Who was this person?
- I don't know.
You don't know. And the tickets?
- What?
Where are these tickets?
Pino told me to burn them.
Where did you get the gun?
The same person who brought me the tickets.
When Pino was released from prison,
did you meet him?
- No, first I was to kill
the judge. -Sure.
It seems absurd to me.
If you had killed the judge,
you could forget all about Pino.
Do you know how many years in prison you
would get for murder?
- They would never have arrested me.
- Really?
- Two of Pino's men were
ready to take me away. -Damn!
- You cannot remember the names
of all these people, right? -No.
Of Course.
- Swear that what you told me
is true. -It's true!
Calm down, I want to understand
why you now name Pino Cusumano.
Because he has not kept his word.
He told him if the cops arrested me
I wouldn't go to prison.
- Instead he forgot all about you
because now he's enjoying his wife
after three years.
He's ruined your life with this story
of murdering Judge Rosato
and now he can enjoy his life.
He wanted to fool you.
The gun that you gave
could not shoot, it is broken.
Did you know?
Did you know or not?
Take the dress!
Take it back! I won't say anything more!
I don't want it.
Go away!
Doctor, Cusumano is not in town.
But will be back late tonight or early
tomorrow morning.
Fazio, you must check something for me,
but fast not via bureaucratic methods.
- Say. -Verify if Viola
visited Cusumano in prison
in Montelusa.
- I'll check the registers.
Now come with me.
Those who have information about
this girl in the last 4 years
please contact Vigata police department.
Police guarantee
absolute confidentiality.
Nice idea!
- Do you think anyone will
come forward? -Certainly not the culprits.
- But with a little luck we'll discover
who they are. -With a bit of luck!
Two people have called in about Viola.
Mrs. Pimpigallo, who will be
here at 1600 and Francesco Strupiano.
- He has flu, but you can go see him
whenever you want, he lives nearby. -Strupiano? -Yes.
- Did you mean Trupiano?
- Yes, what did I say?
Catarella, are you feeling OK?
Yes, the doctor told me so as well.
- Why do you ask, Dr"Montarcano"?
-Montalbano, at least get my name right!
- What did I say? Montarcano!
- Good day.
Thank you.
- Who is it?
- Police, Mr. Trupiano.
I wanted to talk with the commissioner
and only the commissioner.
- I am the Commissioner. -Ah you're
the commissioner? Then come on in and sit down.
Enter. Close it immediately because there is a breeze.
Who can tell me about Viola?
I matter and don't matter in
this story. -In what sense?
You will want to know where Viola
has worked for the past 4 years.
- Yes. -Viola has worked for me
for a year and 5 months
but you don't have to count the year
otherwise, the years are no longer 4,
but 5.
- I don't know if you understand my reasoning.
- Was she your accountant?
- No! -Then tell me about these
these last 5 months. How was Viola?
She was honest, hardworking, educated.
My late wife, bless her soul,
never complained
in the first year and 4 months.
Then the last month-What happened?
She changed, she became rude and
listless, didn't want to work.
And suddenly she stopped coming.
After a while her mother came.
Wanting news of her daughter.
But I told her I didn't know anything.
Tell me what you didn't tell her.
Of Course.
Phone calls came every day
at 17.30.
Half an hour before she finished
work, the phone would ring.
She ran to answer it.
Excuse the expression, but it seemed
that her ass was on fire.
- Understood-Yes, because
sometimes I answered myself.
It was always the usual boy,
someone called Pino.
- Cusumano?
- No! Not Cusumano.
- Pino Dibetta.
- Dibetta? -Dibetta.
- Are you sure?
- Are you kidding?
At my age, the only thing
that still works is the head.
This up here.
- Doctor, Mrs. Pimpigallo arrived
10 minutes ago. -Thank You.
Gallo, do you know Pino Dibetta?
Of course, it's my brother Nico's friend.
- Get him to come in, I want to speak with him.
- Okay.
- Ms. Pimpigallo, good morning.
- Good Morning.
What can you tell me about Viola Monaco?
She worked for me for about a year.
Occasionally arrived late,
but only 5 minutes.
I would point it out to her and
remove 5 minutes from her pay.
- Did she receive calls at your home?
- Never!
- Why did she stop working
for you? -Because of Lo Bianco.
She offered Viola more pay to work for her.
- Lo Bianco.
- Yes, don't you know her?
- She's the wife of that pig
the engineer. -Thank you, Ma'am.
- Okay. -When you find out anything,
call me as well.
- We'll talk again.
- Okay, bye.
- Fazio! -How many showed up? -Two.
Mrs Pimpigallo told me that Viola
worked for the Lo Biancos.
- But neither came.
Do you know them? -No, but I will find out.
- Yes, thank you. -The prison register
from Montelusa confirms that Viola
visited Cusumano 3 days before
he exited
- Doctor, Dibetta is here.
- Dibetta, please sit.
- Gallo, would you like to sit in?
- I prefer not. -Let's Go.
- Do you know anything
- I do not know anything, Commissioner.
I know nothing of the slashed tires
of the department head.
- I'm not interested in that! -Then
Why did you call me in?
For another story. Regarding yourself
and Viola Monaco, you know her?
Yes, I've known her since she used to
help my uncle to the market.
I liked her and she liked me.
- She worked for a family
- The Trupianos.
Yes! She gave me their number
and I started to call her.
- What happened between you? -Only
a kiss, a caress.
Nothing more. Viola was already a
woman, but did not want to go further.
- So you left her. -No, I
I didn't want to leave her. -So what?
While I was driving home, two
men wearing balaclavas jumped me
stuck my head in a sack and
beat me.
I broke 3 ribs, 2 teeth
and I was injured here.
I got seven stitches.
One told me:
"You must forget Viola Monaco."
Do you know who they might have been?
At the beginning I thought that they were
Viola's brothers
but then I realized that they had no reason
not to be recognized.
They also could have just talked to me.
Maybe Viola, while she was going out
with you, also had another man.
- Perhaps one who was married.
- Commissioner, Viola was a virgin.
- Good Evening, Fazio.
- Good Evening, Gallo.
- You smoke? I did not know.
- One a day, just don't tell my wife.
- Want one?
- No.
What are we to do with this girl?
It's almost a kidnapping.
- What has she done?
- She had the gun?
She said she wanted to kill the
Judge? We act according to the rules.
Like this we will never get Cusumano
Indeed, we do him a favor by
getting rid of her.
- We have no point of contact
between the two. -She saw him in prison.
Whatever Viola says about that visit
Cusumano will deny it. We have To
keep her under our control.
Doctor, be careful, you're
playing with your career.
If the Chief asks, do we say
she's our cleaning lady?
Yes, why not.
Here we are, come, enter.
On this side there is the living room.
Come, come.
Tomorrow tell me what you need
to do the cleaning
and I'll send someone to buy it.
Here is the bedroom.
- Can I sleep here? -Yes,
but you have to change the sheets.
It is a provisional arrangement,
until we find you something better.
- You don't like?
- Sure.
- But where will you go?
- I'll get a room at hotel, don't worry.
What happened?
- Some son of a bitch shot at you.
- Look, I found the bullet.
- A 7.65.
- Who knew that you were coming here
to eat? - The hotel maid
but she's got nothing to do with this.
- I'll get that.
Do you know any friend of Cusumanos
that has a birthmark on his face?
-Where does he live? -In Vigata.
Good, bring him in to the station and
if he carries a weapon seize it.
- We do not have a warrant.
- We take him by surprise.
- Why did Brucculeri want to kill you?
-He wanted to warn me.
It was no coincidence. I was at the restaurant
and there he was, making a phone call
and Cusumano must have told him to scare me.
-Are you certain?
I think so. Cusumano will
know we stopped Viola
and this means
she's started talking.
Why have I been woken up at 6 am
and dragged here like a delinquent?
- You are a delinquent.
- Sit down, Mr Brucculeri.
I would like two pieces of information.
The first is this.
- Last night you dined at "Peppino"s?
- Yes, is that a crime?
- No, in fact I dined there too.
- Really? -Sure.
- And then the second thing I would like to know.
Have you recently fired a gun? -No.
- Did he have a gun? -Beretta
model 51, missing a shot. -Ah!
- I guess you have a permit to carry
a weapon. -I'm not feeling so well.
- No, I don't think he does. -Fazio, has the
bullet been retrieved from my car?
- Yes. -Send it to forensics tomorrow
both the bullet and the gun
seized from Mr Brucculeri.
- I'll put them in the security room?
Of Course.
What do you say, Mr Brucculeri?
By law, Brucculeri should appear
before a Judge this morning
charged with attempted murder
and choose a lawyer.
- You want to keep him here without saying
anything to anyone. -You're right.
But I'm doing things my way,
and you must trust me.
By this time Brucculeri's wife will
be notifying whoever she must
they'll make the first move
and we'll be here waiting.
Meanwhile I have information
about the Lo Bianco family.
- What have you discovered? -Lo Bianco
is a chemist in Montedison.
His wife is called Enza, she
is a beautiful woman, they don't have children
and his collection of guns,
registered with us, are about 40. -Ah!
- Have they been summoned? -No, a neighbor
tells me that they are away. -Interesting.
- Damn!
- Excuse Me.
- No, come in, do here as well.
- I thought you were asleep in the hotel.
No, it got late and
go ahead please.
- Are you OK in the house? -Good,
I'll tell you what I need to clean.
- Tell Me. -I need sponges,
rags for the floors
detergent for bathrooms,
for the kitchen-Wait.
The shops are closed, give the list
to Catarella when he arrives. He'll deal with it.
Holy Mother!
Shit, Viola.
Bravo Mr. Lo Bianco!
I won't miss anything.
Broken spring.
The serial number is abraded.
See you soon, Mr Lo Bianco.
- Stop, doctor! Watch out!
- What?
If we dirty the floor,
Viola gets very angry!
Doctor Risi has called at least
ten times this morning.
- He urgently needs to speak with you.
- Risi? Torrisi!
- When he calls again put him through.
- Pass on this side.
I will be careful, I'll pass here.
- Doctor, where did you get to?
- Shh.
Holy Mother. Who gave you these?
- I took it from Dr Lo Bianco's
home. -His home?
- How did you get in?
- Through the window. -Like a thief?
- Like a thief, Fazio.
- I tell you for sure
One day you will end up in jail.
and maybe I'll have to put the
handcuffs on you! You know how risky that was.
Yes, but it was worth it.
Know what else I found?
- I have to clean this room.
- Come in, we'll go out.
- Fazio, come with me?
- I'm coming.
- So what do you think? -Lo Bianco
as soon as he sees a beautiful woman he falls in love.
He lost his head for Viola.
He boasts of his weapon collection,
maybe displays them for her.
Viola goes to bed with him
and begins to ask for things.
- For example the pistol.
- No, she wouldn't ask for it.
She takes the gun and disappears.
Lo Bianco sees the news report,
discovers the gun missing
and flees. -Viola takes
the weapon and goes to Cusumano.
She tells him that she has a gun.
But why did she tell us she got it
from the same man
that delivered the letters?
- I'm finishing.
- At your convenience.
Can you sit a moment, please?
I have to tell you something.
What do you have to tell me?
- Have you arrested Cusumano?
- Not yet.
However we will arrest him, but not
for the reason that you told us.
- What did I tell you? -That he wanted
you to kill Judge Rosato.
You think that is not true?
It is not true. Cusumano
never gave you that name.
You remembered the name of
Judge Rosato
because you had heard it
from your father a few years ago.
You filled your bag with objects
that helped you remember that name.
If Cusumano had given
you Judge Rosato's name,
being so much in love with him,
you wouldn't have forgotten.
Then who did I want to kill?
Pino Cusumano. However he found
a way not to meet you
by not showing up in court.
You visited him at the prison
some time before.
You told him that you wanted
to kill him. But you made a big mistake.
- I did not make a big mistake.
- Yeu did.
Pino was convinced
that your intentions were genuine.
Even if you were able to shoot him,
the gun wouldn't work.
You could not know this.
But you're smart.
Things could go wrong and so you
invented the story of the Judge.
If Pino did now die by your hand
at least he would do
more time in jail.
When you were arrested, you
implemented your backup plan.
On the one hand you pretended
you didn't know anything.
On the other hand you gave us
information that led us to believe
your target was the judge.
All this leading in the end to your naming
your lover, Pino Cusumano.
Why would I have wanted to kill Pino?
Because he raped you.
I'll tell you what I did
and what was done to me.
They took me one evening
after seeing me
going out for a while with a guy.
Cusumano arrived
with his car and got out.
He grabbed my arm and made me get in the car.
Inside the car there was another man
that had a stain on the face.
- We drove.
We went out of town, far away.
It was a house in the country.
We arrived and Cusumano began
beating me, punches, slaps.
He made me undress
and do whatever he said.
He said to the other person
that I was at his disposal.
Then he went away.
The next morning he came back to
get me and told me that if I spoke
about this he'd kill me then he punched me again.
I fell to the ground and blacked out.
When I woke up,
I washed and dressed
and went back home.
I took me three hours to get
home because I couldn't walk well.
As I walked I decided
I had to kill Pino Cusumano
because he violated me and
also because he treated me like a ragdoll.
Four days went by.
The police arrested him
and sentenced him to three years.
I always thought to kill him
When he is released.
I went to find him in prison,
but I said nothing.
I didn't make a mistake.
He talked to me and said
"What's up? Do you want it again?"
"As soon as I get out I'll come and find you."
He began to laugh,
but I saw that inside was afraid.
- Why did you go there?
- Why? Have you not understood?
Because if I couldn't kill him,
I had to say that during that visit
he had told me to kill
the Judge. -OK, right.
Now we must make a Pact.
You will drop the false story
and go free.
Cusumano will get more
years in prison
but you must testify about how
they violated you.
I'll try to avoid it, but I have to know
that you're willing to do it.
I'll do it
I'll do whatever you want.
Get up.
- Trust me, I'm counting on you.
- Yes.
Mr Torrisi,
It is a pleasure to see you again.
Catarella hold my calls.
I do not want to be disturbed.
Commissioner, I have come to speak
about a disagreeable affair.
But you can solve it with a little
goodwill. -Tell me.
I know that the other night your men
raided the apartment
of Antonio aka Nini Brucculeri.
They found a weapon
and brought it here.
They did all this
without any authorization.
Is that right?
- He is an ex-con. -Ex-cons
can make mistakes.
However nobody is authorized
to deprive him of his rights.
- Am I right?
- Of course.
Any idea how to get out
of this quagmire
due to my lack of experience?
I see you are a sensible young man.
Since the arrest of Brucculeri
it turns out, was not transcribed
you can just let him go free.
- And enjoy the gratitude
of important people. -Right.
You are correct.
However I have a small doubt, that you
as a lawyer could dispel.
- Tell me. -Shooting at me as Brucculeri
did the other evening
is it considered attempted murder
or a simple warning?
Attempted murder is an exaggerated
accusation. Come on!
Excuse Me.
I have though of the way to resolve
this whole affair.
You said earlier that there
are no written documents of this arrest.
However you are wrong.
I sent the gun seized from Brucculeri
and the bullet
extracted from my tyres to
the Questura di Montelusa
along with name and surname
of the owner of the weapon.
- This is a problem.
- Indeed.
However there is a solution. Brucculeri
can assume responsibility.
You can defend him and say
that he had drunk too much
and wanted to make a joke. So
the thing ends here and does not go further.
- You may go further?
- Sure.
The restaurant's phone
has been tapped
for months due to another case.
- Shit!
The order to shoot me that Pino
Cusumano gave Brucculeri
It has been recorded?
This guy is impulsive,
causes a lot of trouble
like three years ago when
he raped an underage girl.
- She just left. Didn't you see her?
- What did she say? -Do you not know?
She waited to come of age before
reporting it.
Last week she told me that
three years ago she was kidnapped
beaten and raped by Cusumano
three days before his wedding.
The girl made a complaint?
No, luckily not yet.
I'm taking my time.
I try to avoid getting the Cuffaro
family involved
because you will understand that
their enemies would be happy.
After she spoke to me, I tried to
call Cusumano
but with discretion. I wanted to hear
his version of the facts.
Instead he orders Brucculeri
to shoot me. What am I to do?
Then I realized that he feared
more his families reaction
and that of his wife than that
of the law. He wanted my silence.
This shows that he is unreliable
and irresponsible.
For his family I think it is
much better he remains in jail
to avoid further damage.
- Okay. What do you intend do?
What can I do? Nothing!
I can only give you
the possibility to choose
between attempted murder
and rape. Take your pick.
I'll leave you alone. The phone is yours.
I'm going to take a breath of air,
I need it.
- What will happen to Cuffaro?
- Attempted murder
towards me. By their
logic it's a more honorable crime.
What will we do
with Viola's pistol?
Register it as a weapon found
on the street. -And Lo Bianco?
Wait till he returns. Then go to
his home under the guise of inspecting
his weapons and discover his
secret stash, so will his woes begin.
- It's all resolved? -Yes.
But we ignored all the rules.
What is it like in American movies
where the Sheriff does as he pleases
and everyone takes the law into their own hands?
Here are the rules. -Fazio.
- Is that how you think?
- Yes, that's how I think.
Pino Cusumano will state to have
ordered Brucculeri to shoot you.
- I'll call him in to the station.
- There is one inconvenience.
He fell from a ladder.
He has two broken ribs, a broken nose
and a broken leg.
They took him away by ambulance.
- Where has he been admitted?
- A Montelusa.
- Goodbye.
- It's been a pleasure.
Like I said they preferred the
attempted murder.
- But he can't come in, he's been
beaten. -What a shame.
They've admitted him to hospital
in Montelusa.
Call the Chief,
they can deal with him.
- What are you going to do?
- I'm hungry. I'll go by Calogeros.
Also call Viola and tell her
I kept my promise.
- And find her accommodation.
-Do not look at me.
- My wife won't agree to have her in the house.
- Okay. -Bon Appetit. -Thank You.
It is absurd that you waste money
for a hotel room.
- Your salary is low.
- It doesn't matter.
The next time I'll find you a nice
house to rent
but tomorrow I have to go straight
back home.
- My brother is going back to Milan
and mom will be alone. -How is she?
It is very sad.
she can no longer remain alone.
Maybe I should find someone,
a girl.
- Ti presento Viola. This is Mary.
- Pleasure.
- Salvo spoke well of you.
- The doctor is too kind.
- Viola would willingly
go to Catania. -I want to go away
from here and I could work
for your mother. -We'll expect you.
Sorry, where did you get that dress?
- I bought it last week
at the market. -Sure.
I forgot to tell you. I
went to the market to buy it
but it was gone, Viola had bought
it. -It doesn't matter.
- Be well.
- Thank You. -Salvo, let's go.
Let's go.
- See you soon. Goodbye.
- Thank You.
Next Episode