TrollsTopia (2020) s01e01 Episode Script


[music plays]
[theme music plays]
[Poppy] By nature,
Trolls are determined
to make friends
wherever they go.
Friend! Friend! Friend! Ow!
[Poppy] Maybe too determined.
- Friend! Ow! Friend! Ow! Friend!
- [Poppy] So when I learned
that there were all sorts
of new Trolls out there,
it was like there were
[gasps] Friends everywhere!
- [Poppy] Ah, wait.
- Huh?
I've gotten ahead of myself.
Let me back it up.
Recently, my people discovered
we aren't the only Trolls.
We're just the Pop Trolls,
one of many separate tribes
scattered throughout the world.
the Country Western Tribe
- [country music plays]
- Classical
- [classical music plays]
- Funk
- [funky music plays]
- Techno
and Hard Rock.
we weren't always separate.
You know what?
Let me back it up even more.
Fourteen billion years ago,
when the cosmos
was still new
Uh, Poppy?
I think you've gone
too far back.
Oh, you're right.
[scoffs] What I'm trying to say is that
it's been weeks since we found out
about the other tribes,
you guys.
But we're no better friends
with them now than we were then.
- Oh, wow.
- She's right.
I mean, I don't
wanna get hysterical here,
but it's starting
to feel like they're our
- acquaintances.
- [all scream]
Mr. Dinkles, I don't ever
want you using that word.
Poppy, we all wanna be better
friends with the tribes,
but they live so far away.
What can we do?
I'll tell you what, DJ.
We can convince them
to move to Troll Village
to live with us.
[all] Ooh!
Just close your eyes
and imagine hundreds of Trolls
from each tribe
living in harmony.
Forming a new Troll city
that celebrates
- the diversity of our cultures.
- Yes! We're all there!
- Satin's outfit is hideous.
- Hey!
A beacon of love
and friendship for everyone!
I'm flying, Mr. Dinkles!
I'm flying!
All of us together,
different but unified.
Like like
Like many garments
forming one fashion line?
Like many weights
forming one dumbbell?
Like many glitters forming
one glorious glitter fart!
[squeaky fart]
Good suggestions.
I'll keep working on it.
But I do know this.
We'll call it "TrollsTopia."
- Huh?
- [all] Ooh!
Speaking as a parent,
count me in.
I'd love to expose
Tiny Diamond to new cultures.
He absorbs foreign concepts easily
at this stage of development.
Yeah, Daddy,
my brain is a sponge for reals!
- [horns blaring]
- [laughs]
We all love the idea, Poppy.
It's a stroke of genius.
Thank you, guys. Wow!
Overwhelming support without
a single voice of dissent!
Why does that not feel right?
Wait, we're missing someone.
Oh, yeah. TrollsTopia,
that's a great idea.
- [all groan]
- Voice of dissent, check.
Sorry, guys,
but let's be realistic here.
You're asking big groups of Trolls
to move away from their homes
to live with
a bunch of strangers.
I just don't know many Trolls
who would sign up for that.
Gee, I guess I didn't
think about it that way.
- Oh, man!
- [all groaning]
Oh, wait! Yes, I did!
And I already have a solution!
- [cheering]
- That's called a misdirect, boy!
We're sending out these cards
inviting an ambassador
from each Troll tribe to visit.
Then, after we've shown them how
incredibly fun life here can be,
- we pitch them TrollsTopia.
- [all] Ooh!
It's like when you go to a cupcake
shop and they give you a sample.
And it tastes so good, you wanna move into
that shop and eat cupcakes every day!
I see. Showing
the ambassadors a super fun time
is giving them a cupcake so they'll
wanna move into TrollsTopia
and bring all their friends
with them!
- [gasps] Metaphor!
- [all cheering]
It's settled, then. Tell the whole
village we have guests coming!
It's time to get ready!
[upbeat music plays]
Everybody get ready It's finally
the day we been waitin' for ♪
Everybody is comin' Let's show
them the best version of our world ♪
A little extra spice
to make it nice ♪
And one of their songs
on the stereo ♪
It'll let them know
that it can feel like home ♪
Only better! So raise your
hair up all the way ♪
It's a special day ♪
- Yeah, let's celebrate ♪
- Mr. Dinkles!
Let's all come together
for the first time ever ♪
So much magic in the air ♪
Let's all raise our voices
Join in on the chorus ♪
Sing it loud without a care ♪
Come on!
- [audience cheering]
- This is it, Trolls!
If we show them a good time, there's
no way they'll say no to TrollsTopia!
- [cheering]
- Whoo-hoo! TrollsTopia!
Voice of dissent, double check.
- Welcome positions!
- [loud stomp]
Oh! That gallop sounds like
our Country Western ambassador.
Their songs will make you
get up and yee-haw!
Howdy, y'all!
- [gasps]
- Oh!
Welcome! I'm Poppy,
and according to your RSVP,
I'm guessing you're
Holly Darlin'
from the Country Western tribe!
Queen Poppy,
it is such a pleasure!
I've never met a real life queen
before, on account of my tribe
being less of a monarchy
and more of an oligarchy,
but [laughs] to each his own.
- Say, you're cute!
- Uh
- Selfie!
- [camera whines]
That's a good one,
I'll send you a copy.
Let's party, y'all! Whoo-hoo!
- Well, nice to meet you too.
- [loud beat plays]
- Whoa!
- [all] Ooh!
You guys feel that bass?
I'd say the Techno ambassador's
about to drop a beat!
Hey, yo! What up, Trolls?
[all chattering]
You must be Synth.
And you must be Poppy!
It is so [imitates
horn blast] to meet you.
Allow me to say hello the
Techno way, with a Rave Wave!
[dance music plays]
[laughs] I love this!
[music continues]
- Does it ever stop?
- [laughs] Sometimes!
Now, let's party!
- Okay, you're delightful.
- [classical music plays]
[gasps] What an elegant,
heavenly sound.
It can only be the delegate
from the Classical Tribe!
Dante Crescendo, royal composer.
Please, accept this anthem as
a commemoration of our greeting.
- [classical music plays]
- [vocalizing]
No! You're flat.
- Better.
- Yes!
- [crowd cheering]
- A true masterpiece.
Hm. I don't see the ambassador
from the Funk Tribe.
Oh, don't worry about that,
If there's one thing I've learned
about the tribe of my birth
- [gasps]
- [funk music plays]
- [all] Ooh!
- it's that they know how to make an entrance.
[music continues]
Are you Lownote Jones?
You got that right, baby.
- [all] Whoa!
- Your voice.
How do you make everything
sound so cool?
It's 'cause
I have long vocal cords,
which are folds of membranous
tissues protruding from the larynx
to form a slit across
the glottis of my throat.
Okay, all those words were really
gross, but they sounded so cool.
- [all] Yeah!
- [laughs]
- Cooper.
- Lownote.
[both make shooting sound]
So, that just leaves
the ambassador
from the home of our
good friend, Queen Barb,
the Hard Rock Tribe!
- And her name is
- [electric guitar plays]
Val Thundershock! Whoo!
Well, hi, Val. Welcome.
I am so glad you came.
Wait, wait, wait!
Glad I came?
Why wouldn't I come?
Rocker Trolls don't follow
through on their commitments?
What? No, not at all. I absolutely
expected you to be here.
Oh! Expected me to be here?
So when Queen Poppy sends
a Rocker Troll an invitation,
they're just supposed to drop everything
and come running? Is that it?
What? No, no! That
I mean, I I
Just messin' with ya, Popsqueak.
Oh! [laughs]
- Or am I?
- Ah!
- I am
- [nervous chuckle]
- not messing with you.
- What?
- [laughs] Man, I rock so hard.
- But I don't
[laughs] That was excruciating.
I've never seen someone throw
off your positivity like that.
- Uh, I don't
- I like her.
Well, everyone's here. What now?
Now, we show these Trolls
the time of their lives.
Let's give them the cupcake.
[gasps] Metaphor!
To begin, we serve a 39 course
ice cream banquet!
- For Dante, classic vanilla.
- Ooh!
For Val, dark, dark,
dark chocolate.
And for Holly Darlin', a country
western specialty, ice cream jerky.
Ah! My favorite! Chocolate,
vanilla and mesquite barbecue.
Mm! Whoo-hoo!
- [gasps]
- What?
Yo, what is this?
Is this glitter?
- It's glitter!
- Wonderful!
Glitter simply falls
from the sky here?
Huh what other explanation
can there be?
[all] For TrollsTopia!
- [music plays]
- Whoo!
Are you ready
for a good time? ♪
'Cause that's how
we like to roll ♪
Yeah, we always find
a reason to celebrate ♪
Was born ready
for a good time ♪
And I'm already
havin' a ball ♪
I like the feelin'
of this place ♪
Yeah, yeah, all my people
came ready for a party ♪
Yeah we rave
till the morning comes ♪
We can show you how we do
when we come through ♪
How we movin' to the rhythm ♪
Oh, I didn't know that life ♪
Could ever be
this fu-uh-uh-uh-uh-un ♪
Jubilation in the air ♪
Raise your hair
Wave it left wave it right ♪
Can you dig, outta sight
Oh, yeah ♪
When we're together
We find perfect harmony ♪
Magical everything
Here we go to the sky ♪
You and I will find
a good time ♪
It's guaranteed
You, me, everybody ♪
Magical everything
Here we go to the sky ♪
You and I will
find a good time ♪
- [laughing]
- How marvelous!
Looking good, Lownote.
Oh. Back at you, Lownote.
Think we've given them
the cupcake now, Poppy?
Yes, Smidge. This is the perfect
time to pitch them TrollsTopia.
[clears throat] Excuse me!
Excuse me, friends!
There's something that I would
like to talk to you about,
if you don't mind.
Looks to me like you guys
are all having a lot of fun.
- You got that right, baby.
- lndeed!
- Mind-blowing!
- Whoo-hoo!
- Meh.
- [gasps]
- Val, what did you say?
- I said meh!
But why "meh?"
What about the ice cream
and the sky glitter,
didn't you enjoy that?
I guess. But in my tribe,
real fun is about being reckless
and breaking rules.
Nothing about this place rocks.
Anyway, I'm bored.
I'm gonna go crash.
There will be no encore.
[announcer] No encore!
No, Val, wait! [groans]
[Biggie] I
I don't understand.
So we didn't
give Val the cupcake?
No, we did. [sighs]
I just forgot
some Trolls prefer brownies.
But, Poppy,
the other ambassadors,
are you still gonna tell them
about TrollsTopia?
Not without
the Hard Rock Trolls.
The whole point of TrollsTopia is
to bring all the tribes together.
Aw! TrollsTopia's not working?
But I was such a big fan!
Ah! Not now, Branch.
There's only one thing
to do, guys.
If Val says that we've gotta
rock to show her a good time,
then, by all that's Trolly,
we're gonna rock.
[guitar plays loudly]
Huh! What what was that?
[Poppy] Sorry about the volume,
- Guess we're just being
- [plays chord]
So, what, you glitter puffs
want me to think
you're rockers now?
Oh, we'll surprise you.
Sure, during the day,
we might play it cute and sweet.
Yeah, some might
even say we're as cute
as a newborn puppy opening
its eyes for the first time.
- [laughs]
- That's too much, Guy.
- Dial it back.
- Message received.
Point is, when the sun goes down,
the rebel in us cuts loose.
- [loud guitar plays]
- [Val] Really?
You guys like bein' wild
and breakin' rules?
You got that right! That's why I
ignore the rules on most card games.
Oh, I will Go Fish
whenever I want!
[all] Yeah!
All right, Popsqueak,
if you rock so hard,
let's see you keep up with this.
[rock music plays]
I came to rock
I got the fire ♪
Ragin' inside me
and it's burnin' strong ♪
Ow! I never stop
I'm a live wire ♪
Yeah, I can rock
until the morning comes, ow! ♪
I live for the pandemonium ♪
Loud, rough, raw ♪
I'm not just sweet
and harmonious ♪
I rock hard ♪
[guitar solo]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- [grunts]
- Yeah!
- Huh?
- [all shouting]
Whoa. No, no, this is too much!
Wait! Guys, no!
[grunting] Huh?
[gasps] Oh, no! The ambassadors!
- What's goin' on out here?
- Oh, my goodness.
- I can't even believe.
- [all chattering]
- [sighs]
- [all sigh]
Y'all? What is goin' on, y'all?
I am so sorry, things just
got a little out of hand.
But I swear, we're not
really that aggressive.
We were just pretending
to be rockers and
Pretending? I knew it.
This was just a big show
to fake me out.
No, Val, that's not true.
I mean, yes, we've been trying
to make a good impression,
but I wouldn't call it
"putting on a show."
Yeah, we call it "giving you a cupcake,"
and we're doing it to everybody!
- [Synth] Everybody?
- [gasping]
No, no, that's not it. I mean,
yes, we call it that, but
Whatever, I'm packing my bags,
man. Val is out!
- [guitar plays]
- [firecrackers pop]
[announcer] Later!
Yes, it appears it's time
we all packed our bags.
[classical music plays]
- Uh-huh.
- [bass notes plays]
But [sighs]
Well, go ahead and say it,
Branch, you were right.
TrollsTopia was a terrible idea.
Wait. What do you mean?
What do you mean,
What do you mean?
I never said TrollsTopia
was a terrible idea.
Weren't you listening to me?
Oh, yeah, TrollsTopia,
that's a great idea.
Whoo-hoo! TrollsTopia. Yay.
Aw, TrollsTopia's not working?
But I was such a big fan.
What? Branch! That all sounded
completely sarcastic!
Really? Geez,
I gotta work on that.
Poppy, I think TrollsTopia
is an amazing idea.
Maybe your best idea.
And that's saying something.
I never wanted you
to give up on it.
I just wanted you
to be realistic about
how challenging it would be.
And that's okay.
If the idea is good enough,
it's worth rising
to the challenge.
Thanks, Branch.
I needed to hear that.
And maybe
everybody else does too.
Excuse me, everyone.
Look, this feels like
the worst possible timing,
but there's
something I wanna say.
Just close your eyes
and imagine.
Hundreds of Trolls
from each tribe, living in
All of us together.
Different, but unified.
Forming a new Troll city,
that celebrates one
another's cultures,
as a tribute
to all of Troll-kind.
And we'll call it TrollsTopia.
- Hm
- Okay.
[all chattering]
I know it's a lot.
I mean, we have a long history
of seeing things differently.
And, to be honest,
there are things that you all
say and do that I don't get.
Don't get? Oh, I see.
So just 'cause I'm a Hard Rock
Troll, I'm hard to understand.
Actually, yeah,
Val, to me you are.
Oh. Okay. Rock on.
The point is that coming
together would be challenging.
But if you ask me,
it's totally worth it
because it also gives us
a chance to become friends,
to learn from each other and
to grow into one Troll nation,
different but unified,
like, uh, like
Like many notes
making one beautiful chord.
Yes, that's exactly
what I've been trying to say.
Don't get used to it.
What about the rest of you?
What do you say?
Well, Poppy,
you're suggestin' we go back
and tell our friends to leave
their homes and to move here.
I gotta say,
that's a lot to ask.
- Mm-hm.
- That's what I was thinkin'.
Yeah. Yeah, I get that.
And I fully respect
your decision.
Then again
Dang, y'all, we sure do make
some great music together!
You got that right, baby.
Let's do it!
[gasps] Are you
ready for a good time? ♪
'Cause that's how
we like to roll ♪
Yeah, we always find
a reason to celebrate ♪
- Yeah, yo!
- Uh-huh.
[Poppy] Get ready, everyone.
They're coming.
Dozens of Trolls
from every Tribe!
[squeals] Branch!
We're about to meet
all of the new citizens
of TrollsTopia!
I can't wait!
Oh, yeah, I can't wait either.
- Branch.
- No, no, really.
- [Poppy] Branch, just stop.
- [Branch] Seriously.
[Poppy] Branch!
[music plays]
Are you ready
for a good time? ♪
'Cause that's
how we like to roll ♪
Yeah we always find
a reason to celebrate ♪
When we're together
We find perfect harmony ♪
Magical everything Here we go
to the sky You and I will find ♪
A good time it's guaranteed
You, me, everybody ♪
Magical everything
Here we go to the sky ♪
You and I will
find a good time ♪
Next Episode