Tomodachi Game (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Huh? Yuichi-kun Suspects His Friends?

Katagiri Yuichi
High School, Second Year
Kodan Newspaper
Good work.
I finished the deliveries.
Five hundred copies of the morning edition.
You're working extra hard today.
That's more than twice your usual.
Yeah, I'm short on money right now.
Next month's school trip costs
70,000 yen per person.
70,000? That must be tough for you.
Can you choose not to go?
No way. Everyone promised to go together.
Who's "everyone?"
My friends.
Episode 1: Huh? Yuichi-kun Suspects His Friends?
Episode 1: Huh? Yuichi-kun Suspects His Friends?
You did it, Yuichi!
But y'know, if you'd just asked, my Dad would
have spotted you the 70K, no problem.
Quit saying things like that!
It's so condescending!
Give him a break, Sawaragi-san.
He didn't mean anything by it.
But I think you have something else
to say to him. Right, Kokorogi-san?
I guess you're right.
All right, then. Again
Good job, Yuichi!
Shibe Makoto
Class president who's good at sports and comes from
a rich family. That makes him sound perfect, but
He's an airhead and can be very inconsiderate,
so he's surprisingly unpopular with girls
All in all, he's a hard guy to hate, though.
I wasn't worried about him for a minute.
Sawaragi Shiho
Our class vice president, but people also
say she's the "real" class president.
Her father's a police officer and she had
a strict upbringing, so she hates things
that aren't right and is a tough fighter.
In many ways, she's very dependable.
I'm looking forward to the trip.
Mikasa Tenji
A genius at the top of his class. He isn't just good at
studying, he also has top-level communication skills.
He might look unfriendly, but I've never met anyone,
including teachers, who would ever bad-mouth him.
He acts as our negotiator, too.
W-Well done, Yuichi!
Kokorogi Yutori
Nice girl who doesn't speak up much. I think
she likes anime and stuff.
She was bullied during first year, but now
that she's in the same class as Sawaragi,
there's no way the bullying could continue
We became friends through Sawaragi.
Thanks, guys.
We're all friends, now and forever.
At least, that's what I'd always thought.
I have something very
important to tell you all.
The two million yen we collected
for the school trip was stolen.
Huh? No way!
I'm so sorry, guys!
I put the money in my locker
yesterday during fifth period
And I locked the door, but a few
minutes later, it was gone.
Please, if the thief is here, speak up!
Why the hell does she suspect us?
We know who has money problems
Why did they collect cash anyway?
Who's the poorest one here?
There's no way the thief would admit it.
In the end, no one came forward.
And the next day, for some reason,
Sawaragi and Shibe stopped coming to school.
Hey, don't you think Sawaragi
and Shibe stole it?
The crying and stuff looked totally fake.
This doesn't look good.
Really? I'd never forgive them.
Neither one is answering
or responding to texts.
The long weekend starts tomorrow.
Should we check on them?
Tomodachi Game
Who is it?
What's this? A letter?
Sawaragi Shiho
From Sawaragi?
"Yuichi, I have something
important to tell you.
I'll be waiting at the school gate
tonight at 11:00."
You're late, Yuichi!
Tomodachi Game
Guys, why are you all here?
Huh? Why are you asking us?
Don't you have something
important to tell us?
You sent this letter to our homes.
I was like, "A letter? In this day and age?"
But I know you don't have a cell phone.
I thought it was gonna be a love
confession, I was shocked.
This isn't right.
We're clearly being set up here.
Yuichi, behind you!
W-What the
Let me go!
What the hell are you doing?
Hey Stop!
Stop it! What are you doing
to my friends
The most important thing
in this world is money.
There's something more important
than money in this world—
your friends.
Yuichi! Are you okay?
Where is this?
Is everyone oka—
Hey, guys!
Good morning!
Who the hell is that?
It's Manabu-kun. He's a character
from an old, late-night anime.
He looks cute, but steals
children's treasures.
Guess I don't need to introduce myself.
So, let's get to it!
Right now, you're gonna play
a really simple game with me!
For each game you clear,
you get two million yen!
T-Two million yen?!
Plus, there are bonus chances in each game,
so you'll be able to repay your
20 million yen debt in a jiffy!
Debt? T-Twenty million?!
What the hell's going on?!
How'd we get that much debt?!
You don't remember anything
like that, Katagiri-kun?
In that case, maybe the debt
belongs to one of the others.
What did you say?!
Hey, Yuichi!
Oh sorry.
So, Manabu-kun, what you're trying to say
is that one of us five has 20 million in debt,
and if we beat this game
thing, it'll be forgiven?
Yeah, yeah! Do you get it now?
Oh yes, I get it
You're a crook!
Even if we were in debt, you can't get away
with abduction and confinement.
This is kidnapping, plain
and simple! It's a crime!
He's right!
I bet our parents are already search—
You're the ones who wanted to play!
I've already received the entry fee. 10 percent
of the 20 million yen debt, totaling
Two million yen!
Two million like the school trip fund?
Does that mean one of us is the thief?
If we don't play, what happens then?
I'll just let you go!
But I won't return
the two million entry fee,
and whoever has the 20 million
debt will have to pay it off alone.
Debt: 20 million yen
If you do play, the debt will be split
into five shares of four million yen each.
Debt: 20 million yen
Debt: 4 million yen
Debt: 4 million yen
Debt: 4 million yen
Debt: 4 million yen
Debt: 4 million yen
Four million yen each
You can lower that by playing the game!
If you lose, the debt won't increase,
but you'll each be stuck with what's left.
I'll give you five minutes,
so think it over, okay?
H-Hey, about the debt
Given the circumstances, I don't think we
should try and figure out whose debt it is.
I can't imagine they did this to trap us.
They were probably in serious trouble,
needed to find a way out,
and were counting on us as friends to help.
Yes, I suppose so.
I could have lent them plenty!
Yeah, if it's between us
we don't need any explanation.
We're friends, after all.
We're friends, after all.
Really? Is that what friends are for?
Don't you think so, Yuichi?
Yeah, w-well, I
Huh? Yuichi-kun suspects his friends?
N-No way. I just wanted to
know what the debt is for.
Why would you want to know?
If it was a really stupid reason,
would you abandon your friend?
The spoiled rich Shibe?
The hypocritical Shiho-sama?
So Yuichi-kun, which one's untrustworthy trash?
The sly Tenji-kun?
The sexy Yutori-chan?
Or is it just that you care more
about money than your friends?
Maybe the reason doesn't matter.
You just don't wanna waste that money.
Why don't you tell everyone, then?
What's most important to you, Yuichi-kun?
T-The most important thing to me is
Yeah, yeah, what is it?
It's money.
It's friends.
The most important thing to me is
Friends are more important than money!
There ya go!
All right then, I'll show you
to the first game room!
Tomodachi Game
Okay, come in, come in.
Eh what is this place?
When You See a Stranger, Expect a Thief.
It looks like a classroom.
Is the outside just a painting?
Class Lesson
When You See a Stranger, Expect a Thief.
And a Kokkuri-san?
A huge ten yen coin!
Attention, please!
First of all, take your name
tags over there.
Shibe Makoto
Sawaragi Shiho
Mikasa Tenji
Kokorogi Yutori
Katagiri Yuichi
Before you put them on,
check the number on the back.
Negative four million?
Right. That's your current debt amount.
If you clear the game and that drops
to zero, so does your debt.
But you can't show that
number to anyone else.
If you do, the amount will double.
Right now, that would be
eight million in debt.
We just can't show it, right?
Yeah! It's okay to say it, though.
That's not such a harsh rule, then.
Well, seeing is believing. So let's give
the Kokkuri-san game a shot!
Put your finger on the coin and push it
to the answer you think is right.
Japan's northernmost prefecture is Hokkaido.
Question: Japan's northernmost
prefecture is Hokkaido.
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are
present, please tell us the answer.
It moved!
It stopped?
Ta-da! Correct answer!
If that was real, you would
have cleared the game!
Just like that?
If the five good friends give the same
answer, Kokkuri-san raises his hands.
Okay, now Yutori-chan,
try to push it toward "no."
Eh? Um
Yes! If even one person's answer is different,
Kokkuri-san will favor the minority.
I see.
In other words, it's a pass/fail quiz
to see if we can all agree.
There are five questions in total.
If you clear one, you win the game.
- Manabu-kun selects a question reader.
- The reader opens a numbered envelope.
- If you win, you get two million yen.
- Everyone's debt will go down 400,000 at a time.
- You may only speak when reading a question.
(If you break the rules, your debt is doubled.)
Also, read the fine print over there.
Finally, if you get every question wrong,
last place gets a penalty!
If it's game over, the person with the most
debt has to take everyone else's, too!
Last place penalty
Lastly, since you look a little anxious,
I'll give you some important advice:
Never doubt your friends!
That's the only way to have a happy
ending to the Tomodachi Game!
Onto the first game, then!
Kokkuri-san game, start!
The first reader is Shibe Makoto!
What was that look?
Question: Is the tallest mountain in Japan Mt. Fuji?
It's simple! We can do it!
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are
present, please tell us the answer.
We had no idea how terrifying
the game would be.
Question one: Incorrect!
The correct answer is "Yes!"
- You may only speak when reading a question.
(If you break the rules, your debt is doubled.)
- You may only speak when reading a question.
(If you break the rules, your debt is doubled.)
But what does this mean?
There's no way we'd get that wrong.
Did someone deliberately choose "no"?
Question two: The reader is Sawaragi Shiho.
Question: Does one plus one equal two?
It's too simple!
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are
present, please tell us the answer.
Someone must have just overthought
the first question. That's it!
"Yes" is the only possible answer!
S-Someone here is a traitor.
But for what reason?
Actually, there was some trouble recently
Hey, Shibe, what's up with your face?
I tried to surprise Shiho with a kiss.
Oh, jeez.
Did you actually kiss her?
She smacked me before I could.
Tenji, talk to Shiho for me
so we can make up!
Absolutely not.
Yuichi, I beg you! Aren't we friends?
Uh, yeah
I'm not mad about Shibe anymore!
O-Oh, okay.
But I am mad about something else.
About what?
Well, you and Shibe are
so casual about it
Huh? Me? What did I do?
Fine. Whatever. I'll forgive him.
In exchange, you have to tell me a secret,
something that the other three don't know.
Why would you want to know that?
Who cares? Don't overthink it, dummy.
All right, fine. But don't tell
the others. Especially Shibe.
Question three. The reader is Mikasa Tenji.
Question: Is the English word for Nihon "Japan"?
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are
present, please tell us the answer.
Class Lesson
When You See a Stranger, Expect a Thief.
Wrong again and again!
Who moved it to "no"?
Why are we 20 million yen in debt?
Risking self-destruction
Is one of us holding a grudge?
At this rate, it's over.
At this rate, I'll begin to doubt everyone
and my heart will turn black.
turn black
Question four. The reader
is Katagiri Yuichi.
W-What the hell is this?
Reader chooses the question.
There's no question written.
I have to think of one myself?
If the 10 yen coin goes to "yes," you clear the game.
If the 10 yen coin goes to "no," only the reader's debt will be halved.
If "Yes," we advance to the next game.
If "No," that mistake
will keep us from winning,
but my debt will be cut in half.
The person with the most debt
has to take everyone else's, too!
Last place penalty
reader's debt will be halved.
I get it! The first three questions
were the same way!
They chose questions with
an easy "Yes" answer
but then picked "No" themselves.
Mikasa Tenji
Sawaragi Shiho
Shibe Makoto
And they did it to cut
their own debt in half!
Yeah That must be it.
Look at this guy's face in Group C!
He totally suspects his friends now.
Will he be able to choose "yes"?
It must be difficult.
Humans are only able to endure difficulties
when they see others enduring the same.
They're unable to persevere in
solitude. They can't handle it.
It's "yes."
As long as I choose "yes,"
the game will end.
It will end, but then
My debt will be reduced by 400,000,
only 1/5 of the reward for clearing it.
But their debt is already half!
They'd wipe out 2.4 million!
In that case, I should, too
Oh? Is he thinking there
might be another move?
If so, it would be a shame.
No team has ever beat the Kokkuri-san
game after reaching the fifth question.
I should pick "No", too.
Are you okay, Kokorogi?
Y-Yeah. The same people are still
bullying me a little. That's all.
Sorry, Kokorogi.
Huh? Why?
The other three would probably be able to
say something encouraging right now.
That's good enough, Yuichi.
You know, you might be the only one
I can call a true friend, Yuichi.
I really like the other three,
but they feel a little distant.
Have you noticed, Yuichi?
You're the only one who
calls me just "Kokorogi."
That's because you're the only one
that close to me. You know?
Question: Is one week seven days long?
That's who I need to think about now
It appears that he had second thoughts.
How boring! Are they going to win now?
The one I need to think about most now
is the fifth reader, Kokorogi.
Kokkuri-san, Kokkuri-san, if you are
present, please tell us the answer.
For Kokorogi, for my friends,
I have to choose "Yes"!
Why? Why?!
Someone's trying to dump all the debt
on Kokorogi and finish after just one game!
Last place penalty
But if the fifth question's the same,
the debts will balance out.
Wait is the fifth question different?
Did he figure it out?
It appears so.
The fifth question doesn't state
any conditions for reducing debt.
It's purely a "yes" or "no" question.
But in their current state, they'll
probably read too much into it.
All right, final question!
If you don't get this one right,
it's game over.
Debt: 20 million
Question five.
The reader is Kokorogi Yutori.
Question: Will we always be friends?
If this had been the first question,
they all would have thought
the answer was yes.
But at this rate, they're all
sure to fall straight into Hell.
C'mon, c'mon everyone,
put your fingers down!
Here's a big hint: The answer
to this question is "Yes"!
Hmm, but I bet someone will pick "No"
It's all or nothing! Do you pick "No"
and put "Yes" in the minority?
It'd be hilarious if everyone
picked "No", then!
All right, the moment of truth!
It's over! Group C is going to
be eliminated in round one!
Wait just a second.
Before we get the last vote
only speak when reading a question.
break the rules, your debt is doubled.)
You guys
Do you know what color underwear
Sawaragi is wearing today?
NEXT: You Have a Lot to Say to Me, Don't You?
Next Episode