Treat Me Carelessly (2024) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Hey, Yoon-bok.
I don't know if you feel the same way,
but you see
I love you.
I am fine.
Why don't you think about it first?
I think I will be fine.
I see.
Are you really fine?
Very much so.
But Yoon-bok,
could we at least sit at the same table
and talk face-to-face?
I could never dream
of sharing a table with my master.
Come on, we live in the 21st century now.
And "master"?
I was your academy teacher for a bit.
No, Master.
Out of all the masters, you are the one
who imparted true wisdom to me.
This won't do.
I don't want to be your master.
I want you as my man.
Again, I am fine.
No, you're not.
I love you, all right?
Excuse me.
Could you have
emotional outbursts elsewhere?
I love you.
-I love you.
-I'm fine.
-I love you.
-I'm fine.
-I love you.
-I'm fine.
But I love you!
Can't you let me love you, Yoon-bok?
My apologies.
Once again, I am fine
Stop saying that!
Why do love stories
have to be so cliché and sad?
I could not dare touch you
and had to resort to this.
Please forgive my impertinence.
Allow me to adjust your dress.
-I am 30-year-old Kim Hong-do.
-Please excuse me.
I have a crush
on 24-year-old Shin Yoon-bok,
who only sees me as his master.
Yoon-bok, I'm begging you.
Please dare to love me!
We have 450 million won.
Will anyone bid 500 million?
Any takers?
500 million?
We have 500 million.
Anyone else?
I'll make three last calls.
500 million.
500 million.
500 million. Sold!
Now, for the highlight
of tonight's auction.
The disappearance of this item
caused quite a stir recently.
What we have here is that very item.
A state-designated cultural heritage.
This eight-panel folding screen
with a cultural landscape painted
by Kim Hong-do, also known as Danwon,
vividly captures the four seasons
and the lives of scholars
in the Joseon dynasty.
we will begin at two billion won.
Two billion won.
We have 2,1 billion.
Anyone else?
We have 3,4 billion.
Do we have 3,5 billion?
We have 3,5 billion won.
Going up by 500 million.
-Do we have four billion won?
-We have a problem.
We have four billion.
Anyone willing to go higher?
The final bid is four billion.
I'll make three last calls.
Four billion. Four billion. Four billion.
Sold at four billion won!
What's going on?
Damn it.
What on earth? Is that a person?
Maybe it's a statue.
Who are you?
I decided to pay a visit
upon hearing of wicked men
stealing and trading
our people's precious cultural assets.
If I may ask,
are you the buyers or the sellers?
Or might you be
the robbers?
What are you going on about?
If it was a lapse in judgment,
I shall give you a chance to repent.
Confess your sins now.
Decorum has deserted these men.
Look, he's running away.
I shall now teach you all
manners you sorely lack.
Who the hell locked this up?
Stay back.
Stay the hell back!
Drop your weapons and surrender.
Get in!
By the way, who's the guy in the robe?
He came from Seongsan Village
to catch thieves like you
who steal cultural assets.
Seongsan Village?
This is the most special place in Korea
that countless people have visited
but none have actually been.
One, two.
Please try it.
One, two.
Through the outskirts of the village
where cheerful traditional music
and performances abound
and past the Seongsan Gate,
where gatekeepers firmly bar entry,
is a little slice of Joseon,
amidst the modernity
of 21st-century Korea.
This is Seongsan Village.
The people of Seongsan Village
live apart from modern civilization,
upholding the landscape
and customs of the Joseon period.
-Hello, there.
The authentic bit of Joseon
that survived through much chaos.
And I am
at the center of this time-honored village
and the pillar of the people.
I am a twenty-eighth generation
Shin of Woorim,
Shin Yoon-bok.
Have you been well?
It is horrifying that Danwon's painting
nearly got smuggled out of our country.
Young Master Yoon-bok
served his nation well once again.
Countless cultural assets have been
plundered over the past three years.
We cannot rest easy
until every single one of those thieves
has been arrested.
Without the help
of the generations of the Woorim family,
more would've been lost.
I am deeply ashamed as the administrator
of the Cultural Heritage Administration.
Same as always,
shameless figures are running wild
in and out of our country
to prey on what is ours.
It is a bitter state of affairs.
If I may ask,
how did you come to
the knowledge of the illegal auction
occurring deep in the mountains?
Grandfather, it is I, Yoon-bok.
You may enter.
What? A fake?
Yes, Grandfather.
Danwon's painting
proved to be an elaborate fake.
Are you suggesting it is their doing?
Yes, Grandfather.
Based on the quality
and the intricacy of the fake,
I am sure Phony is the one responsible.
Have you ascertained their whereabouts?
I have seen their escape route.
I will bring them to justice
no matter what.
Where were they headed?
Seoul, it seems.
I have been in pursuit of
Phony for a long time.
As their methods and actions
are becoming bolder as time passes,
I must seize them promptly
and extirpate their thievery.
I regret sending you out to danger alone,
but this is our fate.
Our ancestors entrusted us
to safeguard our cultural heritage.
Bring Phony to justice
and return home safely.
Yes, Grandfather.
You have improved quickly.
That is generous of you, Young Master.
If you are ready, let us depart.
Yes, Young Master.
-Lady Yeoju.
-Yes, Young Master?
I packed you some sweet potato and sikhye
so enjoy it on your way.
You have some too.
You really did not have to.
I appreciate it regardless.
Make sure not to skip meals in Seoul.
You are nagging again.
Always sleep in a warm bed.
If you ever come across danger,
Yun-a will protect you as your bodyguard.
Remember to always beware
and be careful at all times.
That is enough. I can take care of myself.
-There's no need to worry.
I'll do everything I can
to keep Young Master safe.
Some might think I am traveling far away.
It is all right.
I shall keep your words
in mind and always keep safe,
so do not worry.
I will return before you even
have the chance to miss me.
Let us go.
Go on in.
Please take care!
-Go on in.
How embarrassing to cry like this.
But I raised that boy.
-Here it is.
-Over there.
Damn it! It's so hot!
I didn't ask for a fucking hot Americano.
I told you to get me an iced Americano!
-You are correct.
I brought the ice separately
to keep it fresh.
Here you are.
Ice to meet you, coffee!
Iced coffee!
You should've told me.
You're funny.
It's so refreshing.
What am I wearing?
Please come with me.
These are your outfits for today
laid out in order.
Thank you, my servant.
I shall see myself out.
Very well.
In the fancy world of fashion,
I'm basically a servant.
I'm the designer's assistant
who's at the bottom of the pyramid
with no debut in sight.
And above me is a superior who leads
No, a superior who tries to drag me down.
She's the designer.
There you are!
Have you lost weight?
You look unbelievable.
You're eating this look up.
And above the designer is the celebrity
who makes the outfits shine.
And lastly,
right at the top of the pyramid
is the untouchable deity
of the fashion industry.
What celebrities dream of owning.
What isn't just fashion
-This is art.
-but art.
The luxury high fashion designer
sitting in this tiny triangle at the top
is the dream
of every person here, including me.
I really wanted this bag.
She's asking for it.
I spent so much money at the store
to get the sales associate to sell me one.
It took tens of millions of wons
to finally get my hands on one.
And she's refusing.
This feels so small on me.
How annoying.
Why? What's wrong with it?
I can barely breathe in this.
I hate it so much.
Let me help you.
One, two
-Are you all right?
-Yes, I'm fine.
Oh no.
I can't do the photo shoot
in these uncomfortable clothes.
Are you all right?
Fucking hell.
You can't just leave.
How annoying.
The only reason
I can endure this harsh world
where I don't matter at all is
Is Yi-rang not here yet?
-She left.
Let's just start the meeting.
Just a moment.
Could you take a look
at the promotional materials?
Wait up!
And just like that, I endure another day.
Leftovers again?
No one believes me
when I talk about this, you know that?
What kind of modern-day Scrooge
still brings home leftovers?
You're really something, aren't you?
The shoot got canceled
so these haven't been touched.
I'm an artist, okay?
I need some protein
to stay up all night working.
-Why don't we eat meat
-Meet your maker.
Thank you for the food.
It's not working again.
I can't let you go, baby.
You're the only memento I have of Mom.
You and I need to go
to Paris together, okay?
I bet they don't have flies
at home in Paris.
Sure, I'm being treated like dirt at work.
but once I win that competition,
I'll get handpicked by Camille
and start a new life as a Parisienne.
So what you're saying is that
Steven Spielberg
has to fall in love with my webcomic
out of all the webcomics in the world.
-That's right.
-Keep dreaming.
I will, you punk.
Just shut up and eat.
Come on, work with me.
Here I go.
That's it!
Doesn't it look nice?
You'd have more followers if it does.
I'm not gaining recognition now,
but this is my portfolio
and my investment for the future.
Someone liked my post already.
"Boksoon"? Sounds like a scammer.
Don't badmouth my fan.
"The pouch looks so cute and beautiful.
But the string
looks a bit dull."
I'm telling you, it's a scammer.
Is it dull?
No, it's perfect.
Perfect to put my tablet in.
Put it down.
I made it for someone else.
Don't tell me
Hong-do, let me tell you something
in all seriousness.
Men don't want something
unique and handmade.
They want designer.
Not all men are like you.
He's different.
He prefers handmade over luxury.
Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday!
-Happy birthday!
How did you know
I'm into Camille, Hyang-gi?
Everyone loves Camille.
It's just too expensive.
What a gift, you silver spoon.
You know it's my birthday next month.
My goodness.
-Me too.
Thank you so much for this.
I'll cherish it forever.
You're done already?
Happy birthday.
You made this yourself?
It's nothing compared to Camille,
but it's the only one in the world.
You're my lucky charm.
-So get in my lucky pouch.
-Hey, come on.
I want to carry you around.
-Come on, get in.
-Stop it.
What are you doing here?
I was just stretching.
What's that?
Oh, this?
It was on the ground.
I think someone left it.
Young Master.
Inspector Park has discovered
Phony's whereabouts.
That is good news.
Ask for a meeting
as soon as we arrive in Seoul.
Yes, Young Master.
We must hurry so no more
of our precious cultural assets
fall into that thief's hands.
Why are you crying so sorrowfully?
I lost my bag.
And I need to hurry to Seoul
to see my mom who's very sick.
Take this.
My ancestors imparted to me
that it is a scholar's duty
to aid those in need and act virtuously.
if you find yourself
in the presence of those in trouble,
I pray you do what I have done today.
Thank you.
It is almost time to depart.
You shall make your way to the bus.
Thank you so much.
Young Master,
the next bus leaves in an hour.
In that case,
let us enjoy a cup of gabae
for the next hour as we wait.
All right.
I seek to place an order.
You may order through the kiosk.
Yes, it's right over there.
The world is changing
at an astounding speed.
I hear that in the outside world,
something called AI
is replacing human labor.
This must be the so-called AI
that receives orders.
I shall place my order first.
Watch closely and learn.
Yes, Young Master.
I would like an iced Americano.
The AI must be hard of hearing.
I would like an iced Americano.
Look here, Mr. AI.
Can you not hear me?
-Greetings, dear customer.
Are you ordering for here or to go?
For here or
Iced America
I believe this is how it is done.
I see.
It seems
machines cannot
fully replace humans as of yet.
You're right.
You may choose your drink.
All right, thank you.
I'll get an iced tea and
Would you like an iced Americano?
-Yes, that is right.
-Got it.
-Extra ice.
Even the secondhand ones are so expensive.
Wait, a Camille shirt?
Who puts up a Camille shirt
on a used marketplace?
And 500,000 won is only a quarter
of its original price.
It's a men's shirt.
How did you know
I'm into Camille, Hyang-gi?
Can we negotiate on the price?
When was it last
you visited Seoul, Young Master?
It has been a long while.
Let us hurry lest he wait for us.
Yes, Young Master.
Young Master.
They were found
moving the box in this footage.
Once you confirm the item is real,
we'll proceed.
Very well.
-Is it me you are calling?
-Come up front, you two.
Yun-a, they must be treating us
favorably as Seongsan villagers.
Let us go.
Pardon me.
My apologies.
I am sorry,
but he has called us to the front.
My apologies.
Pardon me.
I apologize for entering ahead of you.
Goodness, where are my manners?
What are you doing?
I am Shin Yoon-bok, the twenty-eighth
generation Shin of Woorim.
I come from Seongsan Village.
So you come from Seongsan Village?
That is right. Excuse me.
What is the matter?
This place doesn't fit
your scholarly Confucian philosophy.
And your outfit
Please leave.
How rude.
You called me to come forward.
Am I not correct, Yun-a?
Your clothing is much too indecent!
If I must undress 100 times
just to catch that thief,
I shall shed everything willingly.
You're stunning.
Please, go in.
Unfortunately, I must go in alone tonight.
Very well.
I shall leave.
Pardon me.
Excuse me.
My apologies.
Pardon me.
Let's get a refund.
Do you not like it?
All I need is you, Hong-do.
You're the best gift.
All right then.
I guess I'll have to throw this out.
I'll just get rid of it
if you don't need it.
All right, I'll keep it.
Don't throw it out.
I'll wear this only when I'm out with you.
Let's go eat.
I'll treat you to a full-course meal.
Let me just call my mom.
Were you going to eat with your family?
Did you double-book again?
I'm sorry.
I can just tell them I can't make it.
No, don't.
It's your birthday, so I'll let it slide.
But I won't let you off easy next time.
Thank you.
Hurry, they must be waiting.
-I'll call you later.
How are you finding the food?
-It's great.
-Let me take over.
-Yes, sir.
Is this your first time here?
Noblemen of Joseon enjoyed eating
seolyamyeokjeok on cold winter nights.
When fire and ice
make contact with the meat three times,
it becomes perfectly coated with juice
and explodes the moment you start to chew.
It's a special delicacy.
Here you go.
Thank you.
I didn't know noblemen
used to eat such good food.
Please enjoy the food and your time here.
Thank you.
He's so charismatic.
I get why this place is so famous.
Wait, isn't it Do-yeong's birthday today?
Why are you
This is so good.
What is it about my clothing
that bars me from the club?
Young Master!
How did it go?
I searched the inside for quite some time,
but could not find anything suspicious.
However, there was one place
I could not enter.
It's the VIP room.
I made an attempt,
but I was rebuffed due to its exclusivity.
VIP room, you say?
What are the people
frequenting the place like?
They are called "club rats."
"Club rats"?
Yes, that is the moniker for regulars
who spend countless days at a club.
Then I must become one of those club rats.
Very well.
Wait, sorry?
I mean, of course.
-In that case,
I shall immediately
find you a place to stay.
Leave that to me.
An old friend lives nearby
from whom I may request help.
-How do I turn this on?
-Just press this.
-I see.
I'm getting drunk.
One more bottle of soju, please.
Thank you.
I heard this place is amazing.
I wanted to bring you here
on your birthday.
-I keep telling you.
-I recognize this voice.
You're my gift, honey.
It can't be Do-yeong, can it?
-What are they doing here?
-Is that a new shirt?
From Camille?
-I spent a lot on this.
-What the heck?
I want to be a boyfriend
suitable for an elegant woman like you.
Is he
It looks good on you.
-two-timing me?
-Do you want it?
No way.
This can't be.
Calm down.
This is all just a dream.
What is it?
This is definitely not a dream.
We should go somewhere else, honey.
Good idea.
These little
My head is spinning in circles.
Hey, Hong-do.
Can you pretend you didn't see us?
Do-yeong and I
are secretly dating.
Secretly dating?
We should go.
Come on.
Lee Do-yeong.
What are you doing?
-Take it off.
Take the shirt off.
What's the matter, Hong-do?
How could you do this to me?
You of all people
You shouldn't do this to me.
How could you walk all over me?
Let go of me, Kim Hong-do!
Take your drunk self home!
Let's go.
What's going on with her?
She's drunk out of her mind.
Come on, let's go.
Take the shirt off now!
-What's wrong with you?!
-What's wrong, Hong-do?
Let's just talk it out!
Let go, you crazy woman!
I honestly want to know.
Why do people
walk all over me?
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
I just had quite a sad
but a beautiful dream.
I'm late!
Wait a minute.
What's with my back?
You're holding hands.
My goodness,
you two are perfect for each other.
-I can't believe it.
I had my suspicions
when you gave him Camille as a gift.
So you two were dating?
Who asked who out?
When, where, and how?
Do-yeong did on the day
the last fashion season ended.
-No way.
-Last season?
So it's been three months?
I feel so betrayed, Hyang-gi.
-This is amazing.
-You two look perfect.
-Come on.
-There's so much dust.
It's so dirty here.
What are you doing?
-There's a huge piece of trash here.
-What are you doing?
-This place is filthy.
Are you still drunk?
Your drinking habits are horrible.
Every habit happens for a reason.
So there's a reason for this?
Of course.
-The reason is
-Oh no!
Are you all right?
I'm okay, Hyang-gi.
Step back. It's dangerous here.
Be careful.
Are you down for coffee, Hyang-gi?
It's on me. No, wait a minute.
I'll buy everyone here coffee!
-For real?
-Let's all go!
-Let's go, everyone.
-You're the best!
-Come on!
-No way!
-It's my treat!
-Come on!
That son of a
I did my best to decorate the place
recommended by your friend,
but you may want to move to a better
It is fine.
I find it quite pleasant, so do not worry.
Does this device not heat food?
It does, Young Master.
Will you be all right here?
Why did you bring so much?
Have you been good?
Of course, thanks to you.
I can't tell you how grateful I am.
I'm more grateful to you.
You took me in when I had nowhere to go.
It's a shame the director isn't here
to see what you've become.
-How are you?
-Isn't he big now?
You're so big and heavy now.
Did you eat well like I told you to?
I had two bowls of rice.
Did you really?
What did I promise to get you
if you eat well?
Was it this?
Then was it this?
-It's not?
What was it?
Let me see.
Was it this?
A kick scooter!
-What a gift.
-Thank you!
-Be careful, okay?
-How have you been?
You two grew so much.
-Can you help with this?
-Take this.
-There's so much.
Be careful, it's heavy. Take this too.
I brought food from Seongsangwan.
They use ingredients
delivered from Seongsan Village,
so it should suit your palate.
-Let us eat.
-All right.
Do not cross the line.
I apologize.
-Where are you?
-None of your business.
Why aren't you here?
Take it.
You wanted it off me. Here it is.
What now?
For what?
For cheating on me with Hyang-gi
and deceiving me,
for calling me a crazy woman, pushing me,
and walking all over me!
Apologize right now.
Why are you being so clingy?
We weren't even together.
We weren't together?
I never liked you.
I was just being friendly.
Then what was this about?
Why did you give me this?
Oh, that.
I pitied you.
Then why did you ask me
to look over the promotional materials?
You volunteered.
What about the Camille shirt?
You said you'd only wear it
when seeing me.
This is a fake.
Hyang-gi noticed right away.
It was so embarrassing.
The same goes for you.
You were just a fake to me, Kim Hong-do.
Hyang-gi is the real one.
Hey, Lee Do-yeong.
Lee Do-yeong!
Wearing the clothes I bought you
Wearing the perfume I bought you
You shouldn't do this to me.
How could you walk all over me?
Let go of me, Kim Hong-do!
You were just a fake to me, Kim Hong-do.
Hyang-gi is the real one.
Rotten bastard.
The number you have dialed does not exist.
I'll show you how much I've changed
I'll show you how prettier I've become
I won't cry like a fool anymore
Over love
Over you leaving me
I'll meet a better man
And show you how happier I am
I won't let this tear me apart!
I won't fall apart
She's out of her mind.
How bitter.
Have you been well?
Who are you?
Do you know me?
You must not remember me.
You do look a bit familiar.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I am Shin Yoon-bok, your former pupil.
Shin Yoon-bok?
Yoon-bok who used
to go to the webcomic academy?
My goodness, that's you?
Do you recall me now?
Of course, I do.
It's been so long.
Has it been seven years?
At 17, I ran away from home
for the first time.
I am here to request learning.
Look at his outfit.
-What's with his hat?
-He's cute though.
Look at his bag.
Is he begging for attention or what?
Although I hoped life in Seoul
would be different,
it was hardly smooth sailing.
You know that kid from Seongsan Village?
Isn't he a bit strange?
-Who wears that hat nowadays?
-I know, right?
When they told him to take it off,
he said,
"It is my last duty as a scholar."
I couldn't stop laughing.
My goodness, Young Master!
What brings you to such a humble place?
Allow me to take your bag.
Or is it your bundle?
Allow me to carry your bundle for you.
Oh no!
Please forgive me, Young Master!
-Behead him immediately!
Being different made me a laughing stock,
depleting my confidence.
That is when I met her.
Here you go.
"Shin Yoon-bok"?
Is that your name?
Hi, I'm Kim Hong-do.
The master who saw me at my lowest
and accepted me as I am
was Master Kim Hong-do.
Hey, Young Master.
You're supposed to draw your family,
not the face on the 1,000-won bill.
Is that old guy your family or something?
That looks great.
Your grandfather
seems like a very dignified man.
there's no shame in being different.
Whatever people think of you,
you're amazing just as you are.
Got it?
Let's see.
You did a great job.
Yes, it has been a long time.
But why are you here?
Well, a friend told me
that I will find you here.
Furthermore, I sought to offer
these flowers to you, Master.
Please accept
the humble gratitude of your pupil.
Oh my goodness.
But I taught you so long ago.
I should have done this every year.
I sincerely apologize
for my belated gratitude.
Thank you.
Do not thank me.
I am only doing my duty as your pupil.
Thank you so much.
I haven't received flowers
from anyone in ages.
Where are my manners?
Let's sit and talk.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Take it off.
Take it off right now.
This is not appropriate, Master.
Take it off
That was you?
Please calm down.
What a difficult situation to be in.
What can I do to stop you from crying?
Please speak freely.
What can I do to stop you from crying?
I don't know.
Buy me some flowers or something.
Did you sleep well, Master?
Why are you here, Yoon-bok?
Why is it that Master Kim
avoids me so ardently?
I witnessed suspicious figures
going through the VIP entrance.
What? Where do you want me to take you?
The ways of a club rat
are much too perplexing for me.
-Did you design this yourself, Hyang-gi?
-Are you accusing me of copying you?
-Just quit your job.
-If you're uncomfortable, then you quit.
Just get lost, Kim Hong-do!
How dare you lay hands on her?
Subtitle translation by: Ji-hun Lee
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