Toughest Forces on Earth (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Desert Stormed

[electronic warble]
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[man 1 in Arabic] Go, go.
[man 2 in English] So, we've just seen
what looks like the target running away.
We need to make sure
we've got a support team with us,
and we don't get lured
into some sort of trap.
Right, you ready?
[men] Go, go, go.
[electronic warble]
[suspenseful music playing]
- Put the weapon down. Put it down!
- [man 3] Get down.
- [opening theme playing]
- [blades whirring]
[man] We are three former
special operation soldiers
on a mission to go deep inside
the most elite and secretive
fighting forces in the world.
[Dean] I'm Dean Stott,
former SBS British special forces.
Times like this, you can hear
your heartbeat in your ears.
[Cameron] I'm Cameron Fath,
former United States Army Ranger.
- Not bad for a day's work.
- [gun cocks]
[man] And that guy, at home in the swamp,
that's me, former Navy SEAL Ryan Bates.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of a big deal.
And these are
the Toughest Forces on Earth.
- Good to go.
- [gunshot]
[blades whirring]
[electronic warble]
[electronic warble]
[majestic music playing]
Well, boys. Here we are in the desert.
[Cameron] No water,
no shade.
So, what do you guys know about
these, uh, the Jordanian special forces?
[Cameron] They have
the King Abdullah Special Forces Group,
which is composed of two separate units.
A counterterrorism task force,
and their special forces.
These guys are the tip of the spear
for the Jordanian military.
[tense music playing]
We came all this way because
there's no better desert warfare training
that a military unit can receive
than here in Jordan,
and knowing how to fight here
is what the Jordanian special forces
are amazing at.
[Western music playing]
What I'm not looking forward to at the end
of this week, I'm gonna be burnt up.
There's no getting around it.
It's a hot-ass desert.
[electronic warble]
[man in Arabic] Welcome.
- [in English] Nice to meet you.
- [Dean] Nice to meet you.
- [man] Welcome.
- [Cameron] Nice to meet you.
This is our small command post.
- Please, join us.
- [Cameron] I like the setup.
[Ryan] I would've drove right past this,
never saw it.
- [Dean] Good command post.
- [Ryan] Yes.
Welcome among the members
of King Abdullah II Special Forces Group.
I am Lieutenant Colonel Murad.
We conduct special forces operations
and counterterrorism operations,
uh, to protect our borders.
- I'm Major Malek, the team leader.
- [electronic warble]
In the next week,
we will conduct
some of our desert training
and finish with the final mission
here in Wadi Rum.
- [Cameron] Awesome.
- So, let's start the training now.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] Is it gun time?
[Dean] The majority of my operations
in special forces
have been in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The desert comes with its own risks.
The blistering heat,
uh, the weight of the body armor
and the ammunition, uh, weighs you down.
It's just energy sapping.
[Ryan] I actually don't mind it that much.
Most of my deployments
have all been into the desert situation.
I live in Nevada, so I live
in the same kind of environment.
It's always sunny.
Yeah, it's a little hot, little dusty,
but you get a nice suntan,
and you come back looking cool.
[Ryan] That's a 240-50 cal.
It's pretty much
what we used back in the day.
- [gun cocks]
- [Ryan] Good to go.
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
[Malek] Okay, guys, bring it in.
We'll start the escape
and evasion, er, training exercise.
Escape and evade is
an extremely important skill to have
anywhere you operate as a military force.
[Malek] Cameron, you will have Team 1.
- And Ryan, you will have Team 2.
- Okay.
Dean, your job is to expose these teams.
So, today's training is
a game of cat and mouse.
Ryan and I are the mice,
and Dean is the hairless cat.
We're going to be going
about two kilometers that way
and trying to skirt and use terrain to try
to get away from these guys hunting us.
- But they do have the Can-Am.
- This is a new Can-Am.
I've seen the civilian type of this,
but I've not seen the military type.
So, yeah, looking forward
to having a little spin around in this.
This thing goes fast.
[Dean] So, the Can-Am all-terrain vehicle
has been modified for desert warfare
with a reinforced roll cage
and armored plating.
The chassis is robust and light,
and individual wheel suspension
then enhances the traction
in sandy and rocky terrain
that is normally inaccessible
to other military vehicles.
[Dean] I'm gonna enjoy being the hunter.
I'm gonna chase these two down.
There's no preferential treatment
for my mates. They're getting it hard.
- [Cameron] Okay.
- [Ryan] Let's go.
You boys nervous?
Good luck, Dean.
I won't underestimate you.
- Don't hurt yourself.
- [Dean] Good luck.
[Cameron] We kinda got
a little bit of a competitive vibe,
because Dean does not like to lose,
and I want to see that man cry.
I think we're gonna just beat their ass
because we're gonna win.
We're Americans. Ameri-cans.
Okay. Let's go.
[Dean] See you soon, boys.
[Cameron] Happy hunting.
[Ryan] You won't be seeing us again.
[engines revving]
[Ryan] All right, go, go, go.
We're gonna get a 15-minute head start.
We're gonna have to conceal our vehicles.
- [electronic warble]
- Then move tactically to not get detected
to get to the extraction point
and win the game.
You don't want to, uh,
walk in the open desert
where you can be seen silhouetted
pretty easy.
So, we're using this wash right now
to move fast, move quickly out of sight.
Also, sound travels real well
over the desert.
You can hear the sound of the desert
echoing off the rocks behind us.
The car they're driving is pretty loud.
So, we need to move quick.
All right, let's go. Let's move out.
Dodge, we've got to get
these two Americans.
- Give them a bit of Yeah? Happy?
- Yes.
- Yes, I am very happy.
- Let's get the Americans.
- [electronic warble]
- [engine revving]
[Dean] That's us now on the hunt.
So, I want to take advantage
of the speed of this vehicle.
We only have about 30 minutes
before it starts getting dark.
[Cameron] Right now, our best,
but honestly most dangerous option
is to just hug the side of this wall
leaving our right side completely exposed.
Fingers crossed,
Dean doesn't see us moving.
My game plan is to move slow,
use cover, use concealment.
I think Cameron's just gonna run fast.
We'll see who wins.
[Cameron] There's not a lot of cover
in the desert to wait and hide.
So, in my mind,
speed is gonna be my best friend,
so I'm just gonna run.
[engine revving]
[Dean] Hey, Dodge.
- [Dodge] I see it.
- [Dean] There's a vehicle, buddy.
Let's go have a look.
I think if it got any darker,
we wouldn't have seen this.
They've got quite a good good hide here,
but hopefully now with the vehicles,
we now have the advantage of speed.
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
Instead of us keep moving and get exposed,
I decided to come up here
and set up a little hide site
and just wait.
Wait till the cover of darkness.
Then we'll move.
Cameron took off fast.
Sometimes speed is the key.
Sometimes it isn't.
Sometimes you just gotta be patient,
move slow, move smart.
[inhales] We'll be all right.
We'll make it.
[tense music continues]
[engine revving]
[Cameron] Get down, get down, get down.
Down, down, down.
He's hot on our trail.
[panting] Gonna have to leg it
the fast route.
[electronic warble]
[engine revving]
[tense music continues]
[whispering] He's very close.
Right now,
I'm just using the micro-terrain
and praying he doesn't see me.
[engine revving]
I think we're safe for now.
Still have to move tactically.
We've picked up the pace.
We're in a very, very open area.
Trying to boogie as quick as possible,
'cause we're exposed right now.
[engine revving]
[Dean] The sun's set.
Our visibility is limited,
so what we'll probably do
is we'll stop in a second.
Get ourselves into a dominant position
where we can get a good good view.
[Dean] In a desert,
you're very limited in cover.
I'm thinking like Ryan and Cameron,
"What route would I take?"
So, I would use the ravine
and the features of the rocks behind me.
[quietly] Let's put our night vision on.
We'll move out.
[Cameron] We're almost there.
- [tense music playing]
- [electronic warble]
[Dean] We've lost
all advantage of daylight.
But what we have got
is these forward light infrareds,
which are thermal imagery.
These are very accurate,
you know, if I see a heat source,
I can zoom in on it.
Hey, Dodge. I think I've seen movement.
[Dean] Thermal imaging goggles
are perfect for desert recon operations.
In this vast expanse,
they see through sandstorms
and can track an enemy
through the harshest glare of the sun
and the darkest of nights.
[Dean] So I can see three guys.
My ideal plan is they're gonna continue
to use this ravine.
They'll walk towards me,
and we'll conduct an ambush.
- [Dodge] Fifteen meters.
- [Dean] Yeah.
- [Dean] Okay, Dodge? Let's go.
- [Dodge] Ready.
[Dean] We've got someone, but who is it?
Hey, Ryan.
[Ryan] Shit.
- [Dean] Our upper hand vanished.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
[Dean] Because I know
hunter forces won't know what we know,
and I would've done exactly what you did.
So that's why
I was already there to ambush you.
[Ryan] There's no really
any other place to go.
As soon as I saw you,
I would've pushed back.
- Holed up for the night.
- I would've just, uh, released Dodge.
- Dodge on me? Where are you?
- [Dean] Yeah.
How are you? I'm fine.
[Ryan, Dean laugh]
I need to go find Cam.
[whispers] The game is on.
Good luck to Dean,
'cause I refuse to let you find me.
[Cameron] I think I'm within
striking distance of the extraction point.
[tense music intensifies]
I'm just gonna make a run for it
and hope Dean doesn't spot me.
- [triumphant music playing]
- [electronic warble]
We made it to the extraction
without getting caught.
But I haven't seen Ryan yet.
So, you know,
I'm not sure if he's made it back.
All I know is it's one for Team Ranger.
- Malek.
- [Malek] Hey, Cam.
What's up?
Am I the first one here?
[Malek] Yeah, you are the first one.
Let's go!
That's awesome for me.
Now, I guess
what we have to do is just wait to see
if Ryan comes back in handcuffs or not.
All right. I see headlights.
[engine revs, stops]
- All right.
- [Ryan] What's up, guys?
- [Cameron] What's up?
- [Malek] What's up?
- [Cameron] How'd it go?
- [Ryan exhales] Not so well.
- [Cameron chuckles] "Not so well."
- [Dean] You sprinted.
[Cameron] Yeah, there was
a couple of really close calls.
- I'm not gonna say it was easy.
- How was your trip?
It was good-ish.
- [Cameron laughs]
- [Malek] "Ish?"
[Ryan] We chose
to kind of move a little slower.
And then we kind of got bottlenecked in,
and, uh, Dean was able to find us
as we exposed ourselves towards the end.
So, I think Cameron,
he will be the winner for today.
In all honestly, Cameron won.
I'm not pushing against that.
But I chose the path
of using my cover and concealment
and dead space to move slow,
treating it like it was real world,
and they can shoot back.
And, you know,
really if the bullets were flying,
I think Cameron
would've been moving a little bit slower.
You don't wanna be the open guy
running through the desert and get caught.
[wind whistling]
[Western music playing]
[electronic warble]
[Cameron yawns] What's up fellas?
Hey, buddy.
[grunting] Oh my God.
[men laugh]
[Cameron] That was a rude awakening.
- [Ryan] Come on, Cameron. Come on.
- [Cameron grunts]
- [man] Wow, wow.
- [men laughing]
He's like a brick wall, dude.
- [man] Well done.
- [Ryan] Wow.
[Dean in Arabic] Ah, it's ready.
[Ryan] Oh.
- [Malek] For you.
- [in Arabic] Thank you.
[in English] I'm looking forward to this.
This is gonna be refreshing.
It's so hot out here.
[Ryan] Aside from the heat,
what other threats are here?
Any kind of wildlife?
We have hyenas. We have the snakes.
- [Ryan] I don't like snakes.
- You like snakes?
- I do not like snakes.
- It's good.
- [Ryan] Oh, you eat the snake.
- [man] Yes.
- [Ryan] No.
- Oh, it's good.
[Cameron, Ryan laugh]
Is that how he got this big?
Is that the secret? Eating snake?
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
Today, our training will be
about mobility contact drills.
Dean, you will be in that vehicle.
- You will be the gunner.
- Yeah.
Cameron and Ryan,
you will be in that vehicle.
One gunner, one driver.
- Okay.
- Works for me.
[Malek] Let's go.
- [tense music intensifies]
- [engine revving]
So, today's exercise is
going to be how to react to an ambush
while mounted in the desert.
So, if you find yourself
in this type of situation,
it's extremely important
that you train how to escape
and get out of there safely.
Vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns,
like the M2,
are essential for desert warfare.
They rotate 360 degrees,
with a range of 8,000 yards
and a powerful 50-caliber round
that can punch through a dug-in enemy.
[tense music builds, stops]
Contact left! Contact left!
Let's go!
[Cameron] So, the key to this exercise
is to immediately lay down
a wave of bullets at the enemy,
putting their heads down
and allowing one vehicle to move
while the rest are still engaging.
All right. Pop 'em. Pop 'em. Pop 'em.
All right. We're moving. We're moving!
[Cameron] We lay down smoke,
creating cover for that vehicle
to then reposition
and begin engaging,
allowing the other ones to then move.
[Dean] As soon as that vehicle
now gets into position and engaging,
we need to prepare to move.
[Cameron] That's it.
Light them up, Ryan! Light 'em up!
- [gunfire continues]
- [Dean] Now, it's our turn to move.
Let's go.
Two other vehicles
are getting rounds down,
which means we can move
while they're engaging.
Then we can slot back in
and get back in the fire fight.
[Dean] Then we repeat this movement back
till every vehicle is out of sight
and out of fire.
[Cameron] All right, moving! Moving!
[Ryan] Moving out!
[Cameron shouts indistinctly]
[Ryan] Punch it! Go! Come on!
[Cameron] Yeah!
- [Cameron] All right. Good shooting.
- [Ryan] That was good driving.
[Malek] Good.
- [Cameron] Yeah! Good shooting, gents.
- [Malek] Good, good. Good.
That bring back
some good memories or what?
Yeah, man, it was good.
It's been forever for me.
- It's been forever.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
- Good job.
- That was good.
I'm I'm so pumped. It's been a long time
since I operated in the desert.
This whole thing gives me nostalgia
about being back in the SEAL teams.
I get to shoot heavy weapons.
It's as if I was back in my young 20s.
Hey, Ryan, Cam.
- [Cameron] Yeah?
- How was that?
[Cameron] It was good, man.
Yeah, Ryan forgot his ear pro,
so he's a little deaf.
- [Dean] Sorry. What did you say?
- Ryan forgot his Yeah.
[Dean, Cameron laugh]
[upbeat music playing]
- [Malek] How was the exercise?
- I think it went really well.
Yeah. Good weight of fire down
at all times.
No vehicles were moving
without rounds going down.
- So, it was good.
- Okay.
I believe we did well in this exercise.
The maneuvering was was really good.
- Okay, let's go.
- All right.
[Ryan] Let's do it.
[upbeat music ends]
[tense music playing]
The sun's beating down.
The guys are prepping all their kit,
checking the vehicles.
[door latches]
Excited to get out the desert and finally,
possibly, get a nice comfy bed
with some air conditioning.
The desert's fun,
but it's always more fun to leave.
[Ryan] Hey, Dean,
quit climbing on the rocks.
Actually help.
What are you actually doing?
Well, normally the leader is a foreman.
I will just stand here and command my men.
- [Ryan laughs]
- Clean up. Clean up.
The country of Jordan
is located in an extremely volatile area.
They need to be able to keep up
with domestic and foreign threats
that are surrounding them on all fronts.
The King Abdullah II
Special Operations Training Center
is a world-renowned
and state-of-the-art training facility,
and we are heading there
to join the Jordanian special forces
in counterterrorism operations.
[Cameron] I'm super excited.
Many special forces come
to this training center.
Anything that you can think of that
you're gonna be doing on an operation,
they have it at this training facility.
- We're here?
- [Cameron] This is it.
Well, look at this.
Oh, there's a fan.
- It's nice to be out of that sun.
- Let's, uh, crank that guy to 11, dude.
[Malek] For the next three days,
we will do some
counterterrorism exercises.
We have 20 minutes, so let's prepare.
[tense music playing]
So, you're in the black gear,
and we're in, uh, green ops.
[Cameron] I guess so, man.
[Dean] There's a difference
between green and black ops.
Green ops is conducted
by the majority of the armed forces
in environments like the jungle,
or the desert, the Arctic.
Black ops is for units to conduct
counterterrorism and hostage-rescue.
They finally came to their senses
and realized
who really needs to be in charge.
- [Ryan] Uh-huh. [grunts]
- [Cameron] Limber up.
- It's gonna be a long day.
- Right? [groans]
- [Cameron] There you go.
- [Ryan] Do some squats here. [groans]
- [Dean] What's that creaking?
- It's his ass.
Do you not have to limber up?
Do you ever see a lion limber up
before it takes down a gazelle?
You keep putting more hairspray,
you're gonna be a lawn dart
by the end of the day, man.
I'm just, like, sticking to things.
[Ryan, Cameron laugh]
You look good, but the enemy
can smell you from 2,000 yards.
- Let's do it.
- All right. Let's go.
[dramatic music playing]
[electronic warble]
In special forces, we train for real,
and there's no better way
than actually using real props,
real buildings.
So having these facilities
gives that upper hand and advantage
for real-life scenarios.
[Malek] Okay, today,
we have an urban operation.
Three terrorists, they are attempting
to make some attack
on one of the government buildings.
They are equipped
with a semi-automatic rifle.
[Ryan] In this exercise, we have
to capture the leader of a terrorist cell
hiding out in a city building.
Is there any civilians?
There is not any civilians,
just the three bad guys.
[Ryan] Jordan overall
is a very stable country
surrounded by an unstable region.
Terrorism, wars are fighting, smuggling.
They're constantly combating
these different problems.
Ah. Look at that.
[engine revving]
My role today in this exercise
is overwatch and a sniper.
Uh, it's a role I've done many times
in my experience in Afghanistan.
[Ryan] It's a pretty important job,
because you're overlooking the target
as the assault forces crush in.
You're getting a different angle on
the building the assault team can't see.
So, if something pops off,
you can take out the hostile.
I got both my buddies' backs.
Don't worry, Bates is here. [chuckles]
[Cameron] Dean's gonna move in with
the ground team to lock down the area.
Although we've identified
where the target is,
you don't know of additional threats.
So you have to approach
assuming there could be a target or enemy
in any of these buildings.
[blades whirring]
[Ryan] Cameron is gonna helo in
with the assault team.
We're waiting for the call.
Swoop in, fast-rope down,
and take out those threats.
[Dean] We can see the target building.
Snipers now will be in position,
so now we need to be as quick as possible.
Get the Black Hawk in.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Cameron] I've done a lot of fast-roping
in my military time.
You know, anything can happen, especially
when fast-roping onto a tall building.
You have nothing
attaching you to the rope.
You can definitely be killed
by doing this method of infiltration.
[tense music playing]
[Cameron] Fast-roping onto rooftops
and other elevated positions
gives the assault force
a tactical advantage,
because it's easier to fight downwards
from top to bottom.
[tense music continues]
[Cameron] While raiding a building,
you need to be on high alert.
Every corner, nook, and cranny
has the possibility
of being the last thing you ever see.
[man talks indistinctly]
- [Cameron] Drop it! Drop it! Go, go!
- [man 1 speaking Arabic]
[Cameron] Down, down, down. Down!
[man 1 in Arabic] Surrender!
[Cameron in English] Came across
an armed combatant.
He didn't want to party,
so he dropped the gun
and got down on the ground.
Up, up.
So far, it's been a good mission.
But it's not over yet.
[man 2] Go!
[Cameron] We've captured the target,
but we still
have to get out of here alive.
Moving through cities is a bit sketchy,
especially once they know you're here,
because think about all these windows.
There could be a guy sitting in a window,
pop out and take a shot.
The guys got the enemy.
They're moving. Before they move out,
they're gonna pop smoke,
which means they're gonna throw out smoke
and mask their movement.
[bomb explodes]
[Cameron] Go, go, go.
[man in Arabic] Last one!
[Dean in English] Phase 1
of the withdrawal is the vehicles.
Then the sniper teams will come in,
and then we're the last to leave.
The withdrawal is probably one of most
dangerous parts of this type of mission,
because we've gone loud.
We can bring attention to ourselves.
So there's a high chance
you could be ambushed on the way out.
[tense music ends]
Contact right!
Man down! Medic!
Let's go. Let's go.
This part of the exercise is a simulation
designed to test our team's reaction
to a medical emergency.
The immediate action
was to get him cover from fire and view.
We're now in a protected area.
We've got all-round defense.
And the medic can now start
administering first aid.
That was a good simulation.
It's good to highlight
- that you're never safe until you're back.
- [man] Yeah.
- Let's go.
- [Dean] Yeah.
[somber music playing]
[wind whistling]
- [Dean] How was that?
- Good, man. How was the view?
- Yeah. It looked good from where I was.
- Hey guys. How are you?
- Hello.
- Good to see you again.
How was the training?
I heard some excellent stuff about it.
- [Cameron] It was good.
- I think your facility is top-notch.
We are very proud here that this unit,
we're commanded by His Majesty.
Uh, he is one of the few,
if not the one leader around the world
who is special forces qualified.
- We have a warrior king.
- A warrior king.
[Cameron] Yeah, I like it.
[tense music playing]
[birds chirping]
[Dean] Are you from a military family?
- [Malek] Yeah, my father is in the Army.
- Yeah.
And also I have three brothers,
uh, two of them in the Army.
Yeah, yeah. Same as me. My father
was in the military, my grandparents.
I was born in a military hospital
and went to military schools.
There's just one way I was going.
- So, we are military in the blood.
- [Dean] Exactly, yeah.
[Malek, Dean chuckle]
Was your father and your brothers,
were they also special forces,
or are you the first one in the family?
Actually, I'm the
the only person in special forces.
[Ryan] Is your father proud of you?
Yeah, of course.
Your father, is he proud of you?
None of my family
was ever in the military.
- Really?
- But yeah, they're proud of me.
So, before you entered the Army,
you you were weak?
- Huh?
- Not that
- [Cameron laughs]
- Like, skinny.
- [laughing] Yeah?
- Yeah, I was a little skinny.
[Cameron] I think we all were skinny
and weak before we joined the military.
Okay. We're talking about ourselves,
not about you. You're still skinny, man.
[Malek, Ryan, Dean laugh]
- That's good.
- [Malek] I'm just kidding.
It's a six-pack, okay? It's a six-pack.
[tense music playing]
[electronic warble]
They actually have a full plane out there.
[Cameron] This is
a state-of-the-art facility.
I've done a lot of urban raids
and urban clearances,
but nothing of the sorts on a plane.
This is all new territory for me.
If there's a hostage situation, you don't
get to pick and choose where they do it.
So, whether it's a building,
whether it's an aircraft,
whether it's a train, a coach, on oil rig.
- You have to train on all options.
- [Cameron] Sure.
I've done it.
It's just it's been over a decade.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I feel like a flight attendant.
You look like a waiter.
Yeah. Waiter!
- [Ryan chuckles]
- More water.
[tense music playing]
[tires screeching]
[Malek] Today, we have
a simulated hijacked aircraft exercise.
It's a unique exercise
for counterterrorism units.
Firstly, we will divide
into three sections.
First section will be with Dean.
Second section will be with Cameron,
and the last section will be with Ryan.
We have five minutes to gear on.
- Let's go.
- [Ryan] Let's do it.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Dean] Hijackings of aircraft
were prevalent in the Middle East.
Those numbers have gone down,
but that doesn't mean
it's still not an option.
So it's great to see
we have an aircraft here
to conduct
these counterterrorism operations.
[Cameron] What makes
this exercise difficult
is you're in a small space
where a lot can go wrong.
There's a lot of innocent people,
and there's a few bad guys.
We've got to raid the airplane,
take down those hijackers,
and rescue the hostages.
This is one of the hardest scenarios
you can face.
I have the fun job
of squeezing through the cockpit.
For size reference, there's my shoe.
[tense music playing]
Coming down here, we have multiple targets
that will pop up,
and the ones that pop up, you engage.
There are also real people
acting as hostages.
- Hope it all goes well.
- [helicopter starts]
Let's hope Cameron doesn't get stuck.
[Malek] Let's go.
[Dean] I'm in a Little Bird helicopter,
known as the Killer Egg,
built specifically for special operations.
'Cause it's so small and compact,
it's ideal for tight spaces,
particularly urban environments.
[Cameron] The secret to success
for this mission
is that all three elements
work perfectly in sync.
While me and my team
come through the cockpit
[Ryan] At the same time,
I'm gonna come in through the door.
One minute.
[Dean] My role is to come in
on the helicopter.
That should cause a distraction.
[Ryan over radio] Go, go, go.
[Cameron] Using simulated rounds,
Ryan and I take an aisle each
and eliminate any threats
we find on the aircraft.
- [gunshots]
- [Dean talks indistinctly]
[Ryan] Cover. Clear.
[Cameron] Clear.
[Ryan] Clear.
Okay, we've just made it
to the back of the plane.
Uh, we've cleared all threats.
[Cameron] Now all that's left to do
is take the remaining people off
and determine
whether they are friend or foe.
[helicopter blades whirring]
[Malek in Arabic] Go on.
All-round defense.
[man whistles]
[speaking Arabic]
[men speaking Arabic]
[Cameron in English] It didn't go
terribly wrong. It was fast, aggressive.
For the first time doing this,
I think it went really good.
[birds chirping]
[Malek] Maybe you don't know,
but in every exercise you did in KASOTC,
there is more than 300 cameras that record
every, every action that you did,
and you will be able to review
all the pros and cons.
We will search for the mistakes
and then we will correct it.
- You're screwed, dude.
- Dude.
I know what you did in that room,
and they will see it on this screen.
[Ryan] Do you guys do this
after every exercise?
- Watch your pros and cons?
- [Malek] Yes.
So, this room is one
of the most valuable pieces of equipment
Yeah. For the training, yeah.
You can see
the hijacked aircraft exercise.
[electronic warble]
[Cameron] Element on the left side
is way before the other one.
We should've been on line together,
clearing as a unit,
so everybody's covering
their left and right.
- [Ryan] You should've slowed down.
- [Cameron] Yeah.
I was going too fast. I should've
been more aware of the left side.
- Doing that cuts off the other side.
- [Ryan] Yeah, they can't shoot.
[Cameron] They can't shoot
if we're in their sector.
So, should've been a little bit slower
so we're moving up on line.
[Malek] You are looking for the enemy,
but at the same time,
you have to take,
like, a glance to the left
to see if you are level
with the other side.
Of course, every exercise,
they have a mistake.
We believe that it's training.
So I hope that next time,
we will not do that mistake.
- [Cameron] Mm-hmm.
- And we will be in a better situation.
[Cameron] It's amazing that you guys
are actively reviewing your exercises.
It's an absolute game changer.
It's just gonna make you
a lot better in the end.
[majestic music starts, ends]
[tense music playing]
[Malek] Today, we are moving to Wadi Rum,
and you will execute the final mission.
- Let's go.
- [all] Let's go!
[Dean] We don't know
what the objective is yet,
whether it's a reconnaissance
or whether it's actually hitting a target,
but I'm looking forward
to getting back out in the desert.
[tense music intensifies]
[electronic warble]
Our mission will be target capture.
We have to capture the target alive.
Do we know the numbers of enemy on target?
The enemy consists
of seven guys, uh, with AK-47s.
- Okay.
- You have five minutes to roll out.
[Dean] Our target is a rebel leader
holed up in a well-fortified compound.
Even has a sentry in a watchtower.
So, just getting close to the target
is gonna be very difficult
without being compromised.
[Dean] Ryan's gonna neutralize
the sentry position.
Then it's over to myself and Cameron,
getting in, neutralizing the enemy
and grabbing our target
and extract him as quick as possible.
It's gonna bring back some memories.
Some door kicking in the desert.
Drop off, hit a compound, move out.
[Ryan] I always hit at night.
It's kind of sketchy during the day.
They'll see us coming.
[Cameron] Yeah. Full kit in the heat,
it's gonna be a burner.
[tense music continues]
[Ryan grunts]
- All right, let's rock and roll.
- [engines revving]
[tense music continues]
[Cameron] Not only is it super hot here,
but now there's a sandstorm coming in.
Storm's picking up.
Much more difficult to see,
but as well as the visibility aspect,
it's quite windy as well, quite loud.
So we can use that to our advantage
with the noise and get as close as we can.
[Cameron] We're about 300 meters away
from the objective.
If we move any closer forward,
we will be exposing ourselves
to the target.
[Ryan] Grabbing this bad boy.
A little bit overkill.
It's 50 cal, but anything worth doing
is worth overdoing. [exhales]
All right, let's go.
So, I'll be setting up
the observation point.
[Ryan] The M107 sniper rifle's got a range
of about 2,000 yards,
and in this vast desert area,
it gives you long ranges.
So, a good sniper rifle means a lot
in this kind of environment.
[Ryan] We'll be a ways out.
I think about 800 meters.
And I will take the shot
to initiate the assault.
It's about 25-30 mile an hour winds now,
which is not the best for sniping,
but it's a right-to-left wind.
Just gotta hold a little bit right,
and we should be good to go.
[tense music continues]
We're stacked up ready to make entry.
Waiting for our sniper shots
then we're pushing in.
It's times like this
you can hear your heartbeat in your ears.
You just control your breathing.
Just trust your training.
[tense music intensifies]
[Ryan] It's good to go.
[man 1 speaking Arabic]
[Cameron] Yep. Go, go, go.
[man 2 speaking Arabic]
[Cameron] Up, up, up.
[man 3 speaking Arabic]
[in Arabic] Go, go.
[Dean in English] We've just seen
what looks like the target running away.
We need to make sure
we've got a support team with us,
and we don't get lured into some trap.
Stack up behind us, Cam.
[Cameron] Okay, here.
[Dean] All right, you ready? Go.
[tense music continues]
The target ran away from the position
and actually got himself
into a tunnel system
here underneath the compound.
[triumphant music playing]
[man 1] Go, go.
- [man 2 groans]
- [Cameron] Go, go!
- [man 3 in Arabic] Hands up, surrender.
- [man 2 screams]
- [in English] Put the weapon down!
- [Cameron] Get down!
Get down, on the ground!
Get down! On the ground!
[man 3 in Arabic] Hands up, surrender.
[Dean in English] I've got the target.
Hey, Cam, get ready to take us out.
[Cameron] Okay.
All right, boys. Prepare to exfil.
I'm glad we got him when we did,
'cause, man, this system is huge.
And mission looks like success,
but not until everybody gets home safe.
[man 3 in Arabic] Hurry. Go.
[Cameron in English] Let's go.
[man 4] Go.
[Cameron] Blue, blue, blue, blue.
[Dean] It's quite a dangerous position
to be in. You don't know if it's a trap.
The primary aim of this mission
was to capture the target.
It's part and parcel of the job.
You just have to commit.
And what we'll do is get him out
as quick as possible
to the extraction point.
[speaking Arabic]
Good job, boys.
- [door closes]
- [engine revving]
[Malek] Okay, guys. Good job.
Mission success.
- Appreciate it. Thank you.
- Did you like my shot?
- Yeah. It was amazing.
- [Cameron] Big shot, man.
[Malek] Okay, let's go.
[Cameron] All right.
- So, boys.
- Boys.
Final mission. Done and done, huh?
- You always get the easy jobs. Is it?
- Most important job.
Yeah. I mean,
what would you have done without me?
Probably just assaulted it either way.
What's impressed me
is an amazing training environment,
but it's the scale of it.
It's bigger than I've seen before.
It's world-class.
Best I've seen in the desert.
This was a multidimensional,
uh, final mission,
but I think we crushed it.
This has been an awesome experience.
- [Ryan] Let's go.
- Let's do it.
[Ryan] This setting is beautiful.
It's awesome being here
and working with them.
The Jordanians bring you in,
and you really feel the camaraderie
between us and them. I love it.
[tense music playing]
You arrived as guests, but now you leave
as real brothers with us.
- Thank you.
- And we have this one.
- It's for you.
- Thank you very much.
- [Cameron] Look at that.
- [Dean] Thank you.
[Cameron] Thank you. This means a lot.
This week has been challenging.
The desert is, uh, no place
for the fainthearted.
You've shown us
that you are a force to be reckoned with,
not just in the desert,
wherever you find yourself.
So, thank you for your time,
and it's been an absolute pleasure
training with you.
Your brothers arranged,
like, a VIP trip back to Amman.
[speaking Arabic]
[Ryan] What is it, helicopters?
- [camel grunts]
- [Cameron] Oh boy.
[Ryan] What?
Look at the small one.
You've got the smallest camel
in all of Jordan.
- It's for you.
- [Cameron] The small one's for me?
- Oh man. Do they bite?
- [triumphant music playing]
Make me look like Lawrence of Arabia.
- Yalla?
- Yalla!
- [Cameron] I guess I get this tiny one.
- [Ryan] Yeah.
[Murad] It's only a one-day trip.
That direction there.
[Dean] We're going north, boys.
- [Ryan] I got you. Yeah. Come on.
- [Cameron] He likes you.
[screams] Don't get lost!
- [Cameron] No promises.
- They're in trouble.
[triumphant music ends]
[Cameron] Anybody bring water?
[Ryan] Next time
So what we're doing is jungle lesson 101.
[Ryan] It is hot, sweaty, miserable.
It is not fun.
It's kind of mind-blowing.
These plants are responsible
for a multibillion-dollar drug trade.
[whispers] Everyone's in position now.
[Cameron in Spanish] Police!
Hands up! Hands up!
[tense music playing]
[tense music ends]
Next Episode