Three-Body (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Unity means power ♪
The power is iron, the power is steel ♪
But it is harder and stronger ♪
Firing at Fascism, we fight ♪
We'll wipe out all the systems
not democratic ♪
Toward the sun, and freedom,
and new China ♪
A country shining bright ♪
Unity means power ♪
(The deciphering was complete)
(Do not answer)
(All units should)
(fill out transmission diaries.)
(All unit heads should attend
the meeting in the debriefing room.)
(According to the weather forecast,)
(from 8:00 AM today
to 8:00 AM tomorrow,)
(in parts of the northeast,)
(the maximum temperature will be
9 degrees centigrade;)
(the minimum will be minus 3.)
(Clear to overcast.)
(Northwest gentle breeze.)
(Chinese Astronomical Almanac)
(At 5:00 this afternoon,)
(a sanitary inspection will be
conducted on the equipment rooms)
(and the main engine cabinet.)
(Please get prepared in advance.)
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
Why stop again ♪
At the end of time ♪
Spring comes and she leaves ♪
I can't tell the lie ♪
Fireworks in the air ♪
At the night when nobody repented ♪
Fell slowly ♪
At the end of time ♪
Waves roar a song ♪
Who gave everything they had ♪
At the end of the beginning ♪
You asked me what was freedom ♪
Who lost what they owned ♪
=Episode 1=
(After nearly 6 months of hard work,)
(the selection of torchbearers
for the Beijing Olympic Games)
(is now finished.)
(Summer, 2007)
(From all over the country,)
(a total of 11,534
torchbearer candidates)
(have been elected.)
(Preparations for the Olympic Games)
(are underway.)
(Beijing Olympic International Forum)
(started in Renmin University on 24th.)
(This is one of the events)
(of the 5th Beijing 2008
Olympic Culture Festival.)
(Over 30 Olympic executives, experts)
(and scholars from home and abroad)
(will discuss on the two-day forum)
(the Olympic games
and humanistic concepts)
(Physics doesn't exist.)
(The investigation scope
has been designated.)
(Field staff should keep order,)
(keep the scene intact,)
(and evacuate the onlookers.)
(No trauma on the body.)
(The forensic team, trace analysts,)
(and photographers
have arrived at the scene.)
(Others are conducting
preliminary investigation)
(and collecting evidence.)
Captain Zhang,
the victim's identity is confirmed.
She was a physicist,
who seemed to be famous.
Cause of death?
No sign of homicide.
We found sleeping pills at the scene.
According to the forensic expert,
it was suicide by overdosing on
sleeping pills.
(Evidence Bag)
(Command center,
we've arrived at the scene.)
(Based on preliminary information,)
(the victim was Yang Dong, who died)
(on the bed in her bedroom.)
(No trauma is found on the body.)
What's going on?
The scene has been taken over
by the military.
Please cooperate.
The military?
(Increase energy)
Why is he here?
Hasn't he been suspended?
This is a military order.
Thanks, comrade.
Please handle the transition quickly.
Thanks for cooperation.
At this time of crisis,
he's still playing Snake.
Captain Shi always says that
handling a case is like playing Snake.
(Energy exhausted)
We should be both persistent
and patient.
Shen, have you finished
investigating the scene?
Captain Shi,
preliminary investigation
indicates suicide.
Here's the evidence.
Captain Shi,
the commander in chief said,
tomorrow's meeting would still be on.
Physics doesn't exist, again?
We have to invite
several scientists in person.
I'll bring them over.
Invite them.
Everyone, today is June 5th.
Welcome to Interact with Science.
Another regrettable incident
has occurred in scientific circles.
Yang, a famous physicist,
committed suicide at home
on June 3rd at night.
It is known that
several scientists committed suicide
in the past two years.
It's a disaster
for scientific circles.
So, we've invited Pan Han,
a famous biologist,
to share his views on this matter.
Hello, Mr. Pan.
You correctly predicted
the ecological disaster
caused by genetically modified crops.
what do you think of
the scientists' suicides recently?
I always believe that
the over-development
of science and technology
is a disease of human society.
The explosive development of technology
is like the rapid spread of cancer cells.
In the end,
the hosts will both be killed.
You mean
Who can survive the earth's destruction?
As a scientist,
I've only realized it earlier than others.
So in your opinion,
what should we do to avoid
You are
Are you Wang Miao?
Excuse me,
you can't smoke here.
Captain Shi.
Sorry, Professor Wang.
We're with the Public Security Bureau.
This is Captain Shi Qiang.
The hallway,
we can talk in the hallway.
Sorry, you can't smoke there either.
(Please keep the hallway clean
and do not smoke)
What can I do for you?
Professor Wang,
we want to know if you've
had any recent contacts with members
of the Frontiers of Science.
Have you?
The Frontiers of Science
is a very influential
international academic organization
full of famous scholars.
And it's legal.
Why can't I have contact with it?
Look at the way you talk.
Did I say anything
about it not being legal?
Did I say anything about you not
being allowed to contact them?
Did I?
Please respect my privacy.
I don't need to answer your questions.
Your privacy, seriously?
You're a famous academic.
Don't you have a
responsibility toward
the public welfare?
As an average citizen,
I also have the right to not answer.
Please leave.
Did I permit you to close the door?
Give him the address and phone number.
You can come by in the afternoon.
What are you really after?
What are we really after? I
Professor Wang.
Just now
Please don't misunderstand.
There's an important meeting
this afternoon,
to which several scholars
and specialists are invited.
The general sent us to invite you.
I'm busy this afternoon.
I know.
You have an interview with
two science magazines.
And your lab has a meeting at 3 o'clock.
Don't worry.
We have
rescheduled those for you.
The general already spoke with the head
of the Nanotechnology Research Center.
This is my ID.
I'll be there on time.
How could
a scientist be so rude?
Captain Shi, let's go.
What's wrong with Shi Qiang?
The general specifically requested him.
I guess he must have
some special skills.
How can a man like that be part of
the Battle Command Center?
Battle Command Center?
Please wait here for a moment.
Someone will pick you up.
OK, thanks.
(Strengthen the monitoring)
(of the six field observatories
of Purple Mountain Observatory,)
(including Delhi Radio Astronomical
Observatory of Qinghai Province,)
(Xuyi Celestial Mechanics Observatory
of Jiangsu Province,)
(Ganyu Solar Observatory
of Jiangsu Province,)
(Honghe Observatory
of Heilongjiang Province,)
(Qingdao Observatory
of Shandong Province,)
(Yao'an Observatory of Yunnan Province.)
(The meeting will start in ten minutes.)
(All departments, please get ready)
Professor Wang.
(and attend the meeting on time.)
I'm sorry.
I was too rude this morning.
My leader criticized me
and let me pick you up
in order to apologize to you.
What do you think of the place?
Do you think it's strange?
Everyone thinks it's strange
when they first come here.
Why is such a secret organization
set up in this place?
It was supposed to be an art museum.
But it was requisitioned before opening.
Come on, let me give you a tour.
I hear that you're researching
some kind of
new material?
I heard that a strand
of that stuff could be
used to lift up a truck.
If criminals steal some
and make it into a knife,
can't they
slice a truck in half with one stroke?
First, there's no need to
even make it into a knife.
That kind of material can be made
into a line as thin as
one-hundredth of a hair.
If you string it across a road,
a passing car would be
sliced into two halves like cheese.
what can't be
used for criminal purposes?
Even a dull knife
for descaling a fish can.
You're right.
Even a fish can be made into a weapon.
I handled a murder case once.
You know what the murder weapon was?
A frozen tilapia
taken out from the freezer.
The spines
along its back
were like razors.
You're Captain Shi Qiang, right?
That's me.
Did you ask me to the meeting
just to talk about this?
No, no, no.
Nothing to do with those.
I was chatting with you
and showing you around. Look.
This museum is enlightening.
It tells us that all human beings
will eventually die.
After they die, they'll become
big skeletons like this.
I don't agree with you.
We'll be cremated after we die.
And this is a fossil.
Do you think there will be sarira
after scientists are cremated?
Come on.
Let's walk and chat.
let me introduce our guests
before the meeting.
This is
a marines colonel of Country M
in the North American Combat Zone,
Mr. Stanton.
This is an army colonel of Country T,
Mr. Mike.
they are liaisons of the
North American Combat Zone
and the European Combat Zone.
These two comrades
All these guys want is to
get information out of us,
but they never tell us anything.
As for Oceania,
I've been here for a while,
and I still don't know anything,
just like you.
the United Nations,
I won't introduce
their representatives one by one.
let's get started.
- We call each other comrades here.
- I will brief all comrades
at the meeting.
(Asian Defense Council)
Of all the combat zones around the globe,
this one has become the focal point.
the enemy has intensified
the pattern of attacks.
Their targets
remain elite scientists.
Professor David, a pioneer
in the detection of cosmic neutrino
of Gadayork University,
committed suicide a month ago.
Hart, the astrophysicist of Country A,
committed suicide 13 days ago.
is the disaster zone
of scientists' suicides.
Professor August in the field
of precision spectroscopy,
Professor Bauer who engaged in nuclear
structure study, and another three scientists
died one after another.
the number of scientists that
committed suicide around the globe
has increased sharply.
In front of you is a list
of scientists that committed suicide.
Take a look.
Professor Wang,
as you look through these names,
does anything strike you?
They are all famous scholars
working at the forefront of
(Yang Dong)
(Yang Dong)
You know her?
You don't know her,
but want to know her?
All the physicists on this list
have committed suicide
in the last two months.
When did this happen?
Professor Wang means
the last name.
Yang Dong, right?
Yang Dong was the last
to commit suicide.
Two nights ago,
she overdosed on sleeping pills.
She died very peacefully. No pain.
Why did they do this?
The only thing we can be sure of is
the same reason
drove all of them to suicide.
Most scientists
questioned in their suicide notes that
physics didn't exist.
The document contains
their suicide notes.
Everyone can examine them
after the meeting.
Yang Dong's isn't included.
Dr. Ding,
would you please
show Yang Dong's note
to Professor Wang?
Hers is the shortest and
the most representative.
He was Yang's boyfriend.
I know.
You know?
He's a famous physicist
who discovered the macroatom
while studying ball lightning.
All the evidence
points to a single conclusion:
physics has never existed,
and will never exist.
I know what I'm doing is irresponsible.
But I have no choice.
Physics doesn't exist.
Today we'll discuss
an organization called
the Frontiers of Science.
According to our investigation,
most of the scientists
who committed suicide
had some
connection with the organization.
Dr. Ding,
since you're a theoretical physicist,
can you give us more background on it?
I have no direct connection
with the Frontiers of Science,
but it is famous in academia.
Its core goal is a response
to the following:
since the second half
of the twentieth century,
physics has gradually lost
the concision and simplicity
of its classical theories.
Modern theoretical models have become
more and more complex, vague, and uncertain.
So they want to use
the methods of science
to discover the limits of science,
to try to find out if there is a limit
to how deeply and precisely
science can know nature,
a boundary beyond which
science cannot go.
But with the development
of modern physics,
humans seem to have
touched such a line.
Dr. Ding,
could you make it clearer?
I've made it clear enough.
Dr. Ding,
sorry for your loss.
Unity means power ♪
The power is iron, the power is steel ♪
But it is harder and stronger ♪
Firing at Fascism, we fight ♪
We'll wipe out all the systems
not democratic ♪
Let me introduce myself,
Chang Weisi.
According to our investigation,
most of the scholars
who committed suicide
had some connection
with the Frontiers of Science,
and some were even members.
Of course,
they've committed no crime.
We heard that
they contacted you recently, right?
They invited me to their gatherings.
Could you tell us
more details?
Including the names of your contacts,
the times and locations of meetings,
the content of your conversations,
and if you exchanged letters or
behave yourself.
This isn't an interrogation.
Professor Wang,
go ahead.
The one who invited me
was Shen Yufei,
a foreign physicist.
She currently works for
a foreign-invested company,
researching nanotech.
We met at a
(Shen Yufei)
technical conference.
At the conference,
she introduced a few
other physicists to me,
some Chinese, some foreign.
And then?
Then nothing.
We don't have many common topics.
My work is in applied research,
but they talked about
fundamental physics.
I don't know much about
theoretical matters.
So, basically,
I was listening to
their discussions and arguments.
But all of them were
deep thinkers
with novel points of view.
Though I was only listening,
I felt that I was
opening my mind.
Didn't they ask you to join them?
They did.
But my time and energy were limited,
so I declined.
Tell the truth.
That's what I'm doing.
I don't need to hide anything from you.
If physics doesn't exist,
what will happen to your nanotech?
I said my work was in applied research.
Even if physics doesn't exist,
I can still carry on nano experiments.
Professor Wang,
the main reason
we invited you over today
is to ask you to join the organization.
We'd like to learn more about
the internal workings
of the organization.
You want me
to be a mole?
A mole!
What's so funny?
You're right.
We just want to know
some internal information.
I'm sorry, General.
I cannot do this.
Professor Wang.
It's complicated to investigate
this organization.
For us,
it's like walking across thin ice.
Without your support,
we cannot make any progress.
I am
very busy at work.
I just don't have the time.
I'm so sorry.
Thank you for coming here today.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
It's better this way.
I disagree with the plan anyway.
So many bookworms
have already killed themselves.
If we send him,
he'd be a meat dumpling
thrown to the dogs.
The way you speak is not
appropriate for a good police officer.
I'm not a good cop anyway.
We don't know why
these scholars killed themselves.
You shouldn't
speak of them so contemptuously.
Their minds have made
so many contributions to humanity.
They're irreplaceable.
What do you mean?
You're saying they're better than me?
At least I wouldn't kill myself just because
someone told me some bullshit.
Professor Wang,
I have no confidence in you.
Not at all, really.
You think I would kill myself too?
I have to be concerned
about your safety.
There's no need.
I would be much safer than you
in such situations.
A person's ability to discern the truth
is directly proportional
to his knowledge.
I'm not sure about that.
A man as vulnerable as you
Let him speak.
Maybe some people just
can't understand
what kind of person a scientist is.
Anyway, I must warn you
not to go to the Frontiers of Science.
You mustn't go to
the Frontiers of Science.
The dead can't be brought back to life.
I don't want to see anyone die again.
I want him to remain alive after a while.
get out.
Of course I'll stay alive.
But I never want to see you again.
Anyhow, I want to see you again.
That's just his personality.
He's actually
a very experienced criminal police
and anti-terrorism expert.
Over 20 years ago,
he was a soldier in my company.
Given the current situation,
we really need him.
Professor Wang,
you can ask me any questions.
General Chang,
what did everything you talked about
have to do with the military?
War has everything to do with the army.
Where is this war?
There isn't any hot spot in the world.
This is probably the most
peaceful period in history.
you and everyone
will know everything.
Do you mean that
we are teetering on the brink of war?
Professor Wang,
I have a personal question for you.
Have you ever had anything
happen to you before?
I mean the thing that
changed your life completely,
like when you wake up from sleep,
you find the world has become
a totally different place.
Then your life has been fortunate.
The world is big
and full of unpredictable factors,
yet you have never
faced a crisis.
But that's true of most lives.
Then most people have lived fortunately.
But many generations
have lived in this plain manner.
All fortunate.
No, General Chang,
I have to confess that
I'm not feeling very sharp today.
Are you suggesting that
The humankind has been fortunate.
From the Stone Age till now,
no real crisis has occurred.
We've been very lucky.
But if it's all luck,
then it has to end one day.
Let me tell you,
it's ended.
Prepare for the worst.
The car is waiting.
Goodbye, Professor Wang.
The number of scientists that
committed suicide around the globe
has increased sharply.
Anyway, I must warn you
not to go to the Frontiers of Science.
You mustn't go to
the Frontiers of Science.
The dead can't be brought back to life.
Her death is related
to her scientific findings.
All the evidence
points to a single conclusion:
physics has never existed,
and will never exist.
I know what I'm doing is irresponsible.
But I have no choice.
(Welcome to)
(10 months ago) (Sinotron II
High-energy Particle Accelerator Base.)
Mr. Wang,
are you shooting the accelerator?
(Liangxiang Accelerator Base)
Have you checked everything?
Rest assured.
(45 minutes before the collision
experiment) The nano-components
our lab provided
for the accelerator is perfect.
The accelerator will finally be
put in use today.
Having cost more than 20 billion yuan,
it's the third one in the world
and the first in Asia.
I never thought that
such a young scientist would be
in charge of its first operation.
Dr. Yang Dong,
the results have come out.
Here is the test report.
The Superstring Theory's
collider test data.
Do you think this set of data is normal?
The three sets
are not correlated.
Dr. Qian Xuesen said,
the abnormal is normal.
But I'm curious.
Where did the data come from?
Liangxiang Accelerator Experiment Base.
You know, my student,
Yang Dong,
(Liangxiang Accelerator Base)
just started the experiment.
(15 minutes before the collision experiment)
It isn't finished, not are the data out.
There's nothing in the experiment.
So where did you get the data from?
Liangxiang Accelerator Experiment Base.
These are the
experiment data
Yang Dong will receive today.
(Accelerate protons.)
(Phase I.)
(Separate the magnetic poles
to enable loading function.)
(Infuse particle beam.)
(Particle velocity)
(is 99% of the light velocity.)
(Liangxiang Accelerator Base)
Are the measurements correct?
No accuracy.
Miss fit of data.
Please fax me the results.
No test results. Not accurate.
And yet, you get them before.
Who are you?
How did you get these results?
Look at it.
It tries hard,
climbing over the bricks,
over the steel,
the glass.
Through the glass,
it sees you and me.
It thinks it couldn't get in
because it hasn't found
the crack on the glass yet.
It believes
a crack must exist.
I can give it the crack.
But it
got no choice.
Buddha bless my lord
to get out of misery.
It doesn't exist.
Not all these nonsense.
(Ten months later)
Organize these later.
Pay attention to this.
All these stuff should be sealed.
Ding Yi is a good choice.
First of all,
he's a scientist
working in fundamental physics.
And also,
he was Yang Dong's fiancee.
If he joins the Frontiers of Science,
it'll be advantageous to us.
I don't think so.
The members of the Frontiers of Science
are mostly
fundamental physicists.
Why would they contact Wang Miao?
Do you know Wang Miao?
Everything is different though ♪
A nanotech scientist.
Do you think there is a chance?
I've contacted him before.
His research
is far from mass production.
He published a paper recently,
which mentioned nano flying blade.
If it really goes into mass production,
it's possible.
Read your e-mail.
Where you are ♪
(Wang Miao)
Why would they contact Wang Miao?
he must be special.
When I woke up in the morning ♪
Everything is different though ♪
The world is still out there ♪
But nobody else is here ♪
When I woke up in the morning ♪
I can't find you anymore ♪
Where you are ♪
Where you are ♪
Where you are ♪
(Triazolam Tablets)
(Physics doesn't exist.)
(The Olympic torch
gold and silver bricks)
(authorized by the Beijing Olympic
Organizing Committee)
(and issued by
China Gold Coin Group Co., Ltd.)
(are on sale in Yinchuan.)
(There are ten)
(gold and silver bricks of
2008 Beijing Olympic Torch)
(issued this time.)
(Inscribed on the back are the design
of the Beijing Olympic torch)
(and Chinese and English characters of)
(Commemoration of the Torch Relay
of the 29th Olympic Games.)
(The design on the front is the
Temple of Heaven in Beijing,)
(and the emblem of
the Beijing Olympic Games)
(inscribed with advanced technology.)
(And evoke passion, pass on)
(Old thoughts, old culture, old customs,)
(old habits)
(Come here.)
(I'll help you to get the world.)
(My civilization is unable
to solve its own problems.)
(We need your strength)
(for intervention.)
(Preliminary Study on the Establishment
of Solar Math Model, Ye Wenjie)
(I. Preface)
(II. Star Profile)
(Radiation temperature gradient)
(III. Formula and Description)
Professor Wang, please.
Were you not the one who took me here?
It wasn't me. I took Dr. Ding here.
Countdown counter ♪
Hidden in eyes ♪
Explore deep dreams in the dark ♪
What is waiting for me at the end
of the mysterious space-time ♪
Don't break the hope
given to the world ♪
The sun still sets every day ♪
Next Episode