Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Bonde dos desavisados

[Bruna] Imagine you're in paradise
and in amazing company.
Do you think you'd be okay
without being able to do
anything naughty?
I doubt it.
We found the horniest people around
[Thuany] Let's agree
on everyone wearing condoms.
Then everyone can have sex
and we're all good.
[Bruna] and offered them what sounded
like the best trip they possibly imagine
I hope the debauchery starts soon, man.
[Bruna] and then told them
that in this paradise,
almost everything is allowed,
except for
having sex.
[Igor] It really throws
a wrench in the works.
[Brenda] This is literal cockblocking.
[Bruna] There's no fooling
around here, my darlings.
- I feel like crying.
- It makes you cry.
[Matheus] My heart is racing.
I'm so horny I'm shivering.
- [laughs]
- For real.
[Bruna] Our guests
will have to stick it out,
unless they want to see a prize
of R$500,000 vanish into thin air.
As they tend to do after a date, right?
This stunning retreat
for the biggest players
is managed by an all-seeing
artificial intelligence.
Lana will be watching
them around the clock,
before announcing the dry spell.
Will they be able to stay sane
without their favorite pastime?
[Gabriela] Do not misalign my chakras.
You were a douchebag so many times.
I'm saying it to your face.
[Bruna] Eh, I don't think so.
[Brenda] I'm pissed 'cause I worried
a lot about everyone else,
and nobody even cared about me.
I even worried about you.
Now look at us,
we look like a bunch of idiots.
You guys are too focused on me.
Because all I'm really feeling
is disappointment, you know.
[Lana] You have broken a rule
and have incurred the maximum penalty.
[Bruna] With sex off the table,
will they be able build
stronger relationships?
[Leandro] We're in this together.
Yeah, we are.
[Matheus] I wasn't prepared to find
the love of my life in a few days.
What do you know about me?
Only what is on the surface.
[Bruna] Or will it just be
I need to get laid.
I can't take it anymore.
Be cool, help me, okay?
[Bruna] too hot to handle?
[Bruna] It's time to get acquainted
with our very first oblivious party guest.
Oh, man, I'm so excited!
Mmm, I want a piece.
[Davi] My name is Davi and I'm a DJ.
The DJ groupies are the best.
We're playing there,
just taking off our shirts,
waving them around and then, bang!
I've hooked up with Russians,
Chileans, Venezuelans, Americans.
I hooked up with a Sheik's wife.
We're not in contact,
I didn't do anything.
Anyone who says
otherwise is lying. [laughs]
Friends' wives are off-limits.
But when it comes to their moms
it has happened. I know I messed up.
Buddy, if you're watching this,
please forgive me.
But a MILF like that at home [laughs]
People look at me and say,
"This boy is no good."
My God, look at this house!
I'm in paradise.
[loudly] I'm here!
Who else is coming, man?
[Bruna] What if it's an ex-girlfriend?
Hey, that's another show, Bruna.
Shut up.
[Davi] Another dude is coming.
I wonder who it is.
[Bruna] I'm also curious.
Can you send
a camera down there real quick?
- What's up, dude?
- Hey, man.
- Good?
- All good.
- I'm Igor.
- [both] We're in this together.
- Let's grab a beer.
- So, we just wait for the ladies?
It's all I want. Seriously.
I've always dreamed
of running naked into the sea.
I've already done that.
[Davi chuckling] Have you?
Wow, it feels like home.
I've got this natural spark from Bahia.
These people say
Bahia aren't born, they're debuted.
I don't often have serious relationships.
And I don't intend to, it's too hard.
Two or three a week,
always trying to keep average the high.
Like soccer players
trying to keep their goal average.
I'm a good listener.
I like to let women talk.
You gather information,
and at the right time, you
- Cheers.
- Please!
- To our vacation!
- [Davi] The best vacation!
[Bruna] You don't know anything, dude.
But I don't think
I'll dash their hopes just yet.
I'll leave them in peace,
and focus on this diva who's just arriving
on the other side of the house.
Holy cow!
What a stunning place! I'm shocked!
This is awesome!
My name is Gabriela,
I'm from Rio de Janeiro and I'm a model.
No, let's start over.
Hey, what's up?
Gabriela, nice to meet you.
So, tell me, what's up with you? [laughs]
I've never asked
to hook up with anyone in my life.
I like to keep a low profile.
I open my Instagram,
give three likes in a row
and the guy
will understand what you're after.
You know, I'm a classy hoochie.
I have standards.
At the end of the day,
I have the worst criteria. But
I've been in relationships my whole life.
All of them failed.
I think that's why I prefer
to be single. No stress.
Getting rich or finding true love?
Getting rich, any day.
A person would rather
have true love than money?
Oh, my God. Okay, then.
But what now? I'm alone.
I want someone to talk to.
[Bruna] Single, sure. Alone, never.
Look at these two friends
who are coming for you.
- Hello!
- [Gabriela] Hi!
[Rita] Nice to meet you!
- Nice to meet you. I'm Gabi.
- Rita.
- [Gabriela] Hi.
- How wonderful!
- I'm Brenda, and you are?
- [Gabriela] Gabi.
- I've already grabbed a drink.
- Nice!
- [Rita] Want some, Brenda?
- Of course.
- [Rita] There you go.
- [Brenda] Thanks.
[Rita] Guys, I'm nervous.
I want to see the men. I want to dance,
get drunk, and work out this anxiety.
Look who's coming, it's Hurricane Rita.
I may be a slut,
but I've accepted I'm a slut. You know?
I like people who are
what they say they are, you know?
I think I got confused.
Sometimes I get
everything organized in my mind,
but when I talk I stumble over my words.
When I drink, I get really dirty.
If it were up to me,
I would have sex every day.
Morning and night.
And afternoon too.
I'm sure I make bad choices.
That bad-boy face, you know,
who looks like he'll ruin my whole life
My ideal type.
And I'm like, "Where are the boys?"
Uh, my looks
say a lot about my personality.
I hook up with everyone.
Bring me men,
bring me women, bring me whatever.
I really like sex.
Not having it for too long
really bothers me.
I have a lot of love to give, you know?
I'm the main character of my life.
I was not born
to be a secondary character.
I hope there's a tattooed guy.
No, the tattooed one
will be mine. I got dibs.
- Wait!
- [Brenda] Okay, we'll share.
I don't care.
If you divide, you multiply. Right? So
[Bruna] Oh, if a tattooed guy
is what you want
don't you worry, because on this show,
we've got something for everyone.
[Davi] Two more guys are coming.
Only men at this joint?
- [chuckles] Hope not.
- Where are the chicks, bro?
- Hello!
- So, this is where I'm gonna get laid?
[Bruna] You're in the place!
Not really.
What's up folks? Matheus has arrived.
I'm single and ready to mingle.
I was born and raised in Rio,
a natural pickup artist.
I know I satisfy them.
I've dated more
than one woman at the same time.
Not only two, but three, four
An innocent sex party.
I put my whole body in the game.
Women look and say, "Wow."
There's no reason
to look at me and not want me, right?
I'm a monument.
Use and abuse me, baby.
- Hey!
- Yeah!
C'mon! Just come here!
- Grab me something to drink, please!
- Make me a drink.
I'm coming!
- Sup, man. Davi.
- Ronaldo.
[Igor] What's that?
[Ronaldo] A swimming pool
like that needs ladies.
That's the only thing
that's missing, women in bikinis.
- Or naked.
- Yeah, or naked.
[Bruna] Fifth grade reunion!
I don't usually count how many
people I've hooked up or had sex with.
Dude, you can't do that.
It's bad luck, don't you know that?
I slept with a married woman once,
but I didn't know.
Then I had to jump off her balcony
when her husband came home.
You're not airing that, right?
I love being single.
I've had two serious relationships.
I ended them because they cheated.
After that day,
I was never the same again.
But I'm a gentlemen.
I'm looking forward to seeing the house.
It must be really great.
I'm looking forward
to seeing boobs, butts.
But this is the thing,
we can't fall in love.
True, but just you wait.
We can't fall in love here.
It's Las Vegas rules.
We gotta be the heartbreakers.
[Bruna] I wonder if these boys
will be able to keep their cool
when they see
this beauty coming down the lane.
I'd hit that.
[all] Hi!
[Brenda] Gorgeous!
[Gabriela] Nice to meet you.
So gorgeous!
Guys, what is this place?
[Gabriela] So tan, where were you?
[Brenda] What a woman.
- [Gabriela] So gorgeous.
- Thanks.
My beauty is my trademark.
It's my native heritage side.
I'm at a place
where I'm not taking things too seriously.
I'm unattached.
I've got these safe hookups.
You can never have just a plan A.
You gotta have a plan B, plan C
Being an empowered woman,
a person who stands tall.
Those are the kind of compliments
I like to hear from a man.
Not, "Oh, you have such a beautiful face."
Because I already know that.
Where are the boys?
I need a male presence,
I feel that thing, you know?
I usually hook up once or twice,
and that's it, I get bored.
I get sick of things so easily.
Just like I get sick of a perfume,
I get sick of people,
and I get sick of boys.
[Bruna] A hypochondriac.
Will this boy who's getting here now
cure Kethellen of her illness?
Wow, mine's cured already.
Guys, I'm cured.
That mustache I don't know.
[Matheus] I'm suspicious of that mustache.
Sup, fam? I've been a swimmer all my life.
I consider myself
to be a pretty shy person.
People tell me it's an extra charm I have.
And I learned
how to use that to my advantage.
Once, I posted a nude picture
on my stories.
I accidentally hit the "post" button.
"Leandro, for God's sake, delete this.
What are you doing?"
Whoever saw it, saw it.
Whoever didn't
just ask me and I'll send it.
But there are some better things to show.
Hey, how old are you?
- I'm 28.
- I'm 29.
Holy shit!
Dude, I'm 23.
Twenty-one, dude!
You're so young.
- How old are you?
- I'm 26.
I have a lot to teach you, bro.
Seriously, I'll teach
you some things, just chill.
[Bruna] That's what we call
a bad influence.
And now comes
the final addition to this sexy team.
It's going to be hard for them
to keep it together in this house.
- I'm here!
- Another woman.
- Hello!
- How are you? I'm Kethellen.
What's up? I'm Thuany.
Oh, gosh, so many beautiful women.
Thanks! A toast.
Yes, please. I'm here, let's make a toast.
- [all cheering]
- [Thuany] Wonderful!
It's going to be good.
Let's set this house on fire.
Here I am.
I'm from the northeast, I'm a fiery girl.
I was raised to date,
get engaged, and get married.
I got married early, but he cheated on me.
Which gave me freedom.
I feel like I'm actually enjoying
my single life right now, you know?
I'm like, "Next, next"
I'm a really fiery girl. [laughs]
[Ronaldo] I'm smelling something.
Someone is coming.
I'm nervous, man.
It's just a plant that's swinging there.
- I thought it was a head.
- [all laughing]
[Bruna] And plants do that? Do they?
I think we better
get these people together
before they try something with the plants.
[Ronaldo] Let's do a pose.
[Leandro] I can't.
[indistinct chatter]
- [all] Oh, ho
- [Leandro] Is that
- Oh, my God.
- Oh, my God. My heart is racing.
Fuck, where are the women?
Then, out of nowhere, bam!
Here we are, babies.
- [chuckles]
- [Davi] Wow.
[all cheering and whistling]
Oh, man!
Oh, my God!
Heaven's doors opened.
A bunch of stunning women.
[Leandro] God almighty.
Jesus said, "Do your part
and I will help you, brother."
I didn't believe in love at first sight,
but when I saw those ladies,
I fell in love five times.
[Bruna] That's why you're here, baby.
[all cheering]
So hot! Oh, my God. How are you?
I like it.
- I'm Thuany.
- [Ronaldo] Nice to meet you. I'm Ronaldo.
[Thuany] Hi, nice to meet you.
- [Gabriela] What's up?
- What's up?
Nice to meet you. I'm Kethellen.
I immediately saw it would be mad crazy
because everyone is so beautiful.
Leonardo, Igor, and Davi
caught my attention.
I'm into them. So, obviously
I want to hook up with all three.
[Bruna] Oh, honey
Igor and Davi, sure. But "Leonardo"?
Before making out with him,
know that his name is Leandro, Rita.
A toast to our dream vacation.
Only beautiful and spirited people.
- [all cheering]
- [glasses clinking]
Wow, so many beautiful women,
each with their own style.
But I looked at Rita and thought, "Wow."
What a stunning place.
What stunning ladies.
[Rita] No, hold on.
They're all my type,
but with Rita, it just flowed.
Slutty season has begun.
[all cheering]
[Bruna] Oh, the poor guy.
Slutty season is only open
for the next 23 hours,
forty-five minutes and 13 seconds.
Guys, what do you do for a living?
I'm a model.
- [Rita] DJ.
- Model.
- I'm also a DJ!
- [all exclaiming]
Get out of here!
Oh, God. Pisces?
[Rita] My rising sign is Pisces.
Perfect. I felt a connection.
Come on, give me a kiss.
Just a peck on the lips.
[all cheering]
[Bruna] Oh, my,
the youngster got a head start.
Davi 1, Professor Matheus 0.
It was incredible, it was awesome.
I'm really enjoying it.
- I'm a makeup artist.
- Me, too.
[all laughing]
Peck on the lips!
We got it, Matheus. We got it.
[all laughing]
[Bruna] Yeah, these guys
never miss an opportunity, do they?
That's it.
Smiling, being friendly, you know
Being shameless usually helps.
My God, he's delicious.
- [Gabriela] Who is?
- Matheus.
- [Gabriela] Who is Matheus?
- [snickers]
[Thuany] Love it!
My Polly Pocket
is always aware of everything.
[Gabriella] Yeah, she's wonderful!
[Thuany] I immediately
connect with a boy who's no good,
because I think he's that kind of guy.
The womanizer, the alpha male, the player.
Leandro is also so cute, but he's quieter,
he's a little more low-key.
Igor suits me better.
I mean, he's more
straightforward, charismatic.
But, I don't know, anything can happen.
They're all gorgeous.
I think we could play a game.
Like what?
That thing in your hand gave me an idea.
I know. Let's do it like this. Yeah?
We tie this around someone's eyes,
and put them in the middle.
Then if someone wants to kiss that person,
just kiss them
and they have to guess who did it.
- No, you can do whatever you want.
- That's it, whatever you want.
- Whatever you want.
- Smart girl. Yeah.
Best known as the "Red-head Devil."
[all laughing]
Let's kiss and love each other, right?
What's the problem? I can't see any.
I want to actually. [laughs]
Who'll go first? Come here, Matheus.
- Only in Bahia, guys.
- Go ahead, Matheus.
So, I go first?
- Making a fool out of me here?
- Of course.
[Rita] Go.
[all exclaiming]
So, I kissed Matheus,
but it wasn't a big kiss.
What's up, guys?
Since I thought that Brenda
was already into him and all,
I was kind of worried that there
could be a disagreement on that.
[Bruna] That looks like a lot of tongue
for a person who's so worried.
Way to go.
All right, last one.
[all exclaiming]
Oh, you can't hug him,
he'll know who you are.
[indistinct chatter]
[Bruna] According to
the rules of this show,
all this fooling around
has an expiration date.
So, enjoy that tattooed boy
while you can, Brenda.
Go and slay it. Keep it up.
[Igor] Okay, guys. That's tough.
[Davi] Let's just take the blindfold
off him and have some fun.
- [Igor] Just leave it.
- [Leandro] Just leave it.
Take it off.
Who was who?
I think you gave me the first kiss.
[Igor] Right!
The kiss on my chest was her.
The kiss on my cheek was you,
the scratch on my back was you,
and the best kiss was yours.
[all cheering]
[Igor] It's a match!
[Matheus] I got a head start.
That's what matters, right?
Now I have to maintain
my alpha male status.
- Come on.
- What the hell?
- That's crazy.
- [Igor] Look at that.
[all cheering]
Holy fuck!
[Davi] Put 'em back!
Holy fuck!
- [Davi] Oh, gosh!
- What!
That's a lot to handle.
The first pair was Brenda and
- You're lost.
- I'm totally lost.
- He's excited.
- Help me. Help me help you.
[Bruna] I'll help you, Leandro.
Let's put a stop this game now
before you all completely
lose control of yourselves.
I know absolutely
nobody is thinking about it,
but it's time for them
to take a tour of the house
where they'll live out
all their sweetest dreams
of sexual abstinence.
- [Davi] Dude, what's this house!
- [all cheering]
[Davi] Look at this house!
- I found the bedroom!
- [all cheering]
[all cheering]
[furniture cracks]
You broke it already, man?
Who will sleep with whom?
We better decide it later. Not now.
Sleeping together is too intimate.
[Davi] I won't lie,
I've been thinking a lot about Rita.
I want to see what she's doing
and what she's not doing
I want to let her do something first,
so later, I can do it too.
I don't want to do
something wrong and be the bad guy.
Just want to throw her the ball
and see what happens.
[Bruna] Well,
that definitely threw me for a loop.
[Gabriela] Let's make a deal.
Let's make this is our bed.
Yours and mine.
I don't want to sleep
with a man every single night.
Nobody caught my eye actually.
I think I want to feel everybody's energy.
Like, we're here to have fun.
Not like,
I'm going to hook up with this one.
[Bruna] Just chill out, Gabi.
You'll have plenty of time
to feel everyone's energy in this place.
Now that everyone's settled in,
it's time to enjoy the sun,
the sea, this paradise on Earth.
Or we can just look
at ourselves in the mirror.
Okay, girls, let's gossip.
What did you think of the boys?
[Rita] I think the hottest one is Igor.
- Really?
- He's got the style, right?
It's because he's got charisma.
[Gabriela] The only one that caught my eye
was the one with the moustache.
- He's the hottest one.
- What's his name?
- Leandro is hot.
- He's the only one that caught my eye.
He's like a model. Summertime hot.
Leandro is hot,
but my favorite is Matheus.
My favorite one is Matheus.
You weren't upset, right?
Of course not,
I've been saying all this time.
I think he's so hot, I'm sorry.
He is, who disagrees?
If you feel like it, just do it.
I'll do everything I want to,
and if someone tries to cut me off
that's it. Bye-bye, baby.
[Bruna] Okay, then. You can discuss that
with Lana in a minute.
By the way, the clock counting down
to your absolute sexual abstinence
is tick-tick-ticking away.
Get busy, you two,
while you still have time.
You look shorter from a distance.
You're actually pretty tall.
You seemed to be shorter, too.
I think you're very tall.
See? I'm huge.
I thought you were just skinny,
but you're very toned.
- Very hot.
- You called me fat to my face.
I said you're very hot.
Okay, a bit aggressive.
You could say, "You're cute."
You're cute, you're stunning,
you have good energy.
But you're really hot.
You're no good, dude. You're like those
- You can make me be good.
- No, I can't.
Do whatever you want. You are who you are.
Can I do whatever I want?
Whatever you want in your personal space.
- When you invade my personal space
- Uh-huh.
- What if we share the same space?
- [chuckles]
Then, what happens?
Us together in the same space
You're shameless, dude.
[kisses] Just a kiss
Just look at you.
- You can hit me. Come here.
- [chuckles] Pervert.
Stop that!
Beat it! Go take a hike.
[Bruna] But weren't you into him, girl?
Don't take too long,
'cause this playboy might give up on you.
And Brenda is also acting like
Just let it go with the flow.
- Go with the flow.
- Let the gears spin.
[Matheus] I would hook up
with all of them.
- [Ronaldo] Me too.
- [Igor] Me too.
[Davi] But there's that one that we
connect with more than the other.
- I connected more with Brenda.
- [Davi] With Brenda.
Yeah, sure, good match.
[Matheus] Till the moment
it stops being mutual.
Because if it's not,
brother, that's the way it is.
Fuck that, man, I'll be ready for action.
I felt I lost control of the situation,
but I'm back, I called her to the game.
I'm taking control.
Stop looking at me like that.
What do you want?
- What do I want?
- Okay, you don't need to say it. [laughs]
Can I do it?
[Bruna] Congratulations
for completing the challenging mission
of hooking up in under two hours.
I'm not jealous.
[Matheus] Brenda makes me horny as hell.
It makes me want to get her,
and, you know, throw her onto that table
and get down
and dirty with her right there.
- I know what you're doing to me.
- Hmm?
[both chuckle]
Hey, you're laughing?
I'll throw you onto that table.
Shush, stop it.
It was good. [sniffs]
I can't say it was bad, because it wasn't.
I'd better go.
Because I'm getting excited.
I felt it.
It was nice, I want more.
[sighs] This guy
is going to give me a hard time.
- [Davi] Where were you?
- Just hanging around.
[Davi] You've got makeup on your face.
- Do I?
- [all laughing]
Everything is good, everything is nice
But that's it,
there's going to be a little devil there
to make my life a living hell, I know it.
About Matheus, I just said it,
I think he's a bad boy, but I like that.
"He's no good, but I like that."
That's the truth, though.
I think Thuany is here
to fight for something, you know?
She won't accept me
and Brenda together so easily.
I noticed Brenda was into you,
she likes you, but I like you, too.
I came to a reality show to fool around,
where I'm free to do whatever I want to.
She told us she was fucking crazy,
open-minded, "I do threesomes,
I kiss women, I do all that shit."
Then I thought, "She doesn't care."
But I saw her face
[Leandro] She looked pissed.
[Kethellen] Everyone is
marking their territory.
And Matheus and Brenda
are already a couple.
Personally, I don't think
it's going to last.
What I think about you is
It's not that I'm not open-minded,
because I am.
I don't judge anyone
for being open-minded.
But you got me
a little intimidated, you know?
Really? I think it's awesome.
With your personality,
feeling intimidated by me, it's like, wow.
No, I think
you're a bomb about to explode.
I also think you're a troublemaker.
You'll start the first argument here.
You think so? Oh, gosh.
I agree you're going
to be the first one to fight.
I'm not getting into trouble.
She's already told us
she's was into him and all that.
But I don't know.
[Bruna] Will Lana
let this love triangle stand?
Well, someone could call me, right?
Encouraged by his friend's happy ending,
Davi decides it's time
to show what he's made of.
Since you got here, I was like,
"Wow, that's the girl I want."
- That's what I thought.
- Seriously?
I like tattooed guys like you.
- You like young guys?
- [Rita] I do like young guys.
To take care of, since I'm 24.
To take care of. Then come here.
That's it, it's more comfortable, right?
[Bruna] I think Lana's going
to have a hard time with you two.
[sighs] I really wanted to do that.
Me too.
He's cute, I like cute guys,
but he lacks naughtiness, you know?
There needs to be something more.
- I like to feel the energy.
- Really?
I think we have a lot in common.
But of course
we'll hook up with other people here.
Don't you think?
Who do you think you'd hook up with?
I liked Igor.
And you.
- You were the two I clicked with.
- You clicked with?
But that's it.
The only thing that could come
between us would be other people.
- Other people.
- It is what it is.
It is what it is. Who knows?
It's complicated. Difficult, right?
Girls these days,
we don't understand anything anymore.
[Bruna] It didn't seem
that difficult to understand.
Rita wants to try everything on the menu.
We'll be able to share.
- And live for today.
- Yeah.
- Like there's no tomorrow.
- Right.
If she hooks up with another guy
and then wants to come back to me,
we'll see if I want her back. [laughs]
[Bruna] Don't you think, Davi.
But it's okay.
Go get all your questions answered
by your personal
relationship coach Matheus.
I had this little date with her,
it was cool. We made out, it was nice.
Do you think I should go after her today?
Is she the first one you clicked with?
That's what I'm doing with Brenda.
She was the first one I clicked with.
So, like, enjoy what you have,
enjoy with her today,
because tomorrow is a brand-new day.
I have a really strong
connection with Matheus.
I think it's our way
of thinking, our style
Oh, man, we pretend
we're cool, but on the inside
[both laughing]
He's my bro. I'm with him all the way.
[Bruna] Ooh! Will they
or won't they, guys?
It's only the first day,
but everyone's already anxious,
speculating about
the fooling around that's going down.
Like pizza at a college party,
everyone gets a slice.
So, bro,
there are sort of two couples already.
I think that Matheus and Brenda
are the closest
- Very connected.
- Yeah. Very connected, very close.
I think Rita wants to keep fooling around.
She keeps giving me the eye.
- Who? Rita?
- Yeah, ogling me.
Davi's going to be disappointed.
He's 21, he's in love.
Nobody here belongs to anyone, bro.
It's an open bar and I'm an alcoholic.
[both laughing]
Wait for me, Rita.
[Bruna] It looks like some
of these people didn't come to play.
And after all this excitement,
I think only a pool
could so something about
all this heat.
[Matheus] I don't even feel like swimming.
I feel like doing something else.
Then everyone was in the swimming pool.
We looked at each other.
Leandro is over there.
Kethellen is there with Davi.
Let's go over there and have sex.
- [Brenda] Stop!
- Come on, come on, come on.
Let's check it out.
- Check what out?
- The bedroom.
[Bruna] I think Matheus
is going through a bit personal growth.
Not the kind that Lana would approve of.
If we see ourselves in a person,
we immediately imagine
the sex will be good.
Lay down there.
- [Brenda chuckles] No, no, no!
- [kissing]
[Brenda chuckles]
I think I'm loosening up and like
I opened up.
[Bruna] Yeah, that was already
clear to us.
And Igor also thought
this would be the perfect opportunity
to show Rita what his true intentions are.
I'll take a brush there.
Well, well, well.
- Mermaiding. Mermaids are awesome.
- Mermaiding.
- I love that name for it.
- Mermaid.
C'mon, kiss me.
We were both into each other, you know?
We got the desire, the connection.
[Rita] Do it here, I like it here.
Yeah, like that.
- [kisses]
- [Rita chuckles softly]
Daddy's ready for action. Call me.
[Bruna] And how is Davi coping
with this shark moving in on Rita?
[Davi] I won't be fighting over women.
Women do what they want.
[Kethellen] And also, we're here to enjoy.
We're not here to waste energy
on this kind of thing.
I've been thinking a lot about Rita.
But if it doesn't work out there,
I'm gonna go for Kethellen.
[Bruna] And while Davi thinks it over,
the sexed-up couple do what they do best.
[Davi] Guys, where are Matheus and Brenda?
[Kethellen] They're doing something
inside the house.
[Davi] Let's check it out.
[Bruna] Be careful!
There are things that once seen
cannot be unseen.
I can't do it.
Intense. I'm too tense.
[both chuckle]
Fuck. I dropped the ball, huh?
[Bruna] You sure did, didn't you, Matheus?
It was good
I mean, it was nice, but it could have
been so much better, you know?
[both exclaiming]
- We're done, we're done!
- We weren't having sex!
[Bruna] Brenda says they're done
and Matheus says they weren't having sex?
What's the deal here?
[Brenda] We didn't finish, you know?
I mean, I did my part.
But he didn't do his.
So we have to do it again. [laughs]
[Bruna] Oh, if I were you,
I don't think I'd count on that, girl.
It wouldn't be a reality show
without a party, right?
So tonight, it's on.
- How do we fold this shit?
- Looking good.
[Bruna] Oh, guys,
you look just like a boy band.
A fuck-boy band, how's that?
One, two, three, hump!
One, two, three, hump! One, two
[Matheus] Every man for himself.
With Leandro there, handsome guy and all,
I mean, I think the others
are handsome too,
but he's a bit intimidating.
We're all free to hunt,
but if you're stepping into
another man's territory
About wanting to mark territory,
I don't think it's really necessary.
But sharing thoughts here,
from man to man? Cool.
If someone cuts my grass,
man, we're gonna fight.
[Ronaldo] It'll get ugly.
Yeah, man, I won't be intimidated.
[Bruna] Are you intimidated or not?
[Bruna] Ah, I give up.
[all chanting]
[Brenda] Oh, beautiful!
[all squealing]
[Davi] To health and success forever!
[all cheering]
Everyone here is gorgeous, stunning.
I think the opportunities are there.
The cards are on the table.
[in sing-song voice] Let's all make out!
That's the moment for me
to deflower the girls.
Girls, I wanna kiss
each and every one of you.
- [Leandro] Me, too.
- [Brenda laughs]
Bro, are you kidding me?
[Leandro] Minus one over there,
but, you know, me too.
You kiss whoever you want. Chill.
It's not possible.
You gotta be kidding me.
[Leandro] I'm kidding, partner.
I'm kidding.
I couldn't have been any clearer,
there's no way.
Are you that dumb?
- Come to think of it
- Mmm.
We get here,
we spot each other right away.
And I marked my territory with the guys.
And you marked your territory.
Or didn't you?
No, I didn't. I let Thuany kiss you.
Sure. But it was eating you alive.
Stop it.
Eating me alive? I was chill.
Wanna hook up? Just do it.
And you think I didn't see that
you kissed Leandro just to annoy me?
- I didn't kiss Leandro.
- You did.
He stole it, he tried to grab me.
You're jealous of Leandro, huh?
- No, I'm not.
- You are.
- You're jealous of Leandro.
- I'm not jealous of Leandro.
If I feel like he's trying
to control me in some way,
then he'll get burned. That's all.
If it happens at some point when
we're drinking, at a game, at a party
So you think you'll hook up
with someone else?
We'll kiss in the heat of the moment,
then you and I will get back together.
Let me get this straight.
We kiss whoever we want,
and in the end we sleep together.
- No.
- Is that it?
You want the dirty stuff. Right?
You want it dirty.
That's not what I'm saying. But I'm not
kissing anyone that I have feelings for.
Okay, so I'll say something to you.
You listen to it if you want to.
I don't want you to kiss one of the guys.
Oh. But why are you picking on him?
- I don't know why.
- You're insecure.
It's because you know he and you
are the most handsome guys here.
No. That's not it.
I'm not gonna mess it up and kiss Leandro.
That's not my intention.
But, you know, maybe just a peck.
- Not gonna lie, I think he's cute.
- Okay then.
Would he be my second choice
if you weren't here?
Yeah. But you're here. You know?
- [chuckles softly] Okay.
- You're here.
- Okay.
- Cut it out.
- Okay.
- [in sing-song voice] Stop that, baby.
Stop that, baby.
That's it, man.
I play dumb, I pretend I'm a loser,
but I'm aware of everything
going on around me.
Because that's my territory.
I'll stop.
- Stop it!
- I'll stop, I'll stop.
It's just that I like a little affection.
- You like affection?
- Yeah, like that.
Forget it, I'm the boss of this shit.
Just a little affection, baby.
[Bruna] A kiss right out of the gate,
sex at first sight,
and now the first DTR talk
This relationship is faster
than instant noodles.
[Brenda giggling]
[Bruna] And as if this party
hasn't already stirred up enough emotions,
a new love triangle starts to emerge.
[Rita] Drink, merman.
Drink it!
'Sup, champ? You know how it is.
Come here, my mermaid.
Sit down here with me, please.
I don't care who called dibs.
I brought her off to the corner,
"Let's sit in the hammock,
chat a little bit."
The first time I saw you,
you know, I thought, "It's a match."
So why'd you wait so long to say hi?
Davi was into you. That was going on,
I was like, "So, that's it?"
I took a step back
and decided to see what would happen.
No, I was dying to kiss you.
- I was waiting for the right moment.
- Is that so?
We'll have plenty of time to be together.
Wonderful, great kiss. Hot, you know?
You know that kind of kiss?
No, you don't get it.
[Bruna] I think there is
at least one person who totally gets it.
Shit, it's really happening, right?
Was I kicked to the curb?
What's left is to tell Matheus
all about it.
Matheus, listen, bro.
But it wasn't an awesome kiss yet.
Oh, I think they're enjoying it.
I thought it would be okay,
but after seeing them together,
it was harder than I thought it would be.
Bro, hold tight and chill.
It won't go anywhere.
No further than kissing.
Of course it'll go somewhere.
It's happening. Just deal with it.
It worked perfectly,
he keeps calling me a mermaid.
He's got some moves I like.
I'm telling you, I'm really into you.
You know?
Oh, me too.
And I think we'll be
more and more connected as time goes by.
More and more.
I'm a person that, you know
I like to, not to try other kisses,
but yeah
- You like to get to know.
- Yeah, and feel
- The vibe.
- The vibe and what could happen.
I want you to do whatever you want to do
as you are.
Because that's what won me over,
what captivated me.
- Boy, you're so sweet.
- I'm serious.
Of course I want you to kiss me,
but the urge can hit you hard,
as it could hit me. Right?
Yes, of course.
Above all, friendship, and kisses,
and whatever you wanna do with me.
[Bruna] Yeah, I've seen this movie before.
[Igor] Tonight, you'll be all mine. Okay?
Will I? Will I?
[Igor laughing]
The thing is just to be transparent.
Responsible things is
just to be honest with each other.
But I believe it can go further
than what's happening now.
I can't picture them as a couple.
They don't match, bro.
Maybe it's just me being his coach here.
He asks me things
and I answer them and all that.
And it wasn't like "the kiss." You know?
It's totally happening.
Like that out-of-this-world kiss,
you get her and [slurping]
It didn't happen. So, be cool.
I still think there is
something else to experience there,
something else to explore there.
- Yeah, now I think they
- [laughing]
[Davi] Uh, yeah. Okay, man, fuck it.
If she wants to do it, just do it.
[Matheus] Fuck, yeah,
that's the out-of-this-world kiss.
Look, there was even a pat on the ass.
Oh, poor Davi.
What do I do? I want to know
who I'm gonna sleep with tonight.
Am I gonna sleep alone?
Let me mess you up a little bit more.
No, no.
Come here and kiss me.
It wasn't exactly what I expected.
You know, I expected something else.
But it turned out
he got a little too clingy.
I know who I'll be spooning tonight.
- I'm sleeping with Gabi.
- Oh, no.
It wasn't what I wanted anymore, you know?
It was very How do I put it?
Now I already want someone else.
[Bruna] I wonder if Rita wants to be
my relationship coach.
Because she already has two men
throwing themselves at her feet.
And Lana isn't even here yet.
[Ronaldo] Go, keep the beat.
Come on, come on.
You know, my brother
With these rhymes I go beyond ♪
It's Davi, who no one is sleeping on ♪
That's what I'm saying
I'm saying it how it is ♪
If you hear a noise at night
You know who it is ♪
Now I'm telling you ♪
I'm going to sleep
Which is the best I do ♪
[Bruna] Ah, who needs women
when you've obviously got talent to spare?
Then we go to sleep,
and that's when the magic happens.
The spooning, the making out.
[Bruna] And everybody
is very affectionate tonight. Right?
Oops. Wait. That's something else.
Oh, stop that.
Oh, guys, I can't stand it.
I'm single. Trigger warning.
Sleep well,
my little hyper-hormonal babies.
Go ahead and enjoy
your final seven hours
of total debauchery.
After such a crazy night,
they should recharge their batteries.
- Wow, look, so nice.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- [all cheering]
Thank you, Lord!
[Bruna] Everything is just as it was.
Igor's trying to get on Rita's good side,
and she immediately
has a friend sit between them.
Matheus is making himself the hero.
[Matheus] Thank you, Lord,
for this wonderful breakfast.
[Bruna] But here on this reality show,
the hero is someone else.
[suspenseful music playing]
- [Ronaldo] Guys, look!
- Look over there, guys!
There's something arriving.
Out of nowhere,
a drone appears flying overhead,
with a sort of box.
- It's a box. It's a box, it's a box.
- Oh, I'm nervous.
What is that? I hope it's a good thing.
Positive energy. Positive energy.
I think there's a message inside.
- Kicking someone out?
- No, guys. It's fragile.
Can it be something that
we have to take care of, like a pet?
[Bruna] You're close, Matheus.
It's not so far off from a watchdog, no.
More specifically,
a one-of-a-kind cockblocker.
I'm confused.
- [Ronaldo] Go, go.
- No, just a few of us.
- Hurry up!
- Get it, bro!
- Hurry up!
- [Davi] Run!
Let's lift it from the bottom here.
Is it heavy?
Watch out, bro. It's fragile.
Let's go, let's go.
Wait, it's making noises.
It was all too good to be true.
I didn't think it would just be
a bed of roses here,
so I was like
- Jeez.
- [Ronaldo] What the fuck?
- What is that?
- I think it's a lamp, dude.
Anybody ever have one of these at home?
It makes everything smells nice.
This isn't good. Forget about it.
If it was something nice,
they would deliver it to us personally.
If it's flying, it's a bomb. Right?
- [laughing]
- [cheering]
[Lana] Hello, people.
It was scary. The thing started talking,
and we were like
[Lana] Are you happy so far
with your stay?
[Lana] I'm the virtual guide for
this retreat, but you can call me Lana.
My recording system
has been here the entire time,
and I have collected some data
about the ten of you.
[all] Mmm
Man, she's been watching us
since we got here!
That means, "I saw everything."
[Bruna] Yes. A little bit of everything.
[dramatic music playing]
This is fucking amazing!
[Lana] There is a specific reason
why you were all invited
to participate
in this particular experience.
According to all the best studies
on human behavior,
you're all especially superficial
in your emotional relationships.
- Wow. Fuck us, huh?
- Yeah, take that!
[Lana] Therefore, my purpose
during this whole retreat
will be to assist you all
in developing deeper connections
with each other.
[all] Hmm
But we connected real deep down here,
Lana, you have no idea.
[Lana] Brenda and Matheus,
that's not the kind of deep connection
I'm talking about.
You and I also have to establish
a deep connection, Lana.
Otherwise, I think there's
gonna be trouble, you know?
It'll either be you or me in this house.
[Bruna] Matheus, are you threatening
artificial intelligence?
[Lana] In order to encourage you
to achieve this goal,
there is a prize at the end of this game.
We were in shock.
Nobody expected that much money.
[Lana] Knowing you as I do,
I wouldn't celebrate anytime soon.
To stay at the retreat,
you are going to have to follow my rules.
From this point forward,
you are not allowed
to engage in any type of sexual activity.
That means there's no kissing
- Kissing?
- Wow.
Fucking hell!
[Lana] no horizontal cha-cha
[all laughing]
[Lana] no heavy petting
[Thuany] "Heavy petting"?
Everybody's going to use
their own hands from now on.
[Lana] or any kind of act
at all related to sexual pleasure,
including those acts that are
traditionally performed individually.
- [all exclaiming]
- Dude!
We went from Paradise to Hell
in two seconds.
It really throws a wrench in the works.
Lana, darling
I don't like you.
[Lana] For each infraction,
a certain amount
will be deducted from the prize total.
Holy shit!
[Lana] Do you understand?
We can't do anything.
I don't know what to do.
I think what I'll do
when I wanna get close to someone
is think about my grandmother naked.
Something like that
to get my mind straight.
Davi will sleep with Matheus
from now on. Okay?
And no spooning
is gonna be a major sacrifice.
Just imagining it, I'm like
[Lana] If the sexual ban
were to already have been in place,
the prize amount as of this morning
would be
The focus will be on me.
I'm like the money inspector.
- Two real.
- [laughs]
[Lana] Zero real.
[Brenda] Holy shit!
[Rita] I'm a little scared.
How much does each thing
we're doing here cost?
But the question that begs to be asked,
the question that begs to be asked,
"Which is the most important,
sex or money?"
[Bruna] I don't know about you,
but I'm already having fun.
Now things will get ugly.
[Lana] Your dry spell
has officially started.
Welcome, and enjoy the retreat.
[all murmuring excitedly]
As soon as she says we can't do it,
it's even more tempting now.
If it were up to me,
I'd spend all the money.
[Bruna] Uh-oh.
Things are not gonna go well.
- No.
- Nobody will think we kissed.
[Gabriela] If you still have a problem
with that, we can talk and work it out.
Can I talk?
No one will keep an eye on us.
We will, Brenda.
[crying] If you don't stand by me,
I won't make it.
[Lana] One of you
will be leaving the retreat now.
You can say your goodbyes and leave.
I don't know if I can handle it.
["Magic Mullet" playing]
["The Ballad of Joking Jesus" playing]
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