Trackers (2019) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

-How close?!
-It was tucked like this.
My back wheel was like,
"Gimme, gimme, gimme."
I was just
-Morning, morning.
Three breakfast
beers for my boys.
What does one do in
a one-horse town like this?
Ride the local horses.
Sorry, there's
no smoking here, sir.
This is the one.
-This one.
-Cool, that's beautiful.
I said there's
no smoking here.
So, who's
this boertjie?
Is he your dad?
You heard her, guys.
There's no smoking here.
Hey, guys.
There's no smoking.
What the?!
-Boys, boys, back off!
What the fuck
are you doing?
Trust me, boys,
you don't want this.
You heard the lady, get outta here.
Get outta here!
Fucking Fuck!
I'll see you around.
Maybe we should send someone
who looks like you to smuggle
the package into
the country, brother.
Hassan, it should be enough
for you to know that I wish it.
Boss, he's here.
Our guest has
arrived, gentlemen.
You take them their
tea when they say.
You clear when they say.
You don't speak to anyone,
you understand?
Yes, Baboo.
Well. Very well.
So, tell me.
How are the preparations?
-Should I be concerned?
All is good, brother.
The package is on its way.
Good to hear.
And you have
the funds in place?
-We have them, brother.
-Very good.
Ismail! Ismail, stop!
Over there.
-On the floor!
-Hold your fire!
-Don't move.
-Hold your fire!
Stay down.
Officer, I got it.
Up you get. Let's go.
Get up.
Jesus, Ismail,
what in the world have
you gotten yourself into?
You, my brother,
are gonna need to talk to me.
It's just us.
The medic is on her way.
I'm giving you nothing until
you've gotten my price.
I can only help you if you give
me something that I can use.
You know how this
works, right?
why don't you tell me exactly
what happened in there?
Baboo Rayan
picks me up this morning.
He says they need
someone in the kitchen.
-How so?
-They're all nervous.
Late night shit.
Meetings between
Osman and the young ones.
I don't know, man!
Where's that medic?
Just relax.
Is this the medic?
-Then what good
are you to me, lady?
-The important question is
what good are you to me?
It's cash only.
First month up front.
Plus one month's deposit.
Um, I
I can give you the rest
end of this week?
That's the guy.
This man met with
Shaheed Osman this morning?
-Only him?
-Just him and his ouens.
It was one of his naaiers
that shot me.
Right, so, um,
this man arrives and
-and what do you hear?
They didn't hardly say
anything in front of me.
Something's coming
into the country,
but I didn't
hear what it was.
-They didn't say what it was?
-Fuck no.
A package. Fuck,
they're bringing a package
into the country. Look.
whatever it is,
all the guy wanted to know
-was if they had the money for it.
-And do they?
-That's what they said.
-They said they had the money.
But not the package yet?
Okay, everyone!
This is now
an agency-wide priority.
We need to focus on
a small Islamist group
based right here
in Cape Town.
They call themselves Allajna,
The Committee.
They've been on our
radar for how long now?
Eighteen months.
In fact, more. We've had
them down as fantasists.
This morning, one of Quinn's
informants photographed
Allajna meeting with
the senior Al Qaeda operative.
Suleiman Daoud.
Daoud was flagged as part of
the group that blew up
the Jordanian embassy
in Baghdad in August, 2003.
He was also behind
the successful bombing
of a pipeline between Egypt
and Israel three years later.
And he was implicated
in the suicide bombings
on the London tube in 2008.
And the list goes on.
So our task, boys and girls,
is to find out why such
a serious player's in town,
messing around with these guys.
We have the license plate
of a car driven by
Barkatullah "Baboo" Rayan,
who we're told is one of
the shooters this morning.
That's right, ma'am.
This plate belongs
to a red Toyota Tazz.
Think you can find it?
Inshallah. If the car moves,
we'll pick it up.
All leave is canceled.
These people are bringing
something into the country,
and if Daoud's involved,
it's not the usual bullshit.
I want whatever they're
transporting found,
and I want them stopped.
Thank you.
Ma'am, if we're ramping up,
we could use..
Hire whoever you need.
Why do you want to
join "News This Week"?
Well, I have a degree
in journalism.
A first-class degree,
but then there's quite a gap
- in your CV.
- Yes.
I got married
straight out of uni.
My husband got
a really good job,
so I decided to support him.
-It was the right thing to do.
-Even so,
apart from a few
work placements,
I don't see that you've ever
actually held down a job.
Well, raising my son was a job.
What's your typing speed?
Mrs. Strachan?
Are you okay?
Sorry for wasting your time.
Tell me
Can you keep a secret?
That's all I've done
for the last 20 years.
I fucking told you
to leave town, Ismail.
Why kill him like this?
It's so public.
It's a message.
"This is what happens
when you cross Daoud."
I'm not the only one who thinks
we shouldn't lie to Daoud
about the money. Brother?
-We will have it shortly.
-With all respect--
When we cleaned the streets
of the skoolies ,
did we ask anyone's help?
Baboo, did you manage to find
a new base of operations?
I have.
Then we will no longer
impose on your hospitality.
brother Abdullah.
And the minister rang again.
He wants to meet with you.
We found
Baboo Rayan's car.
And it's definitely our car?
The city plate
recognition software
isn't as secure
as it could be.
It's heading east on the N1.
Quinn's on his way.
Target's turning
into Diana Road.
It's the first
turning on the left.
I'm on it.
What's he doing?
He's parked outside a house.
Allajna is a splinter
group from a community
vigilante organization,
formed in the late '90s
by this man.
Shaheed Latif Osman.
Osman's a local
Small businesses,
that sort of thing.
Presents himself as a scholar,
but his sort of extremism
is not welcome in
the mosques of Bo-Kaap.
Surrounds himself with
a small band of angry young men
-and Rayan.
-What do we know about Rayan?
Barkatullah "Baboo" Rayan,
age 44.
Runs a garage with
his uncle in Bo-Kaap.
No convictions,
but the police have picked him up
on numerous occasions.
Street intimidation,
fraud, handling stolen vehicles,
-small-time stuff.
-We were able
to isolate his number from
the local tower yesterday.
So, if we have
Rayan's number--
We're pulling
his phone records.
And what about the new
operation center?
Solid, and with
an old wine cellar.
It's got a blind spot.
Go on.
Raj reckons we can
access the satellite dish
without triggering any
of their security alarms.
Yeah, we could use it as cover
to insert an electro-acoustic
-mic and camera.
-We wouldn't have access to the cellar.
It will give us
access to something.
Just as long as we go
there when it's empty.
According to his neighbors,
most mornings Rayan goes
to his auntie's coffee shop
for breakfast.
He doesn't like to pay for
food if he can get it for free.
When he leaves, do it.
I'm sorry?
Of course.
I-I'm sorry. I got the job?
Remember, stick to the plan
and everything goes
as it should, alright?
The moment Rayan
leaves the house,
-we'll move in.
-Copy that.
Come on.
Milla Strachan, this is you.
You report to Jessica Van Zandt.
This is Theunie Brenner.
He also reports
to Jessica.
- Jess?
- Don't worry. I'll fill her in.
Good luck.
The minister wants to
take a walk with you.
So, you had
a security briefing?
I did, yes.
Are we spies?
No way.
They're spies. We're research.
Isn't that right, Theunie?
I'm so glad you're here.
Have you got any copies
of "News This Week"?
If anyone asks, you're
a journalist for this rag.
But day to day, we get our
lists of research topics.
We go through them and hand in
what we've got at 5:00 PM.
Our priority
at the moment is
an Islamist extremist
group called Allajna,
and this guy,
Barkatullah "Baboo" Rayan,
is one of our leads.
These are his cell records.
So, how about
if you can see
who he's been ringing up
the last three months.
Don't worry.
Just start at the top,
and stop when you
get to the bottom.
You're looking good.
You don't
have to tell me.
Lost weight. Look at us.
Yeah, no longer
running from the law.
Yeah. We are the law.
I've been shown the final
draft of the Pelindaba report.
-How bad is it?
-You know,
or you'd have taken
a few of my calls.
David, I made the best decision
with the information I had.
If I was wrong, why was
my lead witness killed?
What is this I hear now
that some other PBI
informant is dead?
That's just
low-level gang stuff.
I mean, last year,
we could not have known--
Nina, it's your
job to know.
I still believe there was
a leak in the investigation.
Nina, you went in
there too soon,
without credible evidence.
And you got nothing.
That was that!
We both know the results
of that mess.
It's hard to imagine
any career surviving.
Who's going to replace me?
No one.
The PBI is over.
Sorry, Theunie?
There is this number
Rayan keeps calling,
a Mister
Julius Shabangu.
Then that's what you
put in your report,
and you pass it
up the line.
Bravo Five to Alpha One,
target is on the move.
Okay, everyone.
We're live. Hey.
Alright. Let's do it.
Bravo Five,
looks like he's headed
toward the coffee shop.
Okay, he'll be with you shortly,
Bravo One. Stand by.
What, Auntie?
Hold on, Control.
Something's up.
Bravo One, what's the problem?
His auntie heard
about his antics
on the roofs of the Bo-Kaap.
- She sent him packing.
- Yeah, yeah.
What if he comes back here?
Fuck. He's on his way back.
- Q, are you hearing this?
- Yeah, I can hear that.
Pass me the Q20.
Come on, Paul.
Control, I really need
to know the location
of the target.
target headed back.
Control to Alpha.
Confirmed, Alpha One.
Target is on his way back home.
-Alpha, do you copy?
-Yeah, I copy.
Alpha One, I reckon
you have one minute
before he turns
into his street.
Alpha One, abort.
Bravo Two, we need you
to cause a diversion.
- Copy that.
- Three, two,
Drive, man!
What's going on here?!
I said abort, Quinn! Now!
What are you doing?!
Be careful
with it, okay?
Hello! Hello!
Come on!
Move! Move!
Thank you! Come on!
Paul, gimme the tape.
-Yeah, let's go. Come on.
Okay. Let's see
what we got.
Alpha team,
we have eyes
on the target.
Good job, everyone.
Remind me again
why we do this?
'Cause it's our job.
You're welcome
to congratulate me.
They're shutting us down.
The president will announce
he's disbanding the PBI.
You've seen the report
on Pelindaba.
The deputy security
minister has.
Who else
has seen it?
For now, just us.
Well then, surely we can
just deliver them Daoud.
Surely they
wouldn't axe us then.
I'm sorry,
but I-I just have to ask.
What does this say about me?
Don't worry.
All the blame is
laid at my door.
Yeah, understood,
but it wasn't your fault.
I don't know what Lemmer
would say about that.
Have you spoken with him since?
Um, no. Um
He's fallen off the grid.
Thank you so much.
-Late night?
-No, just a quiet night in.
-What do you think?
Our key focus is
now Julius Shabangu.
It's all thanks
to Mrs. Strachan.
-When did they start arriving?
-A few minutes ago.
You don't make a move
without my say so.
Okay. Okay
Alpha One, we have
eyes on the target.
We've got eyes on
the 4x4, gentlemen.
Okay, Raj.
Talk to me. What are
you getting from inside?
Hold on.
That's it?
That's it?
This is Alpha One. We're gonna
have to move in immediately.
We need three fire teams,
two in the back, one in the front.
-That's a negative.
We have Osman and Suleiman.
I said that's a negative.
Pull back and stand down.
That's an order.
-Copy that.
We're standing down.
The car's not registered.
-Let me know when they come back up.
Do we have anything else?
Well, maybe not nothing.
You looking for me?
-You can call me Flea.
Lourens Le Riche?
And that makes you Lemmer.
We'll need to get going.
There's still a ways to the border.
We had Daoud in our hands,
but you let him get away.
It's not about him.
We need to understand
what he's here for,
and then we roll up
the entire network.
- Janina-- -You're
gonna wanna see this.
What have you got?
An exchange from Ibrahim,
the young one's laptop.
So our guy says,
"We have agreement.
1 Rabi' al-awwal. 7:00 PM."
That's about
two weeks from now,
8th of March. Okay?
Then the second guy says,
"We think it should
happen later."
But then, our guy replies
"Kickoff is at 7:00 PM.
That's when it happens."
Now, look at this.
7:00 PM, 8th of March,
South Africa play the
United States in a friendly
at Cape Town Stadium.
And that's definitely
gonna be a sold-out game.
And that stadium takes,
what, like, 55,000 people?
That's the target.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Stay here.
You'll need me.
This is not good.
You've better not
have hurt them.
Them? Is there
more than one?
-Didn't Diederik tell you?
-No, there's a lot Diederik didn't tell me.
What do we think
they're bringing in?
My money's on a dirty bomb.
Whatever it is they're planning
to bring into the country,
it could be coming
from anywhere.
I may have something.
You find the girl,
you retrieve the diamonds,
and then you'll get your money.
How fast can you get
a full tactical team to launch?
We need to get to the courier
before Inkunzi.
are the diamonds?
One of Quinn's informants
photographed Allajna
meeting with a senior
Al Qaeda operative.
Suleiman Daoud.
When Allajna grabs the attention
of the big time international
terrorists, suddenly they find
themselves in the middle
of this thing, that they
really can't control.
I'm not the only one who thinks
we shouldn't lie to Daoud
about the money.
We will have it shortly.
-With all respect--
Osman finds himself
way out of his depth
from the get-go, because
he's dealing with a character
like Suleiman, who has
been linked to other
terrorist acts around the world,
Slowly but surely, could be
that Osman finds himself
totally up to his neck.
Milla Strachan is a housewife.
She's been married
for twenty years.
She's basically lost herself.
So when she finally leaves
the house,
she doesn't have a lot
of confidence.
I'm sorry, I got the job?
For Milla to get the job
at the PBI,
I think, firstly, she didn't
know that she would ever
get the job, so,
she really wants to do well.
She, goes the extra mile
to other people's frustration,
but she also leads Janina,
and the rest of the team,
in the right direction.
Our key focus is now
Julius Shabangu.
It's all thanks
to Mrs. Strachan.
In episode one, Lemmer goes
on this journey.
I think he knows that
he's picking up wildlife,
I don't think he's
quite sure what.
Lemmer's not aware that there is
gonna be another party involved.
You can call me Flea.
When we meet Flea,
what differentiates her
from the other characters,
is that her motives
are very unclear. Um, I think
in that stage to both her,
and the audience.
Not only is she
an unknown variable,
but she's quite bombastic
about it as well.
Didn't Diederik tell you?
There's a lot
Diederik didn't tell me.
It was an easy scene to play,
because I've never been
that close to rhinos
in my life.
So Lemmer's surprise,
that was just James's surprise.
We're up at the border,
by Botswana,
with these two rhinos,
being taken to a wild farm,
and you're wondering,
where do these people fit in,
and what are they
the catalyst for?
Next Episode