Theodosia (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

The Eye of Horus

[rhythmic music]

- Theodosia,
come take a look at this.
- Is it another
piece of pottery, Dad?
- How did you know?
- Lucky guess, Mum.
- Theo,
my electric torch is working!
In your face, Thomas Edison!
[torch sputters]
No, no, no, no!
- All right, Henry?
- Thanks.
- You've invented fire.
- Now then, see these markings?
18th dynasty for sure.
The entrance to Haremhab's tomb
could be close.
- So I think
it could be along here.
You see where
this old map lines up?
- Hmm.
Well, there's no evidence
of any royal tombs over there.
There's nothing but rock
and old camel bone.
- Well, it's close by.
I mean, mind if I check it out?
- Sure, go for it.
- Uh, well,
it could be dangerous,
she shouldn't go alone.
- Alistair, she's 14.
Theo knows how
to look after herself.
- Yeah. Thanks, Mum.
- Well, be careful.
Make sure you take
plenty of water.
And Henry!
- What?
- I'm not going with her.
Absolutely no way.
[exciting mystical music]

- Are you having fun yet?
Because that bird
thinks we're lunch.
[bird squawks]
- That's a falcon,
and they're picky
about what they eat,
so you're totally safe.
- Oh, yeah? Look at me.
I'm cooked to perfection.
- What is that?
- [sighs]
- It's a cartouche!
I can't read the name,
the hieroglyphs are too worn.
Do you know what this means?
- We can go home now?
- No, it means that
there's a royal tomb near here.
It could be Haremhab.
- It would just be bits
of broken pottery.
Who cares?
- I do care.
I'm searching this cave, Henry.
You can stay out here
in the heat if you want to.
- Okay, okay, I'm coming.
And put that down.
Lamps are for losers.
[torch sputters]
A few teething problems.
- You don't say.
- Yeah, well,
it took Edison 10,000 goes
to invent the light bulb.
- He must have brought down
a lot of tents.
- [sighs]
- [chuckles]
- Wow.
This royal tomb is amazing!
To the untrained eye
it looks just like a--
like a boring old cave.
- Well, they didn't just
build them at the entrance.
They'd dig a deep shaft
that led down into the--
[both screaming]
The tomb.
That was easier than expected.
- Looks like someone
got here before us.
- Yeah, all these tombs were
robbed thousands of years ago.
Look at this.
It all looks brand new.
- Can't say the same
for old Haremhab here.
- This isn't a royal tomb. It's
the minister of war
for Thutmose the Third.
He helped him
win loads of battles.
Their enemies even said
they had magical powers.
Oh, wow, look at this!
Hello, beautiful.
- Beautiful?
Those eyes are creepy.
- Ignore my brother.
Let's find you somewhere
less dusty.
- Hey, look at this.
- Poor Amenemhab.
They shouldn't have
done this to you.
Let's put you in there
for a second.
- Whoa, treasure!
- That's the Eye of Horus.
It's an amulet to protect them
in the afterlife.
- It didn't do a very good job.
[magical hum]
- D--did you see that?
- See what?
- The weird floating
- How hard did you bang
your head when we fell in here?
- Forget it.
But just to be
on the safe side
- Don't tell me you believe in
all that stuff about curses?
- Well, of course I don't.
I just don't want to damage
the important artifact.
- Yeah, right.
- Stop!
- Theodosia.
[resonant hum]
[overlapping whispers]
- [gasps]
- Let me see that.
- Stop!
- What's wrong?
- I saw something.
It was like a--like a dream.
Ancient Egypt.
There--there was a woman--
- Nice try, Theo. I'm not
falling for one of your jokes.
- Earth to Henry.
Do I look like I'm joking?
She looked royal.
She could have been
a Pharaoh's wife maybe.
- Yeah. I believe you.
It's called concussion.
You're seeing things.
- [hissing]
- Oh, no! Egyptian Cobra!
They're deadly poisonous.
You can see the snake, right?
- Yes, I can see
the deadly snake!
What do we do?
- Okay, just don't panic.
It can't get out of there.
- You were saying?
- Keep your eyes on the snake,
and slowly back away.
- Now can we panic?
- [hissing]
- They should be back by now.
What is it?
- Telegram.
[suspenseful music]
- I could have invented fire
in the time it's taking you
to get that
useless torch to work.
- [chuckles] Success!
Now what have you got to say?
It's just there.
- [hissing]
- Why isn't it biting me?
- 'Cause it's picky
about what to eat?
- Oh, really?
You're doing that joke now?
- Why not?
It might be my last chance.
- It's the Eye of Horus.
It's protecting us.
- Don't be daft.
There's no way.
- There must be a way out
through this wall.
- [grunts]
Yeah, that didn't work.
- Wait a second.
This head of Anubis is hollow.
- Don't! There could be
a snake in there.
- [screams]
- Theo! Get out!
- [screaming]
- What--what do we do?
- [laughs]
- You're mean.
- I try my best.
[heavy thud]
[stone scraping]
- Slow down, Henry,
you're gonna choke.
Told you.
- Wow, this is awesome.
- Yeah, Theo said
when she touched it,
she saw some Pharaoh's wife.
- Say what?
- It was a joke! It was a joke.
Come on, we need to go
off to the royal tomb again.
- I'm afraid
we've got some bad news.
- Cairo has refused
to renew our permit.
They've shut down the dig.
- Does this mean
we're going home?
- That's right my boy.
Next stop, London.
- Oh, no!
- How may I serve?
- The Eye of Horus
has been found.
- Where, Master?
- In the temple of Amenemhab.
- The Eye of Horus
will show the way.
- All hail Aapep.
- Chaos is coming.
- I have a job for you.
[upbeat music]
[train whistle blows]
- "Hammersmith and City line
goes electric!
Miracle of the modern age!"
"Hammersmith and City line
goes electric!
Miracle of the modern age!"
- Let's go home on the
underground and check it out.
- And risk losing you
down another tunnel?
I don't think so.
I'm getting in a carriage.
- You're so old school, Dad.
- He wishes he lived
3,000 years ago.
- Cabbie!
- Come on.
I'll buy you a miracle.
- Cabbie! [whistles weakly]
- Here, catch!
You see that ball?
It's a magic ball.
- Doesn't look very magical.
- 'Cause I haven't said
the magic words yet.
- Cabbie?
- Abracadabra?
- Quick, throw me the ball!
Before it disappears.
Just in the nick of time.
- How--how did you do that?
- Like I said, miss,
it's magic.
Now let me show you
my favorite two-ball trick.
But it's not as impressive
as the famous four-ball trick!
You see, some say
it's only a trick,
but a true believer knows
there's more to this world
than meets the eye.
- [chuckles]
Wow. Okay, okay.
Well, now it's my turn
to do some magic.
Okay, close your eyes.
Go on, close them!
[coins clink]
- Wow, thank you, miss!
You've got the gift.
Maybe we could start
a double act.
- [chuckles]
- [whistles] Cabbie!
- Let me show you
another one of my tricks.
- Yeah.
- Cabbie! [whistles weakly]
Stop! Thief! Let go of it.
Get off! Get off!
- Give it to me.
- Let go! I'm warning you, sir!
Get off! Go!
[amulet clatters]
[both grunting]
- No, don't--don't touch that!
[resonant hum]
[amulet clatters]
Let me see your hand.
- Hey, hey!
- Look where you're going.
- Cheeky blighter was
trying to steal our luggage.
- Did he take anything?
- No, thanks to Theo.
I think you scared him off.
- That's my girl.
- Told you we should have
gone on the underground.
- Well, we might have to
if we can't find
another carriage.
[whistles weakly]
- [whistles loudly]
- Very good.
- So good to be home.
- I miss Egypt.
- Well, we'll get
a new dig permit
and go back, I promise.
- Let me at least unpack
and have
a cup of coffee first.
[dreamy music]

- Ciao, Julius,
did you miss me?
Good day, Sir William.
Greetings, Seti.
Come on, cheer up!
- No touching the exhibits!
Oh, it's you.
- Hello, Clive.
Scared away all the visitors?
- Why, you cheeky little--
- Hello, Clive.
- Mr. And Mrs. Throckmorton!
What a wonderful surprise!
Welcome home!
- Thank you, Clive.
Good to be back.
- Did you have
a good trip, sir?
- Excellent.
Couldn't have gone better.
Right, time to freshen up,
I think.
Seems very quiet.
Could do with
a few more visitors, Clive.
[upbeat music]

[enchanting music]

- [sighs]
I'm dead.

I'll take you back one day.
I promise.
I'm gonna name you Ra.
I hope you like your new home.
- Theo!
- When will you learn to knock?
- Never, it hurts my knuckles.
- Unbelievable.
What do you want?
- It's lame.
Mum says I can only go to
the arcade if you go with me.
- Sorry, no can do.
I'm too busy.
- Oh, please.
Look, it's either that
or help with the unpacking.
- I'll get my coat.
[upbeat music]

- Hurry up, Theo.
- I'm coming, I'm coming.
- Hey, Artie, what's new? -
Good news is, my dad retired
and put me in charge.
So I bought
a load of new games,
and a ping pong table.
- Awesome.
- The bad news is
someone beat your high score
on Flicker.
- What? No way!
- Go get 'em, champ.
- [sinister laughter]
- I wouldn't do that.
That's the hardest game
in here.
Don't waste your money.
- I should just give it to you
instead, is that right?
- No, but that machine will
make your money disappear
faster than I can.
- Oh, really?
- Oh, yeah.
- Come on!
- Only a few more chances.
- Oh, come on.
That's impossible.
- Miss this one,
and you have to
tell me your name.
- Yeah, I'm not sharing
personal information
with a stranger.
- I'm not a stranger.
You've known me for hours.
- Okay, well, where's the ball?
I've still got another go.
- What is that?
- Okay, how did you do that?
- Ah! A magician
never reveals his tricks.
I'm Will. And you are?
How did you do that?
- A gamer never reveals
her tricks.
I'm sorry, I need to go.
- Hey!
- Henry!
- You didn't tell me your name.
- Henry, I saw the thief
from the station.
We need to go, now!
- I was in the middle
of a game.
- Oh, just hurry up, will you?
- It can't have been
the thief from the station.
It makes no sense.
- Well, yes it was.
I saw him with my own eyes.
- Oh, yeah? Was he standing
next to a pharaoh's wife?
- That's him.
Come on!
[suspenseful music]

- Dead end!
There's no way out.
Get behind me.
- I'm fine, Henry.

[both sigh]
- What you running for?
- Just another one
of Theo's little jokes.
- Well, your parents
want you home for tea.
So stop wasting my time
and get a move on.
- No, I really did see him.
- Yeah, and I was about
to get my high score back.
- [sighs]
[bell tolling]
- Be careful with that!
- I'm being careful.
Hence the gloves.
- Oh, the gloves.
They're protecting you.
- No, they're to protect
the artifact.
You should know that.
- What, no, I mean--
you know the myths
about ancient Egyptians
putting curses on objects
so no one would touch them?
- Mm-hmm.
- Well, what if
they weren't myths?
What if they were true?
- You're saying you think
this amulet is cursed?
- [chuckles]
No, of course not!
- [chuckles]
- No, that would be crazy.
Come on.
I'm just messing with you.
I'm really tired. Time for bed.
- Come here and give us a hug.
Love you, Theo.
- Love you, Dad.
- You know what?
It's been a long day,
I think we could all
do with an early night.
- What do you think, Ra?
Is that good?
- [purring]
- What?
Real fur!
- [meows]
- Ra! Ra, wait!
- [meows]
- Ra?
Where are you?
Have you seen a magical cat
go this way?
Or am I asleep and this is just
a really weird dream?
[distant thud]
[thudding continues]
You again!
- Where is it?
Where is the Eye of Horus?
- Your hand! What is that?
- I must have the Eye.
Give it to me!
- No, you can't have it.
Now get out!
- The Eye of Horus
will show the way.
- The magic's real.
It wasn't a dream!
- Drop the amulet!
- Help--help me! Help me!
- Just drop it!
- I can't!
[cries out]
- Wait, it isn't over!
- I see you, Theodosia.
- [gasps]
- What on earth is going on?
- We heard shouting.
- There was a burglar.
He tried to steal the amulet.
- Oh, good grief!
- Are you okay, honey?
- Yes.
Wait, Dad, don't touch it!
- Hey, calm down.
- You're okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
It's you I'm worried about.
- I'm worried about you.
What have you done?
Next Episode