Tribes of Europa (2021) s01e01 Episode Script

Chapter 1

I'm Liv.
Liv of the Origines.
For many years,
my tribe and my family lived happily
in harmony with nature.
We had retreated from the world outside.
We thought we were safe in our forests.
We thought we could live in peace forever.
But we were wrong.
We can't stay out of this anymore.
The Tribes are fighting mercilessly
for supremacy over Europe.
And we're in the middle of it.
My family is somewhere out there…
but I will find them.
No matter the cost.
You're nervous, huh?
You don't need to be scared.
The Raiders cut off whole limbs
during initiation.
First, the left middle finger,
a toe from your right foot,
one of your ears,
and at the very end,
your little wiener.
-You did not!
-Come on, old man. Come here!
What now?
I remember you being stronger.
Who is stronger?
You win.
I let you win.
You were a little scared.
What? Not at all!
Maybe it's--
What was that?
Elja, do you know?
Elja, stay here!
What was that?
Let's go!
What? Are you crazy?
We have to take a look.
Right now.
It's from outside and dangerous.
-An airplane just crashed.
-It wasn't a plane.
Nothing like that.
It didn't exist before Black December.
Only after.
Another reason to take a look.
Come on, please!
Kiano, he will decide.
Let's leave.
Don't tell the others.
We don't want them to be nervous.
Hurry up!
Not bad, my boy.
It'll make a nice pelt.
-Where is Father?
You've already prepped it all?
I knew you'd do it.
A wolf.
King of the forests.
Well done, my son.
Thank you.
We saw something.
An aircraft,
but not like from the old-world.
Much more modern.
More like a spacecraft.
-They don't exist.
-They do.
It crashed in the northern end.
-We have to take a look.
-I think Kiano's right.
-Everything okay?
It's all good.
Go back to work.
We need to prep for initiation.
We are Origines.
We stay out of the business of Outsiders
as we've always done.
The world out there
is not ours.
I assure you that my Bozies will retrieve
every single one of the escaped slaves.
An unfortunate turn of events,
Highlord Tocks.
Highly unfortunate.
Am I right, Lord Varvara?
Hail the strongest, Kapitan.
I'm highly curious.
Why would you interrupt me
in the middle of a, dare we say,
ambiguous little conversation?
I have news of utmost urgency.
You better do.
You better do.
One of my squads
shot down a flying object.
An Atlantian Hoverjet.
-It crashed in the southern forests.
-Crimson territory.
I ask for permission to retrieve
the wreck before enemies do.
We have no time to lose, Kapitan.
Atlantian technology.
The key to rule the continent.
Very tempting.
Would you agree, Tocks?
What is your advice?
Even if so, penetrating Crimson borders
will mean political escalation, war.
Varvara, take all you need.
If you're successful,
you will be most generously rewarded,
of course.
A position as one of my Highlords,
for instance.
If the position
unexpectedly becomes vacant.
Kapitan! I meant…
Tell me, Varvara,
what should I do with someone,
who carelessly lost
dozens of slaves?
No mercy for weakness, Kapitan.
As all Crows do.
Go now.
Don't disappoint me.
That's it?
What choice do I have?
You're just like him.
Don't start that again, Kiano.
He respects you.
Not like he respects you.
You continue his legacy, I…
You guys don't get me.
I do get you.
So does Elja.
Not like she used to.
Something finally happens,
you act like it's nothing.
No. Tomorrow, I'll look at the aircraft,
no matter what he says.
-No you won't!
-Stop it, guys!
-Will you come along?
It might have answers
about Black December.
-Why the old-world ended.
-Kia, please.
Let's not argue, okay?
You're right.
Are you ready?
Mom would be proud.
She would.
We're always here for you.
No matter what.
No matter how much we argue.
We'll stay together.
All life is one.
-All life is one.
-All life is one.
In accordance with the laws of our founder
and mother, Chloe, we welcome you, Elja,
following your first successful hunt
into the circle of adults.
We are Origines.
We retreated from the old-world
into the security of the forest.
Where we live
in peace and harmony with nature.
The Refugium, our home.
From now on, Elja,
carry our mark with pride
and a sense of responsibility
towards nature, your fellow people,
and all other living beings.
Lead a life free of technology
as it brought on
the demise of the old-world.
Let go of the past
and embrace your future life
as a son of the forest.
Are you ready?
of the Origines!
Of the Origines!
Let's run away.
You and me.
I want to be free.
I want to see the world.
That's why I'm leaving.
So are you in or are you in?
You're crazy.
Maybe it came from outer space.
That aircraft.
I doubt that.
Why? Maybe it wasn't humans
who caused the catastrophe.
We'll never find out.
We should have taken a look.
What if there are survivors?
They might need help.
They could be dying out there.
What if they're dangerous
and find us here?
I lead our people in accordance
with your mother's principles.
All life is one.
That was her principle, too.
Get your weapons.
We're heading out.
Don't touch anything.
What's that thing?
Maybe a drone from the old days.
Did that exist back then?
I've never seen anything like that.
There were planes,
helicopters, space shuttles.
But these things
didn't exist before the catastrophe.
How do you fly it?
Looks like the cockpit's missing.
Where's the pilot?
Maybe with the Crimsons.
I don't think so.
Camp Ahrenberg is too far south.
More likely Little Praha.
Yes, the two of us will check it out.
You all return to the Refugium!
Liv, you're in charge until I get back.
Shall I come?
Go now.
We're leaving.
The pilot could be anywhere here.
How can that thing even exist?
-Don't "hey" me!
He didn't mean it.
Liv, he favors you.
Always has.
That's not true.
You remind him of Mom, and I remind him
of everything he hates about himself.
You want to leave.
You want to see the world outside.
I'll tell you about it.
Things fly through the air like yesterday
and get shot down by savages.
By people who kill
and cut off Uncle Mark's arm for a meal.
That was ten years ago.
Who says it's still like that?
You can't go, Kia.
Your place is here in the Refugium.
We need you.
Because nobody's as good at hunting boars?
Because you're my brother and I love you!
I don't want anything to happen to you.
And neither does Alana.
I'm an Origine, Liv.
And I will always be one. Promise.
It's too quiet here, if you ask me.
Far too quiet.
The flag of the Republic.
Since when are they part of the Crimsons?
I don't know.
Elja! Where the hell were you?
What's that?
Just stuff.
Show me the stuff.
You found him?
Found who?
The pilot.
Where is he?
The protection of the Crimsons
didn't help them.
There was no looting.
We'll build a stretcher.
You want to take him back to the Refugium?
If we don't operate on him, he'll die.
Do you want that?
Are you crazy?
Is that the pilot?
He needs our help.
He needs an operation.
We can't do that.
We don't have time to discuss this.
-Jakob wouldn't want it.
-He isn't here!
We need to go back.
They will find us!
Jakob, come now! Jakob!
-Check on him again in an hour. Thanks.
Will he make it?
He's lost a lot of blood.
We can only hope.
It was the right decision, Luise.
Thank you.
Better convince him.
Are you guys crazy?
You know, this is against our law!
I did it with the best of intentions.
Listen up!
There are dangerous people nearby.
A tribe called Crows.
They are looking for this man.
He can't stay. He has to leave.
Get him out.
Calm down!
We'll take the Outsider to the wreck.
We'll be safe in the Refugium.
The forest will protect us.
As it always has.
Keep your weapons ready, just in case.
You know what to do.
Get your weapons!
I want you to go to Camp Ahrenberg
and ask for help. Now.
-The Crimsons only protect tribes that--
-Say Little Praha was wiped out.
What's gonna happen now?
Nothing's gonna happen.
We'll take the pilot away,
and all will be fine.
We can't change what happened.
It's most important
that we stick together.
As a tribe.
As a family.
Do you understand?
What was that?
Come here.
We are Origines.
We are the voices of the forest,
the blood of the earth,
and the breath of the wind.
We were born
in the waters of the eternal lake.
And we'll return to it
when our time has come.
We will never fade.
All life is one.
-All life is one.
-Stay together.
No matter what happens, stay together!
Screams from the forest.
They found the entrance.
We have what you want!
Take cover!
Get up!
Get out of here!
-But I can't just leave you.
-Hey! We're not going to make it!
Okay? Go!
Run to Little Praha!
This man here…
had an artifact with him,
an Atlantian Cube.
My Bozies saw a boy running away with it.
Where is he?
-Do you understand me?
Where is the boy with the Cube?
I don't know.
I swear!
Please! No!
Please leave him alone.
Where is my Cube?
We don't have what you're looking for!
You know something, huh?
Where is my Cube?
-Please! We--
-Are you going to keep interrupting me?
Look at me!
Where is the Cube?
Tell me, and I'll spare your life.
I know nothing about it.
Too bad.
No! Please don't!
We only found the wreck!
At the north end of the forest!
We have no Cube!
Yes, we do!
I know it!
I know where this Cube is.
It's stuck…
Just say it.
up my ass!
Wanna take a look?
You've got pretty big balls, Volnik.
Pretty big balls.
Leave him alone!
No! Don't!
Now back to you.
You're lucky.
And you,
you're gonna be my present
for Kapitan Yvar.
The great warlord of the Crows.
Whom you will all bow down to 'til death!
Subtitle translation by Julia Göllnitz
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