Thunderbirds (1965) s01e01 Episode Script

Trapped in the Sky

'Thunderbirds are go! ' (Gong sounds) (Gong sounds) International Rescue.
If only I knew their secrets, I'd be the wealthiest man in the world.
And you, Kyrano, my own brother, are in their midst.
But because of your misguided loyalties, you refuse to help me.
But I have a power over you that will make you speak.
Soon you will be under my influence.
Even though you are far away, you cannot escape me.
Kyrano! Kyrano, Tin Tin will leave London on Wednesday, so she'll be home on Friday.
That is good news, Mr Tracy.
I cannot repay you for your kindness to my daughter.
She's got a good start.
An education in a fine university, and a European tour to her credit.
Mr Tracy, you are the finest man I have had the privilege to work for.
And you are the loyalest.
- Aaargh - Kyrano, what's wrong? - Aargh - Kyrano! Kyrano, as from this moment you are in my power.
Now! When does International Rescue start operating? Speak, Kyrano! - Aaargh - What's wrong, Kyrano? What is wrong? Why don't you speak? No! No! When will International Rescue start operating? (Kyrano) They are ready.
International Rescue is ready to start operating.
(Tannoy) 'Terranean Airways announce the departure of flight 608 to Tokyo.
'Would all passengers proceed to the departure lounge.
' Miss Tin Tin Kyrano? This is your flight.
You're lucky.
It's the new atomic-powered Fireflash.
Doesn't it fly six times the speed of sound? That's right.
But don't worry, it's perfectly safe.
(Hood) Perfect.
(Jets whine) (Sonic boom) - Through the sound barrier.
- Mach one point two, 40,000 feet.
Mach two point eight, two point nine, Mach three.
- Re-heat.
- Re-heat.
Mach five point three.
- Height 200,000 feet.
- Level off.
(Hostess) 'Ladies and gentlemen, 'we have completed our take-off and are flying at 250,000 feet.
'You may unfasten your safety-belts 'and smoke if you wish.
' - Is that the control tower? - 'Yes.
' I thought you would like to know 'that a bomb has been placed on the Fireflash 'that has just taken off for Tokyo.
'When it touches down, it will explode, 'blowing the aircraft into a million pieces, 'and releasing radioactive material over a large area.
' - 0K, on course.
- Switch to automatic flight plan.
Well, I'm going up front to have a word with the passengers.
Passengers or passenger? I saw her too.
She's cute.
'London to Fireflash.
Reduce speed to low safe cruising.
' Return to London and reduce to 30,000 feet.
'It's reported you have a bomb in your landing gear.
' - Maybe a hoax, but we can't risk it.
- 'Roger, London Tower.
' - What's the action? - 'Stand by on this frequency.
' - Fireflash standing by.
- Alert all emergency services.
(Sirens wail) I don't understand.
Something must be wrong, we're losing height.
(Hostess) 'Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? 'We have developed a minor technical fault, and are returning to London.
'Please fasten your safety belts.
' Say, you're right.
But I guess it's nothing to worry about.
I hope not.
It's a very long way down from here.
(Multilingual radio chatter) (Tape) 'Fireflash, this is London Tower.
We're ready to take a reflective x-ray shot of your wing.
'Lower your landing gear and overfly airfield at zero feet.
' 'Roger, London Tower.
This is some maiden flight! ' You miss those days, eh, Mr Tracy? You must be proud to have been one of the first men to land on the moon.
It's all a long time ago, Kyrano.
A long time ago.
- Cable for me? - Yes, sir, from London.
Listen, Kyrano, I've arranged for a specialist to fly out here to check you out.
Oh! I'm fine, Mr Tracy.
Just a dizzy spell.
Well, watch it! Gotta keep well for your daughter's homecoming.
This IS from Tin Tin.
She's on her way.
Say, she's flying in Fireflash.
Gee, that's a great aircraft.
'London Tower from Fireflash.
'Coming in now.
Landing gear down and locked.
Stand by.
' Roger.
Lift your starboard wing so we can get a shot.
- Ready for the x-ray? - Yes, sir.
Here she comes.
Looks hopeful.
Put it on the screen.
What's keeping them? They'll call as soon as they know.
Let's not get jumpy.
There it is.
This is no hoax.
Divert all aircraft from London.
Contact Central Control.
I want inessential personnel and all civilians in a five-mile radius evacuated immediately.
- Use code RH radiation hazard.
- Yes, sir.
London Tower to Fireflash.
There is a bomb.
'It's in the hydraulics of your landing gear.
' Permission for emergency landing.
The impact of landing would cause the bomb to detonate.
Remain in the vicinity of London Airport at 30,000 feet.
(Captain) 'We can't stay up here for ever.
' (Controller) 'What is your endurance? ' (Captain) 'With our atomic motors we can stay up here for six months, 'but the anti-radiation shield needs servicing in two hours, 'or passengers will be subjected to radiation exposure.
' - What will we do? - I don't know.
We can't reach the bomb, we can't land, and if we stay up here, we get radiation exposure.
We don't stand a chance.
They haven't got a chance.
We just sit and wait for them to die.
'This is Fireflash.
Now circling at 30,000 feet.
'Radiation safety factor - two hours.
'As far as I can see, London, only a miracle can save us.
' You might just get one.
Top secret.
Subject - International Rescue.
is way ahead of its time.
In the wrong hands, it could be used to kill life.
(Bleeper) Go ahead, John.
the new atomic airliner Fireflash is in distress at London Airport.
The Fireflash! That's Tin Tin's aircraft.
That's right, London.
I reckon that's our only chance.
We'll try some violent manoeuvres to loosen the bomb.
OK, boys.
It's our first assignment, so make it good.
Uniforms must only be worn on call.
All: Right, Father.
OK, Scott, away you go.
And keep in touch.
Yes, sir.
Brains, your genius made this possible.
Now you can see it work.
Good luck, Scott.
(Rocket blasts) This is Thunderbird 1.
Changing to horizontal flight.
International Rescue, this is Thunderbird 1.
Come in, John.
Thunderbird 1.
They're trying to shake the bomb loose, but it's not working.
Go ahead, Scott.
I'll be in London in 52 minutes.
I'm going to need heavy rescue.
I'll organise it right away.
- Virgil, away you go.
- Right, Father.
Fantastic! That's about the most fantastic scheme I've ever heard.
Have you any better ideas, sir? Is that how to address a superior? Your mad scheme stands a million to one chance of success.
With respect, sir, that's better than none at all.
'Fireflash, here.
What now? ' Fireflash from London.
Maintain present height and position.
I may have some news for you in a moment.
Continue standing by.
- 'Standing by.
' - Right, let's have it again, slowly.
This is the idea.
Get a TX-204 target-carrying aircraft and divert it to London.
Harris, are there any TX-204s in the area? Yes, sir.
There's target practice going on now, Approach an intercept position.
I think this excitement is going to kill me.
I joined the Air Force for adventure, and all I do is tote targets around.
Interceptor 0ne from Target 0ne.
Target aircraft released.
Permission to open fire, Target 0ne.
'Go ahead, and good shooting.
' (Huge explosion) Target 0ne to Interceptor 0ne, direct hit.
'Thanks, Target 0ne, returning to base.
' I guess that's it.
Let's go home.
(Controller) 'Target 0ne.
Go to London, this is an emergency.
' Yes, sir, London Tower! - You understand the risks, Meddings? - Perfectly, sir.
Get into your flying gear.
The harness has been adapted.
- Take a truck to number 29.
- Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.
- Meddings.
- Yes, sir? Thank you.
(Controller) 'Fireflash, this is London Tower.
'We are putting a man into your wing to remove the bomb.
' That's suicide, he won't stand a chance.
'There is a chance, Fireflash.
A slender one, but one we must take.
' International Rescue from Thunderbird 1.
ETA London - 41 minutes.
Any news? Yes, Scott.
John reported that a rescue will be attempted.
It seems that they're going to try and put a man aboard Fireflash.
We don't know how, but stay on course.
It doesn't look hopeful.
I hope they succeed.
I'll be in touch.
- Target 0ne from London.
- 'Roger.
' Meddings is aboard, sir.
Target 0ne from London.
You're clear to go.
Good luck.
I will make no more transmissions to leave the frequency clear for you and Fireflash.
There's no time for introductions, but I'd like to say, we're right with you.
Green light! Full power.
The passengers are going to see what's going on! Yeah.
I've been dreading this.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking.
I have an important announcement.
We are still unable to land, but every effort is being made to ensure your safety.
'In the meantime, please remain calm.
' There's another aircraft dead ahead of us.
Hold her steady, Fireflash.
Low, safe cruising.
'Any adjustments will be made from our end.
'Lieutenant Meddings will be in contact with us both, - 'on this frequency.
' - Roger.
Now at low, safe cruising and steady.
Here we go! 0K, Bob.
OK, ready.
Away you go! OK, winch out.
- Start winches.
- Right.
Running into turbulence.
Left at one degree.
Right, two degrees.
Hold present course.
Stand by to stop winches.
Hold her steady, here he comes.
- Stop winches.
- Stop winches.
inspection hatch.
Keep her steady.
- '0ne false move and I've had it.
' - 0pen number four hatch.
I'm going to board now.
Target 0ne? - 'Give me more cable.
' - Coming up, now.
'0ne more time.
' Hold it 0K Count to five, and then up.
' Three.
' Now! Cut cable! - Bob? Are you 0K? - '0K.
' I'm aboard.
I can't see the bomb.
Keep her steady.
I'm trying to get a little higher.
'Still can't see it.
' It's probably near the master cylinders on the hydraulic system.
I can see it! I'm going to try and get nearer.
'It's no good it's no good, 'I can't reach it.
' I'd have to dismantle the pumps.
Hold on.
I'm going to try round the other side.
He's fallen! His chute has failed! - At least he made it.
- Sure was a good try.
London Tower, this is Fireflash.
The rescue attempt has failed.
Bob Meddings appears to be safe.
is now down to 30 minutes.
Roger, Fireflash.
There's only one alternative left.
Return to London Airport and land.
The bomb may fail to explode.
Aircraft approaching.
Height - 2,500 feet.
Speed - 7,500 miles per hour! Have you gone crazy? London Tower from Thunderbird 1.
Approaching at height - 2,500 feet, speed - 7,500 miles per hour.
Touching down in two minutes.
This is International Rescue.
We can help Fireflash.
Request permission to land.
International Rescue? Must be what I picked up.
This I must see.
International Rescue, you are clear to land.
Use runway 29.
'We're coming in vertically.
' As I thought.
International Rescue are arriving on the scene.
Part two of my plan about to commence.
(Evil laugh) London.
Listen carefully.
I want men and transport to take my equipment to your control tower.
And I want your assurance that no photographs are taken of my craft.
I need more information about you.
There are 600 people up there, with about 40 minutes to live.
You can't help them, but I believe we can.
All right.
But I hope you know what you're doing.
(Police sirens wail) Now, to make sure that no one takes photographs of Thunderbird 1 except me, of course.
(Evil laugh) Fireflash has 30 minutes before its radiation safety factor expires.
- Right.
- My gear will be here in 20 minutes, leaving us 10 minutes to put our rescue into operation.
Mobile Control to Thunderbird 2.
Confirm ETA London airport.
in 19 minutes from now.
When you arrive, unload elevator car with two subsidiaries, then proceed to the end of runway 29 and report.
Thunderbird 1, FAB.
Fireflash, this is International Rescue.
In approximately 18 minutes I will ask you to land at runway 29.
You are to come in with landing gear up.
Make a normal approach, and keep your head.
'Message understood.
What's the action? ' Listen carefully.
We can't afford mistakes.
The automatic camera detector! Someone's photographing our instrument panel.
You must stop him! Airport police, this is the control tower.
Someone is taking photographs inside the International Rescue aircraft.
Arrest him.
(Sirens wail) (Jets roar) 'London Tower from Airport Mobile Police.
'We have lost contact with pursued car.
'Vehicle last seen on M1 heading towards Birmingham.
' Message received.
I'm sorry, we did our best.
Leave this to me.
(Bleeper) 'Mobile Control calling International Rescue, England.
' International Rescue.
Lady Penelope speaking.
Require your assistance.
Man with photographs of Thunderbird 1 driving on M1 in your direction.
Car registration: Mobile Control, FAB.
Just as I'm expecting visitors - Three coach-loads.
Ah, well - You called, m'lady? - Yes, Parker.
Get the Rolls-Royce.
We're going for a drive.
Mobile Control from Fireflash.
We have only five minutes left.
We've had it unless you act now.
Stand by, Fireflash.
Thunderbird 2 - ready, Virgil? Mobile Control and Fireflash, this is Thunderbird 2.
I'm ready.
Thunderbird 2, FAB.
Commence your approach.
After acknowledging this transmission, make no further calls.
We must keep this frequency clear.
Starting approach, and whatever happens, thanks! Aircraft approaching glide path.
Stand by, Virgil.
Fireflash on final approach.
- Scott, fault on number three.
- 0K.
Fireflash, continue approach.
- Rate of descent 500 feet a minute.
- Check.
- What did he mean about a fault? - Left, left, two degrees.
Aircraft on glide path.
- Stand by, crash tenders.
- Crash tenders to runway 29.
(Sirens wail) - What's the situation, Virgil? - Fault cleared.
It just cleared.
Let's hope it holds.
'Fireflash one and a half miles from threshold.
'0ne and a quarter miles.
'0ne mile from threshold.
Start tracking.
' Mobile Control.
- Increase to 108.
- FAB.
(Jets whine) OK, Fireflash.
Cut engines.
Fireflash! 0vershoot! Radio fault in number three again.
and bring elevator into use.
Fireflash, this is Mobile Control.
What's the radiation safety factor? Radiation safety factor has expired.
If we're not down in two minutes, 'we'll all receive fatal exposure.
' OK, commence second approach.
Let those aircraft burn.
Fireflash is carrying passengers; they're not.
Mobile Control.
Turning for second approach.
Clear for second approach.
No more transmissions, please.
OK, here we go.
And this time, is the last time.
Approaching glide path.
Four miles to threshold.
Fireflash on final approach.
OK, Scott.
Standing by.
We're on glide path.
Aircraft on glide path.
- Stand by, crash-tenders.
- Right.
Runway ahead, two miles.
Fireflash one mile from threshold.
Start tracking.
Mobile Control, FAB.
- Increase to 105.
- FAB.
Fireflash from Thunderbird 2.
Cut engines.
Fireflash! Lift port wing! Cut power! Reverse thrust.
I'm applying brakes.
(Brakes squeal) We won't make it! There's not enough runway! Hold tight! Applying maximum brakes.
(Brakes squeal) They made it! Jolly good show, old boy! And what a show! Are you 0K, Virgil? - 0K, Scott.
Good timing! - Great, Virgil! Just great! (Sirens wail) How can we ever thank you? I'll tell you.
0ur organisation must remain top secret.
There must be no aircraft within a 100-mile radius when we leave.
We must not be tracked.
Secrecy must be maintained at all costs.
How about the man who photographed your aircraft? He'll be taken care of.
We're closing in on him, m'lady.
Good, Parker.
Wait for a clear stretch of road.
- We mustn't create a scene.
- Very good, m'lady.
Go ahead, Parker.
Yes, m'lady.
- Well done, Parker.
- Thank you, madam.
Home, m'lady? Home, Parker.
My pictures! They are ruined! Someone will pay for this.
International Rescue haven't heard the last of me.
(Piano plays) Er, Mr Tracy? The doctor wants you.
Operation "cover-up".
- 0K, show him in.
- S-sure thing, M-Mr Tracy.
- What's the verdict, doc? - He's 0K, Jeff.
I can't account for the dizzy spell, but I can assure you, he's fine.
- Good.
Thanks for flying out.
- Any time.
How about that, Jeff? Some story, huh? - It sure is.
- The whole thing cloaked in mystery.
I sure would like to know who these people are.
What I'd like to do is shake their hand.
Well, thanks again, doc.
- So long, Jeff.
- So long.
Well, fellas, that handshake was for all of us.
Boys, I think we're in business.
by European Captioning Institute
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