Thou Shalt Not Steal (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[theme music]
[keys rattling]
[jail door being opened]
[female VO] I'm Robyn.
I'm 17 and I'm a thief.
The missionaries reckoned -
"thou shalt not steal".
A bit rich from the bible
bashing bastards
that stole our country.
[whip lash cracking]
["I Saw The Light" by
Paul Kelly playing]
I wandered so aimless
life filled with sin ♪
I wouldn't let
my dear Saviour in ♪
Then Jesus came
like a stranger ♪
[Robyn VO]
It was 1980-something
and I was locked up
in Central Australia -
the middle of
bum fuck nowhere.
[man] Come on, everybody.
I saw the light ♪
[Robyn VO] You know
why they call it that?
Well, them missionaries,
they didn't have their
wives with them
and they got proper close
on them cold
and lonely nights.
My pop, Ringer, taught
me everything I know.
He said the world is full of
all kinds of beautiful people.
Then, there was Blackfellas
like me - always in trouble.
I was cuttin' short
a three-year sentence.
Pricks couldn't keep me
a day longer if they tried.
Worries and fears
I claimed for my own ♪
Then like the blind man that
God gave back his sight ♪
Praise the Lord
I saw the light ♪
I saw the light
I saw the light ♪
No more darkness
no more night ♪
[man grunting]
[chain rattling]
[man choking]
Praise the Lord
I saw the light ♪
I was a fool to
wander and stray ♪
For straight is the gate
and narrows the way ♪
Now I have traded
the wrong for the right ♪
Praise the Lord
I saw the light ♪
Oh I saw the light
I saw the light ♪
No more darkness
no more night ♪
Now I'm so happy
no sorrow in sight ♪
Praise the Lord
I saw the light ♪
My pop, old man
Okay, how do you spell that?
[man shouting in distance]
Is it any of these?
[groaning] I can't read.
[woman] When will we be seen?
We've been waiting a long time.
[nurse] Patients are seen
in order of priority.
Is that bed in room three
free yet?
Ah, not yet. Oh, I did
find this in their stuff.
- How did he get that?
- No idea.
It's alright, I'll just
go find him myself.
Ah, let me work out
where he is first.
[tense music rising]
[muffled voice]
[clearing throat and sniffling]
[woman] No, that's it.
How very rude!
[nurse] What's the problem?
[woman] I don't want to sit here
with these people, they smell.
[man] Hey, don't talk like that.
[woman] These people
are disgusting.
It's disgusting. Did you
see what she did?
She tried to steal my bag.
[nurse] Okay. Yeah. We'll
put you in a special room.
[woman] I pay taxes
and I don't deserve this
- [nurse] After you
- [door slams]
[slow tense music]
[more coughing]
[Robyn scoffing]
Whatcha trying to kill yourself?
Why'd you call me here?
What? I thought you was dying!
Well, you can't
'cause you're crook.
Ah! What you doing?
They making you better here.
['western' music playing]
[Ringer coughing]
[upbeat music]
[angry exhale] Come on!
[nurse] Oi, oi, oi! Oi!
What are you doing?
Mate, you can't just
walk down
[nurse] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Where you going?
[Robyn] Shh!
Hey, stop it.
[siren sounding]
Ah, stop smoking that.
Take it off then.
Well, leave it on.
What? You don't like
women's coat?
Well, what's so important then?
What cup?
You gonna go all the
way home for a cup?
Nah, nah.
[Robyn] No!
[Ringer] Hey, hey, hey!
[Robyn] Stop it. Stop!
[Ringer] Taxi!
[Robyn] Whatcha doing?
You don't got
money for a taxi!
[Ringer] Alright
[Robyn] Sit down!
Get back in there!
You mob need a lift?
- No!
- Yeah.
[taxi driver] Come on,
it's cold.
["Moscow" by Dschinghis Khan
in German, playing in taxi]
Moscow, Moscow ♪
Moscow ♪
Nice coat.
[taxi driver]
Where are we going?
[Ringer coughing]
[continues coughing]
[taxi driver]
Well, that's a long way.
Let me guess.
You got no money?
[taxi driver chuckling]
I just got to make a quick
stop on the way, alright?
["Moscow" playing in distance]
[car engine stops]
[music stops]
[truck door opening]
Won't be long.
[truck door closing]
[snoring sounds]
[Ringer snoring]
[taxi driver] Hmm
[footsteps receding]
Listen, I don't reckon
I'm going to be able to
take you all the way
to Sunshine Valley.
I mean, who's going to pay me
if he carks it on the way?
What's your name, mate?
Well, Robyn,
I'd love to help you
but I'm going to need
payment up front.
Unless there's another way
you could pay me.
A pretty girl like you
could make a lot of money
working for me.
Oh well, out you get then.
[car door slamming]
[Ringer snoring]
[Robyn] No!
[taxi driver groaning]
Unlock it! Unlock it!
Get out of my taxi!
Then I'm taking
you back hospital.
[taxi driver] I'll give you -
1, 2, 3
[taxi driver] Hey! Hey!
You little slut!
You give me back
my fucking taxi!
[screams] You slut!!!!!
Fuck you!
["The Legend Of Xanadu" by Dave
Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich]
If you should return ♪
To that black barren land that
bears the name of Xanadu ♪
Cursed without hope
was the love that I sought ♪
Lost from the start ♪
To that black barren land that
bears the name of Xanadu ♪
[Ringer coughing]
In Xanadu, in Xanadu
in Xanadu ♪
We almost there.
[engine stops]
Smells like horse shit.
[Ringer whistling]
[horse neighing]
[horse nuzzling]
Well, we going to go
get this cup then?
[Robyn] Who?
[Robyn] Hey?
My dead Dad?
[noisy vehicle approaching]
[gentle music]
[horse whinnying and neighing]
[wind blowing]
[gentle guitar music]
[urgent upbeat music]
[car horn tooting]
[car horn]
Where's Ringer's cup?
[pensive music]
[wind blowing]
[sprightly music]
[Robyn VO] Ringer reckoned
heaven is the place
you go to die.
I wasn't sure about that,
but I was sure
about one thing
When you cark it,
you goona yourself.
[women shouting in
Indigenous language]
[Robyn VO] All dignity
out the window -
you leave the world
with one last surprise.
All your shit!
I've been in a lot of shit,
but nothing like the
shit I was in now.
Stuck back in this
big stinking shit hole.
But that's when
I seen this white fella -
takin' in the view.
["Ngurrapanya Tjayla"
by Isaac Yamma playing]
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