Tierra de lobos (2010) s01e01 Episode Script

En busca de un nuevo comienzo

(Church bell chiming)
Put your hands up!
This is a robbery.
There's two armed men.
Hush! Stay calm.
It's an ambush!
To the horses!
Come on!
This way!
Giddy up!
We have to cross the border.
Come on!
Moinhos River - Spain border.
Fucking bastards.
Mother fucking bastards!
They've killed the three of them.
They were waiting for us!
They had it all planned out,
All of this for a bunch of rocks!
It was a trap, damn it.
And I didn't see it.
I've send them all to hell.
All my fault.
Let's go get them. Tonight.
- Like this?
Without ammunition?
We can't let them do this to us.
I'm not losing you too,
We have to hide out for a while.
Then, we'll see.
Hide out, where?
Follow me.
Whose home?
Our father's home.
Father abandoned us.
Things aren't always as simple
We got here
in the end.
To the end of the world.
At least the locals
seem friendly.
What's for lunch, boy?
So what do people
eat around here?
People eat at home.
jar and two glasses.
Excuse him.
It's true, we don't socialize
much around here
but I can offer you
some dried codfish.
Any meat?
Eat the codfish and continue your
journey. It must be a long way yet.
We're looking for a plot of land:
La Quebrada.
Everything that surrounds
us belongs to Mr. Lobo.
There are no other lands.
- Yes. Up on the hill.
Well, I don't know.
Do you think someone
could take us there?
Maybe the waiter.
The waiter isn't that crazy.
I've already told you.
It doesn't exist.
You know what?
There's a village two days from here.
We've come to stay.
Well, then the wine is on me.
Because it will be your last.
Father knew how
to build a house.
It's in better shape
than I thought.
At least it has walls.
The Bravo Estate.
What do you think?
Let's get out of here.
Let's go to Seville, Salamanca
We're staying here. This is our home.
Are we clear?
We have to stay here for a while,
be discreet, and stay out of trouble, okay?
Go on, take care of the horses.
I'll go get some wood.
This is gonna be so much fun.
Hey horse.
Easy, easy.
Easy horse.
Hey you!
Get away!
Get away from my horse
right this instant!
How dare you?
I'm helping him.
Calm down.
Tiro Loco.
He's bleeding!
Get him out of there!
What are you waiting for?
Calm down. Calm down.
He'll get nervous.
Tiro Loco, come here!
Tiro Loco!
Excuse me.
I've lost my horse.
Actually, I wanted
to apologize for
Anyway, thanks for helping
with the horse and
What are you doing?
Can you sew?
I need you to stitch my wound.
I can't do it.
No, I
I can't either.
Clean the wound.
Does it hurt a lot?
Don't worry.
(Church bell chiming)
I have to go.
I'm sorry, but I can't be late.
Where are you going?
Why would father leave
all this behind?
Why did he leave his family
and sentence us to poverty?
I'll tell you why.
Because he was a
wretched coward.
I won't let anyone speak
ill of our father!
Not even you!
And a bastard too.
(Wolf howling)
Vagrants aren't welcome here.
We're not vagrants.
I don't allow anyone to
set foot on my land.
Least of all, sleep on them.
I think you're making a mistake.
The only mistake around
here are you two.
So, pick up all your
shit and leave.
Unless you want me to tie you to my
horse and drag you off of my property.
This land is ours.
We're sons of Fernando Bravo.
Owner of this land.
I'm gonna give you boys
a piece of advice.
Get out of here.
I'm telling you for
your own good.
Fuck, that went well.
Didn't you say to
stay out of trouble?
Come on, Cesar.
Who cares about this fucking place?
Where are your guns?
I got rid of them.
Because that life
is over for me.
What happened in Portugal was my fault.
People died because of me.
This land is a good opportunity
to start from scratch.
How do you plan on
making a living?
And what about scarface there?
This belongs to us.
So, I'm staying here.
They'll have to bury me here.
(Church bell chiming)
Hi, Evaristo.
Thank you, Miss Almudena.
You forgot this.
What's that madwoman doing?
And you?
Get into the carriage
with your sisters.
Who was that?
You seem to have some trouble
understanding things.
The next time you go near my
daughters, will be your last.
Hey handsome,
Buy you a drink?
People say, they got out
of the bank in such a fury
that they started
shooting at random.
They killed 20 or 30 people.
The river ran red with blood.
It was a massacre.
Those things only happen in Portugal.
We're different over here.
Look who's here.
Where's your brother? Hiding?
From you?
Grab him.
If you want to kill him,
do it outside, not in my house.
Go outside!
This is a decent place!
Is that the best you can do?
You hit like my grandmother.
Anything else you want to say?
Just that my brother won't
like this one fucking bit.
What's the matter?
Do you like to party?
Here comes the Civil Guard!
Let's go!
Shall we have a drink?
(Clock chiming)
You worry too much.
One of these days you'll be late,
and then you'll see
Isabel, sit up straight.
Rosa, mind the elbows.
Good evening, boss.
Where have you been?
In the village.
We had a mishap,
but everything is all right now.
What about the cattle?
- Locked up.
And the guards are
on their posts.
Good evening.
Good evening, father.
Who are those men
staying at La Quebrada?
And how do you know them?
Are there men on our land?
Not for long.
Don't ever bring attention
to our family name again.
Another scandal like the one with you
talking to that bastard at church
and I'll send
you to a convent.
Now that's what I call
staying out of trouble.
At least we'll spend the
night under a roof.
(French accent)
The optimism of Spanish people
even in the worst situations,
is just extraordinary.
Just what we needed, a "frog".
- I'm not French.
I'm Swiss.
"Je m'appelle" Jean Marie Raymond.
To serve you and God,
as you say around here.
my brother, Roman.
And what are you
doing around here?
I'm looking for something
extremely valuable.
A treasure underground.
Sounds good.
A treasure called Mineral Water.
Water for the cows?
What a shitty treasure.
Blissful ignorance, that of
the Spanish country man.
I'm talking about mineral water
rich in sulfur and iron.
Look here, I don't know
exactly what you just said.
But I got the "ignorant
country man" part all right.
So be careful,
'cause I'm fucking crazy!
Stay back, barbarian, or you'll
get a taste of my fists.
Your what?
My fists.
stop or I'll kill him.
Come here. Play with me, okay?
Guards, quick!
Take this man away
before I rip him apart!
Calm down, man.
Calm down.
So you say people are going
to buy your water?
It's the future.
And why are you in jail?
They think I'm a con man.
Can you believe it?
(Wolf howling)
Have you come for me?
I've come to kill your father.
What's going on with you?
(They laugh)
Come on, get up!
You should be
grateful to Mr. Lobo.
If it was up to me,
I'd have you down here on
bread and water for a month.
Where are you going?
Good morning, boys.
I'll admit I was a bit rude, yesterday,
but we country men are like that.
We live closer to animals
than to people.
Are we free to go?
I'm going to presume that you
really are who you say you are.
What do you mean "and"?
Do you truly believe you can make
a living out of that lousy stone ground?
Don't fool yourselves.
That's none of your business.
Well, your father had to leave,
abandoning his family.
Your mother
What makes you think
you'll have better luck?
I'm going to make you a deal.
I'll buy your land.
We'll sign a contract and
the two of you leave.
Something you'll end up doing anyway,
with or without the money.
That's different.
How much are we talking about?
We don't want any deals.
Are we free to go, or not?
Then, we're going
back to our land.
Are you blind?
Can't you see that I can't
get this damned boot off?
Are you going to help me,
or just stand there looking like a dummy?
Not like that, you brute!
Straddle me.
Go on.
If the young lady doesn't
need anything else
Did I hurt you?
Let me see.
Does it hurt?
You should've seen your face!
Looks like someone's scared
to death of my father.
Don't get mad.
It was just a joke, silly.
There, very good!
What's the point of
being so pretty?
I'm withering away in this moor.
I'm becoming an old lady.
Nieves, don't you ever get
tired of being so frivolous?
Says, Saint Almudena.
Don't you ever get tired of
being Miss Perfect?
Girls, there's a nest. I'm climbing up.
- No!
Why not?
Isabel, please behave yourself.
You're a young lady.
Being a lady is really boring.
You'll never get married
acting like that.
And I can't get
married until you do.
Remember the swing we
used to have in the tree?
I loved it.
We could ask father
to hang it again.
We're a little old for swings,
don't you think?
I'm not old.
But you will be, soon.
You should be thinking
about getting married.
But I don't want to get married.
Me neither.
Well, I do.
And I want to go to parties, and
meet handsome menwealthy too.
And I want to have silk
dresses, and diamonds.
I just want a swing.
She just wants a swing.
Let her be.
(Rosa coughs)
- Tata!
Oh my God!
- Tata!
You're in charge
until I come back.
Let's go.
That Lobo thinks he's
the boss of everything.
All right, then.
Let's listen to
what he has to say.
What's the harm in that?
Because I've got a feeling that this
is a good opportunity to start again.
And we're safe here.
Do you really think so?
Last night at the brothel, they were
talking about what happened in Portugal.
Get out!
Why aren't they back yet?
Almudena, sit down
for a bit, child.
Come drink something warm.
It's just that I can't stay still.
They'll be back tonight,
won't they?
She was bleeding a lot.
Would you please
shut up already?
They're back.
No, don't get any closer.
Take her up to my room.
(Rosa coughs)
From now on, I don't
want you near Rosa.
But, father
I've told you to stay away.
You can't touch her.
Why not?
She has tuberculosis.
(Rooster crows)
How is Rosa doing?
There's the last count,
and the bill for the forage.
The pinto's about to calve.
If you don't need
anything else
Are those two men gone?
I believe you don't need to
worry about them anymore.
Last night, they
suffered a mishap.
The herd took a wrong turn
and stomped all over them.
You used my cattle to run over those
men in the middle of the night?
What kind of person are you?
You've put my animals at risk
just to get rid of two vagabonds?
Sir, I just wanted to
teach them a lesson.
The lives of my animals are worth
more than that of any man.
Including yours.
What are you doing?
Leave that bed where it was.
We have orders to take
it upstairs, Miss.
That's impossible.
And you, get out of here.
Miss Almudena,
if you'll allow us
I won't allow you.
Drop that bed this instant.
What's wrong?
Tata, do you mind telling
me what's going on?
Your father ordered them to
take Rosa's bed upstairs.
She'll be frightened
to death, all alone.
Almudena, I know this is hard.
But your father is only
doing what he must.
That's a cruelty.
Rosa will stay here with us,
as always. And that's that.
Take that bed out
of here at once.
Pay attention,
because I won't repeat myself.
Rosa is really sick
and she could die.
And anyone breathing
the same air, as well.
So don't make this
any more difficult.
She's moving upstairs.
And under no circumstances
will you be allowed into her room.
Are we clear?
What are you doing here?
You have to leave.
Have you been crying?
What do you care?
Get off my land.
Are you all right?
Where the fuck is he?
Thank goodness.
I was starting to worry.
Did something happen?
I get the feeling that Lobo's
men will be here any minute.
We should beat them to it
and start the shootout.
We've already discussed this.
If they had done this to us
a few months ago
we'd have turned
this village into a wasteland.
And that scarface and his cows
would've gotten what they deserved.
We don't know if it was him.
Yeah, right.
We don't want to sell
our lands to him
Someone tries to kill us, but we don't
know who the fuck it was, right?
Let's stay on the look out,
and keep guard.
Next time, they won't
take us by surprise,
"Mon dieu!"
No, please.
I'm innocent!
I swear, I'm just
looking for water.
Don't shoot!
I'm Swiss!
She'll get better.
You'll see.
She has tuberculosis.
Do you know what that means?
Your father knows the best
doctors in the country.
They'll heal her, you 'll see.
Don't cry.
I can't stand to see you cry.
If something happens to her,
I don't I don't know what I'll do.
Look at me.
Nothing is going
to happen to her.
I promise.
You're promising me?
And who are you?
I'm going to tell you
A servant who doesn't
know his place.
Those strangers are on their land.
So there's nothing else to say.
Right. Their land.
We'll see about that.
You can't just come from God knows
where and stand up to Mr. Lobo.
With all he's done for this village.
Including your father.
Let's not dwell on it anymore.
They're vagabonds.
The Civil Guard will take care of them.
You look very calm Mr. Mayor.
Very calm.
Get mad at me if you want.
But the past always comes
back to reclaim what's his.
Does it now?
What do you mean
by that, Doctor?
I don't remember.
And two drinks from now,
you won't even remember your name.
Drink, drink
Do us all that favor.
Don't worry, Sir.
No one here will help those people.
That goes without saying.
What can I get you, Mr. Lobo?
What are the chances
of you being wrong?
All the calculations add up.
Not to mention
the soil.
With a spring,
the land would sell better.
Sell the land?
Are you crazy?
The water here is
mineral water.
Healing water.
You have to exploit it,
commercialize it!
You're sitting on top of
a spring of liquid gold.
And how do we find it?
I'll tell you where to dig.
Right. And what do you
get out of all this?
We'll become your partners
in order to drill
sell and
share the profit.
Let's go.
Hey, beautiful.
What are you doing here?
Are you mad?
Remember what dad said.
Anyway, we haven't gone inside.
How are you, little worm?
Fine, thanks.
How long will I
have to stay here?
Not for long.
You'll be downstairs
with us in no time.
I miss you.
We miss you too, sweetie.
We love you very much.
I'm so scared.
Everything will be alright,
you'll see.
I didn't know little
girls could die too.
I don't want to die.
It scares me to get put
inside a closed casket.
You're not going to die.
Do you hear?
You can't die.
We'll always be with you.
No matter what.
Come on.
Don't worry.
What are you doing here?
Get out.
It's my fault, dad.
Please, don't get mad at them.
Don't worry, princess.
I'm not mad.
The terrain is harder
than I expected
as per superficial substrate.
You don't say.
What made you come to
that conclusion?
Does it say so in your
blasted papers?
There should at least
be some moisture by now.
"Allez". Come on,
one, two, one, two
Liquid gold.
Liquid gold.
Come in.
Those strangers
It's them, aren't they?
They've come back.
What's going to
happen now?
How should I know, woman?
I'm no fortuneteller.
You can't hurt them.
They're, the sons of
Now you're going to tell me what
I can and cannot do, Lydia?
You, worry about the girls.
Keep them away from Rosa.
I don't want to have to bury
them one after the other.
I can't see a single drop of water.
- No liquid gold. No fucking nothing.
We have to keep going.
The spring has to be under this bedrock.
It has to be here.
Or perhaps it was in that
mountain over there?
That mountain over there?
What do you mean "that
mountain over there"?
I'm gonna kill you,
you damn 'frog'!
You're saying that the water
may not even be in our land.
Listen, it could be,
but I doubt it.
I've never been wrong before.
We have to go on.
We can't give up now.
And how much deeper should we
dig to know if it's there?
Two meters?
Three four.
- One.
And If there's no trace of
moisture, we stop.
You'll dig alone.
I'm not breaking my back
over this loony's nonsense.
They should've kept you in jail.
One more meter.
If we don't find any water
this will be your grave.
It's closed.
And I don't want any part
of this, you hear me?
Get out!
You wrecked half my lounge.
I'll pay for it.
Can I have a drink?
What's wrong?
That's enough.
There's no water here.
I'm sorry.
I would have sworn there
was a spring down there.
don't know what to say.
No water, no nothing, fuck!
We shouldn't have come.
All that calculating nonsense.
I bet he can't even add.
Sir, you have offended me.
Oh yeah?
And what are you gonna do about it?
Stick me with your pencil?
I'm going to make
you eat your words.
You'll see.
My calculations are foolproof.
(Screams in French)
I've got half a mind to dump
all that dirt over him.
(Sounds hollow)
(They laugh)
There it is!
Devilish torrent!
What do you have to
say now, gentlemen?
You're a genius, Frenchy!
A genius!
There's no need to go overboard.
Everything within its limits.
And I'm Swiss!
There's no time to waste.
I must get these samples
to the laboratory.
I'm leaving.
I can still catch
the stagecoach.
We'll be in business in no time!
"D'accord, d'accord!"
We'll have to give it a name.
"The Bravo Spring".
What do you think?
We've got a spring, Roman!
Our own spring!
Listen to this
"For the ladies' rheumatism
and for gentleman's gout
Bravo waters tends to all."
What do you think?
Let's celebrate with
Frenchy's money.
First, we'll buy some
provisions, okay?
Nails, oil
what else?
Do you know what we
should buy first?
A safebox.
There's too many
pilferers around here.
For the moment
Let's have a toast
with this rotgut.
(Wolf howling)
Big brother.
Don't do that.
It will hurt later.
Poor dad.
Good night.
The doctor isn't home.
Call him!
My brother's dying!
- He's out. I don't know anything.
My brother is
Hang on.
Little brother.
My God!
Come on. Come on,
pick him up.
Let's go.
Come on, follow me!
Clear that table.
Come on, hurry!
Put him over here.
Go fetch the Doctor.
Hurry up!
Let's pray he's not too drunk.
Herminia, boil some water
and bring some clean rags, and lamps.
No way.
What do you think you're doing?
If we don't help him,
he's going to die.
Keep us out of this.
You heard my mother.
So get out of here!
We're going to stay here
and we're gonna do what
this woman says. Is that clear?
Put some water in
the kettle to boil.
Don't worry.
Those two are the men
occupying Mr. Lobo's land.
Hold on, brother.
Hold on.
Take care of him.
It was bound to happen.
It was written.
Don't look at me like that.
I'm not drunk.
What an ugly wound.
I don't think he'll
make it till morning.
If my brother dies
this will be your last drunken binge.
More light.
(Horse walking)
How are you, my love?
You were here.
I didn't see you.
What's wrong?
What did you do today?
Where have you been?
It's none of your business.
What? Can't you get rid
of those strangers?
Father must be furious.
Why are you acting
like this with me?
I'm just remembering my place.
Like you ordered.
So now you do everything
that I tell you?
Come on.
Hurry, hurry!
What's all that screaming?
There, look inside!
Forgive me tata.
Open the door this instant!
It'll be just a moment.
- lsabel!
(Bangs on the door)
There, It's done.
Rosa, sweetheart.
We've got a surprise for you.
Nieves, wrap her
so she doesn't get cold.
Are we going outside?
Dad will get mad at you.
Don't worry about that now.
- Come on, put this on.
Come on, let's go.
Close your eyes.
You can open them now.
The swing!
Isabel made it.
Hop on!
Thank you so much!
- Up!
I love it.
Get ready to fly.
You're crazy.
- Hold on tight.
Don't ever sneak up
on me like that.
Almudena, I'm sorry.
Did I hurt you?
Why are you looking at
me like that?
My father was right.
You're dangerous.
(Door creaks)
You look awful, big brother.
You bastard.
I wasn't planning on dying.
Let me see.
Your fever is gone.
Thank goodness.
You scared the hell out of me.
Don't worry,
we pulled through this time
This time we did.
How dare you set foot
in my house?
Did you come to kill me?
If I wanted to kill you,
you'd be dead already.
What do you want?
To negotiate.
We'll leave our land.
What happened here?
Where's the water?
We're getting the water
from their well
to bottle it and sell it as medicine.
(They laugh)
I'm not leaving here until I find
that bastard who killed father.
The boy has a right to
know the truth.
The friend of the outsiders.
Your father has been
here all his life
And no one had ever disrespected
him until you got here.
With your modern ideas.
What are you doing,
you fucking bastard?
What are you doing?
What happened?
Mr. Lobo's daughter has gone missing.
- Rosa!
You're a traitor. And traitors
should get what they deserve.
What do you take us for, doctor?
Why wouldn't we
leave them alone?
I wish you weren't a Lobo.
I'm begging you, don't do it.
If you kill them, you won't sleep
peacefully for the rest of your days.
Things are never what they seem.
Or do we only see
what we want to see?
Next Episode