Triptych (2023) s01e01 Episode Script


When an idea
is carefully nurtured,
it grows and takes on a life of its own.
But what happens when a destructive idea
settles in the mind?
It may be merely imperceptible at first,
just a microscopic germ.
The malevolent idea feeds
on the person's mind.
It multiplies.
It devours everything around it.
Everything good that fought against it.
Willpower, empathy,
kindness, felicity.
All of the good healthy qualities
of the person disappear
as they are devoured
by its insatiable appetite.
At this point,
the parasite has outgrown the host's
capacity for healthy coexistence.
And that's when
You can't go up, Ms. Aleida.
everything explodes.
The person that once was
doesn't exist anymore.
And in her place
a monster.
She feels cornered and afraid.
Like a rabid animal. Furious.
And here we are.
You're coming with me. Let's go!
Calm down.
Stay calm.
Please just drop the gun.
You shut the hell up!
That's it. Keep pressure on it.
That's right. Hang in there, sir!
We've got you. Hang in there.
- Where's the shooter?
- We need an ambulance!
- We're going. Don't worry.
- She's upstairs! She's with the doctor!
- What doctor? Where?
- She's out of her mind!
She has a gun! Please get up there!
Upstairs! Hurry! She's got a gun!
She's gonna kill the doctor!
Aleida, just relax.
Put the gun down.
- Let's talk.
- Just don't talk!
Move. Hurry up! Come on!
- Stay there! Stay where you are!
- Hands over your head!
Don't you goddamn move.
- Okay, relax.
- I swear, I'll shoot you.
- Look, relax.
- Don't screw around!
Okay, it's all good.
Guns on the ground!
Get up the stairs. Move!
Move it!
Go! Don't stop, or I'll shoot you.
Move it! Hurry up!
Keep going.
Don't stop. I'll shoot.
Calm down, Aleida.
Shut it!
Shut up and walk.
Yeah, keep walking.
Calm down, calm down.
- Captain Solana.
- What do we know about the shooter?
It's Dr. Julia Bátiz's patient.
She spent the last three months
in a psych ward after a psychotic break.
- Do we have communication?
- Not yet, sir.
The team had to hold back
because she had the doctor at gunpoint.
-Ortega, come in.
- Excuse me, sir.
This is Ortega. Go ahead.
Sir, the suspect took
the hostage up to the roof.
Aleida, don't do this.
It's not too late.
I'm on your side. Believe me.
I'll kill you, then I'll kill myself.
Look at me.
Look at me, and pull yourself together.
I know you remember how.
Just breathe.
Take a deep breath,
and repeat after me.
Shut it! Stop fucking counting!
I don't want to hear
another word out of you.
Don't talk.
Why don't you talk, Aleida?
This is your opportunity.
- Hmm?
- Doctor Bátiz, you all right?
No, the doctor is not all right.
And she'll be worse
if you don't do what I say.
I'm listening.
I want a TV crew here.
I want reporters.
All right, television.
Get the fucking press and reporters here!
You've got five minutes.
Make it happen, asshole.
Okay, okay, okay.
Have you got a shot?
Distance, 75 meters.
You're gonna tell them everything.
You can. You have all the power right now.
They'll listen.
Aleida, I'm on your side.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
When you have a clean shot, take it.
Breathe, Aleida.
You can trust me.
Hostage is blocking my shot.
Put your weapon down!
This is the Federal Police.
You're surrounded!
Drop your weapon,
and lie face down on the ground!
I have the shot.
No, don't shoot!
- Drop your weapon down! Drop it now!
- Hands up!
Drop it!
It all happened so fast.
I heard a shot and saw the doctor go down.
Can we get a shot of this?
We instructed the suspect
to drop her weapon,
but she raised it at us.
So, I fired.
Doctor, how is she?
Will Aleida be all right?
Get going.
- Ma'am, how many dead people?
- Good, file it.
Fuentes, they're up on the roof.
I'll be there soon.
you can't go in there, Ms. Aleida.
Where's the shooter?
Hurry! She's out of her mind!
She's got a gun!
She's alive!
Who are you?
How do you know my name?
No. No, no, no, no, no.
Stay with me, stay with me, stay with me.
Please don't go. Don't die.
Don't die. Don't you dare die now.
Where the hell are the paramedics,
for fuck's sake? She's dying!
- She's alive?
- Don't die. Please. No.
Don't go, don't go.
Stay with me. Stay here, stay here.
- Come here.
- No!
- Let them work. Come!
- Let go of me! Don't touch me! Get away!
Stop! Stop!
- Are you family?
- No.
Becca Becca, do you know her?
No, I've never seen her before in my life.
Get moving!
Don't stand around! Transport the patient!
Move it!
Move, asshole!
She knows my name.
She knows who I am.
You okay, Becca?
Maybe you should get some sleep.
How is she?
She was in surgery all night.
Last I heard, she's
in intensive care,
at the same hospital as the doctor.
What do we know about her?
Aleida Trujano, 32 years old.
Married three years ago. Turns out
this doctor Julia Bátiz is her shrink.
And in December, she was hospitalized.
Why? What happened?
Some sort of psychotic break.
I don't have too many details.
It's confidential.
And check this out.
Before she landed in hospital,
Aleida Trujano was the big-shot president
of an international
high-level executive head-hunting firm.
I want to be there for the interrogation.
No way that's happening.
I have to talk to her.
You're not a detective.
Captain Solana.
The shooter's husband is here.
Eugenio Sáenz.
I can't.
She's my wife.
Shit, come on. I don't know
whether you're married or not,
but how would you feel seeing your wife
locked up in a mental institution?
What was she hospitalized for?
She had herself admitted.
So, apparently, you requested her release
even though it went against
the recommendation of her psychiatrist
Julia Bátiz.
Is that right?
What exactly are you saying?
Nothing, sir. Nothing at all.
I'm just gathering evidence.
Details relevant to the investigation.
Sir, my wife
is in intensive care.
I need to go to the hospital.
You're wasting my time.
Mr. Sáenz,
I only have a few more questions.
Please, have a seat.
Go ahead.
Why exactly did you take her
out of the hospital?
Because yesterday was a special day.
It was her birthday.
She turned 33.
Thanks for coming Mr. Sáenz.
I hope your wife makes a full recovery.
Thank you.
So what do you think?
Do you think this bastard
is hiding something?
Humberto, can we talk?
My office?
No, not here.
Your place?
Boys, what did I say?
Don't run. Walk, please.
Hey, what a surprise!
- Hi, guys! Hey!
- Dad, I won the gold.
- What? Seriously?
- Yeah!
That's awesome. Congratulations.
He's our little champion.
You should've seen him.
- I broke the block in three.
- No. Did you really?
He sure did.
I couldn't believe it.
Congratulations, son.
I wish I'd been there.
- Hello, love.
- Hello. How's it going?
We came to see if you wanted
to pick up some burgers
and help us celebrate.
I definitely want burgers. You hungry?
- Sorry.
- Yeah!
He's ours now.
Hmm. Mmm.
- All right. Fuentes, we'll talk later.
- Let's go.
- Anytime, Captain.
- Sure.
- Who's having a double-burger?
- Or a triple?
Hi, my name is Rebecca Fuentes.
I'm a detective.
I need a room number for Aleida Trujano.
Aleida, I know you can hear me.
Don't die, please.
I need to know who you are.
I need to know who we are.
Doctor Ugalde wants to speak with you.
What's wrong?
No. Nothing. Uh
Happy birthday, darling daughter.
How was your special day?
What's wrong? What is it?
I think we'd better talk.
Okay. What's going on?
Wow, is that you?
You're beautiful.
Aleida Trujano?
I don't understand. What is all this?
I was hoping you'd explain it to me.
Not only are we identical
yesterday was her 33rd birthday too.
Don't you think that I'm old enough
for you to come clean with me about it?
About what?
The secrets you've been keeping.
Like the twin sister you never bothered
to tell me about.
Have you been drinking, Becca?
No, I haven't had a drink in three months.
I'm trying to understand
why there's a woman who looks just like me
lying in a hospital,
and we happen to have the same birthday.
Why didn't I know about her?
What could've happened?
Was I switched at the hospital? Or
Was there a second daughter
that you gave up?
For God's sake!
What are you saying?
This is just ridiculous!
I didn't give away a daughter!
Well, you must know something.
Something that explains who she is or
or why there are no pictures
of you pregnant with me.
You're not in your right mind, Rebecca.
- Hey. Hey, I'm not drunk.
- I don't believe you.
Let me smell. Let me smell!
I haven't had a drop of alcohol!
But you just gave me
the perfect excuse to.
There it is, hmm?
You blame me for your drinking. Huh?
You're an alcoholic because of me.
Is that it?
Well, that's not my fault.
When will you take responsibility
for your actions?
I'm trying to do that.
Trying to take responsibility
for this illness
that I didn't want and isn't my fault.
It would help to know about my past.
Listen, Rebecca.
Why don't you look up your AA sponsor?
Or someone else
you can talk to about this?
But just leave me out of it!
Oh, your aunt and uncle are here.
We won't have another show tonight,
will we?
Because your behavior the last time
was horrible.
Just the vodka, please.
Thank you.
-Police haven't released details
- Yeah?
as to a possible motive for the attack.
Officers exchanged gunfire
with the shooter,
who is reported
to have been hit multiple times.
The suspect died
as a result of her injuries.
The suspect's identity
has not been made public,
but we have learned that the woman
was recently hospitalized
for psychiatric treatment.
According to witnesses,
the attacker burst in with a firearm,
seriously injuring the janitor
and a secretary.
Minutes later,
the police arrived at the scene
Her name is Rebecca.
She was born March 9th.
There are two donor specimens.
I need to know if they're related.
- So what do you say?
- I don't understand.
You have the best lab in the country
at your disposal.
Why don't they do it?
Because I want you to.
As a favor to me.
When will you take responsibility
for your actions?
I'm trying to do that.
Trying to take responsibility
for this illness
that I didn't want and isn't my fault.
I hope I don't have to remind you
of my birthday next year, huh?
- I'll never forget again.
- Mm-hmm.
Never ever?
I'm promising.
I'll spend the rest
of your birthdays with you.
I'm not asking for anything.
Don't make promises.
I've decided to leave Marifer.
You've more or less lived at my house
for four months.
You and I
are the only ones who know that.
Don't you think Marifer
knows you've been with me?
Things with Marifer and I are complicated.
What's so complicated?
You've been separated for months.
You said the kids are fine,
and they both seem
to have adjusted to the situation.
Leave the kids out of the conversation.
It's not about them.
You're being so unfair.
Unfair to her, unfair to me,
and really unfair to the kids.
Just be honest.
I don't want a divorce.
Marifer is pregnant.
In December,
she was hospitalized.
December? Why, what happened?
Some sort of psychotic break.
- Eugenio, call the fire department.
- What happened?
- The house is on fire.
- What?
Aleida Trujano?
We don't have any patients
registered under that name.
That's impossible.
I saw her here yesterday.
Look, try entering it again, please.
Aleida Trujano.
- Sorry, nothing.
- Hmm.
- Fuentes. Let's go.
- What're you doing here.
Are you following me?
No, no, no, no, no, wait a minute.
I was talking to that woman.
I was asking about Aleida Trujano,
and she says there's no one in the system
under that name.
- Come on.
- Can you explain how this makes sense?
Because I don't understand
how she was here yesterday,
and today's she's not in the system.
How was your AA meeting?
My meeting?
I didn't go.
Why don't you tell me what's going on?
Aleida Trujano's dead.
Whatcha' doin'?
Closing the case.
You can't be serious.
The investigation?
It's been shut down.
Seems the family
doesn't want the police involved.
But come on. They erased
any record of her at the hospital.
That's pretty suspicious, right?
Not really.
I identified the body,
and the report was normal.
The woman took three bullets
to the thorax.
No way.
You yourself said that the husband--
Becca, the case is closed.
Those are the orders from upstairs.
Well, I don't get it.
I don't get any of this.
How can you just accept it?
Remember, you can only keep working here
on the condition
that you attend AA meetings regularly.
You haven't gone in days, have you?
Leave now,
and you can make today's meeting.
Evening, ma'am.
No, don't shoot!
- Drop your weapon! Drop it now!
- Hands up!
Who are you?
How do you know my name?
Where the hell are the paramedics,
for God's sake? She's dying!
Hi, come in.
- Hey there.
- Howdy.
you were wrong.
You said there were two donors.
The two samples you gave me
have the same DNA.
Either they come from the same person,
or they're from identical twins.
I'm not crazy.
I swear on my son's life.
Just leave Alex out of this.
You don't believe me, do you?
My love,
your doctor says this is necessary.
Yes, I know what she says.
I know.
I'm not schizoid.
I don't have three personalities.
And if you don't believe me,
I'll prove it.
- Good morning.
- Good morning, sir.
- You seen Fuentes?
- She's not here. She called in sick.
Lord, these are the ashes
of your daughter
who fell asleep hopeful
for her resurrection by your side
for life eternal.
We beg you, Lord, to comfort those
who knew her and loved her in this life.
And assure them
that in the next life,
she will find peace at last.
Next Episode