Titletown High (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Are We Official?

[pensive instrumental music playing]
[crowd cheering faintly]
[man 1] High school ball is
You can ask any kid around here,
and he'll tell you
that's all that matters.
[man 2] This is a city
that winning means everything.
Valdosta's a place where it doesn't matter
so much how you play the game.
What matters is whether you win.
[man 3] Football, to this community,
is about as close
as you can get to a religion.
Everybody say amen! ♪
Everybody say amen! ♪
The only team that can beat
the finest of the Wildcats is who?
- The Wildcats!
- Is who?
[team] The Wildcats!
- Do you want it?
- Yes!
- Do you want it?
- Yes!
[upbeat rock music playing]
[woman] It's always been
Friday night football
since I was a little girl.
They always said, if you wanted to do
a criminal act, you could do it on Friday,
'cause everybody was at the game.
[player 1] Since I was young
You've wanted to be a Wildcat.
It's my culture here, really.
[player 2] I always thought about
playing for the roster.
I always wanted to be
the reason why we win Friday night.
[player 3] You wear black and gold
and have "Valdosta" across the chest,
everyone expects you to win.
This community, they don't like losers.
They grew up being winners,
they grew up watching winners.
Valdosta football's really big
in this community.
I hear about it everywhere.
It's actually really cool
to be with a Valdosta football player.
The starters here at Valdosta High
are celebrities.
Everybody knows everybody.
It does tend to lead to a lot of drama.
It's fun. [chuckles]
[man 4] These sure ain't the Wildcats
I remember from the glory days.
We haven't won but one State Championship
in over 20 years.
They wanna win State.
If you don't,
then they'll show you the door.
[reporter 1] Head coach Alan Rodemaker
has been fired.
VHS went 10 and 3 this past season,
their best year
since Rodemaker's inaugural campaign.
We just ready to get back to it, man.
At the end of the day,
we just need a good coach.
[reporter 2] The Rush Propst era
has officially begun at Valdosta High.
[man 5] He had won
numerous State Championships.
[man 6] He's a bit controversial.
Question is,
is Coach Propst the man for the job?
[man 7] This son of a gun
can coach football.
But you're making a deal with the devil.
Winning football games
will bring this community back together,
quicker than anything else.
[cell phone alarm chiming]
Who the heck's this?
Get up, Cari.
[Peak] What do you want?
- [man] Time to get up. Wake up!
- [young man moaning]
[man] Come on. We gotta get ready.
Dear God, thank you for this day.
Allow me to have a safe practice.
Oh God,
that we all get better, Lord God.
Let your light lead us on the path
to a State Championship, Lord.
- [Grayson sniffs]
- Here's some peanut butter.
Excited? First day in pads? Fun stuff?
I mean, I'm, like, not excited.
You'll make it.
I just wanna do good.
I'm not trying to have another year
like last year. I wanna play.
I was born and raised in Valdosta.
I knew growing up
I was gonna be a Valdosta Wildcat.
Well, you know, I just wanna play.
I wanna If I can't start,
I at least wanna be second string.
Well, hurry up and get finished up.
Let's get outta here. Okay?
Finish up your food.
I pray I get a scholarship
to get outta here.
My parents can't afford
to send me to college.
- [energetic rock music playing]
- [whistle blowing]
[man 1] That was grand!
[man 2] Get through it now.
Let's go! Let's go!
[man 3] Fast, fast, fast, fast!
Rapid fire! Rapid fire!
Let's go!
[blows whistle] Hey, hold on! Grip!
So! No grip!
The DB's gonna get it.
Valdosta High School
is a breeding ground for the next level.
- Get on top of 'em.
- [player] 20!
[Propst] In college football,
you're trying to help 'em get to the NFL.
And you're trying to make sure
they get their degree.
But high school
is where the grassroots is.
That's where it starts.
It's a lot of work they're doing.
Every week.
We need to do something for 'em,
keep 'em in there.
Why? Your legs broke?
Then why are you not practicing?
'Cause of my wrist.
Doing that,
you ain't playing on the next level.
I can tell you that now.
You would not play.
They'll cancel your scholarship.
So what you gonna do now?
Their practice habits
were the worst I've seen.
I think that they feel like
on Friday night
that they can just turn on a switch
and go play under the Friday night lights,
and you can't do that.
- Yeah.
- You sorry but you only bail once
- You suck, bi
- I'll do that [bleep] again.
[player] Go!
[players grunting]
Good, good.
Move, move, move, move, move, move, move!
Move! Move your feet!
- The tempo we gotta run, bruh.
- You right.
You gotta get out in five seconds,
with an edge on.
Go full speed every play.
These coaches are just on it,
all the time.
[coach] How do y'all breathe hard
by doing that drill?
- Hurry up.
- [Grayson] Last year was slower.
This fast pacing, it's harder.
[Propst] There you go! Good!
Coach is better, in my opinion.
[Propst] Get up, Billy.
Come on, Billy. Come on, Billy.
Get up, get up, get up, get up, get up!
- [Billy groans]
- [player] Try to get up.
- Right, third place Broncos, right hash.
- Broncos right hash?
- First, what family's Broncos?
- Denver.
- Denver. So right hash.
- He has no bucks.
- He has no bucks.
- Utah, call
Okay, let me teach him. Denver is what?
- Denver? They have a deep back.
- Right.
I got this, dude. We got the will.
[Amari grunts]
[Amari] I'm from Atlanta, Georgia.
I moved down here in July.
I was named the starter,
then two days later, Jake Garcia came.
[reporter] Jake Garcia
Jake Garcia transferring from California.
one of the top high school quarterbacks
in the nation, committed to USC.
Because of COVID,
California got shut down,
um, so I wasn't gonna have
a senior season.
So, my dad made it happen
and we moved to Georgia.
Coach Propst pulls me into his office.
You're gonna hear the rumor
that he's gonna be starter
day one he gets here.
That's not true.
Whoever can master that offense
is who gonna play.
[Amari] I was mad.
I was really upset about it.
I just felt, like, "Dang, why does this
have to happen to me right now?"
It's time to go compete.
I am gonna fight for the job.
[Amari grunts]
- Good!
- [coach blows whistle]
[Jake speaking indistinctly]
The school Jake came from had kids
- Probably about 20 kids with D1 offers.
- Wow!
You know, they were, like,
Arizona State to Alabama to
- Yeah.
- Down to LSU.
[Jake] Roger! Roger! Roger!
[Propst] Jake Garcia has a special talent.
There's not a ball he can't throw.
But every kid that moves in here
will earn the right to play.
[Sutton] We got time. Final aces.
What a frigging ball!
Lord have mercy, what a frigging ball!
[country music playing]
[attraction riders screaming]
[game barker] Here we go!
[bell ringing]
[game barker] We have a winner!
There's a winner every week.
- I know you wanna carry it.
- I don't. You carry it.
I wonder what the giraffe's name is? Fred?
- [girl laughs]
- [Grayson] Look
He's a certified freak.
- Oh, he's touching!
- [girl] Oh my gosh!
Wait, feed the giraffe, like
Grayson, come stand here
and try to get the giraffe between us.
[camera shutter snaps]
- [Grayson] You're afraid of heights?
- No.
- Are you afraid of roller-coasters?
- I don't like them.
The fun of it is being scared.
[girl] Grayson and I
have been talking for about three months.
Talking is, like, before dating.
And I don't really know why we do it.
We just do it because, I guess,
our generation is scared of commitment.
It was really good at first
and we hung out a lot
and we got really close
and we FaceTimed every night.
Regular relationship things.
[safety harness clicking]
[Grayson] It's not even scary. I'm not
[Lenley] Except when your stomach
just drops out of your body.
- [Grayson] Oh my God!
- Oh!
My chest is too big,
so this thing is barely strapped.
[Grayson laughing, screaming]
The first time I saw Lenley,
I was like, "Damn! She's fine."
Me and her
are completely different persons,
but it just somehow works out just fine.
I like Lenley.
I've even told her,
"I don't know why I like you but I do."
[Lenley speaking indistinctly]
- Ow! What?
- Push back against the seat, all right?
- Trust me.
- I can't!
[continues screaming]
I'm not scared of taking it
to the next level. I just I don't
I don't wanna have to deal with
a girlfriend, you know? That's a lot.
I am scared of commitment then.
There you go. I am scared of commitment.
[Grayson] Wow!
You okay?
[Lenley] Yeah.
[woman] In the stadium,
you not knowing where I am
also makes you a little bit more
Right. 'Cause you can't find me,
you can't look to me, for that
I remember in middle school, every game,
if I do something wrong, like
You know, I want you to be focused,
'cause you can do it.
First I wanna be a four-star,
five-star quarterback.
I wanna have 25, 30-plus
football scholarships.
Um, also, it's been my dream
since I was a little kid.
I wanna be the valedictorian in my class.
You gotta stay focused. Right?
- Right.
- You gotta stay focused.
You know what that means, right?
Books and what?
- Books and girls?!
- I thought you said
- Really? Amari!
- I'm thinking you said
I think you said, "Stay off the girls."
No, stay focused on the books and what?
- Football.
- And football! Right.
[Amari] My mother's in the military.
She got re-stationed here.
So when I moved to Valdosta,
it was different.
You know, it's a lot of girls, you know.
It's a lot of vibes
and a lot of things you can do.
It's gonna be a big transition for me.
I'm not trying to tell you
not to have a girlfriend.
Like, that's that's not my intention.
But as a mother, right,
I know that you have goals for yourself.
And girls can be a distraction.
We know that. Girls can be a distraction.
That's why I tell you, just have friends.
- Right.
- Just have friends. Don't put a title on.
I mean, it's hard, when I'm a teenager,
to stay away from girls.
Like, I'm 16.
You are maturing a lot.
You just gotta keep working.
The thing is, get better every game,
get better, get better, get better.
[man] Well, the countdown is on
for the Wildcats.
The players, they're headed
back to school to start the new year.
- [Grayson] My hair looks bad?
- [girl] I just Don't do it.
I don't like when you put effort into it.
- Why?
- Because it looks better, like, messy.
Yeah, it was messy, but I don't wanna
come to school with messy hair.
It just looks like
Well, Zoey, I sleep hard.
Technically, I met Grayson
when I was, like, in elementary school.
Then in middle school
we started hanging out.
We started liking each other,
we started dating.
Then we didn't. We dated, then we didn't.
Now we're best friends.
Bugs in here or something?
- Beat its ass.
- [snickers] Calm down.
Nah. Just keeps biting me and shit.
[laughs] Gnats bite?
[scoffs] They suck.
Mosquito, bro.
Zoey means a lot to me
'cause she's always been there for me.
Whenever I need a ride, she'll get me.
Whenever I need some food,
she'll probably get me some food.
Whenever I need a hug,
she'll give me a hug.
[Zoey] So
how are you and Lenley doing?
We're doing pretty good.
Are you and Lenley, like, together?
Not officially.
Was it ever official though?
- No.
- Okay.
[Grayson] Who are you
going to Sweet Sixteen with?
- Avery.
- You going with Avery?
So you don't wanna go with me anymore?
- With him?
- With me anymore.
I do wanna go with you.
But you won't go with me.
- So, you're gonna go with Avery?
- Mm, yep.
[Zoey] The Sweet Sixteen dance
is an annual dance
that the country club holds
for girls turning, like, 16 in that year.
So if you get invited
you have to plan months ahead of time
to get your date, your dress.
- [Grayson] When is it?
- January?
That's a long time away.
Yeah, but I have to have my freaking
guest list and stuff done by November.
Let me be on your guest list at least.
You won't go with me
but you'll go on the guest list?
But I just don't wanna wear a suit.
I would kill to see you in a suit.
I would literally kill.
Mm, nah.
[Zoey] Gotta have the bleach
out of your hair.
[Grayson] Don't look good?
- It makes you look like a douchebag.
- I am a douchebag.
Exactly. So when you get rid of it,
you'll not be a douchebag anymore.
And you'll be nice again. Aw!
I'll be nice again!
- Sweet Sixteen, huh?
- Yep.
I feel like you could do
a lot better than Avery, bruh.
I don't wanna go Who am I gonna go with?
[woman over PA]
We are excited that you are back,
and we're gonna make this experience
a very pleasant experience.
[man over PA] As you go to class,
you should have your masks on your face,
covering your nose.
[Peak] I'm gonna sit in front of class.
Be the best student here.
[teacher 1] Make sure everybody
can get on your interactive notebook.
[teacher 2] We're gonna concentrate
on reviewing a little bit of Algebra 2,
then we're moving to Trig,
and we'll be doing that
the whole semester.
Remember, kids.
Remember social distancing.
Remember social distance.
[girl] I made Grayson
take my pictures, right?
And Grayson was, like,
"Oh, I bet Amari loves this outfit."
And I said, "Mm-mmm."
[all laughing, chuckling]
[Amari] Morgan goes to Valdosta.
I met her at a scrimmage game
and she came on the field.
You know, when everyone come on the field,
you see somebody you like,
you keep a mental note in your head.
You want one of these?
I was waiting for you to open 'em.
Hey, that ain't no family pack.
[friend laughing]
People that don't know Amari
He's, like, very tall,
cute, handsome.
He's really sweet.
Like, everything I ask for, I get it.
He's the best boyfriend ever.
[Morgan] Are you excited?
I really want to win for Coach Propst,
to be honest.
And plus, I get to wear my shirt.
But you won't show me your shirt.
Oh, I didn't show you the back?
It say, "Number two on the field,
number one in my heart."
Slap me some skin.
You so weird!
So, basically, right now
I'm hiding Morgan from my mom.
Which I don't think is lying.
I think it's just not exposing the truth.
Are y'all official?
- Are we official?
- [Morgan] Yeah.
Don't roll your eye like that,
big brother.
[girl] I'm so fricking hungry.
Not fricking I'm so hungry.
[Zoey] I'm hungry too.
Like, ah, my Ow!
- Oh!
- I didn't realize that was there.
- I'm nervous.
- What did you run over? Wait!
- A bump. Or a cat.
- A cat
[Kendall] You excited for school?
No, I have three AP classes. Three.
I hope this year
doesn't get cut off because of COVID,
'cause that would suck.
Will they even have football games?
What are you supposed to do at, like
If you can't be near each other,
if it's COVID
I really don't think that I'm
Psh! I'll sit by you.
I mean,
I really care about COVID and stuff.
- But, like
- Those are dark.
[Zoey] Everyone's talking about how, like,
they wanna finish school
and leave Valdosta,
but I don't know what I wanna do.
I have absolutely zero clue.
- Right now
- You know what you wanna do, don't you?
Orthopedic surgeon.
But where do you wanna go to college?
You know?
- The Air Force Academy.
- Exactly.
- I have no clue.
- I dunno.
[Kendall] Well,
you're a good person to talk to.
No, I'm serious.
Go into psychology
and become a therapist or something.
I mean, yeah.
Do that in the military.
We'd be in the military together.
- [gasps] Yay!
- I dunno, like,
I feel like
you're so much more
than this place.
Literally, the only thing
I looked forward to during the school year
was football pep rallies. So
Me too!
[Kaili] I dunno
if they're gonna do that.
[Morgan] And performing in rallies.
So, like, two weeks ago at the scrimmage,
I was, like I'd just got my hair done,
going to the scrimmage.
I guess that's where Amari seen me, so
Okay, Morgan!
- Hey!
- Hey, Kaili!
[Morgan] So we gonna ignore
that that just happened?
Actually, yes,
we are just gonna ignore that.
Like that didn't just happen.
That was really awkward walking in.
That's Lenley's best friend, Malia
and that's her sister, Kaili.
That might be why they
Uh, it's fine.
Valdosta is a very small town.
Everybody knows everybody.
It does tend to lead to a lot of drama.
It's It's fun. [chuckles]
I don't care.
I'm not gonna sit here
and talk crap about them.
She seems like a nice person
from the TikToks I've seen and stuff.
Everyone knows
that him and this girl over there,
they have to be hooking up.
We have geometry together.
She's always talking about him.
She's always with him.
She might have
a little crush on him still. [chuckles]
Lenley lets him know that, like
"Y'all being together alone,
in your house, at night,
makes me uncomfortable."
The bare minimum.
Does she know about you?
I don't know.
If he's gonna lie to me about it,
he's probably gonna lie to her.
I was like, "Where's your girlfriend?"
He's like, "I don't have a girlfriend."
- Ooh! Ooh!
- Oh my God!
The only reason he's cool with me
is because he doesn't feel like
he has to impress me
because I don't even like boys.
Still don't know why he would do that
with two separate girls.
He doesn't know what he wants,
so he's trying to, like, test the water
- No, that is not
- I'm not dumb.
- Yeah, exactly.
- So
I'm also not his lapdog.
So I'm not gonna sit here, like,
"Oh, Grayson, I'll wait for you
to go look at other girls"
Like, I don't care.
Even with you saying all this,
you're gonna drive him to school, right?
Yeah, probably.
- Okay.
- [both laugh]
[birds chirping]
[alarm ringing]
Come on now, wake up. Get up.
[Jake] Moving from California,
life is a lot slower.
But I mean, to be honest,
there's not that much of a difference
with my everyday life,
because we're so involved in football
that it's not like
I really have time to be bored.
[Randy] Jake!
[Jake] Yes?
Making sure you didn't go back to bed.
Jake was an early enrollee at SC
and wanted to play his senior year,
and when California announced
that they weren't going to play,
he says,
"I wanna go out of state to play."
I brought it up to his mom and she said,
"Whatever it takes. Go ahead and go."
When your mom gets here,
I always cook breakfast, she does dinner,
so we don't have to go out and eat.
Where's she flying into?
I'm not really sure
about all the details with my parents.
But what I know is that my mom
couldn't just quit her job
and come out to Georgia,
so my parents ended up
getting legally separated.
I just try to keep my mom
and my dad's heads up,
but it is definitely
It's been definitely tough.
[students chattering]
Warner Robins High School football team.
And I'm telling you, there's a core
of 14 players at Warner Robins
that have played in 45 ball games
in three years now.
Their seniors have been in
three State Championship games.
Prepare yourself
for the toughest game of the year.
How you handle it
is gonna make the difference.
Go to work. Let's go.
[confident rock music playing]
[Jake speaking indistinctly]
Work the jokers off.
[player] Crazy! Crazy!
I think, in 40 years of coaching,
Jake Garcia has the best arm
I've ever coached.
[coach] Ninety, Jake! Ninety, Jake!
[Propst] Every ball he throws
has some zing to it,
some zip to it, and some explosion to it.
[player] Jake! Jake! Jake!
[Propst] Amari, his speed,
his ability to run the football
Amari can take the ball
and go 50 yards on feet.
- [player] Good job, Amari.
- [whistle blows]
[Jake] Good job. Good job.
[Amari] Torpedo!
[Propst] Are you kidding me?!
That's bull crap!
Come on, Amari! Come on, Amari! [grunts]
- [whistle blows]
- Don't throw us that.
Obviously, the quarterback
that has the least amount of weaknesses
will be your starter quarterback.
[Amari] Two full out.
[Propst] Jake Garcia,
because of his accuracy,
is going to be our quarterback
going into Warner Robins.
Good job pushing tempo.
I like it. I like it.
[Propst] We're just a work in progress,
but we got a lot of talent on this team.
I mean, not nothing.
It's a new era, a new beginning.
Lot of people coming to the game.
We got everything in front of us, guys.
We start out brand new.
Zero and zero. Undefeated.
How long can we hold onto that?
How long can we hold onto that?
That's gonna be the key.
How are you gonna fight for it
for 48 minutes? Okay?
Stack it up, stack it up, break
Always break it on State Champ.
That's what you're playing for.
Ain't playing for nothing else
but being State Champion.
That's all you ought to say.
State Champ. 'Cause that's
what we're playing for. State Champ.
Stack it up.
[player] Hey, on three!
State Champs on three! One, two, three!
- Four, five, six!
- [all] State Champ!
- Attaboy!
- [players cheering]
- [whistle blows]
- [hip-hop song plays]
Hello, hello, hello!
[Peak speaking indistinctly]
- Get that Wildcat.
- I want that Wildcat, blood.
- All gonna get a Wildcat.
- [cashier] Sweet chili's good.
- Like, sweet and spicy.
- Let me get that sweet chili then.
It's that big shit, bruh.
- Hey, now, stay later.
- [laughs]
I'm never late, bro. I'm on time, bro.
Go ahead and weep, bro.
You gonna turn me up?
[scoffs] Nah. I ain't
What they say to you? What they told you?
Basically, it's just, like,
"We gonna start Jake" type thing.
I'm mad about it,
- but I either gotta get when I get in
- Respect.
Gotta, you know, do my thing, like.
I don't know the playbook
better than Jake,
though I been here longer.
It's hard, 'cause, you know,
I'm not no bench-warmer, like
I don't ride the bench. Like, this is new.
I'm really mad inside, but, you know,
I can't show my emotions to the boys.
[man] Whaddup? Whaddup? Man, y'all good?
Got them Wildcat Wings with sweet chili.
Are y'all ready, man? Wanna ride one?
- We're good.
- For sure.
- He ain't ready, though
- Bruh, shut up! [laughs]
[Nick] You better be.
You got no choice.
- Hey!
- This man get that.
When Jake get out,
you gonna give him his headset. Here.
That boy bad, bruh.
That's number one.
That's cute.
You ain't number-one quarterback.
Who that belong to?
- Jake
- [Tajh] Garcia!
- Leave me alone.
- You want two?
- No! Straightened out his
- What?
[crowd cheering, clamoring faintly]
[announcer] Getting ready
for game one, 2020.
Valdosta Wildcat football season
versus the Warner Robins Demons.
A big crowd coming in here,
getting ready for some Wildcat football.
[man] And so we have
a lot of Wildcats to take to heart.
You need to be
the best Wildcats you can be tonight.
When you take this field tonight,
your field,
there will be two teams out there,
but one team everybody came to see.
- 'Cause everybody loves who?
- [players] Wildcats!
- 'Cause everybody loves who?
- Wildcats!
- 'Cause everybody loves who?
- Wildcats!
- And everybody say amen ♪
- Amen ♪
- And everybody say ♪
- Amen ♪
- Wildcats say ♪
- Amen! ♪
- Wildcats say ♪
- Amen! ♪
- Wildcats say ♪
- Amen! Amen! Amen! ♪
[Propst] Championship football.
Championship football. Let's see it, guys.
And it's a business.
It's a business and it's serious.
I've been a champion all my life,
and I'm gonna continue that.
I promise you.
And we're gonna raise this program
back to an upper level of greatness
that this program once had.
We're not gonna I'm not here
to win one championship.
You juniors, you sophomores,
getting up there and sustaining it.
Sustain a level of excellence.
That's what you're striving to do.
It may not be perfect,
because you're human.
But you've gotta strive for that,
every day!
Play your ass off.
Play like a champion.
Let's go.
[energetic rock music playing]
[announcer] It sounds like thunder rolling
across Bazemore-Hyder field.
Nothing more intimidating.
[players shouting]
Here come the Cats, brother.
Put someone on their back tonight, Peak!
I need somebody on their back tonight!
[player] Count to three
- One, two, three
- Yeah!
- Four, five, six!
- [players] Break!
[audience cheering]
[Jake] Getting ready for the first game
against Warner Robins is exciting.
They've been at State Championship
three times.
It's gonna be a dogfight.
[announcer] And here's the kick.
High, deep kick into the end zone.
- [whistle blows]
- [crowd roars]
Let's go! Let's go!
Something good happens,
you better not hit me.
Motown, Motown!
[announcer] High snap.
Got Garcia but the ball's on the ground.
Warner Robins is gonna pick up
the early turnover.
Eight minutes to flag through twice.
[player] I don't know how
they do this in college.
[man on PA] Warner Robins has
dictated the fumble at the 26-yard line.
Look, all the nerves are out.
Now, let's play football.
Try to run mid-line.
And redo.
So just sit and make this [bleep] cloudy.
[crowd] This is Wildcat season!
[announcer] Up the middle road.
Got a hold, nobody's gonna touch him.
He walks into the end zone.
- Oh!
- So, a Warner Robins touchdown.
Warner Robins strikes first,
makes the score seven to nothing.
Hey, Amari, turn up, bro. We good, bruh.
We good. But let's go, man.
It's only seven to zero.
We're still in it, bro.
Hey, bandit, bandit, bandit! Ready!
- We got your back.
- Let's go.
We got each other's back.
[crowd cheering]
[announcer] Looking to pass. We see it.
Up the middle. Gonna be sack.
- [whistle blowing]
- Oh! Jeez!
- Oh my God!
- [man over PA] Sack on the 39-yard line.
God dang, first play killed him.
[all exclaim]
He was open too.
That's wide open. What was you thinking?
He's one-on-one right here.
You tell me one-on-one, I say,
I'd take that deal every time.
- [crowd clapping]
- Let's go!
[announcer] Garcia's looking
over the middle.
Got time, gonna throw it!
Intercepted by Warner Robins.
He's at the 30-yard line,
and now he falls down.
- Oh God!
- [whistle blowing]
Your O-Line suck!
You need to get 'em straight!
[Propst] Jake, throw the ball to his hand!
[announcer] Just missed it.
A bad read by Garcia.
I'd let the ball go and I got my arm hit
when I was throwing it.
Probably 'cause that Yeah. Yes, sir.
[man] Can you hold this
Oh my God! Oh, that one play!
Run the ball, run the play.
Snap the ball.
We ain't gonna win like this, bruh.
You're 0-6, number six.
Time-out, time-out.
[shouting] Time-out! Time-out!
[whistle blowing]
You gotta look this way!
That's your job, to look at me My way!
[announcer] Wildcats need to put something
on the board here.
Field goal! Field goal!
- Having a grouse with the whole
- [whistle blows]
They got a ten.
That's a score and a field goal.
[man on PA] The score now,
Warner Robins 13
Score and a field goal.
Score and a field goal.
They rush three guys,
what do you do with your face mask?
Where you put it?
In his [bleep] rib cage!
Let's go, bruh. Hey!
Turn that [bleep] up and let's go.
But don't listen
what them boys talking about.
Hey, play your ball, bruh.
Show them what the [bleep] you is.
We got to score three damn times off it.
Well keep it up and keep going.
And quit making mistakes.
My mindset is,
no matter how much we're down,
it's never over until it's over.
We just gotta go out and execute it.
We are gonna do it.
Let's go win the second half. Let's go.
[players] Go!
Keep positive.
Let everyone know you're here to play.
Be a leader. You're a senior.
We need you. You got me?
Go ball. I know you can ball. Got me?
Let's go!
[confident rock music playing]
Go, baby!
[announcer] Nice throw and catch, Garcia.
We're reading 'em, Coach.
We're just running four to get out there.
This is the kill and deal time.
Let's score better goals.
[announcer] The world
falling down against us,
every break is going against us.
And all of a sudden,
here we are lining up.
Nice job at fighting back,
but he's snapped.
- Wow!
- Touchdown!
- Touchdown!
- Touchdown.
- [announcer] Touchdown!
- Yeah!
Let's go!
- Yeah. Let's go, man!
- Come on, it's a ball game!
Deep over the middle field.
Got Tajh Sanders down there.
Makes the catch in traffic!
Right left tackles, he's at the end,
and that's a Wildcat touchdown!
[crowd cheering]
[cheering grows muffled]
And Garcia's limping off,
acting like his left leg is hurt.
I felt it [imitates bone breaking]
when I was running to block.
Uh-oh! Uh-oh!
[Propst] Jake's hurt!
Jake's hurt! Get Amari ready.
[McPeak] Did he get hit?
[Jake] Right there. Right there.
[dramatic music playing]
- It's right there.
- [medic] Does it hurt?
[Jake] You feel it?
[Propst] Get lined up. You okay?
Where is Amari?
[Tajh] He's gonna win it!
Live like giants ♪
It's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
My kind of living
Ain't made for the city ♪
No, it don't slow down one bit ♪
And all we got is
Some mom-and-pops ♪
Smoking ribs in a tin-roofed pit ♪
Yeah, I got a few good friends ♪
Yeah, I got a beautiful wife ♪
Yeah, I got a picket fence ♪
Yeah, it's a beautiful life ♪
Where a little bit of money
Goes a long, long way ♪
And a little bit of seed
Makes a whole lot of grain ♪
A little piece of heaven's
Where I'm trying to stay ♪
'Cause yeah, at the end of the day ♪
It's a tire swing by a river stream ♪
That's running down behind my house ♪
Yeah, it's a little dream ♪
But it's the little things
That are big in a small town ♪
Hell yeah ♪
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