Tomo-chan Is a Girl! (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

I Want to Be Seen as a Girl!/A Terrifying Challenge

I love you, Jun!
I want to know your answer.
I confessed to him not long
after we started high school.
It was a plain and simple
declaration of love.
Are you bringing this up now?
And yet
I love you too, my best bud!
This guy never thinks of me as a girl!
Tomo Aizawa
I am a girl!
"Tomo–chan Is a Girl!"
"I Want to be Seen as a Girl"
I'm off!
Mornin', Tomo!
Me and him, Junichiro Kubota,
are neighbours and have been
hanging out since we were little.
We went to different schools
up until elementary school.
Once we reached middle school
We're can finally go to school together!
Wearing a skirt is a bit much.
You gunning for a laugh on the first day?
It was then that I realised.
That Jun was under
the impression that I'm a guy!
We're gonna miss the bus.
Let's dash!
What's up?
This dumbass
What was that for!?
For the record, I do karate.
"Uenomizu High School"
That doofus Jun.
He never stops treating me like a guy!
You oughta say something to him, Misuzu!
About that
As someone who's known you both
for a long time,
I can only say that you did this to yourself.
You always got into
the same things as the boys.
In middle school you were in fights
with kids from other schools, no?
On top of that,
back in kindergarten you brushed off
invitations to play house or with dolls.
Every single time.
I–I'm sorry about that.
With all that in mind,
you should consider becoming a guy.
How about it?
How about no?
C'mon, are you gonna
treat me like a dude too?
I would if I could.
Unlike Junichiro, I've been thoroughly
exposed to your feminine aspects.
For starters you should
work on your language.
You can't expect me
to start talking all girly.
Perhaps you can start by toning it down?
Try saying "dear" a lot?
You headed to the co–op store too?
What're you getting?
You're asking me, dear?
Well dear
I'm still thinking about it, dear.
Why are you talking like that?
You an old geezer or what?
Old geezer!?
You asshole!
Hah? Who's an asshole?
Come at me!
Bring it on!
Dude, wait a sec!
You're the one who asked for it!
I told you to hold your friggin' horse!
I'm back.
Hey, Tomo!
Explain that face!
I fought with Jun.
You fought li'l Jun!?
I take that you won that fight?
Like hell I can beat him!
Pathetic! How do you expect
to succeed the Aizawa Dojo like this!?
Give me a break! You taught him karate too!
In case you forgot, I am a girl!
How dare you!
I want you in the dojo, right now!
I'll beat your terrible
mindset back into shape!
Piss off, you senile old coot!
This is all because of you
and your goddamn education!
All your fault!
What are you on about!?
C'mon Tomo. I'm sorry about yesterday.
Besides, you're the one who slugged me first.
Look at this face.
Is it me or have your fists
been going my way a lot more?
C'mon, say something already.
That's the problem!
Frankly, I don't get it
Look I'm sorry, can you stop being mad?
It's no fun when you're not by my side.
I can't stand being given
the cold shoulder any longer.
He's always like this the day after we fight.
What's he getting at?
F–Fine. No more cold shoulder.
You're the greatest best friend
a guy could ask for!
Gee, thanks.
I really can't understand this dude.
Hey Tomo.
You're always going to school with Junichiro
and you're together even after you arrive.
Well, I guess so.
So why is lunch the only time
it's just the two of us?
Think about it.
A boy and a girl
sharing lunch together's kinda
Isn't it like they're going out?
You're conscious about this now?
Be honest, you want to have lunch with him.
Leave it to me.
W–Wait, hold up, what're you gonna do!?
We just have to make it a table of three.
Don't, anything but that!
Surely you wouldn't mind, Junichiro?
What're you playing at, Gundo?
Why do I have to eat with you around?
I'm not exactly thrilled either.
This is why I tried to stop her.
These two don't get along.
Oh, that chicken looks good.
You can have one.
Damn, that's good.
What now!?
What do you expect me
to do with these chopsticks!?
Heya, Kubojun.
Hey Tanabe.
Be honest man, how far
have you gone with Aizawa–san?
Gone where?
Quit playing dumb.
You know what I mean. That extreme
sport boys and girls get up to!
Extreme sport for boys and girls
We've been at it since we were kids.
You're shitting me!
Her body must be something else!
Tomo's good on her feet.
She really knows how to use 'em.
Her feet!?
That's deep, man!
Junichiro talked about the two of you
doing extreme sports for boys and girls.
Extreme sport for boys and girls?
Ah, yeah, we do that.
That's not it.
Damn it, Jun! You dipshit!
Huh? What's your problem?
Wait stop
Tanabe–kun, a word, please?
Sure, no problem!
A misunderstanding?
Those two aren't dating.
Junichiro does not think of Tomo as a girl.
Even though she's got those knockers!?
I've thought about it before
but you really are horrible.
Okay, I see it now.
That's a funny relationship
they have going on.
There has to be something between them.
They only need a push in the right direction.
Don't you dare.
Oh, sorry!
You wouldn't want to mess
with your friends' love lives.
You've known Junichiro
since high school, correct?
Well, yeah.
Then know this.
The only person who can
treat them as playthings
is me.
Oh my, you forgot your umbrella too?
I'm waiting for someone.
As am I.
Hey there!
Is this a challenge?
I suppose it is.
Why are you standing here anyway? Buzz off.
You must really not like me.
The three of us used to get along so well.
I wonder where it all went wrong?
Yeah, we used to go around playing pranks.
You came up with all sorts of exciting ideas.
Funny thing though.
I can never remember you being around
whenever we got in trouble with adults.
Was that so?
Why aren't you in any
extracurricular activities?
Don't you love being active?
I'm already practising karate
under Tomo's family dojo.
Plus it's pointless if activities
were divided between boys and girls.
It'll be boring without her.
Honestly, what is your deal?
My what?
Suppose that Tomo gained a lover.
What would become of you then?
Have you thought about it?
At some place without you,
another man draws closer.
Her face is bright as a tomato
as she tells him
"I love you more than
anyone else in the world"
Huh, what're you two doing?
We forgot our umbrellas.
Ditch this bitch, let's go home.
Let's go together!
Why did you come to me?
I can't be alone with him under an umbrella.
I'm saying that you should be.
What? But
Just do it.
Come closer.
T–This is fine.
No, it's not. You're wet.
I'm sweaty after my team activities.
You're bothered over that?
There's nothing wrong with your smell.
Stop it, fool! Quit sniffing!
In fact, you smell kinda good
Hey, Tomo!?
Ah, Misuzu–chan!
Don't have your umbrella?
Want to get under mine?
Can I?
But it's your only one.
No problemo!
Thanks. That was nice of you.
What're you doing? You're soaking wet, du
Wa Jun!?
Wh–What's gotten into him?
I really don't get him!
"Frightening Challenge"
She's so wonderful.
and on top of that,
stronger than anyone else!
The karate club's very own
My goddess!
S–So sorry, Misaki–senpai!
I got carried away
Whew, you're strong as always.
I'm so sorry about that.
It's nothing.
Anyway, how are you finding the boys' team?
Must be hard to be the only girl here.
No problem at all.
There's only guys besides me
in my family dojo so I'm used to it.
Honestly speaking a part of me
would've liked to have fun with the girls.
That's understandable.
I could put in a word to let you
go back to the girls' team.
Not happening.
When they tested the newcomers
to see what level we were at,
I kind of went overboard.
No one wanted to be
paired with me after that.
She's undefeated even in the boys' team.
"Boys' Karate Team" "Girls' Karate Team"
I wanted a change of environment.
Yet I'm stuck with the boys again.
Maybe I'm a failure of a girl?
N–Not at all!
I think you're a very charming girl.
That's how I view you at least.
No boy has ever said that about me!
Please tell me!
What about me makes me seem like a girl?
What aspects should I be emphasising?
Didn't my girly charms catch your eyes!?
S–Sorry, I wasn't looking at anything!
Nothing caught my eyes!
Nothing at all!?
I knew it!
T–That's not what I meant!
It's something else!
There's plenty of charming things about you!
But I don't think it's a matter of
emphasising certain aspects.
I wouldn't want you to change like that.
You're perfectly fine the way you are now.
Perhaps you need to have
more confidence in yourself.
Today's the day we talk to Misaki–senpai!
There you are.
Thank you for today.
Who's that guy?
He's quite a looker too.
Wrong! Dead wrong!
She's wearing a skirt!
Plus her boobs are huge!
No mercy!
Whaddaya want?
I hear that Tomo's been hitting it off
with someone in the karate team.
How's that news? What's with the smirk?
That someone is a boy.
What's the matter?
You should see your face right now.
Crap, forgot my English textbook.
Jun, lemme share yours.
Hey Tomo
Word is you've been close
to a member of the karate team.
You talking about Misaki–senpai?
Misaki What're they like?
The karate team captain.
Here, that's the one.
That's a girl.
Are there any girls that you
get along with better than Gundo?
Huh? No one.
Thought so unfortunately.
What would you think if she gets a boyfriend?
Say she's so into him that
she stops talking to you.
I'm having a hard time
imagining Misuzu like that.
But, let's see
I won't complain but I'd be a little lonely.
That's it! That's the thing!
What's this about?
You're Class A's Aizawa–san?
I'm Mifune from Class B.
And like, I'm Ogawa from Class B.
I'd like to have a word.
You'll be meeting us after school, 'kay?
See you behind the gym.
Doesn't look like you're here to be friends.
Don't know what you're after
but I'm not one to hold back in a fight.
Hope you're ready for what's coming.
A fi
I asked if you're ready?
What's up with her!?
She's friggin' terrifying!
You want to know about Aizawa–san?
Aizawa–san's s–scary.
I sparred with her in the karate team once.
Her strength isn't something you'd
think was humanly possible.
Even the boys' team couldn't beat her.
You picked a fight with her?
I'd be dead if I did that.
Dead? Am I going to die?
Let's go apologise right now!
Two girls I don't know
were looking for a fight.
Getting into a tussle
with other girls is a first for me.
Tussle? Are you going to trade blows?
I'm not that vicious. I'll go easy on them.
High school girls don't use
their fists to communicate.
I know that.
I'm not here to play nice
with a buncha troublemakers!
I'll get the jump on them
and wrap things up right
That's not what I meant.
I believe what they're after is
a verbal confrontation with you.
Yes, so striking them
right off the bat is a huge no.
If there's a need to refute or correct them
then start by attacking them with words.
B–But that's
No buts.
You're terrifying, you know that?
Come to me if whatever they have
to say or do to you crosses the line.
I will destroy every trace
of their social lives.
I'd say you're the one who's terrifying.
So, what do you need with me?
W–Well it's no biggie
But like
Can you not look ready to slug us?
That depends on you.
Carefully. Carefully choose your words.
I want outta here.
W–We, you know like someone.
And what does that have to do with me?
Well, it's
We like Misaki–senpai!
We saw you being all chummy with him, so
I see what this is.
you're coming to me for love advice
since I'm close to him!
You could've just said so!
Ex–freaking–cuse me!? How'd she get there!
Why is she even this happy about it!?
My little wish to have someone
confide in me about romance came true!
It's a privilege
enjoyed by the girliest of girls!
You two want to get closer to him, right?
You can start by becoming my buds.
I'll help you out in whatever way I can.
Why do I feel so assured?
She seems so, like, reliable
Man, who would've thought
that I'd be asked about love?
Feels like I'm totally on the girls side now.
Could it be my femininity
level's off the chart?
I wonder about that.
Say Tomo, do you know what
you were called in middle school?
Huh? Beats me.
Natural–born girl killer.
The heck? I haven't killed anyone.
Tomo! Let's head to the co–op!
Dude! Jun!
What do you want?
G–Guess she's a regular girl too.
Well she is one
This ass!
Start treating me like a girl, dammit!
Next Episode