Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[lightning cracking]
[lightning cracking]
[engines whirring]
[engine whirring decreases]
Sorry, I
[engine whirring]
[engine blasts]
[scoffs] You know how I survive out here?
I don't make noise,
and I don't draw attention to myself.
Sorry about that.
It's called stealth --
try using it
before I regret bringing you here.
The Autobots ain't paying you
for attitude;
we're paying you to find energon.
I ain't a big fan of dead ends, kid.
[chuckles] Then you'll be really happy
when I activate this hidden hatch, kid.
-[mechanism clanks]
[Wheeljack] Well polish my tailpipe!
You weren't lying after all.
This will keep the Autobots in the fight
for a few cycles at least.
This was a Spacebridge?
Oh, yeah! I miss these beautiful beasts.
You ever go off-world through one?
Mm, yeah.
I used to go racing
on Velocitron all the time,
before the Decepticons destroyed 'em all.
You wanted me to find energon,
so I've led you to some energon.
-We should collect it and go.
-[Wheeljack typing]
[Spacebridge humming]
Are you crazy?
Those Seekers will be all over us!
This could change everything.
I have to tell Prime.
I was hired to find energon,
not be dragged into an Autobot crusade.
Is survival a stupid crusade?
I'm trying to survive.
Come on!
The Decepticons won't stop, kid.
At some point,
you'll have to choose a side.
[Jetfire] He's right.
[both gasp]
Just be careful what side you choose.
[dramatic music playing]
You seem lost, Autobot.
The Surrender Stations are that way.
Unless you'd prefer we surrender you here.
I'm not an Autobot.
Thundercracker, scan them.
[Thundercracker] Target: unknown.
[Thundercracker] Target: Wheeljack.
Known collaborator:
Optimus Prime, enemy of the state.
-[alert beeping]
-[Thundercracker] ID: Autobot.
Looters are to be executed on sight,
let alone Autobots.
-[Jetfire grunts]
-[Starscream groans]
[groans in agony]
[gasping and snarling]
And as the Commander of the Seekers,
I decide how they are dealt with.
[growls] You fool! They are the enemy!
If the Seekers were under my command,
you would be dead by my hand.
[scoffs] You mean that hand?
-[Jetfire grunts]
-[Wheeljack groans]
The Autobots laugh at us because of him,
and I say we eliminate all three of them.
Megatron will reward us for our loyalty.
[weapons cocking]
be it.
-[Decepticon grunts]
-[Jetfire grunts]
-[Jetfire and Starscream grunting]
-Go! Now!
[Jetfire grunts]
[Jetfire] You fools! They're getting away!
[Bumblebee grunts and gasps]
[approaching footsteps]
[Wheeljack panting]
[Wheeljack grunts]
Lord Megatron.
[Decepticons] Hail Megatron!
Did two little Autobots
do that to you, Starscream?
I'm not an Autobot.
Starscream was out of line,
so we had a little chat.
Hmm I see.
We should execute every Autobot on sight!
This war has dragged on long enough!
This war was started as a revolution,
not a genocide.
For a better Cybertron,
we must reach their sparks and minds.
Some of us
don't want your vision of Cybertron.
You're running low on energon.
You're desperate, taking risks,
and over-extending yourselves.
I don't care what you want.
[tires screeching]
[groans] However
I want to see an end to this war
as much as you do.
Denounce the Autobot fanatics and join us.
Help me put a stop
to all of this destruction.
Freedom is the right
of all sentient beings.
The words of your leader
honorable, but senseless.
Yeah, well
I'll stick with him.
Such disrespect!
He insults you with the words of Prime.
Starscream, back in line.
You are the great Megatron,
and yet they defy you.
Such trespass cannot be allowed.
And you
I'm just trying to survive.
So, a coward then?
Afraid to choose a side.
At least this one wears his allegiance
and his fate with pride.
-Execute them.
Starting with the proud Autobot.
With pleasure, Lord Megatron.
[weapons cocking]
Seekers, at the ready.
[suspenseful music playing]
-[Jetfire] Aim
-[weapon cocks]
[screeching tires approaching]
[Decepticons grunting]
[Prime grunts]
Let them go!
Ah The noble leader has arrived.
You're in no position to demand anything.
Accept my treaty.
And condemn all of Cybertron to slavery.
I will not do that, Megatron.
What do you know of slavery,
of the energon mines,
or gladiatorial pits?
My brothers and sisters
were pre-determined to suffer
while you and your kind did nothing!
Everything that you
and I have gone through,
we fought for the same things!
What you fight for now,
Alpha Trion would be ashamed.
Of us both, I think.
I will not accept your treaty.
Then we end this war here. Now!
[Prime grunting]
[Megatron grunts]
[Prime growling]
[Prime grunting]
[Megatron grunts]
[Decepticons laughing]
-[Prime grunting]
-[Decepticons taunting]
[Decepticons continue laughing]
[weapon cocks]
[Megatron breathing heavily]
I'm enjoying this, Prime.
-[Prime groaning]
-[Megatron] Get to your feet.
[Prime sighs]
Alpha Trion put us all
on the path to freedom
and, for that, you betrayed him, Megatron.
murdered him.
[Megatron grunting]
[Prime groaning]
[Megatron grumbles]
You weren't built for this.
You'll never be able to make
the decisions Cybertron needs.
Cybertron needs freedom.
Cybertron needs strength
my strength.
[Prime growling]
[Megatron grunting]
[Prime groans]
You were always the slower one,
the weaker one.
[Prime continues groaning]
[Thundercracker grunts]
[rapid firing]
[Megatron grunts]
[Elita grunts]
[Megatron] Seekers, to the air!
Kill her!
[engines blasting]
Autobots retreat!
[Prime grunts]
-He's not an Autobot.
-I'm not an Autobot.
-[Prime] Go!
-[Bumblebee grunting]
Don't let them escape!
[Starscream snarls]
[all grunting]
Elita, now!
-[Elita] Not while you're--
-[Prime] Now!
[Elita grumbles]
[Decepticon grunts]
[Megatron groans]
Well done, Prime.
Well done.
[Wheeljack] Hey, uh, Optimus
before those Decepticons caught us,
we discovered something back there.
It will have to wait
until we are out of Decepticon territory.
[Elita] Who's this?
[Wheeljack sighs]
-[Bumblebee murmurs nervously]
-Just an energon scavenger I hired.
He's no Decepticon.
What was that back there?
[groans] I had to move in.
Wheeljack only had astro-cycles left--
Not that. The explosives.
The idea is to be as far as possible
when you blow everything up!
I swear, one day,
Optimus Prime, you are going to
[sighs] Forget it.
Where's the energon?
-And what exactly are you?
-What am I? Don't you mean who?
He's a pain in the ass, that's who he is.
As far as Megatron is concerned,
you're an Autobot now.
I'll tell you
what I told flashy-face over there:
I took a job, and the job's done.
Pay me, and I'll be on my way.
If the job's done,
where's the energon, energon scavenger?
I was paid to find it.
-I found it.
-We will discuss this at headquarters.
-[Bumblebee] I don't wanna go with you!
-You're welcome to go back out there
and see how hospitable
the Decepticons are.
[Bumblebee sighs]
Good point.
[Bumblebee grunts]
[Bumblebee panting]
So, this is why you need all that energon.
Once the energon runs out,
party's over.
[Autobots groaning]
[Prime] Have Red Alert check them out.
[Elita] You should all report to medical.
-I must speak with Ultra Magnus--
-[Elita] Optimus
if anyone should get checked out
by a medic, it's you.
Thank you for your concern, Elita.
well, we can't have our commander
getting his brain module caved in.
[Prime sighs] Mm.
-Hey, Optimus, I found the--
-[Prime] We will speak later, Wheeljack.
These hit-and-run missions aren't enough.
Until we find more energon,
hit-and-run tactics are all we can afford.
Cybertron is in ruins.
There may not be more energon.
I fear
the war is lost.
Don't you believe that
as long as we have sparks inside of us
there is still a chance?
Optimus, at this moment,
we must focus on surviving as a race,
not winning a war.
[Prime sighs]
[Ultra Magnus]
There's a reason the Matrix chose you.
There's no one I respect more than you.
But as your military commander,
as your friend
accept the treaty.
I cannot.
[Ultra Magnus sighs]
We're facing extinction
at the hands of the Decepticons.
It is extinction either way.
[Ultra Magnus grunts]
You're just as stubborn as Megatron.
[door closes]
Can you check these two out, Doc?
We all know Wheeljack's
beyond my medical capabilities.
Ha! Funny.
Got something for you, Doc.
Sorry, that was all I could scrounge up.
Huh, Thoraxal Nodes?
This will get a few Autobots
back in working order.
-Any energon?
-No, just those.
And this guy.
[groans] Let me look at you.
Looks like you've seen
a fair share of action.
-What's your name?
[Red Alert] Mm, pretty rough out there
on your own, eh, Bee?
It was fine until I took this job.
[Red Alert] How about I help you
patch some of this up?
Yeah, sure.
Is this all that's left of the Autobots?
It may look bad, but I assure you,
it's as bad as it looks.
I was a doctor before the war,
and now, lucky me,
they gave me a blaster and now I'm a
We're all soldiers now.
-[door opens]
-[approaching footsteps]
Bumblebee is it?
-[scoffs] No.
-[Prime] No?
No, I'm not signing up for your fight!
-I was not asking you to--
-You were about to.
-Huh. Am I that obvious?
-[chuckles] Kind of.
Look, I appreciate the save back there,
but all this…
[scoffs] this isn't for me.
This is survival, Bumblebee.
No, it's not!
You're fighting to win,
and that's gonna get you all killed.
The Autobots can use someone like you.
[Bumblebee] I'm no soldier.
Neither were any of us.
The Autobots fight for the day
we no longer have to fight.
Yeah, well, good luck with your crusade.
Let him go.
Prime, he could give our location away.
Maybe I should
[growls] We are not the Decepticons!
[calmer] Please let him go.
[crowd cheering loudly]
Yet again,
the Autobots have escalated
this conflict to the point
where we must answer
their aggression with force.
Under a flag of truce,
Optimus Prime refused my offer of a treaty
and instead tried to assassinate me.
It pains me to say this,
but I realize now that
there can be no peace with the Autobots.
I empower you Decepticons
and all of Cybertron
to bring this painful chapter
of our history to a close.
Together, we fight for a lasting unity.
[crowd cheering loudly]
-[Megatron inaudible]
-[crowd continues cheering]
[pleased sigh]
You wanna lose that hand again?
[Starscream growls]
[footsteps approaching]
Lord Megatron,
my Seekers are on the hunt.
What's left of the Autobots
won't last much longer--
You keep saying that time and time again.
If I led the Seekers,
I would have already
brought you Prime's head!
If you are not careful,
your ambition will be your undoing,
And his arrogance.
His arrogance, I actually like.
But neither of you will find Prime.
Lord Megatron?
Not until you really start to hurt him.
We must forge weapons
from his weaknesses
honor brotherhood
That's how we'll defeat Prime
and win this war.
Next Episode