Totally Completely Fine (2023) s01e01 Episode Script

Welcome to the Crevice

[waves crashing]
I spent my whole life
running away ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life
running away ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life
running away ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life ♪
I spent my whole life
running away ♪
You know I think
I kind of like it ♪
Like it better that way ♪
You know I think
I kind of like it ♪
Like it better that way ♪
[phone vibrates]
Oh, fuck.
[phone beeps]
What do you want?
Hey, Viv.
Grandad's dead.
[indistinct chatter over TV]
You coming?
My episode's up next.
No, I need to go.
Floor's a bit wet.
And your hairdryer's broken.

Ah ♪
Yeah, yeah, yeah,
she likes peas and carrots,
she just doesn't
like em together.
You're gonna have to
plate 'em up separately.
Oh. No, potato.
Yeah, no, the only way
that bad boy's going in
is on an
airplane spoon.
Oh, I gotta go.
Just make the
propeller noise.
Laura's on, uh,
lunch duty.
You look like shit.
And you think
you look good, do you?
[Hendrix cries]
Can you believe it?
One minute
he's calling to explain
how to set up
a washing machine,
the next he's just
not here anymore.
It's been like this
since it happened.
Oh, hey,
I got us yogurts,
like the ones
he used to give us.
Thought it'd be nice.
Used to give them
to the twins, too.
Yeah, I never
really liked those.
How'd it happen?
Died in his sleep.
Of course
he did.
That's so
fucking classy.
They said
when they found him,
he had a big smile
on his face.
Yeah, well they would say that,
wouldn't they?
They're not going to tell you
your grandfather died
looking like Gollum.
How are you doing?
I know he meant
a lot to you.
Yeah, well he meant
a lot to everyone.
Yeah, well, I feel like
as I've gotten older,
I've developed a really
healthy emotional tap.
But you?
You tend to make
Lord of the Rings jokes
about our
dead grandfather
and then you let it out later
in a slightly unhealthy way.
He was 82
and he died in his sleep.
That's sort of
the dream.
Doesn't mean
it's not sad.
What are we doing
here anyway?
Doesn't all this will stuff
happen after the funeral?
Oh, you know John.
He likes to compartmentalise
his mourning.
We do admin first,
then we grieve.
John organised this?
Yeah. Why?
What? I thought you two
sorted all that out.
Yeah, we did.
In our way.
You have spoken to
him since, right?
Oh, my God. Vivian!
It's been a week!
I've been busy!
Doing what?
Both all right?
Nice to see you
again, Vivian.
I'll just wait
right here
while you finish
your children's food.

Oh, Jesus.

Sorry about the wheels.
Had my hip replaced.
How fast can
that thing go?
As fast as you like.
You just close your eyes
and use your imagination.
I hate to be a pain,
but I have to be back
at the office at 2:00,
so the will?
- There is a will?
- Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
All pretty straightforward.
May I say first how sorry I was
to hear about your grandfather.
He was a great man,
with a mean swing.
Thank you so much.
The assets?
As your legal guardian,
he decided
to divide them equally
between the three of you.
As you know,
there wasn't much money,
but he did have
some items of value.
Now Hendrix,
you shall receive
Fred and Ginger,
his beloved golf clubs.
And John,
Walt's Zero-Gravity
Shiatsu Massage
recliner chair.
Lucky chap.
And, uh [hums]
You are now custodian
of his cliffside property
near Dalton's Crevice.
I--I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I thought you just
said that, uh,
that the assets were
being divided equally?
Three ways, yes.
I'm just struggling
to understand
how a heated shiatsu massage
recliner chair equates
to an entire
waterfront property.
Perhaps Walt wasn't
considering monetary value.
Mm. Mm. Uh-hmm. Uh-hmm.
I don't wish to speak
ill of a dead man, but--
but sometimes
he made bad decisions.
I'm not sure
that Vivian
is capable,
nor entirely deserving,
of looking after
a property right now.
Are you serious?
She's broke,
and, um, last week,
she burnt down my food truck
with a cigarette--
It was a
fucking vape!
All right, guys, how about
we wait until we get out--
It was an accident.
Does smoking
a bacon-flavoured vape
in a vegan food truck
sound like an accident?
It doesn't.
It sounds
passive-aggressive, actually.
You know,
I gave her a job
out of the goodness
of my heart.
The thing goes up
and she just legs it.
No, I didn't.
I tried to put it out.
Really, Vivian?
Why didn't you call me?
Where have you been?
At home.
I had to ask the fireman
to look for your remains with
the burnt-up kimchi and hummus.
You know, now that
we've talked this out,
I think
it may be better
if Vivian just
sells the property,
- pays me the proceeds.
- [both]
We can't just
sell his house!
Why not?
Because it was
his house.
Oh, so that--so that means
something to you now, does it?
Because I was the one
that cared.
I was the one
that visited.
You've never
even been there,
and sat with him
in that--
Well then,
we can't just shit
all over his final wishes
so you can pay for a stupid van.
It's not about the van--
Then what's it about?
Please, tell us,
before that
head of yours snaps off
from all the
fucking nodding.
It's about
It's about you
being an irresponsible twat
who hasn't even dried
her hair for this.
It's dripping
all down your back.
What do you think?
I--I'd rather not say.
I am so sorry.
All right. Siblings, eh?
No matter how old you get,
you still act like
ferrets in a sock
when you get together.

I've been a bit
full of this shit ♪
I cannot confess to you now ♪
I've been a bit
held up with shit ♪
Draining my energy
left and right ♪
[Wilkinson laughs]
Young Vivian!
Didn't take you as punctual.
Well, what do you think?
I think it's different
to the others.
Ah, yes.
But look at the character.
Come on, chop-chop.
View's even more charming
on the inside.
That's handy.
Right, well,
here we are.

They don't move these
things when people
No, no.
They don't
move anything.
You're family.
You decide
what you want to keep.
[key jingling]

these are yours.
Should we take
a gander at the yard?
He was building a pergola, apparently.
Didn't quite get around
to finishing it.
I've been told that the view's
not too bad through those trees.
Go ahead.
[waves crashing]

Seems a bit unnecessary.
Fuck me!

Oh, before I forget.
Walt asked me to pass on
one more thing.
if you're reading this,
I must be dead.
but fingers crossed
it happened in my sleep.
I leave you this house
to look after.
Yes, the gig can be a bit
of a bastard sometimes,
but I swear,
that if you stick it out,
it'll show you
what you're truly capable of.
Lots of love, Grandpa Walt."
Right. Weird.
Come on.
Was that in there too,
or was that your own
special touch?
A bit of both.
Well, that's it for me.

Hey, it's Viv.
Listen, I just inherited
a pretty sweet
little beach house.
Real lighthouse keeper vibes.
Anyway, did you wanna
come over and we can
Listen, I just inherited
a pretty sweet little beach
I lived with you,
like this morning.

[singer humming]
Electric waves
a rush of energy ♪
Silent river pouring
backward eternally ♪
Through the phase
and touch of entropy ♪
Old age in the beginner ♪
To hit the stage
and blush wild, laughingly ♪
Crush the rage
and rush time tappingly ♪
Call the name ♪
[David on voicemail]
Hey, you've reached David
from Embrace.
If it's an emergency,
please call
Turning the two-fork,
taped up television ♪
Into tunnel vision ♪
Taking the new fork
tactile as revision ♪
Working the revision ♪
Time escaping ♪
There is no reason
to go down alone ♪
Through distortion's
secret telephone ♪
Separate contact separate ♪
Poison in the ether ♪
Swinging still
incessant pendulum ♪
Lavender, nettle, calendula ♪
Separate, contact,
concentrate ♪
Drawing out the fever ♪
Time escaping ♪

[woman sobbing]
[waves crashing]
Don't come any closer!
What the fuck are you doing?
Killing myself!
Well, please don't!
Why not?
'Cause--well, 'cause this
is my new backyard!
You can't just ruin
someone's backyard
'cause their fence
is a bit shit.
I'm sorry you got left
at the altar.
That really fucking sucks.
I left him!
Well, then shouldn't
you be happy?
I don't know.
I didn't do it on purpose!
What does that mean?
My arms, they just sort of
opened the car door
and threw me out of the limo,
and I don't know why I did it,
because he is
actually perfect.
And I know a lot of people
say that about their fiancés,
but he's like
actually perfect.
Oh, and now he's gonna
be standing there.
His little face,
it's gonna be broken,
while people tap him
on the shoulder and tell him,
"She's coming,"
when I am not coming!
The priest is going to lean over
and tell him that he's got
another wedding in ten,
and that is when he'll know.
Oh, and then he'll look
over at my parents.
Oh, my parents!
Oh, they're gonna be so angry!
My cousins!
They paid $50 a head
for the beef!
Oh, you are so fucking stupid!
Everybody says it and it's true!
You have blown up
your fucking life.
Shut up right now.
You're not fucking stupid.
In fact, it seems to me
very fucking smart
to veto a fifty-year commitment
that didn't sit right with you.
Now it's a shame you didn't
have the same foresight
with that tattoo on your back,
but we can't be savvy
all the time,
can we?
Now have some
fucking self-respect.
Stop crying.
Own your decision
and get on with it.
[laughs] Wow.
All right.
I'm gonna go now.
Glad I could help you.
Where are you going?
Back inside.
Can I come with you?
All right.
Okay. [mumbling]
Fine. Fine.
Just get away
from there, okay?
Come on.
[singer] It's a damn shame
but this has to end ♪
Yeah, you know it's time ♪
Help me.
Help yourself.
There's only one bed, so
That's okay.
you wanna take my time ♪
Let me take my time ♪
[woman snoring]
Still holding on ♪
To all the things
that I want ♪
But every night I feel you ♪
Wrapped around my side ♪
Yeah, you think it's fine ♪
Fuck, you know it's time ♪
[snore continues]
[knocking on door]
Oh, welcome to the Crevice!
Come here! Oh!
I'm Anna from number ten.
Brought breakfast.
Oh, this is Dane,
my very single son.
I did tell him
to stand next to me,
but between you and me,
he's always had a small problem
with assertiveness.
Shall we come in?
Ah, now's not
the best time
Very single, hey?
What does that mean?
Not sure.
If I was more assertive,
I could probably ask.

Sorry about the mess.
Oh, don't worry love.
It was chaos
when Walt was here.
You knew my Grandad?
Sit down, Dane.
Yes, 'course!
We're a very tight-knit
street, this one.
I mean, that being said,
it was very difficult
to actually know
someone like Walt.
He spoke about you very fondly.
Said you had a nipple pierced.
Always wish I'd done it.
But alas, a piercer in Bali
told me that my ratios
were all wrong--
Oh, Mum!
Oh, sorry, Vivian!
Dane does tell me
I'm a textbook over-sharer.
He's moved home
to save for a house,
but I think if
he had his time again,
he'd just sell an organ.
Now I just wanted to say
it's so impressive
what you've taken on.
Yeah, I mean,
the house needs a bit of work,
but I'm in between
jobs right now.
Yes, well that's good.
'Cause you're gonna
need the time
for when they come a-knocking.
And by "they"
you mean the workmen?
No, I mean
I mean, the suicidal people.
You don't have to
whisper that, Mum.
Sorry, what?
Walt got at least one a week.
Oh, a saint, he was.
Oh. In fact, you know,
I do a bit of
a street newsletter.
It would be so wonderful
to get a POV piece on you.
Guardian of the Crevice 2.0--
Mum, I don't think
she realises--
Morning, all!
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realise
you had company!
- [Vivian]
No, she's just--
- I was having a breakdown
on the ledge last night,
and this one talked me down.
I'm Amy, by the way.
I didn't get yours.
Your first save.
Lucky I put the cacao nibs in.

So this is one
of my earlier pieces
from when I first retired.
I mean, it's a tad over-written,
but you get the idea.
So people come here to--
Yeah. Yeah,
it's been that way for a while.
Usually, when tenants find out,
they hightail it out of here
pretty quick smart.
Not Walt, though.
He really took it on.
Jesus, what a guy.
And those eyes.
Oh, it was like a warm fire.
He saved 60 people?
Oh, God no!
This is from two years ago.
I'd say he clocked up closer
to two hundred by the end.
You know, he'd invite them in
for a nice chat.
Have a cup of tea.
He was quite remarkable.
You know, I'm surprised
he never mentioned it, love.
I mean,
I do find it a bit bizarre
that he didn't tell the person
moving in.

"Yeah, the gig can be
a bit of a bastard sometimes."
Bastard sometimes.
Can be a bit of a bastard sometimes
That little shit.

He set me up!
Mum, maybe we should, um
Yeah, sorry, of course.
Oh, where is my head?
I brought Dane here round
because he's a psychologist.
He's a bit obsessed
with all this sort of stuff.
Yeah, that's not what I meant.
And it's a PhD.
Oh! Sorry. Yes, it's a PhD.
Anyway, he used to help Walt
with these sorts of things.
You know, give him some tips
on how to deal
- with this sort of stuff.
- Fuck, no.
I don't believe in that
digging inside
other people's heads bullshit.
- No offence, Dane.
- I'm sure there's none taken.
No, actually, um
That digging inside other
people's heads bullshit
is incredibly important
with stuff like this.
Mm, well, you have to say that.
Particularly when the person
taking this on
is obviously um
Oh, I was going to say
dismissive and rude.
I'll come
and get my thermos later.
Ooh! Maybe grab a couple
of snappy quotes from you then!
[waves crashing]
That was a bit of
a bombshell, hey?
Are you all right?
Oh, not that one.
That looks terrible.
I'm sorry?
Oh, my area of work
is shop assisting.
I pride myself on my honesty.
Have I offended you?
I didn't mean to.
I'm just saying, there's still
time to take it back.
Yeah, well, I wear this
one all the time, so
So, where you off to then,
all dressed up?
My grandfather's funeral.
Of course. Yeah.
Um, what a great guy--
Do you have somewhere
you can go?
I can give you my phone.
Oh, Vivian.
I don't mean to sound
weird or anything,
but I'm sort of spiritual.
Well, yesterday something
really strange happened to me.
There was this brolga.
A what?
Oh, it's a wetland bird.
Like um, maybe this tall?
And it's kinda like
Well, I rolled out of the limo
and he--ooh,
I'm assuming he was a he,
because he was very, very big--
he was just staring at me.
And I knew in that instant
who he was.
My guardian angel!
Which yeah,
is a bit weird for me,
because usually mine's a rabbit.
Anyway, he just takes off,
squawking this thing
that sounded remarkably like
[makes noise]
Like "Amy!
Follow me!"
So I did.
And then we end up at the house,
and the ledge
that I assumed the big brolga
was telling me
to throw myself off.
But after hearing
what your grandfather left you,
I know the brolga wasn't
leading me to my death,
he was leading me
to a new life here,
with you, helping people.
Yeah, I can't deal
with this right now.
Oh, shh.
I know it's a lot.
I'll give you some time
to mull on it.
Ooh! There. Shopkeeper hands!
[waves crashing]
Thank you so much for coming.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming.
Thanks for coming.
- You're late.
- [Vivian]
I had to change.
Oh, June and Dotty,
do you want to say hi
to Aunty Viv?
- Hey, Viv.
- Hey, Laura.
Hey, you babies. Still a cat.
Ah, yes, yep, still a cat.
We are handing these out.
I thought it would be a nice way
to greet our guests on arrival.
Oh, and I've um--I've
brought my boyfriend.
Everyone, this is Alejandro.
Hey, Alejandro.
Oh, it's so nice to finally meet
the bloody food truck muse.
Ah, no. No.
Nice to meet you two.
I just wish it would be
under different circumstance.
- Sorry for your loss.
- Thanks.
- Our bad--
- You're so hot, man. Jesus.
- [Laura]
- [Hendrix]
Sorry, just
it's a bit full on.
You just look like
you've stepped out
of a European perfume ad.
Anyway, I just had
a quick question
re Grandad's house.
Do you--do you model?
Okay. That's enough.
Is this about the entire
waterfront property
that's just fallen
into your lap?
- That's not what I meant.
- Okay, well it can wait.
Thank you.

Ritchie! What the hell
are you doing here?
I'm here for the funeral, mate.
You left your laptop
open at mine,
so I went through your messages.
I know we're not together
or anything,
but I just thought,
"Fuck it, she'd want me here."
Oh, it's pretty sad, eh?
Everyone's crying.
Have you been
to a funeral before?
Nup. Like my Nan
came close to going once,
but now she's on one of those
machines that helps her breathe.
She loves it.
Anyway, I've got good news.
Is your bro around?
Well, I know you're pretty
cut up about
burning down his truck,
so I got onto Travis,
and it turns out the weed
he gave us that day
was laced with ket--
So that's why you fell asleep.
I just--I've gotta go.
Oh, you coming back to mine?
Maybe. I don't know.
Love that.
Keeping me on my toes.
And hey, remember Viv.
There's so much love for you
in this church right now.
So much love.
Oh, my God!
You think I should go?
Who is that?
A friend.
Where do I know him from?
Thanks, mate.
- He did a dating show once.
- Oh!
Married In The Dark!
Oh, my God.
It's Ritchie P!
Oh, he's the only guy who picked
two women at the end.
Shh, shh shh.
Did Grandad tell you
anything weird
about the house
when you used to visit?
No. What's up?
People throw themselves off it.
He was like some guardian angel
and he didn't tell me.

Most Holy Spirit ♪
Who didst brood
upon the chaos ♪
Dark and rude ♪
And bid its angry
tumult cease ♪
Pack up the moon
and dismantle the sun
Pour away the ocean
and sweep up the wood
For nothing now can come
to any good
Yep. Ooh, shit.
That's it. Thank you.
[Father Terry]
Thank you, John,
for that beautiful poem,
from one of my favourite films, actually.
Four Weddings And A Funeral.
I love me
some Hugh Grant in a suit!
Right. Okay.
Well next,
we're going to be hearing
from Walt's youngest
granddaughter, Vivian.
Hi, everyone.
As Father Terry said,
I'm Walt's youngest
and least impressive grandchild.
As most of you know,
when my parents
had their accident,
he took us in.
He was our other Dad, really.
There for me when no one else
knew what the fuck to say.
Sorry, I said "fuck," Father.
That wasn't written down.
It just slipped out.
[Father Terry]
That's all right.
He wrote all my essays
and scared off my boyfriends.
And this one time when I was 16,
he took me to an STI clinic
'cause I thought
I had herpes on my face.
It was just acne,
but he humoured me all the same.
So much love.
He was a truly
remarkable person.
He was a truly
remarkable person, sometimes.
But today, in all honesty,
I'm really fucking mad
at that guy up there.
Because it turns out
that that waterfront property
he left me,
in what I assumed
was a generous response
to Sydney's housing crisis,
is actually just a giant cliff
with a bit of house on it.
And the woman next door tells me
that people just throw
themselves off it all the time,
and he tried to save them all.
So now I don't know
what the fuck to do.
Sorry again, Father.
'Cause he's just
thrown me in the deep end
like he always does.
He just expects me
to do this huge thing,
despite the fact I've told him
time and time again
that I can't do things
like this.
That I'm nothing
fucking like him!
And yes, that was another "fuck"
and I'm not even going
to apologise for that one
'cause I'm just
so fucking angry.
And it's pouring out of me
like sweat
and maybe it's because
I've repressed
all my Walt-related emotions
and now they're just coming out
in a fucked-up way.
I told her. Okay.
And now that I've let out
all the anger
what's left is
the sadness.

That you're actually gone.
That I pushed you away.
But the saddest bit of all
is having to let you down
one more time,
after decades
of doing it relentlessly.
I can't do this, Grandad.
I'm sorry.

[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[Father Terry]
How dare you!
How dare you
ruin his funeral like that.
Shit, John, easy!
No, no, no!
You can't just grieve,
can you?
[crows cawing]
Okay, that's not mine.
Are you high right now?
God, John,
no, I swear.
It's a friend's!
- Go back inside, Hendrix.
- Shouldn't we just--
Back inside, Hendrix,
now, please.
I just want one day
that she doesn't ruin,
for once in our fucking lives.
Inside. Please.
I'll, um
I'll call you later, okay?
Just go home.

[waves crashing]

How'd it go?
I guess not as expected?
I found something.
Walt wasn't just building
a pergola.
He was building
some kind of tearoom
for the people
who come through here--
I'm selling the place, Amy.
I owe my brother some money
and it's best if I just leave,
so yeah, you'll need
to fuck off somewhere.
Yeah, but this is amazing--
As is your capacity
for ignoring what I'm saying--
Okay, did you just
fucking shoosh me again?
No, I mean
just wait a second!
Someone's here.
he's heading for the ledge.
Help. Help me!
No, no, no! Come on!
What are you doing?
Oh, what you did to me!
Now wake up!
Get off!
Absolutely yes!
Not until you tell me
why you're so afraid.
Because I ruin things.
I ruin everything!
Walt didn't tell me
what this place was
'cause he knew
I'd run a mile.
He knew I'd think I'd ruin
this too and guess what? I will.
I can't be the person he wanted.
I can't be this fucking angel--
Why are you fucking laughing?
You think I didn't jump
last night
because you were an angel?
Bitch, last night
you were the demon from hell!
But I looked at you
with your bad eyeliner
and your tired eyes
and I just thought,
"Here's a person
who gets it,
and if she can keep going,
so can I."
Just finish this pergola
for him, okay?
Like he wanted.
And if you still hate it
you can sell it
for even more
and fuck off like you want to.

[man panting]
Come on, mate.
Fucking jump, mate.
Come inside.
Because I fucking told you to.
Sorry, I really don't know
what I'm doing.
Neither do I.
Come on.
[man panting]
So you just grab one,
and put it out.
It helps me sometimes.
To calm down.
Focus on something small.

Oh! Good morning.


I think I need your help.
Sorry, I couldn't hear that.
I said I think I
I think you're fucking with me.
I could come by Tuesday.
That sounds too far away
at this point, but I'll take it.
[birds chirping]
Of course you exist.
Of course you fucking exist!

Fuck you ♪
Fuck all your friends ♪
Everyone, all of them ♪
I liked it better
when you knew me ♪
When you held my hand ♪
But love is gone ♪
Love is dead ♪
It's dead,
it's dead, it's dead, yeah ♪
It's all fluid ♪
And Simon says ♪
Play along ♪
I'm playing dead ♪
I can't believe
I let you lose me ♪
Now I hold my breath ♪
I get high off, high off ♪
Feeling half alive, well ♪

Next Episode