ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Exodus (Part 1)

Ah! There it is, Thundera.
Never before has there been
such a beautiful, peaceful,
and harmonious place
in the universe.
But alas
Everything 'splodes someday.
Oh, hey, looks like someone
made it out of the explosion.
Oh, cool,
it's the ThunderCats.
Check 'em out.
Well, we've got Lion-O,
the brand-new
Lord of the ThunderCats.
And Tygra.
He's got a rope
with balls on it.
Oh, and Panthro.
He builds stuff
and has nunchucks.
the fastest person
in the universe.
Wilykit and Wilykat
are the kids.
And Snarf, whatever he is.
Anyways, the ThunderCats, last
survivors of their home world,
- off to travel the universe to
Or, uh
Maybe they're just gonna land right
there on this random planet.
[SIGHS] Oh, well.
Aw, thundertoots, it's the
Mutants of Plun-Darr.
They're the sworn enemies
of the ThunderCats,
- and class-A jerks.
Well, it looks like the ThunderCats
are gonna have their hands full.
So, I better get outta here.
Oh, what? Who am I?
My name's Jaga.
I was on Thundera
when it blew up.
now I'm a ghost.
Blasted Mutants.
Guess it's up to me
to salvage the scraps,
which is awesome!
I bet I could build a whole heap
of thunder tanks with this stuff!
- WILYKAT: Oh, yeah!
- WILYKIT: That was amazing.
- Let's wind it back up and do it again.
- Choo-choo!
Uh, what kind of planet
did we end up on?
There is literally
nothing here.
What's the point of being
the coolest ThunderCat
if you don't even have
any fans around? Ooh!
Come on now, Cheetara.
I think we can say we're all
the coolest ThunderCats.
Okay, well,
at least we're alive.
And what's more important,
we've protected
the rightful heir
to the throne
of Thundera, Lion-O,
chosen by our ancestors to
lead us through all hardships.
LION-O: Hello?
Yeah, I need someone to lead
me through this hard ship.
- LION-O: It's really dark in here.
Lion-O, can you hear me?
Use the Sword of Omens.
LION-O: Oh, yeah, I forgot.
I now wield Thundera's most powerful
magic within my very hands.
Yeah, that's the spirit.
Sword of Omens,
give me a hole in the wall!
Lion-O, don't use it
like a can opener. It's a
Huh! Could've sworn
Tygra was right here.
Come on, Snarf.
Gotta be around somewhere.
Just look at this place!
This planet is amazing!
Let's see what
we've got here. Ooh!
We've got a spooky swamp,
a creepy mountain,
and weird little guys
hiding behind rocks?
Don't look at me!
This place is
chock-full of trouble,
and as
Lord of the ThunderCats,
it is my duty to explore
all that stuff
and deal with
any dangerous baddies.
No, Lion-O. Come on, no,
that's not your duty at all.
Now, if you don't mind?
[LAUGHS] Sorry, Tygra. I'll get
you out of there real quick.
Sword of Omens,
- give me, a hole in this thing!
- Oh, no! Not that, no!
Wow, my first day
as Lord of the ThunderCats,
and I already saved
your life, Tygra.
So, anyways,
I have to go exploring.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Lion-O,
a good leader can't just
take off and abandon his team.
What? I'm not
abandoning my team.
I'm gonna go out there,
find some dangerous stuff
and fight it.
You know, like a leader.
Look, Lion-O, us ThunderCats
are trapped here,
and the only way we're gonna survive
this thing is by sticking together.
Yeah, I mean, our planet
did just blow up.
ALL: [SADLY] Yeah.
So, as Lord
of the ThunderCats,
you can't just go running off and
having adventures by yourself.
I mean, just think about it.
What if someone attacked us
while you were gone?
SLITHE: Someone like us?
Uh, yeah,
like the Mutants, for example.
You escaped us once, but
this is the end of the road.
Whoa! Way to whiff
the shot, Slithe. [LAUGHING]
[GASPS] Uh-oh!
Come on, Wilykat.
Oh, yeah, who's the best?
Oh, yeah, I'm the best?
- Gotcha!
- Never mind, Cheetara's the best. Whoo-hoo!
Whoa! Way to go, Cheetara.
Let's see here.
Hey, Tygra, what's the word I say
to make the sword do magic stuff?
- Like, what stuff specifically?
Oh, never mind.
I think I got it.
Sword of Omens, do
TYGRA: That was
not the right word.
SLITHE: Nice try,
But we still have one blaster,
and it looks like
you're fresh out of swords.
Hey, only I get to blast
my stuff into bits.
And you ain't me.
SLITHE: Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- SLITHE: No, no, no, no!
[HALTINGLY] We'll get you
for this, BlunderCats!
That was amazing!
See, Lion-O,
it was just like I said.
We needed you here
when the Mutants attacked.
it's just like I said.
Those Mutants are out there
and I gotta go take care
of 'em before they come back.
How can that possibly be
the lesson you learned?
Okay, here's my leader-type
plan thingy.
Uh, you guys stay here,
build the base,
and I'm going
to catch those Mutants.
[GASPS] I'm doing leading!
[PANTING] Almost forgot
my magic sword thing. Ha-ha!
We're doomed.
Relax, Tygra.
Lion-O's got Snarf with him.
Not to mention,
the Sword of Omens.
What makes you think he knows
how to use that thing?
Yeah. I mean, he did just
throw it at a spaceship.
And did it or did it not
totally work?
- Fair point.
- Mmm.
[CHUCKLES] That was
some move if you ask me.
- Yeah, but it wasn't as cool as yours.
- Ha-ha! Yeah.
You were like,
"Nobody breaks my stuff."
What did I say
about breaking my stuff?
I'm just messing with you.
- He got us there.
Now quit standing around and
help me pile up all this scrap.
Oh, thank you, kind sir.
I am Berbil Bill,
a Berbil of Third Earth.
Uh, hi, Berbil.
Get back, Panthro. We don't know
anything about these creatures.
Even the subtlest interaction
could have catastrophic effects
on its entire ecosystem!
Oh, that's okay.
Your spaceship
pretty much crashed
right in the middle
of our ecosystem.
Behold our beautiful village.
Looking good, everyone.
I thought you said
there was nothing here,
Uh, I guess I never looked,
uh, behind me.
You must be starving
after destroying our home.
Please, have some candy fruit.
- Thanks?
- Oh, boy!
I suppose we better help them
build their little town?
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
Berbils will help new friends
build their new home
right here on Third Earth.
Berbils love to build.
Yeah, but what about
your vill
Hello, new friend.
Berbils build fast.
Well, I do always carry blueprints
around for a super awesome lair.
BOTH: Convenient.
Thank you.
We'll get started right away.
Follow me, Berbils.
He's got it upside down.
Look, everyone. Blueprints.
Well, at least you don't have
to worry about Lion-O.
Yeah, I mean, if these little
Berbils can live here,
Third Earth
must be a paradise.
Oh, yes. We love
everything about Third Earth.
Except Mumm-Ra.
He's so evil,
a magic bolt of lightning
strikes you
every time
you say his name.
Which is Mumm-Ra.
Yup, everything about
Third Earth is great.
- Well, that's
- Except for Mumm-Ra.
Stop. You don't have to keep
saying his name.
That's okay. We just like
being helpful.
- Thank you.
- Especially when it comes to Mumm-Ra.
Oh, hey,
did someone say Mumm-Ra?
I have to say,
I'm a little concerned
about Lion-O
running into this Mumm
BOTH: Shh!
- Running into this guy.
- Eh, it's a big planet.
Yeah, let's just hope
he stays somewhat discreet.
I'm Lion-O, Lord of the ThunderCats,
and I'm swinging on a vine! Yee-haw!
[GROANS] Oh! Uh-oh.
Hey, frog. What do you
know about the Mutants?
Hey, bug, tell me
where the Mutants are.
- Tell me where the Mutants are, bees!
[MUFFLED] Please tell me
about the Mutants, turtle.
- Fess up about the Mutants, bats.
Fess up
about the Mutants, bird.
Fess up
about the Mutants, egg.
Fess up about the Mutants,
littler bird.
Hey, you, Mutants,
tell me where Oh!
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Uh
You better surrender
or you'll have to face the
wrath of the Sword of Omens.
[CHUCKLES] Vultureman, Jackalman,
Monkian, back in the ship!
Why do you think they're heading
back in their broken ship?
- Ah! It's not broken!
Whoa! Ha-ha!
Now this is what the Lord of the
ThunderCats should be doing.
Whoo-hoo-hoo! Whee!
Gah! Don't just sit there, Mutants!
Do some damage.
Not to our own ship.
To the ThunderCat!
Ha-ha! I could do this
all day, Snarf.
[GROANS] What gives
Ha-ha! You're trapped,
Now prepare to taste laser.
But I already ate lunch.
Wow, Snarf. It looks
like you're a robot.
And you're out of blasters.
Right you are, Lion-Guy.
prepare the bombs.
Oh! Ha-ha! Yes, sir.
Well, Snarf, I don't suppose you've
got any more tricks up your sleeve?
Oh, doots!
Launch in five, four
We're still alive!
No one loiters on the
front lawn of Mumm-Ra,
the Ever-Living!
Next Episode