Thirty Nine (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Thirty, Nine

Oh, my god.
We're 39 years old.
We met when we were 18.
And now, we're at an age
where getting a massage feels amazing.
You're not breaking my bones, right?
When we were 18,
we'd hang out and eat tteokbokki.
But who knew we'd be doing
the same thing at the age of 39?
The only difference is
we drink soju instead of Coke now.
Tteokbokki is still
our favorite comfort food.
Here. Have this.
Is it good?
1:57 P.M.
We need to be careful.
Or else, we'll get hurt.
I sprained my ankle
while golfing yesterday.
Then you can't hike.
Do you want baeksuk?
Ma'am, can we have a bottle of makgeolli?
-Nothing has changed
even though we're almost 40.
Just that only high-end cosmetics
work on our skin,
that we enjoy going to the sauna,
and that we pay for our drinks
with our own money, not our parents'.
That's about it.
It's similar, right?
Darn it.
What's wrong?
I accidentally pressed like.
On what?
A friend's pre-wedding photo.
Darn it. This means I'll have
to give them congratulatory money.
Poor you. Why did you do that?
You should really quit social media.
We avoid weddings and baby birthdays
since we probably won't have them.
But we do our best
to attend funerals because we're 39.
That's what we've become.
What's wrong with her?
-Good shot.
-Hey, the feathers.
Darn it.
Hey, do something else.
Thankfully, we found our soulmates
and learned to love passionately.
after being together for over 20 years,
we had to say our first goodbyes.
Never in our wildest dreams did we
expect a funeral to be held for one of us
in our late thirties.
We laughed…
and cried a lot.
This is…
our passionate story.
-Good morning, Dr. Cha.
-Are you headed to work?
-What's gotten into you?
I should be nice
since I'm getting free treatment.
I never said it was free.
I'm only giving you a discount.
Then I'll pay in 100 installments.
So Chan-young and I can go today, right?
Didn't you already ask that last night?
You're pretty forgetful.
You should call the person
who's even worse than me.
Oh, my bus is here. See you later.
Hey, don't forget we're visiting
Mi-jo's clinic today. Don't be late.
Did you have to call this early?
Of course. Don't be late.
You messed up my day already.
It's your fault if I'm late.
Damn it.
Good morning.
Good morning.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Good morning, Dr. Cha.
Good morning.
-Dr. Cha.
-Good morning.
I heard a strange rumor.
And what could that be?
I heard we're going
to have a new director.
It's temporary. It'll just be for a year.
And what will you be doing
in the meantime?
I'm going to study abroad.
Studying abroad all of a sudden?
Yes. To play golf.
I'm going to take a one-year sabbatical.
Without my permission?
I worked like a dog
for the past five years.
I'm going to take a break, get refreshed,
and come back to work.
I'm telling Dad.
Mi-hyeon, come on.
You can't do that
when you just paid off the loan.
That's exactly it.
I think I deserve a break
since I paid it all.
What about my money?
When will you pay me back?
Have you forgotten?
I paid eight pyeong's worth
of this clinic.
Then keep the clinic
and pay me every month.
Darn it!
Please don't charge the two women
who are coming this afternoon, Ms. Cha.
I mean Chan-young and Joo-hee.
We're celebrating my sabbatical.
A friendship event.
Gosh. This is infuriating.
I'm so enraged.
It's the menopause.
You're dead meat.
I'm going to tell Dad
that you've begun to hit me.
You can't do that to your adopted sister.
Why did they have to adopt you,
not someone sweet?
I'm aging faster thanks to you.
Don't blame me
when you're an aging spinster.
Look who's talking.
But I'm not a spinster.
Yes, you are.
No, I'm not.
No one thinks that way about me.
You're going to grow old too.
Are you looking for something?
Yes, serums.
-I see. This way, please.
How is it?
It's nice.
Isn't it very smooth?
Is it already time for my Botox?
It's quite ironic, isn't it?
-What is?
-Look at you.
You, an awful actor, get main roles
solely thanks to your looks.
I'm the reason why you have a job.
You little…
There you go again.
If I hear about your terrible acting
ever again, I'm going to mess you up.
You always threaten me like that.
Will you take care of me if you do that?
That's enough. Open your script.
-Next Wednesday…
-Dr. Cha will be done soon.
-So please wait.
-Thank you.
I'm nervous.
This is my first time.
What? Doesn't everyone know
that you're a virgin?
What? Are you crazy?
I meant this is
my first time getting fillers.
-I see. I thought your virginity--
Be quiet! Are you crazy?
Do your customers like those products?
-Hey, Mi-hyeon.
-It's been a long time.
How about here?
They do like them.
I see. Are you checking
how your businesses are doing?
-We're just saying hi.
By the way,
how do you look younger with age?
-I do, right?
Why can't Mi-jo talk sweetly like Joo-hee?
What's wrong? Does she still
make jokes about being adopted?
Only when she's cornered.
That's so cheap, isn't it?
Then undo the adoption.
She's already 39. It's a bit too late.
I'm leaving first.
I hope you guys become prettier.
Face off.
I mean, I'm already pretty enough.
Don't you think Mi-jo has
such a wonderful family?
She does.
No wonder she grew up well.
You tend to blurt out
sincere words at times.
You better not tell her.
You'll only spoil her.
I'm so nervous. Oh, dear.
-Okay. Relax.
-Be gentle.
Give her a good amount.
Make her beautiful.
This feels so weird.
Hold this to your nose,
but don't add pressure.
Hey, do you have
any plastic surgeon friends?
It'll cost a fortune for you.
Don't even dream about it.
That hurt my pride. Hey, I'm perfect.
I meant for Joo-hee.
I thought she could get her eyes done.
Do I have small eyes?
You're just fine.
Don't let her nonsense get to you.
-It was just a piece of advice.
-Where's the director?
-Can I help you?
-Can I help you?
-Where is she?
-What's going on?
-I have no business with you.
-Call her.
-Did you borrow money?
-Was there a medical accident?
-I want to see her right now!
-One minute, ma'am.
-Where is she?
-Talk to us first.
-Call her over.
-What's going on?
-Dr. Cha.
-Is it you?
Are you the director?
Who are you?
Me? I'm the wife of Mr. Jeong,
the man you seduced, you wench.
Hey, what's going on?
Hold on. Who's Mr. Jeong?
I knew you'd play dumb.
Hey. We already know it's you,
so you better beg.
Go on.
Who are you to barge
into my clinic and cause a scene?
How could you say that after what you did?
You seduced a father of two.
I know he paid for this clinic!
Have you gone insane?
I just can't be nice, can I?
You bitch!
You bitch!
-Hey! Come here!
-Hey! Come here!
-Stop it!
Stop it!
-Damn it!
-Hold on!
-How dare you?
-Get up! I said, get up!
-Sorry! I'm sorry!
-Come here!
-Please don't do this!
-Was it you? Was it?
-How brazen of you.
-Stop it!
-How dare you?
-Get up! I said, get up!
-Stop it!
Why did you hit them?
-Well, I wasn't going
-to hit them.
-A mistake.
-It was a misunderstanding.
-It's swollen.
Is this because of the fillers?
No, it's because you got hit.
Hey, you should sue them.
It was a misunderstanding,
so why bother?
You shouldn't.
You once had the wrong idea
and tried to beat me up too.
What are you talking about?
What? Did you forget already?
How could you forget?
You did the same thing before.
That was ages ago.
Why would you suddenly bring that up?
YEAR 2000
Excuse me.
Did you lose something?
My wallet.
You have no money.
I'll pay you back.
But why are you talking casually?
Your name tag. You're in 11th grade.
Are you older?
No. I'm also in 11th grade.
I see.
-I'll pay you back.
-It's fine.
I'll just think I helped the needy.
Hey! Are you a lunatic?
I'm not in need.
I didn't say you were in need.
But you said you'll think that. Why?
Do I look pitiful? Unfortunate?
Gosh, what a crazy…
Hey, get lost. Just go.
What's her deal?
Are you sure?
Is it her?
Be quiet. She'll hear you.
-Hey, you're back from school.
You should've just
gone straight to the academy.
I came to wash the dishes.
Your dad said he'd arrive soon.
You can go study.
No, I have some free time.
Let me help a bit.
Goodness. It's really fine.
I know you're tired.
Why… Why are you doing this?
Is the owner of that snack bar your mom?
Yes, she is.
What grade are you in?
Eleventh grade.
What? Then are you guys twins?
No way. Then she kept one
and gave the other up for adoption?
I'll rip your mouth if you don't shut up.
Both of you are in 11th grade
and have the same mom.
I'm right.
What's going on? What is this all about?
Don't be so scared. We're the same age.
Siloam Snack Bar.
This is the only Siloam Snack Bar
in Gocheok-dong.
Yes. There's just one.
Is she really your birth mom?
Not your stepmom?
Yes, she is.
I have photos of me and my parents
from back when I was born.
What is this? A soap opera?
Where do you live? Is it far from here?
I'm from Samseong-dong.
Your adoptive parents must be rich.
They say the owner of Siloam Snack Bar
in Gocheok-dong is your mom?
Then that should be me.
I'm sorry.
She visited her orphanage
and saw her files.
She saw your shop's name,
and that's why she thought it was you.
Do you live in an orphanage?
No, I visited. She just explained.
I see. Are you guys friends?
-I'm her creditor.
Her creditor?
You better pay me back.
I will when my dad gets here.
Mom. I'm sorry.
You should've told me.
I would've helped you
find your birth parents.
Thank you.
Our daughter would've waited
out on the street if it weren't for you.
Thank you so much.
Don't worry about it.
Who beat up my sister?
Why is Mi-hyeon here?
Darn it.
Well, I was a bit worried,
so I called her.
-I was just…
What's with her outfit?
Left. Right. Chin.
Your face is fine. Where did you get hit?
What are you wearing?
Who the hell did this?
Fess up while I'm still being nice.
I'm so sorry.
Her clinic has the same name, so--
Are you the one who beat up my sister?
You must be her older sister.
There was a slight misunderstanding.
I'm terribly sorry.
You're right.
You better be.
-Come on.
You should've done your research properly
before barging in like that.
Goodness. You're right.
I was so furious. I must've lost my mind.
Gosh. I'm so sorry.
-You're sorry?
-Mi-hyeon, please.
-As an apology,
how about we bring
our friends to your clinic?
Our online and offline friends
all get Botox these days.
Okay. Thank you.
"Thank you"? Are you serious?
We'll compensate for all damages.
-Goodness! I'm so sorry.
It's understandable.
Your husband cheated on you.
Of course you'd see red.
Goodness, you're so understanding.
I believe adultery
should be illegal once again.
It's a crime.
Goodness. You're making me feel worse.
I hope you find that bitch.
She beat us up, you know?
I'll take it from here.
This could happen to you too.
That thought crossed my mind too.
When I was getting beaten up,
I thought of you.
Hey. You make it sound like
I'm a mistress or something.
Are you guys serious?
And there's your man.
Shut it.
Hello, Jin-seok.
Did you bring your car?
Aren't you guys turning 40 soon?
Who in the world said
you become wiser when you turn 40?
Was it Mencius?
It was Confucius.
Just shut it.
Get up. How did you get here?
-In a police car.
-Good going.
Then should we let the man who's having
an affair with Chan-young give us a ride?
Let's just punch her
and compensate her for it.
I don't know how else to describe him.
You know I'm not good with words.
-That hurts.
-Get up this instant.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Gosh, what's that?
What the…
What's she wearing?
What's wrong with her?
This evening is full of surprises.
Let's go.
Take your sister's car.
I don't want to ride with you.
A true friend lets you know
what's right or wrong.
Bye. Don't be late tomorrow.
I'm not going.
Do we have to go there
on our precious day off?
Where are you going?
My sister wants to settle this.
But she could still sue you.
If you don't tell us the truth,
we won't let this slide.
I'll take her to the hospital…
Do you do social dancing or something?
You're so ignorant.
It's dancesport.
What kind of outfit is that?
Then why do figure skaters
dress like that?
Do Mom and Dad know?
You're a traitor if you tell them.
If you're ashamed of your hobby,
then there's something wrong with it.
Imagine if Dad saw me in this.
Then you'd become
a bald woman in her mid-forties.
If you know that, don't tell them.
I was going to show off
this outfit today, but I couldn't.
I ended up wearing it to a police station!
I'm so embarrassed by you.
The swelling has gone down.
Are you hurt anywhere else?
Let's call Mi-jo over
and pull out her hair.
She keeps saying
that we're having an affair.
That's because she finds it fun
to see you all worked up.
Did she say anything else?
No. Why?
I told her I wouldn't stand still
if she bothered you.
What is it?
Can't you get a divorce?
It's getting late.
Let's go. I'll drop you off. Come on.
I still have work to do.
You can go first.
You can't work in that state.
Just go home. I'll drop you off.
Had I followed you
when you went abroad to study,
would we be married right now?
How about a movie this weekend?
This is exactly why
she says we're having an affair.
It's obvious that you love me,
but we only eat and watch movies.
This is exhausting for me.
You get sullen so easily.
Fine. I won't say those things
ever again. I'm sorry.
Let's meet this weekend.
I'm so happy.
What is that?
It's a dating app.
Has it ever worked out?
I did have lunch with a guy last week.
How was he?
He was okay.
You should never go
on blind dates in the afternoon.
What was that? Is that a ghost?
You should meet in the evening,
have a light meal,
drink a lot of alcohol,
and sleep together right after.
Goodness. You're all talk.
You're not a teenage girl anymore.
Be honest with yourself.
Don't you agree, Mi-jo?
Scold Chan-young, will you?
What's wrong with her?
She may be crude,
but she has a point.
I just can't get through to you guys.
Gosh. Your minds are in the gutter.
Seriously! You guys are nasty.
-Me too!
-Me too, please!
This way. This way, please!
Did you sleep well?
Mi-jo is always so happy here.
This place is like her hometown.
Ma'am, could you please…
You can do it.
Do you not like mushrooms?
Have some mushrooms.
-Do you want more meat?
-You don't like mushrooms?
-Gosh, it looks good.
-Thank you.
All right.
Why aren't you eating?
I did.
You should eat more. Okay?
I'll grill you some delicious meat,
so eat some more. Okay?
-Have this.
-Do you want some sausages?
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Who is that?
What a handsome stranger.
Who is he?
-Hey, guys.
-Mr. Kim!
-How have you been?
-Mr. Kim!
Goodness. What were you up to? Let's go.
Oh, dear.
-I forgot about our English class.
-I see.
He must be their English teacher.
I totally forgot.
You're starting today, right?
Then should we have the class right now?
I don't think now is a good time.
You're right.
Oh, you should say hi.
Everyone who loves
Onnuri Child Care Center is here.
Did you eat?
-Have some meat.
This is a rare occasion, so eat up. Okay?
Let me. I'm pretty good at grilling meat.
I am as well.
You can be a guest for today.
-Guys, how have you been?
-You should've let him help you.
Did you have to shut him down like that?
Just bring me a plate.
Here you go.
-Thank you.
All right.
Did you have some? Try it.
Thank you.
-Is it good?
-Is it good?
-Eat up.
Over here!
He looks like a bachelor, right?
But he's too handsome to be single.
Go! Shoot!
Is he here to adopt?
Gosh. He's their English teacher.
Are you stupid?
English teacher?
Bring me some hot water.
This is still too oily.
Are you single?
Is that how you say it?
Do you have a wife?
You're so pathetic.
Dried pollack and beer on our way home?
We haven't gone there in ages.
Dried pollack!
Let's hurry!
Ji-hyeon got adopted.
Yes. I heard.
You must be sad, Hoon.
You liked each other.
We opened a social media account…
that only she and I can see.
I see.
I bet you guys will break up in a year.
You always say that.
Do you want to get adopted too?
Not really.
It's not that bad.
You know, I was adopted around your age.
And having a new set of parents
isn't actually that bad.
Do you want me to get adopted?
If I stay here, I get to see you often.
This isn't bad either.
I won't be visiting for about a year.
I need to go somewhere.
Will you be back?
Are you coming back after a year?
Of course! I'm definitely coming back.
Then we should also make
a social media account.
But I don't do social media.
You can start now.
Should I? Okay, let's do that.
I'll come again before I leave. Okay?
The English teacher is single.
Thanks for that information.
I'll come by once more before I fly out.
If you're too busy, just give us a call.
It's a long drive.
Okay. Bye, kids. I'll come back.
-Get home safely.
Drive safe.
Stop looking for him.
-Let's go.
One of the lights
in the boys' room doesn't work.
I replaced the bulb,
but it's still not working.
I'll take a look.
You're good at everything.
Has the assemblyman contacted you yet?
Do you still call him that?
He'll call once his anger subsides.
How's So-won?
She says she's doing well,
but she never sees me
and makes me curious.
That's how younger sisters are.
They can't be bothered.
Is that so?
What is it, Hoon?
Goodness, it's a watch. Whose is it?
I found it by the sink.
They must've left it behind.
Hey, you guys left a watch here.
Whose is it?
I knew it was yours.
Parcel delivery?
Hold on.
Are you going back to Seoul today?
I am.
Deliver it for me then, okay?
Just wait. I'll send it over.
I guess it's being replaced.
I can't believe the owner.
After all the dried pollack we've had?
How did you not know?
You live around here.
This just shows that
we haven't been drinking much lately.
I have something to say.
I'll be living in Palm Springs for a year.
Where is that?
In the US.
I'm taking my sabbatical.
I'm going to take a break for a year.
Does that mean
we won't be seeing you for a year?
Aren't you excited
that we'll finally be apart?
At least you won't be
nagging me for a year.
I'm going to video call you every day.
You better pick up.
You should take a break
from nagging as well.
If you're sick of my nagging,
end it with Jin-seok.
How many years has it been?
What's it to you?
Do you know
what I regret the most in life?
Calling him over when you were there.
It was the worst day.
Come on. That's enough, you guys. Drink.
That's the place.
Are you expecting someone?
Yes. A friend of mine is going to stop by.
He needs to give me something.
It's a guy? Is he single?
He loves clubbing,
so don't get your hopes up.
I know him from my school reunion.
Those Cheongdam-dong snobs?
-That makes you a snob too.
You're from the same reunion.
That's why I don't attend anymore.
I convinced my mom.
Over here.
You could've bought a new one.
Did you have to call me over here?
I've had this for a while.
You didn't scratch it, did you?
No, I didn't even open it.
Thanks. You can go now.
I thought you were in a hurry.
This place serves delicious pork ribs.
Sorry? Yes.
There's nothing you can do
if we're destined to meet.
Destined, my foot.
How could you say that
when he's happily married?
When are you flying out?
You should just go tomorrow.
I feel lighthearted overall,
but you and Jin-seok make me feel uneasy.
Are you going to keep this up?
It's an affair.
It's not love.
It's none of your business,
so just go to Palm Springs already.
Do you think he'll still date you
when you grow old?
Live your life while you still can.
It's my fucking life!
She's mad.
She's really mad.
Are you mad?
What do you think, you brat?
I'm sorry.
You're just too good for him.
I'm not.
I've never had a shining moment in life.
You were blinding
when you auditioned to become an actress.
And look where that got me.
You know…
I'm so mad at him
because he's the reason why
you couldn't make it.
You could've succeeded
if it wasn't for him.
They're all excuses.
I came first.
I met him before she did.
So this isn't an affair.
Are you…
Hey, Chan-young.
I haven't slept with him.
We've never slept together
since he got married.
So stop saying it's an affair.
This is so humiliating.
I didn't want to tell you that.
You're driving me crazy. Hey.
Then why haven't you gotten over him yet?
What makes him so great that
you're sacrificing your thirties for him?
I'm mad at myself too.
I hate myself for being this way.
So stop nagging.
I'm going to kill that bastard.
What did he do?
Should he have left that pregnant girl?
So why did you break up?
You should've gone abroad too.
Are you rubbing salt
in the wound? Are you?
Does that make it better?
I don't know, you brat.
I know how you feel.
Just give me some time.
I'm going to quit.
Both smoking and Jin-seok.
So you better not video call me.
I'm going to set up cameras in your house.
You're so obsessive.
Do you like me that much?
Come with me.
Dump him and play golf with me. Okay?
You should quit golf.
Gosh, you're being disgusting.
Hey, I'll pay for everything.
Just pay for the meals.
Forget it.
Who is this?
What is it?
What choice do I have?
He's coming all the way here
to give me my watch.
Will you wait for me at my place then?
I bought some wine.
Look at you slurring.
Get your watch, go home,
and sleep, Dr. Cha.
Hey. Let's have just one more drink.
-Joo-hee is totally drunk. And I'm sleepy.
-What do you say?
Get home safe.
Okay. Bye.
-Thank you so much.
-Don't mention it.
I mean, I thought she was
sending me this by courier.
I didn't know
you'd personally deliver it to me.
Thank you so much.
They're for you.
-For me?
As a thank-you for bringing my watch.
I just stopped by on my way home.
Do you not like flowers?
It's not that.
It's just that I've never received flowers
since graduation.
Thank you.
Do you want to eat?
Eat? At this hour?
why is it my fault
that you couldn't eat the meat?
I enjoy grilling meat.
But you didn't let me,
so I was a bit sulky.
Oh, that?
I was cold, right?
Have some noodles.
No. I'll definitely gain weight
if I have carbs this late.
I'm sure soju has calories too.
I made a choice.
Since I can't have both,
I picked soju.
By the way,
you travel quite far to teach English.
Are you doing it pro bono?
It's nothing that grand.
That orphanage is special to me.
I see.
Me too.
You see,
it used to be my home.
Do you know what they're called?
They'll be in full bloom by tomorrow.
They have a killer scent.
Your perfume…
has a killer scent too.
I only smell soju.
Hey, let me drive you home.
There are many cabs around here.
By the way…
Can I…
Can I have one of them?
I'm not trying to be selfish.
I just haven't seen peonies in a while.
You can take two, so can I have one?
Were these really for me?
I'm a terrible liar.
-Do you want one more?
-Gosh, no!
Then I'd look like an awful person.
Thank you for today.
Let me get you a cab.
What's this place?
Is it a boutique?
Goodness. What's with him?
Why is he coming to me?
Gosh, my head.
How much did I drink…
I definitely remember
giving him all three of these last night.
Can I have
one of them?
Darn it.
The peonies are so fragrant. Thank you.
I apologize for last night.
I'm sorry and thank you.
Any time. Have a good day.
Come in.
I was nearby.
Really? What were you doing?
Don't ask.
I'm curious. Who were you with?
Don't ask.
Sir, your wife is here.
I thought you'd be here, honey.
Were you having a meeting?
It's nothing important. I just stopped by.
-I'll get going, Jin-seok.
Did you drive here?
No, a cab. So we could take your car.
Okay. Let me just wrap up quickly.
Next time, call before you come.
Let's go, honey.
A Chinese restaurant?
That's out of the blue.
Are you confident during this recession?
You passed up being the chief chef.
I wanted to open my own place.
I guess you're really
not going back to the US.
Gosh. So-won is still here.
It must be uncomfortable
to have such a caring brother.
Do you think so?
She says she's living
with a friend but won't let me visit.
Right. Sorry, but I have to run.
I'll make you something.
It's okay. I bought a ticket to a show.
But I feel bad.
I'll visit again once it's open. Bye.
Thanks. I'll call you.
I'm in front of the box office. You?
That's a shame.
Sure. Okay.
It was a beautiful performance.
We meet again.
What a small world.
I know, right?
Are you here alone?
Me too.
Did you bring your car?
No, I don't bring it to the theater.
I see. I took a cab too.
You can't have carbs this late, right?
How about some beer?
Do you like Rachmaninoff?
I do. His music is easy on the ear
since it sounds like film music.
You're right.
By the way,
why is the orphanage special to you?
I don't think
you grew up there like I did.
My younger sister grew up there.
I see.
That's unexpected.
You, her adoptive brother,
teach English at her orphanage.
I was curious.
I just suddenly wondered
what kind of place she grew up in.
You two must be close.
What about you?
My older sister treats me very well,
and my parents are great.
We have several things in common.
You're right.
Onnuri Child Care Center,
adoption, and Rachmaninoff.
We have a few things in common,
yet we're still strangers.
How peculiar.
That's a good thing, right?
Now I like peonies too.
That means we have
a total of four things in common.
I was embarrassed when I sobered up.
I can't believe I took one.
Would you like to come see them?
Are you inviting me over?
I am.
To see the peonies?
We only met twice,
and you're already inviting me over?
This is actually our third
since we met at the orphanage.
You're saying…
that you want to sleep with me, right?
Do you know what peonies symbolize?
No, I don't.
It really doesn't suit
what happened tonight.
Thank you for the drink.
Let's meet again.
Next time,
how about a movie?
Do you not like me?
I'll be leaving Korea soon.
You're leaving?
Yes. To the US.
Does that mean you won't return?
I probably will.
I'm taking a break for a year or two.
Goodbye then.
When are you leaving?
In a month or two.
Then we should meet a few times
before you leave.
I don't think that's a good idea.
We should meet
at least once before you go.
-Let me get you a cab.
-No. Don't come out.
-I won't go far--
-No. I feel uncomfortable.
What I mean is,
I feel more comfortable going alone.
It's such…
an alluring scent.
What is it?
I'm at home.
You're done here. You may leave.
Yes, sir.
You should be grateful
that I didn't take this any further.
You should treat your wife better.
-You little--
-Let's just go.
-Let's go.
-That damn woman…
Ms. Jeong.
You may leave as well.
Let's go.
I think we've visited
one too many police stations.
I'm used to them now.
They feel cozy.
Why did you do it?
They're having an affair.
But why would you care?
I don't know.
They made me angry.
Why would you be angry?
So what if they're having an affair?
Why would you slap them?
Do Jin-seok and I look like them
in your eyes?
Do we look filthy?
Double standards.
It really hits home, doesn't it?
If I do it, it's love.
If others do, it's an affair.
Chan-young, that's why…
you should…
But you know what, Mi-jo?
It's love for me.
I've always loved him.
But who'll understand you?
Jin-seok is married, and that's a fact.
You know what?
I should've just
fully enjoyed my affair with him.
I should've just left you
back at the station.
You reek of alcohol.
I had a drink.
With whom?
A guy.
Hey, I know
you didn't do anything with him.
So why would you
risk your liver like that?
I finally had my romantic moment,
but then you called me.
You're a terrible friend.
A romantic moment?
Did you do it?
Let's go home.
Hey, I'm calling Joo-hee.
Don't call her.
Mi-jo. You… Hold on. How long has it been?
-Don't count, you crazy brat.
-Hold on.
-Joo-hee must be asleep.
-Wait. Where's her number?
-Come on.
-Joo-hee, were you sleeping?
Hey, Joo-hee.
Chan-young is just a bit crazy right now.
-Go back to bed.
-What? You drank without me?
-No. Go to bed.
-You shouldn't be sleeping!
-What is it?
-Sleep tight.
Goodness. Did you have to wake her up?
I'm meeting the new director today.
How do you know them?
Through Jin-seok.
We couldn't find
the right time to meet until now.
When did you prepare everything? When?
You came up with
a meticulous plan before fleeing abroad.
Should we find a substitute for you too?
Would you like to come with me, Ms. Cha?
And see the clinic go up in flames?
You better tell Mom and Dad
about this soon.
I don't know how to.
I should though, right?
Care to accompany me?
Why? Too scared to face them by yourself?
A bit.
-This place is nice.
I'm really sorry,
but I don't think I can make it.
Chan-young suddenly called.
She didn't sound happy. I'm really sorry.
What is it? Is something wrong?
Can you divorce her when you're 50?
-I can wait until you're 60 too.
As long as you'll divorce her, I can wait.
Is it a yes or a no?
Is that what you want?
I don't think you can.
I don't think you'll ever
get a divorce, Jin-seok.
-I quit smoking.
I’m going to quit you too.
Director Cha Mi-jo?
Doctor Kim Seon-u?
Some of us had a new beginning
and some faced an end
when we were…
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
This is a really nice way to start things.
Didn't you break up today?
Deep down inside,
I always feel anxious
because I was adopted.
-Kim Seon-u?
-Come on. Show us.
-Hey, stop it!
-I'll do it.
I was going to text you back
but I accidentally called you.
That's not going to happen.
That's not going to happen to us.
I'll kill you!
Ripped and synced by
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