Tooth Pari: When Love Bites (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

So, how did you break your tooth?
Just an error of judgement
on my part.
Okay. Don't worry.
I'll fix it.
Say aah.
Oh God!
- So quick?
- Get in.
What are you waiting for?
Have your fill.
This is your first time.
Make it large.
But how?
Didn't your Sharpies pop out?
What if they've become rusted?
Just hover your mouth around
the holes I made and see what happens.
Now you see what you've been missing?
Those blood bank pouches are the worst.
Bloody packaged blood!
Stale, unhealthy
and so much plastic waste.
No matter how carefully you preserve it
you can't get this fresh taste.
That's enough.
Stop! Do you want to kill him?
And now you feel guilty.
Poor guy.
Poor guy, really?
He is married
and he wanted to chill with me.
Maybe his wife is not nice to him?
Of course, she isn't.
After all, she too is a human.
Now give me the bottles.
We've really drained him out.
What if he becomes anemic?
We just took around a liter of his blood.
He's still got four liters.
A bowl of beetroot pudding and he'll be
fit once again to cheat on his wife.
And he won't remember anything?
The moment I bit him, he was gone.
Deep hyp!
He'll wake up thinking
he couldn't get it up,
so the girl walked out on him.
You'll lose your head if you go Upar.
How Ora and AD keep scaring
us about the Cutmundus?
It's been what, 50 years?
They are humans!
They must be all dead by now
or are waiting to die.
Not like us who'd be riding life
even if petrol hits 200 rupees.
It was 1 rupee when I was human.
When did you last come Upar, Sreela?
In the '80s, during the all-India strike.
How can you stay locked up
in that hole for all these years?
I've contemplated so many times
of going out in the sun like Nisha
and ending it all in a flash.
Now on, you'll come Upar whenever
you want and hunt your heart out.
Madam, we have reached your hospital.
Here is the earning of the night.
Thank you.
Quick! Or else AD's boys will see us.
Oh, AD! The black-and-white king
of our colorful kingdom
keeps popping up Neeche
with his rule book.
There's just one rule to follow
you cannot go Upar!
The amazing thing is that
despite being a human,
he rules over us.
Back in 1684, when Kolkata's
treasures were being plundered
in the name of "discovering Kolkata,"
British hunters tried to kill
your "supreme leader," Ora
at the behest of Job Charnok.
It was my great-great-great-great-
great-great grandfather,
Zamindar Raja Narayan Deb
who gave refuge
to young Ora and his friends
here, Neeche.
As your custodian,
I fulfil all your demands.
I get you everything
gadgets, clothes, guitars, books
And most importantly, blood.
Fatty, alcoholic, negative, positive,
all the different kinds of blood.
Good night, Chitrabhanu.
When did you sneak out?
How come I didn't know about it?
Hang on a second!
You've got her to join your rebel gang?
Baaghini! (Tigress)
And the more, the bloody merrier, CB.
That's very good,
but I can't let you back in tonight.
Still warm and fresh.
Sourced from a 40-year-old fit male.
From just 20 minutes back.
There is no bond like the bond of blood.
The bond of blood.
If anybody asks, we're coming
from the Library via the Blood Bar.
Don't forget to add
the hunt mark in your pod.
I'll see you later.
I know where you're coming from.
What are you going to do about it?
I'm going to tell Ora.
Ora will inform AD
and AD will order me to decapitate you.
And I'll rip your head off your body.
You claim to be a King
but you behave like a rat!
When my movie hoardings are out in Mumbai,
then we'll see
who's the rat and who's the king.
What's up?
You naughty butterfly, can't stay
in one place for too long, can you?
I think I'll have to start
a butterfly brigade for you guys.
If Meera was here, she'd go,
"We are the Baaghinis, not butterflies."
The mere mention of Meera makes me hungry.
Will I be getting any breakfast tonight?
I'll go wake her up.
Good night.
Sorry, got a little late.
David's up and hungry.
Waiting at the Blood Bar.
Thought of warning you.
A conversation with David
I'll have to cry buckets again.
I don't understand
I mean it made sense
to feed off each other's energy
when there was a scarcity of blood.
What's the problem now?
Now that we have a regular supply.
Of both frozen and
fresh blood.
I know.
But you got to keep honing
your seduction skills.
How did it go with Sreela?
She was a little nervous.
Another couple of nights
and she'll become a pro.
There is talk that AD's boys
saw our Baaghini girls going out.
AD had sent word to Ora.
Since Ora is still hibernating,
I got to read the message.
You have to be very careful tomorrow.
- Tomorrow?
- Hmm.
Come with me tomorrow? Please!
It's one night in the whole year.
Tangra Party - the night of the year!
You know I don't go Upar anymore.
Take Sreela with you.
But don't take undue risk.
No human must be killed.
No human must be converted.
No human
Must know who we are or where we live.
Babu Shona!
It's past 12:00, when will you get up?
Get me breakfast, Subol Da.
It's late, you will directly eat lunch.
Did you read the journals I sent over?
- When did you?
- Never mind.
Not that they would help you.
Hold on!
Keep stirring. Don't let it burn.
Listen, you're meeting
Adu's daughter today evening.
Today evening?
Daughter? Adu who?
Adu, my friend.
You had even gone to his house once.
When his wife was still doing okay.
- When did I
- You were in Class 2, Babu Shona.
Half pants.
Side-parted hair. You looked so cute.
- And look at the nest on your head now!
- Maa!
So, today's meeting is fixed!
Her name is Mithila.
Look here
Isn't she stunning?
But, Baba Clinic?
It will stay closed today.
I've already told
the receptionist not to come.
And cancelled the one appointment you had.
The patient can come tomorrow
or go see a better dentist.
And please wear something decent.
I've already brought out
that floral shirt of yours.
He is going to select his bride,
and he can't select a shirt for himself?
What is the problem
if I select it for him?
God knows what he'd pick on his own!
Eggs and butter were too cold.
When they were mixing
the batter for this brownie,
the eggs and butter were
not at room temperature.
So if you see,
- the texture, that's the reason
- Cool.
Cool. Cool.
So what are you doing tomorrow night?
Clinic and then back home.
Will you go to the Tangra Party?
- The what?
- The all-night party at Chinatown.
I know where Chinatown is. But party
You have never attended it?
Oh, God!
It's LIT AF.
And if you come along,
then Baba will let me go.
I don't think my baba will let me go.
You are what? Like 28?
No, 26.
A 26-year-old boy needs to seek
his parents' permission for a night out?
We can say we're going to Dover Lane.
That should be okay.
What lane?
Dover Lane. Music Conference.
The annual classical music festival.
- Amaze!
- Amaze!
Can I get you a drink, sir?
Some shots, maybe?
No, no, no. That's fine.
Thanks for asking though. Thank you.
Why don't I make you a drink?
You'll make me a drink?
I don't have anything better to do here.
So if you allow me to make a drink
All right, what do you need?
I need a drink.
Could you get me the whiskey?
Thank you.
Can I get an egg and a glass?
Hope you like it.
There you go!
How's it?
Sir, this is amazing.
You could take my job in a heartbeat.
Your gums are bleeding.
You should get it checked.
Do you have a pen?
No, sir.
- Can I use this?
- Yes, please.
I am a dentist.
Take an appointment and come to my clinic.
Not that it gets very crowded.
Thank you.
Thank you for all this.
Excuse me? Hi.
Can I have an empty glass, please?
Yes, ma'am.
Can we go somewhere private?
Go where?
Somewhere private!
Okay, sure.
Rumi? What happened?
I don't know.
His neck was different.
Like my canine hit some metal and
Let me see.
This doesn't look good.
Abdul Hakim would have
made it okay in a flash.
Don't worry.
We will figure something out.
And make sure, both of you,
no one gets to know about this.
If AD or Ora gets to know,
they will snatch your head straightaway.
You're up early today, Babu Shona.
When did you come back last night?
2:45 a.m.
You didn't stay back
for the last performance?
Wasn't it Ustad Amjad Ali Khan's?
No. I really wanted to,
but Mitali had to go back home.
- Mithila!
- Mithila had to go back home!
Why? She's not into classical music?
No, she loves it.
Tell me
- What was she wearing?
- Sari.
Show me photos.
Photos I forgot to click any.
Next time. I promise.
Next time?
She'll meet you again?
Come on!
Maa Kali willing,
they will get married this year only.
And next year, we will get our Baby Roy!
Isn't this Adu's daughter?
And this is from last night.
Show me.
Is it out in the papers?
Yes, this is Mithila.
But sari?
So, you'd rather party in Tangra
than listen to classical music?
She wanted to go.
So you went along?
If she jumps off a bridge,
you'd follow suit?
But this is not you, Babu Shona.
Who is this boy?
That's her boyfriend.
She's got no plans to marry me.
It's not imagination. It's real.
Just like this wind.
Can you see the wind?
Wind? Where?
Not now
only at nights.
They emerge when you all are sleeping.
Because the rays of the sun
hitting their skin
their skin
their skin so soft
Soft like melting wax.
Come on, old man,
tell us the police station story.
What old?
They can never get old.
The clock stops
the moment they get converted.
Time freezes
like a statue.
And they drink blood.
In the mornings,
in the evenings,
all the time.
Such a wimp!
And those monsters' teeth
What's with their teeth?
Their teeth are as much
as a man's little finger
but they are so sharp
Again blabbering away all that bullshit?
I left for five minutes
and you got started already.
Come on. Let's go.
But I am not done.
Their stories
You can tell their stories later.
Let's go.
Quiet! Quiet!
You kids don't go to school or what?
Run before I come back in my uniform. Run!
You cannot tie
the drawstrings on your own.
You complain that
the elastic bands pinch you.
Why don't you stay home in your boxers?
Where is Uma?
Would I be here if Uma was alive?
Who are you?
Baba, I will lose my job trying
to make you remember things.
See I'm already late again today.
Come with me.
Let's go.
And then?
She attacked you?
Like a bear?
- Like a ghost.
- Like a ghost?
Like the way she kissed me
She kissed you?
Must have been your first kiss.
No, sir. My ex-girlfriend
and I used to kiss a lot.
He had an ex-girlfriend!
When I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer
she dumped me.
She was very beautiful.
Who, your ex-girlfriend?
The ghost.
A beautiful ghost.
Yes, sir.
She got close to me
and started kissing me on my neck.
And then I don't know what happened.
Maybe she ran away because
of my prosthetic neck.
Look at what she did to me, though.
Now my whole body feels like
it's burning from inside.
So, I thought I should come
to the police station and report.
But this police station
can only find human beings.
Not ghosts.
So what do we do now?
Put Pal on the job.
It will be fun.
Sub-Inspector Kartik Pal!
The jewel of our crown.
Don't for a second think I haven't
noticed you sauntering in at 11.30 a.m.
Full night of drinking again, huh?
That man will take down your report.
He is a specialist
in all things supernatural.
It's in his genes.
Straight from his illustrious father.
Defective genes.
Let's get going now.
Enough fun and games, get back to work.
He used to be the resident doctor here.
An expert in Unani medicine.
In the 1990s, he saved me
from a rare blood disease.
He mixed the blood of three, four people
from Neeche and made a cocktail.
Abdul was a magician.
Then why was he decap-ed?
He made the mistake of
falling in love with a human.
He used to sneak out
every day to meet her Upar.
And Ora found out?
And AD was informed.
I was asked to cut off his head.
But I couldn't do this one.
This was Abdul. How could I
Abdul Miya?
I got you some fresh blood.
David sent me here.
Keep it there.
Show me your eyes.
Why has he sent you?
My tooth
Come close.
The nerve is intact.
You will be okay
if we attach the right kind of tooth.
A fake tooth won't do the job.
We cannot keep
that nerve exposed for long.
It will start rotting
and infect your blood.
But I cannot help you.
I promise I won't say
a word about you to anybody.
It's not that, girl.
Pull my blanket out.
The reward for falling in love
Courtesy Luna Luka.
The leader of the Cutmundus?
The witch of the Cutmundus.
She showed up with her dagger
as soon as she got to know I was Upar.
That bloody witch!
She is who she is.
But there are others who are more
dangerous like wolf in a sheep's clothing.
Both the Cutmundus and the cops
are still chasing you like wild hounds.
This clan will perish the day they come
sniffing all the way here, Neeche.
Now, who here is the enemy in the house
who wants this family to perish
by going Upar repeatedly? Who?
Why do I have this feeling that
not all of you are here at this moment?
Hey, you. What's your name?
Amar, do a quick headcount for me.
Let's see if all 30 of you are here.
One, two, three, four
Rumi! What are you doing here?
AD is Neeche. In the Main Hall.
nine, ten
11, 12, 13
14, 15, 16, 17
Oh, what fun would it be if there's
actually a member short right now.
Ora's hibernation would have to be over.
- Twenty-four
- Finish!
25, 26,
27, 28, 29
Who's that?
The one back there.
Number 30. I am talking to you.
You weren't here.
I was right here. All along.
Come up here.
Come closer.
Come closer.
You can come closer.
A little bit closer.
That's more like it.
I know
how much you guys
love the silver in my shawl.
One step more?
It's been so long, AD
you haven't called me close to you.
You used to strip
your silver half pants
and come running to me.
How you've stayed away from Meera
after you got yourself a wife?
It is better if you
stay away from me, Meera.
And don't be so jealous.
So, where was I?
You're the last one
to be converted, right?
What's your name?
So, Rumi,
tell everyone, what happens
if you're caught going
or coming back from Upar?
You are put in the
prison cell at the back.
You aren't given blood to drink.
Good. And?
Candles are lit up around the cage.
Why? To celebrate your birthday?
Candles feel like sunlight,
making us weak and unwell.
You know every damn thing!
Yet you break the rules!
Where were you last night?
You went Upar to hunt, right?
Does my presence get you going?
Are your fangs out yet?
What do you call them, Sharpies?
Let me see them. Show me your Sharpies.
Open your mouth.
Say aah.
AD, you know,
there was a certain way
Gandhiji used to wear his dhoti.
Completely different
from the way you wear it.
What does Rumi have to do with that?
Rumi was with me last night.
We were watching the movie, Gandhi.
I was telling her how I had
shown Mohandas how to wear his dhoti.
Come on, David. Don't talk rubbish.
It's true. It's true.
In fact, Robi,
Mohandas, and me you know Robi Thakur,
we often discussed whether a dhoti
should be worn like a loincloth
or a wraparound.
- For real?
- Yes.
David, you are so naughty!
Fine, I take your word this time.
That Rumi was here
with you last night.
Was he?
She was.
Damn, it's late!
Hey! Follow the rules, all of you.
And let the hospital boys know
if you need anything.
What do you think?
I have been sitting here free all day?
I see.
So what you do is work
and what I do is just a hobby?
That is not done, Bobby.
I'll call you back.
Any more appointments?
Some woman had called
to know the address of the clinic
but she didn't make an appointment.
Great. Then maybe you can
Yay! Bye-bye.
I'll lock the main door on my way out.
Welcome back to another episode
of The Anonymous Chef.
Today, I'm back with
an old and lost recipe.
One passed down by Didan, my grandmother.
It's called Fish Tramfrado.
As you can see,
the fish has been marinated
in a little bit of turmeric and salt.
I'm using Bhetki fish here.
The Barramundi.
But you can use any fish.
My Didan used to make it with Hilsa.
As you just saw, the oil
Actually, there was no one outside.
So I just came in.
It's It's okay.
How may I help you?
My tooth
Of course. Yes.
Please sit.
Yes, right here.
Can you Can you, the bag
What is this fish smell?
Fish? Really?
Must be from the restaurant next door.
Exhaust fan must be on.
So tell me about your tooth.
It's my right canine.
The nerve is intact
and we need to attach the tooth.
Will you mind if I play some music?
It helps
It's my lucky song.
So, how did you break your tooth?
Just an error of judgement
on my part.
Okay. Don't worry. I'll fix it.
Say aah.
Oh God!
The blood
it makes me
Can you come back tomorrow? Please?
I'll definitely fix your tooth.
It's no big deal. Pretty soon you'll be
biting soon.
Very soon.
I'll see you then.
You are not Bengali?
I am. By birth.
But my mother packed me off
to Faridabad to my aunt
when I was a kid so
My Bengali is a little broken.
No problem, sir.
I know Hindi.
Then start narrating your story.
So, we came here,
the restaurant was empty.
It was not this bright either.
Then she
She started kissing you.
I heard you say that
at the police station.
My back was against that pillar.
And in front of me was that
Beautiful ghost.
- Yes.
- That's enough.
Then she slide attacked on my neck.
Slide attack? What's that?
But then she pulled back,
opened her mouth,
and entered my body at 5G speed!
Just a minute.
Have a drink. You'll feel better.
I haven't been able to eat
or drink anything since the attack.
Which pillar did you say? This one?
What's wrong? Feeling queasy?
Then what are you waiting for? Go fast.
Their teeth are as much
as a man's little finger
but they are so sharp,
they can change your life in a flash.
Next Episode