Thunder in My Heart (2021) s01e01 Episode Script


Are you coming?
No, not yet. Keep going.
-Will you come?
I think I'm coming.
No, wait.
-I'm coming.
-Can you pull out?
If I can come on you.
-Because it's sexy.
OK, but where are you going to
All right, then.
Do you want
a grilled cheese sandwich?
Aren't you coming soon?
Holding on to anger is like
grabbing a hot piece of coal
One of your boyfriends?
-What boyfriends?
Your boyfriends.
I don't have a lot of boyfriends.
Do you have a lot of girlfriends?
I don't have a lot of girlfriends.
Do you only have one?
-What do you mean?
-As my girlfriend?
-Stop it.
You're joking, right?
-You're not?
-What did you think?
You're in love with me either, Sigge.
I didn't think you were serious.
I've tried to talk to you about
all the shit you're going through.
But you don't want to talk about it,
so I can't be that important.
What are you doing?
You never remember
to blow out the candles.
You should probably talk to someone
about everything you're dealing with.
Thanks for everything. It was great.
You can't leave. It's really late.
-No. Stop it.
-Come on.
Stop it.
You can sleep here, at least.
We still like each other, don't we?
Come on. Huh?
Want to cuddle? Huh?
Bye, then.
You never made me come.
Don't forget that.
No I know.
-Do you want some pointers?
-No, I'm good.
What's wrong with some pointers?
Stop it.
You can use them on the next girl.
I don't want to.
Think about it like this.
It's all about the rhythm.
First you stroke it gently and
slowly, then you increase the pace
and then you can see
if I like it or not.
Well, not me,
but whoever it will be.
And don't stop
right as she's coming.
You have to try to sense it.
And don't ask if she's coming,
'cause that totally stresses you out.
You have to be present with
the other person and have a plan.
Not having a plan ruins everything.
OK. You don't have to be mean
just because I don't want you.
Not having a plan ruins everything!
You're the one without a plan!
Huh? No, I'm not.
You've reached Antonia.
- Leave a message
-Damn it!
I'll do Monday, Wednesday,
Friday and Sunday. Is that OK?
That's great.
I can go to the library,
do some stuff there
-I'll go and wake Dad up.
-Edwin doesn't want me.
You've got to be kidding!
Why doesn't he want me?
I'm hilarious!
Oh yeah?
I slept there, even though he
Come on, Dad. Put your feet down.
Yalla. Good. I'll do it.
I see.
-Just have a little bit.
-No, I don't like it.
I don't want it. Just let me sleep.
No, Baba. You need some energy.
Argh! I'm going to start crying.
No, don't cry. Where are you?
You've got an eyelash right there.
-Make a wish.
-Can I? OK.
-Aren't you going to answer?
-No, I'll call her back.
Leave a message and I'll get back
to you if I feel like it.
Oh, no, I'm out of helium. Fuck!
Hi, you bastard!
Thanks a lot for not calling
or answering my phone calls.
Maybe you could let me know
if we're still friends.
If not, thanks, it's been great.
Seriously. Please call.
Damn it!
-There you go.
-Thank you.
You're welcome.
Ask yourself
if what you're doing today
brings you closer
to who you want to be tomorrow.
Oh, sorry. I
I didn't see you.
This chocolate ball
It's much smaller than usual.
Really? I hadn't noticed.
You didn't even notice me
waiting here.
So what can you do?
Would you like another one, or?
No, I don't want two chocolate balls.
Then I would have bought two.
That's too much coconut.
You probably shouldn't be
in the service industry.
No, you don't look very nice.
Service is all about the customer.
I'll show you service.
I'll make a really big one for you.
There we are. Look!
-You can't
-You're welcome.
Argh! I've collected
so much crap over the years.
Do you want this?
What did Edwin say?
He said
he didn't want to see me anymore.
What? That's mean.
Yeah, it is.
When was Dad here?
He was here two weeks ago,
starting to clean in the garage.
But I guess he stopped doing that
as soon as he started.
He should help you more.
Yeah, but you know I'm used to
doing all this stuff by myself.
Do you know where he's sleeping now?
No, I have no idea.
Have you talked to him?
Dad and I are going to
the cinema tomorrow.
Is That's great.
What film are you seeing?
I don't know.
Do you want me to help you
with anything before I go?
Could you check if you want anything
from your room?
Take what you want,
and I'll get rid of the rest.
You can't just be a dad
when you feel like it.
Benjamin was really looking forward
to seeing you tomorrow.
Do you want me to lie to him?
Can I sleep in here with you?
I was planning to go home, actually.
But Wait.
You can sleep here. I'll stay.
Come here.
Who's Mom talking to?
-Who's Mom talking to?
I don't know.
Want to play a game?
I'll cover your ears and then
you try to guess what I'm saying.
I like meatballs.
I don't want anything from my room,
so we can get rid of it.
-Just let me know when and I'll help.
You can't come with me right now.
I'm not. I'm going to the cinema.
Dad said he's feeling a bit unwell.
So he might not make it.
But you and I can do something fun.
He'll come.
I'm not sure, Benjamin.
We're going to the cinema!
He said we would, so we will!
Maybe you can
put your clothes on later.
He'll be here later.
If he comes.
I have to leave.
Come here.
Welcome. Go inside.
-Happy birthday!
-Thank you.
You look nice.
Do I? You too.
Come here.
-Are you a bit drunk?
Is it your birthday today?
Is that why?
-Here you go.
-Put it on the gift table.
Oh, the gift table?
Is that what we're doing now?
-So you're a grown-up now?
-Sigge! You came.
-I did!
-Hi. How are you?
-I'm good.
Come here.
Have you seen Toni? Is she here?
-I think she's inside.
-You know what I mean?
It, like, grows
You look great!
-Stay there!
-You look amazing.
Pretend you're having fun.
Bend your knees.
Roll your hips.
Bend and twerk!
Roll those hips! There you go!
You're adorable. Look!
are you and Janice in touch again?
Yeah, we had sex last night.
Or we have been
-Did she break up with Eva?
Maybe I'll get to meet her this time.
That's why you didn't call me back
or answered my calls.
I forgot! I'm sorry.
-I was going to call this morning.
I've been dumped. Edwin dumped me.
Fuck him!
I never liked him anyway.
I didn't either at first.
He was chasing me.
I know.
We weren't even a couple.
Shouldn't you get to be a couple
before you break up?
I'll beat him up for you.
No, I'm good, thanks.
-He's so gross.
-He's not.
-And ugly.
-He's pretty good looking, actually.
When will I stop thinking about him?
I don't know, but what I do know is,
that as soon as you finally do,
that's when he'll get in touch.
He'll ask if you want to grab a beer
or just ask how you are.
That's when it's really important,
To not get sucked back in.
That's the test.
You have to be strong.
You can't reply.
Just delete the message.
If you reply, it'll start over.
-Sorry, I didn't hear you.
-Say, "I won't reply."
-I won't reply
I can't promise you that.
We can't do this all over again.
Not this merry-go-round again.
Let me tell you something
that'll cheer you up.
Janice always cries after an orgasm.
Why would that cheer me up?
Because it might be nice to know
that everyone suffers.
Somehow. In their own way.
Why does she do that?
Because, when she was young
her childhood pastor said
She was in day care at church.
He said that each person
is like an apple.
And sex is like someone
taking a bite out of you.
In the end, you're just a core
and no one will marry you.
You and I are definitely apple cores.
We're like an old seed somewhere.
Oh, no
Is that a piece of the apple?
You're so pretty when you're drunk.
You look free.
No, you're the drunk one.
-You're the drunk one.
Look, I'm carrying her.
I can carry any one of you!
You know what I think?
Isn't it amazing
that all the people that are here
are born at the same time?
-That's right.
-Or we wouldn't have been friends.
It's beautiful, really.
Like, if I would have been 43
and you would have been 2,
we wouldn't have been friends.
Excuse me! Are you seeing this?
One hand! I could carry you,
and you and you and
Do you realize that I could
have been born in another time?
I could have been.
Maybe I'd been accused
of being a witch.
Do you understand?
Yeah! Definitely.
I would have been burned
and I would be dead.
I'm sorry! I didn't think
about your mom and everything.
-I shouldn't have said that.
-It's fine.
Cheers. To not being dead.
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Don't bury yourself. It's so hard
to dig your way out again.
Hi. I just wanted to say that you're
right, we should have talked more.
I know it can take a while
for me to open up.
Anyway, Edwin
Lots of hugs and kisses, too.
I'm thinking about you.
I didn't mean for that to rhyme.
-How do you know Sam?
-We're childhood friends.
Childhood friends? Awesome.
-And you?
-I know Sigge.
-Sigge, right.
-Aren't you two together?
-Definitely not. Did she say that?
-We're going to sing for Sam!
Come on, Sigge. We're singing.
-Oh, great, great.
-For Sam!
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday, dear Sam
Happy birthday to you
-Hi. Are you having fun at the party?
-Yeah, it's great.
Good. Is Alex and Sam having fun?
Yeah, they are.
-Good. They deserve it.
-I know.
It's Sigrid
I don't know if you can see that.
Take care.
Have you seen Sigge?
-What the hell are you doing here?
-You invited me.
-Yeah, you did.
Right OK.
I'm watching you.
-Have you guys seen Sigge?
-Have you seen Sigge?
-I thought it was Dad.
Dad's not coming.
No. I know.
You're burning up.
Should we take your jacket off?
And the shoes.
Wanna do something fun?
Are you ready?
Come here.
That's Sigge and I at graduation.
-Look. Isn't it great?
-You guys are so cute.
I don't know what I'm doing.
Don't look at me.
Next Episode