Troppo (2022) s01e01 Episode Script

Episode 1

[insects chirping]
[dog barking]
[man shivering]
[Wayne] Have you ever smelled
something so foul
that your own guts wanted
to crawl right out of your mouth?
A smell so godawful, it made
your nose burn, your eyes weep.
See, when a croc eats human flesh,
pays a price.
Messes with his digestion.
- [woman] Wow.
- [Wayne] Makes him reek like death.
Bloke got snatched a few years back.
You know how they caught him,
the croc that ate him?
They followed the stench of his breath.
Air bubbles from his manky throat
come floating all the way up
to the surface and pop!
There it was, that stink.
Hey, are you ready to meet the monster?
[boy] Where is it?
[stick pounding]
[woman] Hey, do you see it?
[woman] Don't get too close.
[boy] I can't even see through the water.
[boy] I'm scared.
[dog barking]
[ragged breath]
[indistinct chatter]
[man] What's he doing?
[phone beeps]
[camera shutter clicks]
[Wayne] Hell are you doing, Lars?
[onlookers exclaiming]
[Wayne] Shit!
Get the anchor up!
Get out of the water, you idiot.
Swim back!
Go back, Lars!
There's a fucking croc!
[woman screaming]
[crocodile growling]
[indistinct chatter]
[tattoo gun whirring]
[vehicle approaching]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[Ingrid] Where's Lars?
[dog whining]
No. No.
[opening theme music plays]
[bell dings]
[Brooke] Shouldn't be here.
I'm calling the cops.
Yeah, she's here.
[indistinct barroom chatter]
[barroom music playing]
[computer trilling]
[car engine starts]
[cocks pistol]
[goose squawking]
Oh, my God.
Hell happened to you?
Where did you come from?
Are you hurt?
Hey, take it easy, huh?
I'm trying to help you.
Ah, ah, don't you bite me.
She's here.
What now?
Oh, do I really need to tell you
why I brought you in here?
Brooke Phelps' father complained.
You're under strict instructions
not to approach anyone
formerly involved in your trial,
and that includes witnesses.
If you guys would give me a copy
of her roster, I could make sure
[Damford] I'm gonna make it
really simple for you.
You won't be shopping there at all.
They're the only place that haven't
hiked up their prices for the tourists.
Is that it?
You have somewhere important to be?
Yeah, I'm working.
Right. So you remain
gainfully employed, then.
You know what I do.
The business
hasn't really taken off, has it?
What's it been, about a year now?
What does that tell you?
That I should fire
my marketing department.
Still reside in the same address?
Man, I go through all of this shit
with my parole officer.
I actually don't have to do it with you.
You last reported for drug
and alcohol testing when?
- And the results were
- You tell me.
Something funny, huh?
You set one foot near her again,
and I will arrest you, you understand me?
We're done here, Amanda.
Yeah, we are.
[goose squawking]
All right, enough already.
Yeah, it's her left, uh, foot thing.
Yes, and the wing, I think.
[Ted] Right.
Well, I'll just leave her with you.
Uh, that's up to you, mister?
Uh, oh, uh, um, Collins.
Yeah, Mr Collins, it's your call
but we can't accommodate unpaid treatment.
Uh, I'm sorry?
We can't treat this animal
without compensation.
No, no, no, no, I just found her.
- Yes.
- I mean, she's not mine.
Uh, it don't belong to me.
That's not my goose--my geese.
Look, isn't this what you people do?
You patch up injured animals?
Just call up
one of those rescue organizations,
they'll take them off your hand.
[vet] Uh, Mr Collins,
this is not a native Australian goose.
It's a Toulouse goose.
It's domesticated.
Wildlife rescuer is not gonna teach them.
What happens if I leave her here?
What are you gonna do with her?
[doorbell ringing]
How much to fix a broken goose?
That will be 559.
- [knocking on door]
- [Ted] Sorry, 59?
Five hundred and fifty-nine.
Five hundred?
Consultation, x-rays,
pain management, it all adds up.
Did you need to get that?
No. Cash or card?
[Ted] Cash.
I justdon't have that much on me.
Listen, could you--do you mind?
I just need a minute to think here.
[vet receptionist]
Are your geese insured?
[Ted] No, my geese are not--
my geese are not my geese.
- Mr Collins?
- Huh?
[distant engine revving]
[engine backfires]
You wanna go ahead?
- [vet receptionist] Sorry about that.
- [Ted] No, it's
just having one of those days.
Look, do you think we might
find a way to work something out?
I mean, I'll get you the money,
I just--I just need a little time.
How much time?
[car engine revving]
[goose squawks]
[siren wailing]
Oh, shit.
[thunder crashing]
[Amanda] When was the last time
you saw Reggie?
And where was that?
Yeah, I know the spot.
I can go and--shit.
- [knocks on door]
- Hello?
- Ms Pharrell?
- [Amanda] Yep?
[Yoon Sun]
Ms Amanda Pharrell?
You're open now for business?
Have you got a design in mind?
If not, it costs extra,
and I charge by the centimetre.
I'm trying to find my husband.
- You are a private investigator.
- Mm-hmm.
[Yoon Sun] Is that correct?
[Amanda] So he's been missing
for 48 hours.
Phone's not ringing or pinging,
no sign of the car,
and you filed a missing person?
- Yes.
- Right. Okay.
And what did the police have to say?
They say they're looking into it.
But we're now past two days
and they have nothing.
So you've lost faith in them?
[Yoon Sun] Everyone here moves so slowly.
I thought it was the heat,
but it's more than that.
A woman, a child,
a member of this community
would perhaps inspire more speed.
My husband is not one of you.
What is your rate of success?
Do you have satisfied clients,
someone I can speak to?
My business runs on discretion.
Huh. That is to your advantage
and to my disadvantage.
What are your qualifications?
[Amanda] I have a Certificate III
in Investigative Services.
[Amanda] I'm actually just wrapping up
another case at the moment,
but I'd be more than willing to take
a look at yours once I'm done.
I don't think you're the person
I'm looking for.
I work with a consultant.
He's got decades on the job,
excellent connections in law enforcement.
You'd actually be hiring the both of us,
if that brings you any comfort.
My husband would not just leave.
He wouldn't do that to our daughter.
A down payment to get you started.
Please find him.
[thunder rumbling]
[soft gasp]
[goose honks]
[Ted] Don't get used to it.
It's temporary.
There you go.
All right.
Not hungry? Got it.
[sighs] You're welcome.
[rhythmic knock on door:
'Shave and a Haircut']
[knock: 'Shave and a Haircut']
[knock: 'Shave and a Haircut']
I hear you got my geese.
The ones with the beaks and the--
and the honking, are they in there?
- How'd you get this address?
- The vet. Can I come in and see?
They're not your geese.
Well, they might be.
I should come in and check.
What the hell do you want?
Sounds like you're in a bit of a bind
with that bill.
And maybe you can mind your own business.
Hey, that's not the way to talk to someone
who's about to offer you a job.
Who are you?
Your new boss,
if you play your cards right.
If I somehow gave you the impression
that I was interested in whatever this is,
let me set the record straight,
I'm not.
I need a consultant.
No, thanks.
You're a cop.
Get off my property.
[Amanda] The bullets in your pocket,
that was pretty shady.
But when the car backfired,
you reached for a gun
and you didn't hesitate,
which means you have training.
I wanna rent your brain
on a case I'm working.
I need someone
who knows what they're doing.
You pay off that bill,
you make a nice little nest egg
for those geese to keep warm,
and then we're done.
You never have to see me again.
It's a real job.
Real money.
It's a real family too.
All right.
[birds squawking]
[Amanda] You took your time.
Your message seemed to suggest
we were meeting at your office.
I'm just wrapping up another case.
So you're in, then?
We're just having a conversation.
You wanna do that up here?
I prefer to look people
in the eye when I talk to them.
You're welcome to come in and join me.
I could use your professional opinion
on something.
Well, my professional opinion is,
you don't exactly look like
a professional.
But neither are you though, right?
The local cop shop's fully staffed.
You didn't transfer here.
I see a wedding ring.
I see a house that's not fit for a family.
It's complicated but obvious.
You don't know what the hell
you're talking about.
You know what? This was a mistake.
You keep that job.
I don't need it.
Oi, if you leave now,
you're condemning me
to the same grizzly fate as Reggie.
He got stuck down here too.
Starved to death.
Who the hell is Reggie?
So that's your racket?
Lost pets?
[Amanda] Man, you had a vet
shake you down
for a bunch of birds
that don't belong to you.
Pet love is unconditional.
People always pay,
which means I always get paid.
Is that a dead dog in that bag?
Well, they're not gonna pay
for an empty one.
So this Park thing,
this your first real case?
Two legs, not four?
So the wife approached you?
Uh-huh. Which is interesting.
It's interesting because tattoos
are frowned upon in Korean culture.
They're associated with gangsters,
low-status, untrustworthy types.
But she hired you.
Well, technically she hired us.
Oh, no, she didn't.
I'll meet her. That's it.
[Amanda] Hey, I already told her
that we work together.
Don't you go messing my shit up.
And if I meet her,
I will question her any way I see fit.
This is pointless. I've already done
the groundwork. I gave you my notes.
[Ted] You gave me
a stream of consciousness.
Listen, man,
you wanna waste your time
double handling, that's on you.
49 Sapphire Street
in the posh part of town.
Why don't you throw that in the back
of my trunk? I'll ride you back.
[clears throat]
I wasn't expecting an American.
Have you been in Australia long?
Uh, no.
Ten years I guess.
So it's home.
[Ted] It's my wife's home
and my daughter.
I know that the
police have already gone over
a lot of this with you.
it's helpful for us to understand
what kind of ground
they've covered so that
we can build
on their existing investigation.
You've done this before
with your partner?
My partner, uh,
actually that's a recent development.
With the police then, you've retired?
That's right.
Something like that.
Can you think of any place
he might have gone to get away
or maybe some extended
relatives he might visit?
There was nothing in his calendar.
Jong Min's parents are in Seoul.
Mine are deceased.
[Ted] How about
to blow off some steam?
- He plays golf.
- Mm-hmm.
- With people from the office?
- I'm not sure.
You ever play with him yourself?
Golf is a good walk ruined.
Isn't that what they say?
I'm more of a baseball guy myself.
What was the financial situation?
Outstanding debts, anything like that?
[Yoon Sun speaking Korean]
Oh, you arrived.
You can go upstairs.
We'll be done in a moment.
Ah Rah, tell your friends to go home.
I think you guys better go.
[man] Okay. Well, we're going
to your house, right?
My daughter, Ah Rah.
[Yoon Sun] You know, she go
to school and keep her mind busy.
[Ted] Oh, good.
We can continue.
Did he have any unusual pressure
at work or
[Yoon Sun] He thrives under pressure,
but he was exhausted.
All men have their limits.
Not all men can admit
when they've pushed beyond them.
There were things he didn't tell me.
Things we couldn't talk about.
Well, pardon my asking, but
well, were there any problems
in the marriage?
What is your implication?
I'm just trying to get a picture
of Jong Min's personal and private
Your question is not relevant.
If I have offended you, I apologize.
You haven't.
What do you think happened,
if you had to guess?
I don't know, and it terrifies me.
[golf club swooshes]
[Yoon Sun] It would appear
she has finished in the study.
It would.
I think I've taken up
enough of your time today.
Yoon Sun, try to get some rest and
we'll be in touch.
I'll let myself out.
What was that?
You're what, spying on me?
It's an affair.
- Based on what?
- I found this
inside an antique puzzle box in the study.
Back in the day,
people traveling in carriages
used to hide their valuables inside,
still handy to keep your money
and your jewellery
in the address of a secret lover.
Are you a sane person?
I mean, Ted, if you have to ask
the question
No, I mean really?
Are you serious about this job?
Those are human beings in there.
Listen to me.
These golf clubs have never been used.
Now, are you prepared to be captivated
and bored at the same time?
Golf swings are as unique as fingerprints.
No two players have the same action,
which is why they get their clubs fitted.
So a big shot like that,
he's not rocking the generic shit,
he is buying custom.
So wherever he went when he said
he was playing 18 holes,
- they ain't the holes he was playing
- Enough.
What is your theory?
- Huh?
- That's how this works.
You think you have a motive.
Who's the suspect?
All right, well, they're yet
to reveal themselves.
So your pitch is that
Park came home, agitated,
withdrawn, and he took off
and never came back
because mistress?
Or mister. But it's always an affair.
There is no always. People are messy.
They're impenetrable.
They do all kinds of shit
for all kinds of different reasons.
It could be the guy left alone.
Or he took a long walk off a short pier.
Or someone didn't want him coming home.
So if he wasn't out there making love,
maybe he was out there making enemies.
Look, I'm not sure, but my guess is
we will find him at this address.
That you found in an antique
that could have been in there for years
before they even bought the damn thing.
Listen, there is consult
and then there is insult,
and I am only paying you
to do one of those things.
Look, man. You do what you want.
I'll be at 606 Pan Dennis
in the morning, 9:00.
- You rig all this stuff yourself?
- Touch my shit, I break your face.
Don't forget the address, 606 Pan Dennis.
Jesus Christ.
[insects chirping]
[line ringing]
Oh, come on. Kel, don't do that.
[goose quacks]
[Amanda] Came to see
Park's love nest, huh?
I knew you couldn't resist.
A bit of a trek.
I don't do cars.
I also don't do touching.
No touching. That won't be a problem.
[Amanda] That's rules one and two,
I should have said something yesterday.
[Ted] No cars, no touching, fine.
Anything else you wanna tell me?
It's the way the receptionist
at the vet was looking at you,
the way you are with that bike,
you got a little routine going on there.
It's not compulsive. It's orderly.
But you're not.
Tells me that's a learned behaviour.
Army would've knocked the strange
right out of you.
And looking at them tats, some of them,
I'm thinking prison.
I killed someone when I was 16.
What, manslaughter?
Murder. Stone cold.
Well, that's something
you might have mentioned
in our little job interview yesterday.
[Amanda] Yeah, well,
I'm glad you mentioned it
'cause that brings me
to rule number three.
I don't talk about my past.
Oh, but it's okay to talk about mine.
Yeah, well,
yours is way more interesting.
Hey, we have zero information
about this place, okay?
- Neither one of us is armed in case
- You don't have a gun?
You know anything about the law?
It's illegal to carry
a concealed weapon in this country.
Bet that stings
your star-spangled heart, though.
You got one, right?
Starting now,
I tell you to do something,
you do it, all right?
I'm gonna go in.
Anybody comes out that's not me,
do not approach them.
You can follow me in
only after I give the all-clear, okay?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
- And if anybody shows up
- Yeah.
- I do the talking.
- Okay.
You be quiet.
Oh, Jesus!
I told you to stay put.
This isn't Sydney, man.
We got more tractors up here than people.
There's no one around.
Oh, I see what you mean.
This is a real love nest.
Maybe not for you,
but 50 bucks says this is still an affair.
Why would you keep a shed inside a shed?
Same reason you'd keep an address
inside a box in your own home,
because you're hiding something.
All right, bend it in half,
twist the two ends around each other.
- Like that?
- Uh-huh.
Get fucked.
Kind of old-fashioned.
Just a bunch of fridges.
Shh! Careful, fingerprints.
Come on.
Which way did you come in?
Wait, wait. Shh.
[Amanda] I told you this was something.
[Ted] And I told you to stay put.
[Amanda] How is this not a good thing?
It means we're on the right track.
What's the problem?
You! You're the fucking problem, okay?
As far as I can tell,
you've got one instinct
and that's run blind and stupid into shit
you do not remotely understand.
If this is because
I didn't follow your direction
You triggered the alarm.
Fuck. Okay.
Okay. I screwed up. I screwed up.
But, you know,
this is--this is exactly why I need you.
Aah, cut the shit, Amanda.
You don't want a consultant,
you want a playmate.
And I didn't sign up for that.
And I sure shit didn't sign up
for getting my head
blown off at a cane field somewhere
nobody's gonna find us
till harvest season.
But we don't know if he had a gun or not.
Isn't this your thing?
[Ted] My thing was working
with trained experts, which you are not.
So, please, take this to the police
and back off
before you get yourself
or somebody else hurt.
So what, you got a bunch of job offers
on the table, a guy like you?
And what kind of guy is that?
[Amanda] You gave the vet a fake name.
Ted Conkaffey, not Collins.
And what does that say
about you that you would hire me?
It says we're on the same
leaky, piece-of-shit boat,
and I'm throwing you a lifeline.
No, we're not.
We're not even
on the same fucking planet, okay?
And I got a family to think about.
Yeah. I'm curious about that.
Why a guy would spend his time
thinking about his family
instead of, I don't know, being with them.
Mate, you're not afraid to get shot at.
You're afraid of looking too close
at another guy
who might have taken off
on his wife and kid.
Blind and stupid
into yet another situation
that you do not remotely understand.
No, I understand.
I understand you got a stink on you
that won't wash off.
I was charged with something I didn't do.
Those charges were dropped
before it even went to trial.
Lucky break.
I wanted to go to trial.
I wanted to be declared not guilty!
Because insufficient evidence
implies that there was some evidence,
and you're right,
that shit don't wash off.
They knew that I was gonna be acquitted
and so the charges went away.
You see how that works?
Just like that!
Along with the only chance that
I was ever gonna get to clear my name.
Eight months
they wasted while I was behind bars.
Long enough for the trail to go cold
and the prick who actually did it
to get away.
This victim, she can't leave the house.
Shit. She can't sleep alone.
She can't eat.
And her parents still think I did it.
My wife.
You don't talk about my family.
That's my fucking rule.
[speaking Korean] I thought you were
staying the night with Georgie.
[speaking Korean]
I changed my mind.
[speaking Korean]
Go inside. I'll make you dinner.
Can we talk?
The coroner's report came back today.
It hasn't been made public yet,
but they have ruled Lars' death
was a suicide.
No. He wouldn't do that.
I know you feel you knew him, but
I intend to accept those findings.
That's what I need to do now
for the kids
for me.
Yeah, well, I don't accept 'em.
And I was coming to see you
because I found this guy
and we're gonna get
this finding overturned, okay?
I need you out.
When Lars suggested this,
it was for six months.
It's been almost a year
since you got out of prison.
A month ago now since he
It's time for you
to stand on your own two feet.
He'd want that for you, too.
Yeah, I'll leave tonight.
You don't have to do that.
No, you're right.
You're right. It's time. It's time.
Daisy, come.
Did I do something wrong, officer?
License, please, sir.
I'm sorry, I don't have that on me.
That's an automatic fine.
When was your last roadworthy?
Um, I had it, uh,
at the mechanic about a month ago.
- You come from interstate?
- [Ted] That's right.
If you intend to stay,
you'll need to change your rego over.
I don't intend to stay.
What's your business
with, uh, with Amanda Pharrell?
With respect, uh, the answer's
in the question: my business.
Not if you're meddling
in a police investigation, it's not.
I'll run the plates.
So, uh, what's the nature
of your relationship?
I just met her.
I'm just gonna take a look in the boot.
- Is it locked?
- Nope.
[Hench] Blue.
[indistinct chatter]
What you got there?
What's it look like?
Looks like kiddie bait.
Get out of the car.
It's a smart move.
Head interstate,
get as far north as you can.
Keep a low profile,
escape all that--all that attention.
Only now of course
you've gone and got our attention.
And if you think
that we are gonna take our eyes
off a sexual predator
who assaults little girls
for a single fucking moment
well, I guess
you're not that smart after all.
If you know who I am,
you know they had no case.
What you did
dishonours all cops.
You have a good night, Detective.
[Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds:
'O Children']
Bye, Daisy.
['O Children' continues]
['O Children' continues]
[end theme music playing]
After a decade of research,
we are now just one month
from commencing our mining operations.
This laptop and data storage drives
contain sensitive company IP.
I think I found Park's car.
[Damford] She is a time bomb.
I've been out all night investigating.
What the fuck have you
been doing, huh?
She'll go off again.
[Dr Val] I had her victim on my table.
What can you tell me about that?
Next Episode