Transformers: Earthspark (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Secret Legacy

[ethereal music]
[haunting bird call]
[electronic whirring]
[suspenseful music]
[engines rumbling]
[brakes grind]
[deep cackling]
- Those Autobots are
gonna lose their coolant
when they find out
we stole their stash.
[Decepticons whirring]
- Serves them right for
working with humans.
- Sweet energon.
- Just like my tip said
Lots of goods, no guards.
[horn blaring] both: Huh?
[dramatic music]

- Optimus?
- Things aren't
always what they seem.
That's your cue to surrender.
- Decepticons never go
down without a fight!
[doors clank, engine roars]
- I was hoping you'd say that.
Makes the job so much more fun.
- Hardtop. Swindle.
The war is over.
We offer you a peaceful life.
- Yeah, in prison!
- Sorry, Optimus.
We gotta blow!
[machines rattling]
[energy blasts whizzing]
[weapon ringing, bots grunting]
[bots whirring]
[engines roaring,
wheels squealing]
[dramatic music]
- [grunting]
[breaks squeal]

[wheels squeal]

[blows clanging]
[whimpers] [container clangs]
[all grunting]
- What?
You think I set this trap
just to let you get away?
- That tip was from you?
- Here's another one
- Aw, scrap.
[shouts] [container clangs]
- [shouts, whimpers]
I'll never surrender,
and you'll never find
every Con on this rock!
- Agree to disagree.
[electronic shrieking]
- [grunting]
[garbled whimpering]
[electronic trilling]
- [grunting]
- Uh, oh no.
[tense music]
[crunches] [Optimus
Prime grunts]
[electronic shrieks]
[dramatic music]

- What is that thing?
- I've never seen
technology like it.
This isn't Cybertronian, yet
we appear to be its target.
- Think it has something
to do with those rumors?
- About the Decepticons
going missing?
I fear what it may
portend for all of us.
There is more to this
than meets the eye.
[suspenseful music]

[electronic whirring]
[mysterious music]
[electricity crackling]
[crickets chirping]
[ethereal music]

[wheels and gears rattling]
- [gasps] It's working!
Great invention, Robby.
- Cross your fingers.
[phone beeping]
Try reeling it in some?
[phone beeps and trills] Yes!
Finally! Hold there.
Now I can text
- Kids, dinner's ready!
I couldn't find
the aluminum foil,
so it looks a little weird.
Don't judge.
Is that my bike?
Where are you?
- Uh, getting foil.
We'll be right in.
- Oh, my lolo gave that
to me! Be careful
[phone whines]
[Robby groans]
- Ah! Oh, wait, wait!
- Gotcha!
- Oh, I oh,
okay. All right now.
- What did the petrified
boy say about my cooking?
It rocks.
[both laugh]
- You rock.
[kiss smacks]
Especially when you make
a hungry park ranger
her favorite food.
[phone clicking]
- [chuckles]
- Son, put that away.
You know we don't do
phones at the table.
- Just one more text?
- Connect with us, kiddo.
This is our special family time.
- One, two, three, and
the prize goes to me!
[snarfs] Ha-hah.
- [laughs] Hey! No fair!
- [sighs] I know the feeling.
[soft sentimental music]
- I was thinking,
maybe tomorrow we can
help you unpack your room
and get rid of all
those moving boxes?
- Yeah!
You could even pick a
color and we'll paint.
- I don't want new paint!
I miss my old room
in our old house.
Can't we please just
move back to Philly?
- Robby, we talked about this.
- But you guys never listen!
There's no phone service here,
so I can't talk to my friends
- Robby
- And the only Wi-Fi
is in this room,
where Guess what?
I'm not allowed to use it!
All so Mom can
have her dream job.
- Son. Family
support each other.
We all made changes coming here.
- And we're not leaving.
So that's enough until
you're ready to have
a respectful conversation.
[silverware clatters]
- [groans]
[heavy footsteps]
[Robby grunts]
[door slams]
- Maybe I could try
talking to Robby?
Lumpia is a great icebreaker.
- Take extra.
[suspenseful music]
- Robby.
Bet you didn't know this house
comes with free room service.
[distant clanking]
[suspenseful music]

We're not supposed to
bike alone after dark!
Where are you going?
- My real home Philly!
- You can't ride your bike
all the way to Philly!
[panting] Slow down!
[bike chain pops, rattles]
I don't have turbo legs!
[wheels squeal]
- I'll fix this, then you go.
Got it?
[distant vehicles whirring]
[suspenseful music]
[vehicles rumbling]
- Uh, Robby?
- Quit shaking the bridge, Mo.
- Robby!
[vehicles rumbling]
- Run!
[electronic warbling]
[metallic clank]
- What are those things?
[rockets whistling]
[explosions booming]
[truck groaning]
- Run, and don't let
[explosion booms]
[pained grunting]
[Robby yelps]
[gravel rattles]
- [pained groans]
- You okay, Mo?
- I'll be better
when I'm further away
from those spider things.
- Yeah.
Let's get you back to the house.
- Does this mean
you're staying now?
Here with me and Mom and Dad?
- Stop doing that.
- Doing what?
Trying to control my life!
- What's wrong with you, Robby?
The big brother I know would
never go on an adventure
without me!
- He disappeared when
we left the city.
There's nothing here
worth staying for.
- Not even me?
- Well, you're that's not
I don't
- I can be loud!
[screams] [energy warbles]
[both gasp and pant]
[energy warbling]
[ominous music]


Huh. Just a cool glowy cave.
- Take it easy, John Henry.
[both scream]
[rock crackling]
[both scream]
[Robby grunts]
- Ugh.
[tense music]
- There's nothing
like this in Philly.
- You think anyone's ever
been down here before?
- Somebody had to leave that.

That's how scary movies start.
It could be a mutant
lightning bug egg.
Or turn your hand into goo!
Or maybe it's the cursed eyeball
of a dinosaur god!
[Robby chuckling]
[metallic clank]
Ooh. You broke it.
- No, I didn't!
See, it's fine.
[grunts] Give me a hand.
[both grunting]
[suspenseful music]
[energy warbles]

- Legacy of hope.
[yelping and grunting]
- What's happening?
[Mo shrieks]
- Robby, make it let go!
[Robby grunting]
[energy warbles, Robby grunts]
[Mo whimpers]
- I can't get it off!
[Mo shrieks]
- Robby! [gasps]
[energy chirps and whirs]
[liquid bubbles]
[energy blasts]
[sweeping dramatic music]

[energy hisses]
[warbling fades]
- What are they?
[bots whir]
[both gasp]
[clanking footsteps fade]
Are they
- Afraid of us?
You felt that, too, right?
- Totally.
It was like this sleeve thing
was sending me feels
from someone else.
- From Twitch and Thrash.
- How do we know their names?
- I think we're
connected to them?
- Robby?
- Mo?
- They know our names too.
- It's okay.
You don't have to be scared.
[suspenseful music]

[energy ringing]
- [gasps] Huh.
I feel calm.
- I think that's them, 'cause
it's definitely not me.
- Human?
- Friend?
- Friend.
[adventurous music]

[Twitch gasps]
[energy whirring]

- My sister and
I won't hurt you.
[metallic screech]
[screen whirs and chirps]
[Mo screams]
[energy blasts]
[fragments tinkle]
- Wow.
- No way!
You're a Transformer!
- Okay. We have to
bring them home.
- 100%.
- Twitch, Thrash real talk.
How would you feel about
a sleepover at our house?
And being best friends?
[ethereal music]
Warm fuzzies!
TF BFFs confirmed!
- Whoa.
Whatever these
cyber-sleeves are,
they're gonna take
some getting used to.
- We'll figure
it out. Together.

[ominous music]
[screen chirps, energy blasts]

- So there are more
Decepticons in the area.
Friends of yours?
- Aw, come on, man.
I don't even know those guys.
There's an Autobot code
against torture, you know.
[scientist chuckles]
- Oh, I'm no Autobot,
or one of their pathetic allies.
And you're about to help
me become so much more.

- Coast is clear.
- Dad fell asleep on his
students' essays again.
- Shh!
- [snoring]
- Aww.
- Who's that?
- [giggles] Let's go.
Just wait till we tell them
we adopted two Transformers!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Mo, we can't tell
Dad or Mom that.
- How come?
- Think about it
We're just kids.
These are two totally new
Transformers born on Earth!
They'll take them away.
You got to hide here
for tonight, okay?
- Aww. You feel frowny.
- You don't want to be with us?
- No! We do.
Listen, Thrash, I was
leaving this place forever
when I met you and Twitch.
But now, you're the only
reasons I might stay.
[pained grunt]
The second reason.
Please just hide till morning?
- Then we'll figure
out how to make
everything A-okay
with our parents
so you can stay with us forever!
- I sense hope.
You mean what you say.
- Absolutely.
Tomorrow, we'll show you what
it means to be Transformers.
- Hmm.
Till then, check these out.
You'll start to see
why you're so special.
- [chuckles] They'd never
believe this in Philly.
[crickets chirping]
[warm music] [bird chirps]
- Aren't you glad we traded
in the city for this?
- Every day, hon.
It's a new beginning
for all of us.

[birds chirping]
[rhythmic tapping]
[Robby grunts]
- Huh?
- Mo says you like
to sleep late.
Why? That sounds so boring.
- We read your history books!
Yo, these Transformers
guys are bananas!
- Hmm. Strange.
They were vehicles
in the issues I read.
- Uh, glad you liked them.
They shouldn't be out here!
- Working on it.
Who wants to play hide and seek!
- Oh, a competition!
I'm listening.
- Great!
You go hide, and, uh,
I'll try to find you.
- Ready, set, go!
- Wait! Not where
Mom and Dad can see!
[upbeat electronic music]

[engine starts]
- Mom saw Mo! New game.
- Get in the barn
and wait for Robby?
- Nope!
Transformer stuff!
Ay-yi-yi-yah! Whoa!
[branch crackles]
Whoa! [grunts]
Well, got style points for pain.
- Maybe comics
weren't the best way
to teach them about being bots.
- Did I change
into vehicle mode?
I feel so minivan!
- Yeah.
Twitch and Thrash
need a crash course
on Transformer life.
[Thrash yelps and grunts]
With less crashing.
- Maybe we can get
Dad to tell the story
of how Transformers
came to Earth!
Twitch and Thrash can listen
and learn why they're
different from Cybertronians.
- And why they need
to stay hidden.
- Tell me your secrets!
[car alarm blaring]
[key fob chirps]
- A breakfast burrito picnic?
I was going to insist on
lecturing inside, but son!
Hand-held food and history
is the way to my heart.
- [whispering] Ow! You're
standing on my servos!
- [whispering] Yeah,
well, I can't hear!
[rhythmic tapping]
- Uh, come on, Dad!
Tell us about the
Transformers war.
- My favorite story?
[chuckles] Okay! Okay, okay.
On September 17, 1984,
everything on Earth changed.
But we begin on Cybertron.
[grand orchestral music]
A planet light years away
populated by heroic Autobots
and dastardly Decepticons.
- Dad, isn't that
oversimplifying things
a little?
- Hey, who's telling this story?
An epic battle raged
between both sides
The mighty Optimus Prime
versus the cruel Megatron.
[in deep voice]
One shall stand.
One shall fall.
- Ooh! Can I do Megatron?
- Mm-hmm.
- [in deep voice] Why throw
away your life so recklessly?
- Enter Bumblebee, the
most daring, most brave
- We get it, Dad.
He's your favorite.
- [chuckles] You know it!
Bumblebee held the
line on Cybertron.
- I got this, you guys!
- [in deep voice]
Okay, bye-bye, thanks.
[energy blasts]
[energy booms and crackles]
[energy warbles]
On Earth, incredibly
brave humans
joined forces with
Optimus Prime
- Like Mom!
- There's nobody braver, kiddo.
And, if you can
Bumblebee-lieve it,
Bee showed up again too!
- Hey, guys!
- But Megatron and
his Decepticons
threatened to crush
everything in their path.
So to protect the universe,
Optimus destroyed
his only way home
The Space Bridge
[energy crackles]
With the hope that
humans and Cybertronians
could live together in peace.
- [in deep voice] Huh.
Maybe this Optimus
guy has a point.
- The Transformers
war was finally over.
[birds chirping]
- Dad, what happened
to Bumblebee?
- He was never heard from again.
But Bee might still
be alive somewhere!
Like I always say,
Bee an Optimist
Prime, not a Negatron.
[Mo giggles]
- Uh, thanks for the story, Dad.
- [sniffles] Oh. I'm gonna
need another burrito.
- Well? Wasn't that epic?
[energy whirs]
- I'm getting confusion?
- It's just that even
if we are Transformers,
we don't feel like
part of their story.
Or fight.
- Yeah.
I mean, we can be
warriors later.
Right now, I want to
learn about this place!
- Hup.
[upbeat electronic music]
[engine rumbles]

- What in the world of what?
[engine rumbles]
[brakes squeak]
[music silences]
[engines rumbling]
[dramatic music]

You messed up my cones.
- Sorry, Dot.
OP's having a day.
- Which continues.
This city may be in
danger, Lieutenant Malto.
- It's Ranger Malto, OP.
I work for Park Services
now, not Autobots.
The war is over, and
so is our association.
- Think of it as
working for GHOST.
- I don't believe in ghosts.
- GHOST is a secret
military agency,
the one we work with
to ensure safe
Cybertronian-Earth relations.
- GHOST created your
job to relocate you
to their headquarters here.
- So all this is a lie.
- We needed the best.
A mysterious new enemy
is threatening this town,
one that attacks our convoys
and abducts our prisoners.
- You're telling me Decepticons
and more of whatever this is
are right here in Witwicky?
[distant rotors whirring]
[ominous music]

[dramatic electronic music]

[footsteps clanking]
[ominous music]

- [growls]
- You always knew how to
make an entrance, Megs.
- [laughs]
[adventurous music]
Terror in the skies.
- Honor in the streets.
- Platoon Cyber Strike reunited.
I heard GHOST wanted
you on the team.
- Well, if it means
working with you,
maybe it's not all bad.
So, Optimus, what's
our game plan here?
- I'm investigating
several theories.
Meanwhile, these drones will
do a sweep to collect intel.
[drones whirring]
[birds chirp] [Robby grunts]
- Come on, Twitch!
[grunts] There's loads
of games we can play.
[Twitch grunts]
- Bet I can name
more birds than you!
- That's more Mom's thing.
- Ready, go!
Leslie. Mike. Kerri with an I.
Kerry with a Y. Spizwig.
[bird squawks]
- [chuckles] Pretty sure
Spizwig isn't a name.
- Shh! You'll
hurt his feelings.
- [chuckles] Well,
I bet I can hit
more targets than you.
[upbeat electronic music]
- Nice, Robby. My turn.
[energy shrills]
[Twitch grunts]
Aww, how'd my lasers
work yesterday?
Maybe my arm is at
the wrong angle,
or maybe target practice
requires different weaponry.
Or maybe it
- Think fast!
[energy shrills]
- Ha!
[energy pings]
Whoa! I knew I was good,
but I didn't know
I was the best!
I wonder what else I can do.
- [laughs] Yo!
This is the single greatest
feat of my entire life!
I am a master
[Mo giggles]
- [grunts]
[Mo giggles]
[Thrash whirs]
Hey. You're not upset anymore.
- I was upset?
- You just felt sad.
Everything you did
was touched by it.
- I guess I've been
worrying about my family.
This move was hard, and I
[sighs] Just want
us all to be happy.
- They probably want
that for you, too.
So to make them happy, be happy!
[suspenseful music]
[drone whirs and beeps]

- What's that bird's name?
Interior circuitry.
Unknown power source.
Come on, eyes, look closer!
[energy whirs]
[yelps] Weird feels.
Really weird feels!
[rotors whirring]
Huh. It looked
bigger from far away.
- Twitch! You transformed!
You have a vehicle mode!
[drone whirs]
[suspenseful music]
[drone trills] [display beeps]
[energy blasts]
[electricity crackles]
- Uh, I feel like
we missed a lot.
- Twitch is a drone now!
- Aw, I wanna change
into something!
- It happened by accident,
but I kinda like this.
First, you have to stare
at something really hard.
- Okay.
Stand still, future Thrash mode!
[pebble clanks] Ow!
It's cool. I dig the weaponry.
- We should go into town.
You'll have way more
stuff to pick from there.
You guys want to come?
- Nah.
If I can fix this,
Twitch and I are on
for some ultimate sky racing.
- Suit yourself.
[drones whir]
- Missing one.
Tell Wheeljack his
tech has bugs
The explode-y kind.
- I'm glad you're here, Dorothy.
GHOST isn't a perfect ally,
but Optimus believes
they'll help our kind
make a home on Earth.
- [scoffs] Optimus always
sees the bright side,
even when there isn't one.
- Don't be so hard
on him, Dorothy.
Clearly we've had disagreements,
but when I joined the
Autobots to end the war,
I saw that Optimus always
does what he believes
is right, no matter
the personal cost.
[soft dramatic music]
- [sighs] GHOST.

- The drones didn't
find anything.
We'll need to search
the town ourselves.
Autobots, roll out!
[bots whir]
[engines rumble, wheels squeal]

- I can never tell
if he means me.
- [laughs]
[mechanical squeaking]
[ominous music]
- [groans]
- Stop struggling, Hardtop.
- [grunts]
When my brother gets here,
he's gonna squash
you like a spider!
No offense.
- Oh, I hope he does.
Get here, I mean.
I'd love to keep my
makeover in the family.
Have you pinpointed the location
of your destroyed
colleague's intel?
[arachnamech squeaks]

Your brother can wait his turn.
I have more tantalizing quarry,
ripe for the picking.
Arachnamechs, to the hunt.
- People might freak out if
they see a new kind of bot.
We could still find
you a cool vehicle.
[display whirs and trills]
- I don't want to turn
into any of these, Mo.
- That's okay.
The right set of wheels
is a huge choice.
You know when you find it.
[solemn music]
[sighs] Like my bike.
Rocinante. I sure miss her.
- What made her so special?
- She was the
fastest on our block!
Sleek lines, all-terrain tread.
When I rode Rocinante, I
felt like a warrior goddess!
[sleeve whirs]
There will never be
another one like her.
[arachnamech clanks] Let's
go find you an alt mode.
- Finally!
I was hoping to get my
turn with one of you guys!
Ahh! [grunts]
[arachnamech clanking]
[Thrash grunting]
It looked easier
when Twitch did this!
[arachnamech squeals]
[metal clanks]
- Buzz off, bucko!
- Dig the trash talking, Mo!
[trash clatters]
[arachnamech growls]
- This is
[upbeat electronic music]
[Twitch trills]
[sleeve ringing]
Mo and Thrash!
They need us.
- I feel it too!
How can we find them?
Should we get help?
They feel so freaked
out! What do we do?
- They were going to town.
We'll start there and
come up with a strategy
once we find out what's wrong.
[ominous music]
[drone crackles]

[tense music]
[arachnamech shrieks]
- [gasps]
- Oh no, you don't!
[metal clanking]
[arachnamech shrieks]
[electricity crackles]
[Thrash yelps]
- Thrash, it's time you learned
the art of the victory dance.
[upbeat electronic
music] Whoop, whoop!
Whoop, whoop!
- Hey!
- Technically, that was our win.
[music dies down]
- My win.
- What come on!
I can't even get
on the scoreboard?
- To be fair, I
was button mashing.
[energy crackles]
- Good news, Thrash.
Here's a chance for
you to do some mashing.
[arachnamechs trilling]
Lots of chances.
[tense chuckle]
[energy blasting]
[all gasp]
[upbeat electronic music]

Whoa, Optimus Prime?
[windshield wipers squeak]
- He sure showed those
ro-bozos who's boss, right Mo?
[rotors whirring]
[sleeves ring]
- I don't understand.
You feel happy and
sad at the same time?
- Well, we're glad
to be safe, but
- There's gonna be consequences.
[soft bright music]

- Oh, if I wasn't so
glad to see you safe,
I'd be furious!
What are you doing out here?
And where'd you find these bots?
- They're brand new, Mom!
- [clears throat]
I'll contact GHOST.
They can take these two
bots to HQ for safety.
- Twitch and Thrash.
- Excuse me?
- They have names.
And they should stay with us!
We can protect them.
- Where did you
say they are from?
[horn blares, engine rumbles]
[brakes hiss]
- Quick response!
This is your ride.
- Wait!
We don't want to go anywhere
without Robby and Mo.
- You won't.
- Please, Mom!
You can't let them
take Twitch and Thrash!
- I know you're worried
about your friends.
- You don't get it!
They're more important
than just friends.
- Which is why we'll
keep them very safe.
- We have to trust
Optimus right now.
As soon as we sort things
out, you can visit them.
I promise.
[solemn music]

- It's gonna be okay.
Mom always keeps her promises.

- We'll see you
as soon as we can.
[doors clang, engine rumbles]
[ominous music]

[people chattering]
[camera shutters clicking]
- So let me get this straight.
You were chased by robot
spiders into a glowing cave,
two new Transformers
were born from sludge,
you brought them
home to adopt them,
and didn't tell your Mom and me?
- We were going to
tell you, honest!
We were just waiting
for the right time.
- Immediately is the right time!
You could have been
hurt back there.
- You kids can always talk
to Mom and me about anything.
- Like you'd listen.
Nobody ever asked Mo and me
if we wanted to leave Philly,
and now that we finally
found friends here,
you took them away.
Why would we tell you anything?
- We're not the only ones
keeping secrets, Mom.
I thought you were done
working with Transformers.
And who's GHOST?
- I was kinda wondering
that too, Dottie.
- Turns out GHOS
is my new boss.
I'll be helping Autobots
bring in the bad guys
and protect the good ones.
Lotta surprises
for everyone today.
- Like us meeting
Twitch and Thrash!
They're family now.
- We're connected!
When they're sad, we're sad.
When we're happy, they are too.
Thrash and Twitch
are a part of us.
- Those come off, right?
- Ranger Malto, GHOST has no
record of the truck or driver.
The young bots could
be anywhere by now.
- What?
- You lost our
brother and sister?
- Excuse me, Mr. Optimus?
Big fan.
- Don't worry, young Maltos
My team will track
down your friends.
- Not alone, you won't.
I made a promise.
Twitch and Thrash are
my responsibility.
[faint slurping]
[eerie music]
- Come in.
Welcome. I'm so
excited to meet you.
[metal scrapes] Please, sit.
[arachnamechs clinking]
[both gasp]
- Watch out!
Those things are dangerous.
They've attacked us twice.
- What? No.
It must have been
a misunderstanding.
Don't judge my friends
by a few bad apples.
These spiders are
fun-loving little bots.
Show them.

[arachnamech growls]
Now, tell me about yourselves.
Where are you from?
- Here!
Uh, well, not here-here.
See, there was this creepy cave,
and then there were,
like, all these lights
- Fascinating.
Organic-energonic hybridization.
- I'm like, ha-hah, what's that?
- Not unlike myself.
What are you?
- Transformers?
We think.
- Not Cybertronus cybertronii.
A new species, entirely
from this planet.
You are Cybertronus terrans!
- Whatever you say, Mandroid.
- What did you call me?
- Oh, well, if
you're gonna name us,
we get to name you, right?
Half human, half android.
- Mandroid
[electricity crackles]
is a gross
oversimplification of
Tell me more about
this creepy cave.
[energy ringing]
[sleeves ringing]
- I can feel Thrash and Twitch!
Their emotions are this way!
[tense music]
[Dot grunts]
- Dad, left!
- Whoa!
- Oh.
Thank you for sharing your lane!
- I'm texting Optimus and
Megatron our coordinates.
Hopefully our route
isn't too confusing.
[alert beeps]

Someone's got to
stop his emoji abuse.
[call rings]
- The robot gets me every time.
Good to be on a
mission with you again.
Like old times.
- We have much in
common, you and I
Part of two different worlds,
neither of which accept
us for who we are.
[metal clanks]
So we must be more.
- I'm reading lots of
Robby and Mo feels,
and they're pinging closer!
- Yeah.
Well, it's been weird, Mandroid.
Our friends will pick us up.
[metal clanks]
- Oh, but I was counting
on a much longer stay.
[alarm blares]
[restraints clank]
[both grunting]
For parts, at least.
- What the
- Hey!
- Let us go, creep!
- Not cool, Mandroid!
[both grunting]
[explosion booms]
- I believe you're
holding our young friends
against their will.
- This is Robby and Mo?
- Stand down, mister.
- Mandroid.
- Mr. Mandroid.
- That's not my [growls]
Arachnamechs, tear
them limb from limb!
[tense music]
[energy blasting]
- By all means, resist!
It's my favorite part.
[projectiles blasting]
[rockets whistling]
[energy roars]
[weapon whirs and rings]
[explosions booming]
[energy zaps]
[explosions booming]

[Megatron grunts]

[console beeping]
[machine whirring]
- [whimpering]
[Optimus Prime grunts]

[weapon fire blasting]
- Elita-1.
How about a little
Decepticon-Autobot tango?
[alert buzzes]
[bots whir]
[bot growls]
For old time's sake.
[Elita-1 grunts]

[distant weapon fire blasting]
[dramatic electronic
music playing on radio]
- Don't worry. Your
Mom's got this.
- Megatron, cover me.
- Mm.
Just like the Battle of Burbank.
- I'm going for
Twitch and Thrash.
[weapon fire blasting]
[explosions booming]
[machine whirs]
both: Yay!
[arachnamech clanks]
[console crackles]
- Okay, kids, move out, now!
[bots grunting]
[blows clanking]
- Your heart's not
in this, is it?
[bots grunting, blows clanking]
Brain either.
[grunting, clanking]
[crickets chirping]
[concrete crackles]
[engine roars]
[wheels squealing]

- [gasps] Elita-1 is
using Ariel's Gambit!
Pinch me!
- Uh, Dad?
Which Decepticon is that?
- [gasps]
That's, um
[bot clanks and whirs]
- How'd he get his name?
- [growls]
- Some things are better
left in the history books.
Seat belts!
[all screaming]
[weapon fire blasts]
[Twitch whirring]
[all screaming]
[minivan clanks]
[Thrash grunts]
[ominous music]
[energy whirs]
[energy blasts]
[Thrash screams]
- Thrash!
[Thrash grunts]
- Rocinante.
[energy rings, whirs]
[engine roars]
[weapon fire blasts]
[wheels squeal]
[energy rings]
Rocinante rides again!
[engine roars, wheels squeal]
Whoo, whoo! Whoo, whoo!
- What are you doing?
- Victory dance. Mo taught me.
- What happened to you guys?
Are you okay?
- Short answer, yes.
Long answer is
gonna have to wait
because we're in the
middle of a battlefield!
[footstep clanks]
[engine roars, wheels squeal]
- Whoo! Yeah!
- Whoo-hoo!
All right!
- Oh, babies grow up so fast.
Seems like just yesterday I
was teaching them to say
Okay, minivan, if you're
secretly an Autobot,
now would be the
time to let me know!
[tense music]
[bot whirs] [energy blasts]
I know that sound!
[suspenseful music]
[intense rock music]
- Pretty brave to face
down a Con by yourself.
Guess that makes you an
honorary Autobot, huh?

[grunting, clanking]
[energy blasts]
[owl hoots]
[solemn music]
- Honest, I don't know
what came over me!
I'd never fight you, Megatron,
no matter what side you're on.
[soft bright music]

[kisses smack]
- Ahh. Plenty of prisoners
Just not the one we need.
- Something tells
me we haven't seen
the last of this Mandroid.
- Aww, is it already over?
I was just getting warmed up.
- Bumblebee, I didn't call you
out of hiding for one fight.
I have a new mission for you.
To train our youngest members,
the first of Cybertronian kind
to be part of our
world and this one.
They'll stay with me at
- No. I'm sorry, Optimus.
I respect your concern
for Twitch and Thrash,
but these bots are
bonded to my children.
That makes them
family, and nobody
Not you, GHOST, or any
army of Decepticons
Is taking them away.

- Ranger Malto.
[laughs] I was hoping
you'd say that.
These young bots
- Terrans.
That's the name
Mandroid gave us.
- The only thing we like
about him, by the way.
- These Terrans deserve to learn
about both of their worlds,
and I can think of no
better human protectors
than you and your family.
[Alex cheers]
- Does this mean Bumblebee
is coming to live with us?
- Ugh.
[flames crackle]
- [huffs]
[flames blast] [yelps]
- Over here!
- Twitch, Twitch!
- I'm open, I'm open!
- Here, here!
- Pass the ball!
[rotors whir]
- Whoa!
Drip drop!
- Okay, my turn to
be on Twitch's team.
[engine roars, wheels squeal]
- Hi, hon. Hey, Bee!
How was work?
- Definitely new territory.
- We rescued an egret
tangled in fishing line.
Good day. [flames blast]
- Oops.
[grill lid clanks]
Kids, have you seen that foil?
- We'll get it, Dad!
[ethereal music]

- Hmm?
- I think I like it here.
- I think I do too.

[owl hoots]
[shooting star rings]
[intense electronic music]

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