Together: Treble Winners (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[Pep Guardiola] Come up here, everyone.
All together, guys.
This is our memories, guys. Put it here.
And start again? No, we don't start again.
We are the same!
Lights, music, go.
[dramatic music playing]
-If we win the Treble, yeah
-[producer] Yeah
What you gonna do with that?
[Mark Pougatch] There is one Treble.
Premier League, Champions League, FA Cup.
I think we can go all the way.
[Natalie Gedra] It's a season that
we will be talking about for forever.
We have to take responsibility!
From the start, with them! Come on, boys!
[Pep] Otherwise for nothing!
This documentary
is gonna be the best ever.
She doesn't know her dad's Jack Grealish.
This is what the people have to realize,
that today I'm the king.
Are you alright, Günda?
You need to wrestle.
Expensive toes.
Just another day at the office.
[dramatic music intensifies]
[commentator] Absolutely brilliant
from City!
We won four
of the last five Premier Leagues,
and we're going to do it again.
[pundit 1] I mean,
are they unstoppable this evening?
[pundit 2] It's tough, the Premier League.
It's unforgiving.
You have to work and fight
for every single point you get.
[Dias] It's so easy to look far ahead,
and that's the one thing
that can get you killed.
-[music ends]
[fans cheering]
[commentator] Salah's got away!
Salah's through on goal!
[reporter] Are City title contenders
once again?
The questions were starting to be raised.
[commentator] Manchester City's lead
has been obliterated!
If we want to win this Premier League,
we have to grab it like this!
[Pep] Do you think it is normal,
what today we have done?
For the guys who travel to follow us,
to perform in this way?
[Haaland yells]
[Gary Neville] They're in
a proper, proper title race here.
[Dias] If we focus on ourselves,
we can beat them all,
and we want to do it again,
and that's when we get big.
[intense music playing]
I want my warriors.
[commentator 1] If you come for the king,
you'd best not miss
[pundit 1] The biggest prize
in club football
is still the Champions League.
That was a little bit special.
[pundit 2] He's got to turn Man City
into a team that conquers Europe.
That has to happen.
[commentator 2] We're going to Istanbul!
One more next week.
You know, tomorrow,
we play for immortality.
[commentator 3] Will it be a Treble
or a seismic shock?
[Pep] It's once in a lifetime, guys.
This situation,
we are not going to live it again.
[music fades]
[traffic rumbles]
[muffled voices]
[physio] Against you, I have my hand.
Up, up, up, up, up, up.
Good, good.
[reporter] They don't come
much bigger than this.
Erling Haaland is close to completing
his move to Manchester City.
[Rúben Dias] Oi, oi, oi!
[Martin Blackburn] It was a huge moment
because he was a striker
everybody in Europe was looking at.
His record of goals
was scary for the opponents.
Being able to take these big players out
from huge traditional clubs,
that's a big statement for City.
[Henry Winter] There was
a sentimental element.
City fans remember well his dad Alfie,
so hearing that name again, you know,
must have quickened the pulse.
Celebration was good?
[indistinct chatter]
You happy?
[Haaland] We won, of course!
[Dias] No, I'm thinking about
the next season already.
Of course. It should be good.
It's gonna be good.
It's gonna be a good time.
-We have to win the Champions League.
[dramatic music playing]
[voices overlap]
[Haaland] Do you want a seat?
-[Dias] Don't worry.
-Are you tired?
You can go back and sleep in the bed.
[Dias] Oh, you've got a bed!
[music intensifies]
[reporter] This is a huge
statement of intent from Manchester City.
Twenty. Ten.
-[producer] Welcome to Manchester, Erling.
-[Erling] Thank you.
[Grealish] We can't lose,
otherwise you get smacked on the head
and I ain't doing it.
'Cause everyone tries to whack me.
[players shout in background]
Thank you. First day back.
[reporter] Premier League clubs now,
and many of them returning
to preseason training this week.
Good style, huh?
First day back for training.
That's good.
You've got glasses, man.
It's not even sunny.
Straight from Ibiza.
[lively music playing]
Let's win some Champions Leagues.
This year, keep it until we win,
and then you put it out.
And you say that was ten months ago.
[Rodri] This is like our second family.
You always miss the people
you spend 24 hours all the year.
That makes you connect more with the lads.
It's always nice to come back, you know,
to what you know
and just that buzz, you know,
of getting fit,
getting ready for the new season.
[in Spanish] Every day we come
to training, and we are together.
-[players shout]
-[music continues]
Good shot. First touch. Bimba.
[coach shouts] Rebound!
[Ortega] I remember this training session
because it was unbelievable,
the quality in the shooting.
[reporter] Kalvin Phillips has joined
Manchester City on a six-year deal.
The first few days, it's like
it's kinda like a blur.
It's a move that, obviously,
I've been dreamin' about my whole life.
Come on, stop!
[coach] Rebound!
[player shouts] Yes!
[Grealish] Phil, nice pass.
[Foden] It caught the wind, bro.
[players shout in background]
Somebody from Manchester City booked me.
They were on their preseason tour
on the way to the United States
and they needed someone
to put a bit of pep in their step,
for want of a better expression.
[sprightly piano music]
Any doubts, just ask yourself,
what would Jan Mølby do?
Welcome to training camp.
You're a tremendous Nordic meat shield.
You have the poise of an apex predator,
but eyes of a kindly woodland creature.
It's a devastating combination.
Hello, sir. Welcome to training camp.
There he is, guy at the airport.
You have a fabulously symmetrical face.
-I have what?
-A fabulously symmetrical face.
I believe I delivered
the perfect greeting.
What followed was six seconds
of unbroken eye contact
between myself and Jack
where both of us
were equally as confused as the other.
I genuinely hadn't seen him,
so I was like, "Huh?"
"What's he going on about?"
I didn't know if he worked at the airport.
-You're very welcome!
Did he say anything to you, that guy?
I thought it was, like, a shape or summat.
I didn't know if it was, like,
a shape or whatever
You see Pep,
and you feel like he's playing eight games
of simultaneous chess at the same time,
whilst also doing three lines of bingo.
There's a lot going on up there.
Welcome to training camp.
Sir, if I may be so bold?
I have a question.
-Who's more the Pep-talker?
The pep-talker, or the pep-talker
who gives Pep a pep talk?
-[Pep] Pep, pep-talker.
-Shoulders back. Smash it.
The The The
The man has a mind
like a supercomputer, honestly.
He's never to be underestimated.
Put his shoulders back, walked on,
and, I don't know,
presumably had a wonderful training camp.
[reporter 1] Manchester City.
[reporter 2] I mean, EPL.
Back-to-back EPL championships.
Houston will be their base
for their US tour this year.
First match here in Houston
then they head to Lambeau Field
against Bayern Munich on Saturday.
-[player] Yes, Kev! Shoot!
-[Carson] Hey, wait, come on!
[indistinct chatter]
[player] That's all, mate!
That's it, boys!
[Carson] Ooh! Whoo-ooh! Whoo!
-[producer] Your initiation song
-[producer] In Houston.
-Have you got a video?
Oh yeah, you got this one?
[laughs] You actually filmed it?
Quiet, please.
The pressure was high.
-["Sweet Caroline" playing]
-[all] Reaching out ♪
Touching me ♪
-Touching you ♪
At the end I enjoyed,
but the minute before was horrible.
I was more nervous than on the pitch.
-["Despacito" playing]
-[Álvarez sings in Spanish]
-[Álvarez stops]
-[song continues]
[laughs] This in the documentary
is gonna be the best.
[laughter and chatter]
["Hero" playing]
You're probably gonna show this
probably right after I say this.
Would you dance
If I asked you to dance? ♪
Would you run and never look back? ♪
I think, performance-wise, I was the best.
Maybe voice, I think Kalvin was the best,
he really went into it, like really.
Give me one good reason
Why I should never make a change ♪
Baby if you ♪
I agree with Erling, to be honest.
Mine was more of just
It's one of them songs
that, you know, you can sing along to
even if music's playing in the back.
It makes you sound a little bit better,
I think everyone were surprised
when I started singing.
[all] I can be your hero, baby ♪
I think performance
is the most important thing.
So I think I was the best.
You can take my breath away ♪
Can I take the whole song, or
[cheering, whistling]
[chanting] Haaland! Haaland!
[reporter] What a night it's gonna be
on Wednesday at NRG Stadium.
We couldn't be more excited
to welcome the English Premier League
champions, Manchester City.
[commentator] Kevin De Bruyne, goal!
[dynamic music playing]
[reporter] They are one of the true
global brands in the sport.
What we thinkin'?
[reporter] You're talkin' about
100 million followers on social media.
I mean, you're talkin' about
the best of the best.
[music ends]
[Grealish] Erling!
I told you!
That's why I'm here.
Exactly these balls, that's why I'm here.
I said, "Get in there".
And he's got that big, long leg out!
[indistinct chatter]
[chatter fades]
[tense music playing]
Hey, hit the second ball long, low.
Come on! Stay there. You, Rodri
The Community Shield is a game
that most people that are not involved,
they say it doesn't matter,
but once you're there, you wanna win it.
[Nedum Onuoha] It's the curtain raiser.
City came up against Liverpool
who, over the last few years,
under Jürgen Klopp
had actually been their biggest rivals,
and only the season before
had potentially gone for their own Treble.
[tense music playing]
[music intensifies]
[Walker] Start quick!
-[Grealish] Can I get a water?
-[Carson] We need to be talking Everyone!
[Dias] To win everything
we need to start winning now, 'ey?
[Pep] We compete against ourselves,
not Liverpool. You know that.
Anyone can play bad.
You have to try to play
as best as possible.
And don't forget, never,
we are the champions.
We're here because we won
the Premier League.
During 11 months,
you're going to defend the crown.
[whistle blows]
It was a tight game,
but we were not good enough.
I was not good enough.
[commentator] Haaland, oh!
He can't believe he's missed it.
[indistinct chatter]
In here, all together.
All right, just a few words, guys.
When I take a decision against you,
against you, against all of you,
for me, it's tough.
I don't want it,
but you have to respect it.
You gave everything, I know.
But it was not enough.
Fresh here, fresh here.
This week,
I'm gonna work on you a little bit more.
[energetic music playing]
[indistinct hollering]
[players shout]
[music ends]
[Pep] I love you! Go to the ball, guys!
Erling! Erling!
[Pep yelling] I love that!
He guide us! He guide us
when we are going to do the press.
[Caldeira] If you sign a super striker,
it doesn't mean
that it's going to click instantly.
It might never click. You never know.
Pep always made it clear
that they had to adapt to Haaland.
We got so used to seeing City
move around on the pitch,
linking with the attacking players
in a different way, and very unique,
and it was all very interesting.
Effectively, for two years
running up to Haaland arriving,
they hadn't really played with
a traditional center forward, if you like.
The goals were very much
more spread around the team,
but they still won the league,
so I suppose that's the genius of Pep,
that he finds a way of doing it.
[Gedra] Then Haaland arrives
and it becomes like,
okay, we need we need to adapt to him
to to get the best out for everyone.
[indistinct shouting]
[Pep] Gündo! You are there, my friend!
I love you so much, Gündo.
We won the Premier League
because you were there!
And Kevin knows that you are there!
Yes! Yes!
[players all shout at once]
Bernardo Bernardiki! Rodri, Bernardiki!
[in Spanish] Bernardiki here!
I didn't I didn't remember that.
[in Spanish] Here Bernardiki, and goal!
And these moments with him,
these reactions in training, they're fun.
[Pep] Guys, I'm going to retire.
I'm going to retire!
I've seen my team play like I want. I
You won the Premier League.
I don't want to win anymore.
It's so good, guys. It's so good!
It's so good, guys!
Here, tiki, tiki, tiki, tiki, taka.
Tiki-taka. I love it, guys!
[commentator] So, the champions
begin their defense
against West Ham at the London Stadium.
[players shouting and cheering]
[commentator] Through a blur
of East End bubbles,
the time has come
to bring on the champions.
-[pulsing music playing]
-[crowd singing]
[commentator] Gündoğan, into the gap.
Haaland's looking for it!
Brought down, penalty kick!
Haaland's picked up the ball,
and he's placing it on the spot.
[Haaland] In the West Ham game
when the West Ham fans
started singing chants to me
about this and that, uh [inhales]
then it was just, uh even better
to score and do that celebration,
just relax a bit, and, uh
and yeah, just enjoy the moment.
[Pep] When it happened
and in that position,
the same for the penalty,
Erling moved well
between the central defenders.
Put that ball here, okay?
Here to here? No way.
Here, we can play.
Sometimes put that ball here,
when in the final third.
In the moment, we'll find it.
[commentator] Rodri comes forward.
Into the gap for De Bruyne.
Now City on the counter.
Haaland's through.
Chance to sink West Ham!
He never misses chances like that!
Welcome to Manchester, Erling Haaland,
you are gonna be a superstar!
[De Bruyne] I think we feel each other,
what we're like, and what we can do good,
and Erling did what he did
and made scoring seem easy.
Thank you!
-[staff] Morning.
-[Haaland] You all right?
[staff] Good, thanks.
[player] He got it for sure.
[indistinct chatter]
[Grealish] Don,
the standard's unbelievable!
Tell you what, Walks
[players groan]
[coach] Come on!
[intense music playing]
[players shouting]
[reporter] We have got some breaking news.
Manchester City have agreed
an £11 million deal
with Anderlecht to sign Sergio Gomez.
[in Spanish] It's a little bit odd
for someone from Spain to support City,
but that's how it is.
You good? Yeah?
Good. Welcome. All the best.
[mellow music playing]
[interviewer] Back at the Etihad.
Good to be back in front of your own fans?
[Pep] Yeah, happy to be here
after a little bit more than three months
in our last game
when we won the Premier League.
Lights, music.
[fans whistling and cheering]
[cheering intensifies]
[Gündoğan] Believe it or not,
I didn't really get the chance
to watch it over again,
so it was actually nice, you know,
to remember that day.
It was a nice touch from the manager.
After the video,
everyone was so motivated.
-[Pep] Let's go, guys!
[energetic music playing]
[commentator] Understandable.
Huge anticipation in the air.
[fans chanting] City, City!
Haaland on the turf. On he goes!
Gündoğan's through! 1-0, City.
De Bruyne keeps on going. Still De Bruyne!
[Pep] Here it's five against five.
Here it's six against six.
It's behind the winger.
When we arrive, you make the runners,
and we can find them.
Receive here to attack here,
and after, make the action.
[commentator] City,
getting into the final third.
De Bruyne,
still with the chance of release. Foden!
[fans cheering]
[indistinct chatter]
[commentator 1]
Welcome to St. James's Park.
for Newcastle United
against Manchester City
in week three
of the Premier League season.
[commentator 2] So City arrive at
St. James's Park brimming with confidence
after a wonderful start
to the new campaign.
[Gündoğan] Listen, boys,
we had a decent start so far,
but we can do better.
We need to take the next step
and there's no better place
than taking it here in Newcastle.
They're gonna be aggressive,
they're gonna be well organized,
and they will believe
they can get something from us,
but we will prove them better.
Same intensity and same rhythm
like the last two games.
-Let's start strong and aggressive.
-[all] Come on!
[reporter] An ominous-looking City side.
The visitors today to a stadium,
to a club that,
in the long term, wants to challenge them.
[commentator] He's curled it across
to Gündoğan who brings it under control.
And an early blow taken by Newcastle
with the first goal they've conceded
this season scored by Ilkay Gündoğan.
Another good cross into the box,
and this time there's an equalizer.
It's Callum Wilson!
It's 2-1!
And a first half turnaround
from the new Newcastle United!
[Pep] In your head, you think
you're playing bad but you are not.
[commentator] Trippier going for it!
And how!
[Pep] I wanna see the character
that you have because you have it!
You have it.
You've proved it a million times.
You have to prove it again.
This must happen, guys.
Guys, this must happen.
[commentator] There's still a chance.
Haaland scores!
And City are back in the match!
De Bruyne and an opportunity,
and from a position of despair,
Manchester City are level.
[pundit 1] Some teams
can go the other way.
Man City carried on playing their game.
[pundit 2] The reaction of champions.
[Pep] You were brilliant.
You were in a tough opponent
in a tough stadium.
You react really well. Congratulations.
-[man] Well done, boys.
-[Pep] Well done, boys.
[Champions League anthem plays faintly]
[indistinct chatter]
[Blackburn] Guardiola
calls the Champions League
the most beautiful competition.
It's a very glamorous competition
in lots of ways.
-Thank you very much.
It's a pleasure to be here.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to Istanbul
for the UEFA Champions League
group-stage draw
You have the group stage
up until Christmas,
and then after Christmas,
at the start of the following year,
you have the knockout stage.
The Champions League
is basically the biggest stage
in the football-club world.
The biggest clubs in Europe
face each other.
City have had their share
of recent heartbreaks.
[emotional music playing]
[commentator] City trying to win
the Champions League for the first time.
[reporter 1] Manchester City's wait
for Champions League glory goes on.
-[music intensifies]
-[players shouting]
[commentator] It's the moment
Oh, he's done it!
-[fans cheering]
-Right at the death!
[cheering fades]
It's been disallowed.
[music intensifies]
It's Dembélé again.
And Manchester City cannot believe it!
Chelsea have won the Champions League!
Grealish! It's off the line!
[reporter 2] City had a two-goal advantage
with just seconds of the 90 minutes
remaining at the Bernabéu.
[commentator] Oh my word!
It's astonishing!
More Champions League heartbreak
for City and Pep Guardiola.
[music intensifies, ends]
[reporter 3] How will he lift himself
to go again next season?
The biggest prize of all
continues to elude Manchester City.
Let's go.
We go.
The draw for Champions League
was just huge.
Almost the nation stops,
let alone, you know, the dressing rooms
of those involved.
[indistinct chatter]
Manchester City FC.
[excited chatter]
[Winter] Football's just one big tapestry
with all these interwoven strands
of sort of history and emotion
sort of woven in there,
and Haaland must've known at some point
he'd be going back to Dortmund.
[indistinct chatter]
[host] Borussia Dortmund.
[indistinct chatter]
[Gündoğan] Why are you filming just him?
You know I played for Dortmund.
[Rodri] Ten years ago!
[producer] You turned to me,
and you thought I was only filming Erling,
and you said, "Hey,
I used to play for them as well."
-[Gündoğan laughs]
-[producer] You think I forgot?
No, you didn't,
but it was such a long time ago,
you didn't care. [laughs]
[indistinct chatter]
We got Dortmund, yeah. We got Dortmund.
[tense music playing]
[reporter] It's Crystal Palace
at the Etihad
and Palace invariably pose a problem
for Pep Guardiola's side.
They've lost only one
of their last four visits to the Etihad,
which, as Pep said, shows their quality.
[commentator] Crystal Palace once again
giving City problems.
Well, you just can't quite believe
what you're witnessing.
[fans singing]
It was a bad start of the game,
and the first half was horrible.
[Pep clicks fingers]
[Pep sighs]
When you're losing 2-0,
for example, I remember Aston Villa,
everyone is so disappointed.
[Pep] We're going to try, yeah?
Going to try?
Five minutes Three goals
in five minutes against Aston Villa.
And then Gündoğan scores the first one,
and everyone starts believing,
and the mood changes,
and everything changes.
In ten minutes you can change the game.
[dynamic music playing]
[crowd cheering]
[Silva] I think this team has proven
that we never give up
and we knew how tough it would be
to turn around that game,
to make a proper comeback.
[commentator] Manchester City
needed someone to step forward.
[Haaland] We got the energy back.
We kept on going and, uh
in the end, it was a really good game.
[Silva] When you score the first one,
the stadium becomes, uh
a chaos and a mess,
and most opponents, teams,
they start not defending that well
and we push them and push them,
and we create chances.
[commentator] And it's 2-2 at the Etihad!
[Silva] In previous seasons,
sometimes because of the way we played
with false nines and everything,
when we needed to play
with crosses inside the box,
we didn't have that main guy.
[commentator] Haaland is there!
[Silva] Now we have it.
And that game was more about
heart and energy rather than tactics.
[pundit 1] It's a sign of champions,
the way they came back in the second half.
They were fantastic.
[commentator] Haaland has his first
City match ball. It will not be his last.
[crowd cheering]
I don't know what to say.
It was an amazing feeling.
[pundit 2] Gündoğan breaks the lines
and then the movement, the finish!
I don't think I've had such a big smile
on my face in a long, long time
'cause I'm seeing a young man
who's living the dream.
Absolutely living the dream. I love it.
Yeah. We've got somebody really special.
[music intensifies, ends]
[staff applaud]
Look at that!
[cheering, laughter]
[staff] Assist of the year, that. Top!
No-look pass,
and there's no look on the pass.
[Stones] You can't coach it.
You can't coach it.
[staff] If Messi would've done that
You can't coach it now.
Yorkshire till we die!
[Jeff Stelling] 2-0 down at halftime,
came back and won by four goals to two.
Bit of a Jekyll and Hyde performance
from City in some respects.
[Clinton Morrison] Yeah.
Palace had a game plan,
and in the first half it worked.
The game plan was outstanding.
Scored from two set pieces.
Poor defending from City,
something Pep will not be happy about,
defending set pieces.
Attack the ball. This is set pieces.
You want more here, you want more there.
Talk with Carlos.
You have to be covered, go with him,
and we will adjust for you the cover.
If Kyle prefer here, we'll be here.
[lively music playing]
[players shout]
[player 1] Ball in!
[player 2] Out, out! Out, out! Out!
[indistinct shouting]
[reporter] Manchester City
have announced a signing,
the center back, Manuel Akanji
from Borussia Dortmund.
It was like, a couple of days
before the transfer window ended.
It was really crazy.
My wife was pregnant. Um
Two days after I signed, my son was born.
It was a crazy start.
Like, uh
Let me show you a picture. See this?
-Hopefully gonna win.
-[barber] Yeah.
So I wanna see how it is in the stadium.
-[barber] Haaland hat trick again?
-[Akanji] Yeah, maybe. I hope so.
[Pep] Finish the action, guys.
Concentrate, finish the action.
[indistinct chatter]
The home game next was Forest.
First-half hat trick.
[commentator] Foden clips it in.
Haaland! 1-0!
[fans cheering]
-[commentator] And Haaland makes it 2-0!
-[fans cheering]
[commentator] And Haaland! Number three!
[Carson] There's gonna be no balls left!
[producer] Do you know
you are the first player
to have scored a hat trick
in consecutive halves of football?
Yeah, second half and first half. Yeah.
No, I didn't know. Now I know.
[commentator] The ball on the edge
of the Forest area. And João Cancelo!
Goodness me, what a goal that was.
And Álvarez is in! Five!
[in Spanish] It is always nice to score
your first League goal,
wherever it happens.
[commentator] And it comes to Álvarez!
Number six.
Two for Álvarez. A sweet, sweet finish.
[in Spanish] I believe it was
a great match for everyone on the team,
and personally,
to be able to score two goals.
[commentator] A terrific hit by Álvarez.
City lead 6-0.
[Pep] So incredible proud
because you played incredible.
You had incredible focus
on all the details.
And this is our rhythm.
We can do better? Yeah.
Put yourself against them,
and it will be a good season again.
Okay, guys? Congratulations.
[Haaland] Yeah. Amazing feeling again.
It's a bit unreal, uh
but I was so, so happy.
Another day
[indistinct chatter]
[laughter, chatter]
-[Haaland] What do you think, eh?
-[Noel Gallagher] Amazing. Amazing.
-Enjoy it?
-Good Oh!
-Yes. Well done. Great to meet you.
-[man 1] Hey. Nice one, man.
-[man 2] Enjoying it?
-[Haaland] Yeah.
-You gonna give us one of them every week?
-[Haaland laughs] Yeah.
You'll run out of balls!
[tense music playing]
[reporter] Six British clubs involved
in the Champions League this week.
Manchester City, they play Sevilla.
[Akanji] To be honest,
it wasn't that hard for me to adapt
because I've always been a player
that liked to play from the back.
[Pep] Manu! Manu!
[player] Go, go, go, go!
[player] Yes! Yes! Do it!
[reporter] Akanji, very comfy on the ball.
I just wonder if Guardiola looks
at that ability to retain possession.
It's really demanding,
not just for the center backs,
for all the positions
that we have on the pitch.
[players shouting]
[Akanji] I knew the stadium,
the surroundings,
so at the beginning,
I was a little bit nervous,
but as soon as you get into the game,
you forget about these things
and you're in the moment
and try to do your best.
[commentator] Manchester City setting off
on another Champions League journey,
wondering if this is the year.
Gomez, Isco, as a team to play.
For sure. They will drop.
Quality. A lot of quality in the box.
That's why the central defenders
are high pressing and go there.
They are not going to attack Phil.
[commentator] Foden, lovely ball.
De Bruyne! And there he is again!
Erling Haaland!
Cancelo. Foden again.
Working onto that left foot.
There's the shot! There's the goal! 2-0.
Foden again.
Could be another chance here.
he's going to score again, you know!
Two for him, three for Manchester City.
In total control,
and they have been most of the way.
Cancelo! And there is the goal.
Ruben Dias. 4-0 to Manchester City.
[Akanji] I wasn't sure
if I can go for the full game,
but I felt really good,
we played a good game.
[intense music playing]
-[music fades]
-[birds squawking]
[player] Yep. Go!
[pundit] Dortmund will be
their toughest test, but even that game,
City will look at that
and fancy theirself.
If they play the way they have,
they shouldn't have any problem.
[Carson] Oh, you little Through my legs.
I don't fancy people shooting
while we're here.
[players shouting]
They shouldn't be hitting me
with their quality, should they?
[Grealish] Erling,
you ain't taking it like that.
[Haaland] No, I don't, but I could though.
[players shouting]
Go, Cole! Go, Cole!
Yes, Jack. I love that!
Get in, get in!
I love that, Jack!
[mellow music playing]
Yeah, it was special. I still have
a lot of good feelings for Dortmund.
I played there two and a half years
and had an amazing time.
I had a great connection
with so many people in the club.
[commentator] Both teams won
on opening night.
City in Seville and Dortmund
at home to FC Copenhagen,
so both groups of players
are confident and focused here.
Now that's an interesting ball.
Özcan plays it on. Marco Reus might be in.
Still going here!
Couldn't hit the target. What a chance.
[fans chanting]
[commentator] Cleared as far
as Marco Reus. It's deflected and in!
It's Jude Bellingham!
Marco Reus's delivery
and the delicate touch
from Jude Bellingham!
Kevin De Bruyne
Haaland looking to get in
behind them for the first time!
Tight angle.
Too tight, even for him.
Stones for Manchester City. Oh yes!
[fans cheering]
[commentator] What a goal!
It's an absolute wonder strike
from John Stones.
Where on Earth did he find that from?
Manchester City one,
Borussia Dortmund one.
[Stones] As soon as I hit it,
I knew I hit it well.
I seemed to hit it quite hard,
which surprised myself, to be fair.
Really satisfying and important goal.
Something I'm proud of.
Scoring in the Champions League,
and not a bad one.
I saw João, and I saw
he wanted to do the outside, uh
I saw how he had the ball,
and I was ready, and he knew I was there.
[commentator] What a ball that is
by Cancelo!
In it goes! Erling Haaland!
Sometimes you cannot believe your eyes!
Oh my God, this kid's sensational!
[host] I don't know what's happened
at the Etihad.
You cannot keep this guy
out of the headlines.
-You can't keep Clinton quiet either.
-[Clinton] Unbelievable finish
Yeah, when you look back now,
or when you see the goal
You have to show the goal when I say this
because the goal was just so good goal,
and it's one of my most beautiful goals
I ever scored in my life.
It was such a good goal.
I remember a long, long time ago
in Barcelona,
Johan Cruyff
scored one quite similar goal.
I remember him immediately when he scored.
[Onuoha] The finish from Haaland
was absolutely incredible.
I would say
only he can do that in this generation.
[Winter] There was something so fitting
that Haaland should score
against Dortmund,
and then, in the great tradition
of Pep's mentor, Johan Cruyff.
It was a perfect moment.
[indistinct chatter]
Seriously, where the
did that come from from Stonesy?
I've never seen him
even hit one like that in training.
[Rodri] Stones!
What a shot.
-That'll be my entrance.
-[player] Johnny boy!
[indistinct chatter]
[Pep] We cannot go at one rhythm.
Our rhythm is a full gas on everything.
It doesn't matter what happen.
You feel safe in that way.
And after that,
John made an incredible goal.
Erling made an incredible goal.
But you have to demand yourself, guys.
I don't have to push you guys.
It's Champions League.
When the momentum arrives,
push, push, and push.
You have to do it for yourself.
You are too good, guys. You are too good.
It's unacceptable,
the way you performed today.
[Pep grunts sluggishly]
You know it, you saw it, you feel it.
Want it better and better and better.
Not for me. For you. For me, no.
I know your capacities,
but I need the best of you.
You are so good.
I don't want to see you like that.
I don't wanna see you.
I'm so happy. [mutters]
[Al Mubarak] That's one of
the great features of this group.
It's a humble group.
It's competitive, of course,
but there is respect,
humbleness, partnership, friendship,
love, uh passion, and and that's
when that all comes together,
you see the magic.
[Akanji] When you look outside,
it looks nice with the blue sky.
-No, bro, but it's not.
-[Akanji] It's not.
Winter's coming now, innit?
[coach] Three, four, five, six,
seven, eight, nine, ten.
[player] Go. Four.
It's an absolute embarrassment.
Firstly, I'd like to say
that ours is the best box.
Five, six, seven.
[energetic music playing]
[players shouting]
[Foden] Erl says, to be fair,
it's not his game.
I've never seen a team
so obsessed with football in my life.
They're always trying to put,
like, games like this.
Make it more fun.
Training sessions where it's a bit loose,
a bit less serious,
it's, uh really important.
[player] Eleven. Twelve.
[Dias] Me and Gündo,
we've created this beautiful community
[laughs] with the youngsters.
[indistinct chatter and laughter]
There's not much arguing,
you know, in between the players.
If someone does a mistake,
you know, he takes it,
and you can give the young players
also a little bit of stick,
you know, sometimes.
[indistinct chatter]
[Stones growls]
I look to my left, see the other box.
I see them all the time
shouting and arguing with each other,
who's going inside.
"No, you have to go."
"No, you have to go."
[players shouting]
Why are you holding the ball so long for,
Why shout at me
when Jack does it every time?
[player] Two, three.
-What a day!
-What a day.
[player speaking Spanish]
[players shouting]
[crowd singing]
[dynamic music playing]
[reporter] We start with the champions
this afternoon.
Manchester City
are just a point behind Arsenal
as they prepare for a trip to Wolves.
[interviewer] A lot of encouraging words
from you about Grealish.
That'll give him a boost.
Lotta headlines about him.
[Pep] We see him every day.
How he behave in the training
and on and off the pitch,
and he's an exceptional player,
so now the chance to help us win.
[Grealish] I played in midweek
against someone,
and, yeah, I didn't play well in it.
I was getting
a fair bit of stick and stuff,
and then obviously going to Wolves
and it being on TV,
and I was just like,
I know I'm gonna be getting booed, like.
This game's on TV.
I was like, "I need to, like, perform."
[music continues]
[commentator] De Bruyne on the overlap.
Great ball in!
It's a great start for Manchester City.
[Grealish] To score so quick was just
It was just a perfect start, man.
[Pep] I liked it. I like it to
little bit more aggressive.
[commentator] Bearing down on goal.
[Pep] We change a little bit the gear,
we can create a lot of chances,
and then you are able to score.
[interviewer] I saw your clap
to the Wolves fans as you came off.
[interviewer laughs]
Like you said before, they love me here,
so I just give 'em
a little clap to say thank you.
I'm surprised I ain't getting booed now.
[tense music playing]
[Pep] We are going to talk a little bit
the way to make a buildup against United.
[commentator] There is nothing
quite like a Manchester derby.
It's two City hat tricks!
You were brilliant,
but I push you to be more perfect.
Salah's through on goal!
[music fades]
[music intensifies]
[Pep] We went for that!
-[woman] Oh no!
We have to take responsibility!
Otherwise for nothing!
[mellow electronic music playing]
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