Thicker Than Water (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

This Stays Between Us

[cop 1] Do you want something to drink
before we get back to it?
- A coffee? A little hot chocolate?
- [sighs]
[Fara] How about a little
"go fuck yourself"?
- That's what I wanted to say.
- No, thank you.
[Fara] I may play clever, but before that,
I've never set foot
inside a police station.
[cop 1] Are you sure
you don't know why you're here?
[Fara] At that moment,
I still thought I could handle it all.
I told you before, I have no idea.
Look, I don't know what you want.
But I've got my mother
with my niece who's disabled.
So, you either put us under arrest,
and we get a lawyer,
or we go free.
- [Fara] I have to get to work.
- Oh, yeah?
We're watching you on 24 News.
[cop 1] You look good on camera.
- Thank you.
- Mm.
Although, you've really screwed up
your career.
- At least I've got one.
- [cop 1] Sure, you had a career.
Had. It's gone.
[Fara] He wasn't wrong.
Although, it was supposed
to be a good day.
[upbeat music]
- [alarm stops]
- [sighs]
I live in the 14th arrondissement.
My living room is my bedroom,
dining room, closet, office.
In short, the real Parisian lifestyle.
[upbeat music continues]
My landlord is a loaded old guy.
Biggest cheapskate you've ever seen.
I've been waiting six months
for him to fix my bathroom.
But he won't accept the rent
even one day late.
I make 2,000 euros as a freelancer
and pay 1,500 in rent.
I'm good, and you, Mom?
[Louiza] I'm good, my love.
Did you sleep well?
Yeah, great, and you?
[Fara] Put it this way,
I don't eat sushi for lunch every day.
'Course, I'll be there tonight.
- [Fara] And as soon as I have any money
- Mom
- it goes to my mom.
- [Louiza] Yes?
I'm doing a story today.
Will you watch?
- Of course, my love, like I always do.
- No, watch me properly.
Wear your glasses,
turn your phone off, and watch.
- [Fara] I was keeping it as a surprise.
- [Louiza] I promise I will concentrate
[Fara] Today, the channel was going
to announce me as the new presenter
for 24 News.
After years of struggle,
my life was gonna change.
[upbeat music]
As always, I was covering the estate.
- It become my special subject.
- [phone buzzes]
Basically, I was the station's collateral.
- Hello?
- [Alban] Fara, what are you doing?
We're waiting for you.
We're live in two minutes.
[Fara] I'm trying to find your riot.
What do you mean "find my riot"?
[Fara] There's nothing here.
There's no riot.
There's not even a hoodie with a joint.
Nothing at all.
Hold on, I'll show you.
There's only this burnt-out car.
No problem. We'll manage.
- [Fara] What do you mean?
- Stand right in front of the car.
- [Alban] Get in position.
- You still want to run it?
[Alban] Listen to me.
- A little higher. Like that, yeah.
- You want the building in the background?
We can see the grim building in the back.
- Okay.
- That's it. We're live in two minutes.
Hurry up!
[electronic music]
[Fara] I'd always dreamt
of being a journalist.
[kids laughing]
My first story was my father's birthday.
I don't even know if Dad likes apples.
[kids singing]
Happy birthday to you, Papa ♪
Happy birthday to you, Papa ♪
What're you doing?
[TV chatter in distance]
But, Papa, it is your birthday today.
- We want to make you happy.
- We're sorry, Dad.
You don't want to blow out the candles?
Is it because the news is on?
[Fara] My dad was always hypnotized
by the news.
Ah. Sorry, the news is on.
We'll do it later, kids.
[Fara] And to get his attention,
I dreamt of being on TV.
- Overtime, that became my obsession.
- [Louiza] Come on, kids.
To become the first female news presenter
of Arab heritage on French national TV.
- Good evening, ladies and gentlemen
- [Fara] The Arab Claire Chazal.
Good evening, everyone.
- Thank you for joining us
- [Louiza] Fara!
for the news of the morning.
Coming up right now, in the show,
- today's headlines
- [Louiza] Fara!
In the studio,
live with me, Fara Bentayeb.
[Fara's father]
Fara, listen to your mom. Dinner's ready.
I'm coming!
[Fara] I took Advanced Media Studies
- Sorry.
- and shitty jobs to pay for them.
[Fara] Then I landed an interview
with the biggest channel of hard news.
[woman] We read your CV,
and we're interested in your profile.
Listen, let's be honest here.
Um, we're lacking, uh, a little
Diversity quota?
[Fara] I didn't agree
with their editorial line at all,
but it was the first foot in the door.
[Fara] It's an evolutionary perspective.
Show us what you can do on the ground.
Very soon, we can make you a presenter.
[news program opening music]
[Fara] Eight years later,
I was still on the ground.
The station star was leaving,
the spot had finally opened.
- Hello, everyone. Hello, Margot.
- Hello, Philippe.
- You're leaving us today.
- [Fara] This time, it would be mine.
And they were going to make
the announcement live.
This is the last time I'll be presenting.
But from tomorrow, you'll have
Églantine Galtier in my place instead.
[Philippe] That's right.
We're going to miss you, Margot.
- I'm going to miss you, too.
- [sighs]
[Fara] I got passed over by a girl
who'd only been there six months.
[gloomy music]
And now, on to the news.
Ramadan begins in France
[Fara] Did you know about this, Alban?
What the hell is going on?
- Calm down. We'll talk about it later.
- [Fara] Calm down?
It's the second time
this has gone away from me.
It was mine this time.
- Now is not the time.
- [Philippe] last night at Villier-Le-Bel
[Alban] Pull yourself together.
You'll get it next time.
Stay focused.
Our local reporter on the ground,
Fara Bentayeb.
Yes, that's right, Philippe,
I'm here at the Four Seasons estate
in Villiers-Le-Bel,
where calm has finally been restored.
[Fara] But the situation
between news and the police remains tense.
So, tonight, law enforcement
will be deployed at Villiers-Le-Bel.
In fact, we can see a burnt-out car
right behind you.
[Philippe] How bad is the damage?
What are you doing, Fara? Keep going.
Yes, that's right, Philippe,
the damage is significant.
There's this burnt car
and this dead pigeon.
[chuckles, clears throat]
That's how this channel handles news
with fake news.
I can't allow that, Fara.
Well, I can allow it.
We're not here to inform
the French people,
we're here to sell them fear.
- Philippe, move on.
- [Margot] A little joke perhaps.
And we're missing the punchline.
- Cut the mics!
- [Fara] We're fuelling hate!
- This is misinformation.
- What's next on the program, Margot?
- What's next? Bunch of motherfuckers!
- [equipment clanking]
So, let's forget the fun fact of the day.
Flour sales have
[Fara] Okay, that's it.
You can all go and fuck yourselves!
You're the director,
you're not handling shit!
- Calm down.
- She just ruined my show!
- It's not my fault.
- I'm fucking screwed!
- Calm down!
- It's not my fault!
[Mamadou] We can't let you in, Fara.
[Fara] You've known me for ten years.
- Mamadou, they don't even know your name.
- I know, but I can't.
- Come on, move! Stop this bullshit!
- Hey, I'm sorry, you can't.
It's coming from the top.
- Oh, Fara, stop!
- [Fara] Fuck!
- Stop it!
- Hey, come on, I just want to talk!
- Mamadou, Mamadou.
- [Fara] Oh, yeah, great.
- They sent down Prince Charles.
- [Alban] Please.
- I just want to talk to them.
- Calm down. Calm down.
- I just want to talk to them.
- Stop, Fara.
You're acting crazy, okay?
What are you doing? You wanna force them
to let you present the news?
They promised me it. You know that?
You know what their promises mean.
- They're not ready.
- Oh, yeah?
- Really.
- They're not ready for an Arab presenter.
You're shooting yourself in the foot.
[dramatic music]
[Fara] I tried to forget,
but the Internet caught up with me.
I'd hit rock bottom,
but was trending on Twitter.
Luckily, I have my family,
because in my family, when you're down,
they always find just the right words.
Those guys just don't give a damn.
To them, you're just a little
a little North African girl
from the inner city, that's all.
[Souhila] What are they going to say now?
"Those Arabs again!"
Yeah, right. Exactly that.
Of course, just when we were on a roll,
that's what we want!
Why did you do that, my love?
With all those years of study, huh?
- The sacrifices.
- [Fara] I know, I know.
You have come so far. Why?
Listen, I tried, you know.
Staying on the sidelines
or keeping my mouth shut
won't make things change.
[Fara] You know, I'm sorry I messed up.
If you have no job and
and you are you are struggling,
just come home, my darling.
You come. You come live with Mom.
Oh, yeah, "my darling, my darling."
Mom, please, you got to do something.
[Yasmina] She's turned us all into a joke.
We're going to get called names.
- And you still call her "my darling!"
- That's enough for now, my girls.
[Louiza] We won't talk about this tonight.
Don't forget,
it's the first day of Ramadan.
We spend it together, okay?
No one's going to ruin
the first day of Ramadan.
Sure, okay. All right.
We won't discuss it.
Sure, we won't say a word. Okay?
[Louiza] Are you coming, my love?
Are you coming home tonight?
Okay, Mom.
Okay. Come home.
Come home for your mother. For me.
- [Louiza] You can bring the chamia.
- Promise.
[Louiza] And your brother
is bringing the dates. Kisses.
[phone buzzing]
Hey, Fara. Pick up.
[buzzing continues]
Fara, tell me.
Are you at your place, or not?
- [Fara] Yeah.
- Do you still have that lock-up at yours?
[Fara] Everything okay? What's going on?
I'm meeting someone in your neighborhood.
Could I park my car
in your garage then, please?
- [Fara] How long will you be?
- I don't know, I don't know.
I'll be as quick as I can, soon.
Three minutes, tops, okay?
[Fara] All right. See you in a bit.
I'm coming down.
Great, great. See you in a bit.
- [phone clacks]
- Oh, fuck.
[door opens]
- [Selim] Cheers.
- What's going on? What's up with you?
- [Selim] Nothing.
- [door slams]
Can't I come by my sister's now?
- [Fara] I didn't say that.
- Okay.
Hey. I don't get a kiss?
What's with the lame kiss?
I've had a shit day, that's all.
Speaking of shit days,
I told the station
to shove it up their ass
with three million people watching.
Why did you do that?
[Fara] They've been fucking me
about for too long.
- [sighs]
- [Fara] Come on, come here.
- What do you want?
- [Fara] Come here.
What's going on?
Huh? What's going on?
- [chuckles]
- [Fara] I was always close to Selim.
[muffled arguing]
[Louiza] Get out! Get out of my house!
[Fara's father] I can't do this anymore.
I am gone.
- [door creaks]
- [Fara's father mutters]
[Fara] Even more so after my father left.
[car engine starts]
[tires screech]
I became a second mom to him
while my mother was tied
to working three jobs.
[Fara] Let's not be late tonight.
You know Mom.
She won't eat until we're all there.
- Yeah.
- You'll bring the chamia?
[Selim] No, I can't, I don't have time.
Can you handle it?
- See you later.
- Okay.
[creaks, thuds]
You wanna go to Villiers-Le-Bel with me?
What about a little tour
to see the real riot?
Yeah. We'd go for a walk.
- We can go for a walk together
- Okay.
- hand in hand, yeah?
- It's not about that, all right?
What is it about, then?
It's Selim.
[ominous music]
Fara Bentayeb, Selim Zahiri.
[cop 1] What's the deal? Huh?
He took my mother's name,
I took it from my father.
- [cop 2] So what, they're divorced?
- He went away.
Shocker. How weird.
- What's he on?
- [cop 2] Let's get back to it.
Where is your brother?
Does 24 News know
that your brother has a record?
No, my mom had a fibroma.
What's that to you?
[cop 1]
Oh, yeah, I knew that about your mom.
- Ah, so you know my mom?
- Around here, everyone knows your mom.
- More likely, that's your mom.
- Yeah?
- Hey, enough with the moms already.
- That bothers you? That's great.
[cop 2] Chill out.
So you don't know where Selim is?
For the thousandth time, I have no idea.
[cop 2] He's not at a friend
or a girlfriend's place?
I don't hang out with my brother.
[Fara] What have you got on my brother?
What do you want from us?
- Your sisters don't know anything?
- [Fara] No.
Neither my sisters nor I have seen him.
We're expecting him for dinner
like every Ramadan.
You done with the questions?
[gate clanks]
[Islamic song plays]
Bismillah. Enjoy your food, everyone.
- Give me a date.
- [Islamic song plays in distance]
Where is Selim? I haven't seen him today.
[Fara] He must be on his way, Mom.
- [Louiza] Mm. It feels good to eat.
- Slow down.
- I have to go to Nour's later.
- Mm? No way. Tonight is about family.
Leave them be. They're just young.
Young? Her friends' got implants
in their ass.
Oh, my word.
What is going on in the world?
Why did she do that?
She's a ho, Ma.
- What you going on about? Ho?
- What is a "hoe"?
A ho?
- [Louiza] Well, yes, a ho.
- That's Mrs. Ho's cousin.
- [laughter]
- [Louiza] Really?
[all laughing]
[Fara] What are you sulking for, Lina?
She didn't say
she got kicked out of school, hmm?
Why did you have to tell her?
- Why did they kick you out?
- Now you're interested in me.
I'll begin to show an interest in you
when you learn how to spell properly.
Hold on. Hey. The other day,
she wrote "hopefully" with one "L."
- How do you spell "hopefully," Imène?
- Two "L"s.
Thank you, Imène.
- Please teach your sister how to spell.
- Yes, teach your sister.
She's a reality TV chick.
- [Yasmina] Oh, yeah, very funny.
- Very funny.
Oh, yeah. What have you got, one L for
- Okay, enough. Enough already.
- [laughter]
- [Lina] Enough.
- Why do you so
- What?
- It's okay.
- [Louiza] Settle down!
- Lina!
- Someone always ends up crying.
- [door closes]
- [Fara] Lina, come on!
- [Yasmina] Oh, Lina, come back!
- Come back here!
- [Fara] Come back.
- [phone buzzes]
- [Louiza] What? Is it Selim?
[Fara sighs]
No, Mom.
- [Louiza] Poor, poor Selim.
- Okay, leave me some food.
[Yasmina] Pook kid. Poor kid.
- I'll be right back.
- So, we're gonna eat it all.
We won't leave her anything.
- Hello?
- [Alban] Hey. Are you feeling better?
[Fara] Look, I'm trying to have
some normal family time.
- [Alban] Are you sitting down?
- What?
Uh, the station wants you
to present the news.
Your meltdown this morning has gone viral.
24 News is getting slammed
on social media,
They really want to put the fire out,
and that's the solution they came up with.
What do you think? I don't know.
[Alban] I think it's a fucking trap,
but hard to turn down.
Eighty thousand a year, a company car
In return, you keep your mouth shut,
behave, and follow the editorial line.
There you go.
But I'm afraid I'm gonna need
your answer right now.
- [indistinct chatter]
- [Yasmina] No. Don't get so angry
[Alban] So? Isn't this what you want?
Tell them I accept.
- Take care, see you later.
- [Fara] Okay.
[Fara] The first person I wanted
to share the news with
- Mom.
- was her.
- What's the matter?
- That was my editor. My boss.
They want me to present the news.
After everything that's happened?
Yeah. They need to change their image,
and so do we.
See? Allah makes it easy.
You work so hard,
and it always pays off, my darling.
Oh, I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
Listen. Don't tell your sisters, huh?
Let's just have dinner in peace, yes?
[both chuckle]
[doorbell dings]
[Louiza] Oh, it must be Selim.
[upbeat music]
Selim Zahiri is here?
[breathes shakily]
[police siren wailing]
[Fara] I thought I'd end my shitty day
on a good note,
but found myself in police custody
with my sister Yasmina.
[cop 3] Yasmina Bentayeb. Follow me.
I'm married, family of four.
[Fara] She's the perfect embodiment
of what we call
- Bruv, we're bored here.
- Right, bro.
Whoa! I am not your brother!
- I'm your mother!
- [Fara] the mental load.
I work with the mayor.
- [man] You people are useless!
- [sighs]
I have never been taken into custody.
[cop 4] Souhila Bentayeb.
Come with me, please.
- [Fara] My older sister, Souhila.
- Have you tried the mosque?
[Fara] Since her divorce,
she only has love for God
and for her daughters,
who she's raising by herself.
- Hey, it's Ramadan, no makeup, kid.
- I am not going to eat it.
Imène, the little darling of the family,
- and Lina
- Is this gonna take a long time?
- in full teenage crisis.
- 'Cause I got school tomorrow.
[Fara] Thinks she's Rihanna
with her 10,000 followers on TikTok.
- But she lives on the estate.
- Are you allowed to question me?
Uh, because I'm a minor and that.
He works, you know.
He runs a car hire company.
- [cop 1] Yeah, right.
- He's in import/export.
He's in import/export for car rentals.
[Lina] He does that sometimes.
Any more questions?
Here. Sign this little statement.
It's all right.
You're a quick one, Columbo.
- [cop 1 sighs]
- Ha!
[cop 1] Columbo says "fuck you."
See you soon.
[door opens, slams shut]
[Souhila] They didn't tell us anything,
just asked about Selim.
No, no, we don't know why we're here.
No, Mom. Don't worry. Everything's fine.
What do you mean, "everything's fine"?
[Souhila] Yes, we'll be back soon.
[Souhila sighs]
- So, did they tell you anything?
- [Fara] No, nothing.
[Souhila] I'll get a taxi.
Excuse me.
You haven't seen him today? At all?
[Souhila] Do you know
what he's accused of?
I'm not the enemy here.
We're on the same side.
I want to find Selim
so he doesn't make things worse.
So why do you treat us like criminals?
Why don't you tell us anything?
And what do you mean
"make things worse for him"?
He ran a red light
on the way out of the city.
My colleagues blocked the road
trying to intercept him.
But he hit a 37-year-old police officer.
[foreboding music]
Sorry about your colleague.
[Samuel] He didn't tell you?
Because he called you at, uh, 17:42.
What was the call about?
He called me to ask
what he should bring to dinner.
What was he doing in your neighborhood?
[Samuel] His phone was tracked
to outside your place.
I don't know.
He was probably driving around Paris.
- Maybe his car got stolen.
- [Fara] Exactly.
Maybe it wasn't him driving.
All the more reason for him
to explain things.
Sorry, our taxi is waiting. Should we go?
[dramatic music]
[metal clanks, squeaks]
I I don't believe it.
Fuck's sake.
But, well, he'd only have done it
if he had no choice, Fara.
"Had no choice"? He's dragging me into it.
I can't have a police file.
Whoa, big-shot journalist, neither can we.
- Just leave me alone.
- No, hey, we need to think.
[Fara] I can't.
We'll get bleach,
clean the interior of any DNA,
and we'll say someone else was driving
and that's that.
Yeah, right, bleach. Why not olive oil?
Some other guy came here and just happened
to park his car at Fara's place?
Think it through a bit.
[Souhila sighs]
- [Fara] What are you doing?
- I'm calling Selim.
- What?
- He's a suspect.
They'll be listening to his phone.
But we didn't do anything.
- Wait, "listening on the phone"?
- I didn't say anything. I'm an accomplice.
- Yeah, whatever, but not me.
- Being here, you are.
- Hey, it's open!
- [Souhila] Lina, don't touch anything.
The keys are here.
[car door closes]
- [tires screeching]
- [engine revving]
Come here!
We need to move. Get rid of the car.
If the police find it here, I'm done.
Oh, come on, I can't stay.
Karim and the kids
are expecting me to come home.
Hey, it's the first day of Ramadan.
Let's put our faith in God.
Everyone, go home,
and tomorrow, we'll deal with this.
Calmly and quietly.
Oh, yeah, sure. Go home to your peace
and quiet while the car stays at my place?
- Come on, what do you want?
- I have no idea.
One thing's clear,
Selim goes to prison, Mom won't handle it.
And you know it.
We need to deal with this.
- What do you mean "handle it"?
- Yeah, what do you mean "ourselves"?
It means, we take the car
and drive it to Villiers-Le-Bel.
[Fara] We'll play them at their own game.
The riots were in the news.
Set it alight there.
- [Yasmina and Souhila] What?
- That's sick.
One more won't hurt.
- [Yasmina] We can't go that.
- [Souhila] We're not gonna burn anything.
What are you talking about?
We're not thugs!
Hey. No car, no proof.
No proof, Selim is innocent as we are.
[reporter] And in today's news, in Paris,
a policeman has been hit
by an individual in a car
after he refused to stop
at a roadside check near Porte Maillot.
When he saw the police unit,
the driver accelerated,
backing into one of the officers
who has been rushed to a hospital.
The police investigation is ongoing,
and they are appealing to the public
for any further information
regarding the vehicle.
[Souhila] Oh, shit.
[radio beeps]
[indistinct police radio chatter]
If you want us to get stopped,
keep looking like you're all constipated.
What should we do then? Twerk?
[Lina] I don't know. Chat about something.
- So, I'm a presenter.
- What?
- That true?
- No way.
I start tomorrow.
- You really have no morals.
- A real slave.
What will people say?
That you're a sellout.
[Fara chuckles]
A sellout.
- You have no idea what I'm doing.
- Come on, smile.
Smile, smile, smile.
[keys clinking]
- [Souhila] Go on, drive.
- [engine sputters]
[Yasmina] What's going on? Come on, drive!
- [Souhila] What are you doing?
- [Fara] I can't.
- Don't tell me we're out of petrol.
- We're out of petrol.
- You're saying you didn't check it?
- [Lina groans]
- Well, did you check?
- It's not me who's driving!
Well, it's not my car!
I can't drive and check the dashboard.
- Right.
- Shut it!
- Don't tell me to shut it!
- [Fara] It's not
I'm not telling you to shut it.
I'm telling the guy honking.
- Paranoid much?
- [Yasmina] Don't call me paranoid.
- It drives me crazy.
- That's enough!
- You're getting on my nerves!
- You always do this.
- Again and again! I'm not having it.
- Stop, stop, stop shouting at each other!
How does that help?
Fucking hell.
- Well, what do we do?
- What can I say?
We'll burn it here.
Right. Get some ribs and have a barbecue.
Well, do you have a better idea?
Or maybe we could call the petrol station?
[Souhila groans]
- Where are you going now?
- [Fara] Have a sauna.
- God! What is she doing?
- She drives me crazy.
I could really bloody punch her.
[Yasmina] Fara!
What are you doing?
- [Souhila] Fara!
- [Yasmina] Hey, do you know where we are?
[Souhila] We'll end up on the news
on her shitty plan.
- Lina!
- [Yasmina] Fuck! Or in prison.
- Lina!
- [Lina] Yeah?
[Souhila] What are you gonna do with that?
- See the petrol station over there?
- Yeah.
Go get us some petrol.
Hey, wait. You're sending her
to buy a loaf of bread? It's dark out.
- Why don't you go?
- Because we're gonna push the car.
It's all right, Mom.
There's no one around.
What's the plan here, though?
- To set it alight. Got your phone?
- Yeah.
- Go, then.
- All right.
- Lina, I didn't say you could!
- [Lina] Be right back!
If something happens to her,
on my mother's life, I'll burn you!
[Souhila] I'm telling you,
this is bullshit!
[car doors close]
[all grunting]
[Fara and Souhila grunting]
[tense music]
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1] Whoa, sis. What's up?
It's closed.
Yeah, why? Something wrong?
[rap music playing on radio]
Yeah. Can you help me out, please?
- No problem.
- [Lina] I only have cash.
- Sure, we can help out. It's all good.
- Come here.
- [Lina] Thanks.
- Fill that up for the lady, please?
- Are you all right, girl?
- Fill it up for you, darling.
- So, what's your name, girl?
- Uh, Lina.
- [man 1] Nice to meet you, Lina.
- [man 2] Good to meet you, Lina.
- Thank you.
- [man 1] Nice name.
- Are you on Insta maybe, or
- Honestly, I'm not on socials.
- [man 1] For real?
- No.
- Oh
- I don't believe you.
- All right, babe.
- [Lina] Thanks.
- What're you gonna give us?
- What are you gonna do for me?
- Okay, I have 20 euros. Here.
- Oh.
- We can come to some proper arrangement.
- [Lina] What?
- [man 1] Come for a ride with us.
- You think you're gonna get
a blowjob for some petrol?
- Come on, we didn't say that!
- [overlapping dialogue]
Give it!
[man 1] You need to show us
a bit of respect.
- [man 2] You need to show respect.
- [overlapping dialogue]
Get a better car first.
[men exclaiming]
- Calm down, sis. Relax!
- [men clamoring]
[Fara] It's okay. She's back.
[Fara sighs]
All good, I have it.
[Lina panting]
- [Souhila] You okay?
- [Fara] Thanks.
- [Souhila] Did it go okay?
- Yeah. I'm great.
- [Souhila] Go on, pour it everywhere.
- [Fara] Yeah, okay.
[tense stinger]
[lighter clinks]
[tense music]
What are we gonna tell Mom?
["Can't Be" by Agnes Obel playing]
I can't be ♪
I can't be ♪
[Fara] We'll only mention the cop.
All this
- stays between us.
- [glass shattering]
We'll never talk about it.
Can't be ♪
- [fire crackling]
- [glass shattering]
[Fara] It's our secret.
[car exploding]
A secret that risked us losing everything.
Just when I was finally about
to get my family out of all of this.
Can't keep me whole ♪
For us, family comes before everything.
Whatever we do, whatever we say,
even when we argue,
as soon as there's a problem,
we will rise up.
We can't help it. We were raised that way.
You ♪
Fall ♪
Every bit to smithereens ♪
[metal squeaking]
Fucking hell.
He fucked us.
Son of a bitch.
Hey. What are you doing here?
- What the
- [tenant] You don't live here, do you?
Get lost before I rip off your glasses.
- I'll let management know.
- Do you want me to give a statement?
- Piss off!
- Okay, okay, okay!
[Ketchup] No way. He won't screw us over.
- What do we do?
- We leave.
[Ketchup sighs, clicks tongue]
[Fara] I have this huge sense
of responsibility and feel that
everything that happened
was down to me.
I can't be ♪
I can't be ♪
I can't be ♪
Good afternoon, Fara Bentayeb,
it's one o'clock.
Here are the news headlines.
["Can't Be" by Agnes Obel playing]
Keep peace ♪
Keep clean ♪
Can't keep me whole ♪
Can't keep me whole ♪
Can't keep me whole ♪
[ominous music]
[closing theme music]
Next Episode