Trickster (2020) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

Where you going?
Give me my baby!
Baby killer!
Baby killer!
You crazy bitch!
Get in!
- You killed my dog!
- Jesus, Mom.
I want my money!
Fuck off and stay fucked loser!
Crazy bitch!
You killed my dog!
I want my money!
Who was that guy?
Ah, that was just Richie.
Have a drag,
it'll calm you down.
No way, I got school, Mom.
Don't be a pussy.
This shit's legal now.
He's your dealer, right?
How much do you even owe him?
I mean, really?
He owes me.
I bought his shit and
it was just that, shit.
I said, you know,
I can't even get high
off your coke, Richie.
You sell shit, I pay shit.
Guess he didn't
like getting told.
Asshole thinks siccing his dog
on you's gonna make me sweat.
Yeah well it made me sweat.
I took care of it, didn't I?
You ran over his dog, Mom.
That's cold.
Yeah, to save you!
I'm grateful.
Until he murders
me after school.
Come here.
I'll kill and die
for you, Jelly Bean.
Don't ever forget it!
All right.
I've got your assignments
here from last week.
Excellent work. Very well done.
Really good job, Caleb.
Tyler, not your best work.
Yo, Jared.
I expect more from you.
Don't you smell pretty.
Pretty fucked up.
You really need to
slow down and focus Ryan.
You can do better, Jared.
I want you to see the
Guidance Counsellor.
Crackers for your
mini cucumbers?
Sure, go crazy, man.
You ride your bike today?
You think I could
borrow it after school?
I've got a really early shift
at work and I-I can't be late.
Sure, I got my Game On
group after class anyway.
You know Game On?
Hey, you should come by, dude.
Maybe we'd team up
like back in the day.
Remember when we
used to play friggen-
Hey man, shoo!
Me and Jared got grown
up matters to discuss.
You don't own the
hallways, Dylan.
Pretty sure I do.
Hey, working later?
Need some of those
extra salty fries.
Yeah, come by any
time after six.
All right, it's a date.
It's a date.
What kinda dweeb makes
up his own nickname, man?
It's my gamer tag.
Okay, okay, so it's kinda like-
Hey man, back off
if you want those
extra salty fries you
like so much, eh?
All right.
All right, all right.
Nice talking to ya.
Ah, Crashmat, ah, whatever.
What a douchebag.
I'm sorry, man.
It's fine.
Princess at Fanny's,
she always gives me
a free lap dance.
I don't pay for shit
when I go there.
It's so unfair.
Hey Jelly Bean! - Jelly Bean!
How you doin'?
We're havin' a good
time over here.
Come on, come on.
A hug.
I'll hug you!
Fight your mom.
I'm not fighting you.
Fight your mother!
Come on!
I'm not fighting you.
Fight, fight!
Beer for your loss.
I birthed that kid in
the back of my truck.
Mom, when you hear
the timer go off,
take the tray out of the oven.
Mom, don't forget.
You almost burnt the
place down last time.
I heard you.
Yeah you fucking did, Maggie.
No I didn't.
Yeah you did!
I love you, Jelly Bean.
What's up, man.
Hey, Dad.
You're just in time.
Beer and crib.
Can't, I gotta go to work.
Aw, come in for a sec,
I could use the company.
That's uh for rent,
plus, uh, there's
a little extra.
Groceries and clothes, you know,
but nothing else, Dad.
Shit, no.
I'm not taking
painkillers anymore,
you know that.
Its just til I get
back on my feet.
Yeah I know.
I'm working on getting
my social worker to, uh,
increase my
disability cheques, so.
Hey Destiny.
We, uh, tied one on last night.
Destiny can't keep
up with the old man.
The only woman that
ever could was your mom.
She was something else, eh.
Hey, she doesn't know you're
helping me out, does she?
No, no.
If she found out
she would kill me.
Yeah, you and me both.
I'd like to pay for
these please, cash.
I'll pay the hydro bill later.
- Hi, welcome to - Tasty Bucket.
Can I take your order please?
Yeah, gimme a three-piece meal,
onion rings, and a coke?
That'll be $15.59,
drive up, please.
There you go.
Sorry it's all in change.
So Jared, you working hard
or hardly working?
Yeah, we actually added
a extra sauce just 'cause
you're a regular and we,
we appreciate your business.
Well I appreciate the service.
You're not one of the lazy ones.
Thanks, have a great one.
Hey, welcome to Tasty Bucket.
Can I take your order please?
Large root beer, nuggets,
extra salty fries.
Extra salty fries?
Yeah, dude, extra salty fries.
Okay, that'll be, uh, $9.70.
Please drive up.
Tasty bro.
What's going on Ja-ron?
Not much, man.
Here's your, uh, order, sir.
Holy moly, molly!
Enjoy, man.
You know it.
- Hi, welcome to - Tasty Bucket.
Can I take your order please?
You just shit yourself.
Listen, do yourself
a favour kid.
Talk sense into that bat-shit
crazy mom of yours.
Yeah, that'll be, uh, 450-
Oh, you mean two grand.
That's what your
bitch mom owes me.
Matter of fact,
let's round it up to three.
Cover the cost of my dead dog.
How's that?
Three grand, three days.
Or the next dead bitch
lying in a ditch
is gonna be your mommy.
You are shitting me.
You're in town right now.
No, no, no, you're gonna
come and stay with me.
Yeah, we're gonna throw a party.
No you bit the bag.
- Okay. Yeah, no, great.
- I'll talk to you later.
Now that was a blast
from the past.
That was my buddy-
Is everything okay?
Yeah, uh, the extra
cash I gave you.
Could I have some of it back?
Close your eyes and
hold out your hand.
Wait, why?
Duh, a surprise.
Do it.
I'm pregnant!
Ugh, please tell me
you washed this!
That's why you were
sick the other morning?
Not because you were hungover?
You're gonna be an uncle!
I think you mean brother.
Uh, you know, forget
I asked about the money.
It-it's all good.
Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah it's all good.
If that's the case, uh,
do you think you
could help a guy out?
I've got a baby to
look after now.
Yeah, I'll-I'll
see what I can do.
It's been a while, Jared.
How are things?
You know, same.
How's home?
Uh, it's fine.
It's been about a year since
your parents separated right?
Yeah, I guess so.
You know, I don't really
think about it too much.
Tell me something.
Do you think your
parents' separation has
anything to do with
your mediocre grades?
Because, I'm
not gonna lie Jared,
I am concerned.
Yeah, uh, I just got a C+
on my Chem paper, you know.
That's-that's good enough.
Mm, yeah, maybe for
the average student.
But you're smarter
than most men,
yet you continually
take home the prize for
most aspiring underachiever.
So, why do you
think that is, hm?
Just think what you could do
if you actually
applied yourself.
Like really, really think
about that right now.
Take that and squeeze it
and release any of this tension
that's stopping you from-
from seizing your path, man!
Come on!
Squeeze the ball.
I want you to squeeze
the ball, okay.
Now close your eyes.
Now, where do you see
yourself in five years?
You know, I don't.
I don't.
Oh shit.
Does the Whitesail Route
stop here?
No I don't think so.
Huh, it used to.
Yeah, more things change,
more they stay the same.
You grew up here then?
I don't like this colour.
Do you like this colour?
Fred is that you?
Just kidding.
You were at Phil's, weren't you?
No, but even if I was,
I'm not allowed
to go see my dad?
You know your dad's a user?
He's off the oxy.
That's not what
I'm talking about.
You giving him money, hm?
No, you know what?
I know-
You're cute.
Come to Dylan's
party this weekend.
You can sell your happy pills
and make everybody feel happy.
I'll introduce you around.
You'd do that?
For you, I would.
What the hell's going on?
Mom, these are my friends.
I'll show you how to
play a real drinking game.
Russian roulette.
Six shooters.
The shooter with the
vodka is the bullet.
Bam bam bam bam bam!
Yo Jared, your mom is lit!
Line 'em up.
There we go.
All right.
Last night was a blast.
My friends seemed to
like you more than me.
Learn how to hold
your drink better.
So that Richie guy,
is he for real?
Why you bringing him up?
Got enough of a fucking headache
without you adding
that prick to the mix.
Just asking if he's for
real or if he's just talk.
Told ya I'd take care of it.
Where you going?
Call in sick.
We'll order Chinese
and watch bad movies.
Not with no money we won't.
I hope you hit him harder.
It's nothing.
Where are the tweezers?
Where are the tweezers?
Fuck, I need tweezers.
Oh, take that!
Sniped them all in one shot!
That gun is probably
worth like 300 bucks.
If I sold my account it'd
be worth ten times that.
At least.
That's a better profit
margin than dealing E.
Doubt it.
You know how long it took
me to get my character
this good, dude?
Jared, so nice to see you again.
It's nice to be back,
Mrs. Robinson.
You're welcome to
stay for supper.
Mom, we can't pause the game.
All right.
Thank you!
Your mom's so nice.
Yeah, I just think she's
happy that you're here.
She doesn't really like it
when I'm gaming out alone.
But, you know,
I'm just laying low.
Yeah, I should do the same.
What's going on?
Got rolled.
All my dope and cash,
it's just gone.
Shit, dude.
Well do you know who it was?
Probably my mom's
dealer, Richie.
She owes him like three grand.
But it didn't look like Richie.
Who was it?
Ugh, I've been seeing
some weird shit lately.
Probably just tripping from
too much shit or something.
Either that or-
Crazy's hereditary, right?
Jelly Bean!
What's up?
I'm toasted.
I need a coffee to level me out.
No, not here.
No, get out of here.
I won't cause any trouble.
Just get me a coffee.
I'll go sit in the corner.
Shut up.
I love you, thank you.
You shut up.
I already know I gotta
stop doing this shit.
I'm just kidding.
Gotta fucking quit
doing this shit, man.
Gotta quit doing it.
Son of a bitch!
Mom, what are you doing?
Mom! - Wait.
No he, that was somebody else!
Hey, I'm-I'm really sorry, sir.
I'm really sorry - No!
You need to leave, please leave!
I swear!
My apologies, sir.
- Hey man, I'm sorry.
Sorry, man.
This is not the first time
your mom has caused shit.
What the hell is her problem?
I don't know why
she does this, man.
Please, I'm sorry. Tony, Tony.
So am I!
I'm gonna have to let you go.
Oh no, no, no, I'm fired?
Look, I like you,
all right, Jared.
But this can't keep happening.
It's bad for business.
Just finish off your shift,
all right?
I'm short staffed.
What, is this your
way of saying sorry?
I could just dump it on you.
Have you ever regret having me?
What kind of a stupid
question is that?
Haven't you ever
wondered what your life
would have been like without me?
My life didn't exist
before you, Jelly Bean.
You ever regret having
a crazy-ass mom?
With anger management issues?
What kind of stupid
question is that?
Roast beef for dinner?
We don't have any
in the freezer.
I'll buy some.
Good cut too,
none of that cheap-ass
shit that you always buy.
We don't have any money.
Chill your cucumber.
I'll work it out.
Well have you worked
it out with Richie yet?
The world is hard.
You have to be harder.
I didn't Lizzie Borden anyone,
if that's what you're thinking.
Spoiled moose meat.
Freezer conked out.
You just moved in with
the Jacks family?
Yeah, it's a foster home.
Yeah, I know.
I just live across the
street right there.
I thought you had blue hair?
I did.
Life comes at you fast.
So, uh, where you from?
Foster kid.
So what's this place like?
It's, it's whatever, you know.
Nothing to do, nothing going on.
Unless you're an
oil and gas worker.
Did you know there's
a direct link
between the industrial
exploitation of land
and violence against
Indigenous women?
Wow, I did not know that.
So, uh, how long you staying?
This is my third
foster home this year.
Figure I'll be on to the
next by Thanksgiving.
Sooner if this place sucks.
So you can just
leave when you want?
Can't you?
Wait, what?
- Want to go to - Dylan's party?
Check it out, man.
Come on.
There you are!
I've been telling everyone
about your amazing product.
Yeah, thanks, but, I'm out.
She wants you, bro.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa,
don't fight it, bro.
Easy does it, breathe.
What'd you take?
You-you all right?
Hey, he's tripping, all right?
Get flushed, Maxi Pad.
I got this.
Weird, I just saw
you in the kitchen.
Our world is worth fighting for!
I saw some crazy shit.
I gotta quit mixing.
Or just quit all together.
What time is it?
Almost noon.
Can I borrow some cash?
Dude, I got like
30 bucks to my name.
That might do.
How you gonna turn
30 bucks into three grand
in a few hours?
Under the G, 53.
Under the O, 72.
Everyone's favourite, B13.
For the lover birds, I29.
Under the I, 29.
Under the N, 34.
Give it up for G52.
Another B.
Number 9.
Any luck?
I don't know.
I should've tried
scratch and win.
Scratch this.
Where'd you get this?
I robbed the Tasty Bucket.
Came in there like that.
Just kidding.
I sold my account.
Games, characters, rare items.
It's all there.
Three grand.
Man, I can't take this.
Dude, you gotta.
I'll pay you back
as soon as I can.
I know.
Why'd we quit hanging out?
Shit got crazy when
my parents split up.
Terminal's sure gonna
change things around here.
For good or for bad?
Ugh, gross!
His place should be just
right around the corner.
Uh, your mom wouldn't
kill Richie would she?
No, my mom's crazy
but not that crazy.
Uh, I gotta get home.
What are you doing on the floor?
He milked himself.
Hey, what's he doing here?
Chill, everything's fine.
Hey, your momma figured out
a way to pay off her debts.
You thought Richie
came here to kill me?
We got a little carried
away in the kitchen.
What happened to your place?
Oh you saw that did you?
I told Richie that if we,
uh, torch his trailer,
I can make it look
like an accident.
Sexy and conniving.
I mean, Richie's gonna
collect way more money
in insurance than
what I owed him.
We're splitting it 50/50.
Yeah, 60/40.
50/50 or I'll burn
your truck too.
Told ya I'd take care
of it, Jelly Bean.
Arson and insurance fraud
to settle a drug debt?
Guess there's some
sick logic to it.
Well if it's not
already obvious,
Richie is staying
with us for a while.
No god, are you serious?
Yeah, well, thanks
to your wild child mom,
I ain't got no place
to live anymore!
Aren't you the sentimental one.
What's the matter?
Never had a Corvus Corax
talk to you before?
No, you're not-you're not real.
I'm tripping.
No, you're not real,
I'm tripping.
Your time is almost up!
Next Episode