Thin Ice (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

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If we pass 2 degrees of warming, the ice will
presumably begin its irreversible melt.
The Greenlandic ice sheet is already shrinking
by 286 gigatons every year.
If it melts completely, global sea level
will rise of 7,5 meters.
Then I could add: "Keep in mind that
the Maldive's highest point is 2,5 meters".
Also something like:
"Melting ice water from the Greenlandic ice cap"
"could alter the Gulf stream".
"Which means: drastically lower
temperatures in Western Europe,"
"refugee crisis, crop failures, civil wars
and possibly a new ice age."
"But we know that!"
I know but I think this part
should be much simpler than that.
That's the way I am isn't it?
How about this:
"We, the Foreign Ministers of the Arctic council"
"have the responsibility to take real action
against climate change by signing this treaty".
"We need to stop oil exploration now"
"or our species" excuse me
"or our species will perish".
What is it?
- No
Way to go!
Congratulations, Viktor.
Attention, passengers.
We've now reached our destination.
We hope you enjoyed the flight
and have a nice day.
The Russian delegation.
Try to board the same helicopter.
And Berger Oil?
- We go with the Russians, they're still uncertain.
Berger Oil invited you,
they're the biggest Swedish operator
in oil industry.
I'm not wasting my time greasing them.
They play games.
- Important games.
Yes that's why I'm sending you
to take care of everything.
Or Liam.
- Excuse me?
Sending the Chief of Staff is a big signal.
Let's flip a coin.
Viktor you're going, you're the best.
I'm keeping this.
Mr. Lisov!
It's a pleasure to finally meet you.
- Likewise.
After you.
- Thank you.
Beautiful landscape.
- Yes but it's a vanishing beauty.
At this time of year, about 40 years ago,
all these inlets would be frozen.
Still a climatologist at heart.
- Of course!
You been into politics
to put your research into action.
I went into politics to make people like you
put my research into action.
Oil is the backbone of Russian economy.
I know.
Once, slave trade used to be
the backbone of Western economies.
Would you consider changing
the wording of the treaty a bit? - How?
The treaty proposes to prohibit
any further drilling in Arctic.
We have already discovered most
of oil reserves in Russia.
How about changing the wording to:
"any further drilling on reserves
discovered in the future".
Mr. Lisov, if we put in the treaty "undiscovered oil",
that would be like allowing
the oil industry to burn our planet.
Politically, it would mean a lot to you
to get Russia on board.
You know
I'm a climatologist at heart, remember?
Not a politician.
- Thank you.
Mrs. President!
- Call me Pipaluk. Welcome.
Thanks. It's great
to be back in Greenland.
So sad to see all that ice melt.
- Yes and we have even bigger problems.
Foreign Minister, Elsa Engström,
known climatologist and environmental activist,
is behind this treaty, considered a landmark
in the international environment policies.
Members of the Arctic Council
have discussed the terms in the past months.
The Ministers are now meeting here in Tasiilaq
for the final arrangements and the signing of the treaty.
Hi. Viktor Baker.
Ludvig Tjäder, Head of Research.
Where's the Minister?
She's very sorry she couldn't come.
- We must talk to her before the meeting.
I'm her closer assessor.
Ok good let me show you the activities.
But first I'd like to
Excuse me, I
I have to take this.
- Ok.
Ok, guys, back to work!
Finally! Hi, love!
- Hi!
How's Tasiilaq?
- I wouldn't know about Tasiilaq because
I'm actually here look.
Where is it?
I had to make a slight detour
to please the oil industry.
I'd rather be there with you.
I wish you'd be here on dry land.
You have any idea
how many times your mother called me?
I think I do.
- She's desperate to know if it's a boy or a girl.
Wait there!
- Where else could I go?
- Wait
"Papi Papi Papi Chulo!"
I got it here.
- Noooo! We must discuss the names!
Are you crazy? I'm opening it!
- If it's girl Helena, like mom.
I like Helena.
- If it's a boy, we'll name him Carl.
We're not naming him Carl!
He's not gonna be called "Carl"!
- Wait! Hear this!
"Look at that guy! Who's that?"
"That's Carl Baker!"
I can't yell "Carl!"
It sounds weird!
Think of little Carl!
I'm opening it.
Are you ready?
I'm ready!
- Ok.
What was that?
Viktor, what's going on?
Stay away from that railing!
Viktor, stay calm!
I'm here, look at me!
Where's the bridge?
Stay calm look at me
- It's right under here.
Go down and alert the captain.
Don't think, just do it!
Viktor, are you ok?
They took the captain!
I heard gun shots!
Ok has anyone seen you?
Is there any place to hide?
They're on the bridge arguing.
- Viktor, hide!
They rounded up the whole crew.
We won't kill you.
It's nothing personal.
What you know about the boat?
It's a research ship,
property of Bergen Oil.
Where is it?
- I don't know somewhere off Greenland east coast.
Is there a way to get off?
- In the middle of the Arctic Ocean?
Ok they probably don't know about you.
What if they're looking exactly for me instead?
Fuck Elsa is the target
they found me!
Viktor! I will find you!
You look very handsome!
Cut it out.
Here put this on.
Someone lost it.
Let's go, they're coming.
Hi. Long time no see.
Hi, Liv. How are you?
- I'm fine, thank you.
Found anything?
- His last position. Now it's disappeared.
Any other ship nearby?
- No. Did you contact the debrief unit?
That could be a ship.
Any pictures from the satellite?
The satellite takes only one picture a day,
so nothing.
What else?
- The Danish have a ship on its way.
They also asked the US for some choppers.
What about us?
- We can't go there.
We offered to send local police.
We're waiting for their reply.
Waiting for a reply from Greenland police?
They're not up for this.
Anyway, I cannot send you.
- Yes, you can.
Not without breaking the law.
He was your husband.
He IS my husband.
Before we start the welcoming ceremony
the Chairman of the Arctic Council and
the Foreign Minister of Denmark and Greenland,
Martin Overgaard,
would like to say a few words.
I'm looking forward to our meeting.
We have a full agenda.
Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow
will be our Arctic Council meeting
and then, of course, in the end
we'll be hosting a signing ceremony of Elsa Engström's treaty.
As we all arrived today,
we should relax and enjoy
the breathtaking environment
and the spectacular culture of Greenland.
Welcome all!
You came to decide how to rule us?
How many decisions will you take
without even asking our opinion?
Greenland has a voice!
This is our country!
You have no business here!
We live here!
This is our land!
You're not from here!
What do you want from us?!
We've had enough!
This is OUR country!
Elsa, we have to go.
- There's no danger
There was an attack.
Ville Berger's ship.
I'm sorry. Are you ok?
- Something wrong with our environmental policy?
It's not about that.
Anything on Viktor?
- Nothing.
And the crew?
- I don't know, it could be a hostage situation.
Should we contact the families?
- Does Liv know Viktor is on board?
Elsa you were the target.
Katarina Iversen, Chief of Greenland police.
What's the situation?
We're on our way to
the last known position.
The chopper is in the air
but nothing so far.
We keep searching.
No wreckage?
- No.
Ok, divide the area in different zones.
Find some scientist who knows
about the current conditions.
I'll direct things from Tasiilaq.
Roger. Good luck.
- Thanks.
Who would attack both a drilling ship
and an ecologist?
Sounds very unlikely.
Uniforms? Identifying marks?
Any particular accent?
All I know is in my report.
Danish police refused our help.
- Why?
Probably because of the Council,
otherwise they would have to invite all 7 countries.
Ville Berger records.
He strongly opposed Elsa's treaty.
Can we have him here today?
- Not likely, he's off to Greenland.
I'll take this.
You should talk to Casper first
- I'll just ask a couple of questions.
Ville Berger?
Liv Hermanson, Security Police.
I have a few questions.
- We're leaving in 10 minutes.
Why are you going to Greenland?
- 'Cause my ship disappeared with 12 people on it.
Any idea what happened?
- If you wanna know, send a team to Greenland.
Can I hitch a ride on your plane?
Can't the police afford a plane ticket?
If you need the money,
I can pay for my seat.
Two beers, please.
Are you attending the meeting?
- No, I live here.
Nice to meet you.
Martin Overgaard, Foreign Minister of Denmark
and Greenland
I know you from the TV.
Christine Andersen.
- Ina Lynge. Welcome.
Thank you.
How's life in Tasiilaq?
It's good.
Hey, Ina!
Who are all these people?
It's ok we're all friends here.
- Hi, Nakinngi.
I'm sorry those guys
make it hard to make new friends.
Can I buy you a drink?
- No, this is my round.
Dear friends
standing in front of you is Nakinngi.
Can I have 4 Gammeldansk?
I'll be on National Geographic 'cause I
washed up on an iceberg and survived 5 days.
A true hero then!
Here you go.
- I really shouldn't.
Let me just say
your Danish is absolutely perfect!
I lived in Denmark for 4 years.
Also I've studied it in school.
- Of course.
Are you going back some time?
- I've been in Denmark last summer.
You know what next time you go,
you can say you're friends with the Foreign Minister.
Sure you don't want a Gammeldansk?
Cheers to Greenland!
Martin, we have a problem.
You must come immediately.
I'm sorry keep 'em coming.
Is it true you opposed Elsa's treaty?
- Yes.
You've been honest in your criticism?
- Where you're getting at?
I'm just asking
- But I brought you along to investigate.
That's what I'm doing.
- Of course
so when you're done with me,
would you mind focus on the ship?
Isn't yours a dying industry?
Every year, 100 million barrels of oil are burned.
Let's drink to that.
- I'm good, thanks.
Can we have some wine?
- Water for me, thanks.
You don't drink on the job?
I'm pregnant.
Forgive me but why did SÄPO sent you?
They actually didn't, but
Viktor Baker is the father.
Yes I'm very sorry.
Who helped with the planning?
- It's just us two.
Maratse, who else is in this?
- Didn't you hear what he just said?
What are you doing here?
Hi, Enok.
Glad to see you too.
I'll take it from here.
- You don't need to, we have it under control.
What "it"?
- It's nothing.
We have a crisis.
- What you mean?
A Swedish ship disappeared in our waters.
It's probably been attacked.
- By who?
I don't know but
I'm in charge starting now.
The Arctic Council is here.
- Exactly. The town if full of diplomats.
If there are hostages,
we'll be the center of world's attention.
We must prove we take this seriously.
I'll need your office.
A bunch of white people disappear
and everyone's on their toes.
But when we need help,
no one's interested.
Enoch, some locals got drunk at the bar.
So what?
You handle it!
It's best if you go.
- Why?
One of them is Ina.
What was that?!
- All you say it's bullshit!
You show off with the Danish!
"Five days on an iceberg!"
That's enough for today!
Come on, let's go.
Leave me alone!
I'll take care of this.
Still nothing to report.
It's a wide area, thousands of square miles.
We've only searched the nearest waters.
- Nothing from the satellite?
No, it's still cloudy
and now it's dark as well.
Maybe we got something.
A US chopper spotted a ship drifting north.
Find it and report.
- Roger.
Set course for the American coordinates.
Martin asked for us.
The Danish found the ship.
They found Viktor?
- No.
Elsa, they're on their way to Per Berger.
They'll keep us informed.
I'm very sorry.
Are you ok?
As you know
a Swedish oil research ship
was attacked today in Greenlandic waters.
We don't know who did it, but
the Danish military and the Danish police
are on their way to the ship right now.
US have dispatched a helicopter
from Thule base
to assist the Arctic Command with the search.
What kind of attack?
- Elsa was supposed to be on board of that ship
but cancelled at the last minute.
One of her advisors was on board.
But hopefully the situation
will resolve tonight.
So this is connected to the treaty.
We don't know that
and even if it turns out to be true
we don't give in to terrorism.
That's true.
Do we all feel comfortable
continuing our meeting?
Are we safe?
- If I'm not afraid, none of you should be.
Mr. Lisov we're safe.
You know that as well as I do.
It would require
a unanimous decision to cancel.
So raise your hand, please,
if you don't feel we should continue.
Ok. Very well.
We will continue. Thank you all.
Thank you and please let us know
if we can be of any assistance.
Now, please let's go have dinner.
Mom started drinking again?
I thought she was done with that.
Me too.
I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Try not to think about that.
Will you be working tonight?
I have to an important meeting
is taking place at the hotel.
Can I come too?
Excuse me.
Where are you?
- A little problem at home.
Now?? We're facing a crisis,
you should be here at the station!
I'm sorry.
- I got a call from Sweden.
You must pick up the ship's owner
in Kulusuk in 45 minutes.
Name is Ville Berger.
- Ok.
I got a job for you.
Yes! For real?
Can I drive?
- Of course. Go ahead.
Now you're the captain.
I'm better than you at this!
Shall I take your police job as well?
You got your duties already,
like going to school and being a kid.
Ok but soon I'll be doing your job, old man!
Finally! How are you?
- I'm fine.
We haven't heard a word from Viktor.
After all, I'm only the soon-to-be grandmother.
You found out if it's a boy or a girl?
I didn't have time.
- What when will you know?
I'll have to postpone.
- Ok. Call us if you need anything.
See you.
Welcome to Greenland.
Enok Lynge, Chief of Tasiilaq police.
Ville Berger, CEO of Berger Oil.
- Liv Hermansson, Swedish Security Police.
But Katarina dismissed
- I'm only here to observe.
We have orders to keep this locally
- She's my guest.
Follow me.
I have a reservation.
Ville Berger.
We have nothing under that name.
- Nonsense, my secretary booked a room.
I'm sorry but the hotel is full.
- Excuse me a minute.
Fix this, no matter what it costs!
- Ville?
Can we share your room?
- I don't think my staff will approve.
So you came.
- 12 of my employees are missing.
I know, I've been informed
by Danish authorities.
Is it about the treaty?
- They may be activists opposing your business.
Activists don't attack ships with rifles.
My dear!
It's all going to be ok.
You came with Ville?
- That's right.
We found an accommodation
in a house nearby.
You'll take Viktor's room.
It's Liam.
They're about to board the ship.
Martin wants us at the station
to follow the operations.
We'll reach the ship in a few minutes.
- Thank you.
I'll get everything ready.
We're almost there.
Ok, let's go get them!
Good luck!
Smells good.
How can I help you?
- Welcome.
Katarina here.
What's the situation?
We won't use the radio.
Our men are approaching the ship.
This is the joined Arctic Command
of the Danish military!
If anybody is on board,
step on deck so we can see you!
If not, we will board the ship!
We are armed!
No reply.
I give the order.
You have permission to board.
- Ok, let's board the ship!
Ready to board.
- They're going in.
Sector Alpha. Clear.
Sector Bravo. Clear.
Sector Charlie. Clear.
Last destination is the bridge.
- Please, please, please
Bridge clear!
This is a ghost ship.
It's a ghost ship.
No one's on board.
The ship is deserted.
They took 'em away.
Next Episode